Today I'm talking about Mercury and Jupiter's upcoming conjunction in the sign of Aquarius, and what to watch for during this transit.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody, I hope you're doing well. Today we're gonna talk about Mercury's upcoming conjunction to Jupiter this week, and what to watch for as well as a few ideas spiritually and philosophically about this transit that may help us through the week. So I'm going to put the real time clock up and give you a picture of this right now. You can see that right now Mercury is within the engagement range, which means within three degrees, and it is closing fast. So we're gonna see this conjunction coming together by about Thursday of this week, through Friday, that's the main day Thursday, Friday, the fourth and fifth of March. So you can see them crossing over, on Thursday, they're hitting the perfection. But you'll feel this actually all the way through about Sunday, as mercury separating within three degrees, you could even go to next Monday, so about a week of having Jupiter and Mercury as some of the leading players on the cosmic stage right now. The other thing that's exciting this week that we'll talk about later in the week, is Mars's entrance into Gemini, we'll take a little bit of a look at Mars in Gemini. And we'll also be going through the last quarter moon. This one is interesting, because it's going through the South node of the moon. So there's a couple of good things to look forward to this week, as well as this transit. Alright, but at any rate, so you can see Mercury and Jupiter getting together.
One of the very interesting features of this transit is the fact that both are co present with their hosts Saturn. So this is not your typical Mercury Jupiter, in the sense that it is heavily toned by or sort of influenced by Saturn. So Saturn could clip its wings a little bit and I want to talk about what that means, you know, both practically in terms of what you might watch for this week, and then a little deeper philosophically. So let's talk about the combination of Mercury and Jupiter here you have two planets that are natural contraries all the signs that Jupiter rules, Mercury rules, the opposite signs. So they're in what is called exile or sometimes referred to as detriment when they're in each other signs. When you take Mercury and put it into Pisces or Sagittarius Jupiter's two traditional signs, then you have a condition where Mercury has to answer to Jupiter its planetary opposite. And if you put Jupiter in Virgo or Gemini, it's the same thing. It's in its detriment or exile. The reason for this is that whereas Jupiter tends toward broadly speaking toward unity, toward law toward order toward piety or toward everything, which is official and cohesive, like the legal system or a government or religious orthodoxy or the, the kind of unification of say an English department in a in a university or something like that. Mercury is more of the, the bringer of deconstruction, chaos, analysis, scepticism doubt. Mercury is always going back and forth, back and forth. And in that motion, there's something very different than Jupiter who has this kind of grand, slow unifying presence in the sky. So the two are like natural opposites in some ways, but they complement one another as well. They're like two sides of the same archetypal coin. And you'll notice this in ancient astrology that planets always come in opposite archetypal pairings.
So let's talk about some of the things that you may notice this week with mercury and Jupiter combined. When they're conjoined, you're going to see that their qualities blend together rather than a say a square or an opposition where they're going to be in more of a contentious or challenging relationship with one another, or even a trine or a sextile, where they're harmonising, but yet they're still apart somehow, when you get them in the same sign, and their bodies come together in the sky, then you have this idea of a blending or co-mingling of their qualities. So you could call this these are some of the phrases that come to mind. Broad mindedness, sort of big or broad minded, that's Mercury, Jupiter. You could have the excitement or the enthusiasm of some new subject or an idea that one becomes suddenly possessed by. You have a comprehensive analysis of something, taking apart an entire system so that you can understand it completely. That's a kind of Mercury Jupiter. You also have teachers or teaching that help put all of the parts of something together into a whole, or perhaps even a new whole. You have innovations that are big and maybe even groundbreaking Mercury was traditionally associated with invention and inventors, you also have the idea there's a lot of financial or almost like legal or contractual implications, big deals, successful negotiations, contracts, getting the thumbs up getting an approval, someone saying yes to you, getting good news, getting a check in the mail, just the kind of good fortunate expansive delivery of information, or news or something like that a gift. You may also find that it's easier to find who your mental intellectual or spiritual teachers or allies are or that you are very inspired by someone. Or that you're starting a new course in something. There's a lot of positivity and optimism in the sky, but also overconfidence and potentially excessive mental or intellectual ambition or pride. You know, inspiration and enthusiasm. There's this idea, with the word enthusiasm, that you're kind of possessed by a God within and that you you become this channel through which the the force of some archetype becomes very present. And that could be a good thing. And you know, sometimes it's going to translate into people who are let's just say, at the worst kind of like someone who has a loud, megaphone overconfident, overly enthusiastic, unrealistic. On the other hand, sometimes it's going to present us with a huge abundance of different things the particularities of Mercury become many and become big with Jupiter and we can become flooded with information or ideas. Over overstatement, over promising and under delivering all of which happened with mercury Jupiter, it's the greatest thing ever. And you know, is it, isn't it? Also, sometimes positive thinking, you know, it's going to get you far with mercury, Jupiter, sometimes positive thinking is unrealistic thinking with mercury, Jupiter conjunction, sometimes you have people who are very powerful orders, they have public ability to speak publicly very well, or to be very inspiring somehow. So these this is just a range of things that you might see this week with Mercury's conjunction to Jupiter.
