Today, we're exploring the conjunction of Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, setting the stage just before the New Moon unfolds in the same sign. After discussing the new moon's influences yesterday, our focus shifts towards blending these insights with Mercury's dance with Neptune, offering horoscope guidance based on Pisces' position in your natal chart—highlighting suggestions for both your sun and rising signs.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody. Today, we are going to take a look at Mercury conjoining Neptune in the late degrees of Pisces just before the New Moon in Pisces comes through.
Yesterday we talked about the significations of this new moon in Pisces. So, I'm not going to be expanding on that today. However, we will be combining the significations of the new moon along with Mercury's conjunction to Neptune in horoscopes today.
So, I'm going to be telling you some things to watch for, broadly speaking, based on the whole sign house position of Pisces in your birth chart. So I recommend listening to your rising sign, of course, but you could listen to your sun sign as well. Before I do that, I'll be talking about Mercury and Neptune as an archetypal combination, and then I'll be laying out some very brief horoscopes. If you want more in-depth horoscopes for the whole sign house of Pisces this month and the significations of all these transits happening in Pisces.
You could also go back and listen to March's horoscopes with Alex Amorosi, where we break those down in greater depth. I want to revisit these because it's a powerful series of transits, a powerful new moon, and I think it helps to remind ourselves of where in our lives, via our birth charts, the action is taking place and which themes and topics are being highlighted. Anyway, we'll do that today after talking a little bit about Mercury and Neptune.
As always, before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. Share your comments and reflections. If you want, you can find a transcript of today's talk on You can tickle the like button if you wish. So anyway, I am also promoting two things this week.
As you guys know, I've been promoting Ashley's upcoming herbal program, which begins at the end of April. You can go to her website,, to learn more about it. Go to the Courses page and click on Herbal Foundations Apprenticeship. It is an online program that meets via recorded modules; you can move at your own pace, and then there are breakout Q&A study and tutoring sessions that actually lead in between the modules. So you really can move at your own pace, which is nice.
I'm going to be talking with her at the end of today's video. I'll be sharing an interview that I did with Ashley, kind of highlighting the program and what it's all about. So stick around after today's video if you want to learn more about her work and the upcoming program; there is need-based tuition available. There's an early bird sale going on right now as well. So you can take advantage of that.
Then the other thing I am promoting is going to be on my website,; if you go over to the website and the live talks under the Events page, you will notice that our next webinar, Neptune in Love, is coming up on March 14, I will be doing a webinar in the evening from seven to 9pm Eastern Time on Neptune significations whether by natal chart placement or by transit when Neptune is involved in love, sex, and relationships and what we can learn from Neptune about love sex and relationships when Neptune's involved. We did this with Pluto last month, and that talk is recorded for sale in the shop or on the events page. Uranus will be in April. So we're doing a little series on the outer planets in love and relationships.
Anyway, you can register, and it's $20 when you register. If you cannot, you get a link to join the webinar. When you join, you can see it live. Afterward, everyone, whether you're there or not, gets a link to the recording so that you can make sure you see it if you are not able to be there live.
So, anyway, a few cool things are coming up. I wanted to make sure I said something about those before we got started, and now what we're going to do is actually go ahead and talk about Mercury-Neptune, for starters. So, let's move this forward just a little bit.
So this is the transit that we are all talking about here. This is Mercury-Neptune in Pisces at the 27th degree. So moving into those late bounds of the Malefics in that come at the end of every sign where you think about dissolution or decay or things sort of falling apart before they start fresh in the next sign, and that gives us a kind of vast oceanic sense of dissolution and surrender behind this Mercury-Neptune transit. That's really interesting. We'll talk about that more in a minute.
The other thing that's worth mentioning is that as this comes through, this is Friday, March 8, and you'll be feeling this really through the weekend all the way until at least the 10th, and you could have been feeling this. You know, two days ago, I mentioned this yesterday, and the New Moon in Pisces that this was coming through as well, but the Dark Moon is present right now in Aquarius, so it's a balsamic Moon, which is also a signifier of tremendous releasing.
