Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday. Today we're going to talk about Mercury's opposition to Uranus which is now coming back around through Mercury's retrograde.
It was a pretty wild weekend of astrology, in case you missed it, and some people definitely feel it more than others. For example, if you have planets in that 9 to 11 degree range of fixed signs, you probably felt it through Mercury and Uranus. But also if you have planets anywhere from say 19 to 25 degrees of cardinal signs, you definitely would have felt it because we had of course, Mars retrograde, the Sun moving through Libra and the t-square between those two planets to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, all of which were very dynamic. We also had a Venus opposition to Neptune over the weekend.
So the Sun is finally out of the enclosure with the malefics, which is a relief. The Sun is crossed over the 26 degree marker. Before when it was in that zone, it was in a zone of uncertainty, a zone of bad news a zone of difficulties or obstacles, a zone of having to persevere or deal with deadlines or pressure. A lot of different ways of looking at it, which we unpacked last week. Thankfully, the Sun is almost out of Libra and is going to move into Scorpio where it picks up dignity. Mars is going to soon pick up dignity by turning direct again. I mean, it's a little ways out yet, but we're heading in the right direction there. Venus is through the opposition with Neptune, and we'll start gradually moving towards Libra where it picks up dignity, surprise, surprise. Mercury today is opposing Uranus. But we'll back off from the opposition to Uranus, and that should tone down the intensity of that dynamic a little bit. So there's a lot of things that you're getting a little you're getting spelled a little bit from some of the intensity of the past week at least.
But there is still the Mercury Uranus opposition today and tomorrow. So I just wanted to go back into that make you aware of it. And, you know, give you a sense of what to watch for. This week I'll also be talking about Mercury in Scorpio in depth, continuing with my Mercury series. Eventually, we're doing Mercury in Libra, which I missed. But since Mercury is retrograding back into Libra I figure we'll cover that when mercury dips back into Libra. And then a couple of things that are exciting this week that are coming up, I will doing the next part of my series on 10 things I've learned in 10 years of professional astrology. And also having a guest, one of my Bhakti teachers will be coming on to talk about Bhakti with Cat. So it'll be Cat and myself one of my Bhakti teachers doing basically an introduction to bhakti video, what is bhakti? We'll get to hear it from someone who I consider real sage. Her name is Vidharba. So she'll be here and you guys get to hear from her. And that's another one of my crossover videos. I get a lot of questions from people about the spiritual component of the astrology that I present on my channel. And so I'm trying to make the bridge to the Bhakti and yoga content that I create more accessible. So we're doing that talk later in the week as well. So some really fun things to look forward to. Then we'll we'll track the transits as usual.
All right, all that being said, let's take a look at today's opposition between Mercury and Uranus. Mercury is at about 9 degrees and change 29 minutes and is opposite Uranus at about nine degrees in 10 minutes. So how does this evolve? So it's going to take Mercury right until about this evening, basically until Mercury makes the exact opposition. So it will be late tonight. And we can track that out all the way until essentially like tomorrow night, even into early Wednesday morning, that you still have mercury about within one degree of the opposition. So if you want to say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of this week, as an expression of not only Mercury's retrograde but Mercury's opposition to Uranus. You'd be feeling it at least until then you could stretch it out until Friday really because Mercury needs to pull away from about within about three degrees before those effects are really starting to fade out of the picture. And remember, eventually Mercury will turn direct go back through Scorpio and hit that opposition one more time. So, we are going to see follow up surrounding the things that are coming up right now.
