Mercury is stationing as it is also forming a conjunction with Mars in Leo, and both planets are in a close square with Uranus in Taurus.
Here’s what to watch for:
* Retrogrades bring reversals, delays, significant turns or twists of fate or circumstance
* Retrogrades often indicate that what was gained is being given back or taken back
* When a planet stations, just prior to turning retrograde, it’s also as though the planet is saying “Look at me!”
* With Mercury stationing in a conjunction with Mars, in the sign of the Lion, we should be extra careful with our words, thoughts, and communication, as there may be a temptation to be domineering, overpowering, bullying, proud, controlling, or authoritarian right now.
* On the other hand, challenges to tradition, authority, and power, may be inevitable, as both Mercury and Mars also square Uranus, the rebel, the defiant liberator.
* Disruptive and potentially violent energies may be unleashed in the next few days as Mars works its way through the square to Uranus, so we should also take extra care when doing anything risky. It’s not a good time to get into an ego battle on the freeway!
* It’s also a good time to pursue interesting or innovative ideas, technological devices, revolutionary thinkers or teachers, or for the development of a new system of thought or a new strategy.
* Be mindful of the voice in your head that says, “Nobody but me knows what is right or good or true.” The truth is that most of us need teachers, mentors, counselors, objective listeners, friends, and lovers to keep our head screwed on straight, what to speak of the need for spiritual guides if we are hoping to grow closer to the divine in this lifetime. This transit may also tempt us to reject any and all forms of help or assistance because we feel threatened, jealous, or insecure about having to admit that we need help or that we do not know everything or are not in control of everything.
* On the other hand, if we have a pattern of giving all of our authority or inner truth away because we lack confidence, this transit may help us find the strength to make a decision for ourselves or to distance ourselves from an authority or institution that has trespassed or regularly tries to take more power or authority than it should.
* Also, again, remember that volatile tempers, moods, conversations, etc., can easily escalate given the Mars/Uranus dynamic. Pushing the envelope can be healthy but pushing a stranger in a grocery store can lead to a fist fight in the snack aisle. š
Prayer: Help us to find the pride of quiet strength and humble service.
Here’s what to watch for:
* Retrogrades bring reversals, delays, significant turns or twists of fate or circumstance
* Retrogrades often indicate that what was gained is being given back or taken back
* When a planet stations, just prior to turning retrograde, it’s also as though the planet is saying “Look at me!”
* With Mercury stationing in a conjunction with Mars, in the sign of the Lion, we should be extra careful with our words, thoughts, and communication, as there may be a temptation to be domineering, overpowering, bullying, proud, controlling, or authoritarian right now.
* On the other hand, challenges to tradition, authority, and power, may be inevitable, as both Mercury and Mars also square Uranus, the rebel, the defiant liberator.
* Disruptive and potentially violent energies may be unleashed in the next few days as Mars works its way through the square to Uranus, so we should also take extra care when doing anything risky. It’s not a good time to get into an ego battle on the freeway!
* It’s also a good time to pursue interesting or innovative ideas, technological devices, revolutionary thinkers or teachers, or for the development of a new system of thought or a new strategy.
* Be mindful of the voice in your head that says, “Nobody but me knows what is right or good or true.” The truth is that most of us need teachers, mentors, counselors, objective listeners, friends, and lovers to keep our head screwed on straight, what to speak of the need for spiritual guides if we are hoping to grow closer to the divine in this lifetime. This transit may also tempt us to reject any and all forms of help or assistance because we feel threatened, jealous, or insecure about having to admit that we need help or that we do not know everything or are not in control of everything.
* On the other hand, if we have a pattern of giving all of our authority or inner truth away because we lack confidence, this transit may help us find the strength to make a decision for ourselves or to distance ourselves from an authority or institution that has trespassed or regularly tries to take more power or authority than it should.
* Also, again, remember that volatile tempers, moods, conversations, etc., can easily escalate given the Mars/Uranus dynamic. Pushing the envelope can be healthy but pushing a stranger in a grocery store can lead to a fist fight in the snack aisle. š
Prayer: Help us to find the pride of quiet strength and humble service.
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