Today, we're going to take a look at the big week Mercury is having. Mercury is trining Neptune to start the week and then making an opposition to Pluto as the week goes on. This sequence from Mercury will open the month of July with significant astrological events.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today we're going to be taking a look at the big week that Mercury is having. Mercury is training Neptune to start the week and then making an opposition to Pluto as the week goes on back to back.
So, it is a big sequence from Mercury that will open this month of July. That's what we're gonna be looking at today. Before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments and reflections if you have them as we go. Your thoughts and reflections crystallized and shared become everybody else's insight. It's like a little gift that you give people, so we really appreciate it creates a nice community. And we like hearing from you guys. Transcripts of any of these daily talks can be found on my website, which is nightlight So go over to the website.
There are two things I want to promote. Go to the events tab and click on the speaker series. You will see that we have a free summer Speaker Series. These talks are all free to register; you get the recording if you can't make it live. I want to emphasize that we have T. Susan Chang, a star in the astrological world. She wrote a book on the decades and the association between the astrological decades and the Tarot. So yeah, that's gonna be a great talk. We're very happy to have her here. We also have Erika Beach, a nightlight staffer, and alumni, giving a talk on Sedna. Jeanne Friscia then gave a talk on the intersection between artists and their birth charts. Really fascinating stuff. If you like learning about natal astrology, if you like learning new techniques about new planets, this series is going to be really fun.
Go up to the events tab and then click on live talks. And you can see that my next talk is in July. Uranus in Gemini is coming up on the 18th, and the talk is from seven to 9pm Eastern. We're going to be visiting the archetypal meaning of Uranus in Gemini, which is one of the major transits that's taking place next year as Uranus starts wrapping up its time, and Taurus can look back at some of the other talks that we've done.
We did the 12th house in June, which was along with Pluto in Love, the two most popular. You guys have dark imaginations. I'm just kidding. Neptune in Aries was also there, and Uranus Neptune was in love. You can pick any of those up through the shop or register on this page here. If you cannot attend live, we send you the recording as well. So those are the promotions for the day. And on that note, I am excited to take a look at what Mercury is doing this week. Let me put the real-time clock up. So we started off the week with horoscopes, of course. Now we are on to new things. The trine was overnight, so we're on Tuesday today, July 2, and the trine just happened. If we back this up, just a touch. You're gonna see if I back this up literally just a few hours to about six in the morning Central Time.
That is when Mercury was trining Neptune, so that trine is today or was yesterday, and it is into today. However, you want to think about it. And then going forward. We're looking at Mercury making the opposition to Pluto. And that opposition to Pluto perfects on my clock about two in the morning on July 3 Central time. So that's tomorrow.
You're going to be feeling that today and tomorrow. So there's this quick sequence of Mercury hitting the sector the trine to Neptune from watery Cancer to watery Pisces, then moving into fiery Leo and opposing Pluto in the Air sign of Aquarius. So it's an interesting sequence of events. I cannot help but notice by the way on the periphery that the dark or Balsamiq Moon is kind of wrapping up this moon cycle is also today and into tomorrow going to be moving through Gemini, where it is in a Mercury-ruled sign.
So, a balsamic moon and a Mercury-ruled sign while Mercury is going through opposition to Pluto suggest a very powerful kind of sequence ending this lunar cycle before we go into the next one. We'll be looking at the new Moon in Cancer later this week. But it's enough to note that this balsamic Moon is ruled by the opposition of Mercury-Pluto, so just keep that in mind. It's a powerful ending to a lunar cycle this week.
Now what I want to do today is I want to talk about as always five things to watch for I have a nice little handy list of archetypal themes that you you may notice given this combination of planetary connections.
Let's talk about the first one, which I think is very basic. Whenever you have Mercury in a water sign right, the potential for healing or soothing communication is real. The water signs tend to wait for Mercury, especially taking us into the realm of emotional intelligence, emotionally charged or themed communication. And so in Cancer, especially where questions about vulnerability and safety, a sign that often takes us into our ancestral or familial past, Mercury in Cancer is a great placement for people who want to look at things like biography and autobiography and memoir. I have Mercury in Cancer in the third house, and I went to school to study creative nonfiction and focused on memoir writing and storytelling. I love featuring stories on my channel, and I tell my stories to share your stories.
So Mercury in Cancer is no stranger to the intelligence of our stories. In fact, the Moon, which rules the sign of Cancer, where Mercury is located right now, is a planet of memory. The reason that the Moon is the planet of memory is because it is a reflective light, not an original. So, like a Polaroid or a photograph that you take, it captures the original and is a reflective copy of the original. And that's how ancient astrologers thought about memory, too, although they did believe that memory was kind of alive in its own way, not just like a dead image.
