Everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at Jupiter's retrograde back into Aquarius. And we're going to talk about what that transition might look like depending on your rising sign. I'm also going to go through the overall timeline of Jupiter in Aquarius, when it entered when it retrograded into Pisces, when it went back into Aquarius, how long it's going to be in Aquarius before it goes back into Pisces, so we'll kind of get a feel for the entirety of the Jupiter Aquarius cycle, especially for the rest of this year. And we'll just kind of do a recap on where it's been and how you might also track it based on the rising sign of your chart. Now we're using whole sign houses, which means that this is designed to track according to the way that your birth chart looks in whole sign houses, which means you need to pay attention to your rising sign in particular in this video. So I'm going to go ahead and put it up on the screen and we'll walk through the cycle first, just sort of see where we've been. I really should have done this probably in late July when Jupiter retrograded back into Aquarius but better, better late than never.
So let's just take a look here is Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius retrograde right now at about 28 degrees of Aquarius. And what I'm going to do is take this back in time. So we're going to go back, we'll go back to clear this out. We'll go back to the beginning of the year and take a look at the actual transition and when it occurred. So you can see that Jupiter moves into Aquarius right around December 18 into the 19th of 2020. Remember, we had the big Jupiter and Saturn conjunction at that time here. I'll circle it for you again so you can see it. So there's Jupiter moving into Aquarius, right around the winter solstice of 2020. So that's about the time where you should have felt the transition in your birth chart and we're going to talk about what that looked like again for each rising sign in a minute. So that's the beginning. We're going to take this forward now and Jupiter's diving into Aquarius good actually goes through the entire sign of Aquarius coming into May. So once we get to May of 2021 we see that transition from Jupiter and Aquarius to Jupiter into Pisces right around May 13. Here you can see Jupiter having moved into Pisces right around the 13th Okay, so that's December 20 2020 all the way to about may 13 we got a taste for Jupiter in Aquarius. Now we see Jupiter give us a taste for what it's going to be like in Pisces and we've tracked that transit to go back into my previous videos look up Jupiter in Pisces, you'll see me take that through all 12 signs. If we take this forward, all the way it starts retrograding in into the late same spot late June and then it comes out of the sign of Pisces by late July so we're seeing it retrograde back into Aquarius around July 27 into the 28th. Now it's in the sign of Aquarius again. So here you can see this is just late July that it came back into Aquarius if we take Jupiter through the rest of the year, you're going to see that Jupiter is going to spend a quite a bit more time this year in Aquarius. It goes all the way down to about 22 degrees of Aquarius, and it will station to turn direct again. Here it is right about October 17. At which point then for the rest of the year, it's going direct and moving back toward Pisces. And you're going to actually see the transition of Jupiter into the sign of Pisces around late December. So here it is. You can see Jupiter just reaching into Pisces by December 28. So it switches by you know like late in the evening, eastern time on December 28 goes back into Pisces.
So between late July and late December, Jupiter's back in Aquarius and then if you wanted to track it forward next year, you'd see Jupiter in Pisces to start the year takes us all the way till about May again when Jupiter flies into Aries for a bit so we kind of repeat the back and forth cycle. Jupiter spends about 12 years going through the whole Zodiac so about a sign a year. You get about a year worth of Jupiter in each sign. Okay, anyway. So the purpose of doing all this today is to refresh on what Jupiter has been up to, because sometimes you can lose track of it. And I find that doing a little retrospective from time to time is really helpful. So let's go ahead and take a look at Aries on the ascendant. And I'm going to eliminate everything in the chart, but Jupiter, we're just going to kind of focus on Jupiter in our visual field of the chart here.