I should add one more thing, be careful of buying things that are too big or almost like over what is the what I want to say overspending or over selling something or being sold on something because someone's being really like, like over the top dramatic or something like that. It would be a not a good time, for example, for someone to go to a used car lot and have someone maybe like way over sell you on on something, you know, that could happen. Now, no offence to car salesman, I have a few friends in my past to sell cars, so no offence anyway. Here's the thing. I've gotten a few emails in the past couple of weeks, interestingly, all about the same topic as Mercury's been really close to Jupiter, and it's been about the power of positive thinking. And I'm gonna read you just a little excerpt from an email that I got. Well, I'm not gonna mention this person's name, but just something that you might find interesting. So this is someone who was wondering about whether or not astrology is deterministic. And they said this,
"Yes, the birth chart is deterministic. However, the determinations are probabilities, possibilities, and opportunities. Astrology is a sacred map that is a compassionate sketch of possibilities and opportunities pointing us back to our true self into the anchoring God whose name is love. This sacred map isn't fatalistic, it's not deterministic, etc." and they kind of asked me what I thought about this. And so I just thought, first of all, as someone who's paying attention to the transits in the sky, I'm always aware of which archetypes might be constellation when people seem to suddenly get high on something or I seem to get high on something where a lot of questions start coming in, that all have something in common or I start seeing a lot of clients that all have something in common. Usually there's something mirroring that in the sky and so I think I received a lot of questions about positive thinking and freewill versus determinism and astrology and possibility versus fate and stuff like that. So I wanted to say something about that today, as a mini sermon from the stars.
So, is astrology all about possibilities, opportunities and probabilities? Or is it deterministic and faded? And what I want to say about this comes from ancient astrologers in the way that they wrote and the way that they talked about things and broadly speaking, the view of fate and free will that was common in the ancient world. So what I want to say is that there's this dichotomy between fate or determined events in the future, and almost like opportunities, possibilities, probabilities, and freewill is really a false dichotomy from the standpoint of ancient astrology. Let me try to explain why. So the way that ancient astrologers looked at things, whether you're looking at the Upanishads in India, or some of what Plato said in the West, you know, both traditions that philosophically influenced astrologers, for sure, is that in this universe, every material being has free choices to make, so we're making free choices all the time. And a good amount of our experiences is wide open. And there's probabilities and possibilities and opportunities galore. But the choices that we have available to us as well as those that we are most likely to actually make, are shaped, and/or limited, you could say by the environment, which in and of itself, is rather mysteriously something that has also been created through previous choices. So you have to take into account the transmigration of the soul paradigm that ancient astrologers had, this is not our first rodeo, we're not born a blank slate, we're not born with the world completely wide open to us. The kshetra or field of a soul is determined in many ways by the physical form that we're born into a bird has a different kshetra than I do, it can fly and I can't, right. So we have a range of options and possibilities and probabilities and so forth, that we can make free choices within and that environment, the body that we're born into, and the range of choices available to us and the different kinds of things we can do with our freewill is shaped by inborn limitations. And those inborn limitations are said to also come from previous choices that the soul has made in its journey. So in that sense, many people will falsely sort of believe that freedom means freedom from any kind of consequence