Today we're going to talk about Mercury's third and final opposition to Jupiter. Mercury has stationed direct in the sign of Libra and is making an opposition to Jupiter in Aries. I've got ten themes to watch for, and we'll also look back at the other passes Mercury made to Jupiter to see what we've come through over the past month or so.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. I hope you guys all had a great weekend. Today we are going to talk about Mercury's final opposition to Jupiter. It has been through several oppositions to Jupiter already, once through forward movement and once through retrograde movement. And now, since Mercury's turned direct and is getting moving direct again and just making one last opposition to Jupiter. So Mercury in the sign of Libra, making an opposition to Jupiter in Aries.
I've got ten themes to watch for. And this is also kind of like a transit in review. Let's look back at the other times that we also had this transit and look at what we've come through over the past month or so. So that is our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments. All of that helps the channel to grow. As you guys know, you can find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website, where we are also in the process of enrollment season right now for my upcoming class, my first-year program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. This is a one-year full-on transformative immersion into ancient astrology. So we look at the history of Western astrology, we talk about the philosophical and mystical roots of astrology, we look at the influence of modern depth psychology and archetypal astrology, we look and talk quite a bit about the underlying spiritual reason for doing astrology. More than anything, this course is about teaching you all of these beautiful techniques and methods that, used artfully, can make a big difference in a person's life. So you're learning how to read birth charts in this class. Now, whether you decide to do it professionally or not, it is a tool that can work you can work with the rest of your life.
So the class starts on November 12. And it meets Saturdays for two to three hours at a time, from noon Eastern to about two, between two and 3pm. Eastern, every class is recorded. If you can't make the live webinars so you can follow along at your own pace, you can check out what alumni have had to say about the course. There are 30 courses on the year; we have a bunch of guest lectures that come in guest lectures that come in outside of that. We also have tutors that are there to help you in a variety of different settings and a discussion forum through breakout tutoring sessions. There are recommended reading, listening, and optional quizzes. You can give yourself bonus lectures; you can email me anytime you get lifetime access to everything in the course you have, within two years of the start of the program to take a certification exam; if you want to take it, become certified through my school, there's an early bird payment saves you $500 off, you can also stretch out that payment over 12 monthly installments now the early bird payment is going to save you $500 off compared to the payment plan. So it definitely is the savings through the Earlybird. So we recommend you do that before the start of class.
There's also tuition assistance, which is there for people who look at the price point and say that's out of my budget. Not Oh, I would like a cheaper price. But that is legitimately out of my budget. And within my budget. This is what I can afford. And we have that set up for people so that if you're working part-time or you know you're on a really tight budget, you're a single parent, or whatever life has you strap for one reason or another but you are ready to study astrology then that's there for you to help you out. Please do take advantage of that. We still have plenty of room left. But we like to get people registered for that early because it takes a little bit of extra time to get people set up with the need-based tuition. So please do apply and tell us your situation. We'll be glad to help you out.
All right, well, I'm going to go ahead and share my screen so we can get into this last opposition together. Here it is. We've got Mercury in Libra. You've got Mercury opposing Jupiter one last time. Mercury in the sign of Libra. It is the morning star right now, beautiful. You can see Mercury coming up in the east before sunrise. If you look out, it's now opposing Jupiter, which also you can see in the western sky just before dawn. So it's kind of it's it's beautiful to perceive that from east to west just before the sun comes up. At any rate, that is what we're going to look at today. And we're doing it in review because there have been a number of these transits already.
So let's take a look at how we have already seen this transit at work. That's the first thing. So there have been three of these already. We're talking about a series of oppositions between Mercury and Jupiter. We've looked at this first September 2 through direct motion. The planets first oppose each other, Libra and Aries. Then again, on September 18, while Mercury was retrograde, we saw the two planets oppose each other once again. And now, for the third and final time on October 12. This week, we will see them opposing one another through direct motion one more time. So you could say safely that over the course of a month then a half roughly, we have seen a back and forth really kind of the core of this last Mercury retrograde, a back and forth between Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury is sort of the Eveningstar position and then retrograding into the Morningstar position, and through that whole process, three opposition's to Jupiter in Aries.