So if you are an Aries, you've seen Jupiter go into the 12th house. And again, if you wanted to know more about Jupiter in Pisces, and what that's been like, take a look at the video that I made back in, I think was probably about May, maybe even April where we we take a look at all 12 signs and what Jupiter is like in all 12 signs. So we're not going to do that today, what I'm going to do is refresh on Jupiter going into Aquarius. So Jupiter is now popping back into your 11th house, which is where it was to start the year. The 11th house if you're an Aries is going to be focused on friends, groups, allies, colleagues, it was called the house of good spirit and the joy of Jupiter. If you think about what that means, it really has to do with what is spirit mean? Let's start with that. And what does Jupiter have to do with spirit and good spirit at that because the 12th house is called Bad Spirit? Well, one of the things that we know about the 11th, about the concept of spirit is that it has to do with action, intention and an ideal that is directing our actions. I want to get good at something or I want to have this kind of life or this kind of marriage or whatever it might be. It's the the joy, the good, the hope, the wish the 11th house, not surprisingly, was the place of wishes and dreams, meaning aspirations longings, so anything or any one that becomes a resource, an asset, an ally, a colleague, a helpful influence, a good spirit that aids us toward our ambitions or the realisation of our dreams or wishes would be associated with the 11th house. So when people say it's the house of groups, not entirely accurate. It's groups in so far as a group would be a part of aiding or assisting us in our wishes or aspirations. Part of this is because the planet is moving upward in the sky toward the top of the sky, but has not yet reached that place. And so it's aspiring toward the summit of the heavens. So if you have Jupiter in Aquarius, right now, the retrograde is interesting, I'm not going to comment so much on the retrograde. But it can mean just generally, for all signs all houses can mean that there are revisions, reversals or revisiting of things that maybe came in the first part of the year between, you know, late December of 2020, in May of 2021. But anyway, it's a time of review or re re examining these topics. Who are your allies? Who are your friends? What are your wishes and long term dreams or hopes? What kind of people are you associating with as you explore those hopes and wishes for your future. So, a lot of emphasis on that and Jupiter brings good opportunities. This is Jupiter's joy. If you're an Aries rising, it's a pretty good place for Jupiter. All things considered, you should be looking for beneficial people and influences, or revising or reconsidering who or what is a good asset or resource to aid you in the accomplishment of your dreams and goals. So that can be social in nature, but it also it's sort of like taking stock of what you have to help you.
Alright, so let's go forward from here to Taurus rising. So if we put Taurus on the ascendant, then we're going to see Jupiter in the 10th house. Now this place was called praxis, the word for that in the Indian tradition would be karma. Or you could even say arta in in a sense, we're looking at a place that's associated with our our worldly power, success, ambition, achievements, accomplishment, duties, professional life, but more broadly speaking, anything that we do, as an everyday action as an everyday activity out in the world where our reputation or our you know, our role is more socially defined. For example, even if you're at home, you're a mother. Well, insofar as you know, your people know you to be a mother who you know stays at home and, and maybe homeschools, or takes care of the kids, or whatever the case might be, still be a 10th house activity for a lot of people. So it can be it's pretty broad application, that's what you're doing. It's what your role is that you, you know, the role that you're playing, in a sense society, how you think of yourself and what your activities are. And so it can be professional life, but more broadly speaking, it's what you practice every day. It's literally what you do every day. So Jupiter in this house can bring blessings and benefits and accomplishment and achievement, a little bit of the retrograde maybe there's some revisions going on or some reconsideration of what you're doing professionally or something from the past that's coming back. So as the retrograde can be sometimes indicative of something particular from the past because of the backward motion, but also generally a time of growth expansion revisiting reviewing things. And, and expansion for Jupiter in the 10th is it's one of its better placement. So this is a no Saturn's co present, right now, you know, in that house. So for all signs where we're talking about a little bit of Saturnine influence at the same time. So expansion and contraction, little simultaneously in the career area, maybe. Yeah, it's a good, good planet to have in your career house at the moment, it'll be they're offering blessings and benefits, really through the end of the year at this point.
