Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for December 2020.
Okay, welcome everybody this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, and today I'm going to be taking a look at the sun and rising sign horoscopes for the month of December. We are at 270 backers right now on our Kickstarter campaign and our goal this year is 691. That's one better than we did last year. So always just trying to trying to beat last year's record. There's lots of rewards you can pick up when you support my work if you enjoy this channel, you know if it's a part of your daily spiritual routine, if you take it in even just once a week or once a month and you enjoy this work. Please consider contributing something you can't contribute anything prayers up are always appreciated. But if you can, that's great too. When you donate and you can see the link I just put into the chat box. When you donate, you can pick up reward readings, exclusive lectures that I don't offer anywhere else. Just this one time a year I do these lectures, I've won on Saturn on eclipses on the nodes of the moon. There's the astrology of 2021 video. There's sun rising sign horoscope videos for each of the 12 signs in depth in the year ahead. There's 50% off to all of my online programmes. So if you're like hey, I've wanted to take one of your classes. This is the time of year where you can basically get it for 50% off the normal price. An extra $400 off the early bird rate. So it's a really good deal.
Here are the transits that I'm laying out this month. There's a lot of transits this month. If you want to take a look at my overview for the month of December, you can go back a few videos and check that out. There's other transits that I'm not talking about in the monthly sun and rising sign horoscopes, just because I want to focus on the really big stuff this month. And there's several really big transits worth talking about. So what are they December 14, we're talking about the new moon, solar eclipse, so that's the big one. December 21, we're talking about Jupiter, and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius, that's the next one. And then finally, we're talking about December 23. Mars square Pluto. So these are the three transits of the month that I'm going to focus on for each of the 12 signs. Because these are huge, and your month is really going to be overshadowed any other transits of the month are more than likely going to be overshadowed by these particular transits. So, that's where we're going to start.
So let's start for Aries rising, we're going to talk about the solar eclipse if you're an Aries rising or you can do these by the way if for your sun sign as well. But what you're doing then is you're you're using a kind of divinitory chart that's not modelled on your actual birth chart, you're modelling it as though you're putting the sun sign on the ascendant and doing whole sign houses for the 12 houses with the sun on the ascendant. I don't find that it's very natural to do so people always get confused by it. But if you've ever read sun sign astrology, your sun sign horoscope is rooted in a chart that imagines your sun sign on the ascendant. So I recommend your rising sign because that's going to coordinate perfectly with the layout of your birth chart in whole sign houses. So if I would say to go by your rising sign to get the most out of these videos personally, now, if you're an Aries rising, first of all the Solar Eclipse is happening in your ninth house. And that's the place that was it was traditionally called the joy of God. And it was a house associated with religion, higher education. It was associated with long journeys, foreign countries. Basically the search for truth. Now that truth could be political truth, or philosophical or ethical or physical, like the laws of physics, or it could be related to theology, or the nature of God or the universe in a more in a in a metaphysical sense. So, truth seeking in general, belongs to this house, as does the the system of law and governance. This is a house of law and lawmakers, the justice system as a whole is related to the ninth house. So when you have a solar eclipse there, you're thinking of a new beginning with a solar eclipse, a kind of a, it's like a New Moon, but it's a mega New Moon. So you've got to make a New Moon in the house that's associated with religion and spirituality.
But you could say that, for example, people go back to school when there's a solar eclipse in the ninth house, or they may find a spiritual teacher, or they may find a mentorship programme of some kind. You may start teaching something yourself, maybe you're a teacher. And there's something that you're going to start teaching a skill that you're mastering, or some new topic or subject that's coming into your life. Sometimes you're going to see the beginning of like legal disputes, or the opening of some kind of legal action that can happen, unfortunately, with a ninth house signature, travelling to foreign places, meeting someone from a foreign place. Anything regarding foreign countries that suddenly becomes prominent in your life. These are the kinds of things to watch for right now. If you're an Aries rising, and again, this comes in on the 14th. Does it happen right away? No, it takes a while. It can take up to six months, because remember that these eclipses come in sets. They're like wave sets for surfers. You know, so do you catch this wave? Or do you catch the one in June doesn't matter the energies building right now that's that's the main point. And you're going to see the play out of these themes becoming more prominent. In you know, the months ahead, that began you had a lunar eclipse in your ninth house last June. It's already in motion. Okay, so that's, that's the ninth house. Now, other things, maybe some other peripheral things is that your faith, your beliefs, your values, your convictions are changing or transforming somehow, that's often coincides with ninth house eclipses if you're an Aries.
Now, we're going to focus next on the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, on the 21st. So here's the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction, huge conjunction only happens once every 20 years. It's happening if you're an Aries in your 11th house. Now, what does the Jupiter Saturn conjunction entail? The simplest way of understanding it is that it's like a changing of the guard. You think, for example, when a grandparent passes away, and you know that the next generation kind of takes the torch and becoming the elders, there's the sense of a new order of a new way of a changing of the times or of a of a season change in life. It's very deep. There's a sense of respect for what has come before, but also a sense of inspiration about what's to come that's brand new, and they meld together in this really interesting way.