Every dark moon of every cycle is the point in the cycle when we're really deeply letting go before planting the seeds of the next cycle. So you have two major significations of dissolution: surrender, releasing forgiving, and a fluid sense of boundary lists. It's almost like the dream time that's opening up around a dark moon, and then you add that to Mercury and Neptune and Pisces getting together, you have this sort of very otherworldly signification that we're going to kind of take apart a little bit more in a minute.
Then, let's remind ourselves if we go forward, just a day, we now have by tomorrow, Saturday, March 9, we have the moon coming into Pisces Dark Moon starting to get into the new moon dynamic, and then by March 10, early in the morning, the New Moon has come through. So we're talking about a weekend that also features a forming new moon in Pisces. This is why we're going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs in a sort of brief reminder fashion. We covered them under March's horoscopes, but I wanted to touch back on them today. Anyway, here are three things to watch for, given the Mercury-Neptune combination.
Number one is a quality of intuitive, you could call it instinctual or emotional or psychic knowing the best thing that I mean one of the best things that I love about this, and it may be a little bit unnerving for people who, maybe, let's say, are not regularly interested in talking about or thinking about spiritual or psychological things. But it is uncanny the way in which Mercury-Neptune conjunctions open up a sense of like a sixth sense. I'm not a person who's psychic; I have like, you know, something like artistic intuitive quality that I think I've developed because of being a speaker, writer, teacher, blah, blah, blah, but I'm certainly not psychic and what I love about Mercury-Neptune is it for a couple of days, it almost feels like I am and maybe you get that experience too. Or maybe you're someone who already has those skills or something like that.
But there is a way in which your thoughts are like you'll it's one of those things where you'll be thinking about someone five minutes later, the phone rings, there's just a strong, almost like pre-cognitive, mystical thinning of the veil, that happens and different ways and forms of knowing that exist all the time, a mother's knowing, you know, Ashley could be in like a totally different room in the house and I swear to God, as soon as those girls are getting into trouble in the basement, she has like radar and she'll be like, it just got really quiet. I better go. So that kind of felt instinctual reach. It's like your spidey senses from Spiderman; you can just see your radar expanded, and there are other forms of knowing available to us, and those forms of knowing may temporarily grant us some really important insights.
Or they may remind us that there are other ways of knowing as a kind of rule or like a principle to not lose track of, Hey, did you know that it counts and it's good to be emotionally intelligent? You don't just have to be rationally intelligent or knowledgeable. You can also be intuitive and instinctual. You can be emotionally intelligent, and that matters. It matters that you cultivate that, and it matters that you honor or acknowledge that way of knowing. So watch for those things for sure.
Number two, this is obviously the I think everyone probably could have guessed that I would say something about this, right? Because this is pretty textbook. You also have the potential for ungrounded, unboundaried, unrealistic, fantastical thoughts, words, speech, ideas, communication, and so forth. Whether it's gossip or an overshare with someone you barely know, like your your subway ride or something.
The idea here is that there's so much flow and sort of boundaryless oceanic vastness that you can lose some kind of groundedness. This is a transit that is sometimes associated with, let's say, mental and emotional health crises or moments of tremendous overwhelm. Sometimes that's through grief or being faced with just overwhelmingly chaotic situations, and you know, emotionally, there's not a lot to grab on to. This is the kind of thing that can happen. Mercury-Neptune contact is when people drink too much or, spend too much or talk too much, etc.
So you want to watch for a little bit of that ungrounded on realistic, the tendency toward grandiose thinking or, you know, like a, like a messiah complex, I am the messenger of the gods, I am so special my psychic skills make me better than everyone, I'm more of a mystic than you are. So, pride and inflation around psychic or emotional gifts. I know what you're feeling. I'm an empath, which makes me better or more special than everyone.
