Today, we will look at Mercury's square to Uranus, happening over the weekend. It's a very Uranian weekend as Mercury goes through a cazimi with the Sun, and the Sun squares Uranus at the time of the full moon. We'll explore five radical Mercury-Uranus ideas, discussing the light bulb moments and new perspectives these transits often bring.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to take a look at Mercury's square to Uranus, which is happening over the weekend. This square is actually taking place as Mercury goes right through a cazimi with the sun, and then the sun swaps places with Mercury and squares Uranus at the time of the full moon. So it is a very Uranian weekend, but I wanted to look at Mercury square, to Uranus in particular, since Mercury's retrograde, and look at sort of five radical Mercury-Uranus ideas.
One of the things that happens quite frequently when these two planets get together is we have these light bulb moments, these kind of aha moments, where we think a brand new thought, or we come up with a new idea, or we see something very differently. So, I want to give you some examples of the kinds of ideas that mercury Uranus often provides us with and play with some of the symbolism in the sky surrounding the mercury Uranus dynamic this weekend. So anyway, that's what we're doing today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. Share your comments if you have them or any insights to share. We love hearing from you guys. Transcripts of any of my daily talks can be found on the website When you go over to the website, I want to show you a sale that we are running. The sale is running through the 27th of this month.
If you go to the Courses page, we have a brand new astrology essentials course. This is a beginners ' course, which means that it is something you could take if you were thinking about enrolling in our first-year program. Of course, we have a first, second, and third-year program, a horary program, and four years' worth of astrological certification programs that we offer, but we had yet to make a course that was for absolute beginners, people who are totally brand new to astrology, because even people entering our first-year program often have a little astrology under their belt already, but most of that is pieced together by online research and just kind of learning as you go on the fly.
So, this is meant for total beginners. This would be good for a family member or a friend who's a total beginner and interested in what you're doing. When you listen to all this astrology content, you'll see the modules listed out. This is under the Courses page, of course, on the website, and at the bottom, you'll find the early bird payment. This lasts until August 27. This is a fully recorded course. It will be released in mid-September, when we open enrollment for the fall program, for the fall year one program. So, this is effectively a pre-sale. The release will be in mid-September. You can save significantly on the cost of the course by purchasing it now.
So we hope that some of you will also be able to take advantage of that. I want to point out that we have a good live talk coming up. I'm giving my next webinar, monthly webinar on August 22, The Eighth House, A Place of Karmic Debts. If you want to learn more about the eighth house, your eighth house in your birth chart, this is a great talk that will sort of clear up some misconceptions while also digging pretty deeply into why this house has so much to do with karmic contracts that we have with other living beings.
So that will be a good one, and I hope to see you there if you can't make it live. Of course, it will be recorded for you. When you register, you get the link to attend live, and then you get the recording later, and that beginner's course is all recorded so you can work through it at your own pace. All right. So, on that note, let's turn our attention to the real-time clock, and I can point out what we're looking at today, which is the retrograde of Mercury into the square with Uranus. Here we have it.
So here we are on Friday, and you can see that on Friday, August 16, Mercury is just a degree away from Uranus. And what's going to happen is we're going to see the two of them get together in a square on Saturday, August 17, into Sunday, August 18, and then the sun swaps places with Mercury and hits the square to Uranus at the same time that the full moon is also hitting the square to Uranus. So it's a very Uranian weekend coming into the early part of Monday of next week.
So what I want to look at today are the kinds of ideas that you can expect from the combination of Mercury and Uranus because one of the most basic significations of Mercury and Uranus is original thinking, ways of thinking, or ways of looking at a situation, a very particular situation, or life itself that are unique and often the combination of Mercury and Uranus will take a well-established idea, or very commonly held idea, that there's not necessarily anything wrong with but it will say, hey, let's flip that on its head, and have you consider the opposite Mercury.