So let's go forward to Gemini rising, your Gemini rising. Jupiter's falling in the ninth house. Now the ninth house was called God and it was called the joy of the sun. And it's related to our guiding beliefs, higher learning knowledge, but more broadly speaking, wisdom. You know, knowledge of skills are things that you learn that you have to go to school for. It's also associated with travel and the broadening of your horizons, and also the expansion of your mind, and spirit. So it could be Jupiter in the ninth could imply that you're going through a period of reconsidering or shifting beliefs or values politically, philosophically, spiritually or religiously, academically. There could be important teachers in your life right now or the importance of education or learning. But also, the ninth house is a place of foreign countries in long journeys. And so perhaps there's some blessings or benefits coming in through other places, or foreign cultures or something like that. This is pretty good placement for Jupiter, the retrograde could indicate, again, something from the past, something's being revisited or reconsidered. But overall, it's a blessing to have Jupiter there, Saturn can bring a little bit more of a serious vibe into this house right now a little bit more contractive it's nice to have Jupiter there, sort of balancing things out.
Now, if you are a Cancer rising, then Jupiter is falling along with Saturn into your eighth house. And the nice thing about Jupiter in the eighth house is that there are often benefits or blessings that come from other people or from a spouse or partner. That's the house that often when Jupiter's in especially pertains to like inheritance or blessings or benefits financially that come from someone else. Or it could also imply going into debt or spending a lot or there's different bits sort of bills that are due see if you think of income and expenses that are related to other people or entities like taxes or bills that are owed somewhere or a loan that's taken out or, or things that come in from other people, you know, fortunate connection that you know, raises your salary or something like that, or someone that gives you money when they pass. So Jupiter has there's there's definitely the connotation of of blessings coming from other people as well as debts that come from other people and that are being you know, maybe debts that are being paid off emotionally or karmically. But I like Jupiter in the eighth to me is like a good sign of there being you know, blessings and benefits that come through other people with a little bit of hard work attached. Given that it's in Saturn's sign. It could also be something about revisiting old patterns or old patterns of indebtedness. How do we tend to get ourselves into debt? When emotionally financially physically psychically? How do we tend to get ourselves in a hole? And how do we what are the most effective methods that we've had for getting out of the hole? Those are the kinds of things that I think Jupiter could give us a lot of insight about if you're a cancer rising right now. Now also the topic of death and loss, and the silver lining that's available right now with Jupiter in the eighth. So for example, sometimes there's real losses that come in when Jupiter is in the eighth house. But then there's a benefit that comes alongside of it somehow as an inheritance. But other things too sometimes when people leave us and it's like a karmic load is suddenly lifted. So, some lightness there, even if there are some losses involved with it, which the eighth house sometimes brings, I think of the eighth house is a place of debt and death, debt, death being the ultimate debt that we all owe, in a sense, so when Jupiter's there, it brings blessings and benefits around the topic of loss or debt or death. So it's, it's like I had a Jupiter transiting the eighth house once and ended up someone passed that I knew, but I ended up inheriting something from them. And it was, you know, really surprising wasn't anticipating it at all. So it was not big, but it was still something that happened to be Jupiter transiting through my eighth house. Alright, let's go to Leo rising. So for Leo, Jupiter, along with Saturn are in your seventh house. So there's been a lot of growth, and probably seriousness simultaneously, the expansion contraction alternation of Jupiter and Saturn in the marriage house. So marriage, relationships, anything that's a closer you know, even business partnerships sometimes will be associated with the seventh house. Jupiter coming back into that house could mean that there's, you know, you the first part of the year, there might have been a lot of emphasis on growth coming in through relationships. And now there's, you know, kind of a revisitation of those same themes. It's kind of serious when Saturn's in the seventh, people get married, or people get divorced and make life changing serious commitments, or they get out of commitments, but it's not light stuff. Usually, when Saturn's in the seventh there's a more contractive long term impact that Saturn has in the seventh house, we grow a lot and we learn a lot through relationships and Saturn's in seventh, well, isn't it nice to have Jupiter there simultaneously, because Jupiter is going to bring that that buoyancy, and that sense that things are growing even as they're contracting. So the look for kind of, again, I would call it almost like a silver lining if there's been any challenges around relationships, especially since about the winter solstice of last year. So that is for Leo risings. Watch for the the growth, the blessings, and the emphasis on relationships right now until the end of the year.
