Today we are going to take a look at your sun and rising sign horoscopes for June. There are five transits that I have my eye on this month, and I will be looking at each of those five transits for all 12 signs.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today we are going to take a look at your sun and rising sign horoscopes for the month of June. There are five transits that I have my eye on this month, and I will be looking at each of those five transits for all 12 signs today.
The way that I tend to do my horoscopes every month, if you're new to the channel, is, I do not look at every last transit for every month; for every sign, I tend to pick big themes that are repeating throughout the month, or the biggest transits of the month and narrow it down to a few, those that I think will be most noticeable for everyone and then take a look at where those land for each sign. Now you can watch these; you can listen to the sign, you can listen to it for your rising sign or for your sun sign. I recommend your rising because that will configure to the whole sign version of your birth chart. Whereas the listen to your sun sign unless your sun is in the first house, what you're doing in a sun sign horoscope as you're putting your sun sign in to the first whole sign house. And so that unless you have the sun in your first house, that won't configure with the way your birth chart actually looks, which is why, you know, I personally recommend looking at rising sign horoscopes every month because that will show you where the planets are traveling in your birth chart especially if you're someone like myself who uses whole signs in natal astrology.
So I am really excited now to get into the major transits of June. I want to walk you through the transits that we're going to be looking at first and kind of explain my rationale, and then we'll go through each of the 12 signs. So, first of all, I've grouped them into there are two major Venus dynamics this year; there's a bunch of Gemini dynamics, and at the end of the month, there is a new moon in Cancer square Jupiter. To me, these are the biggest dynamics of the month.
So on June 11, Venus will conjoin Uranus in Taurus right around the Eclipse point from April 30. That's a very powerful conjunction; on June 18, a week later, Venus will then square Saturn in Aquarius. So I am focusing on the location of Venus in the sign of Taurus through all 12 signs. The reason for that is that it is Venus who is making the conjunction with Uranus. And Venus, who will be making the square to Saturn, is the faster-moving planet. It's in its own dignity. So I'm really focusing on the placement of Venus in your chart this month and kind of just going to walk through for all 12 signs, what that dynamic might be like right around the middle of the month in particular,
On June 13, Mercury will enter Gemini, where it will be then co-present with the sun in Gemini. And by the 22nd, Venus will enter Gemini, so there's a lot of very favorable energy in the sign of Gemini this month. So I'm sort of generally looking at the sign of Gemini for everybody and saying, Look, this in this area of your chart, you may see subjectively, beneficial, helpful, easy, harmonious energy this month. So just kind of, you know, the Venus dynamic is a little bit more challenging, perhaps with Saturn and Uranus getting involved. The Gemini energy this month feels to me very supportive and sort of uplifting. So that's where we're going to see just kind of a boost.
Finally, at the end of the month, on June 28, there's a new moon in Cancer and the sun in Cancer, and the new moon of the moons, it's very quick, but the sun is squaring Jupiter at the time of a new moon in Cancer. So we're going to look at the location of that new moon in Cancer at the end of the month for all 12 signs and just try to add a little what that infusion of Jupiterian energy might bring to the house where that New Moon is happening to the Cancer house in your chart. So that is the breakdown for all 12 signs.
Now what we're going to do is pull up the real-time clock and let's take it through. Now what I've done to simplify is I've taken out all of the other planets just so that we can focus on these particular energies. So and I find that it's just a little bit easier rather than clicking through the clock for every single thing to just kind of go through it. One, you know, looking at the whole sign houses. So here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to first bring up June 11, and we're just going to kind of start there. So here's the June oops, and you know what my, we accidentally went into Taurus rising. So let's back it up a little bit. There we go. So here is the conjunction that's happening; we're going to start with Aries, Sun, or Aries rising sign. So that puts the Venus Uranus conjunction in the second house on June 11th, followed by the square to Saturn in Aquarius, which will be coming through on June 18. So here you can see that Venus is going to then go into the square with Saturn by June 18. So we're looking at a Venus Uranus dynamic in your second house if you're an Aries rising. Generally speaking, I like this in terms of a kind of eclectic, inventive energy around money, business, finances, and resources, almost like something new is catching your eye that you might purchase or buy. Or you're finding a new way of doing business or, you know, a change or reconfiguration of values or something related to money in a business sort of, you know, receiving this kind of sparkly, breakthrough energy of Venus Uranus. So to me, that part feels good. The tricky part is when Venus then squares Saturn, around the 18th, at which point now there's a little bit of tension coming in from Saturn in the house of groups, friends, and allies; you also think about where you might be looking to create some kind of breakthrough around money, finances, resources, and values, but you're also facing some kind of social pressure or social obligations. What are the social karmic contracts in your life with other people with groups that you belong to? And how is that informing or influencing some kind of change that you're looking to create around money or finances? That's the basic combination that I'm seeing for Aries this month.