So today, I want to talk about the themes that you may have noticed over the past month and a half throughout all of these earlier transits and that you may be noticing once again this week, though, hopefully, this week, what you're seeing is sort of resolution completion, closure, kind of putting a bow on things that one would hope, but it also could be like the grand finale, the fireworks. Grand Finale.
So number one is when Mercury opposes Zeus; when Hermes and Zeus oppose one another, it is as though there is a natural inclination to challenge authority. Whether that authority is coming from, you know, a school teacher, or an institution or your boss or religious institution or something like that. There's just a built-in way in which Mercury opposes Jupiter and says, I'm going to question the higher authority, wisdom, teachings, law, dogma of Jupiter. And so that may be a theme that you have noticed actively at work in your life in the past month, or so I can tell you for sure that it's been a part of mine as I've had to consider whether or not I could fully continue fully going on, in a sort of accepting of a certain set of doctrines and teachings, many of which I love, but some of which I found incompatible. Well, some of those things were really peeking for me as Mercury opposes Jupiter. And it's very common; a lot of my clients are talking about similar things doesn't have to be religious; it could be in any old area of life. Well, similar.
Number two is a philosophical, moral, or ethical crossroad. It's a difficult choice to make. There are two philosophies that you may have about something. It's a moral dilemma. It's an ethical puzzle. I remember when I was in my undergrad, I studied philosophy, and I took ethics classes, and one of the things in my very first, like freshman or sophomore class, and ethics, whatever it was, they were these ethical dilemmas that we had to deal with. And I remember, you know, one of them was this, I think you've probably heard it before, it had something to do with a man who's a railway conductor, and he sees his son, you know, like, caught up in the gears of the, of the bridge that he has to operate, for the railroad to the train to come across. And he has to choose, do I save my son and kill everyone on board these trains? Because I have to operate the bridge. Or if I operate the bridge, I'll kill my son. And it was like that, you know, it's like, Whoa, that's a heavy thing. And I remember him being like, so what's our professor like, what do you do? And the whole point was not that there was necessarily a right or a wrong but to get us talking about ethics and in difficult ethical decisions, where you really are weighing the scales and wondering what is good, what is right, do I make a decision that is, in some ways, selfish, but also, perhaps there's an ethical case to be made for the selfish choice, for example? Or do I make a choice that maybe is a little bit more self-sacrificing but also potentially ethical in your life? Well, it doesn't seem like; it's not an easy choice. So one of those moments where you may be at a philosophical, moral, or ethical crossroad, what do I think or believe about something or so and so forth?
Number three would be a turning point, a choice or a decision very similar, but just more broadly speaking, you're reaching that point where there's a tension in terms of that sense of, Where are my values taking me? What do I need to do in this situation? So it could be philosophical, moral, or ethical in nature, but it could also just be strategic; what is the most strategic thing to do right here? What is the choice that feels right or that, you know, in my weighing sort of in a Libran sense, am I making a rational choice? Or am I making a daring choice or something like that?
And I think this leads into number four, which is going it alone versus taking a more diplomatic approach. Going it alone, very Jupiter in Aries. I don't give a damn. Mercury and Libra. Well, let's weigh the pros and cons here. Let's consider the social ramifications, the impact on others, what people will think of us, what people will say, who we need to impress, who we have to keep up a strategic relationship with, how we, how our words, thoughts or actions may impact other people positively or negatively. Mercury in Libra are much more aware of those things Jupiter in Aries. It's not like Jupiter in Aries is immoral or just purely selfish. But Jupiter in Aries might say look, you know, I'm putting my chips into the center of the table, and I have to go for it. I have to do something that's about risk, bravery, pioneering, you know, cutting my own trail through the forest. So those kinds of tensions can be not only right now, but you may have been experiencing these over the past month.