or any kind of limitation. But there's always the sequences of reactions that are always there always being set in place by our choices, so that we receive the results of our actions. In the future, as we are also making new open choices in the future. It's not just one or the other, it's not that it's either open or it's closed. It's that it's the in some ways, for example, you could think about it like a garden. You know, in a garden, there's many different things growing on different cycles and timelines, things will blossom at different times. And that has to do with the nature of each of the plants in the garden, and the the nature of their life cycles and what what is unique to them. So all of us have, because we're born into a world where forms work in predictable cycles. And there are sequences of cause and effect. When a soul which is by nature free is born into a world of forms, the soul is inherently participating in the limitations, the laws and the sequences of cause and effect within a world of forms. That's just going like a great circular clock with many different hands. So there's all these circles and cycles of time, that are governing the unfolding of events in time and we're born into it like it's a river that we're floating along. And we're born into one of the forms that's governed by the rules and laws of material nature. And so, in that sense, our freewill is always interacting with the laws of nature and with the cycles of nature. And also we have to remember that in a more idiosyncratic way, our previous free choices are going to create patterns of circumstance and outcome in this lifetime. And you can see this on a small level, what what to speak of past lifetimes. You can see this in this lifetime.
For example, If you smoke for 20 years, even though you may realise that you don't want to smoke and you want to be free from the effects of smoking, it's very possible that you could still get cancer even if you quit. You know what I mean? So, it because there's momentum, and there's these grooves of pattern or habituated actions that we take, then there are patterns and habituated outcomes or circumstances that we receive as a result. And some are very changeable, some are not so changeable and some are really unchangeable. Meaning that it's really hard, it takes a really long time to change. So it's a very complex picture that ancient astrologers give us, we're born into a world where there's all of these laws of cause and effect and cycles and circles of nature. We're born into forms, even though we're free beings. And so there's parameters that shape limit and define what kinds of choices and outcomes are available to us what to speak of previous choices and ingrained habits and modes of being and people and things that we associate with and do that are going to shape and define not only our environment, but also certain kinds of outcomes that we're going to get in this lifetime. And then also, they conditioned us and in some ways, to really be free, there's a lot of things that we have to overcome, we simply have to overcome different kinds of conditioning before we can actually even understand what it means to have a different set of choices or options. So for example, let's just say again, you smoked for 20 years, and no offence to my smokers out there, you know, I have friends who smoke and stuff like that. But if you smoke for 20 years, even if you quit, it's possible that there will be a lot of very limiting or confining things that could still impact your health in the year ahead. And it may take a while, maybe even into the next lifetime before you really start to feel that you're free of the grip of some of those the consequences of those ingrained choices. So for ancient astrologers, they were really thinking about this in terms of the long game, they didn't see karma, for the most part, some karma could change very quickly. Some karma could change, but it took a while. And then some karma was really deeply ingrained, and it wasn't going to change very easily at all. Also very clearly, it was not easy to discern or delineate which kind of karma and how ingrained something was. So that can be very mysterious. For some people, they can quit smoking right away after getting addicted for a year or two. for other people. It's, it's like a lifetime long battle or something like that.
