Today, I want to take some time to preview the major astrological transits for the year ahead that I'll be covering on my channel.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. I am making a special little intro for today's video because we have just hours left in the Kickstarter campaign. It runs until, I think, 11am or noon today, central time.
And in these final hours, I'm recording this, of course, on New Year's Eve. But I'm recording this because, as of the time I'm recording this, we are very, very close to the finish line. So, I'm making a special intro today to say it is probably going to be the case that, as of this morning, New Year's morning, we still need a push between now and noon when the campaign officially ends.
If you have not yet backed the channel, I'm going to tell you how to do so. You can click on the link to the Kickstarter campaign that is found at the top of the comment section, pinned to the top in the description of this video, or head over to and click on the 2025 Kickstarter campaign.
Our goal is to get to 1,937 backers. Typically, on New Year's morning, we've already reached it in previous years. So, I've never made a video plugging the final four or five hours of the Kickstarter campaign, but we're that close.
I'm making this little intro to just say, "Hey, if you haven't donated yet, please consider pitching in. $1, $5 helps us cross the finish line and meet that backer total." I'm suspecting that we will not have crossed it yet, but we will be very close, based on how I'm tracking things here on New Year's Eve.
So, I'm making this little intro to make one last call in these final four or five hours. By the time you're watching this later on the day, it might already be over, but if you haven't yet donated, please consider supporting us. There's great rewards available when you support the channel.
Also, we want a big thank you to everybody who's already pitched in. As of the time I'm recording this, we're getting closer to 1,800 backers. That brings us within about 100 or so of our goal. So, I'm hoping that this morning we can cross the finish line.
Thank you so much again to everybody for making this channel a success, and I hope you will enjoy today's video.
Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy New Year, everybody! We are officially into 2025. It's kind of hard to believe that another year has passed. I feel like the older I get, the quicker time moves. I'm sure that other people have that experience.
But anyway, today I want to take some time to preview the major astrological transits of the year ahead that I will be looking at on my channel. I want to make it clear that this is not an in-depth treatment. I reserved that for the exclusive content I made available through the Kickstarter, which, by the way, is still available. I'll tell you more about that in a second, about how you could pick up that video with the full content if you wanted to.
Today, what I want to do is just name the transits that we’ll be looking at as the year goes on. Eventually, we will cover all of these transits in depth. So today is just a little list of what's coming in the year ahead, with a few thoughts about how we're going to handle the coverage of these things.
At the very least, this can help us get ready for what's coming because some people may not even be aware of all that's ahead in the next year. That is our agenda for today—something simple for the new year, as I'm also taking a minute to rest after the huge Kickstarter push.
So anyway, before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe, share your comments, thoughts, and reflections. I’d love to hear from you. What are you looking forward to this year? Tell us in the comments section. Transcripts of any of these daily talks can be found on the website, which is
Now, look, if you go over to the Kickstarter campaign, although the campaign is officially over, Kickstarter allows people to buy the rewards we offered as an ongoing sale. We're going to keep it open for probably a week. So, for now, on New Year’s Day, if there is something that you really wanted, a gift that you wanted, that we offered, you can still pick up the Astrology of 2025 video, where I go in-depth into all of this stuff right away.
You don’t have to wait for each portion of the year to be covered—you can look at it all in advance with a really in-depth breakdown. You could also pick up your horoscope for the year ahead or any of our class passes. All of those things were available through the Kickstarter.
Again, although the campaign is officially over, Kickstarter allows you to keep it open, kind of like a shop page, for a week or two. So we’ll see how things go. I’ll probably keep it open for a week. You can head over there by clicking on the 2025 Kickstarter link on the website.
So, on that note, what I want to do today is just show you what we’ll be looking at. Again, I can’t promise you that everything I’m saying today is covered in my video, because I know people are like, "I paid for exclusive content." This is all just a preview. Today, we’ll give you a feel for what’s coming, and I will not be doing an in-depth breakdown of this stuff. But I think it’s worth looking ahead at what's going to happen this year.
There are three categories I have for the major events of the year, all of which I unpack in those horoscopes in the Year Ahead video, but it’s good to look at them right now.