When we take it forward to June 13, Mercury enters Gemini. Now, this is just, you know, also in the middle of the month, but it stretches out a little differently because you're going to see on the 13th Mercury entering Gemini, and then on the 22nd a little bit later Venus is going to enter Gemini. So at the time that Venus enters Gemini, then the sun has moved out of Gemini, but you will have Mercury and the sun together and then Venus and Mercury together back to back, both of which are very favorable transits they're happening if you're an Aries rising in your third house, so that's the place of the mind. Especially the mind and its connection to the environment. So the mind-body connection, the mind environment connection, topics of communication technology, speech, thinking, learning, writing, I, to me, this looks very favorable, it looks like it could be a very fun and playful month, or there the idea of there being a creative transmission of some kind or the need to almost like setting an intention to learn something new, or the development or acquisition of a new skill or ability and the need to transmit it somehow to or with other people. This feels like a kind of flirtatious, fun, playful energy mentally, and I wonder how that spills over into the environment, too; sometimes you see this kind of energy when people are, you know, bringing something into their environment that, you know, changes the way that your day to day activities work. I remember, you know, just having a similar transit of Venus and Mercury in my third house, for example, when we first got, and we no longer use this thing, but I forget what it's called. But it's that Amazon thing where you can listen to music, and you know, you could order things, and it was like Alexa or something, I think that was her name. Anyway, that was a Venus in, you know, we ended up getting rid of her like she's spying on us, you know, like, but it was like very, it was like a very fun, playful, kind of inventive weird thing to have in our environment. I remember getting that when there was a Venus Mercury, co-presence in the third house in my own chart. So you just anything that could come in and sort of lighten or brighten the mood, mind, or environment around you. It's something that's playful, a different kind of technology, something like that. Finally, on June 28, we're going to see the new moon. And this new moon is going to be coming through. Actually, let me pop the moon in here too. So the new moon comes through about the 28th into the 29th, depending on the timezone. So you can see that what's amazing about this new moon is that it is forming in a square with Jupiter. So if you're an Aries rising, there is a seed, a new moon seed being planted in the fourth house of home and family being energized by Jupiter in Aries. In the first house, it feels to me like there's something new that's getting started, some kind of new motivation. I mean, Jupiter in Aries in the first house is so exceptional and loves to start things, there's a lot of confidence, kind of a pioneering, assertive quality, and it's informing some kind of new development around home family, karma, or living environment by the end of the month, and that will tone the month ahead as well. So those are the big transits that I'm seeing right now; if you're an Aries rising.
Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and put we're gonna put Taurus on the ascendant now, and why don't we back this up to about the 11th. And we'll go through those same energies again. Alright, so again, we're looking at the 11th Venus conjoining, Uranus and Taurus, and then by the 18th, Venus and Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius. So for you, if you're a Taurus rising, this means Venus Uranus is in your first house, whereby the way, Mercury has just turned direct, kind of a feeling of a kind of a breakthrough moment for individuation and growth and refining or redefining or breaking through some previous pattern of self-definition or appearance or physical health. So I like this in terms of a personal Renaissance for Taureans. But it's also there's this kind of clash between the personal reforms or renaissance that's taking place in the first house and the expectations obligations, heaviness of Saturn in the 10th house of work or public reputation. So it's as though the freedom that you're seeking is maybe being checked a little bit by the expectations or obligations of Saturn in the professional house, the workhouse, or the place of public expectation. And maybe that's a good thing because it could hold you in check if you're trying to take your pants off and run around downtown. But it could also be something that, you know, almost like tries to keep you from expressing yourself in a new and interesting way that that that's totally healthy because Saturn is conservative and doesn't want to take risks or, you know, what will people think or something like that. So watch for the tension between those two. Now the 13th, Mercury enters Gemini, and then on the 22nd, we're going to see Venus enter Gemini. Let's move this ahead a little bit. Here's Mercury entering Gemini, and then take it forward a little bit more, and there's Venus entering Gemini. So very positive month in terms of money and finances. I'm seeing a lot of very supportive energy there in terms of meeting goals or buying nice things or developing a new stream of revenue or income, just subjectively positive energy for you this month as a Taurus, especially from about the middle of the month onward, around the topic of money, finances, business, resources, time, money, income, and expenditures. It feels to me supportive, productive, innovative, flexible, and probably beneficial, harmonious get like a good time to make deals or positive, easy purchases or, you know, coming up with new ideas to make your business smoother, easier, developing new skills or assets or abilities that translate into profit. Maybe spending a little bit too much like a looser, easy like almost like things coming in easily, but also going out easily. Watch out a little bit for that. Finally, on June 28, the sun in Cancer. This is the new moon; now remember, at the end of the month is going to square Jupiter. I think this one's really interesting because for Tauruses because it's got you've been picking up a square from Jupiter in the 12th house. To me, this would suggest that there is, first of all, an exploration of mind and instinct and emotional intelligence. Like your emotions and your mind are trying to work together with this new moon. But they're also being informed by maybe unconscious frustrations or dogmas or, you know, what are the things that you're you've been unconsciously indoctrinated by through your life experiences? What are the things that you hold on to with an underlying sense of, you know, righteousness or anger, and I think that you're looking at like the emotional intelligence leading in lighting the way and helping you move through instinctually, sensitively move through the exploration of almost like hidden gem thing of Jupiter in Aries in the 12th house here as like, like sacred doubts or unconscious, you know, almost like dogmas or doctrines or beliefs that you hold? And whether or not those are matching with the kind of instinctual emotional intelligence of the cancer son in the third house has some kind of exploration of those themes in combination. At the outset, we can see toning the outset of the moon cycle that starts in late June. So I see that as really important.