So anyway, the point is that Mercury, in the sign of Cancer, has this capacity to work into the past, to work into ancestry and memory. And that's where a lot of trauma lies, right? There are traumatic memories. There are old pains, and there are old hurts that have their roots in the past somewhere. Mercury in Cancer is very good at exploring those things, but it is sometimes held prisoner by the past, mentally and emotionally. And this trine to Neptune in Pisces can be such a healing, soothing, releasing, surrendering of old hurts and wounds. So one of my favorite potentials of this combination, as I was sitting in thinking about writing this list, was, hey, look, this is a great combination for healing, soothing and releasing, old hurts, old hurts healed.
Now, sometimes, the connection between Mercury and Cancer can actually amplify some of the shadows of these exact same placements, like neediness or an inability to surrender or let go because of emotional fixation, and almost like an amplification of emotions like an exaggeration of emotional qualities. They become overwhelming or all-consuming. The trine to me is, I think, going to probably put us in touch with more favorable expressions like a square between, you know, Mercury and Neptune. I would be a little bit more worried about some of those things. I think it's a little bit more supportive of trine.
So I'm pretty optimistic that there'll be some pretty favorable expressions, but there is the potential for there to be a kind of flood of emotions and water, and when that happens, there can be such thing as too much of a good thing. Too much of a good thing might mean oversharing or over-emoting or going from a space of emotional expression to emotional immaturity, neediness or delusion, or something like that. But I like the potential here for a soothing and healing quality around words, thoughts, feelings, and the past, as well as being able to connect our story to something bigger than just our personal experience. Neptune in Pisces is a very collective emotional experience, and Mercury in Cancer is often much more personal.
So, by being able to connect the personal and the universal, we can find larger containers for our personal hurts, our personal wounds, and our personal feelings; we can find that we're not alone in them, and we can display some of the personal pressure that we take on in our thoughts, emotions, etc. By seeing them, these stories reflected something bigger, which is what astrology is great for, for example.
Anyway, so that's one thing to look for. Number two: emotional maturity leads to catharsis. Well, look, if we draw this out a little bit, we've got the trine between Mercury and Neptune followed immediately by the opposition, from Mercury in Leo to Pluto and Aquarius. So what I want to say is that in the past couple of weeks, there have been all of these trines from watery planets and Cancer to Saturn in Pisces. One of the ways that I've conceptualized that number of my talks has been in terms of growing emotional maturity, that the capacity to hold personal things and kind of see them in light of collective concerns to weigh our personal needs in relation to other people's needs. I think that there's been some opportunities for growth along these lines.
The other thing that I would say is that the emphasis so much emphasis on water after Do we had such a powerful month of June so much air, to me, really spoke to the difference between a mental intellectual sort of cerebral capacity and the emotional, physical embodied intelligence and the two need to do some work to harmonize healing the mind healing the emotions with more capacity to think or, or behave rationally, right, like this kind of stuff. So, anyhow.
So along these lines, emotional maturity that's developing right now or in the process may lead to catharsis. The catharsis is one of the opposition from Mercury to Pluto. So as soon as this kind of gentle rain comes through and provides maybe some healing, maybe there's been the cultivation of a much deeper emotional intelligence over the past month. It says, though, remember that Mercury rules the Dark Moon in Gemini, which was where the last moon cycle began, and then it's moving into cancer to start the next moon cycle.
So this, this old Moon, ruled by Mercury, who is going through the watery connection, and then immediately hitting an opposition to Pluto in an Air sign, to me speaks to, like, the entirety of a process that's been going on since early June. And I think it might be fair to look at it that way. Anyway, what happens after a moment of healing and deepening? Well, immediately, Mercury hits in opposition to Pluto. And it is as though there is an opportunity for tremendous catharsis.
The catharsis is just depicted by Mercury opposing Pluto, which might mean speaking up or speaking out or getting some kind of valuable feedback. Or it might be about feeling empowered in your mind because you have worked to deepen something emotionally. Like you've squared something away between your mind and its intelligence and your body and its intelligence.
So you've been working the two together. And now there's a moment of testing, or there's a moment where all of this is now leading to the opportunity for a very powerful expression of what you've learned. So I think of this just broadly as this kind of a moment of catharsis that Mercury is bringing forth from the process that it has gone through, and it is ruling over visa vie the old Moon dying in Gemini right now.
Right, so if you can follow that. So, I don't know what catharsis means. Exactly. It's different for everyone. But it might mean a major breakthrough in my thoughts, body, and emotions; it could affect any kind of environment. But I suspect that the catharsis would come through thoughts, new thoughts, new ideas, new forms of communication or expression, new information coming to light, and having to speak from the heart. That's a very mercury and Leo kind of thing. And work with the tension of collective realities and expectations, Pluto and Aquarius.