There's also sort of like a new epoch, a new era, those kinds of it has the sense of, it's not a small event, you know, it's not like a new era for the year ahead. It's a new era that really is set to define in some ways the next 20 years of your life. So it has this big overarching historical weight behind it. And this is happening if you're an Aries in the 11th house, which has to do with communities of people, allies, people that share similar aspirations or goals or dreams. It also has to do with friends with community, with people that are somehow advantageous to us, a house of allies, this house is also about aspirations and wishes for the future. So something new might be introducing itself in your 11th house right now that is going to define not only different changes in your social life or but also some kind of vision or aspiration that's going to define many more years of your life to come, that's just getting started. It could involve a new group of people or changes within an existing organisation or social structure in your life. But there's a sense of this hopeful new beginning that that is very visionary feeling in the 11th house, it'll shape many, many years to come. But it could also bring a lot of changes socially in the year ahead, especially as Jupiter spends its next year in Aquarius, not all of which will be easy. Saturn in the 11th house speaks to death to a certain extent, or decay or the turnover or change socially, that's becomes really acute. So that's another that's that's another huge transit that we're watching for everybody this month, and it's in your 11th house if you're an Aries rising. Alright, so last but not least, we're going to look on December 23.
We're taking a look at Mars, your ruling planet, making a square to Pluto. This is the last big transit of the month, I'm just focusing on these three this month, because they're so big. Now Mars is your ruling planet, if you're an Aries or a Scorpio, you've had this planet in your home sign since late June, then it's done its retrograde this whole whole fall season if you're in the Northern Hemisphere. And now it's pressing direct again, and it's going to move through one last, you know, kind of big explosive moment with Pluto, it's had a few of them already. So you kind of think about what kind of personal process Have you been through over the past six months or so. The first house where Mars is currently located is a house that was associated most intimately with the native with the chart owner, your health, your vitality, your strength, your your mindset. And the first house is also associated with your vitality, and your your sense of strength or potency as well as agency. It's your will and and so Mars in that house has definitely taken you through something of a process of your individual sense of strength or power perhaps being temporarily restrained or held in check or setback or prohibited somehow. Or maybe you've been getting some feedback on how to wield strength or will or power in the world.
Now it's been also on this crash course with Pluto, Lord of the underworld, we're talking about Hades and the Greek Pantheon and the God of not only that, which is subterranean, but associated closely with the unconscious, and all that is all that blows, you know, kind of all the other stuff that blows out from the underworld when Mars touches Pluto. So those the great moments of catharsis and transformation and, and release that have a more willful muscular, strong, assertive quality behind them, we are going to hit one more of those moments here on a round December 23. And it's going to tie in most likely to your work or your reputation, or your vocation or career. So you want to watch for this as a as a kind of defining last defining moment of a long process that you've been going through since the end of June. So that's what I've got for Aries this month.
Okay, so I'm going back now and what we're going to do now is we're going to put Taurus on the ascendant and do the whole thing over again.
Alright, so if you're a Taurus rising, this is my rising sign so I you know, this one, it's always it's always easiest for me to do my own rising sign because like I can I have material to riff off from. If you are a Taurus rising, the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on the 14th is taking place in your eighth house. This eighth house is so misunderstood, it's often associated with things like death, taxes, sex, what's taboo. A lot of that in modern astrology is due to the association that people make with Scorpio. But in the ancient world, it actually has nothing to do Scorpio, it has to do with the fact that planets in this house are getting ready to set and go below the horizon, but as of yet have not set. So they're awaiting this place where they disappear into the underworld. And they're also awaiting the seventh house and the entrance into the underworld is the basically like walking into the courtroom where the jurors will, you know, decide your fate. You know, what happens to you based on your actions in, in this lifetime, you'll be judged in the underworld, the heart is weighed against the feather, so to speak. And so the eighth house has this sense of karmic debts and entanglements with other people that have that bear some mark of future consequence, there will be future consequences that come here. Sometimes you're rewarded in death when people die. Sometimes you owe debts or taxes, or you know, people will come into your life and give you something, you'll get entangled with other people, I owe you something you owe me something karmically speaking, it's a very sticky house in that regard. It also has to do with the fear, and paranoia that can accompany that the knowledge that death or consequence awaits us in the future, which is why it's sometimes also associated with criminal enterprises. People that try to get away with something or escape future consequence, as well as the inevitability of future consequence, taxation penalty, whether it's emotionally or karmically or financially. And also the sense that death is inevitable. But it's not just that, there's many houses of death in ancient astrology. For example, the fourth house, the seventh house, the 12th house, the sixth house, in different ways can all be associated with death, and are, so it doesn't have the market cornered on death. But it does have this the sense that future consequence such as death awaits, or is somehow a part of this house.
And so a solar eclipse in this house, long story short, can mean that there's something that's about to die, or that there's going to be some kind of consequence or penalty or fee or karmic debt that is due, and it's going to be, you know, a bigger one, sometimes people pass when their solar eclipses in the eighth. Or sometimes the topic of death or mortality is just close at hand somehow, for example, a member of my family just this week had to have an emergency surgery to have their gallbladder removed. You know, it's kind of one of those life or death situations, not uncommon to see that kind of stuff popping up around Eclipse season, right, especially if they're going to land in your eighth house. It doesn't have to be death, it can be the feeling or mood of something being life or death and a big hospital bills being due so to speak. I know that's all scary.
The other thing is that it can have a lot to do with the financial assistance or the windfalls or the benefits that come from other people. Something that you inherit a gift that comes your way, the eighth house has long been associated with benefits or privileges or blessings that come from other people, including inheritance when people pass. So and sometimes it's also just a place that has to do with the reality of the interconnectedness of our resources and assets with other people, not all of which is bad. A new solar eclipse in the eighth house could mean that you're paying off debt. So there's something there as well. So this is your your solar eclipse in this eighth house has a range of significations. Just kind of keep those in mind as this eclipse comes through. All right, we're going to go ahead to the 21st of the month.
