Today, we're dissecting the Lunar Eclipse in Libra and its impact across all 12 whole sign horoscopes, providing insights into the specific life areas each sign may see activated. Before diving into the individual forecasts, we'll explore overarching themes common to a South Node Libra lunar eclipse, offering a comprehensive understanding of its potential influences in the days, weeks, and even months ahead. Whether you're feeling its effects already or curious about what's to come, this episode will equip you with valuable knowledge to navigate this astrological event.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today, we're going to take a look at the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, which just came through overnight. And we're going to run it through all 12 whole sign horoscopes with some brief reminders about what topical area of your birth chart was activated by this lunar Eclipse, which you may notice today or tomorrow as the week unfolds as the next few months unfold, and maybe even over the past few days, like as the weekend and the eclipses coming through over the weekend, maybe you've noticed it even last week.
So a little reminder about those topical areas of the houses by horoscope today. And then at the beginning. Before I go into the horoscopes, I'm also going to talk briefly about some of the main themes that a South Node Libra lunar eclipse might involve overall, so you might want to listen to that first and then jump ahead to your horoscope if you'd like to jump forward to the timestamp for your sign. All right. Anyway, that's our goal for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe, and share your comments and reflections in the comment section. We'd love to hear from you guys, especially if you have a good story to share about the Eclipse. It's eclipse season, #grabbed storytime. So use the hashtag #grabbed to tell us what the Lunar Eclipse in Libra was; the is the story that you want to share something about, and then tell us your story either in the comment section or you can email it to us at
I want to take you over to the website because I am promoting two things now here at the start of the end of the month and going into April. Go over to and click on the Courses page. Go to the first-year course we're going to be starting to open for it. We're opening for enrollment next week for the spring program Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Our first-year course in ancient astrology starts June 16; we're gonna be starting enrollment. For that, There's need-based tuition, and there's an early bird called price.
So make sure you take advantage of that. And then, on the events page, if you go to live events and live talks, you will see that in the month of April, we have the last of our outer planets in love talks. We did Pluto, and we did Neptune already. So in April, on the 18th, We're doing Uranus in Love and looking at the signatures of Uranus and the birth chart when it affects love and relationships, as well as by transit and how to understand what Uranus is doing and love and relationships and how to work with it. If you miss Neptune in Love or Pluto in Love, you can order those from the shop tab at the top, as well as a bunch of other cool things that we have from previous master classes to my book that's being released early, chapter by chapter. So lots of cool stuff there.
The other thing that I'm promoting, as you guys know, is Ashley's herbal apprenticeship program. If you go to skyhouse and click on the Courses tab, you can go to the herbal foundations apprenticeship to learn more about her program, which is starting on April 24. There is need-based tuition available. And if you stick around at the end of today's talk, you can hear an interview that I did with Ashley discussing the program and everything that it entails. So that will be after the content is done, and the interviews will be tagged on to the end. Okay, well, now that promotions are done for the day, let's go into the significations of this lunar Eclipse.
Now, the lunar Eclipse is something that's already happened by the time you're listening to this. But I want to point it out on the real-time clock to sort of sort of show you the timeline. And also, you know, make the case that it's really not like we're, you know, because it's a few degrees past that were too late forever to be relevant. Eclipses have a long shelf life.
So anyway, here it is. This is Monday morning, March 25. But if we back this up just a little bit, we're going to see that the Eclipse comes through. And this is, oh, let's back it up just a tiny bit more. And I actually go right down to the minute just for fun. Let's get it to about five and change. There we go. So this is about two in the morning, Central time today, Monday, March 25. And so the Eclipse window.
What's important to note about eclipses is that major events rarely occur on the actual day of the Eclipse. Remember that eclipses happen in nine and 18-year cycles, nine being the half-life of the cycle, nine years, and 18 being the full length of the cycle. And so the karmic seasons that they depict and the cycles that they are referring to are long, and nothing cyclical is that long, whether you're looking at the last time that South Node was in Libra or the last time the nodes were in Libra and Aries together but opposite nine years ago.
