Today I'm going to take a look at Mercury's upcoming opposition with the planet Uranus, which is forming over the weekend.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at Mercury's upcoming opposition with the planet Uranus. This is coming up over the weekend, we've already taken a look at a lot of interesting transits that are occurring this week. So I would highly recommend given the amount of energy that's been poring through this lunar cycle that you go back and watch the earlier videos this week. But today, I want to take a look in particular at the upcoming opposition of mercury and Uranus which is happening over the weekend and is starting to engage right now. So first, before I do that, I wanna remind everybody you have just today and tomorrow to register for my class that starts on Saturday ancient astrology for the modern mystic, go to my website nightlight, click on the Courses page, click on the first year course and then scroll down to learn more about it. It's a one year long programme and learn all about Hellenistic astrology. Develop a practice if you want to learn how to read charts for other people. Take your own studies. Further. There's 30 classes two to three hours each. They're webinars. They are hosted on Saturdays at noon, Eastern but if you can't make it live, you can always download and keep all of the classroom materials including the recordings of the classes video and audio transcriptions everything transcripts, I should say. And there's also 12 guest lectures that happen outside of class a whole bunch of breakout study sessions with tutors that help you outside of our major classes. We have an interactive forum discussion board, you can ask questions throughout the year you can email me with questions throughout the year tonnes of bonus content. It's a really great programme, check it out starts on Saturday you have today and tomorrow to still sign up, use the early bird payment and save $500 off that is only available today and tomorrow, then it's gone. If you sign up after the class starts. full tuition is in effect only need based tuition assistance is also available if you might need that. So be sure to look into that if you think it might help you. I'm really excited to start a new class with all you guys really looking forward to it. So today we are going to take a brief look at Mercury opposite Uranus. So I'm going to go ahead and put the real time clock up on the screen. And here you can see here is mercury on Saturday November 13 Exactly opposing Uranus happens to be taking place right as my first my programme begins. And so the new the first day of class starts under this and I keep going like yeah, that's astrology for you. Mercury opposite Uranus is such an astrological emblem of intellectual shifting, a paradigm change. And I that's what astrology did for me it completely changed my worldview and my understanding of reality divinity, it's really a mind blowing experience.
One of the things that mercury opposite Uranus stands for is the revolution of mind stuff. So we'll be going over that today in a little bit more depth as I unpack some examples for you guys. But if you look at today's that perfects on Saturday, November 13. You can see today, November 11, that Mercury's just a couple degrees away from the opposition to Uranus. So got a couple of days more to go. Alright, I wanted to prepare us all for this one because it's a big deal. And it's nice that we're starting to see that Uranian sizzle that was promised under the new moon. We had to go through some frustrating gear grinding stuff throughout this week, with Mercury and Mars and Saturn getting into the square. Now we're starting to see the breakthrough in the momentum shift that is happening as we push toward the Eclipse next week, we're gonna have Mercury and Mars opposite Uranus, the Sun is trine Neptune talked about that yesterday the sun is squaring Jupiter talked about that yesterday. So there's a lot now it's like coming up to the to the to the peak of the cycle. And Uranus a uranium cycle. It has within it the impulse to defy, resist, transform rapidly suddenly, it's like a sudden mutations of mind and spirit and the impulse to change in this uranium cycle may come with some of that underlying feeling of divisiveness, or polarisation and so forth. So we've been talking about also being a little bit careful about that.
Mercury opposite Uranus is like the light bulb going off. It's epiphanies it's sudden fast realisations. Mercury opposite Uranus is if you're stuck with something. It's the light bulb that goes off and gives you a solution. Mercury opposite Uranus can be irreverent it can break out with a sudden severity. You have to be careful when you're driving when you're speaking what kinds of things you say or do. The impulse to be irreverent or to defy authority can easily come from you projecting your own inner conflict with your your own authority. You have to be careful of who and why and what you're suddenly feeling the need to provoke or challenge, right? Those kinds of things are very all indicative of Mercury, Uranus. And it's very easy to get grabbed by these. I've, you know, been I feel like I've been dealing with this all week. Anyway. So I'm going to give you guys a list of very interesting people that were born with Mercury opposite Uranus can kind of exemplify the energy or, or bring to life and sort of capture the archetypal combination.
