Today we will sneak preview the upcoming lunar Eclipse that forms around the full moon in early May. I want to get out in front of this one because it's a very powerful Eclipse, given a variety of signatures happening at the time of the Eclipse around it.
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Hi, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today we are going to take a look at the next eclipse that's coming up in our current lunar cycle. We started, of course, with the solar eclipse in the last degree of Aries, which we covered at length last week. I hope you all are doing well with that.
Today we're going to sneak preview the upcoming lunar eclipse that forms around the full moon; of course, lunar eclipses are always at the full moon coming up here in early May. I want to get out ahead in front of this one because it's a very powerful Eclipse; given a variety of signatures that are happening at the time of the eclipse around it, context always matters when you're looking at eclipses. So that is what we are going to do today and hopefully get everybody ready for that upcoming second eclipse of the season.
Before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like and subscribe and share your comments in the comment section; you guys know that helps the channel to grow a whole bunch. I always like hearing what you guys have to say; if you have a story about any of the eclipses, use the hashtag grabbed or email us your story grabbed@ Also, if you want a transcript, you can always get one on the website
I'm gonna take you over there right now because we are in the midst of enrollment season, as you all know, and that means that it's time to sign up for June's program. So the first-year program in ancient Hellenistic astrology with a kind of modern archetypal twist. You can visit the nightlightastrology website, look at the first-year course under courses scroll down to learn more about it. Everything that is included in the course is outlined here; there is a video we have with a conversation with some alumni. If you scroll down, you'll see what the course includes 30 webinars on the year.
There are two to three hours each with a lesson, a unit, of the class that we're working through as we as the curriculum goes on. So we move methodically through all of the fundamentals of Hellenistic astrology in-depth, including the philosophical and spiritual background of the material, which is really important. And in those classes, we always leave lots of room for q&a. They're recorded, so you can watch them on your own time, or you can attend live; it's very flexible in that regard. We have some guest teachers that come in throughout the year. We also have an interactive group forum discussion staff with tutors, so you always can ask questions and get them answered really quickly. We have breakout study sessions in between major units of study. So if you need extra tutoring help, there are always additional outside-of-class study groups that are meeting. You can email me for support throughout the year, as well. And there's tons of bonus homework, material and reading, and anything that you want to take the class as deeply as you want.
A lot of people take the class for the sake of setting up their own professional practice. Many of our students have gone on to have successful practices. But we also have a lot of people who take it just because astrology is a part of your spiritual life that you're seeking to deepen, and knowing more about Astrology can do nothing but help you; it's like adding a GPS to your car in this day and age; you know who doesn't have a GPS on their phone or whatever this is like that spiritually, it really is it really changes your life to know what's going on in the stars.
Anyway, there are different payment options; the early bird payment saves you $500, that's a great deal. There's a 12-month payment plan that you can use to spread the course fees over the course over a year. That's monthly. And then, we have tuition assistance, which is also a monthly payment plan but knocks the price down significantly for people who are experiencing some kind of financial hardship. You have a really fixed tight budget; we understand that people have a lot of things that can prohibit studying spiritual science. And we want to make sure that this class isn't for just one type of person. So we offer a limited amount of need-based tuition contracts; they are going rather quickly. So we ask that you take advantage of them and sign up while we still have some room. And just click on the Apply Now button. If you have any questions about anything that the course includes or about need-based tuition, you can always email us, which is
All right, well, I'm really excited to talk about this eclipse though frankly, this eclipse is a bit of a doozy. I think that doozy eclipses usually translate into some pretty good growth and healing, though, which is probably the upside of this eclipse. You'll see the eclipse is forming around the very last minutes of the 14th degree of Scorpio. So this is May 5, Friday, May 5, And this is around 12:30pm Central time here in Minnesota. But you know, you may experience it a little bit earlier if you're on the west coast, a little bit later if you're on the East Coast. So it's coming up soon. We're still a little ways away from it. But the reason that I want to get out in front of this because there are a lot of features of this eclipse that make it This is spicy. So let's take a look at what those features are.
There are ten important features of the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, and actually, I think I'll just keep my screen up so that I can highlight these as we go. So the ten important features of the lunar eclipse and Scorpio is that it is ruled by fallen Mars. So we have the moon in the sign of Scorpio, and then the host of the eclipse is going to be Mars in Cancer, who is in its fall. So this means the moon is in its fall in Scorpio, and it also means that Mars is in its fall in Cancer. So we have in the air a signature of when you have moon Mars stabilities and water signs, you have the potential for catharsis, emotional healing, emotionally but also explosiveness and almost like the boiling water kind of feeling.