And number five is the "me" versus the "we." Very similar is the decision that you're making or the crossroads that you're at fundamentally about choices between a "me" centric approach versus a "we" centric approach. And that could be in any setting. So they kind of go, the number four and five sort of go together, just different ways of thinking about the same thing.
All right, let's go on to number six. Six would be a declaration or an audacious statement. You know, when someone announces makes an announcement, and they say, like, this is what I'm doing, you know, this is, this is what I think, this is what I believe I'm leaving the company, I'm applying for this job, I'm joining the Peace Corps, you know, or I've decided I'm going to Mom and Dad, I'm not going to school, I'm going to take a van across the country says every 20 year old ever. So you know this, but there are Mercury, in its opposition to Jupiter, may have been, over the past month, working through something. And now it comes to the point at the end, indirect motion as the Morning Star, where it's like, my choice has been made. And you make a declaration, and it's kind of audacious, it's a little people are like, wow, that's a lot. You know, that's, that's a big deal. I mean, when someone, for example, decides to reveal that their sexual identity is different than anyone has ever known it to be. That could be a very Mercury, opposite Jupiter type of moment. When you decide to announce that, you know, a company is going public, or when someone announces that they're launching a business, their own consulting agency, and leaving their job. Anything that would be like a kind of a proclamation, a declaration, maybe there's a little bit of audaciousness there, there's a little bit of a feeling of like Gung Ho, baby. So watch for that and embody that if you need to, I think that, you know, there may be something that needs a little, you know, it's a little spicy.
Number seven mediating a conflict. Well, Mercury opposite Jupiter can, especially with Mercury in the sign of the balance can, be about like the law, like mediation. I have someone in our life right now who's going through mediation in a divorce. And I noticed that it was happening around Mercury, opposite Jupiter; I couldn't help but say, Well, there it is, you're mediating a conflict, you're sitting down at the table. People both have strong desires, wills, and ways that they want things to go, and it has to be negotiated. And there's a mediator present. So mediating a conflict could also be, you know, right now with the opposition, it could easily turn into number eight, which is reaching an impasse.
So when you reach an impasse, you're coming to that oppositional space where you say, We're just miles apart, you're on one side, and I'm completely on the other side. And you're either mediating that, or you're realizing we have to part ways because there's something fundamentally unresolvable about our differences. And that's okay like that happens in life. But you can see either with an opposition, and that's what's so interesting is that oppositions can be times where the polarization has an opportunity to resolve itself somehow that the tension is somehow held. And that tension leads to some kind of compromise. But on the same on the other hand, you could also see Mercury opposite Jupiter, suggesting that two people are reaching an impasse or that two parties are reaching an impasse or something like that. Now, you could be reaching an impasse within yourself as well.
Number nine would be working and reworking a negotiation. So it could be the sale of a house, it could be. I mean, this is, again, reiterating some of the things we've already said. But if you, for the past month and a half, have been working with someone, working through something, working on the details, sort of going back and forth, that's it. That's the working and reworking of a negotiation. And it would not be surprising for that working and reworking of a negotiation to lead to now we're signing on the dotted line, or now we're reaching a space where both parties are satisfied, or again number eight, you reach an impasse but in negotiation what I'm thinking a lot terms of business sales and contracts with that one in particular.
And then number ten would be bold, provocative, arrogant words, thoughts, or ideas. It goes a little bit along; it goes alongside a declaration proclamation or audacious statement, but this would be a little bit more just like watch for the quality of speech and watch for your almost like watch for the quality of mind. The energy around your mind and intelligence right now bold, provocative, or maybe a little bit arrogant, doesn't have to be arrogant and provocative. Doesn't have to be mean or, you know, rude or domineering. But it could be, especially with thoughts or ideas, because Mercury is involved in the idea of communication; speech, thoughts, and ideas in ideological conflict would be the norm right now. And we are kind of going back to a philosophical, moral, or ethical crossroad; this idea of ideological tension is very common with mercury opposite Jupiter. And like as someone who is on a debate team and has to debate an issue, and then maybe in debate, practice, you flip, and then you debate on the other side of the issue.
