Today I'm taking a look at Mercury's continuing retrograde cycle, and reflecting on the recent New Moon in Aquarius.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody. Today we're gonna take a look at Mercury's continued retrograde as it is now heading into some more conjunctions, it's going to station turn direct. So I feel like it's a good time to tease out the implications of the rest of this Mercury Retrograde cycle. So we'll do that today. And this follows on yesterday's talk on or I guess it was two days ago now on the New Moon in Aquarius. So you could actually take what we're doing today and continue to apply it to that video in terms of the area of your chart that's being affected, you could sort of apply today's talk to that same area of your birth chart.
I just want to give you a picture of what's going on. I think the last time we had such a major lineup of the traditional seven planets in Aquarius, or no one of the times was like 1962. So I was just thinking about if you happen to have been born in I think it was like February of 62, then it's a really interesting moment for you right now, if you were an Aquarian born in 1962, you have something of a return of all of the planets in your natal chart to the same location minus Mars. But that's a pretty profound synchronicity. So I was just curious if there are any February 62. So if you were born under this stellium in February of 1962, I really want to hear your story. Like what's happening in your life right now. Because it seems really unique to me that they're all sort of back in the exact same location as your birth minus Mars again, but still. Alright, anyway, back to today.
So here's the thing that's happening, we've got Mercury retrograding away from the Sun now separating by about nine degrees, which means Mercury, once it gets to about 15 degrees, Mercury is going to appear as the morning star. And remember, when it appears as the morning star, it's announcing something, Mercury was invisible. And then suddenly mercury comes forth. So one of the things that you're going to see is the announcement of something new, or let's call it the appearance of something new. I know, for people who probably are newer to astrology, it sounds like we're always talking about two things, beginnings and endings. And that's because that's really the nature of how we experience time, there's sort of a beginning and a middle and an end to all things. But it's really important to notice when a new thing is going to happen. And then in what area of life it's going to happen because it's essentially a little bit like Groundhog's Day in our life, you know, we're kind of doing the same things in the same areas of life all the time. One of the ways that you can tell that something new is going to happen is when a New Moon happens, but the thing about a new moon is that a new moon is a seed that's being planted the results of which often do not come right away. So you have to be you have to be watching for things in a pretty subtle plane to notice what's happening at a New Moon and what the trajectory of that movement is, you have to almost have a meditation practice to be able to see what's starting to take shape. Sometimes it's very obvious, of course, but when Mercury appears suddenly it has much more of I always say it's like the trumpeter at dawn, it has much more the feeling of a proclamation, a declaration, an announcement and appearance in light, right? So it's like, it's like coming forth. Now, as this new thing is announcing itself, it remember that it's still in retrograde, which means there there could be the feeling of something that has been in process like hearing back from someone that you've been waiting on an answer for, maybe you applied for a loan or you asked you sent a text to someone asking them a question and you're, you know, sitting on pins and needles waiting for the answer. It's that sudden, I got it in the mail, I got my refund check or I you know, the person wrote me back or I heard back and I got the loan, or sometimes I get an answer and it was in the negative. Either way, it's the appearance the announcement of something new Let's call it a proclamation, or declaration. And I'm not sure what the subtle difference is between a proclamation or a declaration, but they both work, both words seem to work to me. Anyway, Mercury's doing that.
So this is going to happen when they get to about 15 degrees apart. So as that's happening, Mercury is passing over a conjunction with Venus and Jupiter. So that's happening very shortly, if you watch, if I just click this forward one day, to February 13, you're gonna see Mercury, within the next 24 hours is passing over Venus, one more day to the 14th, it will pass over Jupiter on the 14th. Right, and then you're gonna after that, so by the 15th, by Monday, it will have passed over both planets and is now just about ready to make an appearance. So I just want you to imagine that Mercury is coming out of the underworld, right, ready to declare or proclaim something. And as Mercury is coming out of the underworld, you know, on the, let's say, on the stairway, up, out of Hades, there's just a couple of treasure chests sitting there. One is Venus, the goddess of good fortune. In fact, the fifth house that Venus was associated with the place of good fortune for Indian astrologers associated with the good things that you bring with you from previous lifetimes, like the karma, the good karma that you're ready to inherit from previous lifetimes, and it will come to fruit in time. And then, you know, Western tradition feels pretty much the same way about the fifth house. We in the modern tradition, when we saw the fifth house, the house of creativity, not really, not to burst anyone's bubble. But creativity is far too broad a topic to belong to just one house. The fifth house has to do with joy and happiness and the good karma that comes in time, which is why it's one of several houses associated with children that will be born to you that will be fortunate in nature. But at any rate, Venus is related to the same kinds of topics good fortune, the things that just accrue and kind of drop into your lap from heaven, so to speak.
