Today, we're focusing on the upcoming lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, offering an early examination of the significant aspects of this event. We will dissect the astrological configurations at play, aiming to provide an insightful preview of the themes and energies this eclipse may usher in. As eclipse season approaches, I like to offer a blend of technical analysis and practical advice, preparing you for the shifts ahead, with a promise to revisit and dive deeper as the date draws closer, complementing our comprehensive horoscopes discussed with Alex earlier this month.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at this month's upcoming lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra. It's on March 25. So it's a little way out. But it's never too early when eclipse season is upon us to start thinking about what the eclipses may bring.
So today, we're going to unpack some of the major dignity patterns that we find and some of the aspects in the sky that are happening around the eclipse, and then we're going to synthesize those details into some key takeaways or themes that you're likely to see coming with this eclipse.
Later in the month, we'll unpack it closer to the actual date of the eclipse, and I think we'll probably do a second round of horoscopes on them. You can also look back at the horoscopes for the month of March, where Alex and I break down horoscopes for all 12 signs, and we did talk about the Lunar Eclipse in Libra in that video as well. But yeah, today, it'll be a good opportunity to sort of break it down and look at all of the dignity patterns that emerge when we study groups. So that is our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments and reflections. We love hearing from you guys. As always, you can find a transcript of today's talk or any of my talks on the website In the meantime, I want to take you over to
Let me just take us over there right now. You can click on the events page and go to live talks. There, you will see the Registration tab for Neptune in Love, which is happening this Thursday, March 14, so you can sign up for that; it is $20 to attend, and if you cannot make it live, we will send you a link to the recording afterward, and we also provide you with the link to join the live webinar once you register. You'll see last month that we did Pluto in Love.
We explored Pluto significations in the birth chart and by transit and love and relationships. You can pick up that recorded talk this month. We're doing Neptune in love and we're doing it as the sun and Neptune are actually coming together in the sky, which is kind of exciting.
So that talk is this Thursday from seven to 9pm. Eastern time, and you can register there on the website. We hope to see you guys there and again, if you can't make it live, you can get the link to the recording afterwards.
The other thing that I am promoting right now is Ashley's herbal apprenticeship program, which you can find at skyhouse Go to the Courses tab and click on the Herbal Foundations Apprenticeship. You can learn more about her one-year apprenticeship program, which begins in April.
There are need-based tuition options open and available for that, as well as an early bird sale. If you want to save on the tuition, now's a good time to register, and at the end of today's video, if you stick around after the content has finished, you'll hear me interviewing Ashley; I did an interview with her, and I've been posting it to the end of the videos for people who want to learn more about the program and maybe sign up. So those are the big announcements for the day. Hope to see you guys at that Neptune in Love talk Thursday night, and let's turn our attention now to our eclipse. Here we go. All righty.
So, I got the eclipse up on the screen right here. This is happening on Monday, March 25. So, you know, we're not so far away from this right now as we sit here on Monday, the 11th. We are two weeks away from this eclipse today. Now, it's happening very early in the morning. This is central time, about 253 in the morning, and so you know, depending on which time zone you're in, it's going to be the middle of the night you could very well be experiencing this Sunday, March 24, into Tuesday, March 26. That's the kind of window in which you'll really notice it.
The other thing to remember, something that's really important to note about eclipses, is that they come in waves through the same signs over the course of, you know, a year and a half or so. It is very common for the actual effects of eclipses to play out between six months to a year before the actual date of the eclipse. However, you will often see important events or experiences surrounding the actual day of eclipses.
Quite often, they represent things that are reaching critical turning points, but sometimes those turning points are a little subtle, and you may notice the big events related to the themes and topics of the houses the eclipses are happening in not really manifest Hang for a little while, say two or three more moon cycles or even up to six months or a year, especially when we have more and more eclipses poring through the same signs and houses. So just keep in mind that they are; it's best to think about them as process-oriented; you'll get disappointed if you think, Oh, something big is gonna happen on the day of an eclipse. Nonetheless, sometimes they do.
So, all right, well, let's take a look at some of the key features of the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, and I probably will end up jumping around. There are seven of them that I wrote down that I want to call your attention to, and I have synthesized them into five key themes.
So, number one is that this eclipse is taking place in Libra. We have Libra right here; you can see the little glyph for the moon under the moon right there. This Libra is the domicile of Venus, the masculine Air sign of Venus, and it is the exultation of Saturn.
