The Moon is moving into a square with Neptune this morning, while Mercury is conjunct the south node of the Moon, and the Sun is moving into a square with Jupiter.
* The passionate and fiery environment of the Moon/Mars conjunction is now fading, and just as it is the Moon is making a square to the emotional and otherworldly Neptune in Pisces. Don’t be surprised if the fires of yesterday are drowned out, dampened, or soothed by your encounters today.
* The Moon and Neptune are also about suggestibility. The Moon in Sagittarius preaches or proclaims a message that may be true only because listening ears/hearts and minds are vulnerable right now. On the other hand, the power of positive suggestion is also with us today. Statements of faith, hope, and trust may also soothe any lingering attempts by the Moon/Mars conjunction to dominate the situation.
* The Moon and Neptune are also about immunity and visibility. Sometimes we have to hide our light in order to remain protected from someone or something that is consciously, or unconsciously, trying to influence us or drain something away from us. Be aware of the fever pitch salesman today…don’t be “that guy,” and remember that you don’t have to buy anything from anybody if you’re feeling confused or hesitant.
* Sometimes people try to love by worrying, or by raising an alarm, or by fearing for us or others. When we feel alone, sometimes we try to bring others into our sphere by selling them on an empty idea or cause. When we feel confused and we’ve lost touch with our heart, it’s also easy to be persuaded by empty promises.
* On the other hand, don’t be surprised if the clouds break in some unexpected way today, and some sunshine pours through. The Moon and Neptune may provide a jolt of emotional encouragement and healing today if we’re open to receiving it.
* Meanwhile, with Mercury on the south node, the messenger has our minds fixated on simpler days and spiritual wisdom. Every loss in the material world is an opportunity to be anchored more deeply in our spiritual identity, and yet “loss” cannot be manufactured. We cannot force the process of karma, and we mostly do not control the outcomes of our choices. We can only continue to make the best choices we can, day after day, and pray that they will lead us, in time, into a closer union with the divine. So while our minds may be preoccupied with simplification, shedding layers, diminishment, loss, or surrender, and while we may indeed be receiving a foreshadowing of simpler times to come, we cannot grope and grasp our way toward spiritual simplicity and happiness. Just because we see what needs to be removed from our lives doesn’t mean that anything will or should be removed, just yet. We have to be willing to recognize the value and victory in the clarity of our thinking right now, even if that thinking cannot lead to tangible results at this exact moment.
* Finally, the Sun is moving into a square with Jupiter over the next few days as we move into the period of the Dark Moon. The Sun and Jupiter together provide insight, illumination, faith, victory, and wisdom. This planetary combination points toward the faith and victory born of darkness, of coming through the night, or of finding the truth within our sickness. We sometimes think to ourselves, “Now that I’ve got it all together, I am ready to face the darkness,” but this kind of faith rarely lasts. Real faith is found, again and again, in our willingness to find the sweetness in the sting, the nectar in the sorrow, and the hidden greatness within the grief. Failure is always failing us right back into the heart of God’s love for us, if we only have eyes to see it.
* The Sun/Jupiter square is also about the death of the King, the ego unwilling to relent, and the hard burn of an autocrat unwilling to surrender. From the standpoint of the angels, it is still the sight of a burning meteor, singing the song of true love. Do we dare to see it that way?
Prayer: Let your voice, speaking the truth be enough. Heal our weary minds. Open our doubting hearts. Show us how to make every fall a fall back into your loving hands.
* The passionate and fiery environment of the Moon/Mars conjunction is now fading, and just as it is the Moon is making a square to the emotional and otherworldly Neptune in Pisces. Don’t be surprised if the fires of yesterday are drowned out, dampened, or soothed by your encounters today.
* The Moon and Neptune are also about suggestibility. The Moon in Sagittarius preaches or proclaims a message that may be true only because listening ears/hearts and minds are vulnerable right now. On the other hand, the power of positive suggestion is also with us today. Statements of faith, hope, and trust may also soothe any lingering attempts by the Moon/Mars conjunction to dominate the situation.
* The Moon and Neptune are also about immunity and visibility. Sometimes we have to hide our light in order to remain protected from someone or something that is consciously, or unconsciously, trying to influence us or drain something away from us. Be aware of the fever pitch salesman today…don’t be “that guy,” and remember that you don’t have to buy anything from anybody if you’re feeling confused or hesitant.
* Sometimes people try to love by worrying, or by raising an alarm, or by fearing for us or others. When we feel alone, sometimes we try to bring others into our sphere by selling them on an empty idea or cause. When we feel confused and we’ve lost touch with our heart, it’s also easy to be persuaded by empty promises.
* On the other hand, don’t be surprised if the clouds break in some unexpected way today, and some sunshine pours through. The Moon and Neptune may provide a jolt of emotional encouragement and healing today if we’re open to receiving it.
* Meanwhile, with Mercury on the south node, the messenger has our minds fixated on simpler days and spiritual wisdom. Every loss in the material world is an opportunity to be anchored more deeply in our spiritual identity, and yet “loss” cannot be manufactured. We cannot force the process of karma, and we mostly do not control the outcomes of our choices. We can only continue to make the best choices we can, day after day, and pray that they will lead us, in time, into a closer union with the divine. So while our minds may be preoccupied with simplification, shedding layers, diminishment, loss, or surrender, and while we may indeed be receiving a foreshadowing of simpler times to come, we cannot grope and grasp our way toward spiritual simplicity and happiness. Just because we see what needs to be removed from our lives doesn’t mean that anything will or should be removed, just yet. We have to be willing to recognize the value and victory in the clarity of our thinking right now, even if that thinking cannot lead to tangible results at this exact moment.
* Finally, the Sun is moving into a square with Jupiter over the next few days as we move into the period of the Dark Moon. The Sun and Jupiter together provide insight, illumination, faith, victory, and wisdom. This planetary combination points toward the faith and victory born of darkness, of coming through the night, or of finding the truth within our sickness. We sometimes think to ourselves, “Now that I’ve got it all together, I am ready to face the darkness,” but this kind of faith rarely lasts. Real faith is found, again and again, in our willingness to find the sweetness in the sting, the nectar in the sorrow, and the hidden greatness within the grief. Failure is always failing us right back into the heart of God’s love for us, if we only have eyes to see it.
* The Sun/Jupiter square is also about the death of the King, the ego unwilling to relent, and the hard burn of an autocrat unwilling to surrender. From the standpoint of the angels, it is still the sight of a burning meteor, singing the song of true love. Do we dare to see it that way?
Prayer: Let your voice, speaking the truth be enough. Heal our weary minds. Open our doubting hearts. Show us how to make every fall a fall back into your loving hands.
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