Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to take a look at Mercury's final opposition to the planet Uranus. Mercury has gone through several oppositions to Uranus. Recently, one in forward direct motion, then it stationed almost an exact opposition mercury did to Uranus, then through retrograde, another opposition now through direct motion, the final opposition. We're going to track, trace all of that out and give you a sense of what to expect. There's a few other things going on that we'll preview today and we'll get back to later on in the week. So I'll just ask everyone to hang tight on some of what we're going to talk about today.
So you'll see that right now Venus is navigating through the minefield of squares to the stellium in Capricorn. Over the weekend, you might have noticed the Venus Pluto dynamic, Venus Jupiter, now Venus is going into the square with Saturn. So that happens between now and Thursday of this week. And as that happens, I'll be sure to do another video kind of giving you a sense of what to expect. But that is in the midst of perfecting right now, so it's definitely something to pay attention to. In the meantime, Mercury at seven Scorpio is opposing Uranus at a Taurus. Now let's take this back in time so that you all can have a sense of what's happened over the past month or so. At the beginning of October, Mercury made an opposition to the planet Uranus. And this opposition, perfected right between October 7 and 8, then Mercury slows down and stations and turns retrograde about the middle of last month. Then as Mercury continued through the retrograde, it went back through the opposition to Uranus, which happened through October 19 to 20th. Then Mercury's retrograde takes it into Libra where it turned direct. Here in the United States it was election day and it had to go back in the overcoming square to Saturn. Then Mercury dipped back into Scorpio. And now it will make its final pass over the opposition to Uranus. So there's been a process happening here with this opposition. And it's going to look very different for everybody. But we're going to do today is break it down. I encourage you to take a look at what was happening around those dates in October that we just mentioned, because it's very possible that if you do a little reflecting and a little digging, you're going to find that there is a story that's being told between each opposition and this is the last one. So it might be important to see how it all fits together, it could also inform any perhaps challenging or more tricky decisions that you have to make or situations that you may have to navigate.
This transit is perfecting today into tomorrow. You'll feel the effects as it separates basically as the rest of the week goes on. Here's what to expect.
Remember that with this combination, you have the potential for sudden insights and revelations, especially those that help you to free yourself up in some way from something that has been restrictive or confining. Mercury Uranus is that flash of insight that may liberate you from a difficult situation or the epiphany that suddenly sort of sets you free. If you feel stuck, especially if you're in a mental, emotional place of stuckness, Mercury in a water sign like Scorpio, a Mars ruled water sign, Mars has just turned direct. So the potential for there to be some kind of liberating insights or circumstances that change suddenly or rapidly and serve to free you up and move you forward. And the idea of the freeing up and moving forward is again, Mercury Uranus which can be that liberating, sudden unexpected or disruptive turn of events, but with Mars being the ruler of Mercury right now, Mercury in Mars' sign of Scorpio and Mars having just turned direct, we've now got a Mars that's ready to move forward. Again, that's looking like it's indicating some kind of momentum change. So the sudden, breakthrough, the sudden epiphany, the sudden idea that liberates, that causes a new action to be taken, that helps you to move forward after a period of stagnation or stuckness. But also, it could be that it's the insight that leads to something inceptional. And because we know that Mars is a planet of inceptions of beginnings, Mars likes to initiate action. So when you have a Mercury, Uranus opposition, you're thinking about the light bulb that goes off that causes you to act and start something new, perhaps, especially if you've been trying something over and over and it hasn't been working, you could suddenly find that you have the insight or the idea that's going to help you move forward and actually, effectively do something with greater effectiveness.
The other thing would be news or like, not necessarily an idea that comes from from yourself, but information or news or a turn of events that comes from your environment somehow. Now, I'll warn you that Mercury Uranus can be a little chaotic and disruptive, but usually, there's a sense of the final result being something that releases. Of course, you also have the potential for rebelliousness and defiance surrounding this, and some action that's going to be taken as a way of breaking away from something or, or turning away from something that you reject. That would be a strong possibility with Mars underneath this and Mercury, Uranus having to do with the potential to say, no more, I can't, I won't do this anymore. Kind of like in a relationship. Maybe it's a business relationship, or friendship or dating relationship, and you say, you know, I'm done. And that insight is very liberating. In other words, the freedom could come in realising that one has to separate from something or step away from something or sever or cut oneself free of something. And the reason for that is, again, Mars underneath, has that severing effect. So sometimes there's going to be news that liberates, news that liberates in the form of ending something or cutting connection with something. And of course, that can also come through in terms of sudden and unexpected breakdowns in technology or cars or computers or things like that, where there's kind of unexpected thing that happens and you know, your your connection gets cut off or something like that.
