Here’s what to watch for:
* Given that Mercury is also debilitated, retrograde, and moving into a square with Mars, conversations can quickly escalate or become more heated than we expect.
* Our motives are seen and understood, they become visible.
* Powerful, revealing, deep conversations.
* Information comes to the surface, revealing that things were/are not as they seemed.
* The gift of a profound insight, the cleansing or removal of misperceptions, a change of heart or change of mind.
* Passionate ideas, the importance of our beliefs, and also the way that passionate beliefs and ideas become coercive, overpowering, and possessive.
* When people become zealous…the way it suddenly helps others to become sober and centered.
* Ideas that transform.
* Gossip, mining for information, moles, secretive power moves and competition.
* Plans that undermine.
* The truth comes out, at last, and begins a process of healing.
* Sharing your heart, becoming vulnerable, with someone who is actually an enemy or someone who will take advantage of your open/honest sharing for their own selfish interest.
* When the attempt to empower or encourage someone devolves into being used.
* When a mutually beneficial agreement actually involves multiple people hoping to gain selfishly from one another.
* Placing trust in an unworthy ally.
* A powerful insight that leads to a new approach, technique, organizational strategy, innovation, or different use of technology.
* Being empowered to speak, watching someone having to let go of their power.
* The death of ideas, the attempt to build the ego through the power of the intellect, and what happens when the mind starts falling apart.
* Powerful themes of intellectual rebirth. The powerful desire to study or learn something new.
So, as you can see, the Mercury/Pluto themes are going to be strong through this Gemini Full Moon! The best antidote to mental overwhelm is a good dose of quiet time, and a big, warm cup of gratitude shared with those you love!
Meanwhile, if you enjoy my daily horoscopes, then please consider donating to support my daily writing and videos in 2019. Today’s goal is to raise the support of 10 more backers! You can choose a gift reading or discounted tuition to one of my programs when you donate. Find the link here!
Prayer: Cool our fiery minds and warm our cold hearts. Help us to find real gratitude, in real life, for the real gift of your undying love.
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