So, possibilities are always in this material world as we're spirit souls who are free, but born into a material world that's conditioned, and that moves through repeating cycles of cause and effect. Possibilities in this world, are always always in a relationship or a kind of dance with limitation. And it's not one or the other. It's always both relating to one another simultaneously. So freedom in the material world always involves the relationship between freedom and limitation, freedom and limitation. And we're always working with the perpetuation of the reactions from our previous choices. And and how those previous choices condition how we will actually think about or make "free will" choices. So it's like previous choices, shape future choices, and shape our sense of what freedom is or what's actually possible. And that's they're always working in tandem like that. And so one of the things that changing our karma within this framework could be fast, it could medium be medium, or it could be slow, depending on what type of karma. It's a bit like if your car goes off the road slightly, and your two right hand side tires go off into a rut, it's like you gotta it takes a little bit to like, get it back up. And you know what that's like, where it's like a little like, Ooh, this is this feels a little dangerous. I got to make sure that I do this carefully, right. So getting back up out of the rut takes a while it takes a kind of re modulating and in the span of an eternal spirit souls sojourn in the material universe. Ancient astrologers were quite content for us to have to work out of certain kinds of habituated patterns and reactions over many lifetimes. But remember, they believe that those patterns are not just because the universe is impersonal mechanistic. They believe that the material universe shows order. And cause and effect is a way of showing that there's an inborn rationality and order and beauty behind all things. Sometimes it's mysterious to us, we don't quite understand how we came to be in a certain situation or pattern in our lives, or how to get out of it, that can be really tough. But to, to them, all of the patterns in the universe that are cycling and circling are, are always respecting, and responding to the choices that we make. So there's the, the limitation or the parameter comes in a way as a response to choice. And so choice is primary, choice is fundamental, freewill is fundamental. The response from the universe is a way of keeping harmony in order in response to innumerable beings free choices. So it's not so when people are looking at astrology, and they're being like, geez, it's so predictive and deterministic, it's like, well, you know, the universe has to have some order, right? It really simply this is, you know, part of why I'm part of why I'm talking all about this is because this is such a Jupiter Mercury kind of teaching. I'll come back around to that in a minute.
So the system isn't fatalistic or deterministic. It's a system that responds to and offers a kind of an orderliness and a cohesiveness, that's Jupiter, in relation to free choices. Now, interestingly, Mercury was associated with the first house in ancient astrology it rejoiced in the first house, and was associated with the agency of the individual soul. And so when Mercury and Jupiter come together, there is some sense of wanting to be a part of some larger truth or larger order, and to align oneself with it. That's why you see things like great teachers, or people getting interested in new subjects or wanting to learn or find a guru or because the desire is to align the soul's intelligence with an understanding of, of higher truth and higher order. And it was that for ancient astrologers that was thought of in some ways as a gateway to mental freedom to because understanding the world is how you become free within it. Right? So it's knowledge and it's, it's wisdom, in a sense, that helps us to understand how possibility and limitation are always co present. They're always working together. And the wise person understands that, in fact, in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says very clearly that, you know, "the wise person is one who sees action in inaction and inaction in action." And so, and if you dig into that, it's very similar to several verses in the Tao de Ching that are also telling us things like this, that don't don't be someone who is always seeking out possibility, freedom, you know, kind of this open broad mindedness and shunning limitation or determinism or laws or rules or strictures or limitation because they're two sides of the same coin. And so, you know, the wise person is one who sees each in the other. And that's, that's why ancient astrologers also said that our freedom, our real freedom is not found in the dichotomy between worldly freedom versus worldly restriction, or worldly freedom versus the the laws and parameters and limitations of the world. So as long as we go looking for our sense of freedom from like, well, I'm going to be free from a limit, right?
