Today I'll be sharing part one of a series looking at Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. I hope you guys had a nice weekend. Today we are going to start off our week by talking about Mercury's upcoming opposition to Neptune. Mercury is currently in its own domicile and exalted in the sign of virgo. And it is about to make an opposition to Neptune this week. So let's go ahead and take a look at the real time clock. And I'll put it up where you can see we just had the full moon hope you guys had a happy Full Moon weekend. The second full moon in Aquarius, by the way. Um, so here you can see Mercury in Virgo moving into the opposition with Neptune. This is Monday, August 23. And we're going to move through the opposition between now and Wednesday, August 25. If we give it a three degree range of separation, there'll be still feeling the effects of this all the way by Friday, August 27, Thursday, August 26, somewhere by the end of the week. So right after that happens, then Neptune starts receiving the the the opposition from Mars. So then Mars is going to come into the opposition with Neptune. And that will surface by September 1 into September 2. So it's a little further off yet. But if you want to go even further down the line a little bit further down the line, then we'll see the sun go through the opposition to Neptune by September 13. So a number of oppositions across the Virgo and Pisces axis that we'll be talking about in say the month ahead. So for today, what I want to do is just preview Mercury, opposite Neptune, I'm going to break this into two parts, because it's a pretty big aspect. And there's going to be a number of different ways that we can talk about and understand this. So we're going to talk a little bit about it today, a little bit more tomorrow. I really good I Ching meditation on this aspects for tomorrow. But I didn't want to do it with today because it would be too long when I was looking at how much there is to say from this really amazing eaching meditation, it's like we're just gonna start today with the archetypal qualities and the sort of what to watch for themes of the mercury, Neptune opposition tomorrow, we'll go into a part two. And this will sort of set us up in general for a way of thinking about all of the opposition's that are coming to Neptune in the month ahead. So a little bit deeper meditation on tomorrow. Today, let's go through the archetypes of mercury Neptune and give you a sense of what to watch for this week. And this should also give us some sense of what to watch for really with all of them in so far as Neptune is involved. Each one I will break down specifically as well. Mars is going to be a little bit different than Mercury, which will be a little bit different than the Sun.
If you think about Mercury as a God of communication, as a God who can fluidly travel between boundaries, it was a guy that was associated with travel itself with highways, as well as with busy marketplaces, places where there are transactions, or transferences of information or ideas or communication or thought, or even any kind of back and forth that might be done in play, as in, like grappling in the ancient world like wrestling or you know, court games. You've probably heard me say that before, but this is this is mercury so mercury can tie us up in knots. And that those knots may have something to do with solving a problem or taking something taking apart, maybe some kind of idea in our heads or presenting us with a puzzle. Mercury is like a riddler, who's also helping us evolve and grow sort of like the trickster guide, Mercury was the psychopomp the guide of the soul, Mercury can fluidly change between masculine and feminine, nocturnal and diurnal daytime versus nighttime planets and so forth. So Mercury is already a God of liminal spaces.
But then when you put Neptune in, it gets really interesting because Neptune as an archetype, by the way. The traditional seven planets. Most people think that the outer planets are brand new that, you know, they are saying things that have never been said before something is not true. A lot of the times you're going to find that in the ancient system, there are different combinations of planets are different aspects of planets that will carry some dimension of what we now attribute only to an outer planet. That's something we cover in my courses, but at any rate, when other things that Neptune carries is this sense of going beyond time going beyond space going beyond boundaries it Neptune is sort of transcendental imaginative oceanic, it tends to prefer dissolving or blending things together into underlying unity. Neptune is a planet that is always inspiring us with some kind of longing imaginal longing fantasy, a sense of spiritual or romantic longing. And there's usually a couple of ways that things go with Neptune in my practice anyway, over the years, this is what I've seen. When the Neptune transit comes about, say it's making a hard aspect in your birth chart, like Neptune is opposing mercury in your birth chart, or Neptune is squaring Venus in your birth chart or something like that, there's typically going to be two directions that it goes in.
