Today we are going to take a look at Mercury's Cazimi. Mercury will move through the heart of the sun over the weekend, which means the two will be conjoined, and there is a kind of a special status given to this type of conjunction. In ancient astrology, when a planet meets the same degree as the sun, it's considered to be in the heart of the sun. It's an empowered, strong position for that planet.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today we are going to take a look at Mercury's Cazimi. Mercury is going to move through the heart of the Sun over the weekend, which means that the two will be conjoined, and there was a kind of a special status given to this type of conjunction in ancient astrology when any planet in the Sun come together on the exact same degree planet was said to be at the heart of the Sun, and its greatly empowered strong position for that planets as though the planet is getting infused with the energy of the Sun. All this is happening as both the Sun and Mercury are in a close sextile with recently entered Jupiter into Aries.
So it's a very powerful combination. We started looking at this combination yesterday by talking about Mercury Retrograde in Gemini making a sextile to Jupiter in Aries. So you could get a little bit more if you also listen to yesterday's talk and sort of pair it with this one. We're going to continue elaborating upon this theme by also looking at Mercury's Cazimi or Mercury being at the heart of the Sun over the weekend. Hopefully, that gives you some things to prepare for. There are ten things to watch for that I have on the list today. So that is our agenda.
So today, we are going to look at a Mercury Cazimi. Now, this is happening on May 21st. Mercury will move through the heart of the Sun as both the Sun and Mercury are hitting sextiles with Jupiter, and Mercury has already passed through the sextile. The Sun is now applying to the sextile. And it's happening very closely to the Mercury Cazimi event. So it's a pretty powerful transit in that regard. Let me pull up the real-time clock and give you a look at it so you can see what it looks like. Here we go. So you can see on the screen here is Mercury and the Sun coming together. Let me get my little drawing tool out.
Here's Mercury in the Sun coming together. Now watch what happens if we speed this up just a little bit. Excuse me. We're moving this now to Saturday, May 21st, even though we're looking at this on Friday, and you'll see that Mercury and the Sun are now conjoined in Gemini. When Mercury's moving across that same degree as the Sun, ancient astrologers said that it was at the heart. And it's talked about like being seated on the throne of the King are being given like the seal of the King, like an ambassador who speaks on behalf of the King or who's infused with the power of the King, the King being you know, just generic image of the Sun, the Sun as the source of life, the Sun as a planet that it imbues us with a sense of nobility, our sense of what is ideal, what are our ambitions, and the course of action that our life takes, all was said to be related to the Sun in ancient astrology. So it's this very powerful life-giving authoritative planet that conjures up ideal images that motivate us to take certain courses of action in our life based on what we want or hope for, desire, that we sort of Guild and gold. So this Mercury at the heart of the Sun is very powerful because it's as though the messenger Mercury is being infused with the power of that solar light. Mercury is in its home sign of Gemini right now. This means that it's also it's a bit like having, you know, your boss visit your house. And you know, there's a sense of hosting someone who has a lot of power or authority; maybe you look up to them as a mentor or something like that. And rather than feeling overwhelmed, there's probably even maybe like, oh, I'm overwhelmed, my boss is in my house or something like that. There's even more of a sense of empowerment that comes with this because Mercury's in its own home sign. In fact, in ancient astrology, the planet was in its own home sign and was moving through a conjunction with the Sun; it was said to be protected from the combustion status that occurs prior to and directly after that Kazemi moment. And it was said to be in its own chariot. So Mercury is not only being empowered by this moment, but it's also has been and continues to be in a very comfortable position by virtue of being, and it's one of its own signs. All of this, in addition to the sextile to Jupiter in Aries, makes for a very positive, strong, harmonious connection right now between Mercury and Jupiter, the Sun and Jupiter, and Mercury and the Sun itself. So I made a list today of 10 things that we can watch for, given all that's going on with this astrologically.
