Today, we're focusing on the significant Mars square Uranus transit, a dynamic aspect unfolding throughout the week and culminating over the weekend. As Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, we'll explore the archetypal essence of this feared transit, aiming to provide a broader perspective and ease any related anxieties with insightful stories. Alongside this, we'll prepare for the upcoming new moon in Pisces, making this week a pivotal time for understanding and navigating these powerful astrological influences.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today, we're going to start the week off by taking a look at the biggest transit of the week, which is coming at the end of the week into the weekend. But it is something that we'll be building over the course of the week, and that is Mars's square to Uranus.
Mars is in Aquarius, and it is moving into a square with Uranus and Taurus. At the start of this week, we're just coming off from Venus square, and we know that the lovers Mars and Venus have been moving together in the sign of Aquarius. After they conjoined, they both went through squares to Jupiter.
Now they are both going through squares to Uranus, and so we're going to try to capture that archetypal essence in today's talk and also give us, I don't know, a few ideas about why this try and understand why this transit is often very feared. This is one of the more feared transits, along with the Mars-Pluto transits, and there are good reasons for that. I mean, it certainly has some significations that can be, I don't know, a little ominous, I guess.
I want to try to dispel some of that with a story I'm going to tell you today that I think will, at the very least, give us a broader perspective and maybe pacify some of those anxieties that can come up while also giving us a really good archetypal understanding of the energy of Mars-Uranus as it and again, as I said, we're gonna see this growing as the week goes on, really sort of popping by the weekend.
So we're gonna do a few videos on Mars-Uranus this week. We'll also be looking as the week goes on at the new moon that's coming up in Pisces again over the weekend. So, a lot of this is going to be prep work we're doing for transits that come in at the end of the week. Anyway, that's our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. Share your comments and reflections in the comment section. We really appreciate hearing from you guys. That helps the channel to grow.
You know that there are so many ways to tap the like button, and your originality has been amazing, some of it disgusting. Some of you guys got you guys went right into the rated EQ section. You went through the weird doors at the back of the video room. You guys remember blockbuster videos or whatever it was video stores. God, isn't that funny that we don't even have those anymore?
Anyhow, so tell me, how do you like the like button today? I really enjoy hearing what you guys have to say. You can find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website, including all of the repeats of the most offensive or stupid things that I have to say. That's at nightlight I'm promoting a few things this week. Chief among them is my wife's herbal apprenticeship program.
At the end of today's video, if you stick around afterward, and the same as last week, there's an interview that I did with her that's tagged on after today's content ends. You can learn more about her herbal foundations' apprenticeship that begins at the end of April which we do have as we have for all of our programs, need-based tuition available, and very affordable pricing at different tiers for people so that you're not priced out if you want to study as well as an early bird rate for those who can't afford it. So you can go to When you go to,
Click on the courses, go to Herbal Foundation Apprenticeship, and scroll down to learn more about it. Everything is module-based, and everything is pre-recorded with set times that Ashley will be meeting with students for Q&A in between the modules that are pre-recorded. This is Ashley's return to teaching herbal medicine apprenticeships for the first time.
For a couple of years, she's been on maternity leave, but before that, she brought you know a lot of students through her programs over the course of 10 years. She was a board member of the American Herbalist Guild. She has taught all over the country at different conferences. She's a very well-known teacher in the herbal world, and she teaches plant spirit medicine of the energetics of plants. This is something that pairs very nicely with your study of astrology.
So stick around at the end of today's talk if you want to learn more about Ashley's programming. If you want to learn more about Ashley in general, if you've never been exposed to her work that I've had her on many times, you can check out her weekly videos on plant spirit medicine @skyhouseherbs on YouTube.
So, on that note, there's one more thing I want to point you guys to on the Nightlight website, and that is going to be the upcoming webinars that we have on Neptune.