Either way, things that are going to hang on for that long don't; they don't wrap up in one singular event on the actual day of an eclipse rarely, or some new cycle does not begin exactly on the day of the Eclipse with some singular event. It's important because people sometimes think of Eclipse days as, like duds like, Oh, nothing happened? Well, we're not thinking about it correctly if we're not thinking about it as process-oriented. And the best way to understand the process of an eclipse is to look at the whole sign houses that the nodes are falling in or that one of the nodes is falling in; in the case of a lunar eclipse like this, look at Libra look at the whole sign house of Libra. So that's what we're gonna do in a minute.
But there are some big things we can say about this lunar Eclipse, I would say, but just first of all, I would say, give it at least the rest of this lunar cycle and the next lunar cycle because the next lunar cycle starts off with a solar eclipse in Aries the opposite sign. So you have to at least look at the picture of this lunar cycle in totality and the next lunar cycle. But more than that, it's really the story that's being told until the nodes change signs. And that's not, you know, we don't if we push this forward a little bit; let me just show you how that works. We're looking at the nodes of the moon, not shifting signs completely until February of 2025.
So it's late January or early February 2025, measured by the mean node here, which is one of the two ways we can measure the positions of the nodes. So, you know, you have to think about the story of the nodes in the signs that they're in, and the further eclipses that are going the, the, the subsequent eclipses, excuse me, that will occur in the autumn of this year. So we're not really reaching the place where there's a lot, right? There's a lot to process as the nodes move through signs and have multiple eclipses in the same signs.
So give it six months to a year from now, which is fair, given how long it's going to take for the nodes, to change signs and for eclipses to start transitioning into new signs. And even then, just be aware of the storyline that's developing around the whole sign houses of Libra, and Aries.
Now, on that note so, there are a few things that we can say about a South Node Lunar Eclipse in Libra. If you have not yet listened to the video that I did a couple of weeks ago, previewing the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, I highly recommend going back and listening to that because, in that video, I unpack all of the dignities that are present, and really take a look at synthesizing all of the contextual factors around the Eclipse. I'm not going to reproduce that today.
Today is just meant to remind us of the whole sign house and its topics through kind of quick-hit horoscopes. But some of the themes in Luke involve a kind of, you know, there's a rule of three, if you've ever heard this in astrology, where if you see the same thing in three different ways, you know, it's a thing in a chart or in the sky at any given moment.
So, there are three ways in which this Eclipse repeats the same theme. And that is the theme of a kind of moment of harvesting something that has a history behind it. So there are three ways you can see this. One is that this is a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses are the harvesting moment of a cycle; they bring the fruit onto the tree, and they are moments of the manifestation of the fruits of a cycle. That usually indicates that the fruit is ready to be harvested, and hence, the cycle is ready to be released. It's a moment of resolution, completion, manifestation harvesting. And there's a sense that something is completing itself. So, the idea of completion, consummation, or resolution is very important for understanding lunar eclipses in general.
So that's one and two. This is happening with the south node of the moon. Of the two nodes, the south node is the one that points toward the collection, crystallization, harvesting, or resolving of cycles that have a history of things that have a past, for better or worse. So there's two and then three; we have this happening in the sign of Libra, which is in the story of the Zodiac, which is a solar story from the equinox, the solstice to equinox, the solstice in the solar year.
The sign of Libra sits at the Fall Equinox. So, the moment at which it is associated is with the harvest and the death of the sun. And you will reap what has been sown. And there's a moment of judgment and evaluation for things that have a history behind them. That's always been associated with Libra and the entrance into the underworld.
So you have three different signs of karmic harvesting: psychological, spiritual, narrative, biographical harvesting, completion, resolution, and the Reaping of what's been sown. Now, when you have all of that taking place in a Venus-ruled sign, like Libra, one of the major ways in which this kind of moment of harvesting, completion, and resolution of something that with history will take place is in and through relationships, the most obvious Venus signification This is a Venus ruled Eclipse.
