A Meditation on heart and soul:
* Mercury at the heart of the Sun by this evening presents a powerful moment of rebirth, regeneration, and empowerment for Mercury related things, while the grand water trine is opening a soulful opportunity for healing, growth, and greater emotional intelligence. It’s a great day to share, speak, and live from the heart, with a spirit of generosity and from the desire to share what you have, and who you are, with others.
All too often we are calculated about what we have, what we need to feel safe or protected, and what we do or don’t owe others or what others owe us. We regularly justify the need to stay stuck in our own “special case” rather than working to see who others are, what they are dealing with, and what they may need from us on the level of the heart. Instead of looking to connect with people from the heart, we regularly think of “objective” ways that we can temporarily satisfy others, and this, in turn, satisfies us, temporarily. We say, “Well I did what you wanted, or I gave you what you need, objectively, so what else is there? What else do you need from me?”
Underlying this mentality is an inability to distinguish between material and spiritual substance. For example, sometimes children are raised and given everything they need; they are given the right instructions for how to be productive or successful, they are disciplined or trained up to be successful, they may even live in wealth or may not want for anything, but they aren’t truly loved or even really seen. In fact, they may be treated as though they are an emotional inconvenience at any time that they request or need something emotional.
These same children will go forward in life thinking that meaning or value is measured by material merit, by measurable outcomes or exchanges, and by meeting or failing to meet “objective expectations.”
This is an anxious way to live, a survival mechanism underlying the feeling of having been ignored, unseen or unheard.
And yet, because it is so rare to truly love and be loved, because loving requires presence and presence is so anxiety producing when you’ve been taught to fear it, we try to satisfy ourselves and others with check-lists of “things.”
I remember when I was a kid, sitting in the pew and listening to my father preach from the pulpit on Sundays. He would often tell people who came to church every week, often fueled by guilt, fear, and inner turmoil, that tithing to the church out of their paycheck wasn’t the way to find meaningful liberation from existential anxiety. Yes, it’s important to tithe, but the real investment is an investment of your heart, and its sum is the total of who you are. The real investment, in time, asks us for everything, and it keeps doing so until we say “yes.” We may not be ready to give everything, but we shouldn’t pretend that throwing pennies at the divine will stave off its infinite hunger for our complete and undivided attention.
Prayer: Surprise us with the grace you have in store for us when we learn to give more and to say a full-throated “yes.”
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