So as Mercury is coming out of the underworld, boom, hits Venus, and then hits Jupiter. Now Jupiter is a little different. Jupiter was associated with the 11th house in the place of good spirit, which has more to do with those people who are powerful influences or allies, benefactors, resources, whether it's wisdom or knowledge or money or, or power or fame that other people have that will somehow come to benefit or influence you or be supportive of you. And in that sense, Jupiter like the triplicity is by the way, all of the Jupiter is associated with the trine. And the trine connects all three sides of the same elements. And so Jupiter is also sort of broadly associated with the triplicity rulerships, and the triplicity. These are understood as like larger resources within communities or groups that are sort of there to help you. So Jupiter has this association with sort of larger or broader social connections or influences and so forth that might benefit you somehow. Alright, so you're hitting two treasure chests on the way out of the underworld right now if you're Mercury, and then you're going to make this morning star appearance declaration, pronouncement, etc. You're still in Saturn's sign so and you still have a whole sign square to Mars with a lot of planets hitting Mars right now through antiscia and so for contra-antiscia so forth that we talked about earlier this week. But those things should be overcome. So in other words, all in all, whatever Mercury is going to announce looks pretty good to me from where I'm standing.
I like the idea of some one or something appearing in our lives right now and bring being the bearer of good news or blessings. Or things sort of falling into place naturally, without what feels like a lot of effort. Now, you have to apply that to the Aquarian house, in your chart, wherever that might be. But that's kind of the next phase for, say the next four or five days. So I thought it would be a good thing to talk about going into the weekend. And to request that all of you share your stories in the comment box here and and tell me how you see Mercury appearing and you know, saying something, or showing up with some kind of news and how do you see the benefics as as being wrapped up in that so it's a good learning. Moments like these are really interesting because you have to pay attention to the little details like okay, Mercury's appearing and as it does, so it hits a bunch of benefics that that sequence, that's what to watch for in the next few days. And then Mercury is stationing on the 20th. And by the 21st 22nd is turning direct again. So, you know, we've got about another 10 days before Mercury is going to really start moving forward again, at which point then Mercury's gonna hustle forward. And I'm really interested to see what happens around March 4, because around that time Mercury through its direct motion will contact Jupiter again now totally flaming as the Morning Star. And Jupiter is also becoming the morning star right now. So is Saturn is too. So if you got up really early, before dawn, should be able to see Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter in the sky in the east. That trifecta should bring something very substantive along the lines of wisdom, knowledge, for example someone's going back to school. And I've told you guys this too, because Aquarius is in my own 10th house bee bee probably getting close by that time to announcing the details of the new course that I'm starting this year. So that turn of Mercury is is going to be pretty significant. Because it's got to go back through Jupiter on the way out. So we'll come back to this later and, and review all of this again. But anyway, tell me your stories, I'd love to hear them love to hear how that benefic, Mercurial appearance in your life, we're not going to be positive for everybody, everybody has a very different birth chart. And the way that this is interacting in your birth chart can be louder, Not so loud at all. And can also be connected to things in your chart that are more or less easy or difficult or whatever, in different areas of life. So there's always that. But I think by and large on the in a general way this is this looks like a pretty positive Mercury appearance.
So last but not least, long story short, I had to revise my reading offerings. And I've been doing that during this Mercury Retrograde. So I have been my readings have been closed down except for my mini Express reading. The new readings and my new sort of schedule for how and how I'm taking clients and so forth, will be up over the weekend. So I know a lot of people have been emailing me saying, hey, why can't I get a reading on your site right now, it's because we've been kind of reframing it. So if you join my newsletter, you'll get an email sort of explaining the changes and updates to how my reading offerings are structured over the weekend, or probably by Monday. And then the other thing to note is that right now I have about a year long wait. So we'll and we can't fill out more than one year because of the way that processors work. They won't let people book anything for more than a year out. So we will be filling up January and February of 2022. We'll be filling those dates up first, and then we'll go month by month. So we'll always only be open for exactly one one year out at a time. And that's part of why we had to change our system around because we're just getting flooded. And that's a good problem to have. I love reading for people so and we've shifted things around to so that hopefully, you know, I can accommodate more people and structure my follow ups better and all sorts of stuff. So that's been a work in progress. So stay tuned for a little announcement on that. And I'll let you guys know on YouTube probably on Monday, I'll remind everybody who's been looking to book a reading that it's open again. So thanks for your patience. And yeah, hope you guys have a great weekend. Please stay in touch. Let me know how everything goes. Bye, everyone.