There's, that's the beginning of a cycle that in this world will eventually lead to a limit again, right and round and round it goes. So we have to look for freedom and something different than this. And that's my one response that I try to explain to my students when the fate you know, determinism versus freewill and possibility type of arguments come up. So spiritual freedom isn't the same as material freedom. A few points to make about this spiritual freedom begins with this recognition that no matter what karmic circumstances we are in, however, closed or open our material world may appear to us or however, multiple or variegated our options feel to us or seem to us the same freedom spiritually is present at all times, because our freedom is in who and what we are not in what we do, or receive or do or can't receive or how faded or open the material world is. Our spiritual freedom is actually who we are. And the way that we enact that or embody that in this world. As we're here is found in the freedom that we have at any point in time, no matter our circumstance to remember our eternal nature and to remember our divine source and to commune with it intentionally, the two rules for example, in Krishna Bhakti the summarise the entire teaching is always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna, right. So, you know, always, always always we have the freedom in any moment in any circumstance whatsoever. However free or limited, it may appear in some materialised conception of freedom or limitation, to commune with God in the heart to commune with our soul to commune with our higher self. When we commune with our divine nature and our source, that's when we access spiritual freedom from the standpoint of ancient astrologers in different ways. This is talked about in the east and the west, but it's very similar. And this kind of freedom is always going to transcend the worldly dichotomy between material freedom and bondage. Because when you start communing with the spirit soul, you experience yourself as free happy you experience truth and bliss and beauty so to speak. Whether your material circumstance feels or seems relatively more or less free or open. And I'm not suggesting that there aren't real limitations in this world that are really painful, and that there's not a component to spiritual life that isn't about helping people to alleviate burdens that could make it more challenging to practice spiritual life. This is why one of the main goals of yoga, yoga asana, for example, the physical postures of yoga, is to keep the body really clean and open so that you can sit and meditate longer and commune longer. So if the world is full of ignorance and passion and darkness and oppression and things like that, it is going for a lot of people who are already more materially conditioned. And and they're, they're struggling to practice spiritual life, those conditions aren't helping. And so there's also this concomitant dimension of spiritual life that it has to do with alleviating the suffering of other souls. But it's not because the alleviation of material suffering is the answer. It's because through the alleviation of material suffering, a soul can more more clearly see who they really are, and and take to spiritual life take to the moment by moment remembrance of who they are. So we need we need clean space to meditate, right? Well, the world needs a clean space if we're to become meditative as people. So that's, that's that's where the impetus comes to deal with the oppression of the world, some people will hear this and they'll think that it's somehow you know, some kind of allowance or dismissal of suffering or, or something like that.
At any rate, there is no pre qualification or prerequisite for spiritual life. However, and this is really important, because there's no birth chart lesson, you guys have heard me say this before, that we have to accomplish first before we can take to spiritual life. Right? That's a big red herring. That's very modern. It's like this, this idea that there's some kind of adventure that you're in, you're here to have a quest and a journey and complete and realise all these life missions, like it's an elaborate, you know, role playing game or something. And then when you do you get these spiritual merit badges or something like that, and that the birth chart is here to go tell you what to do, or the you know, it has some inborn sense of like objectives, like it's Mission Impossible. And, you know, here's your mission, should you choose to accept it, it's in the birth chart, and that, you know, this birth chart will self destruct in three minutes, if you don't do it. There's no lesson that earns us real freedom, because we already are that freedom, right? So and everybody knows this, I think it's just we need to be reminded of it. So the freedom that we want is a choice that we make, as soon as we start to see through this struggle between limitation and freedom. And we recognise as spirit souls that we are free within that dance, there's always going to be a dance between limitation and freedom in the material universe. Always. So how do we start to perceive if we're, if every day we recognise, there's nothing I can do or accomplish here, that is going to lead me to the place that I need to go, which I can do right now. I can do anytime I there is no prerequisite classes I need to have taken. There is no mission I need to have accomplished, there's nothing I need to have gotten better at. It's not like that. Any any moment. I can just say I am choosing today to commune with my divine source. Most people, before they have a spiritual sadhana, like a like, like forms of practice that have been passed down. They'll just sit and they'll be with themselves and they'll just listen to what's going on inside and they'll hold space for it, then they start to feel like there's something in me that's wise and eternal, an old being, a soul. And it's holding space, it's a mediating ground for my experiences. And in that space, if you sit there long enough, over and over, you start to recognise that that space doesn't just exist in me, it exists in all beings. And you start to realise that that same mediating ground, that same soul exists in all things that there is such a thing as a super soul or a source, a divine source that is shared and spread out in all beings, and it's individual to me, but it's also in everything, you start to commune with that, and people do that, then, you know, along the way we give it words, we call it prayer. But that choice to do that, the actual definition of freedom is to participate in in that. And, and the overflow of that is generally that we start to feel compassion for other souls, because we see that people who aren't doing that, who aren't taking the time, are struggling. And it tends to be those people who are always really concerned about the difference between freedom or restriction, because they're associating material options and different kinds of material outcomes with with happiness. And that's not where happiness is that happiness is in the communing, which we can do anywhere at any time, always. And that's the actual opportunity we're given in a lifetime. Think of it, we have some sometimes upwards of 80 to 100 years, some of us to take advantage of life for it not to be a simple rat race, or a constant battle between how free am I what kinds of options do I have? What am I creating or trying to get that might please me in the material sense? Or how restricted or limited am I and how much pain or suffering do I feel because of it? The spiritualist looks at the world of people doing that and feels compassion for them. Like, that sucks. Like, don't do that, you know, we do it and we have to feel compassion because we recognise that we did it prior to having some kind of spiritual communion practice in our lives, our spiritual communion as a way of life. And this should be a way of life. It's not just some ritual. It's not just some practice. The apostle Paul said we should pray without ceasing. This is the same attitude taken by Yogi's, it's taken by Buddhists. You know, it's taken you look at the way that Thich Nhat Hanh lives his life or look at the way that our great luminaries of all different traditions live their life, they live their life, that rather than being caught up in a circle, that's always vacillating between limitation and freedom. They're walking in a circle of remembrance. They're walking in circles circumambulating right. They've got beads, it's different.