So on the 21st of the month, you're getting the Jupiter Saturn conjunction happening in your 10th House of career. So we're talking about a very new era in your career, a very new period that's opening up somehow. I would say it's one of the more auspicious places for Jupiter and Saturn to conjoin, because there's this sense of something new, that's going to last a long time and Saturn's in a good position. So even if there's a lot of work involved in in something, for example, I'm a Taurus rising so one of the things that we're hoping to do based on how the Kickstarter does is to build out the platform of my online programmes, so that there's essentially a better a better kind of web hosting for all of that material for students and build out the school more and build out staff and stuff like that. So, you know, that kind of energy should go very nicely, I hope, with Jupiter and Saturn conjoining in the 12th. You think of a new chapter in your life professionally, maybe you're starting something new, a new craft a new trade, maybe you're expanding upon a base that's already there. Maybe you're achieving a promotion, or maybe the organisation that you work for is changing in some way. But it has the feeling of a new era in your professional life. One of the things that it's going to push on if you're a Taurus rising over the course of the year ahead, is Uranus in your first house. There's a lot of work required from Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th. Uranus in the first might rather might prefer to be free and not so entangled by work and duty.
Now, the last last but not least, we need to talk about Mars is square to Pluto. So Mars is square to Pluto is going to happen on the 23rd. And you can see here's Mars and Aries square to Pluto. Now Mars in Aries in the 12th house. Again, you've been dealing with this since late June. Now I can tell you as a Taurus rising myself that Mars in the 12th house is usually this feeling of having to sort of survive or live through different challenges. The 12th house is a place that is an ancient astrology is known for trying to represent something like let's say your ship is trying to go from you know, one port to another. Then there's all these wind and waves and weather that comes and tries to kind of knock you off course. And maybe you're part of what knocks you off course too, maybe you're a captain who takes to the bottle too much or something like that. But the 12th house has this sense of influences that come in and try to lead us off course in some way. That's one of the main significations of the 12th house. Now we can learn a lot from those influences and those experiences and become a lot like a seasoned veteran of life by virtue of going through those experiences. So it's not to say, Oh, the 12th house, it's so evil or bad. But the Mars process in the 12th house has been when you could say it's like one thwarting, challenging, oppositional thing after another. We moved during the pandemic, right. And then we had someone break into our empty house back home and someone tried to steal my wife's identity and my sister got in a car accident and had to have an emergency c section. My mom and her partner got COVID, my dad was in the hospital with heart problems. I had another family member recently who had to have their gallbladder out like emergency.
There's some things that are more personal for me too, but it's like, that's just the the vibe of a Mars retrograde in your 12th house. It's just like, oppositional, Mars was the God of strife. At the same time, there can be this sense of working on something, working to get yourself back on track in the 12th house. Like if you've lost your way, Mars in the 12th house is the fighter or the hero that has to like struggle through and and kind of make their way through the difficult weather. So that's all reaching this culminating point on December 23, when Mars hits Pluto. And there's this big catharsis. Now Pluto is in the ninth house, maybe this calls into question something about religion, beliefs, teachers and teachings faith, things from foreign lands or foreign countries. So some of those topics could get involved around again with this last Mars Pluto dynamic. Alright, so that's if you're a Taurus rising. We're going to do this over now and we're going to put Gemini on the ascendant.
With Gemini on the ascendant, the eclipse which happens on the 14th is going to be happening in your seventh house. That's the place of marriage and relationships. I will tell you that I have seen over 10 years of doing this, one of the most reliable indicators of people getting together and eventually, like having a long term relationship with someone new coming into their life is a solar eclipse in the seventh. I'll never forget, I had an apprentice. And she was like, not in the market, not dating or anything. And she had an eclipse in her seventh house, and I said, you're gonna meet someone, I have a pretty good feeling, you'll meet someone she's like, I don't think so I'm not even dating.
She ended up reconnecting with someone, they ended up falling in love again, but ended up getting pregnant, you know. And then I think it ended up being like a year and a half later after the baby came, and they kind of got settled and ended up getting married too. Never underestimate a strong solar eclipse in your seventh house, when it comes to new relationships entering your life. The other thing that is pretty common will be that something major happens usually for the better, like a new a new chapter of some kind, for a spouse or a partner, they get a new job, there's some new vision for their life, they're going back to school, they're learning something new, or developing a new product or starting a new business. You see the solar eclipse in the seventh, sometimes not so much about meeting someone new but about something new happening for or in the life of a partner. A solar eclipse can also mean that there is maybe some newness born of letting go, the South node is associated with decrease, and loss. And so sometimes the solar eclipses, the South node in particular will represent the end of a relationship, it's kind of it can be unique in that way, where it's like a new beginning, but it's fresh off from realising you need to let go of a relationship. So this one, usually I would look for lunar eclipses in the seventh to be more indicative of that. But you did have a lunar eclipse back in June, if you're a Gemini, and now a solar eclipse here. So maybe there's just been turnover in this area of life in general. And that's why you got to look at the eclipses as set sets of waves coming through that area of life.