So if you go to the Nightlight website and you scroll down, you click shop. You can go to our shop, where we have all of our masterclass series from last year now available, including the masterclass bundle, and then if you scroll down, you will see that you can get the Pluto webinar recording if you missed it and the Oracle Speaks access to my new book that's being released chapter by chapter audio and text, probably a good year or so before the print form comes out. So that's kind of fun.
What I want to focus on here is the Neptune in Love talk. This is happening on March 14, as the sun is moving to conjoin Neptune. So another very of like appropriate symbol in the sky that will match the energy of our talk, I hope, but Neptune in love, we're gonna talk about how to understand Neptune's meaning when it's involved in love and relationships and your birth chart or by transit. If you want to sign up for that, it's $20. If you can't make it live, we will send you the webinar link to attend live and also a link to the recording afterward so that you can catch up if you weren't able to be there.
All right, so on that note, Let us now turn our attention to the Mars-Uranus dynamic that we are looking at this week.
Here's Mars. Here is Uranus, and the two are coming together between Saturday, March 9, and Sunday, March 10. See them right there between Saturday, March 9, and Sunday, March 10, is the exact date. So, let's back it up to today. Monday, March 4, you'll see that Venus has just passed through the square at 20 degrees, and Mars is within about four degrees.
As of today, you really tend to start feeling things, according to ancient astrologers, when it gets to within about three degrees, which is tomorrow. So you know, we might be a touch early, but better, better. But to me, it's like with astrological transits, the degree of sensitivity that a lot of you guys have on this channel; I've noticed with transits, you'll often feel them a good amount of time before they hit exactly.
So I like to get out in front of ones like this because transits like this are a little bit more intense. You're gonna be feeling it really strongly Wednesday, it's within two degrees Thursday, it's within one, and then you get that kind of prolonged action between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You could even stretch this out to three degrees of separation, in which case you're talking about Wednesday or Thursday of next week. So, a whole week or so of the Mars-Uranus dynamic.
Now Mars in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus. This is following on a lot of the themes that we have been working with and talking about, honestly, for the past couple of months. You know, in Aquarius, it's that gold standard; where can we go into the future that looks completely different? It's the kind of stuff that we Aquarius that we associate with people like Galileo, who completely change our way of thinking. Einstein.
Aquarius has this iconic relationship throughout astrological history with progressive paradigmatic changes in science, technology, philosophy, and culture, so Aquarius is it already has a kind of collective aura around it, and modern astrologers associate the sign with the outer planet Uranus.
Now, in ancient astrology, most practitioners of ancient astrology do not give rulership to outer planets because the system of dignities that planets were worked into is incredibly elaborate and philosophical; you can't just say, well, this, planets kind of like that sign.
So, let's just jam it in there to give it a home. This whole system of dignities is part of a, you know, a deeply philosophical framework that has to be understood on all levels, and you can't just throw a planet into a domicile rulership without without considering all of the other levels of dignity.
So, for that reason, most traditional astrologers will not give outer planets rulership. However, I'm not going to deny that there. There are some really interesting similarities between the planet Uranus and some of the significations of Aquarius. However, there are also plenty of really good significations of Aquarius that people mistakenly think are Uranian that are actually, from the ancient perspective, Saturnian. That's an interesting conversation, and maybe we will have it on a separate video at some point.
The main thing here is that we have to think about the light emerging in zodiacal winter, from the darkness steadily progressively rising up out of darkness and moving toward the point of the equinox where the light will take over. When Yang is emerging from out of the Yin, right you have two Saturn-ruled signs in a row that suggest the idea of aiming toward transcendence. In the material world, we go through these familiar cycles. We get entangled and embroiled in all sorts of worldly matters, and that's good. That's what we're here to do. We're here to live a life; we're here to inhabit a body.
But then, all of a sudden, we get to a point where the entanglement becomes too much, and we have to set our sights on some kind of archetypal standard so that the chaos and the tumultuousness of the material world don't overcome us because that is a possibility. Just as surely as someone can get so lost in spirituality and spiritual idealism that they transcend or bypass their need to be in the body and in the world.
