Today, Alex Amorosi will take us through an in-depth analysis of Mercury's retrograde journey in Aries, highlighting the significance of its three conjunctions with Chiron. This discussion is particularly timely and relevant, given the proximity of the upcoming solar eclipse, which also aligns with Chiron in Aries. Join us as Alex unpacks the nuances of this transit, exploring the themes of healing, learning, and personal growth that Mercury's interaction with Chiron promises to bring to the forefront.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. I am out of town this week, so I'm very glad to have Alex Amorosi hosting a few programs this week, along with Nightlight alumni Alex Skye. I think that you will find the content that they provide really interesting. They're following some familiar formats that I use in most of my content in terms of exploring archetypes.
So today, Alex will be talking about Mercury's journey through the sign of Aries. He is doing a big long retrograde with three separate conjunctions to Chiron in Aries, and he is going to be talking about a subject that really is, I know, important to him and something that's important also because the upcoming solar Eclipse is happening in a conjunction with Chiron in Aries. So he's going to be exploring this upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Aries with three conjunctions to Chiron. I hope you will enjoy it.
There are a couple of things that I'm promoting today before introducing his talk, and I'm going to put those up on the screen right now. Of course, the first major thing that we are promoting is the speaker series. Click on it on the website, and when you go there, you'll find that we have a speaker. We had our first one this past weekend, with two more speakers on the 24th and 30th. These are free.
Dan Waites is giving a talk on Pluto and Aquarius, and Joli Knott is giving a talk on the lot of fortune, so I think you guys will enjoy those talks. Also, be sure to check out our Neptune in Love talk under the Events tab under live talks.
So we're moving into April, where we'll be talking about Uranus in the realm of love and relationships on April 18. So you can register here and then finally, under the first-year course, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic begins in June. I will be starting to promo that in the next few weeks but you might want to check that out now, Early Bird enrollment is there and need based tuition and stuff like that that starts June 16.
The other thing that I am promoting today is Ashley's herbal apprenticeship program, which you can find you can learn more about at skyhouse You can click on the Herbal Apprenticeship page or the Courses page for the Herbal Foundations Apprenticeship to learn more about the program. It starts at the end of April 24, and right now, there's an early bird enrollment sale and then there are also need-based tuition spots available.
We like to make sure that all of our programs offer flexible pricing for people so that nobody is priced out of studying something that really is sacred. So those are my promos for the day. I know that you guys will enjoy the content that I have lined up this week while I'm out of town, and they will follow the transits of the week just like we normally do. I'm back with some content next week, so yeah, without further ado, Alex Amorosi is giving a talk on Mercury in Aries, conjoining Chiron. I hope you guys will enjoy it.
Hey everybody, this is Alex Amorosi. I am in today for Adam Elenbaas, who is on vacation. He has given me the keys. He's given me the news desk, and God only knows where we're going. Today, we're going to talk a little bit about Mercury's retrograde in Aries and Mercury's interface with Chiron's three conjunctions over the course of that retrograde cycle. So we'll get to that, but before I forget, if you're interested in learning more about Adam's work, you can go to You can get information on Adam's readings and classes there. Remember to do whatever feels right to you with the like button because I didn't realize until I saw Adam's Instagram that there were some like button contacts going on. So you do you, and whatever happens with the like button and you is your business, and remember to like and subscribe.
You can also get information on Adam's wife Ashley's herbal apprenticeship. She's a phenomenal herbalist at If you're interested in my work, working with me, or learning more about me, you can go to There, you can find all the information on my readings and my different services. I am not just an astrologer; I actually, for much longer than I've been an astrologer, have been an intuitive energy worker and a yoga teacher as well, and I offer a service that's been very popular lately of combining my intuitive readings with astrology readings. So I kind of look at your chart, and then I tell you about my hits, and then we look at your chart and tell you about my head, so we kind of go back and forth between the two. It can be really, really powerful and just a lot of fun detective work.
Okay, so today, we're going to talk about Chiron. Chiron is a planetoid that orbits between Saturn and Uranus. It was discovered in the 70s, and it has about a 50-year orbital cycle. I use it in my readings; you know, I use the Hellenistic system in my readings for chart construction, whole sign houses, and ancient rulerships. But I also use asteroids and Chiron.