The lunar eclipse also happens in the first five degrees of Libra, which is also bound by Saturn. So it's interesting that the major planets that are hosting this eclipse are Venus and Saturn, and there is a lot of power to Saturn actually in this eclipse, and we'll talk about what that means in a minute. I just want to draw your attention to these details first.
Number two is that Venus and Saturn themselves are just separating in Pisces. This eclipse, in other words, is being toned in a major way by Venus and Saturn, and we see that the eclipses are happening just after Venus and Saturn have conjoined in Pisces. That's really important, and again, we're going to try to synthesize that later, but you see, we're getting an eclipse. It's trying to point us to Venus and Saturn in their very recent conjunction that comes just prior to the Eclipse Venus-Saturn conjunction is therefore very important for us to look at. It's not your average Venus-Saturn conjunction because that conjunction is fueling the eclipse that comes just after it.
So that's why I'm doing this in advance because when we get to Venus Saturn, you'll want to know that this Venus-Saturn conjunction is behind the energy of the upcoming eclipse, you know, all right, number three, both Venus and Saturn are closely sextile to Jupiter know, both Venus and Saturn Venus is in her own exultation in Pisces, but also the domicile of Jupiter. Saturn is in the exultation of Venus, and the domicile of Jupiter is within three degrees of a sextile to Jupiter.
Okay, so it's interesting that we have a harmonious configuration between Venus and Saturn, who stand as the rulers of the eclipse, just separating in Pisces and both configured to and in the domicile of Jupiter figured configured to Jupiter by sextile, which is of the nature of Venus, which means harmoniously. That is also a key feature of this eclipse; while it has some real Saturn energy in it, and Venus and Saturn are just coming off a conjunction, we know that sometimes Venus-Saturn conjunctions can be difficult. Nonetheless, these planets are configured to Jupiter in a sextile, and Jupiter is their host; that's a good thing and really plays into the eclipse; it gives it a little bit more benevolence, you might say.
Number four is that Saturn is in Jupiter's bound and domicile, so it is just said that Jupiter, Saturn is in Jupiter's domicile, and Venus is also configured to Jupiter. Right. It's also interesting to note that at the time of the Eclipse, Saturn is actually also in the bound of Jupiter. Let me just turn off this banner. So you can see there it is right there. Saturn is actually in the bound of Jupiter as well as the domicile of Jupiter and configured to Jupiter by a sextile.
So there's a nice harmonizing of Saturn and Jupiter behind this eclipse, and Saturn has a lot of power in the eclipse, right? And so does Venus, and they're both configured to Jupiter, but look at how much how like deferential and how much Saturn is kind of working cooperatively with Jupiter in this eclipse. We're going to talk again about what that means. But these are little details that you have to gather as you're doing your analysis.
Okay, so we'll move on to the next one. Jupiter and Venus, who are also configured by a sextile, have mutual reception. So at the time of the eclipse, which is ruled in part by Venus and also by Saturn, Venus is in Jupiter's sign configured by a sextile wallowing in her own exultation. So nice dignity, nice connection with Jupiter But Jupiter is also in its own bound in Taurus and in Venus's domicile. So that's called mutual reception; they have a form of mutual reception between one another. So Venus and Jupiter are working nicely together. Saturn and Jupiter work nicely together, and Venus and Saturn work together as rulers of the eclipse. So you see how these things all pile together.
Number six, Saturn is, appearing as the Morningstar. It's now recently appeared as the Morningstar after the combustion cazimi experience that it went through earlier in the month. So we had that kind of late February and early March. We had this triple conjunction between Mercury, the Sun, and Saturn. After that, Saturn starts rising and appears as the Morning Star, which is Saturn's rebirth.
So, it's also important to mention that Saturn is in this very young phase, which is weird. When we think about Saturn, we usually think about a planet that represents old age. But this is sort of a youthful, young Saturn that's just gone through the transformation or death and rebirth process, and that is also really important. You get a Saturn that is coming out as the Morningstar and representing something new, and so we're going to talk about that, too. Then finally, it's also important to remember that all in all, this is a South Node Eclipse, South Node eclipses have a little different meaning than North Node eclipses.
Lunar eclipses have different meanings, and with solar eclipses, we need to synthesize all of that. We know that South Node eclipses tend to bring about resolution with things from the past as well as emphasize the kind of spiritual wisdom that's been harvested from old cycles. That's a very South Node tendency for spiritual insight crystallization of, or harvesting of old, like insights and wisdom that's been gained through experience of the harvesting of things through time and process.
South Node eclipses are like lunar eclipses, bringing things to culmination and completion as they represent a kind of fullness like the fruit coming onto the tree and getting ready to be harvested. So there's a real theme of harvest that's also common for the sign of Libra, which takes place at the autumn equinox, which is the beginning of the harvest.