Obviously, there are people who are tremendously empathic and, you know, people who understand I think that being empathic is a kind of a blessing and a curse, and they, they don't wear it with some kind of badge of like, ego badge like I'm, I'm an empath like that, you know. But there's a fine line between the two things, being empathic, being sensitive, maybe having like a little psychic gift or something, and then thinking it makes you some, something better than other people, you know, the suffering too right, the sort of boundary lists suffering, where you overshare all of your pain and sorrow as soon as you meet someone, you're telling them all of your childhood traumas, or I'm not saying. I mean, there are times in life when we're so overwhelmed that, you know, it's not like we're trying to be trying to lack boundaries; we just do, and it happens, which maybe we have to forgive ourselves.
There's also what comes flooding through the nets, you know, like there are holes in the nets, and things need to flood through, and we may feel embarrassed socially that we don't have perfect control over everything. But like, that's okay. Sometimes, we need to be flooded.
Anything involving water, by the way, could be really like, don't underestimate the importance of water and how literal the significations of Mercury-Neptune might be when it comes to like fixing a leaky pipe or fixing your dishwasher or fixing your refrigerator's water filter. I mean, like, sometimes it's that mundane. But anyway, be a little careful of these qualities.
Now, number three is kind of similar to number one; a little bit different is this Mercury-Neptune contact can bring about an emphasis on otherworldly, imaginative, romantic, sensual, mental, and emotional spaces; your mind and your body may be more open, or interested in things like mysticism, romance, imagination, fantasy, and it's okay to just open yourself to that.
If you're an artist, write. If you're a musician, play, if you're feeling the vibe, and you know, don't go out with a friend who will be annoyed that you feel like dreaming for an evening, you know, care for this imaginative quality, because when you see it amplified in the sky, it's not like, we'll just be suspicious of anything that's imaginative or romantic, and maybe not totally realistic. Well, I mean, how fun would life be if we did that? Right? So, but you get it, there's a fine line between that, and then like walking around being like, I am a guru or whatever.
So, the other thing I wanted to emphasize is that sometimes there's, like, in the realm of archetypal psychology, astrology, and so forth, there is something like a cult of imagination, and it brings up the question of what is the difference between fantasy and imagination. So there's a whole in this, which is a very, very specific conversation that happens. I've noticed in, you know, circles of people who are interested in astrology, depth psychology, and stuff like that.
So this is a very specific kind of niche idea, and it doesn't apply to you because you're not interested in these topics, you know, no, no worries. But I do want to mention it. So, what is the difference between imagination and fantasy? Imagination is just as romantic as fantasy. It's, you know, and that's why you can't always tell the difference. But for example, when someone lives a life that is completely, completely rooted in things like art and film, and I don't know, I'm thinking of all different kinds of things, art, film, video games, movies, books, et cetera.
Do you guys remember the movie The Neverending Story, the main character who loves to read, his father says Bastion, you have to keep your feet on the ground, and he kind of is like, he's like the dream killer. He's sort of like a cynic, a Saturnian dream killer. But at the same time, he's not wrong. He's not wrong that there is some need to be in this world, even though you may have an incredible capacity for imagination, for romance and for other worldly fantasias and fantasies.
I think the mark of imagination is that someone with an incredibly romantic, open-minded, expansive exploratory consciousness who loves archetypes, films, fiction, and fantasy books, who sees life through the lens of romance but still has to live a life like, for example, in the Neverending Story, the main character Bastion, he, eventually, in order for this fantasy world of Fantasia to be saved from the nothing, he has to which is almost like a negative space.
He has to participate by naming something he has to give the Empress a name and in doing so he has to bring he has to bridge the gap between being a dreamer and someone who is participating. Participation in the world of imagination is much different than being, let's just call it, a bookworm, and I'm just using him as an example because it's actually a really good one.