Not all the time, but when there's a significant transit, there's a significant conjunction; there's a repeated square heart aspect. I will definitely take a look at it because I think that those points can add some specificity to the reading, though I tend to use mostly, you know, the planets and Pluto and the notes; Chiron is very, very activated over the course of the next six weeks. Chiron is intimately tied to the April solar eclipse, which is happening at 19 degrees of Aries, where Chiron will be; the thing that really struck me is how powerful it would be if it's to the minute conjunct so the Sun, the moon, and Chiron will all be at 1924 of Aries during the Eclipse. That's a pretty rare and powerful event.
We, you know, the Sun will conjunct Chiron every year; the moon obviously conjuncts Chiron every month. But there's to have all three on an eclipse right next to the North Node Mercury retrograding back into the mix. Mars is coming into a conjunction with Saturn and Pisces at the same time; there's a lot baked into this. That's one of the reasons that I think you're gonna hear a lot about this Eclipse, not just because it's a total solar eclipse. But there are a lot of moving parts related to this Eclipse.
So the Mercury Retrograde point of view we're going to take today is just a couple of things you might look for with Chiron, Mercury, and Chiron together; we'll kind of we'll work in Aries there, too, and we'll look at some things to watch for. I find the best way to learn astrology is to know what transits are happening and be observant of yourself and observant of your life and see what's going on, and then as you're taking note of that, you start to notice the correlations, and it can be a very, very powerful way to sort of internalize and humanize the transits. It can be very easy to say, oh, what's the language of the stars, but it's talking about very human things.
So, let's bring up the chart. Let's look at Mercury source conjunction. So you'll see I've made an equinox video while Adams is away from that. You'll see that I've made it, and so I talked a little bit about this in that video as well. But right around the Equinox, just as the Sun moves into Aries, here's Mercury at 17 degrees Aries, and here's Chiron at 18 degrees Aries. Mercury's moving into conjunction passes that conjunction around March 20.
Now Mercury is gonna dance all the way up to 27 Aries, and then you'll see the station retrograde, and now Mercury is moving back and back, and here's Mercury starting to make its conjunction with the Sun, the Cazimi moment. So that's around April 11, and then Mercury is now moving back into conjunction with Chiron at 19 of Aries, and that's about April 15. Then Mercury is going to get all the way back to 15 and change of Aries where's Mercury stationing and 15 just got just barely gets back to 15, Aries, 15,59 Aries, and then Mercury starts to go forward and makes this last conjunction with Chiron in Aries by May 5, and then Mercury will move into Taurus on May 15.
So three big conjunctions, and particularly strong, I think, is that Cazimi moment with the Sun and then Mercury wedged between the Sun and Chiron, just after the exalted Sun has been Eclipse; I'm not going to get into all of that today, I'm going to stay mostly with Mercury and Chiron, you're going to see a lot of content on this Eclipse.
No matter what astrology content you follow, you're gonna see a lot of content on that, and so I'm going to stick more with Mercury and Chiron today a little bit about the archetype of Chiron, as I've come to understand it in practice, and in my life Chiron it actually is directly conjunct my midheaven and then we'll talk a little bit about some things you might notice or watch for or themes that are coming up very strongly.
So Chiron generally has to do with a wound that doesn't quite heal. We have all in some way, you know, had what's called a core wound, something that was very deep from this lifetime or another and has stayed with us, and sometimes that wound is something that We have to learn how to live with and relate to, we have to learn how to create a sense of meaning around it sometimes in order to relate to it.
Sometimes, we learn to create a more generative energy around the wound rather than a destructive energy around the moon. I mean, I know for myself, the trauma and the moon wounds that I've gone through have, you know, when I wasn't aware of them, particularly they run your life, and they don't, you don't even know that they're running your life and so Chiron is about how we begin to learn to relate to tend to be tender with the wounds that we have, and then how we share what we've learned with others, which is a very, very important part of the archetype of Chiron.
There's a wise teacher in Chiron. Chiron also was a teacher of philosophy and medicine, many other sorts of Renaissance kind of arts, and it was a teacher of Achilles too, and I talk a little bit about the equinox video how you know, he, he was a, as he learned to heal, it became sort of a wise mentor.
Many of you know I've said it on this channel before one of my favorite movies is Goodwill Hunting, and because I'm a native Bostonian, I love the Bostonness of it. But if you think of Robin Williams's character, Shawn Maguire, in that movie, he's a very Chiron-type character. Someone who's, you know, helping Matt Damon learn how to contain and heal some of the stuff that's happened to him; how to channel his energy, this is a very Chiron Aries idea too where he's helping him heal traumas and wounds from his past, but also helping him to focus his energy and not feel like his energy has control of him all the time and Robin Williams, we know in that movie is deeply wounded. I'm sorry if this is a spoiler. But if you haven't seen this movie, I don't need to reprioritize your life; I'm just saying. It's amazing, but you know, his wife will have deeply died of cancer. There's Robin Williams in the movie, his wife, and it's a very deep cut; you can see it in him; you can see how much it's how much it's affected him, and there's some healing that he goes through in this movie as well, in order for him to be able to move on.