So, too, can people get so entangled in the body in the world that they forget transcendence and they forget that there are universal means by which we measure progress in our lives morally, spiritually, culturally, historically, etcetera. There's we can do better, we can do more is the kind of mantra that Aquarius gives us as the light is rising from Capricorn through Aquarius through Pisces out of the darkness and toward the light. One of the meanings of that rise out of darkness is, let's progress. Let's get better. Let's move up; let's do more than we have been doing.
Fantastic. Well, this is why the shadow of Aquarius is, let's do better because the Earth, the body, the world, the feminine, the embodied material universe of, you know, ecosystems and relationships that are embodied is not as good as some transcendental standard, and then there's a devaluing or even judging of the human condition and, and so the bypassing of Aquarius is a very real thing as well.
You see how there's a light and dark to every facet of the journey of the sun through the Zodiac that we associate with the archetypes of the sign. The light and dark are there because, literally, we have a combination of light and dark taking place within 12 solar steps of the year. Okay, so on that note of dog hair in my mouth, this always happens to me, by the way. That's such a perfect timing. I'll explain all the celestial shit. Oh, good. Dog in my mouth.
Okay, so anyway, we're rising out of the darkness with Aquarius. Well, what does Mars want to do when it's in that sign wants to press the gas pedal down on things like individuation, progress, freedom, breakthroughs, and paradigmatic changes, and Mars is adding a kind of muscular intensity; let's go. Let's fucking do this, right like that. I'm sorry, excuse my language; I got a little excited by Mars and Aquarius.
So Mars in Aquarius is pushing the agenda of growth; it might be pushing the agenda of transcendence to the point of sort of going so fast that there's bypassing of something earthly, there's an impatience with the material condition, and Mars gets mad when there's a dog hair in its mouth. So get it right, and then it's hitting Uranus, Uranus in an earthly sign of Taurus, which we've also associated with the desire for a kind of rearranging of the material worlds such that there is greater freedom and enjoyment, greater freedom, and sensual, embodied happiness, greater freedom and material security, greater freedom, and maybe a higher standard of luxury, wealth, beauty, enjoyment, pleasure, etcetera.
So the earthly and the celestial are really kind of working together to create some kind of preferred standard of security or enjoyment. Let's put it that way. Okay, so all of that together doesn't sound right, you know? I mean, I don't know that there's nothing about that. That sounds particularly ominous to me.
However, there are some things that we have to understand. Mars-Uranus, when they come together, can be sort of forceful and impatient, and the revolution that it brings can happen through an intensity that comes with significations like, you know, accidents, the burning of bridges, provocation, and conflict that comes in strikes like lightning reactionary things that happen that can ruin or devastate things that ought to be stable.
This is why, for example, Mars-Uranus will be associated with that kid who likes to skateboard and who thinks I'm going to do this extra special trick and take it one step further than I probably should, and boom, they injure themselves. They don't know what they sprained their ankle. So you do there is an association with this transit, the pairing of the revolutionary impulses of Uranus and Mars, as well as the desire to take the material world to some higher standard that could actually produce within us or our environments, some kind of impatient overly forceful energy that that rips, tears, breaks things and that's what people tend to get scared of when they think even if they can't articulate all of that people who know a little bit about astrology, they start thinking about Mars-Uranus, and they go, Oh, God, something kind of energetic, forceful, sudden, disruptive and potentially damaging or conflict producing is likely to happen, and yeah, It is, like, let's just let me let's just start there, there's a very good chance that those kinds of things can happen.
But I think that they only happen if we are not mindful by mindful. I mean, if we're not aware of the fact that those tendencies exist, I would also say second dog hair of the day; I would also say that the thing the problem is that before I make my video for the day, I often let Hilda out of the room, if she's kind of restless or pacing, or just like wants to play with the toy or something, because then she'll just be doing that in the background, and I get distracted. So I'll give her lots of kisses, and then my mouth will be full of hair.