All right, let's go ahead, and now we're going to put Gemini on the ascendant, and we're going to I'm going to back up the real-time clock again to about the 11th of the month. So again, we're going through the June 11 and 18th transits Venus is conjunct Uranus and Taurus in your 12th house if you're a Gemini rising for Gemini sun sign, and on the 18th, Venus in Taurus will then square Saturn and Aquarius, you're talking about the 12th house, and the ninth house getting hit simultaneously. For the course of about a week, here's Venus and Uranus together. And then you can see by the 18th of the month; Venus will be squaring Saturn at that time. So that's the first, you know, the big sequence of the month. And for me, as a Gemini rising. I look at this, and I wonder about the unconscious element of the unconscious and what's in the unconscious in relation to sexuality and religion. For example, Venus Uranus in the 12th might be trying to create a kind of a moment of greater sexual or romantic freedom, the need for self-expression around love, sex, relationships, romance, beauty, art, culture, and women. And yet it's getting checked by Saturn in the house of like, religion and piety and faith and spirituality and doctrines and teachings and things like that. So it almost feels like Saturn's either holding Venus in check. Well, Venus is like getting drunk under the table and being like, look, you've got to work tomorrow, you can't have anymore, go home and go to bed. Or you know, it could be the kind of thing where Venus and Uranus in the 12th house are saying like, you know, look, I'm gonna, I'm gonna love who I love, and I'm just gonna have to get naked once in a while. And I don't care what you think, Saturn, you know, my whatever. Maybe it's my strict Catholic upbringing or something. So you can feel the dialogue between this unconscious expression or exploration, for better or worse, of sexual romantic themes and the desire for breakthrough and individuation around them being held in check by, informed by refined by Saturn in the ninth house of the higher mind and beliefs could be that you're studying some topics related to feminism or women or you're also looking at ethics and morality around women you're studying or learning some particular skill to do with women, or, the feminine or sexuality or anything like that. So I could see those combinations being important.
Now, the other transit of the month that is arguably to me, one of the biggest is going to be all the positive stuff that we see happening in your home sign. First of all, we see on June 13 Mercury is entering Gemini, and you can see it there going into your first house. And then by the 22nd, Venus will enter Gemini no notice Venus Mercury is with the sun right away. And then Venus is going to enter that first house by June 22, into the 23rd. Again, depending on timezone and where you're located and everything like that. So you can see the Venus Mercury dynamic. The earlier the Sun-Mercury dynamic in the first house, if you're a Gemini rising, this is the place of your body, your mind, your appearance, your psychology, your sense of self and identity. So I love this in terms of feeling fun, attractive, and flirtatious. Just feeling in your own element with your home planet, your ruling planet in your homes, and its home sign along with Venus in the sun. It's as though you're getting clear about what's important to you, what your best life looks like or what your ideal in any given area of your life looks like. It could be that you're just feeling healthier and sort of shinier could be that you're attracting interesting things or people into your life with the presence of Venus there. But I like this for looking good, feeling good. And getting a little bit more clear about what it is that you are and what it is that you want, or who it is that you are and what it is that you want. So really positive energy in your first house, great for health too potential good time to start any kind of health activities or regimens or diets, things like that. All right, well, on the let's go to the new moon. Going to see this come through the 28th into the 29th. This is whoops, let's There we go. So this is falling for you into your second house. Okay, so there's the new moon in the second house. That's the place of money, resources, and finances. So something new is getting started around money, work, and business, finances; I like it because it's being informed by Jupiter in the 11th house of friends and allies makes me feel like there is someone or something coming into your life to enhance or improve or grant some kind of blessing or benefit to you financially or around business. Maybe someone or something in the family is giving something to you, or there's a purchase that's being made. But I like this as a collaborative, supportive energy at the New Moon at the end of the month around money, business finances, and resources or even skill development. So really nice looking new moon for Geminis at the end of the month there.
Alright, let's go ahead and put Cancer on the ascendant now. And I'm going to back it up to the 11th of the month again as our starting point. Okay, so with Cancer on the ascendant, we are looking at Venus conjoining Uranus and Taurus on the 11th. And then on the 18th, Venus squaring Saturn in Aquarius, so let's point that out here is the conjunction, and then you're gonna see the square coming in there. So we have those two, again on the 11th, the conjunction between Uranus and Venus, and then on the 18th, Venus squaring Saturn from the 11th house to the eighth house. I think this is really interesting because we're talking about social contracts and social obligations. We're talking about the desire for a breakthrough around friends, groups, and allies, the potential for an unusual eccentric sort of paradigm, breaking or erratic and inventive energy around the topic of relationships, friends, and anything related to Venus, women, arts, beauty, romance, love, probably has greater social ramification in the 11th house though some something that extends into the social arena of your life. Now it's being held in check by or it's being helped by or hindered by Saturn and Aquarius in the eighth house of debts resources of other people, obligations that you get from the other people have to you or that you have to them. So you're looking at that combination and going, okay, there's the desire for a breakthrough socially. But it's being held in check by certain kinds of obligations that we may have to other people, almost like there is a tug of war going on between different values and different obligations in our lives socially. At a time when we're trying to create something new, we might still be beholden to something old. That's what I would be looking at for Cancer risings this month. Then we have the June 13 and June 22 Gemini energies, and here's on the 13th, you can see Mercury entering your 12th house. And then, by the 22nd, Venus is entering that 12th house as well. So a lot of focus on the 12th house. And normally, I would be like, well look this for almost every sign, I'm like, this is a pretty positive energy. The exception is with the 12th house, it's hard to say, you know, in the 12th house, this could You could be looking at, you know, flirtations with things that don't have your best interest in mind. Or in that could be your own unconscious, shadows, you