Let's go ahead and put Virgo on the ascendant if we're if you're putting Virgo on the ascendant and Jupiter's coming into your sixth house. Now, the sixth house was called the joy of Mars. And it was called the house of bad fortune. And it's really not as bad as it sounds, if you think about it, the sixth house is the chop, chop wood carry water house, it's a house that has a lot to do with the difficulties and the persistence and hard work needed. For anything good to get done in our lives. Really, whether you want to, you know, I don't know develop muscle or strength or better, you know, cardio health, you have to run or lift weights or whatever. And it's hard. And if you have to persevere and it's kind of there's like effort involved. It's not easy. It's not like a Venus ruled house, which we'll talk about in the next sign with Libra rising where, you know, you're gonna see Jupiter in the fifth house, which is called the joy of Venus in the house of good fortune. The House of bad fortune just means that there's there's struggle involved. And for the ancients, you know, bad fortune didn't mean like, evil, it just meant like, you have to work out all day in the hot sun. It's, for example, associated with the military, and with warriors and soldiers and fighting for things that you believe in or serving causes that you would even die for. But it's also associated with slavery, servitude, and chronic illness. So anyway, the point is that when you have Jupiter in this house, sometimes there's going to be, again, a silver lining, like you're dealing with things that are tough or difficult, but they're uplifting you or they're bringing some kind of benefit or you're able to overcome them. It's not even necessarily that some benefit comes just the benefit is that something that could be bad isn't as bad as it as it really should have been. You know, should I guess is a weird word, but Jupiter can be definitely like a little angel, watching over you with the challenges, struggles, hard work, perseverance. You know, frustrating situations that the six will bring up can also be a sign that something you believe in is being amplified, and that you feel more intensely about things that you believe in Jupiter in the six can be like that, too.
All right, let's go forward and put Libra on the ascendant Jupiter will be in the fifth house now. The Jupiter in the fifth is called the joy of Venus. The fifth house was the joy of Venus and the house of good fortune. So, this house has a lot more to do with the pleasant, pleasing, enjoyable things. You've got things like procreation, you know, romance, sexuality, children, creativity, the arts, going out to a restaurant, like anything that would be just really about ease pleasure, sensual, enjoyment, creativity, you know, theatricality, performance, dance, even having fun like playing a sport, even though sports isn't really a fifth house thing, but just the joy of like playing something, playing an instrument. So that this is the house of Venus, that that place of good fortune and good fortune would just mean like, stuff that's relatively pleasing, you know, subjectively you enjoy it. So Jupiter in this house, awesome. There can be romance, there can be joy derived from children, there can be joy derived from the arts there, you know, it's, it's usually there's kind of like a, an abundance around the joy, the pleasure, sometimes, of course, you're going to go too far like you'll see sometimes people take up drinking or gambling or something like that, with Jupiter in the fifth almost going to an extreme. And Saturn in this house with Jupiter simultaneously can be a real push and pull. Maybe you're having if you're a Libra rising right now maybe you're having to look at your relationship with pleasure and how easily you're able to sort of let go and enjoy things versus taking things too seriously. And that can be kind of a push pull between Saturn and Jupiter in that house. At any rate, look at those topics being really activated, probably in a very positive way. Maybe there's some revisitation of the past some, some revisions that are being done around these topics with Jupiter in that house, because of its retrograde as well.