Okay, so we get into the sphere of Mars and Uranus, and people, understandably, freak out, right? But if we're mindful, I think it helps everything. If we talk about the energies, it helps a lot, which is why we're doing so also, if you have any kinds of contemplative practices, going for a walk, listening, exercising, like moving movement, flow, whether that's creatively or artistically or energetically and physically matching the energy so that you are drawing your consciousness closer to it is important, because it's, it's when we kind of just, I don't know, we sort of lethargically move around, and you're like, Okay, Mars-Uranus is there, but I'm making zero attempt to connect with that energy, that I feel like it ends up storming the castle. That's my experience. Maybe it's a little different for you guys. But that's my own experience.
So one of the things obviously, making these videos helps me a tremendous amount. I hope it helps you as well. But it's also pairing that with some activities that I know are going to be a match. Let me tell you something that apparently some shamanic traditions did in the ancient world, and I heard an anthropologist talking about this one time in New York City; I went to a talk, the guy who likes lived with, I'm gonna forget what the name of the people was, but it was an Africa and he lived with a group of people. You know, mostly this, people were still living in the way that they had for a long amount of time unbroken, in like the in nature.
So it was really interesting, and this was at a time in my life where, of course, I had been going back and forth to the Amazon and literally going deep into the Amazon and living with people who lived in the jungle for short periods of time and working with Ayahuasca ceremonies. So I was fascinated by shamanic and shamanism is a word that's really just a very precise word from one tradition that's used to describe many traditions. So it's not a totally; it's not really the appropriate word to use because there are different names for shamanic types of archetypes in different cultures and in places.
But anyway, one of the things that he said was that there would be when there were when the Diviners would have a dream or an omen that would appear that they would do things to reenact the Omen, as a way of raising consciousness in themselves and other people in the community.
So let's say, for example, that there's, there's a flood dream, or there's a flood prophecy or something like that, they would literally reenact a flood with like, they would build like a little mini city, almost like build a city in your sandbox and then flood it and they would do that as a way of like acknowledging this symbols and signs and omens that were maybe being received in a dream by the shaman, and then they would reenact them and it would, it would have a way of raising the consciousness of everyone in the community to the symbols present in the prophecy or in the dream, and I thought that was so cool, I thought it was really cool and then the anthropologist sort of described that, you know, the idea behind this was that a dream becomes a dream received from the community shaman, so to speak, it becomes part of everyone and it becomes shared and then it however, it actually comes through however, it is actually transmitted or actually appears from Dream level to mundane is thought to be midwifed into existence in more constructive ways when there's a kind of enactment of it.
Okay, now, I'm not saying that we're doing exactly that, but it is sort of what we're doing right. What we're trying to say is, okay, look, Mars's square to Uranus this weekend. I'm going to tell you a bunch of stuff about it in a second. Mars's square to Uranus.
So this week, if my awareness has been raised because of the podcast because of the exploration of the archetypes, and if I take some time to connect with that archetype in my life this week, again, I think a great thing to do this week is like energetic, vigorous activity that sort of exciting and pushes your boundaries a little bit without going too crazy.
When you do that, and you just sort of acknowledge, hey, you're in us, I'm trying to connect to your energy this week. I think that there's a way in which we midwife whatever Uranus may want to do with respect to our karma, or our actual fate or destiny, it just becomes so much more constructive because we are, in a sense, acting like a doula, right, for the psychic appearance of the energy in our karmic body.
So anyway, I just wanted to say that first because the first thing I think is really important is that we think this week, not so much about what terrible thing is going to happen. But how can I be a channel for what's going to happen? Right? So we just make that little shift of consciousness, and I think we stand a lot, we stand shoulder to shoulder with so many traditions around the planet that, I suspect, probably had similar ways of receiving signs and omens that that anthropologist was talking about New York City, I saw him you know, this was, gosh, 15 years ago that I saw this guy talk, right, but that's what I remember from it and I suspect that many people from all over the planet have had a similar way of not standing in fear, but standing in relation to symbols as they appear. Well, here we are collectively contemplating a couple of symbols and Mars and Uranus. So what can we do?