You won't necessarily see that right away. But do we have any other evidence? This is a big month for relationships? Yeah, min mid-December Venus will also enter Sagittarius and pop into your seventh. So there's just a lot of action in that area of life. Now it could also pertain to sexuality, your social status, or interactions with the world in a more general sense, are depicted by the seventh house. So how are you changing socially right now? How is your social persona changing? And then, you know, the interesting thing is, the seventh house can also have something to do with the gods or things that are other than us that aren't just romantic partners. The other in a spiritual sense is often God or spirit as opposed to, you know, our own spirit soul, the larger soul of the universe, the seventh house was associated with worship of the gods and with people who were faithful to things bigger than themselves. That's an interesting thing. And part of the reason for this is because this is the place where the sun sets. And when the sun sets that, you know, the workaday world goes away, and we start looking up at the sky, you don't you don't go to a concert in the morning, you go to a concert in the evening. Why is that? Because we join with that ecstatic otherness, we merge with others, when the work of the day is done, so that when the sunsets there's also this sense of the nocturnal space, where we commune with others, sometimes sexually, obviously, that's a nighttime endeavour, for a lot of people, but it's also all the people in the world who enjoy morning sex, but sexuality is kind of an evening thing. So anything that you join to that's other than or bigger than oneself, can be a part of the seventh house. And a solar eclipse can mean that just something else that you become absorbed in or that's transcendent to yourself will come into your life. So watch for that in a general sense. Now, if we bring this forward to the 21st, let's take a look at the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the ninth house if you're a Gemini rising, that ninth house, that new era taking place in the house of the higher mind.
And this is again, like the like the Aries rising with the solar eclipse in the ninth house. Jupiter and Saturn in this house can indicate I'm going back to school, I'm finding a mentor, I'm finding a teacher or if you're a teacher, I'm teaching something new or I'm developing a new teaching platform. I'm going to be travelling abroad or I'm going to relocate to a foreign country. I'm going to take a trip or I'm going to start developing a spiritual practice or finding a spiritual mentor, very special teachers and teachings can enter your life. In this month when Jupiter and Saturn combined in your ninth house, it's a really auspicious transit in my mind, for the development and cultivation of spiritual life. Now, it could mean like you could see this as someone going to law school, or someone running for local office because the ninth house is connected to law and lawmakers and things like that. But I think that another way of looking at this is that your beliefs, your ideals are suddenly going to become front and centre for you. There's some philosophical awakening happening for you this month. And that's the way that I would probably at the most basic level, that's how I would interpret this. Now if we go forward to the 23rd, that's when we get this Mars square Pluto dynamic. Now it's happening in your 11th house to the eighth house. This means that there's a catharsis coming when it comes to the way in which you're entangled. That there's karma, there's debts and burdens and obligations and gifts, being given an exchange with other people, especially people that you would consider to be allies or within groups or friends. Some of this Pluto Mars could suggest confrontation or hostility or conflict around such entangled karmic relationships, probably more like professional colleagues or friends or, you know, people that you share some political or philosophical affiliation with or spiritual affiliation. Maybe the need to separate yourself from something that's toxic, or maybe some kind of blow up that's happening within a group or organisation. Those would be kind of the heavier things to look for. But also, this could totally suggest some some kind of catharsis that that happens due to a creative collaboration, more probably more with a sense of mission behind it since Mars in the 11th tends to collaborate with other people when there's a sense of purpose, conviction, muscle strength, and will behind it. So watch for that kind of energy to receive some kind of, you know, plutonian form of support deep on unexpected, you know, showings of support or resources that appear suddenly remember, Pluto means riches. And so there could be a richness coming to support some kind of endeavour or some kind of mission or project. I find that really interesting for Geminis this month. But don't be surprised if there's also very revealing conflicts that come up and where you might have to part ways or sever different kinds of connections with people. All right, so that's what I've got for Gemini rising.
We're going to put cancer on the ascendant. This is my wife's rising sign, my best friend's rising sign too. Okay, so we're gonna go to the 14th. For starters, if you're a Cancer rising, this is the day of the solar eclipse. And the solar eclipse for you if you're a Cancer is going to land in your sixth house. Now, that one thing that you do have to be careful about with the solar eclipse in the sixth house is, you know, the sixth house doesn't always deliver nice solar eclipse presence, right. The sixth house was a place that was associated with toil, labour, drudgery, sickness, slavery. It's the hard work house. It's a house also that was associated with sacrifice, for example, laying down your life and service to the military for the kingdom, or the king or something like that. Also, the hard work that's associated with, you know, land and animals and like agricultural, you know, like, like farming and things like that. It's like the blue collar house of the wheel. Your work isn't always seen or noticed or rewarded in this house, and that can be a really painful thing. Also, it's a house where there can be conflict and just trying to battle through. This is the house was called the joy of Mars and the house of misfortune. Now, it's also a house that's associated with like Mars martyrdom and selfless sacrifice or service, but usually in service to a cause or a purpose or to some kind of great labour or great, like Herculean task. Now, a New Moon in this house can mean that there's a great new work coming into your life, or that you're going to be sacrificing something of yourself. And, you know, perhaps, that something is something that you really love, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, that the connotation of slavery is partially true, there can be a way in which you feel enslaved to someone or something. There's, of course, literal slavery back in the ancient world, too. But this would be in our day and age, this would be something more like, I feel enslaved to my boss or my work or a job I don't like or, or something like that. A solar eclipse can then unfortunately, in the sixth mean, that that's a little bit of what's coming, that there's going to be a period of really hard work, that's not necessarily enjoyable. But does it lead to something that pays off in the end? Is it something that you really care about? Is there a sense of selfless sacrifice involved, that usually makes the difference.
