Here is what to watch for:
* Coming to serious terms
* Commitment
* Serious communication
* Gaining the praise or permission of an elder or authority
* Formalizing an agreement or relationship
* Technology changes
* Administrative or organizational changes or the implementation of a new system
* The voice of wisdom and experience
* Gravity and weight of mind
* Coming back to an original agreement or resuming a conversation
* Re-establishing communication
* Authority meets discipline in speech, communication, instruction, intellect
* The ego being held in check by tradition or the wisdom of the past
* Crystalizing our understanding of something
* Finishing a writing or learning project
* Formal communication
* The last stages of an exhausting process
* The end of trying, pushing, struggling
* An effort comes to an end
* Repeated attempts that fail and finally give up
* The feeling of ineffectiveness, depression, or physical depletion
* A coming wave of renewal, regeneration, and rebirth
* The beginning of a time of recovery
* Turning a corner, regaining confidence and the will to push forward
* The purging of an acute issue
* Men, leaders, executives failing to execute, suffering health or confidence crises and then through failure perhaps turning over a new leaf
* Giving up and giving in leads to recovery or starting over
Note that as Mars enters Leo in the next few days Mars will leave the sign of its fall or depression, picking up essential dignity/strength, but it will also be in the Sun’s sign as the Sun enters its own sign and finishes the long and slow process of combustion and rebirth with Mars, meaning that the Sun will increase in its power over Mars at the very end of this process. The new Moon on Monday will conjoin with Mars and the Sun just a few days before the conjunction finally occurs, which means the next Moon cycle will very much feature the finality of this Sun/Mars cycle, concluding in some ways through not only the conjunction but a lunar eclipse at the peak of the next Moon cycle, which will launch us into an extraordinary month of transits in August! We will talk more about this in the week to come. Stay tuned!
Prayer: May we see the fruitlessness of any of our endeavors that aren’t rooted in your loving and perfect guidance.
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