So, all in all, we have a triple theme, with the full moon conclusion resolution harvesting the south node, also wrapping up old cycles and harvesting, and Libra wrapping up old cycles and harvesting. That's a lot of emphasis on the same things all coming together through three different symbols: the full moon, the South Node, and Libra.
So now let's take all of that, and if you had a hard time following it, that's okay. It's not like the world's easiest thing to start developing an understanding of dignities and how they work.
But most traditional astrologers, Hellenistic astrologers, medieval astrologers, Indian astrologers, you have to pay attention to all of those details because whether you share them with the audience or not, or whether you know, that's always, you know, an option, but you have to pay attention to those details because all of those things go together to create something that's more distinct than just interpreting a lunar eclipse and Libra. Right?
So anyway, now the reason that I like to present them now and then is because there are, there's a significant portion of the audience in this channel who are students of astrology, and who have expressed interest over the past couple of years in my sharing more of the details of analysis that can be educational, I think it's fine to do so as long as we then synthesize them and make sure that the takeaways are really clear for people who may not be interested in the technical portion, then you just know what the synthesize themes are.
So anyway, the number one synthesizes themes, and they're not in like an order of importance, just one through five that I wrote down. This eclipse serves as a moment of integrated Saturnian wisdom and maturity; look at Saturn as the exultation ruler of Libra, with so much emphasis on the harvesting, and the harvesting, of course, is a moment of maturity. It's a moment of reaping what's been sown, it's a moment of understanding, and it's a moment of wisdom, and there's a sense of time that has come before all Saturnian themes. With so much emphasis on the rulership of Saturn and Saturn playing such a big role in the dignities right now, Saturn is configured in the ways that Saturn is to Jupiter, in recent conjunction with Venus, et cetera, et cetera.
We can say that this is a moment of harvesting of realization of greater maturity and depth, where we see old cycles, you know, wrapping up, but that real, there may be a little bit of a bittersweet moment, it's not easy to mature, a Saturnian South Node Eclipse with a strong flavor of Saturn. Now granted, there's a lot of benefic energy in here with Venus and Jupiter, but there's something a little bittersweet, and there's something about, you know, I've grown wiser, I've grown older, I've had some hard knocks, but I'm coming to synthesize a lot of growth, and there's been a lot of maturity in that's a real tone that kind of rings out around this eclipse it has the feeling of Saturnian wisdom that's been hard, hard-fought hard won.
All right, number two, this wisdom and maturity, however, is also closely linked to Venusian themes, friends, allies, community, your values, love, sex, relationships, art, beauty, the honoring of the feminine, the sensual, and the embodied. There's something about this moment of integrated wisdom and growth and maturity that is intensely flavored by Venus and the power that Venus has in the sky; this first half of the year, Venus is exalted as the ruler of one of the rulers of the eclipse, just separating from Saturn, again suggesting that there's a kind of Venusian wisdom and maturity that's happening. I think, for example, in the image of this eclipse, if I were to just throw up images that come to my mind, one would be of a wise woman, maybe has gone through different phases of life; she's a wise elder woman, something like that. Now, that doesn't have to you don't take that literally right, because there's a part of that maybe that resides in, in all of us, regardless of gender, or, you know, or age or stage of life. So, Saturn's wisdom and maturity are closely linked to Venus, Venus, and Jupiter.
Number three is working together for the sake of creating a Venusian breakthrough, which is, in turn, rooted in the Saturnian themes of karmic Reckoning and maturity. See, what's interesting is we know that within another month from this eclipse, we have Jupiter and Uranus conjoining in Taurus, the desires there to create a breakthrough that provides greater coherence and meaning and stability and enjoyment and pleasure and sensual gratification, all of those rich Taurean themes that are both stable and sort of lovely, and enjoyable and that that's the Venusian value system that's working to create some kind of new possibility or new opening in our lives and that's going to look a little bit different depending on the whole sign house of Taurus in your chart, right. But what I'm taking away from this is that right now, in the sky, with the mutual reception between Venus and Jupiter and the fact that Saturn is also nicely configured to Jupiter, whatever themes of karmic reckoning maturity growth that this eclipse entails. It also comes with the sense that this maturity is really going to bolster and support this upcoming Jupiter Uranus breakthrough, which ultimately is in the service of this kind of earthy Venusian desires and ideals.