The other thing is, of course, that New Moons in solar eclipses in this house bring health problems, they can bring, if you've been you've, you've had these eclipses since June, I remember the day of the lunar eclipse in June, in sixth house, my wife got a really bad, you know, she got migraine and got really sick and was, you know, she ended up having a 24 hour bug of some kind. And that was right after the lunar eclipse in the sixth. It's not usually not devastating stuff. I mean, I would say a low percentage of the time that I see eclipses in the 6th house who are otherwise healthy, end up getting, you know, some devastating thing. But injuries, accidents, misfortune, sickness, these do belong to the sixth house. So that's something to be aware of persevering, and working through something as a part of the nature of the sixth house. So don't get down. Remember that these, this solar eclipse is in a trine with Mars in your 10th house, so likely connected to something that will eventually bring some forward movement and in success and achievement to your career. I think it's probably more likely with Mars in this position that this is related to work stuff, hopefully.
But, you know, just stay aware of the potential challenges that this eclipse can bring up. And they don't, they don't happen all at once. Sometimes it's just one little thing, you get to get death by paper cuts, sometimes with the 6th. It's just like, Oh my gosh, thing after thing. But you know, when you go through these periods, they also they make you a lot more resilient and they help very clearly define what you're willing to sacrifice or give yourself to and what you're not, right. It's kind of like the philosophy of the sixth is like we're all enslaved to something but are you choosing you know, what you're giving your blood, sweat and tears too. So good thing for Cancer risings to be thinking about this month.
Now, that not all bad news, right, there's some other really interesting things happening this month for you. So let's go ahead to the 21st. On the 21st you're getting the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in your eighth house. When you think about the eighth in general, you're thinking about debts, obligations that we have to others or that others have to us. What's so nice about a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the eighth house, is that you're talking about a new era, a new beginning, a new chapter in life, that's going to last for a very long time and it has to do probably with positive collaborations coming in with other people, positive things happening. For example, spouses doing well or gets a promotion at work. I've seen this kind of signature when Saturn enters the eighth or Jupiter enters the eighth as a partner is retiring and there's going to be a new period of life where they're receiving their pension or the retirement monies coming in and it's just a different reality that you're entering into in that relationship due to this big change that's happening in the in the partners financial professional reality. Jupiter Saturn in the eighth can also mean big investments a big loan, a big debt that's paid off. It can mean new revenue streams that join you to new collaborative, people or companies or partners.
Jupiter and Saturn in this house can mean death. They can mean the end of a generation like a generational turnover through death, like a grandparent passing away. There's the end of something and it's painful. For example, my wife's parents will complete their divorce in January. It's kind of interesting, both my wife and I, our parents, both divorced as adults. So my parents divorced in 2014. And hers will be divorced, the very beginning of 2021. Obviously, we're happy for all of them making the right choices for themselves. But it's so funny because my parents when they divorced, Saturn was moving into the eighth. It's interesting. So it's kind of like a death. But it doesn't have to be a literal death, it can be very metaphorical, some era coming to a close. And then there's the the excitement that comes with the start of a new era.
What does that mean? Well, like, for example, in the case of my wife, a Cancer rising, we just moved to Minnesota, and you know, in the process of selling our house back in Maryland, probably try to look for a new place here in Minnesota, her parents, you know, are splitting up, she was born in Minnesota, I was raised in Minnesota, so it was coming back home for us. So there's this weird way in which the Jupiter Saturn in the eighth of your cancer rising can be this, like this turnover, a big kind of generational shift that comes through through death. But there's also a theme here of a new foundation being established with new relationships, and, and so forth. You know, if we, if we buy a house will be a new loan. So that's very, all very eighth house stuff. So watch for those kinds of themes if you're a Cancer rising.
Now, last but not least, we have the the major square between Mars and Pluto in the 10th. To the seventh, this can mean that there are social and professional changes, or relational and professional changes that you're going through some big catharsis around marriage and relationships as well as you know, work in the world. So this kind of stuff coming up can mean that I've seen this come up, a lot of times when people are fired, or hired, sorry, I don't want to scare you all. But you know, change in jobs with, you know, anytime that a planet in the 10th squares Pluto in the seventh. But there can also be some new initiative, especially if it involves collaboration, for example, you know, one thing that my wife and I are in the process of working on that fits very well, we're starting to work more on the crossover between our herbal and astrological content. And there's been some things that we've been doing around that. So you'll often see Mars and Pluto work very well when it comes to initially initiating something, and it needs this big release of energy to get going. Right. That's good for Pluto and Mars. On the other hand, confrontation, hostility conflict, you know, I've learned long enough, you know, being married, obviously, this is one that I'm circling on my calendar being like, you know, let's make sure that we're extra diplomatic with each other if you feel tension coming up around this time, and I'd be the case, both in the workplace or potentially in marriages or intimate relationships if you're a cancer this month with Pluto and Mars squaring on the 23rd.
Okay, so that's our Cancer rising. So I'm going to put Leo on the ascendant, or we're going to run it back and do it over.
days, we're going around to the 14th. And we are now putting the solar eclipse in on the 14th in Sagittarius in the fifth house if you're a Leo rising. So the fifth house was traditionally called the joy of Venus and the house of good fortune. And it's basically associated with the kind of stuff you do, to have like, the kind of stuff that you would do to have a good time. I'm going to the movies, I'm going for a walk in the park, I'm going to, you know, put a slip and slide out in the yard or something like it's a place of pleasure. That's the gist of it. It's a place of pleasure and joy and fun and recreation, as a little bit of the sense of frivolousness to it or perhaps hedonism or over like over indulging in things as Venus can like that's Venus. This dark side is Oh, the pie looks so beautiful and tasty. I'll eat the whole thing. You know, so you always would be careful that Venus doesn't take us into just sort of carnal, voracious appetite to consume and enjoy. So that can always be that sort of edge to the fifth house gambling or drinking too much or something like that. But it's also romantic. It's sort of sexy and flirty. It's associated also with children and pregnancy and children in general. So solar eclipse in this house, are you getting pregnant or is, is a partner getting pregnant? This is also a place that can point to love affairs, are you are you getting involved in something that's really intense does it have a real life or substance behind it? Well, this month, it very well could if you're a Leo, because you're also going to have Jupiter and Saturn entering your seventh which we'll talk about in a minute.