So Mercury opposite Uranus. Now remember that you have the god of communication and the mind, information messages and messengers, craft and trade, even court sports where you're going back and forth back and forth like basketball or hockey or something like that. Mercury, busy market places where people are trading money and goods and services back and forth, Mercury. Highways where things are bustling, coming and going a busy airport with everyone coming and going, Mercury. The information superhighway, the internet, Mercury. Mercury is also associated with inventions and inventors. Some people have, I think accurately recognised that you're honest is a planet that shares a lot in common with Mercury. Uranus is also associated with inventiveness, discovery, it is kind of a paradigm breaking planet, when you talk about the history of Uranus in terms of ideas and prominent thinkers who have had you know, major Uranus placements and this is something that was explored by the way, in Richard Tanras' book, "Cosmos and Psyche," which is a really, really fantastic book that kind of captures the outer planetary cycles in history, especially the history of culture and thought and so forth. Anyway, Uranus can be paradigm breaking intellectually, but also in terms of technology. And you know, I see a lot of people, when there have strong Uranus transits, they take my classes or they they get into astrology in some way. So, anything that may take that may show an interest in the breaking of barriers or commonly held ideas or beliefs, often is uranian. Also, both Uranus and Mercury can be associated with trickery, deception and thievery. Uranus is a kind of a cosmic trickster. Uranus is also the sudden, revealing, shocking and unexpected and Uranus in that sense is a bit like can be like the tower card in Tarot, sudden disasters, sudden violent injuries or accidents are sometimes uranian. A fender bender that you weren't expecting can be uranian.
But Uranus is also a planet that tends to break us free of blockages or impediments removes obstacles and limitations and oftentimes grants us greater freedom and flexibility. So those are those two planets are now coming together in an opposition, which often means that there's a dynamism and attention that's coming between these two planets. Of course, Mercury is retrograde, which implies the potential for cross examination, something I talked about last week, which means we may be revisiting old ideas or we may be reconsidering something from a different perspective or one area of our lives may be experiencing a sudden or dramatic reversal or change. And so, these changes can be liberating they can also be shocking, and they can change the status quo in our life through destruction or destructiveness or kind of a certain divine level of chaos.
So here's some things to watch for. First of all, a big theme is rebelliousness, verbal, mental, intellectual, whatever the case might be, there's just maybe an a theme of rebelliousness in the air. Is it healthy or unhealthy? Does it damage your reputations? Or does it damage allegiances? Or is it something that frees us from unhealthy people or unhealthy patterns? That's a good question to ask be especially before reacting or doing something that's very rebellious. I'm going to do some etymologies today because another thing that's really Mercury opposite Uranus is to uncover what's behind or underneath something. And so etymology is a great way to discover more or to mine more deeply into what's what's happening in your life or what's happening in your own mind. Oftentimes, the words that we use, or the words that we think we are choosing are actually choosing us on some level. You've probably heard of a Freudian slip before. And, you know, it is annoying when people make honest mistakes of speech and it's like just a mistake. But oftentimes, there is something more that's being said, by virtue of the words that we choose, the words are choosing us. And so to uncover what's underneath something in communication or in dialogue right now, is a possibility. So we're going to take a little look at etymologies today.
For example, defiance, has the idea of as much being provoked by something as to provoke. Isn't that interesting, that when you defy something, there is a sense in which the person who is acting defiantly has been provoked, and is provoking. And it can happen simultaneously like that. So, and it happens suddenly, with Uranus, the revealing of one's mind, for example, if you suddenly decide to share something that you've been holding in, or if you suddenly say something that needs to be said, these would be perfectly in line, this kind of thing would be perfectly in line with Mercury's opposition to Uranus. You can also get sudden liberating news or information. Oh, thank God, you know that that feels really good. I'm glad to get that news that I don't have to worry about that anymore. Or, wow, okay. I was thinking it was gonna be bad. It's really good.
For example, it could be a very simple thing, like you're checking your bank statement. And you believe that you have a lot less available in your bank account than you actually do. Because you made a mistake while accounting and suddenly all stress you've been feeling poof, gone. Oh, wow. A sudden, a sudden slip up or a sudden mistake turns out to be not as bad as you think it was. It doesn't have the consequence that you thought it would you say something and you think, Oh my god, that was the worst thing ever. And the other person on the other ends, laughs and they say, Oh, no big deal. So those are, you know, potentially again, the liberating side of Uranus can come through and offer levity or sort of lighten the situation. Although sometimes there is almost like a near misses quality in the air. Like it could have been really bad, but it's not. And part of why it could have been bad but it's not right now is also because Mercury's host Mars is retrograde and square to Jupiter.