Playing devil's advocate a little bit going back and forth through the opposition. There's also the potential for statements or declarations to be sort of intentionally provocative, with a bravado behind them, a little bit of arrogance, and so forth, but also exciting and inspiring. That's where you also get something bold.
So to me, these are the themes most likely to be seen. And remember, these oppositions have a history behind them. It's not just one thing that we're talking about this week. We're talking about a process that we've been working with since early September, maybe even late August. And that September 2 was the first pass, September 18, through retrograde was the second pass, and now October 12 will be the third. Now you will notice this in effect for the rest of the week. If we take this forward and give it about a three-degree range, that takes us all the way through October 14. So you know, all week, you should be able to notice or recognize this quality that's sort of in the air right now.
Now, I would also say just one note is remember, this week, we also have Mars squaring Neptune. And that square is also happening on the 12th. The same day that Mercury is opposite Jupiter, Mars squaring Neptune on the same day that Mercury is opposite Jupiter could very well lead to something that's a little bit deceptive. Like, maybe something that has that big, bold, provocative, crusading. I'll die on a hill for something. I mean, Mars and Neptune gets a little martyr-like and pretty, you know, romanticizes the muscle and especially like sharper, combative words or like ideological conflict has a little bit of extra flair behind it because Mars square Neptune at the same time; Mars and Mercury sign by the way of Gemini, but also a little deceptive potentially something is being said stated whatever but is it the truth? Is there a sense of exaggeration or aggrandizement or deception, or delusion?
I would watch for those things a little bit this week as well since Mars in Mercury sign is also squaring Neptune, which we talked about last week, so alright, that rounds things out. We're going to spend some time on with Pluto in Aquarius. This week we're going to be looking at Pluto's transit through upcoming transit through Aquarius again, or entrance into Aquarius; I should say I did a previewing video of Pluto in Aquarius a couple of weeks ago. Going to do another one tomorrow, I believe, so stay tuned for that. I hope you guys will enjoy it.
In the meantime, just a note to watch for scammers on Instagram. If you follow me there or YouTube in the comment section, sometimes people will send you a message and say hey, I've got a special feeling about you. Would you like a reading and there'll be impersonating my name or account or likeness. I will NEVER DM you and ask you if you want a reading. If people want a reading, they have to book it through my website, which is That's the only place that you can get a reading from me. It'll never be, you know, pay-pal or Venmo owing someone money who's DMing you, so just as a heads up to everybody, and you see that kind of thing, report it because they block the people they're impersonating, so that we can't report it. So we rely on other people who see it to report it through YouTube or through Instagram. All right, well, I hope you guys have a great weekend. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and share a few thoughts on what you're noticing, especially if you have a story about the planets. Use the hashtag grabbed or email us grabbed@nightlight If you see the planets, say something. Alright, that's what we've got. Thank you, guys. Have a great day. Talk to you later. Bye
Hi Adam
Wow, wow, wow!! This episode has convinced me even more that I need to study astrology.
Without detail, I’m embroiled in a 3 way legal battle. The lawyers were set to meet on Oct 12!! My lawyer related only that we would have a better understanding of some key decisions we need to make and what our strategy should be. I have a stellium in Auarius (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars and Mercury); Scorpio rising. My ex, one of the parties involved is also an air sign and has a stellium in Gemini!
Needless to say, I’ve gone through Hell since 2017, though Iknow he has been too. My tenuous Christian faith collapsed; I was left feeling spiritually abandonned or duped. And, initially, astrology left me feeling onl like I had been “set-up” to fail.
Your talk on Aquarius as the water bearer, emptying out and leavng room for transformation, helped tremendously!! I’m still processing your talk on Ganymede’s relationship to the gifts of the gods; it has re-awakened that feeling of my destiny having been hijacked but witthout this literal trial/trst, I would not have found astrology.
I can only hope that Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius is about my spiritual transformation and not about some financial devastation. The planets seem to say there will be an answer by late March 23