You know, a bookworm might be someone who is content to live a life that is sort of isolated in the same way that someone might, I don't know, try to spiritually bypass their life by going to an ashram, and it doesn't really do anything but repress. The negative Neptune, so to speak, is one that emphasizes and amplifies everything imaginative and romantic and sensual, and, you know, fantasy-based, but keeps the person living in an ivory tower, feeling like they are better than everyone else. Not surprisingly, at the end of The Neverending Story, the ivory tower that the Empress lives in has been completely smashed, and he has to help rebuild Fantasia by participating.
So what I'm always aware of when Neptune transits come through is the tendency that some people have to equate fantasy with imagination. No, imagination is quite different in that you can't just live in an ivory tower; you have to take that romantic experience and be able to see it and live it in relationships and jobs in everyday life.
If you polarize the two, and then you emphasize that the world lacks imagination, most of the time, I've seen that that means including at times, when I do it in myself, it's not that the world lacks imagination is that I lack imaginative participation in the world and there's a big difference and you'll find that sometimes people who harp on and on and on about the world not being imaginative or, or romantic, or sensual or spiritual enough, are, are actually people who are maybe prone to looking at the world through an ivory tower and that's fantasy.
It's when someone can take that and start naming things; I start seeing the fantasy and the romance in the world, in people in places, in choices and decisions, intentions I feel within me, then we are creating we are participating in the creation of Fantasia so to speak. So you want to keep that distinction in mind.
I feel like whenever this comes around, there's a very easy tendency also for us to polarize between the real world and the spiritual world or the real and the imaginal and that dichotomy is a false one. When we spend more time with the dichotomy, we realize that it is often it's like a false choice. It's a false duality doesn't have to be that way.
So anyway, all right. I wanted to mention that because I think it's an interesting conversation that you will notice if you hang out with people who like to think about things and philosophize about life. You will often find that this exact philosophical conversation comes up about what's real and what's fantastical, what's grounded and what's not. It's important to remember that the real synthesis between the two is what we're what we're aiming at. Life is imaginative when we participate in it. Okay, so we're gonna just quick hits, right? These are not expansive horoscopes, just quick hits.
If you're an Aries rising, we'll start there. Aries rising the Mercury conjunction. So this Mercury-Neptune conjunction as well as the new moon forming in the 12th house. This is an unconscious place. An unconscious place is a kind of liminal space. What emerges from this space is seeking conscious participation in our lives or conscious integration, or it's seeking understanding.
So it could appear like a shadow or someone or something that's undermining us. But it's very important that we also recognize whoever or whatever it is as an aspect of our own unconscious; you can do two things at once. So pay attention to what is gestating in a relatively unconscious space that's pulling for your attention, and this is something that will be happening not only over the weekend but over the entirety of the next moon cycle. So think about that space of unconsciousness if you are an Aries.
If you are a Taurus, we're then looking at the 11th house, and that is the place of groups of friends, allies of benefactors of people who are of like mind and share similar ambitions or whose powerful resources are assets that are available to us in the 11th house so that we can grow and move toward the realization of our dreams and wishes. So community friends, allies, hopes and aspirations, like-minded people, benefactors, and you're thinking right now have very powerful connections that are taking place, there are connections that are ready to be surrendered on some level. So think about that if you're a Taurus. Again, these are meant to be just brief to kind of remind us where we started the month with our horoscopes.
If you're a Gemini rising, this is in the place of vocation or career, even if you don't have one, this is about the development of your career or your profession. Or you could say that it's about things that need to be surrendered or let go of or some kind of thinning of the veil that's helping you grasp or understand things at a deeper level around your career or your vocation. Now, if you are retired, this is about the place that connects you with the world. What are what are you doing in the world? What connects you to the broader society, I'll spare your eardrums, that you live in?