know, flirting with your shadow side, it could also be about gossip, and drama, and things that are sort of alluring or attractive, but might end up getting you in trouble. On the other hand, it's also about exploring or experimenting with things that might be sort of taboo or that may live in an unconscious or unknown place in you. And there's some need to be curious about them this month. So I look at those things and think, Well, that's interesting, because the curiosity to explore shadows or blind spots in any area of your life, or to learn things that are hidden or understand things that are unseen in yourself, or in an environment around you, that could be very interesting. And nothing necessarily negative about it. On the other hand, I could see this being like just, you know, be careful what you find yourself flirting or associating with this month because there could be kind of that high price to pay in the 12th house, which is often a place of self-destruction. So just, you know, it's like, there's something to learn there from whatever is passing through, regardless. And so, just paying close attention to it and being a little bit aware of the trickster energy within your own unconscious or within the environment. Finally, the sun New Moon at the end of the month lands in your first house; we're going to see that coming through right around the 29th. And it has a square from Jupiter in your 10th house. That's the place of career. So I think that's fascinating because essentially, we're looking at some need to recreate yourself personally; it's a shift in terms of your body, your appearance, your image, it's a new start, it's a fresh beginning, something might be getting bigger, your identity may be growing or expanding in some way, publicly, professionally, it might be a time of reboot, both personally and professionally. So I liked that combination for you as a time of personal, physical, spiritual emotional growth, being fueled by Jupiter's desire for growth in the career house at the same time, so or around your public image or reputation or something like that feels to me like a moment of personal growth and expansion for cancers by the end of the month. All right, we're going to go ahead now and put Leo on the ascendant, and we're going to back this up again to the 11th and run it through once more. So here we have Leo on the ascendant, and we have the Venus Uranus dynamic. So we have the Venus Uranus dynamic in the 10th house, and then by going back to the beginning of the month, so there's June 11, Venus conjoining, Uranus, and then by the 18th, that Venus is going to square Saturn in Aquarius in the seventh house. So for me, this is like for Leos. I think it's one of the more interesting dynamics of the month because Venus Uranus in the 10th house is all about a breakthrough in terms of either career, public image or reputation, professional life, and it feels fun and kind of, you know, like a meaningful creative moment of discovery or, you know, invention breaking the mold somehow, personally, professionally, but it is being held in check somehow, or it's having this more intense dialogue with Saturn in the house of marriage and relationships. What does that mean? Is it like, well, I need to have I'm trying to create a breakthrough because I'm, I'm sick of being stuck in the expectations or obligations or, you know, entangledness in certain kinds of relationships. I've seen this, for example, when people have affairs or decide they're getting separated or divorced. On the other hand, I want to evolve, but you know, I have commitments to another person, and I have to figure out how to make the right compromise. What is the right compromise between the house of career? In the breakthroughs that Venus Uranus are trying to create there and the obligations, expectations, or sort of contractive qualities of Saturn in the house of love and relationships, that is a big story if you're a Leo, this month, Leo Sun are rising.
So on the 13th, Mercury enters Gemini on the 22nd, Venus enters Gemini, that places a lot of attention on the 11th house, place of friends, place of allies, groups, any kind of social dimension of your life, whether it's colleagues, networks of people, a group that you belong to a lot of good energy there for you this month if you're a Leo, overall, just very constructive and supportive qualities coming in there. I like that in terms of there being also a Jupiter in the ninth house, some need to align your higher values or beliefs with the kind of people that you're mingling with. But it looks very positive and supportive, like you're getting clear about something or you're experiencing a degree of joy; happiness can ease and connection and harmony around the house of groups and friends.
Finally, at the end of the month, excuse me. On the 28th of the month, we're going to see the new moon in Cancer in your 12th house. And that's square to Jupiter in the ninth house. To me, this is interesting because I could see this very easily in the sign of Cancer, bringing up some shadows from the ancestral past or the from your family. There could be challenges happening around the topics of home family, family, karma, living environment, but maybe also being informed by political, philosophical, or religious beliefs. So I could see there being like the unconscious shadows, you know, of family, karma, family, religious karma, or political karma or strife or division because of ideological differences around home and family. I could also see this being about, you know, the need to find faith because of different kinds of emotional hardships that you're experiencing. The need to what like what are the principles or guiding beliefs that help you get through a challenging time emotionally, those qualities can be present from late June into the month of July.
Okay, we're going to put Virgo on the ascendant now. And let's see here. We'll go back to about the 11th of the month. And you're going to see at the start of the month, Venus conjoins Uranus, and Taurus now put Virgo on the ascendant. There we go. Venus conjoins with Uranus in the sign of Taurus in your ninth house, and then it's going to make a square by the 18th. Venus is to Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. So that's the 11th to the 18th period. Now for Venus and Uranus in the ninth house, I like you know, Venus in the ninth house is often about the way that the mind, the higher mind, religion, spirituality, and philosophy overlap with the body with love with sensuality, with desire, with sex. So, could there be a breakthrough in your understanding around love, beauty, intimacy, our desire, sexuality, and romance? It feels like intellectual and artistic and the need for kind of a paradigm shift that is both about understanding and aesthetic simultaneously. But it's being held in check by or challenged by Saturn in the sixth house, a place of frustrations, a tendency toward a certain kind of dogmatic rigidity, tendency to be locked into a paradigm that one feels, you know, somehow duty-bound to serve. You know, it's like, Could you see this as a moment of greater like a mental breakthrough, that's also about liberating the body liberating something, you know, in favor of the feminine and the embodied Torian qualities. So it feels like a push and pull both around mental energy and sensual, embodied energy this month if you're a Virgo.