So what do limitation and freedom end up looking like from the standpoint of this space and remember that we're talking about Mercury Jupiter transit, that loves possibility loves openness loves freedom loves positivity, but it's in Saturn's sign still with Saturn co present. So what does limitation look like? And we've talked about this a bunch already with Uranus and Saturn. limitation from the standpoint of regular, regular spiritual practice, when your life becomes a moving prayer, then limitation starts to look like the particular or separate forms that God takes. Limitation becomes the tangible, separate pieces of God's voice. One of the things that limitations does does is it separates us, it says no to an object of our desire or it sets up barriers or boundaries. And the limitations or the restrictions that come in from the standpoint of someone who's communing with God, even the I Ching says this, right? It's a totally different philosophy. You could even take God out of the equation, but the limitation becomes the presence of the Tao becomes the voice of God, it becomes mercy becomes love, it becomes compassion, it becomes play. And you see it that way, because you're communing, because you're communing with who you are, that is free, the limitation is, is experienced as a kind of tangible expression of God and separation. Right? And then what does freedom look like? On the other hand, material freedom, openness, possibility starts to be experienced as a form of unity, of merging the one into the other so that they come together. And of course, everyone likes that more. Right? It's very appealing. But remember that in the material sense, the separation and the unity keeps coming in and out, keep coming in and out. And there's a real impatience and inflexibility to allowing for that coming and going of unity and separation. It's like we're so allergic to it and in many traditions that that if we're allergic to the vacillations of material nature if we can't come to learn to see the play of God and all of them, it's understood in many different traditions as a kind of spiritual childhood or almost like an allergic reaction that we need to learn to overcome. Right so as we practice communing with source and soul on a regular basis, we see that we're never actually closer to or farther away from God whether we're going through a phase of separation or a relative union and and the material circumstances in the world start to reflect that so that whether something appears more faded or constricted or confined, there we see God there we see soul there we see source whether everything feels really unified and great. There we see soul there we see source. So in the same way for the spiritualist the dichotomy between fate and free will, is always collapsing, right even as we go through the dance of life where some things feel very faded and kind of heavy and we feel more restricted. We feel more confined or whether everything feels very open and possible for the spiritualist it's like that dichotomy is being collapsed even as the blades of the wheel spin. So you could think about it like the spiritualist is often said this is actually said quite literally in some ancient yogic texts that it's like a potter's wheel. You know, if you if you're pumping the electricity into the thing, it's spinning it. Then if you take your foot off the wheel, the pot will still spin. There's no electricity coming up into it, but it's still spinning or a fan blade whose wheels keep on turning even after you've unplugged it. The spiritualist has unplugged the fan from the wall, the blades are still turning, but you're not addicted to that cycle anymore. You've you've you're in a sense, you've just identified from it. But you're so so because you you're identified with the eternal loving source that is in you and in all things, the way you experience that wheel is what changes.