This is emotional volatility at its finest. When you have Mars in Cancer in the Moon in Scorpio, you have the potential for conflict around things like emotional bonds, family, family karma, and anywhere in your life where there exists an intense, deep, meaningful emotional connection to others. Those connections can be tested, severed, deepened, and intensified, both good and bad things obviously, subjectively, but intensity emotionally is one of the big themes because we have an eclipse in Scorpio ruled by the fall in Mars in Cancer. So watery intensity was another way we could put it.
Number two would be that this also means that Mars and the Moon have what we call mutual reception. So the moon is in Mars's sign, though, in its fall, and Mars is in the moon's sign, though in its fall. So we have something called mutual reception by fall. Mutual reception by fall, I've heard it compared in mutual reception by detriment, you know, two drunk people helping lean on each other and help each other walk home from the bar. So whatever image you want to conjure up here, you do have the feeling of, I mean, if there's any kind of emotional disaster in the air, it's like, there's a willingness to try to cooperate and work on each other's behalf between the Moon and Mars. So whatever they're doing, whatever challenges it may bring up, especially on the level of interpersonal bonds, family bonds, and, you know, vulnerable emotional spaces, and the intensity and confrontational nature of this eclipse, could be actually beneficial that these two planets, although they bring up some very difficult energies, they could be cooperating on some level to get something done.
I think of things like emotional catharsis and healing around these two planets as, like, not enjoyable, but ultimately beneficial. As at least that's one possibility. You also have the potential for, you know, like, two villains to be cooperating with one another. So I would watch for almost things that are conspiring, things that feel like they're conspiring against you. Are we being paranoid? That's a possibility. But some things may also be conspiring against you within yourself or from other people.
So you want to just notice what energies or patterns are, you know, maybe trying to dominate in ways that are subtle, and but like, pervasive, persistent. So, you know, being aware that these two planets are working together could be a very good thing; maybe they make, you know, they create kind of a, a silver lining in the midst of a difficult emotional period. But they could also be bringing out the worst in one another in terms of the more manipulative, dark, and dramatic emotional qualities. So that's how I would look at that kind of the light and dark of it.
Number three is there is a South Node signature with this eclipse. So the moon is with the South Node, a South Node lunar eclipse; in its fall usually means that it's like a cup of water has to be emptied. So something somewhere is being emptied out. Or there's the sense of loss or of digesting old stuff or releasing old things. So this has something to do with the past and letting go of the past. You could say it also has to do with the tendency to let go of physical forms in the world, an orientation toward otherworldliness and emptying out of material things somehow, or a confrontation with mortality and loss and impermanence. Those are all South Node features that come up during this eclipse, which is why as you can see, this one's pretty dramatic.
Number four is that this eclipse is opposite Uranus. So you see the signature of the moon at the time of the eclipse within four degrees of an opposition to Uranus. This would mean, for example, that this eclipse could come with that some sort of sudden, shocking revolutionary qualities, which adds to the drama. So you think Uranian signature around this eclipse along with the emotional volatility, and you have, you know, a more dramatic signature. A little dose of the unexpected could pop up around this one.
Number five is that this is the last eclipse in Scorpio. If we go back, it was May 16, 2022, that we got a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. We then had a partial solar eclipse in Scorpio in October of 2022, and now we have our last eclipse in Scorpio on May 5. So, broadly speaking, the eclipse in Scorpio period that is accompanying the South Node through Scorpio is coming to an end. Think to yourself last around last spring all the way up to the present. Look at that Scorpio area of your birth chart; what have I been working on? What have the lessons been? What have those deep transformational and emotional spaces been like in my life? Look at the whole sign house of Scorpio in your birth chart to get a more topically specific understanding, and then ask yourself, what's culminating in that area of my life right now? How is this bringing things to a conclusion?
Number six, Mars is forming a trine with Neptune. So as this eclipse is coming through that, Mars in Cancer is forming a trine with Neptune in Pisces? And what comes with that is often themes of emotional sacrifice. Where are we? Where is there an emotional need to serve or sacrifice on behalf of something bigger than ourselves? Then simultaneously, where are our emotional fault lines? And where is there about to be an emotional earthquake? Now I say that because Neptune, little known, is associated with earthquakes. And when I look at this, I think of earthquakes in water.