Alright, let's go forward to Scorpio on the ascendant. With Scorpio on the ascendant, we're going to see Jupiter entering the fourth house, again, and the fourth house being a place that has to do with our roots. So land, property, family, anything that serves to prop up our life and support us like the foundation of a house would. So foundational things, while Jupiter in that house along with Saturn can mean that there's again an alternation of contraction and expansion. Saturn in that house can mean that there's, you know, pretty serious like you're remodelling a house, for example, or there's death in the family or there's, there's a sense of like, like dealing with heavier family karmic patterns from the past or something like that. You could even you could even think of like being homeless, or being between homes or feeling homeless or not knowing where you're going to live or something like that, right, Saturn in that house can be like, a little bit harder, or can be like, deeper, more challenging themes around your, your parents in particular, or family drama, or something like that. That's all Saturn stuff in the fourth. Jupiter is going to add some lightness, and Jupiter is going to add the feeling of hope. And again, maybe a little bit of a buffer, or that something good is coming out of the challenges right now around home and family or that there's sort of a contraction, expansion, contraction expansion back and forth around these topics. The weird thing is that Jupiter in the fourth will often bring new life into the family and Saturn will bring death. So sometimes there's like, grandma passes, but then a baby is born, you'll see that kind of like, um, alternation between the expansion of the family and the contraction of the family, if that makes sense. But anyway, watch for those two energies to be working with one another. Now until the end of the year, maybe revisiting something from the past or something that happened earlier in the year, kind of going back to themes that were prevalent between the start of the year and up to about May.
Alright, let's put Sagittarius on the ascendant. So if you're sad rising, Jupiter is going to be having retrograded into your third house. And that place was called the joy of the moon, it was called dia or goddess and it is associated with everything environmental. So the moon is like the mood ring in the sky. And so the third house is like the the house that is like the mood ring. People who have strong placements and the drive by Sun and mercury in the third house, that oftentimes people are really dialled into and and more aware of influences in the environment. Well, here we're looking at the challenging influences in the environment with Saturn in your third house right now, or the the harder and more like, you know, more like mentally rigid potentially qualities around you or in your in your own mind or mood. It's a more serious time mentally, but also a time of surveying the big sort of the big picture. It's a lot of like kind of vast big mental constructs when Saturn is in Aquarius and the third house or learning systems of information or knowledge or some kind of paradigm change in your mind and how you perceive things. Well, Jupiter is going to add some lightness to that which is nice because Saturn in the third can be Saturn in the third, you could be writing a book or going to school, but there's just more of a like, long, slow, hard and maybe even somewhat distant, mental, airy quality with with Saturn there. On the other hand, Jupiter again is going to add that lightness and buoyancy and a little bit more inspiration, enthusiasm. And also, you know, Jupiter in the third house may help you to mobilise thoughts a little bit more, rather than staying a little too stuck or a little too isolated in your thoughts. So, I like this as an energy that's starting to stimulate mental growth and change for you if you're sad, rising. You know, even in the charts of like little kids, like, you know, they're going to school in the fall there. They've there, they've been used to social distancing, they're going to be back, you know, in school, maybe get re acclimating to school or something like that. I'm just making this up but um, so watch for those environmental shifts with Jupiter in the third and especially how they impact your mind your mood watch for Jupiter and Saturn in the kind of an environment around you like, like the water is to the fish. Now go to the second house if your Capricorn rising.
So if you are a Capricorn rising, we're going to see this in your second house. Now Saturn is in your second house as well. So you're talking again about the contractive versus sort of expansive energies around a place that has to do with your own personal resources could be anything from diet to money to inherent skills that you have that could be used for your benefit or in order to support you. It's starting businesses or developing developing skills within a job, anything to do with money or assets. Even again, anything that you would own or possess or buy or purchase or invest in Saturn there is a little bit more serious. It's a good Saturn, Saturn's in its own sign. So it's like it's like pretty positive Saturn overall. But it's nice to have Jupiter alongside of it, because Saturn in the second can be a little bit more contractive around money and finances and things like that. Whereas Jupiter is going to offer that more expansive and abundant energy. So you watch for there to be maybe like a little bit of a lift coming back in if things have been heavy for a little bit around money or finances. It can also mobilise changes that you've been slowly working toward around money finances, business skill development, things like that. Meaning that if there's been something that's slowly been developing Jupiter suddenly helps it pick up the pace and get going. You could start to see results around things that you've been working on for a while return on you know, investments, things like that.
