Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today we are going to take a look at a few of the transits that are perfecting in the sky right now, which I think will be of interest to everyone on both the collective level, especially if you're here in the US following the election results that are still coming in, but also really everywhere because the transits taking place right now are very dramatic, and there's going to be about a week full of more dramatic transits to come, which I already previewed in my overview for the month of November, but it's worth refreshing on right now. So my promise to you in advance is that we will be covering both the collective and the personal. My wife was joking, she was saying, while we're watching the election results come in, she was saying that she felt like she needed one of the little thunder jackets that dogs wear because they get scared of the thunder and helps them feel safe. But my wife was like, I need a thunder jacket for watching election results. It's been a nail biter so far. But we'll talk a little bit about how the transits right now can be seen in what's happening with the election because I'm sure that's on a lot of people's minds. But also, we'll take a look at these transits, how they might be affecting you personally. And I have a few personal stories from my own life. To follow up with, I shared with you that my my mother and her partner, both have COVID-19 right now. So I'm going to show you a little bit about how I see the astrology at play in that situation as well, which is really interesting and gives me some hope.
First of all, we had made a somewhat big deal of the fact that mercury right now in late Libra is stationing and turning direct. And as it turns direct, it is also just appearing as the morning star in the sign of balance, of the scales. And of course, it is immediately hitting a square to Saturn in Capricorn. Now the square to Saturn will play out essentially over the next couple of days between now and the weekend. And how do we see that playing out? You know, very obviously, for example, in the political situation, we have great delays in counting up the ballots that were cast in a variety of states that will eventually here determine the results of the election. So you're seeing that classic Mercury's not moving, Mercury's changing directions and Mercury's hitting a square to Saturn who can be who can act as the force of time, patience, perseverance, slowness, blockage, however you want to think about it. Mercury's in the overcoming position, from the sign of the balance. And we also know that in the next week, Venus in the sign of the balance will move into an opposition with Mars in the sign of the ram. So it is very likely that we'll see like contentious legal dynamics, this this will be probably there might be recounts or something like that. Those kinds of things would not be surprising, given that this is the situation in in the sky right now.
One thing that I said and I feel confident in is that with Venus really in the superior position this month over all the planets in Capricorn and Venus will pass through the opposition to Mars will being in the stronger position in her own sign while Mars is slightly debilitated in retrograde and starting to slow down and getting ready to station and turn direct. People have asked me do I see that anyone would end up winning this sort of unfairly? And I don't think so. I think that whatever the results are, in terms of the actual tally of the votes, you know, cosmic justice and fairness, that's another question. But when it comes to the idea of due process and the that there will be a just outcome, that that the votes will end up determining things, in other words, I think is very likely, because you have two planets in the sign of the balance, one that morning star Mercury turning direct and regaining a lot of strength and overcoming Saturn in the next few days. And then Venus, also in the overcoming position to all these planets in Capricorn. So I do think that even if there are some legal challenges, in the next few days with the election, that it's likely that the actual vote tally, will have the final say. So I don't think that due process, justice, fairness, and the actual objective view of the voters will be the thing that determines the outcome. The reason that I say that is just that, regardless of what the outcome is, the presence of the planets in Libra right now, square to those in Capricorn. And the opposition from Venus to Mars suggests that there will be some contention around all of this. But with Venus and Mercury being in that superior position in the sign of the balance, I would think that the fair or just outcome will prevail in terms of again, the the objective count of the vote. So that's just my take. That's my two second hot take on what's happening.
Right now, it's not surprising that we see the slowness. And not only is that you know, something that happens every election cycle, and it's really close. And so, you know, the Mercury Saturn square really captures the mood of the moment, which is like everyone wants an answer. I heard someone last night say that, you know, this isn't a TV show, where you just get to watch the final episode and then go to bed. It's gonna take a while to process everything. And I was like, that is such a Mercury Saturn statement, you know. So at any rate, the other thing that's interesting about Mercury, turning directions very slowly, and moving forward., already, one way that you can notice that is in terms of in terms of the fact that we have, we did have a turn in the way that the voting came in here in the United States. For example, in a number of states, where it showed Donald Trump with a good lead, that the way that the counting came in, if I'm remembering this correctly, with different kinds of mail in ballots and things like that, a lot of them a lot more of which were cast because of the coronavirus this year, they flipped. So when I woke up this morning, I looked and said Oh, look, wow, Wisconsin and Michigan are now in Biden's favour. So that that slow turn of momentum which could happen in a few other states, they're saying maybe not. But that idea that there's there's a slowness, and that's something that starts off looking one way, will turn around the other way and possibly overcome obstacles or through perseverance, overcome something. That's the look and feel of this right now. Which, you know, certainly how a lot of people are feeling so just that, that there's this kind of theme of having to persevere. And that something that looks one way maybe turning around at the momentum can shift slowly and, you know, you have to persevere through that, sweat that out.