Hermes is very fluid like that and loves to play with opposites, and Uranus is the light bringer who will often illuminate in combination with Mercury by exposing us to the opposite. So. Yeah, so that's what we're looking at with all of these ideas, and none of them are mandatory for this transit. They are just for your consideration. So, one of the things that happens most regularly when Mercury and Uranus get together is that you will experience synchronicities.
Okay, so here is a good example of synchronicity. So, let's say you're really frustrated with your kids one afternoon, and you realize that your time management skills need to improve, right? And you are frustrated with your children, but you're more deeply frustrated with your schedule, let's say, and so you're getting really flustered with the kids, and in a moment, you go, I've had enough. I'm enough. I need to take a break. I'm gonna go for a walk. And as soon as you say that, let's say there's a clock on the wall, right, and you haven't hit anything. Nothing's happened just randomly; that clock falls off the wall and breaks, and you look at that, and you go, did I just cause that to happen?
No, it's not that I'm reaching this breaking point and thinking about time management and saying to my kids, I'm gonna go take a walk. Ideally, you maybe have your partner in the house, or they're old enough, so that's okay, right? But you, I'm going for a walk, and then a clock falls off the wall and breaks, and you, you see the two events as symbolically correlated, even though they are not causally correlated. In other words, you didn't just cause that to happen, not in the obvious way.
So that's a synchronicity. There are lots of examples. People have stretched the definition of synchronicity to mean things like thinking of a friend, and they call you the next day or whatever. But the idea is that synchronicities are quite common when Mercury and Uranus get together.
So here's a radical idea, and this is along the lines of the full moon that's coming through with Leo Aquarius in the mix. What if? Because sometimes ]\ynchronicities are in that moment, if you're that parent, the falling of the clock has just confirmed for you that you need a different kind of time, you know? So there's like, symbolically, it's speaking, it's very personal. But the radical, a radical Mercury-Uranus, kind of idea would be that synchronicity is not always for you. It doesn't have to be a message, an instruction, a confirmation, or a wink from the universe that you're on the right path. It can be all of those things. But also sometimes, I think that synchronicities and this is a very Mercury Uranus kind of idea, flip something on its head right.
Synchronicities are nothing more than like the fact of eternity, which we miss all the time because we live in a world that experiences a kind of time and a linear sequence of things. Synchronicities are nothing more than eternity popping through and going; ah, everything's actually completely interconnected and simultaneously occurring. And causality is a kind of illusion. And so sometimes synchronicities are just reminders that we are eternal beings living in eternity, and we don't lose track of it. So one great benefit, one relieving, freeing benefit of this idea is that when a synchronicity happens, you can relieve yourself of the burden of having to take some message and go on some mission because of what the synchronicity has instructed you to do or has confirmed or something.
Instead, you can just go, Ah, that's right, I'm living in an eternal world. I am an eternal being. And that's very freeing because it doesn't have to be about you. It can just be about the eternal nature of things. So that's a very liberating Mercury-Uranus kind of thought attached to a very Mercury-Uranus kind of phenomenon, which are synchronicities.
Number two, thoughts are archetypal. Here's something that we miss all the time. If you meditate, you've heard this before from a meditation teacher; probably, you are not your thoughts. You are thinking. And what we're trying to do when we say that is not condemn thinking. It's not to say that we don't have that there isn't value in the thinking part of us, or something like that, but it is to say that if you don't have space in. Which to relate to or reflect upon your thoughts, you will often get identified with them and then be possessed and ride the roller coaster of being identified with your thoughts.
So, we want to get some space so we can relate to, reflect upon, and interact with our thoughts. And this is where things like internal family systems make a lot of sense, and meditation that teaches us to get some distance and be able to see the thoughts streaming through as the observer. They're all giving us skills to be able to relate to our thoughts. Astrology does the same thing. Try this on for size.
When Mercury and Uranus come through, and I swear to God, you can do this any Mercury Uranus aspect, or if it's transiting in your chart, you can do this too, and it's like the faculty to do this particular exercise grows exponentially under the transits of Mercury and Uranus. And that is to observe your thoughts and then to notice that they are archetypal. Whatever you're thinking about the world, or what's happening in the news, or what's happening in your friend's life, or what's happening in your own life or your relationship. Just notice the quality of the voice.
