Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to take a look at Mercury in the sign of Scorpio. This is a part of a series that I've done called Planets in Profile, which started with taking Venus and Mars through all the 12 signs, I'm now taking Mercury through the 12 signs.
So Mercury's in Scorpio currently as I make this video, but this should be content that could help you really at any point in time to identify the meaning of Mercury in Scorpio in any chart that you're looking at including your own. So let's dive in Mercury in Scorpio. This is Mercury in the fixed, cool, moist feminine water sign of Mars. So let's put all that together again you have a water which whose qualities are cold and moist, you have this as a feminine sign. So feminine water sign it's also called fixed or solid. And it is also the temple of Mars. So in ancient astrology, all the planets have two signs except for the Sun and the Moon. We've got Leo and Cancer and then all of the other planets get two signs each one masculine one feminine. Now, when a planet like mercury is travelling through the zodiac, if it is not in Gemini or Virgo its masculine and feminine sign, then it is like a houseguest in someone else's house. And in this case, it's a house guest in Mars's house. And then you have not only Mars' house, but you have this particularly feminine domain of Mars. So that's how we think about it. And you can always replace the words feminine and masculine if you want with Yin and Yang. They're very similar in ancient philosophy.
Mercury is thus going to express itself when it is in Scorpio through marsial qualities, meaning through Mars-like qualities, or in relation specifically to the position of Mars in the chart that you're looking at. And you always have to remember that this is what's called the guest host relationship. Mercury on its own, of course, is the God of communication, speech, to a certain extent travel, information, ideas, invention, messengers, and messages. And even things like the business of a marketplace or the business of an airport or a bus station, or subway. These are all Mercurial themes. When you have Mercury again, in any sign other than Virgo or Gemini, Mercury is going to express itself through the lens of the planetary host that it's engaged with. So Mars in the case of Scorpio, and then more specifically, always have to look at the position of Mars in the chart to fill out the interpretation. That's not something that's very easy. You have to take time to learn how to do that. That's something that I teach in depth in my courses. Now, that should give you enough to go on, if you're practising at home.
So what are these qualities of Scorpio? Well, when you're talking about the feminine Mars like qualities of Scorpio, you're talking about Mars, the god of war, action conflict, but you're you're giving it a very deep and autumnal quality. This is also a watery quality and it's very fixed. So you're talking about words like intensity, depth, power, protection, defensiveness, possessiveness, or desire and that kind of deep bolt burning or smouldering of desire, as well as the potential for things like paranoia or fixation on objects of our desire or on potential threats and four kind of paranoid defensiveness or protectiveness, or even possessiveness that can come in. But these are all they can be positive or negative. You know, there's so there's virtues and there's vices in every sign, it depends on how each person is relating to the sign and what each person's karma is. But when you get this mercury Mars combination, sometimes you're going to see themes like science, and math. Other times you're going to see themes like investigation and research, probing and penetrating with the mind or speech. You have also sometimes the kind of dark, but sort of erotic quality to the mind or the voice or even to the way that people speak or talk. So let me try to now unpack some of this Mercury Mars combination by looking at a bunch of different people, that probably everybody knows who were born with Mercury in Scorpio and try to reveal or uncover some of the how the planetary combination can be seen at work in their life. Now, I'm not like a biographical expert and all these people's lives. So I'll try to do my best but if I get something wrong, you know, please feel free to let me know or add in your own insights. I say this also because inevitably, people always complain that I forget someone or I didn't mention someone or whatever. So, all right.