« there there could be the feeling of something that has been in process like hearing back from someone that you’ve been waiting on an answer for, maybe you applied for a loan or you asked you sent a text to someone asking them a question and you’re, you know, sitting on pins and needles waiting for the answer. It’s that sudden, I got it in the mail, I got my refund check or I you know, the person wrote me back or I heard back and I got the loan »
Right on!
The proclamation of good news from the past (Mercury retrograde) corresponds so well to what I am experiencing now. I received news from two people from my past: one I hadn’t seen for 20 years and the other for 33 years.
My friendly colleague Peter from 20 years ago, who I had totally lost sight of, now has a position as Director of Language Services at the Ontario Legislature and one of the interpreters I started hiring recently had given my name as a reference because she was applying for a job at the Ontario Provincial Legislature. So he had to call me to do an assessment of the candidate. What a coincidence! He wondered if I remembered him! But yes, I remembered him: we worked together in 2002 at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, where he interpreted the Portuguese-French combination (he was born in Mozambique), and in 2000 in Toronto for the United Way. It was quite a coincidence to meet this person by email and phone after so many years! He was very happy to talk to me and we even made plans to meet this summer if he and his partner Émile, whom I don’t know, come to visit the Quebec City area.
Even more striking today: Lise, a friend of Christine’s, a dear friend of mine who died in January 2020, wrote me an email. I had seen her at the funeral home and felt that she had something to tell me but I didn’t dare speak to her too much in the emotional context of losing a loved one (Christine was her best friend and I had shared some hope to marry Christine). I would have liked to tell her about the missed appointment with Christine (we were like two ships passing by each other at night while going in different directions, как ночи две корабли [like two ships in the night]) but I no longer had her contact information. I wrote an email to Isabelle, Christine’s sister, asking her to ask Lise to contact me and she did just that today. I’m elated. She remembers that I had visited her with Sylvie, my wife (who is now my business partner), when she was pregnant with our first child 33 years ago, and that we had coffee together.
She has just written to me and she is very happy that I have made arrangements to reach out to her. I had completely forgotten about that coffee we had at her house.
Also, our accounting agency contacted us to tell us that our company was entitled to a wage subsidy because of Covid. The amounts are substantial and totally unexpected. The accounting agency takes care of everything!
I was completely fascinated by your comments about the shock of suddenly being a father. In my case, in 1989, I completely freaked out, I lost touch with reality in April 1989 when our daughter was born. I was changing jobs and sexual orientation at the same time and wondered how I would cope with the reality of my new responsibilities. I spent 10 days in a psychiatric hospital because I had completely lost touch with reality. But I came out of it well and our 32-year-old daughter (born on April 2, 1989) is now a family doctor in Rimouski. We then lost a child in 1994 and adopted a child in 1995 (born to a West African father and a Romanian gypsy mother). He currently works in a pastry factory and is very stable.
I was also really surprised when you talked about the Reformed Franciscans in Manhattan! I know them and their founder Benedict Groeschel. I even went to their Sunday Mass at their church in Manhattan around 1999, with my two children and Yannick M, my wife’s new husband, and also with a nephew of my wife. We even pushed the journey all the way to Atlantic City.
Also: my business partner and ex-wife is a Virgo rising like me. She is Leo and I am Cancer. For both of us, the stellium is in our sixth house. We are both over 65 and we are at a time when we are in the process of saving our translation and interpreting business and handing it over to Yannick B, a wonderful successor, also with the help of another Yannick, Yannick M, who is her new spouse. We feel like slaves to this company! We are working very, very hard to save it and pass it on. There are many moments of tiredness and discouragement, but fortune smiles on us in all this. The company is recovering from its downfall in 2020 and our successor is beginning to take some of the work off our hands.