All right now, first, I want to tell you a story about a Mars-Uranus dynamic that came about in my life. This was a Mars-Uranus dynamic that coincided with a dream that I had, and I think it's really important because there's a really good reminder for us in this, not unlike the story I just shared with you that the anthropologist talked about.
Okay, so one of the things we have to remember is that the language of astrological symbolism exists. The vernacular in which it exists and which we talk about it is rarely ever a one-to-one. There's rarely ever a one-to-one correspondence with how it appears in the way we talk about it, like the astrological lingo and the way that we actually experience it or the way that it actually shows up. It's very different.
I was recently watching because I'm getting really excited to see the sequel to the movie Dune, and so I watched the first one again with a friend and in the movie, The Timothy Chalamet, I think that's how you say his name, he plays something like a Jedi. I mean, that's the only way I know how to if you haven't seen Dune; the kid is something like a mystic, and he has mystical powers and abilities, and he has; he is probably the Chosen One of prophecy that has been around for a long time about someone who will come and change the cosmic order for the better.
Right, so very Luke Skywalker type of thing, and he's speaking with the head of this mystical order, which is sort of testing to see where his abilities are at, and she asks him, she says, Do you ever do you have dreams? And he says, Yes, and she says, Do they ever come true? And he says, not exactly. It's a really important moment where you can tell that her opinion of him changes when he says Not exactly, and this is really important.
This is because one of the signs, or one of the symptoms of prophecy is, and this is, from all traditions all over all around the world, that the signs and symbols rarely ever appear in the way that they do in dreams or in our case, the language of astrology, they do not appear not exactly in the way that they actually show up. So, do the signs and symbols of astrology actually happen? You know, like when we talk about Mark, does it actually happen? Do they come true? Our answers should also not be exact, and this is why so many people misunderstand astrology. But why?
You know, if you have that answer, you're not exactly on the right track with what astrology actually is. It is a language, just like so many other prophetic languages and dreams and other forms of divination around the world, where the way that the signs and symbols speak about something that's going to happen is never exactly what actually happens. So let me tell you a story. You guys remember, during the pandemic, there was a period of time, and I want to say it was probably in about 2021 when the housing market just completely took off.
Well, right before this happened, Ashley and I were we moved to Minnesota, and we were just renting at first until we could find a house to buy, and we thought we'd give ourselves a little time. Well, then we started looking at houses, and you know what it's like if you've ever purchased a home, which is progressively becoming more and more of an impossibility, unfortunately, but we were looking for houses, and you know, we're seeing so many different houses and all this isn't.
So we were like window shopping, you know what I mean? Like, we were we didn't feel urgent to make a decision. I had this dream. In the dream, I was standing in this elaborate, big, like, it was like a city. But it was all it was as big as the city and kind of shaped like a city, but it was in an aquarium and inside the aquarium were all these exotic fish and some of them were very dangerous looking Puranas sharks, and all sorts of other beautiful sea creatures and I was walking through this aquarium, which it was so big, it felt like a city, and then I noticed in the dream that the glass started cracking.
Now, this dream was happening as a Mars-Uranus transit was forming, and I was like, I wasn't thinking about that at all in the dream, but connected this later, and I was like, wow, okay. In the dream, I remember starting to get afraid and being like, I should leave here because it's gonna break and there's, not only is there a ton of water that's gonna come pouring out, there's all these, you know, the, there are predators, and so forth.
So, and then I gotta get out of here, I gotta leave, and I suddenly found myself sort of frozen and like, stuck, and I woke up, and I was at, and I was like, Whoa, that was a really ominous dream and it was very, it was one of those dreams, you just, it was so powerful and vivid, you remember it, and you go, Ooh, that was something, and that's the way I talk about dreams that show up as omens, or that have irregular significance, they somehow seem to be saying something, but never, it's never exactly what you see, that will happen. Now, that might seem very basic, like, of course, I'm not gonna go into the city-sized aquarium and have a glass crack and blah, blah, blah.