The fifth house solar eclipse with the South node can also point to more escapist tendencies. So you have to be careful of that. The South node in Indian astrology is associated with the desire for other worldliness, whether it's meditation, maybe a little healthier, or it's you know, heroin, right? It can, it can be quite a spectrum that the South node can point two in terms of the desire to escape mundane life in the fifth house, that would mean pleasures that are otherworldly, or that might be rooted in the desire to escape. So you do want to be careful of that. But also, if you think about the joining of art, and culture to spirituality, or transcendence, that might be a really beautiful match too. So those are kinds of some of the themes that you may notice with the solar eclipse in the fifth now, your children, the life of your children, things happening in your children's lives, that could come up as well with a solar eclipse here.
Now, if we go forward to the 21st, here's why I think the potential for a romantic affair of some kind to turn into something a lot more serious is there for you, if you're a Leo rising, Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin introducing this new era in your life that has a long shelf life, we're talking about a 20 years cycle between Jupiter and Saturn. And the seed of that cycle is taking place in the seventh house of marriage, relationships. Again, it could be something very new, that's changing the story of your life with regard to something happening for a partner or in a partner's life. I've seen people have Saturn or Jupiter ingress into the seventh when a partner gets a raise or a partner retires or someone in a partner's family passes on. So it's really super diverse. But one thing to mention here is that it lasts a really long time. It has a long trajectory, you know, 20 years worth of development that's going to come as the outgrowth of this seeding period. And also, there's a sense of a new era in your life relationally or romantically, or sexually, I've seen people come out of the closet when either of these planets enter the seventh house, as is gay or trans, or whatever the case might be. So you think relational, sexual social change, social change in a larger sense. Also, again, sometimes Jupiter and Saturn in the seventh, a new mentor or a new teacher or a new class or something like that is going to enter your life. So I think that's quite powerful as well.
Now, let's go forward to the 23rd. When we have Mars, going through the square to Pluto, from the ninth to the sixth. One thing you have to be careful about if you're a Leo rising. This is a moment of testing your mettle in terms of something that you've been learning or something that's been percolating in your life spiritually, philosophically, since late June. I talked about this in a recent video, you know, my Leo risings have been going through a lot with that Mars retrograde in your ninth house of the higher mind of religion, beliefs, convictions, it's a big change happening there. And now there's a need to put that into action somehow. And there's going to be this big catharsis where you're either being tested or challenged, or the need to put faith or beliefs into action or practice is somehow going to become really important. You just got to be careful that you don't get zealous or don't get sort of aggressive in the way that you present your beliefs or actions, put your beliefs into action that that you don't become dominant or like a bully in some way fanatical or something like that. But watch for there to be a very strong theme about the the strength and potency of your beliefs and ideals. This month culminates a long process that you've been through since June around these topics.
Now for Virgo on the ascendant. So if you are a Virgo rising, let's see if I can push this forward to the 14th. Again, no, okay. So if you're a Virgo rising on the 14th, you're going to see the New Moon in Sagittarius in your fourth house. Very powerful place for eclipses. It's so big when they're in the angular houses, right. So all the mutable signs have the eclipses in the angular houses. A solar eclipse in the fourth house, the place traditionally associated with the Father, but also a place associated with land, roots, property, parents, ancestry, that it's the place that was also thought of as the foundation of your life, your home, your wealth, your the inherent resources that you have, that everything rests upon, and that that acts as a foundation for your well being or security in the world. Manillius, this ancient Roman poet talks about the fourth houses less showy, or flashy than the 10th house out in the world achievement, honour reputation, but more substantive, because the fourth house is buried, you can't see it, but it's what props the whole chart up, it was called also the eternal base, the eternal foundation of the chart. So you're talking about your roots, you're talking about the foundation of your life. And when there's a solar eclipse in this house, it means that there is a new foundation coming in, or there are very deep changes happening around the topic of your parents or family, family life, your private and interior life, or the things that support you and prop up your life which can pertain to things like wealth, or money or property or land. Things that give you that sense of having something to stand on a solar eclipse here can can be it's a new beginning, not without a little bit of potential difficulty or challenge that comes with it. Part of that we're gonna see when we the Jupiter Saturn dynamic, as well as the Pluto Mars dynamic, which are happening in a few difficult places in your chart. But I'm optimistic for you as a Virgo, because you do have, you know, on November 30, you just had an eclipse in your 10th house, some changes happening there potentially, in your career, your work in the world or your sense of direction in the world or purpose. And now it's touching in in the home space. So watch for those changes coming in now.