Now, the other energy of the month between the 13th, Mercury entering Gemini, and the 22nd when Venus enters Gemini, and I'll just move this ahead so you can see it. Here's Mercury entering Gemini in your 10th. And then by the 22nd. You can see there's Venus coming into the sign of Gemini as well. So that 10th house becomes really important if you're a Virgo rising. It's some of the most objectively positive energy of the month that's your career house. The sun will be in there with Mercury and Venus with Mercury. Mercury, of course, in its own domiciles is your ascendant ruler, so very positive developments that look like looks like to me around work, your professional life, your public reputation, advancement, or even just fun and joy around the workplace accomplishment, kind of flirtatious energy to like falling in love with a car Leaguer coworkers something hopefully it's nothing illicit. But yet you can see this quality of kind of harmonious, helpful energy around the career house this month. So I love that for my Virgos.
Finally, on the 28th of the month, we're going to see the new moon in Cancer falling into your 11th house. Now that energy is in the house of friends and colleagues, relationships that are about your work life or your larger goals or spiritual, professional aims, religious or professional community, or just a larger group of friends your social life. And this is it's interesting to me that this new moon is being fueled by Jupiter in Aries in the eighth house. To me, this looks like a very beneficial form of support or resource could be coming in through home or family members could be coming in somehow through a community, a community cause, or supporting something that is, you know, mission-driven and community-oriented. So I like those qualities around the end of the month, but also looking about who, who you need to give support to within a group or family or who you're receiving support from a group or family that looks like it could be the story of the moon cycle from late June onward.
Okay, let's go back to the 11th of the month again and start over. And now we're going to put Libra on the ascendant. So with Libra on the ascendant, we go back and start over with Venus conjoining, Uranus and Taurus on the 11th. And then by the 18th. Venus is squaring Saturn. So you can see the conjunction right here. And then, by the 18th, the square to Saturn will come through. This is between the eighth and fifth houses if you're a Libra sun or Libra rising. First of all, to me, this is a moment of, you know, redefining commitments or obligations to people, oh, you owe me this, or I owe you that let's be free of that burden or obligation or expectation. You know, so anywhere in your life where there is some unhealthy form of dependency, I could see you breaking the tie or the knot that binds you. On the other hand, this could be a moment where there is suddenly a new resource or a new kind of soul contract that ties you to someone coming in. But that contract serves to liberate you in some other area of your life. That's interesting. With the square to Saturn in the fifth house, I wonder if it limits your sense of freedom, joy, pleasure, creativity, or like romantic or sensual or creative fulfillment, or I wonder what the trade-off might be. So I'd be a little bit careful about that.
The next set of transits that I have for you is the 13th Mercury entering Gemini. And by the 22nd, Venus entering Gemini. These are both very positive transits in terms of the dignity of the planets. So here's Mercury, having entered Gemini by the 13th. And then, by the 22nd, you're gonna see Venus entering Gemini as well, both in the ninth house. So if you're a Libra rising, this is putting a lot of very positive, harmonious, helpful, fun, curious, adaptive, flexible energy into the ninth house of the higher mind, beliefs, religion, and spirituality; it's a place of travel to so I could see traveling being quite fun and like unexpected twists and turns that are ultimately positive and harmonious taking place while traveling, could see there being some attraction to new ways of thinking or almost like a new aesthetic or where mind, style, intelligence, design all come together. This could be a time where there's a healthy dose of playful questioning, kind of flirting with a new topic that you're interested in. But I like this as far as positive energy in the house of learning, education, religion, philosophy, travel, really good energy coming in there this month, especially mid-month onward.
And finally, by the 28th, you'll see the new moon in Cancer in the 10th house, that's the place of your career. Now that is, that energy is also coming to you. Here we go from Jupiter in Aries. So Jupiter in Aries, making a superior square to the new moon in Cancer from the seventh house of marriage and relationships. There's a seed being planted around career or public reputation image in the world, you know, professional concerns or ambitions looks very positive, especially considering the positive powerful form of support it has from Jupiter in the marriage house. Could this be a time where you're partnering with someone new in business; you're considering getting married or moving in with someone or sharing beginning to share your life with someone, or that you're falling in love with someone that you work with. The idea to me here is about powerful, important people entering your life and helping you develop something that you have been wanting to develop in terms of your ambitions or your sense of purpose in life and someone or some, some person or resource coming in to support you or something around love and professional life, working in tandem in a supportive way and that really tones the moon cycle going into July.
All right, let's go ahead and put Scorpio on the ascendant. So with Scorpio on the ascendant, we're going to back this up now to the 11th of the month. And here we can see the I mean, this is the quintessential place for the Venus Uranus transit to take place in the seventh house, the place of love and relationships with Venus. Venus is, of course, naturally affiliated with. So on the 11th of the month, Venus will conjoin Uranus and Taurus and then by the 18th. A week later, Venus will square Saturn and Aquarius down here in the fourth house. If you're a Scorpio rising, that places an extraordinary emphasis on the house of love and relationships, breakthroughs, and sudden changes. You know, I like this for like sexual healing, sexual creativity, sexual exploration or experimentation. Sometimes this is going to be a relationship breaker. Venus Uranus does not like to be pinned down. It likes freedom. If you're in a committed relationship, this could mean rekindling the spark or sort of awakening something a little bit of a renaissance of love within an existing relationship. Surely that's possible. If you're feeling stuck and trapped, and you also have the overcoming square from Saturn in the fourth house of home and family, could this be the time where you're like, enough, I'm done living in this house, I'm moving out, or I'm breaking up with my boyfriend and getting my own apartment I'm separating from my spouse. Certainly, that's possible. But you are looking at the need for a breakthrough around love and relationships, coupled with the pressure from Saturn in the house of home, family, and living environment. So watch for that tension to be really powerful during the middle of the month. Then between the 13th, you'll see Mercury into Gemini in the eighth house. And then by the 20, about the 22nd into the 23rd, you're going to see Venus central that house, so June 13, Mercury enters Gemini and your eighth June 22 Venus Venus enters Gemini in the eighth, a lot of positive energy there around the eighth house. Typically when you see something like that, it means that there is a meaningful joining of resources and that there are there is something that someone has to give or offer or provide or teach or help you understand could be something financial, it could be something intellectual could be a skill that someone is helping you learn or resource that someone is giving to you. But it is a place of soul contracts. And so you know, there's there is some kind of exchange, you have to think what kind of what the help you take, you will be tied to in some way in the future. So just remember, for as positive as that energy is in your eighth house this month providing you with resources, there's something you probably will have to provide in return eventually.
