Today we are going to take a look at Mars's ingress into the sign of Taurus. I'm actually going to throw up an episode from a series I did a while back called Planets in Profile.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today we are going to take a look at Mars's ingress into the sign of Taurus, which is happening today. And it's going to last for, you know, a good month plus now, so it's a good time to check in on what Mars is doing. But in order to do so, I'm actually going to throw up an old episode that I did from a series that a lot of people who are newer to my channel may not know about that I did some years ago called Planets in Profile. So a couple of years ago, I took Mars, Venus, and Mercury through all 12 signs and did videos for each of them called Planets in Profile.
So today, I'm going to give you a rewind so that you can look at the previous episode I did on Mars's entrance into Taurus or Mars's archetypal meaning well in the sign of Taurus, and I'm doing this because a lot of people who are new to my channel don't necessarily know all of what is in my archives, there's like 1000 plus videos to look through. And if you search the keyword profile or planets in profile on my YouTube channel, you're gonna find videos on the archetypal meaning of Mercury, Mars, and Venus through all 12 signs. Eventually, I'll continue with that series. I got sidetracked during the pandemic with a lot of other series and things that were coming up, but eventually, we'll take all of the planets through all 12 signs as a kind of a long-term goal, and probably maybe the moon signs will come next.
I hope that you will enjoy this special episode on Mars's entrance into Taurus. This will not be the last thing that we have to say about this planet. There are a lot of really interesting aspects that are going to happen while Mars is in Taurus. But I thought especially since we're coming off the holiday, and today I also recorded a podcast with colleague Chris Brennan and the astrology podcast. So I had a little bit less time, and I thought it'd be really good for people who aren't aware of getting in touch with that old series, Planets in Profile. So hope you will enjoy it and we will see you again tomorrow.
Hi Everybody, this is Adam Ellenbass from Nightlight Astrology, and this is another episode of Planets in Profile. So in this episode, I'm going to be taking a look at the planet Mars in the sign of Taurus. If you're new to this series, I've been doing this for a while; right now, I'm only tracking Mars and Venus through the 12 signs, giving you a little profile of Mars and Venus in each sign. And then, eventually, I'll move on to looking at the other planets. But anyway, in this one, we're looking at Mars and Taurus, which has just recently entered Taurus in February of 2019. So let's go ahead and take a look. Now, Mars in the sign of Taurus; again, I've said this in every episode, and I'm going to repeat it in this one. If you want to understand a planet in any sign, you have to start by understanding whose house is it in. So when Mars is in the sign of Taurus, it's in Venus's home. It is a house guest in the land or home or Temple of Venus. And so, as such, bound by the rules of the guest-host relationship, which is very formal, Venus must provide for Mars. What does Mars want? Well, Mars is the god of war. So Mars wants things like violence, hunting, aggression, courage, valor, confrontation, blood for guns and knives, but also maybe chemistry and math and things that divide or cut. So Mars has its own character, its own needs. How does Mars get his needs met, so to speak, when he's hanging out in Venus's home?
Well, Venus is going to have to provide, and she can't provide through anything but her own nature and whatever her situation is in the sky or in a birth chart. So you always have to look at that relationship very carefully to get a sense of exactly what Mars is going to be doing. If Mars is in Taurus, where is Venus? What is she up to? What's her situation? Is she in a good house or a bad house? Is she in a good sign exalted in detriment? What like, what's her situation? Does she have a healthy aspect to Mars? Or is she an aversion to Mars? Or does she have opposition to Mars or whatever the case might be? Knowing that, you can start putting the puzzle together. So in some ways, you can't really interpret a planet in a vacuum. It's just not what astrology was ever designed to do. However, hopefully, just even just knowing that you have to look at Venus's condition that you have to get some sense of Mars in relation to Venus when Mars is in Taurus. You will be better equipped to make a more sophisticated interpretation when you're practicing. So Taurus is a solid fixed sign that comes in the middle of spring, earthy, feminine, the domicile of Venus, and it's the exultation of the moons. It's a pretty feminine hangout spot for both Venus and the moon.