So these are no real order, you know, not like an order of importance or strength in terms of the symbolism. These are just ten things that I think you may notice over, especially over the weekend, for the next, I would say, you know, the 21st and 22nd especially, but let's just try to stretch it out to be Friday, May 20, 21st Saturday, May 22nd, Sunday as the most likely times when these themes would manifest. And don't mistake the quickness of this transit for it being irrelevant or less important. Because remember, our next New Moon is in Gemini. And it is happening right on the heels of Mars conjoining Jupiter around the same degree point about the third degree of Aries. So there's a kind of a real sense of the conflagration of these energies driving us toward the next moon cycle where there's a lot of momentum and especially that kind of Cardinal Aries Mars Jupiter energy is really forceful toward the end of the cycle. And this is, in a sense, foreshadowing where things are going toward the end of this moon cycle into the next one. So it's a big deal to really watch for these themes, not just being flashes in the pan but potentially toning something about the way things are Gonna go into June here.
All right, well, the first thing that I have on my list, and I like having like the news style form at the bottom. The first one is an announcement. Okay, so Mercury at the heart of the Sun will often coincide, especially with Jupiter, which is like a trumpet blasting it out with the sextile of Jupiter, probably a positive announcement. But some kind of announcement, this is what I'm doing. This is where I've been; this is the truth, this is, this is the plan, it's kind of a proclamation. So watch for some kind of important proclamation or announcement or something like that, maybe you're making it, and maybe you're receiving it.
Very similarly, number two would be the receiving or sending of an important message. Now, that does not necessarily mean that it's a big public. And when I think of an announcement, I think of something that's more public; it has more of; I'm announcing this to others in general. On the other hand, you could receive an offer; you could get an email; you could receive news back on a job interview. And it's not necessarily that sense of like announcing something publicly to a group of people, but it still has the quality of an important piece of news or information or communication that somehow coming to you. I would also say it's possible that you decide to send such a piece of news or information. So announcements or the receiving or sending of important messages would be my first two.
Number three is the topic of mental health. Now I say this because I never in a million years would have thought that Mercury, you know, Cazimi could result in something that would be, like tragic around mental health. But I'm trying to think how it was two years ago; it was two, I think it was. It was the very end of 2020. Going into 2021. There was a new guy, a lot of you guys saw this; there was a young man who was following my YouTube channel and was apparently a big fan. And he became really sort of apparent paranoid and sort of obsessive about my channel and my content, and then sort of privately messaging me through Facebook, and telling me that, you know, he was Jesus, and that he had all these special messages from God, that I needed, as his newest disciple recruit, to go and like, transmit and like, tell everybody, and, you know, I, you know, I kind of tried to speak reasonably and supportively and kindly as I could, he ended up taking his life. He was; apparently, he had; he was struggling with bipolar disorder if that's what it's called. I don't know if it's; that's what it's still called it. But that's what I ended up kind of knowing some people, mutual friends on Facebook, who, you know, basically told me, This is what was going on. And all of that was while he so he was having, like a, like, decompensation, I guess, and, and it's really unfortunate, and he ended up taking his own life. And that all happened within the span of about a day while Mercury was Cazimi. So what I took away from that was also that, you know, when Mercury gets to the heart of the Sun, that sense of the empowered messenger can actually also bring up questions about mental health and mental stability. It's like when Mercury's right at the heart of the Sun, sometimes there's a sense of like, great clarity, but I've noticed now, especially since that happened, I noticed that I have noticed that Mercury at the heart of the Sun can also be it's a little like a Uranus transit, where it can just be a little erratic and unstable. It's like there's a lot of juice flowing through the wire, and you can get a little frayed, or like burnt or something.
Now, I would say it tends to be also connected to the next one, which is revelation. Like, honestly, this is just one of the weirdest astrological signatures that you could have Mercury at the heart of the Sun and receive like a very clear and lucid sense of understanding, revelation to disclose, you know, to reveal something that's been hidden or unseen. And to revelation like as in to reveal. And it's amazing how consistently Mercury at the heart of the Sun will reveal something, something that's been hidden, you'll suddenly understand, or they'll be this moment of great illumination or clarity. But that revelation can also be sort of destabilizing, and it can feed into a couple of other things. For example, especially with the sextile to Jupiter, you can find that you have this increased mental or verbal confidence, which is pretty cool.