It's like a story that's being told, and the reasoning and the perceptions and the opinions, they all have an archetypal bent to them. See if you can spot the gods and goddesses in the mix of your thoughts. When you do that, it's really amazing how you'll come to go at times. I'm not saying we don't have our own mental and intellectual agency, but I am saying that it's amazing how much we think of our own thoughts that are actually reflections of the planetary aspects that are happening in the sky.
We think they're our thoughts, but they're actually the gods and goddesses mingling in our thoughts. What is really original, what is really freeing is to be able to identify and name the gods and then again, suddenly we have space, and we might have more flexibility in how we're thinking about things. Number three is that our forgiveness and our uncertainty free us, whereas our judgments, and let's call it our our overly confident certainty, condemn us.
So the thing is, I don't think it's a sin to have beliefs, right? I don't think it's a sin to have a sense that, you know, you feel pretty good about the things you believe to be true or real or important. But if we don't hold a kind of tension between our beliefs and what we feel to be true and a humble sense of uncertainty and mystery. What happens is that whenever it's time for us to learn something new and figure out, Oh, I didn't know. I didn't know this. It's not what I thought it was. I wasn't in possession of the total truth. I didn't see anything. It will be so much harder and more painful when we have built up a set of perceptions or truth claims on the like, on the foundation of self-righteousness.
That is when it comes to undoing and learning, like undoing false beliefs or enhancing or clarifying what is true in any given situation or in our lives or how we look at reality, the harder and more self-righteous we are, generally, the more hypocritical we are, by the way, then when it comes time to learning and opening and expanding our mind and our perception of things. It's so much more painful because the karma is being undone, and you live by the sword. You die by the sword if you have self-righteousness behind or within the way you look at things. And there's not a humility, which is not about not believing anything. It's about holding a certain degree of mystery and uncertainty in how you believe or how you go about looking at things, and it'll be much more difficult.
So anyway, the same thing applies to looking at other human beings when our ideas about other human beings are very rigid, you know? And it's funny, I heard someone in India, one time, a teacher in India, say that when you have judgments of other people, you are essentially buying stock in their karma. Like, whoa. That's okay, and yet, it pays dividends, so you get to participate in their karma when you hold judgments about other people; the same thing is true. We may have perceptions about other people.
We can notice and observe things about other people, and we may not like an attitude or behavior or not agree with it, or it may not be the one that we would adopt, but when we adopt a forgiving, compassionate, and non-judgmental approach to how we look at other human beings in general, and we stick to that, it is much easier for we help people with that attitude to grow and change, first of all, and also when it comes to our own karma, when it's time for us to be judged and evaluated, we receive mercy because we give mercy. It's that simple.
It's like you bind into a paradigm of humility and how you talk about or perceive truth, and you receive the dividends, which is that when it comes time to learn and grow, it's gentle. When it comes time to learn and grow as a person, if you've been non-judgmental, you also receive that compassionate, sensitive touch. And there's a general rule at work karmically in the universe that sages everywhere have talked about, which is that this is the sort of way that, on one level, this is how things work.
Of course, there's another level that's very, you know, tit for tat, but it's sort of like adopting humility as an outlook in life, which is not to say that you diminish yourself in any way, but it is to say that you don't you just you sit in the right place, you know. And that and non-judgment go a long way. They're a lot softer, and that is a liberating or freeing idea. Mercury Uranus can often coincide with great moments of saying, I'm going to stop thinking I know everything, or I'm going to stop thinking I know everything about this person.