So here's a few things that can help you this week if you think about some of the spiritual lessons of a Mercury Jupiter conjunction in Saturn sign. So there's the idea that I want to expand I want to do something big. Okay, we'll take your time. Right there's something about eroticizing the movement with what seems like it is contrary to it. Right. So okay. Unlimited possibility, positivity growth, let me do this big thing. I'm so excited. Okay, introduce slowing down, taking your time, allowing for some opportunities to pass, bringing in a healthy level of sacred doubt, that checks the confidence but doesn't eliminate the confidence, that plays with the confidence. Right? It's bringing in the negative not as a cancelling of the positive. But as a way of saying I don't want to be swept away by my positivity. And my sense of opportunities and growth, if it means forgetting things that are really really, really important, like my soul, like source. So take your time slow things down, let some opportunities pass. Find the yes in a no. Find the no in the yes. Play with that a little bit when some big opportunity comes along. Grieve a little bit. It's oh my gosh, this is so exciting. But you know, there's nothing more rewarding in life than getting a little bit curious about why something is so exciting. It doesn't mean you have to clip the wings and never fly again. But you can just take it down a few notches and see how that changes the texture and deepens the flavour of the joy or the possibility or the probability or the openness. When we see possibility and inevitability as equally interesting or curious. We stay curious about something every time that you think oh my god, what an amazing possibility. start asking yourself is it a possibility? or is it an inevitability? I'm not i'm not trying to be too cute here. I'm just saying there's there is a a way that we with mercury Jupiter in particular in Saturn sign you can very easily polarize and think well, it's either all optimistic or you know universe is saying no to me. I wanted something and I didn't get it. So it was a big No. Well, maybe the no is a yes. Or another way of putting it would be you have something you're really excited about, if you're so excited about it ask the question, could I be this excited about it in two weeks or two years? And again, not to clip the wings but just to bring in that which we might easily end up polar polarising ourselves with later if we don't bring it in now. So these are some of the teachings that I wanted to bring up around Mercury Jupiter in Saturn's sign. We have a Jupiter Saturn theme all year long. We have Saturn Uranus all year long. And a lot of these things are playing on the same exact concepts of limitation versus possibility and, and so forth. And understanding how ancient sages held all of these different philosophical dualities, and how they saw them in light of the eternal soul or the indwelling Godhead. You know that's very liberating, if you want to talk about what how they thought of liberation. So I also hope that this takes care of a bunch of emails that I've gotten from people asking me about is ancient astrology deterministic? Or, you know, what do you think about the power of positive thinking and stuff like that? So I'm not into the power of positive thinking. I'm into the power of remembering, remembering source, remembering soul, communing with it. And I find that everything in the world, nothing excluded, limitation, as well as possibility becomes something that I see in the light of God. So that's the practice anyway. So thank you for listening today. I hope you enjoyed this. I'd love to hear your comments in the chat box about how you're dealing with mercury and Jupiter this week. How do you see this manifest in your life? What lessons or insights are you gaining from it and feel free to? Yeah, tell me your stories in the chat box. I'd love to hear from you guys. And we'll be back. Like I said, there's some other really good transits this week. So we will definitely be back with more soon. All right. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Thanks for this insighful read, Adam.
I am 36-year old female experiencing this Mercury/Jupiter Conjunction in my 10th house. Last year, I quit my job and took time off. Although I would like to remain in the same profession, have been thinking of ways to be more independent about it (self-employment, consulting, contracting, etc) – probably to do with Uranus in first house, but clearly Saturn in 10th creating tension and need for stability.
This week I have been negotiating a contract with a company that would allow me to work semi-independently… but it would be a huge step up from what I have normally done. I would effectively be a co-director rather than a middle manager. I believe I am ready for this but relate acutely to the idea of trying not to over-promise and under-deliver.
I periodically confer with an intuitive psychic (twice a year or so) and at out last session (in December) she described the circumstances around which my next opportunity would happen. Whenever I see her, I am always wondering how much of what she says is deterministic and how much can be changed/controlled. Typically, her timing can be off but her view of possible outcomes is correct.
My current negotiation fits the parameters she described (I did not initially pursue it, it was almost as if the universe led me to it). In fact, I was aggressively going after an alternative opportunity which ultimately did not pan out at the last minute. I am intrigued by this outcome.
Much of what you have written regarding spiritual freedom vs material freedom comes through in my conversations with her, although not as eloquently as you have described it.