But you can see, it's something that will just be there. You know, however much healing he does, wherever he goes, moving on to new relationships, new places in life, it'll just be there, and so learning how to relate to those wounds in a way where we can use them to help, we can use them to make help ourselves to be generous for ourselves and use them to be teaching for others and even sometimes, you know, what I think is interesting, too, is the methodologies that we learn while we're healing sharing those as well versus you know, when in my whole healing process.
A lot of what I do today I do because I learned it when I was doing my healing process, and I did psychotherapy for many years; in the process of doing therapy, I also did energy work, I got astrology readings, and I had a whole bunch of stuff that I was doing that was helping me see into heal and reclaim aspects of myself that I felt I had lost. That's a big part of the archetype of Chiron.
Now, Mercury, of course, has complex archetypes that go with Mercury. Well, let's go, let's go with today's speech communication thought process. Those sorts of ideas, and we're gonna we're gonna take that and merge these two ideas together and bring a little bit of Aries into it as well. So, I'm going to do a tried and true nightlight style. There are five things to watch for when Mercury interacts with Chiron.
Speech that wounds versus speech that heals words; I see this all the time as an energy worker and energy practitioner. Words carry energy. Words not only carry the meaning we associate with them, but the actual word carries a sort of frequency or energy, and when we say sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me. That's not true. Words can be very harmful. In fact, words can really stick with us. The energy or the vibration of that word, or the interaction with that word of what was said, can stick with us for a very long time.
When Mercury is coming into a conjunction with Chiron in Aries, there may be a call for us to notice what wounds have harmed us, maybe what words we've used that have harmed others, and how we can then find speech and communication that would feel healing for that. Because the amends we make in communication can also carry energy, and even if someone doesn't accept the events, they're just not in a place where they can accept you, and we go to them and say like, Hey, I really knocked up, I'm sorry.
Just the act of making the amends of being sincere about it begins to change the energy of the words involved and begins to change the frequency, so to speak, of the energetic interaction between us and another, and maybe when someone comes to us too, you know, sometimes people come to us and, you know, they realize they're like, Wow, I really, I really screwed up, and sometimes we're ready to accept that, and sometimes we're in when we're not, you know, they, they'll say, you know, a lot of times, I remember years ago, when someone said to me, you know, I realized what I said, really hurt you, and it did, and I wasn't ready to take the, you know, to reconcile at that point. But it softened the energy around quite a bit, and it set me on a path where I was able to move forward from that interaction eventually. But I think that looking for how we're speaking how we're thinking, how we're communicating what we're putting into the world, is it healing or is it harmful.
Aries communication often has to do with direct incisive Aries communication is best direct, incisive, mission-driven speech that works to rebalance something with a sense of fairness, a sense of justice, whether that's collective or internal or interpersonal. So you might look for that around this time is like, you know, someone coming to you and saying, like, Hey, I messed up, are you really feeling like, you know, what, I did not act in it with integrity.
In that conversation, I said something in a blaze of anger that was mean or cruel, and I need to, I need to own up to that and turning the wound into something that becomes generative and healing, and sometimes, you know, some of the most healing interactions we can have we can have when something a trust or something is really ruptured and we're able to at least work towards a softening around that, if not a full reconciliation, sometimes we can't work to forward reconciliation, and that's okay. But in that process, we reclaim ourselves from the past, and that's a huge, huge part of the archetype of Aries is reclaiming back from the past now.
The second thing to look for is reclaiming our voice from our wounds. One of my favorite movies is The King's Speech with Colin Firth, and I think Helena Bonham Carter plays his wife, the Queen's mother, Queen Elizabeth, and there's, he's if you haven't seen this, it's basically chronicling King George the sixth of England, working with his speech coach, because he had a very profound stutter for much of his life and there's a point where his coach gets into him to such a place where he just screams, I have a voice, you can hear and all of a sudden, like the resonance of his voice changes or drops, it becomes lower becomes powerful.