You know, there's a feeling that you could be tested and that you could be opposed somehow. But that's often the case, right? We work really hard to grow some new capacity within us when we do the work of healing or maturing or growing mentally and emotionally, which is definitely a big theme in the past month. It's funny how there are usually initial tests like, well, how serious are you? Or is that real? Or can you actually do it? Or do you actually mean it? And I get the feeling that Mercury, going into Leo, where it's now asked to embody the confidence, right of the mind, having done some maturing in these last weeks, that that confidence is met initially with a challenge.
But can you speak it out? Or can you face criticism? Or can you balance between your own personal egos needs and the reality of other people and collective pressures or, you know, sort of Leo Aquarius is always balancing me and we, you know, so some of those pressures, feel they feel like they're very, they're going to be very cathartic this week, and there's going to be a way in which they test us and the mettle of what we've learned and like, they're gonna test our mettle, what have you learned? Are you serious about it? Can you hold this pressure?
So, number three, a delusion leads to confrontation with all the Dark side. I think this would be Mercury's trining Neptune. It gets all inflated with some kind of imaginative grandeur, which may feel great. And then immediately, there's some need to express what has been an exaggerated, imaginative, emotionally charged series of experiences or events. And we overestimate or we, we overestimate how capable we are, you know, of carrying something that we imagine that we need to do or become, and we get some pushback or some feedback or some, like, some advice for revision, you know, it's like I say a delusion leads to confrontation, which is a little extreme, but I do mean that like, it's possible that we get inflated somehow emotionally, and then we're, Mercury hits Pluto, and we're, we're given a little reality check. We have some element of something that's been developing to mature even more than it already has.
In other words, there's a way in which all of the watery energy could have been amplifying and expanding our emotional investment in things or people that are not necessarily good for us or that are self-important or something like that. Mercury hits Pluto, and we get this kind of gut check. You're not as important as you think you are. These big ideas need to be revised or made more realistic. Pluto in Aquarius has that kind of 20,000-foot view, that sort of objective engineering perspective.
And so it's just like, Okay, can you pull that? Can you pull back on the emotional intensity and be objective? And that may be hard for us if we're we're kind of riding on a high horse, you know, so these are just little nuances of how I could see things playing out like Mercury and Leo opposing, getting an opposition from Pluto and Aquarius can have its ego checked, coming off from Mercury training Neptune, it could be that the ego needs checking because it's gotten so filled with a sort of grandiosity. So that's something to watch for.
Number four are imaginative breakthroughs that lead to issues of self-expression and acceptance. So here's the other thing: flip that around and say, Mercury trine Neptune, and you know, Cancer and Pisces can be so imaginative, so creative, so otherworldly, and sort of charismatic. But immediately, it's tested: do you have enough self-love to take these emotional energies and express them somehow, regardless of what other people may think of you?
So self-expression for Mercury in Leo is a big deal, as is self-acceptance. And, and that's discovered in how you communicate? Right? So, to me, there's a way in which this could also be seen as a kind of imaginative breakthrough like your cup being totally filled up with numinous, otherworldly, inspired, charismatic emotional fuel. But then immediately, you have to, you have to, you're tested in terms of Do you have enough self-love, self-acceptance, and courage to put it out there somehow if that makes sense?
All right, number five is a transformation of mind and philosophy that has immediate consequences. Well, another way of putting all these that we are another way of putting it is all these transformations of Mercury that are leading us to think differently, have different thoughts, have different perceptions, forms of communication, and ideas that guide our life. Ideas are the means by which we live, and ideas are always connected to images.
So, images and ideas are transforming the connection between Mercury and Neptune. We talked about how the old hurts heal, but some of the hurts that may be healed are our ideas. Ideas shift and change, always. They're always moving, they're always changing. Are we going through a modification, shifting, healing, soothing, expanding, or opening of our thoughts about the way we see things and other people in ourselves?
Well, if we are, then I think what happens from the sequence is after the trine between these two planets and Mercury hits the opposition to Pluto, there are immediate consequences. There is an immediate transformative cathartic impact that the shift in thoughts that we've created or that has occurred will go through, right, so change your mind, and immediately it has much broader, more powerful consequences than you might have anticipated.
Because of Mercury, again, if you think about Mercury's training, Neptune is sort of the ruler of the last moon cycle and of the dark Moon as it dies, and then MercuryMercury immediately opposes Pluto. However, after that trine, you get this feeling of a shift in your mind, your body, your emotions, your feelings, your sensations, your perceptions. Your intelligence is shifting, and Hermes is always doing that for us. As it shifts, boom, you've got that kind of death and rebirth signature of Pluto, forcing some kind of greater or more dynamic and broader series of events that change everything. So anyway, anyway, that is it.
Those are my five things to watch for, given this powerful week for Mercury. I think what we'll do is we'll take a little bit more time with Mercury-Pluto tomorrow; after today, we will look at the whole sequence, kind of a broad view today. We'll do Mercury-Pluto in a vacuum tomorrow, which is an archetypal vacuum. Alright, that's it. I hope you guys are having a great day. We'll see you again soon. Bye.
Thank you