One is going to fill you with an incredible sense of longing for something more something other something different than the status quo. And it's like a siren song, you have to be really careful because it's not always going to be real. You may for example, Neptune may oppose Venus, you may fall in love with someone because they represent something that's otherworldly and fantastic and like most miraculous dream come true type of circumstance. Okay, so but it's, it's a kind of mirage, and everybody knows that. But probably everybody listening knows this about Neptune by now. You have to be very careful because that longing, that fantasy that hope that wish, may not end up being as real or as satisfying as we think it will be. On the other hand, there's another typical Neptunian response that that happens during are like a Neptunian event that happens during a Neptune transit. And that's that people will also become not necessarily that they have a dream or a wish, or a hope, or a yearning, specifically some specific dream or fantasy that they become, you know, kind of almost drunk with. But on the other hand, they'll become completely disillusioned by something that previously played the role, you know, was the dream or was the fantasy.
Imagine for example, Neptune opposite Venus, I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who say, it's like, I'm completely disillusioned with my relationship. It used to be that I was completely infatuated with this person, I was completely in love, I was you know, and now I'm just seeing through it, it's hollow, it's empty, you know, so the extreme feeling of my job, my life, my health, my body, my spouse, my whatever, no longer has an sparkle to it, or there's some way in which it's completely disappointing, or we feel completely bored. Or we feel as though that it's there, it's not glittering with anything transcendental, it's complete, it's completely dead. So Neptune can come in, and suddenly make us feel as though something is, like shiny, beautiful, alluring, like a beautiful Paradise Island. On the other hand, it can make us feel like something is as dead dry hollow, as you know, a dead piece of wood or an old rock or something, you know.
So those extremes tend to come out with Neptune. That's the point, we're going to be talking about this over and over again in the month ahead. Because again, today is not just about Mercury, it's Mercury is opposing Neptune, but then Mars will oppose Neptune and the sun will oppose Neptune. And they'll all do so between now and say, mid September. So when mercury opposes Neptune in particular, here are some of the things that can come up. One will be extreme images of the sensual and decisions, being informed by things that are sexual or romantic, versus those things that are rational. Similarly, you can hear someone saying, just have trust or faith that something will work out and someone else saying, Well, why don't we just be really careful about planning everything? Well, just go for it, you know, just let go of your head. And then you can hear, you know, the mercury side of things saying like, well, but can't you know, can't you like have the dream and be thoughtful and careful and isn't a dose of reason, okay? You know, so you can, those kinds of things.
Also, if there's any sense of like, making having to make a decision and weighing things out between you know, Something like purely based on caution and and potential for Worst case outcomes and care and concern and anxiety about future outcomes versus hope and faith and trust in wishing and dreaming and longing for something those may come into real tension with one another this week. This Mercury opposite Neptune can also show up as things like exotic travel: Mercury, the God of travel, Neptune can bring mercury to like exotic destinations. For example, this week we're having to plan my when my you know, daughter's on spring break next year. You know, we're taking a trip to celebrate my mom's retirement, we're trying to plan some kind of fun travel. So it you know, it's like and then having to work out all the details and like, everyone's different expectations and hopes for what the experience will be like. So this is very mercury Neptune a super basic way. It doesn't have to mess you up. In other words, it doesn't have to mess anyone up. But you can feel we're going to be able to feel the tensions between these energies. It can show up in terms of blurry communication or unclear boundaries.
This is the funny one. Okay, so my daughter and I, my oldest daughter, Gigi, and I, I've gotten her into the classic Zelda video game. I don't know if you guys ever have played that before. So we've been bonding over Zelda. At any rate, my daughter's laying in bed, and she's trying to fall asleep and she calls out to me. Okay, go in there. Like what's wrong? What's wrong? Because she's definitely sounds distressed. And she's like, I think something's wrong with my brain. And I go what, sweetie, like, what's, you know, what's the problem? And she goes, Well, I'm trying to sleep. But I just keep hearing the Zelda music in my head and the little coins going ding ding. She was like we're not playing Zelda, but it's playing in my head. And I was like, Oh, sweetie, like, we need to take a break. We're gonna take a break from Zelda. And she was so she was like, Yeah, yeah, I need to take a break from Zelda. I was like, Okay, I felt like such a bad parent, you know? So anyway, so. So we had to talk to I had to, but I had to explain to my daughter about the way that the mind works and the way that it takes in impressions and can recall them. And she was like, but I don't have control over it. And I was like, isn't that amazing? You know, it's like, we don't have control over our minds. And I was like, Yeah, and that's why daddy does yoga every morning, because I don't have control over my mind, either. Sometimes I hear crazy things in my head, too, like the Zelda video game, you know, and different thoughts and stuff. And in learning to be able to observe them and let them go and not get too worried about them. So ended up being this really great moment for me to tell her something. And this was last night. Wait, it's Monday, Saturday night. So this was as Mercury is applying to the opposition to Neptune either way, and I kept thinking about it afterward. I was like, Wow, that was so Mercury, Neptune. She has this bizarre sound. She doesn't know where it is. She thinks she thinks she's like in the Zelda video game. She's, you know, poor thing. And then I like it. You know, I explained to her, you know, everything that happened.