But it also, especially with Jupiter and Uranus, coming up to conjoin in Taurus and other Venus-ruled signs. We have the idea of Venusian breakthroughs, whether that's embodying health, art, love, sex, relationships, or anything that Venus signifies is going through a moment of harvesting, resolution, and completion that's coming right before a kind of major Venusian breakthrough, which is signified by Jupiter Uranus next month.
So these are the simplest ways of thinking about what the Eclipse represents. You know, without going into the specifics of every individual soul's chart who's listening to this, you have to look for those general significations and try to apply them to your own situation. And the next step that we're going to take today is to remind you of the house topics. We've already looked at this through the horoscopes that we did that Alex and I did for the month of March, where we focused on this whole sign house of Libra. But I want to refresh because it's a good day to just remind yourself that this is where the cycle is seeking a point of synthesis of resolution of completion and understanding and wisdom and so forth.
So these will be quick, there's not. It's not like if you want a real, much more in-depth breakdown. You could also revisit two videos; one would be the video that we did at the beginning of the March marches; horoscopes revisit that video. The other one would be the overview of the Eclipse that I did, saying, previewing the Libra Eclipse, go back and watch that one as well. So, on this eclipse day, though, let us refresh ourselves on what's going on. You can listen to this for your sun or rising sign. I recommend your rising sign because that will configure the whole sign house version of your birth chart.
All horoscopes are done in whole sign houses. Whether it's modern or ancient astrology, it's whole sign houses. And so unless your sun is actually in the first house, your sun sign is always going to be put on the ascendant. So unless your sun is in the first house, it won't correspond to the birth chart, which is why we suggest your rising sign. That will correspond with the actual whole sign house positions of the Transiting Planets in your natal chart. Alright, anyway, on that note.
Aries, if you are an Aries, the Eclipse takes place in the seventh house, which is a place of the setting sun and is associated with relationships with intimacy and interpersonal connections. And so here we have the picture of something resolving itself in and through significant relationships, you could be, more broadly speaking, your social life, how and with whom you seek out pleasure and connection. So we see something kind of completing itself. There is a moment of karmic harvesting that's taking place in the realm of relationships. Okay, remember, these are just brief reminders of where the action is.
For Taurus, this is the sixth house. The sixth house has to do with effort, work, sacrifice, labor, and health, usually health only in the sense of disease and sickness and adversity that we have to overcome to be more healthy to be healthier, but it can also involve things like conflicts and frustrations. It's a place of animals, by the way, so smaller animals belong to the sixth house. But here we have a moment of karmic harvesting, with respect to the topics of sacrifice, effort, work with frustrations and sicknesses, and overcoming hardships and adversity. These are things that you sacrifice on behalf of those you care about. And there's something here that is reaching a point of resolution, maybe an old conflict that's ready to dissolve, maybe an effort or an act of sacrifice, it's ready to pay off in some way, too.
Those are things to consider if you're a Taurus rising. Remember that breakthrough for you, Taurus is coming in the Jupiter Uranus in your first house. So this is connected to a significant breakthrough in something like identity health, etc.
All right with Geminis. We see the lunar eclipses forming in the fifth house, the joy derived from one's Dharma, the place that is connected to joy, creativity, and children. And the question in the fifth house is always Yeah, but are you happy? Are you joyful? Do you feel like you can enter into creative flow states easily and feel happy with the path that you're walking? Do you feel like you're in touch with your creative essence? There's something here: a cycle of old karma that's ready to be resolved. Maybe that means something creative is ready to crystallize. Maybe it means that you lack creativity; you're just not having it anymore. The need to do things that make you happy is paramount right now. So, it could also be a place of romance. For Gemini
Cancers, we have this cycle taking place in the fourth house, that is, the karma of home and family. So we have the karma of parents of the home of the dwelling place of the living environment, the health and well-being of family members, the ancestral past, and we have a cycle there, it's very an old cycle, nine and 18 years worth of a cycle that's been developing, and history in the fourth house can be very deep and even, you know, reach back into ancestral ties that you're not even super aware of. There's a cycle that is coming full circle in the house of home and family.