You also want to be careful right now in terms of risk taking behaviour in terms of, you know, taking risks like extreme sports. It would be a time where I would advise caution in terms of like high risk activities because Mercury Uranus can be very erratic and can relate to sudden, sort of violent unexpected twists and turns. So things that shatter limits or boundaries, in a positive sense can also shatter bones. I'm not trying to be scary, but you do want to exercise a little bit of caution with this transit, in particular. Shocking claims and brave statements, rebelliousness in defiance, also thievery and mimicry. They say that mimicry is the best form of flattery. You could see Mercury, Uranus as it like intellectual property rights are people stealing things from one another, and maybe trying to pass it off as their own. Or cybersecurity or issues around tech, technological fraud, or scams or things like that mercury and Uranus together have this quality of being very innovative but also like Prometheus, the fire thief, there's maybe a sense of, you know, sort of taking something that doesn't belong to oneself, and maybe feeling like one is justified in doing it because of some kind of cause or something like that.
So the next one on my list would be that you have the potential for displays of genius. So everyone keeps mentioning a TV show right now. So I watched the first episode because a number of my friends and my mom even said, this shows really interesting. The Queen's Gambit. I think it's called, it's about a young woman who's a chess player. She's an orphan and she's like this brilliant chess player. And as I watched the first episode, you Yesterday, I thought to myself, this is so mercury Uranus, in terms of, the show comes out right as Mercury's perfecting an opposition to Uranus. And it's all about this kind of rare genius. So you could see that around you, or within you in terms of like, sudden, intuitive manoeuvres that your mind makes where you just make rapid connections one after another. I find, for example, over the years that anytime Mercury is configured to Uranus, that I will write some of my most interesting talks or that I'll piece together ideas or be able to see or identify patterns in the charts that I'm reading for other people more naturally. There's this weird way in which the Mercury Uranus dynamic sort of opens up the mind and makes it sort of more like this live wire. Which by the way, can also come across in terms of sudden erratic, mental, emotional or communicative outbursts or breakdowns. So those are things to be aware of as well.
There's also the hubris of Mercury opposite Uranus, I'm a genius. You know, where we try to claim the power of the gods are the power of the heavens, just like Prometheus where there's this noble sense of invention, and he's the saviour of humanity, right. But there's always been the connection to Prometheus and stories like Frankenstein, where our desire to progress somehow usurps natural law or transgresses natural law or something like that. And then there's a monster. So this Mercury opposite Uranus theme can come up in terms of our, our systems becoming intelligent and taking over somehow or that there can be widespread you know, acts of liberty or like liberating rebel revolution, defiance, rebellion. Sometimes it's going to be a good thing, and sometimes it's not.
Disruptions to the status quo, whatever is normal, whatever you're habituated to, you can expect some desire to kind of maybe sort of flip the bird to it and say, No, I'm not gonna, you know, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to do what I want. Which could be a good thing. Like sometimes we have to break out of our, our patterns and habits. Other times this transit comes through, and by the end of it, it will have been a reminder about pride and about arrogance and stuff like that. Mercury Uranus loves to worship at the altar of the future. We're going somewhere, we're doing something we're breaking away from the past, those kinds of themes are really quite strong.
The only other thing that I'll say here is that it's not unusual to want to make or make technological changes, I'm going to get a new phone, I'm going to change my number, I'm going to you know, change my email address. It can be very mundane and simple things as well. So that is what I have for you guys. Today. I would love to hear your stories about Mercury Uranus, how have you noticed this at play in your life over the past month? What have you experienced in those in those transits during October? And what are you experiencing now? Do you see any carryover? I love hearing those stories, so feel free to leave them in the chat box. In the meantime, towards the end of this week, I'll be launching my annual Kickstarter. And I'll be telling you more about that as the week goes on for the last 40 days of every calendar year for going on seven years now. I basically do a fundraiser, if you enjoy my content, if you watch regularly, I ask everyone to pitch in if you can, and I have a bunch of cool rewards that I offer, including, some discounted readings and lectures that I make available exclusively through the Kickstarter and discounted classes and things like that. So stay tuned for more on that. And as always, if you have anything you'd like me to cover, leaving leave in the comment section or email us Cat aggregates things and we'll be doing some Q&A episodes coming up. There's a few more of them we're going to be doing as well. You can email us at All right. Take it easy, everyone.
Wow it kinda all make sense. Looking forward for the next video. New beginnings are definitely near.