Here’s what to watch for:
* Emotionally violent outbursts
* Needy, demanding, verbal jabs
* Difficult or emotionally charged news
* Violent or charged emotional/family dynamics
* An emotionally heated but necessary exchange
* Cutting cords, severing bonds or attachments
* Trying to make someone pay by withholding, being dramatic, making ultimatums, etc.
* A necessary ultimatum
* Standing up for someone or something that is vulnerable, weak, or fragile
* Mothers and the voices of women
* Moral and emotional outrage
* An emotional breakthrough
* A dam breaks
* Civil strife
* Violence in the home, domestic abuse, verbal abuse
* Emotional coercion
* An emotionally honest but difficult realization, message, or piece of news
* Accepting one’s weakness leads to deeper insight and solutions to problems
* Emotional resistance, defiance, or denial
* Family karma heating up
With oppositions to Pluto in Capricorn, try as we may to hold back from the power and force of these oppositions, they are coming. A transformative wave is working its way through this week, the momentum of which has history and the force of emotion behind it at once. Maybe the only thing we can do is to make ourselves soft. Bracing for impact will only make things worse.
We should also be careful not to lay any force onto necessity. Sometimes, knowing something is inevitable, knowing something needs to or will be done, we try to force it to be done, rather than allowing for things to take their own course. It’s hard to sit back and allow for the force of change, the power of necessity, to lead the way, especially when we see it coming. It’s like seeing a wave coming in the ocean, and knowing you will be tossed by it. How to react? You can’t surrender too early or you’ll get hit over the head. You can’t fight against it because you’ll get pummeled. So, you have to be a creature of greater sensitivity.
Surrendering requires a sense of careful timing. When is the time to let go, so that this wave carries me and moves through me. When is the best time to dive just beneath its break? When is the right time to let go and let it lift me up?
High-pressure moments require high-pressure grace and care.
Prayer: Give us the grace of your timing. Make us both gentle and alert as we move through each wave of your tremendous love.
Today Mercury and Mars conjoin in Cancer as both planets move through oppositions to Pluto in the next few days.
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