Today I'll be taking a look at Mercury who is moving into a conjunction with Uranus and then catching up with Venus as they both pass through a square to Saturn.
Hi everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday everybody. Today we're going to take a look at Mercury who is moving into the conjunction with Uranus and then catching up with Venus as they both pass through the square to Saturn. I've taken a long time this week to look at Venus. Since the opening of this moon cycle we've taken a lot of time to look at Venus, especially Venus through Uranus and Venus squaring Saturn. But Mercury is getting in on the mix this weekend. So we're going to take a look at that today. Before I do that, I want to remind everybody my new class ancient astrology for the modern mystic is open for registration we begin in June. It's a one year programme in ancient astrology. I'm going to just flash my website up on the screen for you to see so you can check it out. Go to my website,, go to the courses page, go to the first year course page, you can learn all about my programme. And you can learn all the different tuition options that I have. You can take it from anywhere in the world, you can be in live classes where you can download all the material and take it on your own on your own pace. And we have an early bird payment you can save about $500 off if you sign up before the class starts. Also, we have a payment plan and tuition assistance for people who need a little extra help. So check those things out. I'd love to see some of you in class. And let me know if you have any questions about the Course
Okay, here is the transit page. And what I want to point out is the fact that okay, we've been spending a lot of time with Venus, Uranus, Venus, Saturn that's still perfecting over the weekend. But Mercury is getting in on this now too. So between today April 23. And tomorrow, April 24. Mercury is going to pass through the conjunction with Uranus. It is then going to join merge Venus and go through the square with Saturn. So Mercury is triggering the exact same dynamic that Venus is between Uranus and Saturn. And if we just step this forward another day, by Sunday, you'll see that both will have passed through the square to Saturn, and Mercury will have conjoined Venus. So that's quite a series of events. And the way I would describe it would be like this.
When you have Mercury in Venus's sign and getting together in a conjunction with Venus, first of all that is like a flashing neon sign that says agreement agreement. Venus is the planet of agreement and Venus is the planet that affirms things just like Jupiter does says yes to them. And Venus also tends to take unlike things and coordinate them like someone who's really good at just taking like a here's the bunch of stuff now make the living room look nice. And they can just they can they can just wizard a whole bunch of different decor and make it look really beautiful. So Venus, and Mars, ultimately, this weekend is headed toward Mercury and Venus getting together and harmonising something that could be pleasant words pleasant speech and a contract negotiation words with a friend. So if relational dynamics have been tense, or if there have been, you know, constraints on coming to terms with things, if there's just been a feeling of pressure in relationships, and even a feeling of hardness or coldness, you're going to see that that harmonising effect around mind speech relationships, communication is going to come through by the end of the weekend by Sunday.
So hang in there and try to be patient because I feel like right now one of the lessons that I feel like I'm getting as I'm watching this transit unfold is like, say a few things, but say them well and bide your time because likely this any kinds of tensions that you're feeling in relationships or places where you're trying to reach agreement, but you're just pushing too hard, naturally will take care of themselves. Probably by the end of this weekend, or a larger life lesson is just to say some things just take time to solve themselves. It's sort of like, you know, like, if I just distant like, I'm thinking of course about parenting stuff all the time. And if I just walk out of the room, and take a few minutes to breathe, and then go back in, I've noticed that my whole perception of the problem my kid's whole perception of the problem is instantly different. And so you know, we have a fixed earth sign with Venus going through conjunction with Uranus and square to Saturn there's a lot of you know the need for freedom the need for a breakthrough originality creativity, Venus is like on fire right now just you know really strong and and making demands about about freedom, but also looking for peace at the same time, which can be a little contradictory. And then Saturn's in there and kind of could be kind of uncompromising or hard. Okay, well, if that's the case, you know, it's probably not a good time to try to insist that things get done in just one way. It's almost like the the compromise will present itself in our lives if we just sit back a little bit. Like I'm just telling myself like, by Sunday, I'll be fine. You know, because, and I'm talking right now about for example, like trying to negotiate we're moving into our new house right, trying to negotiate And setup contractors to come in and do certain things paint here, patch up something there, you know, electrical thing, a few things that need to be done all that kind of stuff. And I find that if I'm just like pushing, pushing, pushing that, yeah, agreement might be found but by the you know, in the meantime, like everyone that's in my like life car with me they're all they all they all look like doc from Back to the Future their hairs just been electrocuted by the intensity and I'm like, isn't it wonderful? It's all happening. They're all like, they're they're all just like fragged out because, you know, I'm like I'm trying to get things done but throttling so hard. So you can be you have to be very careful of that with Venus and Uranus where the desire for for for peace and be anything that Venus wants that's like beautiful or desirable, is potentially a little bit more white knuckled than it may appear. Or you may unconsciously be seized by a desire that's way more intense than you realise. And the point is that by Sunday, Venus and Mercury coming together, having gone through the square to Saturn, the conjunction with Uranus, if we've waited will probably present us with some really novel solutions and a much more peaceful and kind of methodical way of getting things done. And trust, that time does its own work. That's that's what I'm getting from this because the Uranus dynamic wants to go really quickly, the Saturn dynamic wants to pull back and be more conservative. But by that by literally by this weekend, whereas everything may feel really frenetic with those planets today, tomorrow. By Sunday, Venus and Mercury come together and they've gone through that that whole gauntlet, which we'll go through again next week.
So with the sun, so at any rate, let me just show you that really quick. Before we end for today, I just wanted everyone to know, that mercury could make all of this both a little bit more intense because mercury tends to be like, you know, like a like a busy marketplace or a crowded airport. It's just lots of bustling and you almost need like an air traffic control tower of your own to deal with like mercury, Uranus because it's so exciting. And things happen that are that are so unexpected and sudden and bright. And a lot of epiphany is can be had than Saturn's coming in and could make you really, really rigid about it or inflexible. Or you could meet with some immediate frustrations and trying to execute things. So good to see like, there it is this little lineup, right? They're perfecting by Sunday with Mercury and Venus being like, Ah, okay, agreement. And then next week, you can see the sun is going to go through the exact same thing. Now that's a whole different scenario. But that's what we're going to be looking at next week. So more on that soon. Alright, so I just wanted to do a brief update today about Mercury and Venus and, and Saturn and Uranus going into the weekend. So I hope you guys have a great weekend. Feel free to leave your comments in the chat box. As you're going through your weekend. I'd love to hear your stories and how you see this energy unfold. I develop like a little encyclopaedia in my head by reading the stories that you share in the chat. It's good for all of us if you're an astrologer to hear lots of people putting three dimensional flash on the on the astrological transits, so, okay, hope you guys have a great weekend and we'll see you again on Monday. Bye everyone.
Absolutely loving these short, sharp, to-the-point videos! So helpful for us time-poor folk. Thank you as always!
My May 2 birthday is around the corner and Uranus is going to exactly conjunct my Sun a few days afterwards, BUT is certainly in orb and has been for a while. I had a shocking discovery this past week, when I found an “official” slip of documentation tucked in a book I pulled out of storage about my birth time. It showed BOTH 8:08EST AND 9:08am EDT! As you may remember, I changed my chart back in 2017 to reflect 8:08 am EDT, because I had discovered my birth certificate read 8:08 am. At that time I became a Gemini rising with Uranus ON my ascendant. THIS NEW discovery pushes me back to Cancer Rising. I’m floored and having to take a very deep breath since I’ve so identified with Gemini Rising for the last 5 years!!!