Finally, June 28, you'll see the new moon in the sign of Cancer and that falls in your ninth house. This is interesting because it is being fueled by the square from Jupiter in your sixth house. I look at this as a time of the development of your beliefs or your, you know system of beliefs. A new moon means a seed planted in the ninth house around religion, philosophy, spirituality, learning, mysticism, travel abroad, and foreign places; there's something new is developing in that house. So if any of those topics are likely to be activated, they're also being fueled by Jupiter in the sixth house, a place of potential conflict, turmoil and strife. it has to me this has a feeling of emotionally, your beliefs being fueled by a lot of passionate, emotional intensity this month. What are you passionate about? What are you not so passionate about? What matters to you and what doesn't? What are you willing to sacrifice on behalf of and what you know what isn't worth it? So those questions seem to form the backbone of the new moon cycle that comes in at the end of the month.
All right, let's go ahead and put Sagittarius on the ascendant. So we'll go back to the 11th and work backward here. Sagittarius on the ascendant now we're taking the Uranus Venus dynamic, and we're placing it into the sixth house with the square to Saturn; that's the 11th that the conjunction comes through. And then by the 18th, Venus will square Saturn and Aquarius that's in the third house. So I look at this dynamic. And to me, this is really interesting because I feel like this is a place of having to jump over mental hurdles in your own mind, like, where is your own mind, your own mindset, getting in the way of creating some kind of meaningful change or shift probably in the area of relationships, Venus and Uranus in the sixth house are about, it's like they're trying to solve a problem and create more freedom and spaciousness and ease. But they're in a house of trouble, tension, conflict, and hard work. It's like they're struggling to create some kind of meaningful, beautiful breakthrough. And they're also being afflicted by Saturn in the house of the mind. So it's as though as a saj. This month, you may have to overcome rigid thinking that's either within yourself or within someone else, or some area of your life. And before you can experience the kind of freedom that you're hoping to experience, that's what I would watch for, I would also just watch for the feeling of limitation and constraint creeping in or trying to get in the way of some kind of positive fun, spontaneous energy expressing itself through the Venus Uranus conjunction, well, on the 13th, Mercury will enter Gemini, and then on the 22nd, Venus will enter Gemini. Let's take a look at that how that plays out. So here's Venus, Mercury, entering Gemini. And then, by the 22nd, you'll see Venus entering Gemini. Now that energy combined is taking place in your seventh house. That's a very positive set of transits in the house of love and relationship after Venus goes through that little, you know, that run-in with Uranus and Saturn. So ultimately, if you're sad, I don't want you to worry too much about the stress or the sort of stressful nature of the way I describe the Venus transits because Venus then moves into the house of love and relationships co-present with Mercury, who is the host of Gemini. And it feels like there's a very, you know, by the end of the month, especially around the 22nd forward, there's a very much more positive, uplifting, easy energy around relationships. And it feels to me like you've created flow, your Venus is now with Mercury, a god associated with the mind. So any kind of rigidity that was holding back love or creativity or sexuality is being opened up by the end of the month, there's a lot of positive energy coming in there. Finally, on June 28, the sun in Cancer will get the new moon in the eighth house, and that is also receiving a square from Jupiter in Aries in the fifth house. First of all, a new moon in the eighth house in Cancer feels to me like a new form of emotional support. At best, it is a positive form of mutual dependency around things like emotions, and home and family all sort of Cancerian lunar topics. But with Jupiter in the fifth house, in forming this, what I like is that there's a lot of potential for a lot of joy here. Like I would look at that new moon in the eighth and say, Okay, what are you doing for the sake of emotional security that could tie you down later in something that, you know? The juice isn't worth the squeeze. You know what I mean? That phrase, I remember that came from but I've heard that I heard that phrase recently. Anyway, so the the idea here being you know, watch out for unhealthy emotional entanglements but with Jupiter in the fifth, a place of joy, romance, creativity. First of all, I like this as a potential for two people, you know, getting more deeply entangled with one another in love due to the birth of a child, right like that, that'll deepen your intimacy. But I could also see this as creative collaboration as some kind of resource coming in that has behind it, the mark of creativity, joy, happiness. So I would look for there to be by the end of the month, it feels to me like there is a deepening of relationships. There's if there's freedom being sought here in this moon cycle around love and relationships for savages, by the end of the month, you're experiencing a breakthrough, but there is more emotional entanglement to come like, you know, it's kind of like when someone gets out of a relationship and they rebound really quickly. It's like you wanted freedom, but now you're signing up for another relationship really quickly. So be careful a little bit of jumping from one thing that binds you into another by the end of the month. But otherwise, I think that you're going to see kind of like a breakthrough around relationships and especially the way that thinking or communicating in relationships provides, you know, either joy or unhappy like, you know that the way you communicate in relationships is either going to make you really unhappy, or progressively happier. And I think that's part of what you're working through this month. Alright, that's for Sagittarius rising. Well, let's go for Capricorn rising. And we will go back now to the 11th. So on the 11th of the month, we are again, let's go back here to we're seeing Venus conjoin Uranus, now this is in your fifth house, this is the place of creativity, love, romance, you know, and children pregnancy, a place that was associated with good fortune and pleasant happy things. So Venus Uranus here feels to me like an artistic or, you