Here are the major planetary ingresses for the year. I’m going to put them up on the screen. Major planetary ingresses are a huge theme for 2025. I am really, really excited to be looking at this right now. First of all, every single outer planet, if we take into consideration Jupiter through Pluto as outer planets, takes at least a year to move through a sign. From Jupiter onward, all of those planets are changing signs this year. That’s pretty remarkable and makes for a mid-decade shift of era and focus that most of us will experience throughout 2025.
The major planetary ingresses of the year include Pluto, which just entered Aquarius. We know that Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius has already happened. It’s so recent that I consider it to be an ongoing ingress for the year. Once we get to the end of March, we’ll see the first major planetary ingress of the year, when Neptune changes signs into Aries. Neptune will change signs into Aries around March 30 or 31. It will be there until late October or November.
So, from late March to late October, we’ll get a taste of Neptune in Aries. That’s a major shift. But interestingly, another planet is shifting into Aries, and that is Saturn. Saturn will also change signs into Aries in late May. So we have Neptune in late March, Saturn in late May.
What’s interesting is that between those two events, we also have a lot happening in Aries. We have a Venus retrograde in Aries taking place in March. If you go back to the very beginning of March, Venus will turn retrograde in Aries. About a week later, Mercury will turn retrograde in Aries. Then, toward the very end of March, on the 29th, just about a day before Neptune goes into Aries, we’ll also have a solar eclipse in Aries.
So, Venus and Mercury will retrograde in Aries in March, followed by a solar eclipse in Aries at the end of March, Neptune entering Aries at the end of March, and then Saturn entering Aries by the end of May. A huge amount of focus on that space of Aries—the sign of Mars and the exaltation of the Sun. We’re going to be spending a lot of time this year looking at that.
These constitute two major planetary ingresses, one major retrograde, and one major eclipse, all in the same sign of Aries. So that’s going to be a big focus for us on this channel in the year ahead.
We’re also going to be looking, in June, at Jupiter moving from the sign of its detriment in Gemini into the sign of its exaltation in Cancer. That transition happens right around June 10. So, on that day, we have Jupiter changing into Cancer for a full year, now in the sign of its exaltation.
What’s fascinating is that in June, this means Jupiter and Saturn will square each other, and that square will take place from Cancer to Aries. That’ll happen about mid-June.
As if that’s not enough action for the outer planets, we also have Uranus moving into Gemini. Uranus will move into Gemini on July 7. What’s interesting is that, as soon as Uranus moves into Gemini, it will be in very close application to a trine with Pluto. That’s also going to be a big focus for our year on the channel.
As soon as Uranus enters Gemini, it will be there from July 7 until November 7. During that time, the closest it will get to the trine with Pluto will really be in September, where it’s very close to the exact trine. Uranus will then pop back into Taurus for a little while in November, and then in 2026, it will enter Gemini to stay.
So, to review: that’s Pluto into Aquarius, Neptune into Aries, Saturn into Aries, Jupiter into Cancer, and Uranus into Gemini. All the slow-moving planets are changing signs this year. That’s why I say it’s kind of an era shift, and we’ll be focusing a lot on that on my channel in the year ahead.
There are two major retrogrades I’m personally paying attention to this year and will be spending a lot of time with on the channel. Those are the continued retrograde of Mars in Cancer, which takes place in early January as it retrogrades back into Cancer from Leo. It turns direct in late February and doesn’t finally exit Cancer and return to Leo until mid to late April.
That long period of Mars in its fall in Cancer will really occupy a lot of our focus and attention for the early part of 2025. Beyond that, Mars will have an opposition to Pluto in late April. That’s also a pretty big deal.
So, the Mars retrograde in Cancer is one of two major retrogrades that I’m really going to be focused on. Of course, we’ll always cover the Mercury retrogrades, but there are multiple ones. When Venus and Mars are both retrograde in a year, those usually occupy more of my focus as a day-to-day content creator.
Now, if we go back to the Aries period in March, for most of March, Venus will be retrograde in Aries, the place of her detriment. She will be in Mars’s sign while Mars is in Cancer. That could make for a bit of a difficult Venus retrograde, as the host of the retrograde is in fall in Mars. However, Mars will have turned direct, so at the very least, we are now starting to implement things that were maybe more difficult earlier, say, in January and February.
