Here’s what to watch for:
* Secret meetings or messages
* Miscommunication
* Fantasies creating blurry boundaries
* Messages from the other side
* Endorsements or support from on high
* Charismatic speech and communication
* Dreams and their meanings
* Omens and synchronicity
* Meltdowns, liquid, and technology
* Not being able to speak or think clearly
* Meditation, trance, and hypnotism
* The holiday spirit, singing, and magic
* A delay or standstill
* Negotiations and deception
* Finally coming to terms with something
* Writers, movies, and pitching a vision
* Devotion, devotional music
* The desire to alter your mind/state
* Oversharing
* Emotional/communicative manipulation or distortion
* Important announcement
* Passionate rhetoric
* The truth vs personal feelings
* A turnabout or change of position or stance
These Mercury/Neptune qualities will be with us right through Christmas, so keep your eyes open!
Meanwhile, I am just 32 backers shy of my yearly goal with just nine days left to go on my Kickstarter. Help me get there and donate whatever you can to support this column in 2018!
Prayer: Help us to know the difference between truth and fantasy, but also show us the wonder, magic, and imagination of the real.
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