First quarter Moon today in Scorpio, as the Sun is leaving its square to Saturn and about to enter Virgo. Meanwhile, Venus is beginning to emerge from under the rays of the sun and will soon be appearing before sunrise as the morning star.
As our summer season starts winding down, let’s take a moment to review some of the major themes we’ve worked with these past few moon cycles.
First, we are still in the midst of what’s been a very challenging Venus retrograde. With a square to Saturn in Scorpio, the sign of Venus’ detriment, the subjects of age differences, maturity gaps, and clashing value systems, as well as the wrong things or people getting attention, dominating, or stealing the spotlight at the wrong times and for the wrong reasons have all been big subjects. Additionally, the subjects of betrayal, pride, loyalty, dignity, oaths and promises, secrecy, adultery, exposure or public embarrassment or humiliation and shame have all been on the radar. Think of Donald Trump’s rise in the polls mixed with the exposure of cheaters on the Ashley Madison list and you’re in the ballpark of astrological images floating around in the collective right now…
Second, in the mix of all of these themes we’ve also had a major generational encounter signified by Jupiter’s square to Saturn. Since Jupiter conjoined with Venus during this encounter all of the above themes were also combining with themes like the old versus the new, the young person versus the elder, the death, denial, stubbornness, resistance, decay, corruption, dishonesty, of the parent, grandparent, leader, or elder. The need for a generational time of sharing, exchange, and debate. The old man and his heart problems. The death of the father/parent and problems with paternity or patriarchy. The duties of parenting or fathering, and the corruption or maturity of male authority figures generally. A rite of passage from one stage of maturity to another. The inability to bless the young on part of the old. The inability of the young to take responsibility and step into a more mature space.
Third, even though so much of the Summer has involved a stubborn Saturn retrograde in Scorpio, the Jupiter/Venus conjunction also involved themes of pride, liberal breakthrough, sexual freedom and the expansion of human rights and dignity generally (think of marriage equality being passed here in the US earlier this summer). There has been an expansive sense of newness, possibility, and confidence strongly presented in the mix of otherwise challenging dynamics. The young are growing up faster and faster, and the word “millennial” is being used more and more…as though an iphone dynasty is slowly coming into power. Meanwhile many baby boomers are simply refusing to grow old…instead attending to their bucket lists as though they are still going for the prime time goals of a 35 year old (Jupiter/Saturn square again!). How many mid-life or existential crises are allowed before we can’t keep using “natural” timelines to justify immaturity or lack of integrity?
Last but not least, this summer we’ve been asking ourselves the all important questions about what to salvage from the past. What do we keep of the gifts that have been given or passed down to us? What traditions, lifestyles, or beliefs of the past are worth keeping, what bonds and promises are most important to us,and how do we shape the structures of our lives to reflect our most sacred commitments?
What a strong summer it’s been!
* A challenge or 1st quarter obstacle to overcome
* The growing plant is accumulating resources and growing strong but needs to overcome some challenge to its continued development
* A struggle between mother/father, male/female, masculine/feminine, the blocking or resistance between the lights (symbolized as any two things of differing natures not saying things that they like or want to hear about one another)
* Not liking the way someone offers feedback or reflection, hard to look at something in the mirror
* Emotional blockage, heaviness, somber, sober, serious, dark, sad (Moon/Saturn in Scorpio)
* The entrance into the preparation for Harvest; Virgo’s gateway
Prayer: All around, people looking half dead, walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head…but at night it’s a different world…despite the heat it’ll be alright. (Lovin Spoonful, Summer in the City)
As our summer season starts winding down, let’s take a moment to review some of the major themes we’ve worked with these past few moon cycles.
First, we are still in the midst of what’s been a very challenging Venus retrograde. With a square to Saturn in Scorpio, the sign of Venus’ detriment, the subjects of age differences, maturity gaps, and clashing value systems, as well as the wrong things or people getting attention, dominating, or stealing the spotlight at the wrong times and for the wrong reasons have all been big subjects. Additionally, the subjects of betrayal, pride, loyalty, dignity, oaths and promises, secrecy, adultery, exposure or public embarrassment or humiliation and shame have all been on the radar. Think of Donald Trump’s rise in the polls mixed with the exposure of cheaters on the Ashley Madison list and you’re in the ballpark of astrological images floating around in the collective right now…
Second, in the mix of all of these themes we’ve also had a major generational encounter signified by Jupiter’s square to Saturn. Since Jupiter conjoined with Venus during this encounter all of the above themes were also combining with themes like the old versus the new, the young person versus the elder, the death, denial, stubbornness, resistance, decay, corruption, dishonesty, of the parent, grandparent, leader, or elder. The need for a generational time of sharing, exchange, and debate. The old man and his heart problems. The death of the father/parent and problems with paternity or patriarchy. The duties of parenting or fathering, and the corruption or maturity of male authority figures generally. A rite of passage from one stage of maturity to another. The inability to bless the young on part of the old. The inability of the young to take responsibility and step into a more mature space.
Third, even though so much of the Summer has involved a stubborn Saturn retrograde in Scorpio, the Jupiter/Venus conjunction also involved themes of pride, liberal breakthrough, sexual freedom and the expansion of human rights and dignity generally (think of marriage equality being passed here in the US earlier this summer). There has been an expansive sense of newness, possibility, and confidence strongly presented in the mix of otherwise challenging dynamics. The young are growing up faster and faster, and the word “millennial” is being used more and more…as though an iphone dynasty is slowly coming into power. Meanwhile many baby boomers are simply refusing to grow old…instead attending to their bucket lists as though they are still going for the prime time goals of a 35 year old (Jupiter/Saturn square again!). How many mid-life or existential crises are allowed before we can’t keep using “natural” timelines to justify immaturity or lack of integrity?
Last but not least, this summer we’ve been asking ourselves the all important questions about what to salvage from the past. What do we keep of the gifts that have been given or passed down to us? What traditions, lifestyles, or beliefs of the past are worth keeping, what bonds and promises are most important to us,and how do we shape the structures of our lives to reflect our most sacred commitments?
What a strong summer it’s been!
* A challenge or 1st quarter obstacle to overcome
* The growing plant is accumulating resources and growing strong but needs to overcome some challenge to its continued development
* A struggle between mother/father, male/female, masculine/feminine, the blocking or resistance between the lights (symbolized as any two things of differing natures not saying things that they like or want to hear about one another)
* Not liking the way someone offers feedback or reflection, hard to look at something in the mirror
* Emotional blockage, heaviness, somber, sober, serious, dark, sad (Moon/Saturn in Scorpio)
* The entrance into the preparation for Harvest; Virgo’s gateway
Prayer: All around, people looking half dead, walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head…but at night it’s a different world…despite the heat it’ll be alright. (Lovin Spoonful, Summer in the City)
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