Let's go on Cancer in the ninth house. So now you're thinking about the development of just a station of beliefs and mystical and spiritual qualities. How is your spiritual, moral, and philosophical compass oriented or reoriented? What otherworldly hits or insights are you getting? What are you thinking of learning or studying, and maybe also what experiences of travel are you thinking about the ninth house will often take you abroad in some ways, and it could be quite expansive, or even mystical or spiritual, the kinds of travel that you're planning or doing, but also just an emphasis on higher learning in general.
Now, for Leos, we put this into the eighth house; this is the place of karmic exchange, sometimes that means karmic consequences, penalties, things we owe other people or that other people owe us, or just that sense that there are valuable things to be shared with other people back and forth in reciprocal dynamics. This is the house of soul contracts, and so whether contracts are dissolving or new ones are being formed, revised, or deepened, there's an emphasis on the emotional intelligence available to you right now, in and through a close examination of your bonds and what is being shared or exchanged in them.
We go to Virgo and we see that the quality is in Pisces in the seventh house. So that's love relationships and house that was associated with sex sexuality. There could be a need for more fluidity, more surrender, more depth, more emotional availability, and more vulnerability in and through intimate relationships; if you don't have one, one might be forming, and if you are in one, one could be deepening or changing in some in some way over the moon cycle ahead.
It could also be that the kinds of relationships indicated here are more than just monogamous or, you know, your kind of marriage, spouse, partner type of relationship. It could be broader social relationships. The seventh house was originally called karma, which really just means happiness and bliss, especially when it is involved with social life and other people.
Alright, so we keep going. We look at Libra rising, where Pisces is now located in the sixth house, the new moon, and the Mercury-Neptune conjunction. Here, we might think about acts of sacrifice. What am I being asked to sacrifice? And what for? What cause, what mission, what hope, what aspiration that requires an act of emotional giving compassion. This is also a house where you could be starting to understand those things that are weighing you down, making you sick, or making you feel fatigued or exhausted, and maybe it's time to look at those very closely because it's just not worth it anymore. It's there are things that need to be released or surrendered, sacrifices or activities that are draining you; this is a good time to be looking at what is worth it and what isn't in terms of effort, work, sacrifice, and what it provides in return.
All right, let's move on. Scorpio rising places this stellium into the fifth house. The fifth house was called The Joy of Venus in the place of creative fulfillment, and so whether it's pregnancy, childbirth, creativity, or joy, what do you do for fun or pleasure? Your relationship with pleasure and creativity is being emphasized right now, so think about that very broadly. What are you creating? What do you want to create? What fills you with a sense of emotional excitement and enthusiasm, and maybe how is your creative life tied to your spiritual life? Is your emotional life tied to your spiritual and creative life? Are you happy? Are you doing enough to refine and develop your relationship with happiness? Those are good questions to ask with such an emphasis on the fifth house.
Now, for Sagittarius, we're looking at this stellium. Looking at the stellium in Pisces in the fourth house. So strong emphasis on home and family, parents' roots, what offers you the most grounding and emotionally secure base in life, the topic of real estate, land property, parental karma, ancestral karma, things from the past, looking deeply into things that are mysterious, the fourth house was associated with the underworld and with the mystery schools, as well. So an emphasis on all that is foundational, whether that's metaphysical and mystical or familial and ancestral or has something to do with your living environment, a strong emphasis on that fourth house of family, karma, and foundations.
All right. For Capricorn, the emphasis is on the third house. The third house is such an interesting house; it was called Dhea, or goddess, and has everything to do with the environment around us; you guys have probably heard me say this a million times. But think of it like this: in a fish tank, the fish might have a little rock that it likes to live under. That's like the fourth house, the rest of the fish tank is like its neighborhood, and so that fish tank includes, you know, things like our local culture, the culture that is unique to us, that speaks to the different influences in our lives, especially those that were raised in or around, or that will develop as we age.
So it's like the third house is like the culture, which includes your mind, your emotions, your physical environment, your everyday life, and the everyday actions, routines, and activities that surround you. As well as again the moods, atmospheres mentally and emotionally and physically that permeate your life.