But then, number six, you can also see that it can tilt into almost like delusions of grandeur. It's like, as let's say your boss is gone for the day, and it's like you're like one of the upper management or something, and they're like, Okay, you're in charge of the place for the day. Okay, you know, by noon, you know, you think you're, you know, you're Emperor Nero, you know, You've completely lost the plot by noon, and power has gone to your head right away. So there's it's an empowering moment, but I've noticed that it can be we can tilt off-center somehow because of how much power there is it's, you can it can be like almost like a little manic. Anyway, just things to watch for.
Number seven is clarifying a plan or vision. We talked about this yesterday; it's the same kind of thing. Mercury's connected with Jupiter, while at the heart of the Sun, there is a very harmonious connection to Jupiter. So suddenly, there's this, Ah, here's that, here's the plan. Here's the vision. Here's the ideal thing that I now understand a little bit of a revelation. But a clarification of some things you've been thinking about how to do it, how to figure it out, and suddenly Oh, now I know connected to Jupiter in Aries. There's this sense of like, Alright, let's do it. Let's put it into action right away.
Very closely connected to number eight, a noble ideal, the Sun tends to give us that sense of what is noble, virtuous, true, and good. Or it will just, you know, it'll glitter bomb something that we want and make us feel like, Isn't that the most attractive, beautiful thing that anyone could desire in your life, or you want to, you want to collect old video games and make an arcade in your basement. That's That's it. But it doesn't mean it doesn't matter. It's like whatever it is, whatever your thing is that you're captured by that's glittering like gold that you go off to follow, that's often the Sun. So the Sun will with Mercury at the heart of the Sun, it'll be like this mental, almost like being possessed by this beautiful sense of something that you want, or that's real or true or whatever. It doesn't necessarily mean it's real or true. But it'll present itself as noble and real and beautiful and true, need to be a little bit discerning. But it can also genuinely give you a sense of a clear, very clear, like we said earlier, like an important message that you're receiving, a clear plan or vision. But this may also be clarifying what is noble or good or true or beautiful somehow.
Number nine would be the power to speak on behalf of someone or something more powerful. So there's that idea of being in charge when your boss is gone, or, you know, somehow temporarily be being given the power to speak on behalf of something greater. Now, remember, for this young man, he believed that he was the reincarnation of Jesus, and then I was his disciple, and I should speak on behalf of him. It was a very weird Mercury Cazimi moment, right? So I'm not saying that every instance of this is healthy or good. It's just these are just themes to watch for archetypically that Mercury at the heart of the Sun is like that the messenger you know, just glowing with gold holding a very important scroll. But you know, God only knows if it's the is it the circus inside of that scroll? Or is it, you know, is it the Word of God? It's hard to; it's maybe hard to? Hard to tell?
All right, well, number 10 would be again; we mentioned this yesterday, solutions to problems, and quick implementation of ideas. So it's got that sense of lightbulb moments, epiphanies, lightning strikes, clarity, and then act very quickly with Jupiter in Aries as well. Now, this is all it; none of this may happen right away. The caveat here, though, I guess the qualifying remark is that we have Jupiter and Mars getting together at the end of this moon cycle and then a New Moon in Gemini right as Mercury is turning direct. So could we see whatever's coming up through this Mercury Cazimi and the connections with Jupiter? Could it be, you know, that all this is happening, sort of planting the seeds for a shift that's coming more like, you know, the very end of May or beginning of June? It's not too far from now. But it's like maybe a little less than two weeks away. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of what's happening is starting to turn the wheels in the direction of where the next new moon cycle will be taking us.
Anyway, that's what I've got for today. I hope that this was helpful and gives you some good things to think about. So thank you, everybody. I hope you guys have a great weekend. Looking forward to lots more astrology next week. And until then, we'll see you later. Bye.
Thank you 🙏♥️
I’m looking forward to this Cazimi. As a Gem Rising, Mercury is important to me. And this cazimi comes at a time when I am determined to see someone about changing my medications for ADHD to what usually works, instead of what is the safest. I have that talk this week. I am also finalizing a complete change in plan for my independent creative work that I had planned out before (thank you, Merc Retrograde, for helping me re-think) so I’m really hoping that this Cazimi, this time of the Sun in Gemini, the New Moon here, and eventually, Mercury coming back into Gemini —is about me transforming my identity, my creative work, and be re-introduced to others and to myself as the person I wanted to be.
What is #5? I don’t see it.