Here’s what to watch for…
* Today the Moon squares Mercury and Uranus. Watch for sudden and unexpected disruptions, reversals, announcements, news, or information related to all things lunar (home, family, children, health, women, mother, etc).
* With Mercury and Uranus stationing watch for pivotal changes or dynamic and fast or rapid events that serve to deconstruct, transform, and explode previously held ideas, structures, beliefs, and so forth.
* Watch for a change of heart or change of mind to suddenly take hold.
* Watch for those pesky delays, holdups, slowdowns, or technological snafus…Mercury is barely moving!
* Watch for agreements that require sacrifice or compromise that doesn’t feel fair or fun, but that may represent some positive change overall (Venus in her detriment moving into a sextile with Mars, her ruler, while Mars is in mutual reception with a stationing Mercury).
* Watch for the possibility to get into a standoff or shutdown in communication or negotiation…is it worth it…does holding off or back end up helping or hurting your position?
Remember that right now all delays, holdups, epiphanies, and rapid changes of direction or unexpected events, are meaningful and you may not have the full story until later in the week or even until after Mercury passes fully over Uranus again in the next 10 days!
Patient curiosity has to be part of our response to this interesting sequence of planetary dynamics.
Prayer: Help us to be patient and curious, adaptable but discerning.
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