The dark Moon in Virgo will transform into the new moon and create a solar eclipse by late tonight/early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, Mercury is slowing down to station in the coming week, turning retrograde by Friday.
As we continue our Autumn astrology preview today, let’s take a look at this Fall’s Mercury retrograde in Libra. This retrograde will follow in the footsteps of both eclipses, which both fall across the Libra/Aries axis. As Mercury stations in Libra, a reversal of fate or fortune will take place with regard to all of what Mercury naturally signifies in the birth chart. If not a reversal, then a setback, delay, or change of pace or circumstance is likely to occur. Look to the houses that Mercury rules in your birth chart (Virgo/Gemini), as well as the house it will be transiting in Libra. Synthesize the themes symbolized by those areas and you may get a sense of what’s coming during the next moon cycle.
For example, if Gemini rules your 7th and Virgo your 10th, then you may expect to see some changes of circumstance in both marriage and career, or your partner’s career. These changes could be positive or more challenging, it all depends on the unique circumstances of each person’s life and their karma or spiritual path relative to these areas of life.
Reading by sign alone, you might see Libra in the 4th house and expect some change of circumstance, some delays or setbacks, or some reversal of conditions relative to your home, your family, your father, your property, or your family genetics or heredity. With Mercury retrogrades we are often inspired to change our way of thinking, communicating, organizing, or perceiving. It can be like new ways of seeing various situations or circumstances in our lives are taking place left and right, rapid fire for a period of 2-3 weeks!
The sign of Libra also brings up the general subjects of candor, diplomacy, likability, vanity, tact, strategy, social grace, appearance, and core values or morality (think folkways and mores). The scales of Libra also imply a leveling, balancing, judgment, or reckoning. Remember that Libra opens the Autumn season and the doors to the underworld time of year, through the halls of judgement. Saturn, planet of law, rules, restrictions, and karma, is exalted in the sign of Libra. As Mercury is doing his retrograde in Libra, Saturn will finally finish his stay in Scorpio. There is an undertone of paying off debts, or implementing lessons learned and not turning back or deviating from the new course that’s been set down for us over the past few years, dating back to the Fall of 2012.
The opportunity of this Mercury retrograde, happening under an eclipse season, is to right wrongs, course correct, and level something out that’s been up and down or repeatedly unbalanced for a long time. The eclipses will create circumstances that should allow for the alleviation of debts and old burdens, relative to the merits of the work we’ve done in the past 6 months, since the last eclipses. However, the Libran time of year is always also a time of honest evaluation and careful discernment or judgment.
Remember that Mercury isn’t here to “fuck up your shit.” smile emoticon Mercury isn’t “doing” anything. Mercury’s movements always signify or symbolize things that are natural to the rhythm of life on earth…thing that are literally “happening,” not to things that will be “caused because of Mercury’s antics.”
In fact, one of the most predictable things Mercury seems to signify during its retrogrades these days is antics about Mercury retrogrades. This is unfortunate because it bi-passes the specificity that is signified for each one of us by the planet’s particular significations in our birth charts or relative to the areas of our lives that we are struggling with or focused on right now.
Prayer: a god of crossroads in the sign of the scales of justice…help us to be good students of the moment, and help us to find wise discernment in the harvest moon cycle ahead
As we continue our Autumn astrology preview today, let’s take a look at this Fall’s Mercury retrograde in Libra. This retrograde will follow in the footsteps of both eclipses, which both fall across the Libra/Aries axis. As Mercury stations in Libra, a reversal of fate or fortune will take place with regard to all of what Mercury naturally signifies in the birth chart. If not a reversal, then a setback, delay, or change of pace or circumstance is likely to occur. Look to the houses that Mercury rules in your birth chart (Virgo/Gemini), as well as the house it will be transiting in Libra. Synthesize the themes symbolized by those areas and you may get a sense of what’s coming during the next moon cycle.
For example, if Gemini rules your 7th and Virgo your 10th, then you may expect to see some changes of circumstance in both marriage and career, or your partner’s career. These changes could be positive or more challenging, it all depends on the unique circumstances of each person’s life and their karma or spiritual path relative to these areas of life.
Reading by sign alone, you might see Libra in the 4th house and expect some change of circumstance, some delays or setbacks, or some reversal of conditions relative to your home, your family, your father, your property, or your family genetics or heredity. With Mercury retrogrades we are often inspired to change our way of thinking, communicating, organizing, or perceiving. It can be like new ways of seeing various situations or circumstances in our lives are taking place left and right, rapid fire for a period of 2-3 weeks!
The sign of Libra also brings up the general subjects of candor, diplomacy, likability, vanity, tact, strategy, social grace, appearance, and core values or morality (think folkways and mores). The scales of Libra also imply a leveling, balancing, judgment, or reckoning. Remember that Libra opens the Autumn season and the doors to the underworld time of year, through the halls of judgement. Saturn, planet of law, rules, restrictions, and karma, is exalted in the sign of Libra. As Mercury is doing his retrograde in Libra, Saturn will finally finish his stay in Scorpio. There is an undertone of paying off debts, or implementing lessons learned and not turning back or deviating from the new course that’s been set down for us over the past few years, dating back to the Fall of 2012.
The opportunity of this Mercury retrograde, happening under an eclipse season, is to right wrongs, course correct, and level something out that’s been up and down or repeatedly unbalanced for a long time. The eclipses will create circumstances that should allow for the alleviation of debts and old burdens, relative to the merits of the work we’ve done in the past 6 months, since the last eclipses. However, the Libran time of year is always also a time of honest evaluation and careful discernment or judgment.
Remember that Mercury isn’t here to “fuck up your shit.” smile emoticon Mercury isn’t “doing” anything. Mercury’s movements always signify or symbolize things that are natural to the rhythm of life on earth…thing that are literally “happening,” not to things that will be “caused because of Mercury’s antics.”
In fact, one of the most predictable things Mercury seems to signify during its retrogrades these days is antics about Mercury retrogrades. This is unfortunate because it bi-passes the specificity that is signified for each one of us by the planet’s particular significations in our birth charts or relative to the areas of our lives that we are struggling with or focused on right now.
Prayer: a god of crossroads in the sign of the scales of justice…help us to be good students of the moment, and help us to find wise discernment in the harvest moon cycle ahead
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