So you think of the shifting of emotional fault lines in almost like underneath the sea like, like an earthquake that's moving the plates beneath the ocean. And I'm not saying that literally; I'm not like necessarily predicting an earthquake. Well, if that happened, I guess that would be that'd be very shocking. So they do happen all the time. But you know, so if we saw in the, with this eclipse, what's coming in the wake of the eclipse is a connection between Mars and Neptune, which is often about, you know, themes of emotional surrender and sacrifice, sort of like the martyr energy. The mission or missionary in this has a really strong emotional conviction behind it. What am I advocating for? What am I standing up for? What am I trying to protect? So the Cancerian Mama Bear energies connecting with the sacrificial, otherworldly Neptunian energies. That's coming through right after the eclipse. So, you can feel that in the description of the eclipse: it gives the whole eclipse season a feeling of not only emotional turmoil but great emotional sacrifices or gestures.
Number seven, this is happening during a Mercury Retrograde, which means that Mercury is in the process of at this point in the retrograde of becoming the morning star and separating. So, Mercury is the Morningstar heralds change. It's like a little trumpet blowing at dawn, saying something new. So we're in the process of transforming through the mercury retrograde, and that area of Taurus in your chart is about to experience a bit of a rebirth. We'll get to the fact that Jupiter is entering that sign shortly. And I'll say a little bit more.
Number eight is that Venus is squaring Neptune. At the time of this eclipse, Venus is just passing through a square to Neptune. So the kind of questions about relationships, honesty, themes of deception and illusion, and as well as questions again of where we are bonded or where we merge or share deeply with other people. How sharing with other people is inviting us into new emotional territory. I would almost look at this the fact that Venus is square to Neptune at the same at the time of the eclipse and say, Well, this is interesting. Our boundaries and our priorities emotionally are being clarified. And we're being asked to set things aside that are frivolous or that don't matter and sacrifice on behalf of those relationships that are taking priority at the moment.
That's a tough one for, you know, Venus in Gemini especially, but Venus is moving into Cancer, which suggests that the concern emotionally is going from maybe things that are a little bit frivolous to things that we have more of an emotional commitment to Venus is going to go into Cancer and immediately trine Saturn in Pisces,
Number nine, the sun is about to conjoin Uranus. So we also have this signature of uranium breakthrough as the sun is applying to Uranus, and that's actually a positive along with number ten, which is that Jupiter is also about to enter Taurus. I feel like as heavy as some of the qualities of this eclipse are, the general theme around it is that of rebirth and Jupiter moving into a spring-like sign out of Aries, which is, you know, a bit intense, and Mars ruled into a Venus ruled sign.
Venus will be in Cancer; there'll be configured by a sextile. So, after this eclipse is over, this is the last eclipse in Scorpio; something is coming to a head. It requires an emotional shifting and refocusing, some healing, some maybe some harder or heavier emotions to get through some little bit of shock in the air around it. Questions of sacrifice and surrender. But then there's this feeling of rebirth that comes really quickly, and that's what I love about knowing that Mercury is coming out as the Morningstar just as Jupiter is entering Taurus, and as Jupiter enters Taurus, it will square Pluto in Aquarius, which a Jupiter Pluto square is often very empowering.
There are themes of abundance that become an infertility and rich deep fecund feeling behind Jupiter entering Taurus, squaring Pluto in Aquarius. So I think that whatever is happening is going to shift us into a space where we are trying to create a new kind of a new stable base or a more stable place in our life. But you know, stability has this intimate relationship with being able to know and be present for times that are impermanent and more emotionally volatile. So there's a testing in the air followed by a reestablishing of security control, peacefulness, and stuff like that.
So a really interesting eclipse. I hope that this video prepares you with some of the basic signatures that are happening around it. I would love to hear from you guys, as always, about you know your experience of the eclipse. We'll certainly be visiting it from a few different angles as we get closer to the eclipse, and we'll probably do some horoscopes for May around the eclipse as well.
So that's it for today. As always, don't forget to like and subscribe before you leave really helps the channel to grow when you leave your comments too. Don't forget to sign up on the website for need-based tuition if you need it; use it while they're still available. Any questions? Email us info at Alright, that's it for today. Have a good one, everybody. Bye.
Thank you I really love the transcript. It’s hard to find time to play a whole video but reading or listening to the podcast are my favorite. Also wow I was a little scared reading the first half but the ending settled me. I have moon, Venus, mercury, Jupiter and Pluto all in my Scorpio sign, despite having sun in Libra and rising in Sag. But I am always very moved by the Scorpio transits, I have and a year with a lot of changes. So I am glad to see that in the near future I will be able to settle and be present. Thanks so much.