There's a weird way in which that picture is the picture of something that could be bad, not being as bad as it is. And that's partly because Mars picks up the square to the fallen Jupiter. And his Mars is kind of weakened underneath the surface or it's picking up some help from a benevolent Jupiter that's overcoming it from Capricorn and exalts Mars. You know, Jupiter's in Mars' exultation is in Capricorn. So you get this picture of a Jupiter that might lift Mars up in some ways. And that's the dynamic underneath Mercury in Scorpio because Mercury is in Mars' temple. So the information or news that comes to the surface that suddenly relieves you that's like, oh, okay, that's not as bad as I thought it was. Or it could have been a lot worse than it that ended up.
Now, the sudden liberating news or information you have to be careful of thievery, trickery, deception, manipulation, gossip. And then there's some words that came to my mind, and I wanted to dig beneath them a little bit today, exposure, disclosure, revelation, and epiphany. These are all words keywords that can be related to Mercury opposite Uranus. And by the way, any of these things could also apply to issues with technology, or media or something like that. And you can see these in the collective or in your lives, you know, personally.
Exposure. Exposure has an etymological relationship to the light of the Sun. And so when something is being exposed, it is as though it is coming from out of a concealed place and being shown in the light of the Sun. So you think about this, this is relevant because you have mercury in that dark, autumnal Mars like sign and something controversial is being shown or revealed to the Sun. It's being brought up to so that everyone can see, but is it real? Is it true? Is it a rumour is it idle talk or gossip? Those questions are also important right now because Mercury opposite Uranus can be involved with deception and trickery, in a manipulation of information.
I was just thinking about my, my younger daughter, right? And how she, she's only two, we're going on two and a half now, I guess, God time flies. So she'll come into the room and present to us as though her little sister has just done something awful. And, you know, crying and Gigi hit me or you know, something like that. And we always buy it too we're always like, "Gigi, why would you do that?" she's like, "I didn't do anything!" She was like, "I'm just not giving her the toy she wants to play with because I was playing with it first." And then we're like, oh, sneaky. So she'll, you know, she'll come out and try to sell us on the fact that her her sister who we know to be a little, you know, a little tyrant, you know, at times. And we know that, that's the pattern so she can sell us on it easily. So you also have to be careful right now, because that that little example is like, it's like a microcosm of what can happen in our lives right now where something can present and it can look very convincing or compelling. And you go, you jump to a conclusion immediately only to realise that you've been maybe tricked on some level, or duped or brought along. So exposing to light, exposure, exposing to the light in relation to the Sun. But even though you're bringing it up to see, are you are you presenting something or revealing something to lead people along? It's hard to say right? And this is a moment right? Where we're still we still have Venus just separating from the opposition to Neptune. And remember, Pluto and Jupiter are also in a pretty close sextile with Neptune right now. So for example, all of the crazy amount of conspiracy theories that have been going around for I don't know it seems like a while now right? That's in part because we have a very close relationship between a fallen Jupiter in sextile with Neptune. Even fallen Jupiter on its own can produce paranoid belief systems or something like that. But at any rate.
So the next one will be disclosure. Disclosure is a Mercury Uranus word that means to break open or unlock. Well, to break open can be violent, to literally break in, breaking and entering or thievery that involves some kind of intrusiveness, or invasiveness, or invasive procedures, or invasive experiences that are sudden, that would be part of what disclosure is, that's a part of what this word is pointing to and what Mercury and Uranus can point to. Also to unlock. Disclosure can also mean to unlock something that's been in a vault where nobody can look at it, no, I'm going to unlock it, I'm going to disclose it. Or it can it can mean to show something that has been locked up, secret or hidden. And that can be within ourselves an emotion that we haven't shown or a fact or something like that.
You can find out through revelation what's happening, another really good Mercury opposite Uranus word. Uncover, unveil, to lay bare, but it also has connotation of supernatural agency being involved. Also the word epiphany, which is a striking appearance, or the manifestation or appearance of a God that suddenly comes into view and speaks. So omens or oracles or signs that speak can definitely be a part of this right now Mercury opposite Uranus is very much the messenger of the gods motif. So something that is a striking appearance or manifestation that bears a message. And it could be a message of wake up. For example, sometimes when you have close calls or you there's a disaster that's averted, you feel like it was a godsend, thank you for that because it keeps me aware or it keeps me grateful or it reminds me to stay humble, or it puts me in my place somehow. And we can be really thankful for things like that that come up right now as well.
