Today the dark Moon is in Gemini, not making any aspects until tomorrow afternoon, though currently Mercury and the Moon are in mutual reception (in each other’s home signs). This might indicate a certain ease or flow in communication, mental or emotional states mirroring each other closely, or people working on behalf of one another’s interests. We might also be feeling social or communicative while simultaneously preferring the comfort of our own home or family. Or we might be attracted to ideas or places that somehow remind us of the past or our home or heritage in some way.
Meanwhile, Venus is squaring Saturn while Saturn is retrograde and Venus is nearing her station before her own retrograde. This transit may symbolize the word “no” right now. How do we deal with the word “no?” How do we cope with not getting what we want, or how do we learn to see the sickness or disease within some of our strongest desires or cravings? How do we learn to see things as they are and not only as we wish them to be? At the same time, how do our fears, hesitations, and doubts take away our confidence or co-creative capacities? How does too much respect for authority, fate, or “the higher power,” actually strip us of our divine creative potential or gifts? Sometimes the word “no” doesn’t mean “no,” it means “try harder,” and other times the word “no” really means “no.” Sometimes its all about “where there’s a will there’s a way,” and other times its about, “where there’s too much willfulness there’s a problem.”
By the time Jupiter reaches its square to Saturn all of these dynamics will be much more potent. Added into the mix there will be a theme of generational conflict, turnover, or exchange, as well as the general challenge between the new and the old, the faithful and the stern, the real and the ideal, etc.
It’s an interesting Summer season, and much of the astrology is still in front of us!
Prayer: Proportion, timing, and temperance
Meanwhile, Venus is squaring Saturn while Saturn is retrograde and Venus is nearing her station before her own retrograde. This transit may symbolize the word “no” right now. How do we deal with the word “no?” How do we cope with not getting what we want, or how do we learn to see the sickness or disease within some of our strongest desires or cravings? How do we learn to see things as they are and not only as we wish them to be? At the same time, how do our fears, hesitations, and doubts take away our confidence or co-creative capacities? How does too much respect for authority, fate, or “the higher power,” actually strip us of our divine creative potential or gifts? Sometimes the word “no” doesn’t mean “no,” it means “try harder,” and other times the word “no” really means “no.” Sometimes its all about “where there’s a will there’s a way,” and other times its about, “where there’s too much willfulness there’s a problem.”
By the time Jupiter reaches its square to Saturn all of these dynamics will be much more potent. Added into the mix there will be a theme of generational conflict, turnover, or exchange, as well as the general challenge between the new and the old, the faithful and the stern, the real and the ideal, etc.
It’s an interesting Summer season, and much of the astrology is still in front of us!
Prayer: Proportion, timing, and temperance
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