So, it's a hard house to pin down in that respect. But when you see such an emphasis here, you're thinking about, look, there's something in the environment that is gestating and shifting and changing could be the people, could be some adjustments you're making in the physical environment or space around you. It could be new things that you're thinking or feeling that are asking for inclusion in the way you live, like, hey, consider how you feel more regularly or consider taking better care of your mind and body or, you know, things that Capricorns sometimes are, they need help with because they can just get into like, tighten your belt and boots and go.
But there's a sensitivity, there's a kind of swimming, fluid, romantic sensitivity that's trying to, you know, establish itself and needs recognition and incorporation for Capricorns and that could also pertain to things like siblings and people that are important in the environment, other things in the environment changing.
Alright, so for Aquarians, it's all in the second house, which is the place of your resources, not only what you have financially or in terms of the things you actually possess and own, but also those things that you want to develop that can act as assets and resources for you. It could be people, it could be skills.
The second house was connected through the sixth and the 10th to work and vocation. So, the second house tends to be about the things that you have or cultivate or develop within yourself that can become assets that can contribute to livelihoods, sustenance, and survival. But I like this as a new moon and Mercury's conjunction with Neptune. That is, it's like if you're ready to let go of something that you've been using or developing because you're maybe ready to cultivate something new or use something new. This could be a great cycle for that kind of a shift on what you're using, what you have, what you're developing, how you're using it. Why you're using it for what ends, anything around money or business could be a really important focus as well.
It's also things like food and movable possessions, the things that you own. People always say the second house is a place of values. It's not unless you think of values; there's no house or sign that has the market cornered on values; it's too broad values in the second house would translate into what you value to the point that you will develop it or build it, or what you value in terms of material goods and possessions. But it's not your values philosophically; for example, it would be more of the ninth house, and so on. Your values creatively would be more of the fifth house; your values in partnership would be in the seventh house, right? So, don't think of the second house exclusively as the house of values.
Okay, anyway, Pisces rising. Finally, we look at this house of identity and body and psychology. We think right now that there are many ways of thinking, any kind of an emphasis on psychological and mental health and wellness, and maybe a period of refinement, you know, Saturn's working through your first house? How are you maturing and growing right now in terms of your identity, how you see yourself in the world, your intelligence, and how you communicate with other people? The opportunity here for personal growth that could be physical growth could be growth with respect to your health, your mental, emotional, physical health, also kind of an existential transit, a new moon, in the sense that there's an opportunity to be thinking very seriously about who you are, and who you are not, which is a new moon co-present with Saturn in the first house.
So a lot of issues around identity, health, psychology, for Pisceans out there, and maybe an opportunity to kind of let go of things that aren't working, let go of ideas about yourself that are maybe not relevant any longer and embracing ones that are.
Okay, so again, these are just kind of quick hits to remind us of where that action is at in the chart by whole sign. Considering your rising sign. Remember that ancient astrologers used whole sign houses for the birth chart. That's what I use in my practice.
Modern astrologers who write horoscopes also use whole sign houses and horoscopes. So you may have to do some translating if you use a quadrant-based house system, you're not going to find any real form of the modern or ancient horoscope that focuses on a quadrant-based form of division because it would be different for every single person.
So whole signs are the way to go, and I recommend if you're studying Hellenistic astrology that you try whole signs in your practice for a while anyway, but that's an aside: do it, don't do it. Whatever you feel.
That's it for today. I hope you guys have a great weekend and stick around because after I sign off, you'll get to. If you haven't seen it yet already, I recorded an interview with Ashley talking about plant spirit medicine and her herbal apprenticeship, which starts at the end of April. Of course, there is really affordable pricing and need-based tuition available for that. So we try to make everything inclusive so you can check that out and hopefully come and study some herbs with us. Alright, that's it for today. See you later.
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