On the 21st we have the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in the sixth house. Now again, this house is associated with hard work, strife, sacrifice, sickness, disease, slavery, but also the things that we the things that we have to work really, really hard for and the work is worth it somehow because it's something that we believe in. The joy of Mars, the sixth house, Mars was a is a planet that is associated with some degree of I will lay down my life for this I care about it so much. And so the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in that house, I've seen people have this when they get into recovery as an alcoholic. I've seen people have not just Jupiter Saturn but either of those planets respectively entering the sixth, that there is some sense of I'm now I'm ready to do the hard work. And it's going to start a new era in your life to just square up and start doing something that maybe you've been procrastinating or not wanting to deal with. The worst thing I could see here would be if you've been avoiding something, now you're going to hit this period where it's like I can't avoid it anymore. Now I have to do the work. Now, what's interesting here is that the square that these two planets will create with Uranus in your ninth house suggests to me that there's two things going on your your mind is ready for a revolution, Uranus in the ninth, but there's still a lot of the idealism has to be put into action. There has to be tangible effort, discipline, sacrifice made to enact whatever high ideals are coming into your life right now or inspiring you. So that's another piece of this for Virgos that there's there's the need for a great work of magnum opus of some kind or some degree of pouring yourself into something like you've never done before in order for something to actually work out. And you can see this even just a little bit by virtue of the fact that as this is as this is coming through, we're also seeing in just two days later on the 23rd you're seeing Mars square Pluto, from the eighth to the fifth, a place a combination that can often speak to, like if you've been frivolous in any way if there's been a wasting of time a wasting of energy a wasting of your life in any way, there's going to be a bill that comes through with this transit, Mars in the eighth to Pluto in the fifth, suddenly your your loans are pulled or your there's some asset or resource that's taken away from you and now you have to do it on your own. That's the potential here. The other thing that can happen is that on the other hand, you can find some great a form of support that you know that sort of galvanises and, and and stirs you to greater it gives you an incentive somehow to work harder or to get going the eighth house Mars can be indicative of a form of support being taken away or conflict around some kind of collaboration like partners that will split ways or someone who will say I'm not going to support you anymore the government pulls its grant support or something like that. But there can also be this sense of let me join with you, let's fight on the same team. So watch for those extremes to come in. But you know, this is not a good time for Virgos this month to like burn bridges if your option is between having to do it entirely alone and getting some help but maybe with someone you have to make some compromises with I would suggest the compromises because yeah, the Jupiter Saturn in the six is just a strong sign of like a lot of like a like a labour that's to come in your life, something you're really going to pour yourself into or something that you know you're really inspired by, but you shouldn't do it alone. I think that doesn't work so well for for you this month if you try to go something entirely alone and kind of cut ties or burn bridges or get really self righteous about it in the process. Maybe one more thing that could come up here would be the sudden you know some the the crossover between the eighth and the six is a little disturbing. I won't lie to you if you're a Virgo. This can suggest like like death and endings and and catharsis that comes with something suddenly being terminated something being over. And that might be the incentive that we're talking about with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the sixth, that because something ends, I have to start over in a way that's going to require a lot of work and sacrifice. And suddenly I find myself in a difficult position because something unexpectedly comes to an end. Now, I think you'll get through it. So don't I don't ever want people to like despair. But if that is the case for you Just remember that this is this is a great work. And one beneficial thing about the sixth house is that these planets, by virtue of whole sign houses will connect positively to any Natal planets in your 10th house or your second house, which means the potential for productivity and work and finances will be there. But yeah, it's a new beginning that's going to require some sacrifice in the process. So that's what I've got for Virgos let me know how you're doing Virgos I felt like you were maybe the most difficult one on my list this month.
Now if you're a Libra rising, the solar eclipse is falling in your third house, a place that's associated with your immediate environment, the things that closely surround you. Like for example, if the fourth is your home, then it's things that are close to home neighbours siblings. I've often found that you know, action in the third house will mean that there's a lot of change happening in the world around you, which could include the places that are most familiar to you, changes happening in your neighbourhood. A sister's getting married a brother's having a baby, even the aunts and uncles and stuff like that. So maybe some action in the periphery around your home and family that's changing sometimes it has to do with transit or communication or technology I'm getting a new computer I'm establishing a new office space or maybe I'm gonna bike to work rather than drive my car. It's about the way that we navigate the everyday world or environment including potential technological changes. It also has to do sometimes with learning or teaching or writing or communicating some new form or style emerging in any of those areas. So those are things to watch for there. It's also about a change of mind or a change of how you speak or present yourself, for Libra rising, you know, tend to be more on the side of balance, err more on the side of that caution that is presented by the exaltation of Saturn in Libra. So there's a cautious and careful very balanced sort of symmetrical energy to Libras. You have a solar eclipse and Sagittarius in the third house, it's likely that you might become more outspoken about something or a little bit more willing to take a risk in terms of speaking and communicating things that you feel very passionately about.
Alright, so let's move forward now to the Jupiter Saturn conjunction on the 21st. So the Jupiter Saturn conjunction on the 21st if you're a Libra rising is happening in a fantastic place the fifth house of good fortune. I love this in terms of a new chapter with Jupiter Saturn, usually, we think of that we think of, you know, life direction, purpose we think about business and and the stuff that we're doing that's usually connected to like vocation or work in the world. And Jupiter, Saturn really fits in nicely with like the 10th house and stuff like that. But the fifth house can point to starting to prioritise joy, romance, beauty, happiness in a way that maybe you haven't before. I think Libras are pretty happy people overall being a child of Venus, but one thing that librans may struggle with is a little bit of indecision, and being good at harmonising. It's sometimes not as easy to figure out what makes me happy on a personal level. So you see a fifth house transit like this, and you think, okay, maybe Libra rising, people out there are going to get just clearer and more committed somehow to the path that will really make them happy, saying Okay, these are my ideals, very Aquarian thing, these are my ideals. These are my philosophical commitments. And somehow, by becoming clearer about them, we can become more joyful people. Sometimes that means limiting or narrowing our field of activities, or involvement to just those things that bring us greater joy or happiness or that are more creatively fulfilling or rewarding. So you could see this as the beginning of a creative a new creative era in your life, if you're a creative type. This is a great transit for getting pregnant just in terms of a new era in your life that comes with the news that you're pregnant or having a child or a new era in your life also with Jupiter and Saturn that might come by saying I'm having a procedure done to make sure I can't have kids anymore. So it could be any kind of new era in your life that it represents a big decision a big change is going to last a long time have a long term effect on your life and is somehow related to children or kids. I'm going to send them to this school we're moving to this school district I don't know if things like that would be possible as well.