Here's another thing that happened that you guys might find interesting. This was over the weekend to will, the babysitter was here. You know, we typically, we offer our food on our altar, right? So we have like a little altar, we offer our food. And I said, she asked babysitter, aren't you going to offer our food? And you know, the babysitter was like, Oh, you know, that's not something that I do. That sounds like something you and your parents do. You know, she didn't know really what it was or whatever. So I thought that was really, you know, sweet that my daughter was like, but we can go offer it or whatever. And then the baby's just like, Well, I'm not sure how to do it. I was kind of overhearing this from the other room that came in and I was like, Oh, sweet was like, you know, we'll offer the food later. You know, don't don't worry about it, or I said, I think I said, I'll offer my lunch or something like that. So my daughter looks at me and she goes, you know, some people don't know Krishna, some people don't know about Krishna. And I was like, she says, like, right in front of the babysitter, and I was like, Well, I was like, Yeah, that's true. But you know, there's lots of different ways that people have of talking about spirituality or God. Our babysitter's a Christian. And so this was like a moment for me to also introduce, I mean, it's been introduced before but sort of introduced in a live setting like interfaith diversity. And it was a very Mercury Neptune moment for me because it was Something that I had to navigate, you know, in the presence of a person of a different faith with my daughter who's not at all trying to be rude, but being like, she doesn't know Krishna, what's up, you know, like Krishna is like at the centre of our house or whatever. So, you know, that was just like that was a really interesting moment. And Mercury's opposite Neptune. So that was another one over the weekend, I thought you guys might like to hear about.
The central versus the rational trust and faith versus careful planning, be careful about gossip and deception, blurry communication, tricky. spaces are conversations to navigate about the nature of mind, truth, reality, secret or hidden things, anything that we might use, or try to use as a way of as a means of escape, whether it's healthy or not, stuff to be aware of. When I was younger, there was a good Mercury Neptune story I wanted to share. I was dating someone, and we've been together for quite a while, and their grandfather was in the process of passing. So it's like a hospice care situation. And in the room where he was passing, I observed a not entirely... well, let's just put it this way. There were people in the room who almost like assumed that because he was in the midst of passing that he was already gone, or that he couldn't hear us or wasn't aware of what was going on in the room. And at that point, in my life, I was smoking some pot here and there. And I had become a lot more sensitive and open in some ways, not in such a good way. But one of the things that being more sensitive made me aware of, and having some paranoia during, you know, smoking pot, like having some paranoia. And one of the things that like sort of tripped me out was that I was sitting there being like he's probably more aware, and more open, and more sort of psychically receptive to what's going on in this room right now, as he's dying, then everyone thinks that he is. And so it should be like quiet in here, there should be like, gentle music playing people shouldn't be talking about him while he's dying. People shouldn't be talking, you know what I mean? Like, the The atmosphere is so much more porous than people thought that it was. And there was nobody was saying and doing anything rude. I actually have been present at another death where, you know, people were letting their mourning and some, even some resentments about nurses and doctors and things like that, like completely take over the process of someone dying. So I've actually seen that a couple of times in my life, where something about the environment around someone passing wasn't quite consider it enough for taking that into account.
This is a little bit like Neptune Mercury, because actually, at one of those, it literally was a Mercury Neptune dynamic. But at any rate, you can almost think about, you can almost think about this deathbed story, in terms of Mercury Neptune, imagine that in the week ahead, every environment and every place that you're in is a little bit more sensitive and aware than you think it is. So you want to be careful about what you say what you think things are, it's almost like a, you know, sort of like imagine this week that everyone can hear things that are a little subtler, and that the mood and the mental environment that you're in will affect the environment that you walk into the environment will have an effect on your your mental state more than you think it will. Just something to keep in mind and the importance of sensitivity in terms of our words and thoughts. And how little things could also trigger us a little bit more Mercury, Neptune can almost be like a hyper allergic response to small things.