But my point is that no one really makes the mistake of taking that too literally; you'll understand that, and then you'll see it correlate with something in life well, so fast forward another day or two later, as the Mars-Uranus transit is coming through, and my consciousness is being drawn toward it more. We're out doing the window shopping of houses, and our agent says, very literally, he says Yeah, you know, I know you guys are kind of like window shopping at this point; I have to let you know people are starting in the real estate industry to suggest that we're about to get into a situation that could be really difficult, because you have a lot of people coming in, and they're starting to make offers.
Rather than negotiating with the price, which is quite common, they're starting to just immediately offer the asking price, or they're even just making their offer significantly higher than the asking price so that they can get it, and he's like, so it's becoming like a bunch of sharks out there, and as soon as he said that, and he mentioned the window shopping and then the sharks and he said there's this think there's a shift that's going to happen. Boom. My dream. I was like, oh, yes, and then so I told Ashley about it, and she's double Taurus, much more content to, like, really take her time with things. I'm Taurus rising, but I was a little bit. I have, you know, Cancer and Capricorn, Sun and Moon. I'm a little bit more Cardinal.
So I had this dream, and the aquarium glass was gonna break, and you know, it's funny because I think, you know, some, some people might go like, or, you know, that sounds crazy that you would base the decision on that, but no, in our world in the world, that Ashley and I inhabit signs and omens, whether it's a stick or a bird, or a dream, or an astrological symbol, or a plant that somehow says Hi, while we're out on a walk, these have always been very important to us and I suspect most of you guys listening, live life in something of the similar a similar manner.
So I said, No, that I think we need to make a move because Mars-Uranus in the sky, and the dream and what he just said about there's going to be sharks out there sort of like offering more than they should for houses, and this is going to be a problem that we think is coming pretty soon where, you know, like, we can start to see this building. He said, so if you like someplace, you know, don't wait. Don't wait too long because you're about to get into an oversaturated, overly competitive market. Overly saturated, overly competitive sharks and aquarium, it's about to break. Oh my god. Then I said Okay, yeah. Then, there was a house that we liked, and after some thought, we decided to look at a couple more. Then, we made our offer, and we did that very quickly.
Now, that ended up being the house that we're living in, and I'm really super happy, and we got in on this house prior to all of that madness happening because we ended up closing on the house, you know, and then maybe that's like, a month or so later, whatever it was, and I remember at the closing, he was telling us, he was like, you guys got in just in time, you would not believe what people are doing right now. He was like, you know, I really, like, have people offering more for houses before, like, I can even get an open house and anyway, so and you guys, maybe remember that that all happened during the pandemic.
So okay, here's my point. When I'm sitting and thinking about Uranus and forceful breakthroughs and sudden swift decisions that blah, blah, blah. It's never exactly like that. It is how we talk in our astrological vernacular; we use words and phrases, and adjectives that we combine and turn like a jewel. But what they are meant to do is help us see within their reflection the manifest events that occur, which are not adjectives; they are events. They are not forceful breakthroughs.
I mean, you could describe what happened as a forceful breakthrough, from the dream to the advice to the quicker decision than we were in the process of making that we suddenly made. Yes, you can describe all of that. But the point is that the language of omens and dreams is what we tend to get afraid of; we get scared of the language in the vernacular, and we get scared of the image of the cracking glass of the aquarium. But most of the time, let's be honest, like, I'd say if I had to, and I heard a very wonderful teacher of mine say this at one point. Most of us live lives. You know, where you're right in the middle with everyone else experiencing a handful of good fortune and a handful of bad fortune.