Alright, if you are an Aquarius rising, this is in your first house. Now Jupiter and Saturn are there together. So the main thing is that when Saturn is in your first house, it's a time of personal mastery of facing hard realities especially about yourself your health, your appearance, your vitality, your psychology, and maturing. But also sometimes you know, kind of hitting your hitting your walls and having to work through them and Jupiter should offer again like a lift. Jupiter should help you feel like I can overcome personal limitations, personal fears, personal insecurities, I can change my body I can change my appearance in ways that reflect the way that I'm evolving as a as a spirit soul and the confidence maybe that I need to work through a heavier period, lift or relief if you've been dealing with physical health challenges. So Jupiter there should grant sort of confidence now one thing to be careful of is Jupiter can inflate you a little bit in the first house so you want to be careful of like eating too much or getting cocky or kind of like overdoing things but generally speaking, I love that Jupiter's coming back into the first house for aquarians it just gives a lift to I mean, that's your ruling planet if you're an Aquarius rising anyway, so you're familiar with Saturn but it's nice to have Jupiter in the mix because Saturn tends to be a planet that that focuses it's a via negativa you know it focuses on the way forward is through a lot of negation discipline restraint contraction, so to have Jupiter lifting a little bit in there now until the end of the year is nice.
Alright, let's go forward to Pisces rising last but not least So, Pisces rising, you've got Jupiter in your 12th house. Now, with Saturn in the 12th as well, I have to say that if you're a Pisces rising, Saturn in the 12th is, you know, how can you describe it, it's it's a, it's a period of time where people can go into solitude, they can become more introverted. They can be, they can need to distance themselves from the world a little bit more. Or there can be something more almost like more monastic or hermit, like that's coming in, those would all be the positives, a spiritual discipline, more time for quiet, focused, things play places where you can refine things very deeply. Also, sometimes it can be isolating and lonely having Saturn in the 12th. So having your ruling planet Jupiter pop in there can be nice, because again, it can lift things a little bit it can, it can bring a quiet joy or an internal expansion that nobody else is seeing. On the other hand, one of the things you have to be careful about with Jupiter and Saturn in the 12th is going to be the potential for you because Jupiter again is your senate ruler, the potential for your own shadows and blind spots to have pretty, more severe consequences at this time in your life. And that would have happened already through the first part of the year. So don't let your blind spots, you know, drive you into the ground right now, that would be the biggest warning. But also, sometimes you need to drive yourself into the ground in order to, you know, kind of you have to hit rock bottom, sometimes in order to make changes. I can't tell you how many times for example, I've seen Jupiter in the 12th house and not just a Pisces rising chart, but any chart when a person, you know starts going to a 12 step programme or something like that. And that's a little depressing. For some people out there like Okay, well let's give me something else here. The other possibility would be that there's that you lose yourself a little bit only to find yourself or that there's some needing to distance yourself in order to reorient and get back to what feels true and real and right to you. Now that could be in jobs and in you know, in any area of your life, it could be in relationships. But watch for this also, by the end of the year to be have have been really well worth it because then Jupiter is going to pop into your first house and it's a very a time of great personal growth and expansion. So whatever the deeper inner work you're doing right now, that'll make a pretty big shift by the end of the year and you'll see you'll see significant lightning.
Alright, that takes us through all 12 signs. I hope that this was useful for you just kind of revisiting what Jupiter and Aquarius is like and what you should be where you should be noticing Jupiter right now in your own chart. So feel free to leave your comments in the comment section. If you have any stories you'd like to share, put hashtag grabbed and tell us the transit Jupiter into Aquarius. What house What's the story? I'd love to feature you in one of the upcoming episodes. Don't write anything you don't mind. You don't want me to read. I won't use your name. If you prefer to email us you can always write to us We don't respond to those emails, we just use the text that you send us for the grabbed episodes. So yeah, we'll see what your stories are. I'd love to hear how these land in the houses you know, based on your rising sign what stories you have to share that matchup with the house topics we discussed. It's always fun to hear those stories. Alright, well, I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend. And we will see you guys next week. Take it easy, everyone. Bye
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