Mercury will pass through the square to Saturn in the next two to three days. So I would guess that that's kind of our timeline. And when that happens, and probably a lot enough of the decisive results are in what's really interesting is that, then we get right into the big punch of the month, which is right around the ninth, we're going to see simultaneously between the ninth and the 12th. You can see that just as Mercury overcomes Saturn at 28 past 26. This is by next Monday. Probably at this point, that decision will be theoretically made. On some level, there'll be a projection I would guess, probably maybe even earlier by like Friday or something like that. But isn't it interesting that then you see the contesting going on between Venus and Mars right Sunday into Monday. And at the same time, just within a few days, you see Jupiter and Pluto. This big moment of catharsis, this big transformative moment. And that moment is a little dark. It has has to do with power corruption, scandal, abuse of power. Jupiter Pluto exposes things that are broken or corrupt. Jupiter is often a planet that brings this feeling of, especially when it's with Pluto in its fall of starting to resurrect from from something or even if that just means in a sense we're starting to feel like we're rising from the ashes a little bit of the entire experience emotionally. That's the positive of a Jupiter Pluto conjunction when Jupiter's in its fall and is now on the runway to leaving its fall, and will conjoin with Saturn in the new sign of Aquarius by the winter solstice. So this is the turning point that we were forecasting in November's overview, and now we're in it. If you're in the US, of course, a lot of this is centred around the political reality of the moment, but it's bigger than that for a lot of people. Obviously, it feels deeply existential.
The other thing that I find really interesting is that if you go through this just a little bit and drag it out through the, say, the end of next week, we're also going to start getting Venus, moving through the overcoming squares to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. And so there's a potential that this drags on for a while until even Venus overcomes those planets, which would signal another turnaround. By November 14, there's a new Moon in Scorpio, and at the same time, you're seeing Mars turned direct, there's another turning point when another planet is turning direct from its retrograde ation. So, you know, even if you stretch it out to the next 10 days, there's a lot of astrology to come. It's really quite amazing.
Now, let's come off from the political side of things here in the US, I have people who watch this, obviously from all over the world. And I want to talk a little bit about what you could expect from Mercury and Saturn right now and why this might be a really good thing for you. And I'll tell you a story. So for one thing, when Mercury makes this turn, right, and it's really regaining its strength after retrogradation, it's now moving forward again. When a planet moves forward in its own path, it says though, if things have been undergoing some kind of slow change, then there's a momentum shift and the planet starts to pick up its strength. The station direct is a very powerful moment of a turnaround, which is happening right now. And Mercury is squaring Saturn, which could suggest that as you're turning around, you're immediately met with some resistance or difficulty, but you have to persevere and work through it. Okay, so let me give you a story about this.
My sister is almost due with a baby, right? This is last night, and she's scheduled for induction right in a about a week from now. Or 10 days from now or something like that. So last night, she calls us and she's just asking for some advice from my wife for herbal recommendations because she's really uncomfortable. She's like, I'm done being pregnant. And my wife gets off the phone with her and maybe within an hour my mom calls and says that my sister was in a car accident and is in the emergency room. Apparently, while driving her and her partner, you know, they're driving or whatever to the store and they hit a deer. So they're in the ER, and my mom says that my sister's okay, but they're monitoring the baby. And they were maybe a little worried about the baby and I went oh my god like 2020, come on. Come on 2020 but you know, I had this sense of trust because I was looking at this and going well, that's very Mercury stationing and a square to Saturn, an accident. an automobile accident particular with Mercury, right. Last night they ended up keeping her in the emergency room and then taking her in for a C section. really dramatic stuff. I mean this you can't make this up, right? Really dramatic stuff. Took her in for a C section and I'm an uncle this morning. So by this morning, you know, I woke up to this moment where, you know, there's a very Mercury Saturn like moment in my own life. To give you a picture that Saturn is exactly conjoined with my sister's Moon in Capricorn. I won't share the details of her chart more than that, and Pluto is very close to her Moon as well. So she's got Pluto Saturn, right on her Moon. And that Mercury stationing squares her Moon and Saturn right on the Moon. And so and so Isn't that incredible? I mean, first of all, that's just remarkable how spot on the astrology is. And yet, it's a very, it was a very good omen for her that that mercury was turning direct and in that overcoming square with Saturn, so they have this accident, she goes into the hospital, she's okay, they're worried about the baby, they end up deciding to you know, have a C section. Babies here. I don't know exactly what they saw that concerned them to say we had to do this now, but that's what they did. So, I have a little nephew. So this is, yeah, it's really, really exciting. And I'm also really excited because my this is like, just really nerdy, but my sister's partner and his family are Indian. And so, you know, it's just really fun to see that they are surrounding this baby already with pujas and prayers and incense and all the things that are really dear to me. And it's so cool to be able to just have a little connection to Indian religious devotional sentiment, like literally in my family now. So it's just it was just like, such a beautiful morning. Such a really beautiful morning. So his name is Kian so welcome Kian to the world. In the meantime, my mom and her partner, both have COVID and my Mom's symptoms are not getting worse, and they're not nearly as bad as her partner, Jeff, who I mentioned last you guys to send some prayers up for I really am thankful for that. And Jeff's in the ICU on oxygen. And it's a he's not doing well. It's not getting worse, but he's in the ICU on oxygen. And, you know, it's just, it's just relentlessly difficult. So yeah, what can I say, stay safe out there.