So let's talk about a few of them Jimi Hendrix, here's a person who was very inventive, you know, think about the his musical style, think of think about the Star Spangled Banner that he did with his guitar in particular, where he's mimicking the sounds of Vietnam and war and battle, and, you know, burning guitars on stage. And so that kind of innovative but irreverent prankster energy. That's Mercury, Uranus, Charlie Chaplin, an incredibly gifted, individual innovative, but an eccentric performer. You also have people who can kind of like fly off the handle like Mel Gibson. You think about outbursts of speech that are very aggressive, or, you know, suddenly the, you know, the kind of racist statements that have come out, the abusive things that can come out very suddenly and violently. Remember that Mercury and Mars are together right now too. I don't know him as individual. I'm not trying to pass judgement on the person. But obviously, he's been in the news for these like mental verbal intemperance and big outbursts that have gotten him in a lot of trouble. Nietzche; sometimes it's provocative ideas, niches, God is dead. And that's a sophisticated idea that he had but the the ideas of Nietzche are provocative and they challenge the established ideas in the history of Western philosophy. Howard Stern, here's someone who's very provocative and maybe sometimes vulgar. So you can think about that with mercury Uranus. Or you also have people like Pavarotti, you know, think about his voice, very Mercury, Uranus, Jane Austen. Think about Jane Austen as someone who was critiquing and going at the cultural norms of her time, and was something of a proponent for different roles for women. I would call her one of the great literary feminist, I'm not sure if she technically falls into that category within the history of feminist literature or not. But certainly what she what she did in the way that she wrote for the progression of women and their rights and independence, especially women, not necessarily needing to be married. That's a big theme. And most of her novels, if I remember correctly, one of the big themes is I don't need a man to be I don't have to be dependent on a man and a man's money. That's a huge part of Jane Austen. There's a Mercury Uranus character.
John Cleese. If you think about the humour of John Cleese, and the whole Monty Python world, the eccentric or there's a couple of other comedians that come by Rowan Atkinson, kind of like Charlie Chaplin, Mr. Bean if I'm remembering correctly. Keegan Michael Keys that how you say his name, Key. Mercury opposite Uranus, it that just perfectly fits him and there's so many comedians who are like, you know, the, the, the, the Acolytes of absurd satirical humour. I think John Oliver is Mercury opposite Uranus. You also have people like Ursula K. Le Gwynne. I don't know if you guys know of her, amazing science fiction author, and she's a pioneer and also someone whose mind in the way that she saw reality, her insights and her inventiveness as a writer, just brilliant. I don't know if it gets her read or she's amazing. Also Bruce Lee. There's someone very, he had a very striking way of speaking and talking and acting. And obviously, he was a very electric figure in a lot of ways. So you just think of Mercury opposite Uranus there. Ariana Grande. Another great example of Mercury opposite Uranus has broken a whole huge amount of different records for female recording artists and just another pioneer for women in the industry.
Think of people who break boundaries who have some really interesting gifts or voice or abilities and also the irreverence and the shocking quality of speech and things like that, you know, like, yeah, so those are the kinds of energies that are sort of in the air right now, you know, on some level, it's like have fun with them, you know, and then as always, you know, be careful of getting grabbed by them especially when it comes to severe, like outbursts of speech or emotion or anger or projections and you know, it's good to break into Mercury Uranus delivers us some paradigm shifting insights or revolutionary ideas or thoughts or conversations, amazing solutions to problems, quicker rapid insights, you know, amazing, especially if you're learning a skill Mercury opposite Uranus is like when you have that, like sudden rush of like breakthroughs like oh my god, I'm like, I'm really progressing quickly and learning the guitar or something like that.
But also, the downside can be to swing off the handle sort of wildly, and for example, Mercury, opposite Uranus skill I, you see, like car accidents, things like that. So it's very, in Mars opposite Uranus is a lot more intense. We're going to be dealing with that next week. This one to me is more fun and has like a satirical, absurd fun kind, especially with Mercury in Scorpio, a little bit of a dark humour to it, which can be very enlightening, and I think playful, Mars next week, a little bit different. That's a little bit more intense. But we'll be covering that next week. So that's what I've got for you today. Don't forget that you have just today and tomorrow to sign up if you still want to. I hope to see some of you in class soon. Otherwise, if you have stories about any of these transits this week, make sure you use the hashtag grab the planets called grahas, they seize or grab our consciousness we are working to understand their their presence and work with them and alongside of them rather than just being seized unconsciously. That's one of the big reasons that we do astrology in the first place. So to that end, we like to share our stories and talk about how we got grabbed and what we learned from the experience so if you want to share a story about mercury and Uranus or mercury Mars conjunction this week or either of them square to Saturn or anything like that, she used the hashtag grab mentioned the aspect and then tell us a quick story in like a paragraph if you prefer to email it to us email, grabbed at nightlight, that's where we host all those stories in a separate email. So alright, that's all I've got for today. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow for some some content before the weekend. Alright, take care everyone. Bye.
#grabbed Mercury opposition Uranus. I am the owner of a restaurant and my ascendant is in Gemini. That means Mercury is in my 6th house right now and on Thursday Nov 11th my manager pulled me aside to let me know that he had been given an amazing job offer to run his own restaurant. I plead my case (that I really care for him and his family and that we desperately need him and that he has a ton of stability and freedom) and I offered him a raise. He took a day to think it over and let me know Friday morning that he decided to stay. I didn’t know what message Mercury was going to bring from Uranus, but Im so glad that it all worked out in the end.