In a world where we sleep about a third of our lives, life is pretty mundane, in a sense, and most of us, if you spread it out and you compare fortune and misfortune, there's a group of people who have radically good fortune compared to others, there's a group of people who have radically bad fortune compared to others and then probably most of us, I'm just making this up, let's say 60% 70% of the Earth's population, in terms of the experience of life; good and bad fortune, it's mixed. It's somewhere in the middle, where we have some really good, some really bad, and it just sort of mixed together. So what that means is that I don't know, 90% of the time, when you hear the combinations of Mars and Uranus, they will be worse when you hear them in your head in the astrological language than the way in which they actually appear. Was there anything that bad about having to make a quicker decision about real estate than we wanted to?
No, I mean, that's a nice problem to have, honestly, and I've seen, and I've had Mars-Uranus experiences that are a lot gnarlier than that, don't get me wrong. My simple point here is that the kind of breakthrough that you can have when you hear all this language is often subtler and more every day and sort of right in the middle of the human experience than you are likely to think at first. So I wanted to share that story because I think that's exactly the kind of story that we totally lose track of; we totally lose track of all of those things.
When we start thinking about Mars-Uranus and all of the tearing and tearing and ripping. Oh, god, okay. So what can you expect? Well, there are forceful breakthroughs that happen, but remember, they are often a very everyday, ordinary kind of experience. They don't have to be. They don't have to resemble something that's like headline news. I mean, the headline news is always like a random, terrifying act of sudden explosive violence in a public place these days, right? Well, you can go there right before all. Like probably 99% of us listening to this, you will have a more mundane experience of a forceful breakthrough.
So, I wanted to emphasize that today. But forceful breakthroughs can be psychological. They can be physical, relational, professional, financial, or in your health or your body. So, just notice that the boom like that can come through this week, but maybe, you know, the volume for you is 50, and for someone else, based on the transit of Mars and Uranus in the natal chart, it might be closer to 80 or 90 that you hear that that energy at.
Number three is electric originality. I love it when Mars-Uranus comes through, and suddenly it says though, You're, you're possessed by a god. It's a little bit like, you know, you're getting cosmic caffeine, and there's a big difference between cosmic caffeine and your morning cup of coffee. The cosmic caffeine is that it feels like you're downloading new ideas, new incentives, and new initiatives, and there's a theme of taking action vigorously. That comes with an electric feeling of enthusiasm and potency. So watch for that electric originality this week.
Number four, bravado, strength, defiance, and freedom now of Mars-Uranus can get into the I'm invincible kind of mode. I like to say there's a big difference between the sort of god mode of Mars-Uranus and saying, What's that song by Sia? Unstoppable? Is that the name of the song? There's like an empowered, I love myself, I can do this with Mars-Uranus, and then there's sort of like, yucky, narcissistic god mode. Don't become a dick this week. So but, watch for the emphasis, the defiant emphasis on I can do this. I've got this. There's there's a kind of cosmic enablement of our noblest, strongest qualities.
Number five would be the power of individuality or individuation; we take big steps forward in our individuality or individuation or in something that has been a goal for us. I mean, I'll never forget putting an offer on that house when we were just kind of like, holy, you know, what do you do? And it felt good. It was like, Oh, my gosh, remote things are moving. So don't be afraid to get up off your ass and move. If you have something to do, do it. That's it, and so watch for these qualities this week.
This has been fun to talk about. I really wanted to emphasize this because this is one of those transits that could go into the bin of things that people most likely freak out about.
You know that video series I do, How to Avoid Astrological Burnout when Mars-Uranus transits, could be a whole video. So I just thought today, let's remember that if we reenact and intentionally connect to the archetype in a kind of ritualistic way, even if it's so simple, something simple like going for a trail run with your dog, and you're like Mars-Uranus, I'm going to vigorously meet you through my sweat. I swear to God, those kinds of ritualistic I see you, I notice you, and I'm here as a midwife. I am a servant of the Gods coming through the world.
When we take that approach intentionally, it matters a great deal, and second, when we remember that the language that we are focusing on is the language of omens and symbols, just like dream images. Do they happen? Do they come true? Not exactly. Alright, that's what I've got for today. I hope you guys have a good one. Bye.
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