Here’s what to watch for:
* The mind is tranquil, distant, in another world
* The mind is overwhelmed, dreaming of water, preparing for the flood
* I am not my thoughts, I am, thinking
* A message, an important piece of information
* A dream, a symbol, an omen speaking
* A mantra, a sacred syllable
* Mind in a fog, haze, daydream
* Deception, a manipulation of facts
* Distortion of information
* Loss of memory
* Inspired speech
* Fluidity of words, thoughts, and ideas
* Intoxicants, poisons, medicines
* Speaking the truth without necessarily speaking
* Mental or psychic manipulation or coercion
* Exaggeration
* The power of mental and verbal temperance
* Persuasion and rhetoric, the smoke and mirrors of a good argument
* The detail-oriented mind, what it can and can’t accomplish
* Liquid and technology
* Brainwashing vs. brain or mind cleansing
* The need to surrender the intellectual mind
* The need to think carefully before committing to something or someone very powerful or persuasive
Prayer: Let only those words and sounds that speak the truth enter our ears, so that our minds and our hearts might be filled with the eternal vibrations of your love.
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