Happy New Moon Everyone!
This New Moon in Gemini beholds Saturn by opposition, while Mars moves into a degree-based opposition with Saturn. Let’s imagine the image of the wind working slowly to shape massive pieces of land, like mountains.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of a long-standing principle, or the crystallization of an idea, or the solidification of our understanding of something.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of non-action, of an obstacle, of a “no,” of a difficulty, or stagnation, or resistance to our desires.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of a long-standing pattern, the accumulation of karma, the consequences of numerous webs of interrelated actions.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of responsibilities, duties, those things that weigh on us heavily, the sobriety or seriousness of a situation, insistence upon one way and one way only.
* The mountain (Saturn) is our cynical, bottom line, un-moving, unyielding, un-receptive.
* The mountain (Saturn) is the process of addition by subtraction, where we gain tremendous insight, clarity, power, or healing by what is taken away, by what the “no” gives as it also takes away.
Now…imagine the wind blowing steadily, constantly, coming and going, moving here and there, directly, but indirectly, fiercely but in waves, over long, long periods of time. While the wind may seem innocuous, it’s long-term effect, focusing as it must on the obstacles it encounters, is to shape and shift what it encounters, gradually, subtly, and constantly. The New Moon in Gemini, with Mars in Gemini all opposed to Saturn is the picture of the slow shaping and reforming of principles, obstacles, hardened attitudes, by the joyful, gentle, and constant influence of the open mind. The open mind may sound like an image of something static and receptive, like an empty bowl, but the truth is that the open-mindedness of Gemini is more like the constant, loyal, gentle, joyful, influence of free mindedness over long periods of time. The wind can’t help but be free here and direct there, fiercely blowing and then gently frolicking. Though the mountain appears unmoved and unyielding, over long periods of time mountains are worn down, eroded, and their appearances changed by this constant movement of the variable winds.
The Fruits of this New Moon…
* Allows our mind to penetrate to the core of a conviction we didn’t know we had
* By careful, concentrated but gentle contemplation our understanding of something arrives at a place of crystalization and maturity…we are open minded but we have discovered a long-lasting principle, cause, or truth
* Through gentle submission, acceptance, and joyful open-mindedness we find that a problem, obstacle, or opposition, yields
* We release our insistence upon something and allow ourselves to be shaped by someone or something else
* Many parts start coming together into a sense of completion or unity
* A complex issue is comprehended…
* Non-action and trust allows us to see blockages as a force slowly working on us, leading us to something…the blockage becomes an image of the call to contemplate rather than act, of the productivity of understanding something before acting.
We often talk about Gemin in relationship to Mercury and the archetype of the messenger. We immediately call to mind images of speed, shiftiness, wit, and the lightning fast download speeds of cables and wires. What we so frequently forget is that the messenger speaks like the constancy and variability of the wind over a landscape across eons. When we learn to hear the messenger’s voice in the long-game, when we can see the fingerprints of the wind over long seasons of our lives, the voice of the messenger becomes just as varied as the voice of the wind, and our relationship to the mind becomes steadier.
Prayer: Show us the messenger, opening our eyes and minds and hearts, speaking to us gently and constantly, here and there, for so many long seasons. Teach us to hear your patient, gentle, and persistent callings.
This New Moon in Gemini beholds Saturn by opposition, while Mars moves into a degree-based opposition with Saturn. Let’s imagine the image of the wind working slowly to shape massive pieces of land, like mountains.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of a long-standing principle, or the crystallization of an idea, or the solidification of our understanding of something.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of non-action, of an obstacle, of a “no,” of a difficulty, or stagnation, or resistance to our desires.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of a long-standing pattern, the accumulation of karma, the consequences of numerous webs of interrelated actions.
* The mountain (Saturn) is an image of responsibilities, duties, those things that weigh on us heavily, the sobriety or seriousness of a situation, insistence upon one way and one way only.
* The mountain (Saturn) is our cynical, bottom line, un-moving, unyielding, un-receptive.
* The mountain (Saturn) is the process of addition by subtraction, where we gain tremendous insight, clarity, power, or healing by what is taken away, by what the “no” gives as it also takes away.
Now…imagine the wind blowing steadily, constantly, coming and going, moving here and there, directly, but indirectly, fiercely but in waves, over long, long periods of time. While the wind may seem innocuous, it’s long-term effect, focusing as it must on the obstacles it encounters, is to shape and shift what it encounters, gradually, subtly, and constantly. The New Moon in Gemini, with Mars in Gemini all opposed to Saturn is the picture of the slow shaping and reforming of principles, obstacles, hardened attitudes, by the joyful, gentle, and constant influence of the open mind. The open mind may sound like an image of something static and receptive, like an empty bowl, but the truth is that the open-mindedness of Gemini is more like the constant, loyal, gentle, joyful, influence of free mindedness over long periods of time. The wind can’t help but be free here and direct there, fiercely blowing and then gently frolicking. Though the mountain appears unmoved and unyielding, over long periods of time mountains are worn down, eroded, and their appearances changed by this constant movement of the variable winds.
The Fruits of this New Moon…
* Allows our mind to penetrate to the core of a conviction we didn’t know we had
* By careful, concentrated but gentle contemplation our understanding of something arrives at a place of crystalization and maturity…we are open minded but we have discovered a long-lasting principle, cause, or truth
* Through gentle submission, acceptance, and joyful open-mindedness we find that a problem, obstacle, or opposition, yields
* We release our insistence upon something and allow ourselves to be shaped by someone or something else
* Many parts start coming together into a sense of completion or unity
* A complex issue is comprehended…
* Non-action and trust allows us to see blockages as a force slowly working on us, leading us to something…the blockage becomes an image of the call to contemplate rather than act, of the productivity of understanding something before acting.
We often talk about Gemin in relationship to Mercury and the archetype of the messenger. We immediately call to mind images of speed, shiftiness, wit, and the lightning fast download speeds of cables and wires. What we so frequently forget is that the messenger speaks like the constancy and variability of the wind over a landscape across eons. When we learn to hear the messenger’s voice in the long-game, when we can see the fingerprints of the wind over long seasons of our lives, the voice of the messenger becomes just as varied as the voice of the wind, and our relationship to the mind becomes steadier.
Prayer: Show us the messenger, opening our eyes and minds and hearts, speaking to us gently and constantly, here and there, for so many long seasons. Teach us to hear your patient, gentle, and persistent callings.
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