Change isn't the same as newness. We always want newness because newness feels so good, but we try to get to newness, which I would equate, by the way, newness I would equate with the essence of life, like the spirit, the living spirit, I would call that newness. People want newness. And I see this in my practice all the time, right? Consulting with people, hearing so many different people, what they want, what they desire, what their aim is in life, and newness are big parts of it. I want to feel like I'm in touch with the essence or the spirit of life itself, which is like a wellspring. But we try to get there. And I'm guilty of this. I'm sure most of you listening to this can relate. We try to get there by making constant changes. It's like the same reason we're scrolling all the time, you know, it's like they just, if I can just modulate and change the basic stuff around me all the time, then it sort of resembles the ever-living, ever-present, ever renewable spirit.
But it's not the real thing; it's just constantly making changes for the sake of making changes or constantly staying stimulated and doing different things. It's like an addictive base substitute for getting in touch with something essential, which is why what we really need to consider is that some of them, like if you want to get in touch with something that is really close to the essence of life, you want to feel that newness.
It's so much more about a change of consciousness than it is about just saying, well, like if I get a new car, or if I change relationships constantly, or if I change jobs all the time, or, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with changing any of those things, right on principle. It's just that when we take a grass is greener approach with Mercury-Uranus, and we go, oh, this new thing, this will, this will make me feel youthful and alive and free and liberated.
Uranus lives very closely to that living fire of the spirit that we want to get in touch with Mercury. Uranus says, Do this new thing, change, make this change, and then you'll be close to it. And then it isn't. It isn't it isn't. Over and over again, we try new things, and they just don't work. And so, you know, you think about meditation, you think about prayer, you think about the lives of creatives. Staying close to the living spirit is almost always a practice. It is something that comes through consistency and devotion. So there's a lot of days that are chopping wood and carrying water.
But you know that if you attend to the living spirit through a kind of devotional approach, there are innumerable devotional approaches to life, lifestyles, life practices, creative practices, and spiritual practices. But it's that tending to something in familiar, constant ways over long periods of time that tends to bring us close to the living spirit of newness.
This is why some of the most present, you know, happy people are often people who have very deeply devoted lifestyles or practices to something, to their garden, to their instrument, to their writing, to their friendships, whatever it is you attend to it, you know, and when we try to tend to ourselves constantly, we end up just making changes, because it's basically just like I'm trying to eat a different kind of food that will emotionally satisfy me, you know, it's like, it's like emotional eating. We're trying to fill ourselves, and so we change things constantly, whereas, when you tend to something outside of yourself, which you're involved in, obviously, like a garden, or like a prayer practice, or, you know, for me, the past couple of years, it's been, you know. Several hours of physical exercise every day, which is, you know, totally different from where I've been in my past.
But whatever it is, you're tending to something, and it's that attending to it over time with a devotion that brings you close to the living spirit of life because life itself is sacrificial. Life itself is giving. And so when you give, you get in touch with the living spirit of life itself, whose nature is generosity and abundance, right? So we have to shift from constant change in self-service to constant devotion to processes, practices, things that we tend to and love, and that's people, that's places, that's things, that's ideas, that's books, that's, you know, whatever
Number five, this is the radical idea I'll leave you with. Sometimes, the real revolution is found in commitment. It's just as simple as saying we don't always have to change something for a radical breakthrough to happen; maybe making adjustments, in other words, or revisions within existing structures, is the real revolution, as opposed to constantly needing to break them apart, which is itself a very radical Mercury Uranus kind of idea.
So anyway, I thought this would be fun following the video I did; I don't know. It was a week or two ago, and there were some radical ideas between Venus and Uranus. I thought, let's follow it up with one on Mercury Uranus.
I hope this serves you. This is this for me; this practice every day is a part of my devotional life. And I will tell you, it gives so much more than I could possibly give to it; I feel like I received so much more than I could possibly receive, which is why, in some ways, even though it's five days a week, year-round, it doesn't feel like work it. I mean, some days, it does. Let's be real. But in that devotional connection to making this content, I feel like I just received a lot spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically from all of you from the process of making it so. Anyway, that is it for now. I hope you're having a good one, and we will see you again soon. Bye.
Wow. It’s beautiful! Soooooo beautiful! Thank you so much. I am saving this to read over again later.