Let's continue with Leo's. The Lunar Eclipse is in the third house, which is really the cultural, everyday environment of your life. It has to do with the people, places, and things that are most constant that surround you. That is defined as the ecology of the environment, mentally, emotionally, and physically. And here we're seeing that especially with respect to relationships in the environment, how they shape and influence you, or how you shape and influence the environment, in and through relationships, if there's something that needs to change, or there's something that's reached a cycle of completion, it could also be that important people in your life like siblings, cousins, family members, are reaching some important initiations or turning points like marriage or kids.
Or it could be that you're seeking some different way of defining the culture or world around you. And that is a very third-house kind of thing. It was called The Joy of the Moon, in a place that was associated with the everyday culture and environment that defines your life. It's like the set of the play The Loves. It's a love story, but it takes place in, you know, 14th-century England or something, whatever. So what is the setting of your life like, and what kinds of changes and old karma are resolving itself and changing the setting or environment? This is very important for psychic health and for your relationships right now. All right.
So, for Virgos, this is taking place in the second house, which has to do with things like money and resources, as well as the people or things that you rely on that act as assets in your life. It has to do with your values when it comes to what you own or possess. Excuse me, and it's also related to the development of skills and abilities that you can use to support yourself. Here, we see some cycle that has a history behind them reaching a point of resolution of harvesting. So, money, time, energy resources, skill development, acquisitions, assets expenditures, and a cycle of karma are reaching a place of resolution right now in that domain for Virgos.
For Libras, the eclipses taking place in your first house, which means that we see this cycle of harvesting with respect to your body, your health, your identity, your psychology, the process or development of your own individual selfhood, is reaching a critical moment of transition. This may also be bouncing off from the upcoming Aries eclipse in the house of relationships. And so is it possible that relational dynamics and identity, who am I and who am I in relationships, are intimately related right now for Libras? But it can also be as basic as understanding who you are, whether you're taking good enough care of yourself, your body health, and your identity, which are the focus of this Eclipse, and it does have some history behind it. All right.
If you're a Scorpio rising, then we're talking about the 12th house, and the 12th House Lunar Eclipse in Libra is probably bringing up things around pleasure, sex, love, relationships, diplomacy, peacekeeping, peacemaking, and a kind of a cycle of unconscious or unseen material that is making itself known to you now that you know has a history behind it and it's probably tapping into again the realm of relationships or anything Venusian pleasure art beauty women friends, and what are the unconscious spots with respect to say a pleasure or beauty or friends or sex or love, there is a cycle has some history behind it, and it is moving through an unconscious space to, you know, become more consciously available to you at this time. All right, let's keep going.
So we'll move into Sagittarius, which places the Libra energy into the 11th house. That is going to be the place of friends, allies, groups, and communities, as well as your aspirations, long-term dreams, and desires. Here, with the Lunar Eclipse in the 11th house, one has to wonder if some cycle again, something that has a lot of history behind it, is reaching a place of culmination closure, fruiting, you know, a place of completion with respect to friends, groups, allies, colleagues.
Also, I wonder if your long-term dreams, aspirations, and goals are shifting somehow, as are the people that you feel like you want to surround yourself with, whatever the case might be, allies, friends, groups that have served their purpose, maybe you know, the connections with some of those people or groups is ready to be dissolved. Or maybe it's just you're reaching a transition point where your relationship with certain people needs to change or evolve. And it could also be that your sense of who you are socially is needing to adapt or evolve in some way. And then lastly, I would say that your long-term dreams and aspirations and who are what you need to surround yourself with, on their behalf, might be shifting. So, let's look at that for Sagittarius.
For Capricorns. We're seeing this Libra eclipse in the 10th house, just a place of vocation and career. It's also just a place that represents what you're achieving, how you're known, your reputation, your notoriety, anything that connects you to the greater society in which you live and your connection to the people in the world you inhabit that's outside of the private realm of like your house and your private relationships, what connects you to the world is changing right now. Your role in it, your job, your company, your interests, your abilities, where you feel called to serve, or what you feel called to do, the direction might be changing as you reach a moment of crystallization or an old cycle that's ready to offer its fruits and then, you know, be digested and released. So, it was a nice, big, you know, and interesting transition moment for Capricorns in the career house.
