Here’s what to watch for:
* Neptune is in the superior position relative to Mars.
* Mars is in his fall and growing weaker as he is combust the Sun.
* Our will, drive, appetites, forceful or aggressive demands may be experiencing an important time of loss, weakening, decay, and transformation.
* We might be noticing that some attempt to make something work, or to get what we want, isn’t working.
* As Mars trines Neptune there is an opportunity for us to see the failure of our attempts. We may begin to see or feel the weakness, soreness, or tiredness of the will, and these may be the first signs of a mini ego-death on the horizon. This death of the will, may also bring us closer to a greater author than ourselves.
* As Mars moves toward an opposition with Pluto it’s possible that if we continue pushing or being obstinate and willful that we will soon be in crisis mode.
* Pushing our will, our way, our views, our opinions, or trying to get what we want and not getting the response that we desire ends in two ways, we either gently back off and feel gratitude for the opportunity we just received to learn and grow, or we continue forward and end up learning by suffering the results of our willfulness.
* In the world around us over the next week we may notice the ramping up of the Mars/Pluto opposition through more public displays of violence, militarism, violent or extreme forms of opposition, the attempt to control or manipulate power, abuses of power, etc.
* We may also notice that certain forms of power or abuses of power are reaching a breaking point, where abuses or manipulations of power are exposed or lead to breakthroughs in policy or public awareness, creating the possibility for real change.
* Remembering that this Mars is an “old” Mars, then we might be noticing the last, failing attempts to subvert or get things done according to worn out methods. These methods may be literally burnt off through the karmic happenings of the next month.
Perhaps the most remarkable offering reflected in the sky over the next week is the idea that when we surrender to our weaknesses, when we learn to see where we are stuck, or where our will has become ineffective, or when we learn to step out of our frustration and allow for the failure of our will, then all the right kinds of breakthroughs, abundance, clarity, and joy become available to us. When we surrender, our will might be broken, but our spirit is born again.
Prayer: Teach us to see what is most ineffective or weak right now as an invitation to surrender to a new form of power, a power stirring deep within, and ready to be born just as soon as we stop making our last, dying demands.
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