Now it struggles to express itself naturally in Venus's sign. It is said to be in its detriment or its exile here because it's in the opposite sign of its own domicile. So, Mars rules Scorpio; its opposite sign is Taurus. When it's in its opposite sign, it's in its exile. It's like being in a foreign country and not knowing the language. Or it's like being in a foreign country, you just, it's harder to move around when you're not, it's not your natural environment. Similarly, Mars in Aries, in its exile or detriment in Libra, the opposite sign Venus, ruled. Same thing with Venus. If you take Venus from Libra, put it into Aries. She's in her exile; taking Venus from Taurus put her in Scorpio; she's in her exile. Venus and Mars are adulterous lovers; you know, they have a forbidden relationship because we're talking about the God of War and the God of love. And so, they have a complex relationship. Of course, there's a kind of yin yang element to their relationship that is dynamic and creative. That's a part of sexual union intention. But there's also strife between the two of them. There's also something forbidden. We're not supposed to admit that we love war, you know. But think very quickly about what most people turn on the news to see every day. Conflict, people like conflict, people love conflict. That's the marriage between Venus and Mars.
On the other hand, the warrior desires a state of peace. Why am I fighting well for peace? Why am I fighting well for victory? What does victory bring with it? Enjoyment, pleasure, reward, cheer a sense of being appreciated and admired. Brings Venus warriors are dressed in the costumes of Venus. Warriors wear uniforms that are beautiful. Right? There's something beautiful and orderly about a battle, that the uniforms of the football players, I don't probably not trying to some people would be like, No, you're not selling me. Think about it in the other sense. Think about ballet, the ballet, the dancers. Yes, they're beautiful, they're dressed beautifully or whatever. But their muscles, right? So amazingly, how strong they are. There's something right, strong, and bold. And so, Mars and Venus have this intricate relationship with one another. It's not to say that, oh, well. You know Mars hates Venus or, you know, Venus hates Mars. But what we do need to understand is that Mars is having his needs addressed by Venus in Taurus. And that's difficult. It's difficult to go to battle. When someone like you're like, I want to go to battle. And you know, Venus in Taurus is like, what about, you know, what about baking an apple pie and like going for a bike ride in the country, you know, something like that. And that's just difficult for Mars and Taurus.
So, one of the things that you'll see is the tension between the aggression, the will, the domineering qualities of Mars, and the more peaceful Venusian qualities of Taurus. This can manifest itself in a lot of different ways. For example, sometimes you'll see cases quite literally in a birth chart where Mars and Taurus may have something to do with, you know, difficulties, violence, power struggles within relationships because you're talking about some tendency for Mars to be conflicted within the realm of Venus. Sometimes it's difficult around expressing your will. You want to be strong, but you keep feeling inertia, a sense of passivity, or you don't want to cause a fuss.
Sometimes, you know, Mars and Taurus will find a way of trying to control things and get their way while also trying to make everyone happy or content. It might be a great sign for someone who has to manage a big project or a lot of people where there's a need to create larger harmony but to have an executive function at the same time. It could be great in terms of being able to get work done; productive, industrious, earthy, you know, in a way that's controlled, patient, conservative, balanced, you know, pleasing.
But again, you could see Mars in Taurus struggling with the exact same elements, the element of motivation, the element of inertia, the sense of one wanting to control or be more domineering, and really struggling with that quality. So, oftentimes you'll have, for example, people with Mars and Taurus are, you know, they'll struggle to kind of own their power, they'll have a hard time writing the line between being sort of domineering and a likable leader, something like that.
Conflicts with authority, inability to be liked by others through the expression of your will. You know, if you're, you know, everyone has to express or exert their will. And sometimes there's just a way that you'll have if you're Mars in Taurus, or just you express your will and, for whatever reason, just rubs people the wrong way. Some of this again comes from a tendency toward passive aggression, which can be a Mars in Taurus kind of thing as well. So these are things you can think about in general with Mars in Venus's sign. For example, my grandfather had Mars in Taurus with Jupiter also. He was a domineering guy, really quite a bully at times, in fact, but kind of boastful and proud, but he was so industrious and hardworking and got a lot done. And he really struggled with wanting to be liked but also being so good at what he knew he had to do to get something done and to make it look nice and be good that he just also couldn't stand or couldn't tolerate having to deal with people who got in his way. He was conflicted about how to wield his sort of executive power in the world. That's a Mars in Taurus kind of situation sometimes. Alright, so that gives you some things to think about, again, with regard to Mars and Venus, a sign hopefully, that's given you enough examples to play with.
