Mars is perfecting its opposition to Saturn through Monday.
* The 28th hexagram of the I Ching is called “Critical Mass,” and it’s a hexagram I’ve received in my morning astro-meditations several times in the past few weeks while focusing on the Mars/Saturn transit.
* The hexagram generally points to a situation where the burdens, pressures, and creative tensions of a situation are moving toward but have not yet reached a breakthrough moment. The breakthrough can be a breakdown, a collapse, a meltdown, an explosion, or a moment of backlash, reaction, and outrage, or it can represent the departure from an old form and the establishment of a new foundation, a moment of clarity, innovation, or liberation.
* Hexagram 28 can also point to a crisis of faith, of patience, or a trying period where the pressures simply won’t move or subside or yield or give way to something new, try as we might to push something.
* Hexagram 28 can also point toward the inevitable failure of something…something that is simply not sustainable any longer, whose time is up, and try as we may to avoid or deny it, there is no longer any way to preserve the past.
* Hexagram 28 can also refer to a time to make an important and no longer avoidable decision.
* The 1st line of hexagram 28 depicts someone carefully placing padding below themselves in case of a fall, or it depicts someone carefully creating a comfortable position from which to sit and meditate during the midst of all the tensions above. The teaching of the first line is to slowly, carefully, prepare the foundation of the future without caving disastrously to the pressures currently around you.
* Hexagram 28 changes into Hexagram 5, called “Calculated Waiting.” Calculated waiting depicts the gathering of clouds and all the signs of rain to come, but no rain yet. In such times all we can do is to take care of the small things. In times of being held back, in times of extraordinary pressure, all we can really do is recognize the call to develop deeper patience, non-action, and also strategic preparation…focusing on the small things and not trying to prematurely draw on the energy of something whose time hasn’t arrived yet.
Prayer: May the pressures of the moment build within us the staying power of peace.
* The 28th hexagram of the I Ching is called “Critical Mass,” and it’s a hexagram I’ve received in my morning astro-meditations several times in the past few weeks while focusing on the Mars/Saturn transit.
* The hexagram generally points to a situation where the burdens, pressures, and creative tensions of a situation are moving toward but have not yet reached a breakthrough moment. The breakthrough can be a breakdown, a collapse, a meltdown, an explosion, or a moment of backlash, reaction, and outrage, or it can represent the departure from an old form and the establishment of a new foundation, a moment of clarity, innovation, or liberation.
* Hexagram 28 can also point to a crisis of faith, of patience, or a trying period where the pressures simply won’t move or subside or yield or give way to something new, try as we might to push something.
* Hexagram 28 can also point toward the inevitable failure of something…something that is simply not sustainable any longer, whose time is up, and try as we may to avoid or deny it, there is no longer any way to preserve the past.
* Hexagram 28 can also refer to a time to make an important and no longer avoidable decision.
* The 1st line of hexagram 28 depicts someone carefully placing padding below themselves in case of a fall, or it depicts someone carefully creating a comfortable position from which to sit and meditate during the midst of all the tensions above. The teaching of the first line is to slowly, carefully, prepare the foundation of the future without caving disastrously to the pressures currently around you.
* Hexagram 28 changes into Hexagram 5, called “Calculated Waiting.” Calculated waiting depicts the gathering of clouds and all the signs of rain to come, but no rain yet. In such times all we can do is to take care of the small things. In times of being held back, in times of extraordinary pressure, all we can really do is recognize the call to develop deeper patience, non-action, and also strategic preparation…focusing on the small things and not trying to prematurely draw on the energy of something whose time hasn’t arrived yet.
Prayer: May the pressures of the moment build within us the staying power of peace.
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