know, any kind of breakthrough around happiness, joy, sexuality, fun. Venus is very provocative in this house too, in terms of like what she will do in the name of love or fun or beauty, or sent you know, what she finds to be sensual or creatively fulfilling. But for as much as Venus wants to have her breakthrough she is running into by the 18th, the square to Saturn and Aquarius in your second house. So questions or concerns around money, resources, business, finances, values, kind of maybe trying to put the squeeze on Venus in the fifth, who's trying to have some kind of create some kind of artistic or sexual healing or revolution. So that's an interesting conversation where there's creative breakthrough signature and the fifth, but the signature of contraction in dialogue with that fifth house transit from Saturn in the second house of money and resources. So watch for that tension this month. Between the 13th When Mercury enters Gemini and the 22nd, when Venus enters Gemini, you have another one of the arguably the more powerful transits of the month. See, there's Venus, Mercury entering Gemini and then Venus by the 22nd. So, as those as the sixth house is being emphasized here by the transits of Mercury and Venus in Gemini, again, not the easiest house a place that was associated with conflict, sacrifice hard work, a place that is associated with the labor that we put into things that we care about, that we sacrifice on behalf of. But this to me is about creating more ease, you know, Venus and Mercury are intelligent enough and informed enough by the desire for beauty ease harmony and flow that they it looks to me like they're problem solving, or saying like, Okay, we wanted this creative revolution. But you know, we got held in check by Saturn in the second house. Now it's time to problem solve, and find a harmonious easy solution to what maybe looked like a no earlier in the month but by a little bit later in the month, you're starting to work out some some creative problem solving, you know, solutions. So that's what I would watch for with Mercury and Venus in the sixth. Finally, on the 28th, you're going to see the new moon in the sign of Cancer, that's if you're a Capricorn rising, that is going to be taking place in the seventh house of love and relationships. And that is being fueled by Mars in here we go Jupiter, I should say Jupiter in Mars a sign of Aries in the fourth house. So now you're looking at okay, a seed being planted around love marriage relationships, informed by Jupiter's desire for abundance and expansion around home and family I could see this with marriage or children or pregnancy or buying a home all of those kinds of big classic life choices or events. I could also see this about legacy what is the legacy of a marriage or a home or a family, ancestral or family karma coming up in relationship with the topic of marriage or intimacy could see this about differing like almost like different beliefs or ideologies conflicting around marriage, home and family so I would watch for that. Those are some of the big themes I see toning the moon cycle that sends us into July. Okay, now we're going to put Aquarius on the ascendant so with Aquarius on the ascendant let's back this up now. And we're going to go back to the 11th of the month so here we are, you can see the Venus Uranus conjunction, and then don't forget that by the 18th. Venus will then square ups you know what, I forgot to put Aquarius on the ascendant. Let's do this again. There we go. Now we can see the Venus Uranus conjunction in the four worth and by the 18th Squaring Saturn in the first. So here's the 11th Venus conjoining Uranus by the 18th Venus squaring Saturn. So you're going to see those two connecting a little bit later. So that week long period is very intense for Aquarius sun or rising signs around the topic of home and family Uranus, Venus in the fourth house will disrupt the status quo or the norm or break the mold somehow, with regard to your home space or living environment, your family or parents, sort of family karma receiving that kind of disruptive energy. It's about reconfiguring your ideal and what you desire what you find beautiful or attractive, it could be as simple as redecorating your home or painting a bedroom or something creating a home office space, whatever the case might be. It's also running into the square from Saturn in the first house, which might be about the way in which you you're standing in your own way, you know, Saturn in the first is your home planet granted, but when it stands, you know, kind of the superior square to Venus and Uranus in the fourth, it's like, I won't tolerate some change that needs to happen. Or I'm I'm having a hard time letting go enough to allow for some kind of creative renaissance around home family or roots, or I'm feeling offended by something. On the other hand, this could be about what you feel like you're in control of and what you don't feel like you're in control of around home family, or relationships, or also just how your identity is changing right now in relation to home and family topics in general. So watch for those come that combination of themes between the 11th and the 18th. From the 13th to the 22nd Mercury will enter Gemini. And then Venus will enter Gemini, let's look at that development here. So you're going to see this is in your fifth house, there's Mercury entering the fifth. And then we take it forward just a little bit more in Venus then enters the fifth house as well. So here's the two of these planets right there in the fifth house. And that's a lot of good energy coming into the fifth house. The reason I love that is because the fifth house was called the place of good fortune. It's the joy of Venus. So Venus is in her joy in that house. And you know, you get the feeling of like harmonious helpful things, people conversation, communication, news, information, media technology, creativity, flirtatious romantic, fun, playful energy that's coming in, and really providing a nice boost toward the end of the month. So just love the support of that energy for you if you're an Aquarius rising, especially if you need to loosen up a little bit, which I think could be an issue this month where there's a feeling of like I have to control something or I'm not in control, or how do I adapt to something that's happening that's beyond my control. And I think that there's a looseness that starts coming in and adaptability and a sense of joy by the toward the end of the month, especially when Venus enters Gemini. Finally, on the 28th, the sun in Cancer will be there'll be a new moon and that falls into your sixth house. And it