It becomes commanding; it becomes it's a very kind of Leo moment, or Aries and Leo share that the exultation and the rulership of the Sun, right, that's idea of sovereignty, the King, the Queen, the ruler, the sovereign of a country, or sport or a place and there's a reclamation that happens in that moment, I pull back from the wounds that they talked about in the movie, there's something that wounds in his childhood, I pull back my voice to myself, I have a voice, I have something to say this is Aries, I have something to speak, I have a point of view, I get to express that point of view all Aries.
That could also go too far where it's like, I have something to say, and it's the only thing to say, and it's the right thing to say. Just saying this is fire signs, a lot of fire in my chart fire science, we can let's let's own up, we can do that. Right? Oh man, I am a Sagittarius.
So looking for that reclaiming your voice, you know, as we do healing work. As we go on those journeys, as we work with others, we work within the community; we work within our relationships; we can draw back to ourselves, our voice, our ability to express our ability to have a point of view, our ability to state what is good for us or right for us and what is not and that can be a very powerful, very, very powerful moment when that happens. You can feel a kind of emoji that drops your voice suddenly and becomes much more emphatic and powerful. Okay.
Teaching from our wounds of self. One of the things that Chiron does in myth is he becomes a teacher. He is a teacher of arts that have whether they affected him personally or not. They have a profound effect. They've not helped his healing or not. They've had a profound effect. We won't our wounds, oftentimes create fair or not, things we learn. Sometimes it's not fair or right that we had to learn them, and I don't always get like, you know, I don't always subscribe to the idea of like, you know, because this horrible thing happened, there was a meaning, and it was to teach you how to teach it, I don't subscribe to that at all.
Nevertheless, when things happen, and sometimes things happen, the meaning we make about it and our ability to share from that meaning can be very healing and a big part of the healing process, and so teaching from our wounds of self, you know, when I, when I was, when I'm training, yoga teachers, that's a big part of what I did, and still do, to some degree was trained yoga teachers for many, many years and oftentimes, in yoga classes, people will share from their experiences and I always tell them, like, you're welcome to share as much as you'd like, or you're welcome to share as much as you would not like to share.
But our experiences have value, and oftentimes, when you can share somebody's experience from your own, even if you don't communicate the exact thing that happened, or sometimes there are certain things that we want to keep private to ourselves but what we learned from it, we communicate, there's a transmutation of the energy and that interaction of the frequency of that energy shifts, and it moves towards something where we can feel we're of service we're giving, we're generous, and it's of assistance to others, and that can be really healing in of itself.
We can't always get there right away, and I'm not sure we can always get there with everything, and it's okay if that's not where you are right now. But just knowing that I found that it was mostly for my own personal expense, I found that to be a very powerful idea. When I've shared them, I've shared the things that I learned, right or wrong, whether I should have had to or not, and again, some things I think just happened. I'm not a subscriber to everything that happens for a reason, especially the really bad stuff.
But that there's something within that, right, we're for my healing for me going forward with my life, me reclaiming, Aries, Aries, Aries, it allows me to go forward, it allows me to feel like I'm healing, it allows me to feel like I'm able to be of service, it allows me It brings not only healing to others but to myself. So beautiful, it can be very, very beautiful.
Meaning-making for our wounded selves. This is number four, and it may be the same. But you know, Chiron, the teacher of philosophy, the way we order things, the way we order the world, the way we order thought, the way we order things is very important as human beings, whether you believe in Iraq, I'm assuming if you're watching an astrology channel, you do not have this subscription to a random universe that just happened to come out of nowhere, that sort of thinking, but maybe you do, I don't know and that's totally fine.
But in some way, we're always making meaning as human beings, you know, you'll hear that all the time, we're meaning-making machines, and making meaning can be very helpful, and maybe we're all making meaning with all of this, right? We're making meaning out of the sky, out of the earth, out of ourselves. I heard Jill Tarter, the famous scientist who is in the movie Contact with Jodie Foster's character, is based on her. She said once on a podcast that it was just so pithy and brilliant. She said, You know, as humans, we're just fascinated by ourselves, and it's so true, right? We're always so interested in us and in the meaning we're making, and sometimes from our wounded self, the places that we know we've done work with, we've seen, we've understood, we've tended to the parts around, and that we've healed the young parts of ourselves, or the younger parts of it, the parts that experienced it, there's some meaning we can make was a philosophy, life philosophy that can come out of it.