Interestingly, Hitler had, he was a Taurus sun but also had Mars and Taurus. So don't I know, I'm not trying to say that people who have Mars in Taurus or Hitler, but there is something bullish and really domineering. And sometimes the ability to be very powerful, but to also deceive people into believing that your exercise of control or power is, is a good thing. In other words, you could be someone who wields power, and somehow it's attractive to others, even though it might be very selfish, or again, very, like bullying or whatever. So another thing was that my grandfather attracted a lot of people who really looked up to him and really admired him. But it had to do with kind of some of his strongman thing, and just, he had a charm to the way that he used power. And so don't underestimate how attractive and alluring the Mars in Taurus can be almost a little intoxicating, in fact, and you can see that a bit in the way that Hitler rose to power and ended up exerting so much power over his followers and was obviously murderous as well. At any rate, I'm not to say that he's alone, either in terms of politicians in the world who do this; I'm not ignorant of the fact that there have been many, you know, terrible tyrants or dictators throughout history. He's just a good example of the kind of conflictedness of Mars and Venus you'll sometimes see with Mars and Taurus. The constellation of Taurus was called the bull, and it was associated with fertility, but it was also associated with sacrificial offerings that brought the renewal of life; for example, sometimes bulls were slaughtered. But apparently, the constellation of the bull, like other constellations, is really, really old. Like it dates back to like 10 or 15,000 BCE, I read somewhere. And it used to be because of the precession of the equinoxes. It used to be the constellation lined up with the spring equinox. So that's also interesting just from the standpoint of its association with spring. And then the mythology was that when the sun moved into the sign of the bull, that it was sacrificing that the sun was killing the bull, it was covering it up, killing it, and that from its blood would come the offering, so to speak, that would bring the renewal of spring.
So if you know anything about Star lore, Taurus has some of the most gnarly fixed stars in terms of like super malefic difficult fixed stars, you got some of the Pleiades and the algal and the especially the later degrees of Taurus, but there is a heavy dark side that's related to Taurus anyway, that renewal of life in the spring was a lusty kind of time. And, you know, now we think of that, we sometimes we think of Aries being like that. But Taurus, remember, is also a sign that's aspiring upward toward the summer solstice. It's fixed, it's earthy, it's feminine. But it's also yang, in a more macro cosmic sense, because it's on the yang half of the year. It's a feminine sign, but it's on the young half of the year, and it's aspiring upward. And there's the sense of; I want bullish, I want to get what I want at any cost. And on some level, it's deceptive that Venus is the ruler. Because people think of Taurus and Venus. And again, they think of country bicycle rides, apple pie in a blanket in the park.
But that's not all there is to the sign of Taurus; there is a tremendous lust for power that can be a part of tourists. And, and that's not Venus is a part of that Venus is also signifies part of worldly lust. And that's also part of the image of the feminine. Not that the masculine is, you know, excuse from that either, but it's one of the faces of the feminine, that's part of Taurus, and also the idea of there being a certain, like warfare, lust and so when Mars comes into Taurus, that you also think about the more of the blood thirst of spring that's connected to fertility and sex and procreation and desire. And it's like all of that is fueled and on a certain level by, by the by blood. Because in this world, of course, everything is turning over constantly. Everything's eating one another. So sometimes Mars and Taurus just bring out the more sort of the image of sacrifice, blood desire, lust, and power, that's also associated with the beauty and fertility of spring. And you'll see that sometimes it will come out more strongly when Mars is in Taurus.
So I hope that this was informative and that you got something good out of this. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot them my way about this or about anything else at Nightlight Just put YouTube q&a in the question or in the subject line. Okay, you guys have a great journey with Mars and Taurus, and we'll catch up with you when Mars goes into Gemini. All right, bye.
Hi Achyuta I have Mars in Taurus, Venus in Aries and what a struggle it has been all of my life. Like Hitler I have Sun and Mars in Taurus, Libra at the ascendant. I also have my sun conjunct Algol (Sun at 24 Taurus). I am in your 1st year astrology program and have enjoyed it immensely! I will be enrolling in the 2nd year program eventually, there is a lot of info that I feel like I need to digest.