receives the square from Jupiter in the third. This is an interesting one because this again, the sixth house kind of a heavier house, generally speaking, a place of conflict and so forth. A struggle and sacrifice and hard work, sometimes associated with sickness or frustrations difficulties. Now with a new moon in that house, I could see there being especially with Jupiter in the third, in forming this new moon cycle from the position of what's called the superior square. I could see this being about almost like a mental, emotional or philosophical or ideological conflict, especially with people that you have close emotional ties to like family members, spouse, good friends, or people that you work very closely with, you're going to be feeling very strongly about certain things and maybe that there's Be careful of the way in which you know, you let your emotions get overly involved in different kinds of differences of belief or different ways of thinking or seeing things. I could see you nurturing something with a sense of, you know, a heroic sense of sacrifice and nurturance I want to help something that's wounded or hurt or sick or in need of of help. I'm concerned about those who are suffering, it's sort of like a supermom energy. So I can see some of those things playing a role as well. And that certainly tones the energy at the end of the month into the next moon cycle. All right, let's go back and do it one last time for Pisces rising or putting Pisces on the ascendant. And here we are, let's see, we're going to scope back to the 11th of the month again. And here we can see the The conjunction oops, nope, we gotta put Pisces on the ascendant. Let's do that. There we go. So we've got Pisces rising. So on the 11th you see Venus conjoining Uranus in the third house. And then by the 18th, you're looking at Venus squaring Saturn in the 12th house. So that goes Venus conjunct Uranus on the 11th, Venus square Saturn by the 18th. Now, that's an interesting one if you're a Pisces rising, because it falls in your third house. To me, Venus Uranus in the third house is like if you're an artistic person, and you get that, that idea, that creative new way of making something you've made 100 times before, but now you have a brand new way of thinking about it. For me as a writer, for example, it's a new way of it might be a new series, a new idea for a way of presenting the material that I present every day on YouTube. So you get that feeling of like a creative breakthrough, mentally, a breakthrough in terms of mind media, speech, technology, learning, communicating the desire for some kind of Venusian a change of scenery for Venus, so to speak. And that's being held in check by Saturn in the 12th house, which can be the voice of doubt or insecurity, or something about the way you're trying to create a breakthrough is being informed by some shadow within you. For example, if Venus and Uranus are trying to do something that's rebellious, or they're being informed by a destructive part of your own personality that you're not aware of, I would watch for the potential for Venus and Uranus to be creating some kind of mental, defiant or rebellious qualities informed by the unconscious shadow so to speak of Saturn in the 12th. But I also think this could be about Saturn trying to hold Venus and Uranus in check when they're trying to create something that's positive and innovative and sort of creative and like original. So watch for Saturn trying to like hold it back through someone or something, maybe something within you like, oh, I can't do this, or I'm not good enough to do this, or that's bad, or, you know, so I'd be careful of that this month. From the 13th through the 22nd, Mercury will enter Gemini and then Venus will enter Gemini, This places a lot of very positive energy around for you if you're a Pisces around that fourth house, which is the place of home and family, a lot of really happy sort of harmonious energy down there in the fourth this month. To me that means you know, positive relationship dynamics communication dynamics, sort of a playful and inventive energy around home and family very good at solving problems if they're to arise, creates a lot of ease and flow adaptability, the need for like change in spontaneity around the topics of home family, parents love in the home playfulness in the home. You know, it's like when I'm when I see Venus Mercury pairings in my own house, for example, those have been times when I've made really creative things for my kids to play with or whatever. So really like the kind of upbeat, harmonious happy energy, very bubbly and effervescent, with Mercury and Venus in the fourth house. Now, last but not least, the sun in Cancer at the end of the month, a new moon will square Jupiter in Aries. And we're seeing that come through about June 29. And here is the square from the second to the fifth. First of all, this is a super pregnancy transit. I mean, a new moon in Cancer in the fifth house of pregnancy is often the sign of people getting pregnant or having children or some big development around kids or family. It could also be about growth happening in the extended family, anything that has the mark of joy, and like family and home around it. Also any kind of any way in which creative energy is working in and through the family or the extended family. This is also about maybe purchases, or the development of like a savings account or anything related to money finances, flowing into the topics of creative fulfillment, creativity and in the home and family dynamic because it's all sort of sandwiched between four and five. Jupiter very positively in the second house is trying to communicate something about what it wants or business money, resources, development or acquisition of skills, the purchase of things that Jupiter wants to have or investments or something like that are starting to save for some kind of future, developing a future vision or plan. But it does it feeds back into a lot happening around the roots around home family joy, creativity, love romance. This is a really nice, kind of It feels to me like you could be adding an addition to your home or planning you know, we were Deciding we're going to get pregnant we're planning to start trying again or something like that. So very fruitful creative energy toward the end of June and forming the rest of the month of July. So that is what I have. That is what I've got for today. I hope you guys have a great day. And we'll look forward to starting to unpack some of these transits for the month of June as the week goes on. Alright, take it easy, everyone.
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