Either way, that’s going to be an interesting piece of the year. The second part of Venus’s retrograde, which starts in late March and continues through April, takes Venus through Pisces, where she’s exalted. She’ll be with the North Node, but also with Saturn, and Mercury will retrograde back into the late degrees of Pisces as well.
So, we have an accompanying Venus and Mercury retrograde traveling together, pretty much going into those late degrees of Pisces. Venus is exalted there, but Mercury is in its fall. They’re both co-present with Saturn and with the North Node. That feels like a heavily destined period of time.
Given the North Node signature, we're going to be paying a lot of attention to that time on our channel. So on that note, the eclipses are the last thing that I wanted to mention in today's talk, just to kind of preview the big astrology of the year. The solar eclipse I already mentioned on March 29 in Aries is happening just prior to Neptune entering Aries. It feels like a very big Arian kind of moment, but prior to that, there is a lunar eclipse happening on March 14 in Virgo.
I find that eclipses in Virgo are often very purifying, and also there are big themes about forgiveness, as opposed to perfectionism, meticulousness, organization, carefulness, a sense of being diligent and thoughtful, and of service to other people. But also looking at the need for self-care, and, you know, kind of maybe letting go of overly puritanical or rigid or overly critical attitudes. These kinds of things come up around the Virgo eclipses.
Of course, there's another Virgo eclipse on September 21, so they kind of bookend the year. Now that solar eclipse on the 21st is something we'll also be covering on the channel quite a bit. The solar eclipse is interesting because it's with the south node of the moon, while Venus is in her fall in the sign of Virgo as well. And so it really does feel like a new chapter is beginning as we are also letting go of something from the past. The recognition of things from the past that have sort of done what they needed to do and are being let go of is pretty common for the south node eclipses.
So this should be an interesting eclipse that has a pretty deep feeling of letting go, detachment, and release of old karma around it. Anyway, we'll talk more about that on the channel this year, for sure.
The other eclipse is the eclipse in Pisces, which is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. That lunar eclipse is on September 7, with the north node of the moon and the moon configured in an applying trine to its host, exalted Jupiter. I love that eclipse. I feel like that one's going to be very constructive and also very fertile and emotional.
So anyway, these are the big things that we're going to be looking at on the channel: the Jupiter-Saturn square, the Uranus-Pluto dynamic, all of those big outer planetary shifts, some big retrogrades, and a series of eclipses that are quite powerful as the nodes are also changing from Libra and Aries into Virgo and Pisces. So this is the kind of stuff that you know you'll be seeing on the channel in the year ahead.
Now, as promised, I'm not going to give away any of that exclusive content. If you want a breakdown of all of these things right now, and you want my analysis on all of those events, you can still go over to the Kickstarter page and use it as a shop, basically, for probably about a week. We'll keep it open. I think that's neat that they allow us to do that because even though the campaign is officially over and all the numbers we had to reach and everything like that is sort of done, if people missed the opportunity to buy something they wanted through the sale, we keep it open for a week.
This also prevents us from having to rerun a sale later in the year, which sometimes a lot of people have asked for, because they maybe didn't have the funds available before the end of the year or whatever. So this allows us to also just kind of keep that open, rather than running a sale later in the year. So if there's something that you wanted that you weren't able to pick up, including the astrology of 2025 where I break all of these things down in great depth at the start of the year, then check that out.
Otherwise, these are the things we're going to be covering in the year ahead. And it is a real blessing and honor to be able to do this for all of you again. Thank you to everyone for making this year's Kickstarter campaign successful. Deeply appreciated.
I think the spirit of this channel is about accessibility and free content that's beneficial for all people, and it just takes a small portion of our audience to see the value in that and to be generous and donate, maybe pick up a gift to keep this thing going. So a big thank you from me, my family, my staff, everybody, for making this year a great year.
Hopefully, this 2025, this new year, will also be really rewarding. I will do my best, I promise you, as a content creator, to keep pouring my heart and soul into this and keep getting better at what I do, and keep making sure that this is a solid, safe, meaningful place to take in astrology content in the year ahead.
All right, have a good day, everyone. Happy New Year! Bye.
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