So it's nice that there's this kind of moment of maturing that is, like, necessary somehow right before this picture of a breakthrough that's coming, and again, the breakthrough is so much about Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus and Venus a sign in the moon's exultation, peace, comfort, ease, flow, harmony, sensuality, enjoyment, and an all of the maturing that's happening right now. We can imagine it as potentially creating an easier situation for us or a more grounded or stable or luxurious or you use any of the keywords that come to your mind kind of existence.
Now, most likely, we're reconciling ideals with a more grounded outlook that we have developed or are being forced to develop. The reason I say this is that Libra, the South Node in Libra, Libra is an incredibly idealistic sign. It is a sign that is related to the realm of the Platonic forms. Here you have Saturn, a planet that was the dumbest, most distant planet at the edge of the solar system, closest to the realm of the gods of the forms, I should say. It is obvious Kronos is a god, but beyond that, right to this higher realm of the mind of God, that forms that inform the universe, and this is the exultation of Saturn. This is also the place of Venus, the place of beauty.
For the ancient Greek philosophers, the universe and the pursuit of truth were not just intellectual pursuits but aesthetic ones. Truth is ideal, beautiful, and true. So when you think about the idealism of this eclipse, but it's a South Node Eclipse, but it's a lunar eclipse, and we have this kind of Venus Saturn reconciling through their conjunction that they're doing a lot of the times what that means, especially in a double-bodied water sign, very feminine, very embodied sign, and then so much embodied energy and Taurus, is that right now we're trying to figure out how to reconcile ideal images, things that we see as perfect or perfectly ideal for us with the earthly reality that we live in and that's what this maturing in some ways might be about. I'm maturing because I'm having to compromise. I'm maturing because I'm creating a breakthrough that's been informed by some hard and difficult growth work, but that growth work has provided me with an ideal picture of how to live my life.
So these are the kinds of things that I see happening, given all the dignities we talked about. We're reconciling high-minded Venusian ideals with more grounded outlooks that we've had to develop or been forced to develop, and that eclipse is highlighting all of that. Finally, this last-minute maturing will fuel the upcoming breakthroughs of Jupiter and Uranus. In a way, we've been talking about the breakthroughs of Jupiter, the breakthroughs or breakthroughs that we'll all experience from Jupiter and Uranus, for a long time, right? We've been daydreaming about it for a while.
Isn't it interesting to think, though, that we don't always look at what's coming right before the breakthrough, you know, because if we look at that, we get a feeling for what might, where's the impetus to create some breakthrough or to have one what the impetus is often coming from what's proceeded maybe for many years, and maybe many other many, many different cycles that we could track in our charts.
But it's also coming from literally what comes right before it in the sky at the time of the actual Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and this is it, and so this last-minute moment of kind of karmic balancing of the scales and Libra, a feeling of karmic fruition and completion, the judgment and evaluation and reaping of what's been sown in a moment of crystallized maturity, from Venus and Saturn, that's coming into fuel Jupiter Uranus. That's profound. If you think about it, I mean the potential for us to have these kinds of really powerful cathartic moments of karmic completion right now here in the month of March toward the end of March, that then fuels this just powerful takeoff.
In the next month of course, we have a solar eclipse in Aries, a sign that loves to start pressing the gas pedal, and then we've got Jupiter-Uranus by the end of the month. So even though this Lunar Eclipse has some signs of, like, you know, you shall reap what's been sown, there's a kind of theme of, like, karmic harvesting that can be a little intense.
There are so much favorable benefic connections between Venus and Jupiter and the upcoming Jupiter-Uranus dynamic that I think we have to consider that whatever comes up right now is actually preparing us for the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that's coming up at the end of April, and we look at it that way. I think it gets it's easier to work through whatever challenges might be coming.
So anyway, this was the Galaxy brain version of the Lunar Eclipse in Libra. But we will have some other ways of breaking it down, including more horoscopes before the actual date of the eclipse or maybe even on the date of the eclipse, which might be fun. So stay tuned for more.
Don't forget this Thursday night if you go over to On Thursday night, we have a webinar on Neptune and Neptune's significations when Neptune is involved in love and relationships. So if you go to the website nightlight, Click on the events page, go to live talk, scroll down Neptune in love, and click to register. Join us if you can't make it live Thursday night from seven to 9pm Eastern. We will send the replay to you.
So I hope to see some of you there. The Pluto in Love talk was awesome. I really, really enjoyed that, and yeah, I can't wait to do this new one on Neptune in Love, and then in April, we're doing Uranus as well. So it should be fun. All right, that is it for today. I hope you guys are; by the way, I used to move my camera. What do you guys think? Alright, that's it. Bye.
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