We have to be careful again of gossip. What does gossip mean? Well, one of the etymological connotations of gossip is standing around idly talking with your neighbours about other things happening in your neighbourhood. So in some ways, it's just everyday chit chat about the comings and goings around your in your sphere of activity, but talking ideally about others. There's also this way in which it can have ramifications. We entangle ourselves in the karma of other people in really complicated ways in subtle ways that don't always show themselves right away by taking part in idle chitchat or gossip or rumours or I like this person, I don't like that person etc. And we have to be really careful of that, especially during a Mercury Uranus opposition, I guess it's possible that such things could have very immediate consequences. That's what comes to my mind anyway. Rumour, by the way, which is also possibility right now, etymologically rumour means commotion, noise, clamour, popular opinions and uproar. And all of those things, you could see that the clamouring idle chitchat becoming suddenly very provocative or explosive.
Now, there's also two words that come to my mind. And this is again, based on the fact that Mercury is not only opposite Uranus, but that Mercury's ruler, Mars is retrograde and square to a fallen Jupiter with Jupiter, exalting Mars and overcoming Mars. All of that's pretty technical. But you ask the question, is there anything to this? Is there anything to this news or information? Is there anything behind this? So one of the things that you would do in the ancient world is if you had an omen or an oracle, that the manifestation of God or an appearance of a god or something like this, you might go to a temple, and ask the diviners to verify if this, indeed was the manifestation of a god? And if so, what was the God saying? You know, maybe here's what I think it's saying, but is that really what this God is saying. And along those lines, we're also asking if something is benign, or malignant. Benign means well-born, gentle, kind, generous, and malignant, would have more of the connotation of to injure, maliciously. So we also have to look at whether we've done something with something that was benign, can suddenly be taken in a way that's very injurious by others, or something that is very malignant can be passed off as very benign. And the reason that this that this can get crossed up like this, and may have to get sorted out again, later, or may have to be clarified later is because of Mercury retrograde. And because of it being in a mute water sign that tends to be more secretive, there's this revealing sudden nature to it. So that's why you can see something that was supposed to be benign, becoming malignant, or something that was malignant, becoming benign.
For example, I've seen in my practice, in the past week, at least two cases of people who were getting medical tests done. And they were really worried that something that indeed turned out to be benign would be malignant, they get the test back and they go, Oh, thank God, it's not a big deal, and they were really afraid that it would be. So that's another example of such a thing. But it can also be the kind of thing where you're like, Oh, look, Oh, I got a small bump on my toe. Right? And you're thinking it's no big deal. And the next morning, you wake up and your toes really swollen, and you go like, Oh, my God, I guess I broke my toe or something like that. So there can be this weird twist and turn of status where something looks like it's benign, but is malignant or appears like it's malignant, but it's actually benign. And that, and there can be some combination of both as well right now that is tricky. So watch for because deception often involves the appearance of something benign, and yet the presence of something malignant, simultaneously. So hopefully that makes sense.
All right, that's what I've got for today. I hope that this is useful for all of you as you're navigating your week. Don't forget that my new class Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic starts on November 14, still have room love to have you guys in class. I did a video on it last week if you want to learn more did a whole q&a called ancient astrology for the modern mystic q&a if you look at my archives It's 30 classes on the year plus 12 guests lectures plus breakout sessions, optional study with optional homework, reading and quizzes and tonnes of bonus material in a classroom forum. You can be talking to me all year long asking questions. You guys some of you met my ta Delia. We've worked really hard to make this better and better each year. And it's a great programme. People often go on to take my second year programme and my Horary programme. So you've got three full years worth of worth of apprenticing that you can do if you enjoy the way that I work with astrology. This is Hellenistic astrology. So it's an ancient sort of old school. Greek astrology shares a lot in common with Indian yogic astrology and philosophy, so check it out on my website, we have an early bird rate you can save $500 when you sign up, pay up front you can have a there's a payment plan and then there's also need based tuition if you are in need for any of the reasons that we list on our website. You can check it out there, but also we're serving people who are struggling due to COVID-19. So check all of that out and if you have any questions, feel free to email me I look forward to a bunch of cool content the rest of this week so stay tuned. All right. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
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