So let's talk for example about the smouldering popstar. Katy Perry is a great example of Mercury in Scorpio, she has this kind of bad girl reputation, but she's deep and intense and smouldering and sort of has that that sort of power behind her. And another example of someone that would have something similar would be Kim Kardashian. Miley Cyrus is another good one. And one of the things that's really interesting about mercury in Scorpio is that there's often the need to say or do something provocative provoking, of course, being a Mars symbol, or something that is a deliberate fixation on something that is dark and dark doesn't mean bad. It doesn't mean immoral, it can also mean that which is repressed. For example, a lot of you know a lot of Mercury in Scorpio people are the ones that are going to make sure that we see something that's being neglected or unseen or hidden or not talked about or discussed that could be taboo or secretive on some level. In fact, water signs were called mute, specifically because they tended to be secretive. And Scorpio tends to be more provocative and secretive at the same time, or dangerous and secretive. So Miley Cyrus, of course, provocative Katy Perry provocative, interesting, they both came from really strong Christian upbringings. Then you've got people like Kim Kardashian as well, one of the reasons that Kim Kardashian I'm not clearly not the only reason but one thing, of course, that is very fitting for Mercury in Scorpio was the uncovering of one of these sex tapes. And you know, I think maybe some of the celebrities out there, do this on purpose to you know, get money or to increase their fame and then other people it's truly like, you know, unexpected or someone's violating their privacy. I have no idea of the background of her particular story, but that was something that's clearly it's clearly very provocative part of her her life right.
Now, you can roll through others that have this kind of bad boy appearance, for example, Matthew McConaughey, a really good example of someone who's, he's one of the things that he's doing now quite a bit, as far as I can tell, is he's doing commercials where his voice, you know, his smooth, like, like his little drawl or whatever, you know, and he's selling the sort of sexiness and intensity and depth of his voice. Well, there's many others who have similar quality with the kind of like, like, back in when I was a kid, it was Luke Perry, from I think, was 90210 is that the name of the show or Melrose Place? Penn Badgley from Gossip Girl was that was called Gossip Girl. Actually, I met Penn and worked with him on the Ayahuasca Monologues back in the day, he had worked in South America with ayahuasca and I got to work with him on stage performance of storytelling about ayahuasca and he was a really, really, really nice guy. He has that smouldering, teenage heartthrob smouldering thing.
Well, you know, who else has that? Ryan Gosling. There's another he's got that kind of deep, intense. In fact, in one of the movies, I think it was called Drive. I saw it back in the day, I think it's been a while since it was released. He wore a jacket that had a scorpion on it, I believe throughout most of that movie. And I remember back in the day, looking it up and being like, of course, he's got all this strong Scorpio energy in his chart, but Mercury in Scorpio.
So, you got that kind of smouldering quality. Now, this can go into like, real dark territory, right? You can have the same kind of the intensity and the depth can turn into people who are they're certainly a collection of people who are somewhat scarier like Ted Bundy or Charles Manson. Right, both sort of craze called leaders slash serial killers. So they you know, you do see that collection of more, you know, like, or even Aaron Hernandez, who's, who is a tight end for the New England Patriots. And he ended up killing someone and then going to jail and I believe dying in jail. But here's an example of an athlete. Remember, this is a Mars ruled sign, Mars is the God of athletes, who has all this secretive stuff going on that's exposed and he turns out to be this killer. So like, again, Mercury in Scorpio can be really deep and intensive.
But you also have people who like to uncover things that are more of an occult nature with their minds like Timothy Leary. Of course, Timothy Leary was one of the earlier proponents, during the, you know, countercultural movement of LSD and LSD research and things like that him and Ram Sass, of course, which is Richard Alpert, I think was his name originally. But Aleister Crowley is another very interesting Mercury in Scorpio character where he's an occult scientist slash occult writer. So the investment of the mind and things that are deep, intense, penetrating, occult hidden, that can be there as well.
You have also singer songwriters that have this very powerful sort of dark heavy but kind of mournful poetic quality like Jeff Buckley, or Sinead O'Connor or William Blake, all poets and artists who have this really intense depth and darkness. There's others like Sylvia Plath, who famously wrote about her own battle with depression in what was it called The Bell Jar.
Martin Scorsese. He's written a tonne of movies about gangsters and, and and crime and the criminal underworld. So you can feel it. Thom Yorke from Radiohead, just like he might as well be like a little angelic phantom ghost when he's singing I mean, it's creepy, beautiful, dark, you know, and it's very intense. But rhetorically intense. Eminem, is very similar, who has this really driven quality to his work, but it's also often very dark. He's a provoker. Definitely. And that's a big part of it.