But the point of sharing this story was that I'm really, really encouraged by what I've seen in some of those charts. Some of what I've seen in those charts also suggests the potential for a turnaround that is synced up with Mercury overcoming Saturn in the next few days. So this theme right now of persevering through limitations or difficulties or obstacles or, you know, obstruction, I think it can be something that really lifts us up. And the next 10 days are going to have a few more curveballs just so that everybody knows that personally with Jupiter conjoining Pluto, that's a very big moment of catharsis, I think it's going to be regenerative because this is the tail end of Jupiter Pluto and I think that there's going to be a theme of feeling like we're really letting go of some weight, but it may not be entirely easy and we may have to purge a little poison along the way. And also the Venus Mars opposition, you know in the next week or so don't lose your head. over it don't cherish peace and harmony in your relationships, there's going to be the opportunity to duke it out with people.
I think one of the things as someone who's obviously hoping for Joe Biden to win. And as the election results came in last night, I was watching. And I realised that it's it's a very split country right now in the United States. And for me, obviously, because of how I feel that's like, really disturbing, but I have family members who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum from myself. And one of the things that's been useful for me is to take a few minutes, even though I can allow myself to feel other feelings to of disgust or anger or frustration, or whatever I need to feel, it's been important for me to also take a moment to just recognise that I can think of at least 10 people, I can count 10 people on my hands that I love very, very deeply, who I I wouldn't be who I am without them in my life, who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum from myself, and that I I have to resist the temptation of self righteousness in victory or defeat. For what I see as the good, the good fight what I see as the, you know, the outcome that I think is the good, the righteous one,. I may think that there's a righteous side to things but becoming self righteous in victory or defeat, is a trap. And it's one that takes me out of my heart and out of my love for people, and out of my love for, you know, what I do with my life, you know, so that's, that's kind of where I'm at right now. And anyway, but I do think that the message that I wanted to share about today's astrology, is that if you are meeting with that feeling of something being frustrating or slow or being blocking or limiting, don't try to meet the slowness, or the difficulty or the what block of the Mercury Saturn square right now. Don't don't meet that block with a rigid attitude. Or don't, don't meet that blockage with white knuckles. Because in a moment like this, regardless of what the outcome is, if we are patient in our lives, with whatever's happening, and I'm not talking about the political world, right now, I'm just talking about what might be going on with you personally. If you're patient, and surrender the results, there's a way in which you really really level up and kind of build spiritual muscle, those are weird images of levelling up and building muscle, sorry, I'm like a eight year old playing Mario Brothers or something. But there's this way in which during trying times, and testing times, if you pass because you're patient, and kind and accepting and loving and trusting and you don't meet the heart hardness of the moment with hardness of heart, you grow exponentially. You take from moments like this spiritual, psychological and emotional growth that is so exponentially valuable compared to the small amount of time during which you're being asked to to demonstrate patience and character. So that's, that's what I'm feeling. I had to do that last night with my sister, I had to give it up. And now there's a little baby this morning. So, um, yeah, I'm just feeling really thankful today, you know. Life is really precious. And I have I have hoped that my mom's partner is going to be on the mend soon, hopefully. But in the meantime, I'm just gonna take this as a moment to practice what I preach and try to you know, really stay seated in a place of trust and surrender. So, I share these personal stories because when the most intense astrology hits any in 10 years of doing this, I have found that it's more important to share stories from the heart with one another than, than anything else. So I'd love to hear from you guys as well what's going on in your lives? How are you noticing some of these very powerful tansits playing out. Thanks for all of your prayers continue to pray for my mom and her partner. Little Kian is healthy and well so we're really grateful for him. And I'm an uncle. It's really cool.
So in the meantime, my new class Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic starts on November 14, there's still room in my class, if you want to sign up, there's early bird payment up until a week from this Saturday. There is payment plans and there is need based tuition if you are hurting for any reason, especially because you're you're out of work because of COVID or something like that. And there's a list of other qualifying factors that you might find beneficial. So, um, thank you. Also by the way, one more thing I wanted to mention, if you're somewhere else in the world where everything is so, you know, in the vacuum of the election right now, I would love to hear from people from other parts of the world and how you're seeing these transits manifest in your own country. In other parts of the world. It would be nice to hear some news from other worldly neighbours too. All right. Take care everyone. Bye.
Congratulations on the new baby. Hope the new mom is doing well too. Sending prayers up to your mom’s partner. All the best !