Here’s what to watch for:
* As the Moon enters the Centaur today it immediately moves into a conjunction with Mars. Take note of the urge to fight, contend, separate, or divide, and try to apply whatever passion or intensity you might be feeling toward the betterment of yourself.
* The Moon and Mars in Sagittarius are like a missionary in a foreign land…we might be feeling too sure of ourselves or our point of view, or we might instinctively move toward our disagreements with others and an inherent sense of self-righteousness. A good minister in a foreign land, whether religious or political, should always play the long game. If our agenda is too blunt or too forceful, then today may lead us into unnecessary fights, burnt bridges, and missed opportunities for cooperation.
* The Moon and Mars in Sagittarius burns, cleans, and purifies by reducing complexities down to simple statements of faith.
* The Moon and Mars in a fire sign irritate, inflame, and push.
* The group, family, or “we” is torn apart by “I.”
* As Mercury is with the south node of the Moon we are mentally preparing ourselves for a future period of decline, loss, or surrender.
* Mercury with the south node recalls the plans of the past, as well as their results. The wisdom we’ve gained from the past can be put to great use right now, if we’re brave enough to imagine a simpler and more intelligent path forward, a path that prioritizes the health of our soul, rather than the advancement of our ego and its hopeless agenda.
* Important news, information, or communication is helping us to clarify our next steps.
* With a solar eclipse coming next week in the late degrees of Aquarius, we are nearing the moment of powerful new beginning.
Because this new beginning constellates itself in the same sign as the south node of the Moon, in Saturn’s sign, and because it also involves a close conjunction to Mercury, we are considering the best way forward considering news, information, or insights that have come to us with regard to what is no longer working or what needs to be removed for the sake of a simpler and less chaotic future. The image we’re seeing right now is that of a simpler, more mature, version of ourselves or of some particular area of our lives (see the Aquarius ruled house of your birth chart to understand what topics are being highlighted right now).
Prayer: Burn away what is no longer working. Speak to us in words that make us wiser and kinder, and bring us home to you.
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