All right, for Aquarians, we're looking at the ninth house, which is the place of higher learning and the higher mind. It's a place of pilgrimage, religion, and spirituality. It's a place where we seek out wisdom and understanding, whether that's science or, you know, religion; it's a place where we try to learn and understand. It's a place where we orient our moral and spiritual compass about traveling abroad. So, for Aquarians, you're reaching a point of synthesis; maybe some form of wisdom or a paradigm that served you in the past is ready to be released, maybe new wisdom or understanding or the shaping or developing of a new philosophy is coming about because you're ready to evolve and shift and an old understanding is passing away.
Or maybe this is just speaking to the continued development of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in some specific field. And maybe it's also about the fruits of your labor. If you put in a lot of hours studying something, a lunar eclipse in this house may suggest that you're going to reap some of the benefits of the work that you've put into understanding, studying, learning, and traveling spiritual practice. So this is a transit that looks like a transit of wisdom for Aquarians.
Now, finally, we'll have Pisces, who is placing the lunar Eclipse into the eighth house. A place that I would like to talk about is the metaphorical BloodBank donations of Lifeforce, which go back and forth. Here, though, I wonder about soul contracts that are ready to be released, that have served their purpose, whose gifts are fruiting right now, or whose limitations are showing themselves, and that might mean that you are ready to get out of some exchanges with other people, while other relationships are really showing the benefits that have come from putting in effort and labor and giving something to get back something. Debts are being paid off. Maybe there's a sense of cycles of karma that are burning off through the balancing of the scales, and that might come with a feeling of paying off debts. But that's, you know, an eclipse. It certainly suggests the culmination or completion of various soul contracts, karmic debts, and exchanges with other people, for better or worse.
So, those are your 12 whole sign house reminders. This is where to look or maybe start your reflection. Your journaling could start with the topics of those houses. The other thing I recommend is just letting the eclipses speak. If the significations of the houses don't resonate, then just watch and pay attention. Listen. It's a very good time to go within to take some time for prayer, meditation, journaling, walking, any space you can get in that constitutes a flow, where you let go of the active controlling, you know, premeditating mind that's trying to control and solve everything and just be open to receive and notice, you put yourself into a situation like that regularly around eclipses, and in my experience, you'll often you'll just be able to receive some of the guidance and insight that the eclipses are offering, it's good to put yourself in that kind of receptive flow state if possible.
All right, that's what I've got for today. As you guys know, I have been on a little spring break vacation; we had a bunch of, you know, guest speakers who came in last week. There are some more things I'm sharing this week as I don't get back until the end of the week. And so, in advance, I've prepared some content to share that I think you guys will like, and then regular content will resume next week. But we will have there are some really good topics on the schedule for this week, as well. So let me just take a look so you know what's coming.
On Friday, I will have April's astrological overview, so we will be back. And you have a video for me that I've prepared to look at all the major transits of April on Friday. I'm also doing the next episode in the Planets in Profile series on the moon. So we'll be taking the moon through Cancer with Kaylee's spoken word poetry. That'll be on Thursday. And then Tuesday and Wednesday. This week, I have two sample talks from our guest speaker series. And I want to remind you guys because I guess I spaced this, that the guest speaker series is free. And it's once quarterly that we have three guest speakers; you can always look at that on the nightlightastrology website.
If you go under the Events tab, you will see a speaker series. They're all free to register for to receive the links, and you get the replay link for free as well; that's provided to us thanks to all of your generosity through Kickstarter; we bring those speakers out, pay them, and make that free for everyone.
So be sure to check that out because there are some cool talks here in March, and you could pick up the replay, or you could check out the ones that are still to come. So be sure to look at that, too. I've promoted that a few times recently. But just in case you missed it. Those are free events that are coming up here at the end of March.
All right, well, stick around after I sign off because there's an interview I did with Ashley if you want to learn more about the herbal apprenticeship program. But other than that, I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and that you are poised to receive all of the blessings and benefits of this beautiful Eclipse. All right, take it easy. Bye.
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