Finally, a think that what we're going to talk about tomorrow, in part is the importance of fantasy, and imagination and the role that these the you know, sometimes people say fantasy or imagination and they think they just think of something in contrast to like reality or like concrete material things. imagined versus concrete or something like that. We'll talk a little bit more about imagination as a dimension of the soul tomorrow, and also the role and importance, the importance of fantasy in the life of the soul. Like what is the use of of fantasy, it's not just well, there's just these different imagined adventures or things that I want but what is the Where is the role for imagination in heaven? What is the role of imagination in the soul and the eternal? You know, the eternal spirit soul? Those are questions that I find maybe nobody that I've ever read, you know more than James Hellman was able to he was able to address that just so well. So we're gonna talk about that a little bit tomorrow imagination in the in the soul. But also, um, one other thing that I forgot to mention before I cut out for today. There's another thing that comes up with Neptune transits in general that have to do with especially when you know when Mercury is involved, because mercury will know mercury will sometimes bring up in Virgo in particular, the Virgo Pisces axis will bring up this idea of penance versus forgiveness, like, What do I have to do to make up for something? Or what do I have to do to make something right? Or what do I have to do to make sure that something is judged or evaluated fairly. And, and so those are and then there's and then on the other hand, there's this idea of grace and forgiveness of not needing to do anything of not needing to prove not even being able to do anything. So this also this idea of grace versus penance, good deeds and good works that get us somewhere versus grace or mercy that gets us somewhere. And those will also be a part of tomorrow's talk on a certain level. So, at any rate, that's what I've got for today. Like I said we're gonna break this into part two parts, because meditations will probably a little bit longer tomorrow more to say about all of that.
So, yeah, it's been nice to incorporate the eaching a little bit, I find that it's really a nice starting point for meditating on these transits a little deeper, it's nice to have it back into my practice a little bit more, really, the last time I was working with the eaching, as regularly as I am now is like last winter. So I just got caught up in moving and usually, when I'm eating, when the eaching is coming in, you know that usually I'm having like a lot more time in my mornings, because typically, the eaching will mean like, I have like an extra hour in my prep time or something like that. Anyway, anyway, so it's nice to be getting back into a flow with by work and it's like settling in after moving and stuff like that. So you still got some new artwork up on the walls. Krishna is right over there, Krishna and Radha are behind me. There's a some point I'll get the camera so it's not as blurry and I can show you guys some of the artwork that I that I've got for my new office. It's all bhakti yoga artwork inspired. Anyway, so I hope you guys are having a nice start to your week and I look forward to going through the mercury Neptune opposition together if you have stories that come up this week, make sure you share them with the hashtag grabbed. And you can also write to us grab at nightlight if you have a story that you want to share about how the planets have shown up in your life, especially mercury Neptune this week, make sure you put Mercury opposite Neptune into the write up that you do know that if you've used that hashtag or if you email us, we're not going to respond. We're just going to potentially use it in a future episode. We won't use your name. We'll just use whatever text you provide us with there. Alright, that's what I've got for today and more tomorrow. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Dropped into you Mercury/Neptune podcast. Thought I might mention that current transit and its relevance to the current crisis in Afghanistan. Neptune correlates with confusion, “nightmares”, abandonment and betrayal, as well as escape, etc. Hermes as psychopomp is literally engaged in helping people escape from the nightmarish and underworld conditions in Afghanistan. Hermes is God of the crossroads and territorial boundaries. The locus of activity in reality and in the news is the Kabul Airport (Mercury). These people are also literally in a “liminal” condition between the worlds. The US government has even requisitioned private airlines to help in the in the rescue mission. This story is also dominating the news (Mercury) at the moment. The media’s narratives surrounding this event is rife with Mercury/Neptune themes.
Mercury/Neptune in general has a strong correlation with refugees because these people are in major conditions of being between worlds in liminal conditions, and they are often trying to escape from nightmarish underworld conditions. In the broader context, Neptune’s whole transit through Pisces is in opposition to Mercury ruled Virgo and has highlighted this diaspora since its ingress.
Given how things are unfolding we might imagine that as Mars arrives at the opposition we will even re-engage our military presence there.