Now, one thing that is interesting is that with Chiron, and I see this often around the Chiron return, which happens for us around 4950. We can make meaning out of our wounds that cause us to shrink and retreat. Sometimes that happens, and they're so overwhelming, it's like I just shrink and retreat back into myself. Or we can make meaning that is generous and shares. I'm not giving a value judgment on either one.
You know, in the work that I've done, and what I've heard some people go through, I'm like, I am not going to offer judgment on how anyone handles their own internal state. That's kind of between, you know, between you and God. But the idea of knowing what kind of meaning we're making, and is this meaning that's reclaiming Aries reclaiming, pulling back, drawing back from the past, that's a discernment that'd be really interesting around this time, especially as Mercury is making that pass on April 15. The retrograde pass, though, is usually when Mercury makes the retrograde pass in an aspect like that. That's when you're sort of bringing up the stuff to be seen and discerned.
Oh, number five is saying no to speaking up about unnecessary sacrifice. Chiron, when it's strong in the chart, often there's a very strong self-sacrificial quality to it. Especially when we're not aware of the archetype at work, and there's a feeling of, it really doesn't matter what happens to me, I just, I just think about others I'm, so you know, sometimes, especially for those of us that are very empathically sensitive, I'm very empathically sensitive in a lot of ways.
We can confuse compassion with empathic entanglement, where we're so involved in the experience of another that it's hard for us to locate ourselves in that interaction, and when we can step back, there's a sense of genuine compassion, where I'm centered rooted in myself, and I'm able to take action that is effective and helpful and necessary for what needs to be done in the service of another.
When we say no to unnecessary, unnecessary sacrifice, because there's some necessary concessions and compromises and so forth, that we go through in our adult lives particularly, there's a sense of again, that reclaiming where we say it's important that I stay centered, in my sense of who I am, and have an eye towards a mission or a drive towards the service of others and when we get lost in that, when we get lost on that internal compass, then it's very hard to discern what is necessary and where we end, and someone else begins.
Remember that Mars will be in Pisces, dirt, ruling all of these planets during that time, which will maybe bring some of that soup to the surface. Well, where exactly are the boundaries here? How much am I giving? Is it actually helpful? And maybe looking at, you know, is my speech and communication or my actions of my words, the actions of my words, the actions of my communication really helpful here? Am I centered in my own sense of self?
Not in an egotistical way, because you can do that? Trust me, this could also go in the shadow side and egotistical I like I'm centered on myself, and I'm good, doesn't really give a fuck what happens to anybody else. But that's not what we're talking about here. What we're talking about here is I have a sense of being inside myself, and let me put it this way, when I, when I'm teaching people about energy work, and especially when they're doing altered states of consciousness, for whatever, in whatever way, you actually have to have a fairly strong, healthy ego to do that, you have to have a space to return to what you know, feels like you. Because when you shift and change your energy readings, right, when I'm sort of like in one space here, and then communicating to my client here, I have to be very clear about where I am, what I'm seeing, and not getting too involved in it.
That was a big thing that happened to me in my early career when I was doing intuitive work because I would get so involved and drawn into the experience that I wouldn't know where I was, and I would feel kind of disoriented. When we're stable and grounded in ourselves, then we're able to draw in, and we're able to go more places where we're stable and grounded ourselves. It's a little bit like having an internal lighthouse, and I can go a little further from the shore when I know that there's a beacon on the shore that draws me back. Hope that makes sense.
So that keeps us from a space of being unnecessarily sacrificial. Because it's like, I'm going out here. I'm going out here, but I know where I am. I'm aware of things that can be helpful, or I'm also aware of where I'm trying to help. But it's actually not helpful that that could be something that happens with currency. I'm really trying to help them. My intentions are good. But it doesn't seem to wind up the way I thought it would, and that could also happen to you. I'm saying something I think should be helpful here. But it's actually having the opposite effect.
When we're centering ourselves. More often than not, though we all, we all mess it up. Sometimes, we speak from a place we communicate from a place that is maybe not always comfortable but more helpful. Yeah. Oh, my goodness, that is some Mercury and Chiron in it.
Anyway, I hope this was helpful for us; I hope it was a helpful introduction to Chiron in some of the ideas you might see, and it may be interesting for you to look at your chart if you don't know where it is already to take a look at the points to the chart, see where it is in your natal chart, see if you're having any major transits to Chiron and you might notice some of these themes come up to you know, with the combination of whatever planet the archetype is moving with Chiron. But yeah, this was really fun to do. I hope you have enjoyed it, and we'll talk soon. Bye, everybody.
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