You'll find that other people have this similar quality of being very provocative while also being philosophical, like Bruce Lee, really great example, someone who's very provocative a martial artist who also is this kind of philosophical mind. Similarly, Mark Twain, who was a writer, of course. But a satirical writer, so he was a satirist, I think they call them. If you think about this satirical side, this is a bizarre one. But if you guys ever heard of Weird Al before? Weird Al Yankovic, I think that's his name. Satirical comedy. Really weird stuff, though. John Cleese, for example, from the Monty Python world, Mercury in Scorpio.
And then you have this, you have a very serious side as well, like military strategist, like Winston Churchill, or a very serious news anchor, interviewer investigative reporter, Larry King. Right. With Larry king, you have someone who also manages to get people to share a lot of things. So people that can draw out draw you out somehow. And that's something that also is very common for these heartthrobs, right, like Ryan Gosling, for example, or whatever, there's this feeling of like, the bad boy who can draw out the deep, dark truth who doesn't want to play on the surface or the bad girl who's like, Don't give me any horse crap here. I want the real thing. Cardi B is another example of a sort of rock star, you could say a pop star with Mercury in Scorpio. Mahatma Gandhi also had Mercury in Scorpio a politician that was obviously very aggressive in his message and was assassinated. And also, you know, he was he was a controversial peacemaker. John Lennon also had mercury in Scorpio. So some of the Mercury and Scorpio characters are going to have this deep underlying drive but it's not necessarily that it shows on the surface like Mahatma Gandhi, for all intents and purposes is a peacemaker. But there's this very intense fighter underneath the surface a little quieter. John Lennon is the same way.
Hillary Clinton also has Mercury in Scorpio, famously deals with this elaborate, you know, email controversy or whatever. And also, you know, one of the double standards that I think a lot of people would say that she faced, of course, is being really, you know, kind of strong and very sort of tough. And that, that there's a lot of people who say, you know, oh, like, they don't like that in a woman. Right. And that's not always like a fair, whether you like her or not, that's a double standard that a lot of people would say was applied to her that she was called hawkish and manish and you know, and a lot of people also said that she was dubious and fake and blah, blah, blah. A lot of that is also part of what women with Mercury and Scorpio will deal with is being told that there's something about you that's too intense or there's something about you that's not feminine enough, etc, because there's this real strength that can be there. And sometimes there is sometimes there are, you know, the tendency to hide things or for scandal or controversy, hype, you know, things that exist beneath the surface and so forth. Drake is another one. Georgia O'Keeffe is another one.
So those are some interesting people with Mercury in Scorpio. So that's what I've got for you guys. Remember when you're interpreting it in the birth chart, these are just some helpful things to get a feeling for how Mercury behaves in relation to Mars, in Scorpio, but you always want to look at the actual position of Mars in the natal chart. Because that position and any aspectual relationship any topics that Mars is covering in the chart in relation to mercury can significantly complexify the interpretation. But simple things first, I hope that this video helps you understand mercury in Scorpio a little bit better. And stay tuned because we're doing Mercury in Libra soon. Let me know your thoughts if you have Mercury in Scorpio. Add to this video by sharing some of your own experiences with this placement in your birth chart or in the placement of people you know or your experience with this transit when it comes around. Especially right now is Mercury's retrograde Scorpio. Alright, that's what I've got. Hope you guys have a great day. Take it easy, bye.
I have been listening to and enjoying your talks/short videos. Yes, I do have Mercury in Scorpio conjunct my South Node. I also experienced Ayahausca for 10 years with the Santo Daime (I have kept all my hinarios) in Mapia and US. Would have loved to have heard your ayahuasca- monologues! I am part of the Timothy Leary/Ram Dass/Ralph Metzner generation (though 15 yrs. younger) anyway…they were my teachers. Scorpio/Aries/Sagitarrius and I finally have time to study/enjoy astrology on a day-to-day basis! Thanks for your enthusiasm, humility and generosity of spirit! Teresa
I loves this interpretation. As someone with this position in chart and also Sun in scorpio it resonates. My only question why mars as the purveyor of the scorpion’s quality and not pluto?