Probably the other thing that comes to my mind here is again, how many times have I seen Saturn enter the fifth and a person decides to curb their spending stop the gamblings go to a get sober. You know, Jupiter, Saturn in the fifth can also be about people who have hedonistic tendencies suddenly becoming more mature and balanced in their expression of, you know, desire energy, give me this, I want to consume that Jupiter, Saturn comes in and says, Let's get on a new workout routine and limit our calories. And it lasts a long time, it's a great time to have some kind of healthy reform in terms of your relationship with pleasure. So last but not least, on the 23rd we have the square between Mars and Pluto. And this is between the seventh house of marriage and the fourth house of home and family. Now you've had that Mars in your seventh house since late June if you're a Libra rising. So there may have been there may be some challenges around relationships or partnerships. I've seen a lot of people in my practice over the past several months with Mars retrograde in the seventh going through relationship challenges, but they're coming to a head now whatever you've been working on since June, the final catharsis is here. And you'll feel it around the 23rd especially. That's a catharsis tying together, you know, the theme of Mars conflict, hostility, aggression, but also independence, individuality within the context of intimate relationships. And it's tying back into Hades, Pluto, this Lord of the underworld, death and rebirth in the house of home, family roots, etc. So, watch for those energies to come together around the 23rd.
All right, so let's go forward to Scorpio rising. I'm going to put Scorpio on the ascendant and we're going to walk this back to the 14th and we're going to take a look at the new moon solar eclipse in your second house. So this house is associated with resources, income and expenditures. In the ancient world, if you had an attorney, they would be your second house, you had a second in a duel, you know, it'd be your second house, the people who are close personal advisors or counsellors that are somehow act as an aid or helper would be the second house. also people who are somehow connected to us through, you know, business and money, finances, deals, we're trying to make things we're trying to sell or buy, changes in business launching a business. So all of those kinds of second house themes are on the table for you this month. A solar eclipse in this house with the South node could mean for example, I'm going to take a new position, it makes me happier, but it makes a little bit less money, South node could diminish something or represent letting go of something. But it's being done in order to start a new chapter in life overall, which I think will be overall positive for you.
Now, if we go forward to the 21st of the month, so watch for all manner of changes coming over the next six months around money, finances, resources, things like that. At the same time, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction comes in on the 21st in your fourth house. So the new era that we've been talking about is now happening around roots home family property. Again, it's very textbook but Jupiter, Saturn moving into the house, often into the fourth often coincide with death or births in the family, moving houses or buying property, sometimes parents or grandparents passing away, it's like a big turnover that's happening around your roots. Scorpios have, to me maybe the most clear cut of the transits of the month, except for the Mars Pluto, which we'll talk about in a second. But you know, money, finances, big changes and then also home family. That's where the focus of energy is, if you're a Scorpio. But the last transit of Mars, Pluto is a little bit trickier. So Mars is in your sixth. And this is your ruling planet, remember, and Pluto is in your third. Now, the sixth house, remember is a place that Mars loves the Mars rejoices in the sixth house, this is called the joy of Mars. When you're talking about Pluto in the third and Mars in the sixth, you're often talking about a certain level of chaos, or difficulty or hard work or labour that is somehow happening in the environment around you. I want to give you a little picture of this. So when I was living in New York City, and I was living in Harlem, literally outside of my window from my apartment, like maybe, I don't know, a couple hundred yards behind my apartment building, I could see it. There was a lot that was being demolished, and they had this, it must have been the size of a crane. And it was dropping this huge weight and like smashing old concrete on the ground, you know, and it would do it like, all day long, from like, eight in the morning to like four or five in the afternoon, and it was like rhythmic. And of course, you know, I had at that point in time, I had sixth house transits going on that were connecting to transits in the third. So I never forgot that just in terms of there being this kind of chaos around me in my environment that I was contending with. Another example, the sixth and the third that I had was one time, we redid the bathrooms and the kitchen in our house, and they were all being done simultaneously. And we were living out of a mini fridge. And the house was just complete chaos. I don't mean to be like, Oh, yeah, you know, have fun Scorpios you're gonna have this sucky month, but it's just a weird way in which the chaos around you is just, it's like, I can't, I can't get my centre and I'm trying to this month if you're a Scorpio rising because you got this Jupiter Saturn conjunction at the base of your chart, like, here's this new era, starting in my life, I'm trying to buy a new house or move into a new place or whatever. But it could be that as you're doing that, you know, you end up breaking a toe, you know, and having to go to the ER or just as you're doing that, you know, one of your sisters or brothers or something like that has a big crisis going on in their life. I just ran into some of this with Mars in my 12th house. Not very different. You know, everyone in my family kind of going totally bonkers. What was Mars doing? Mars is in the 12th squaring my Sun in the third. So, you know, again, anytime the third house is involved and you get Mars or difficult planets squaring from the sixth to the 12th, you've got to manage or deal with these different crazy circumstantial factors around you coming in and potentially, as thwarting what you're trying to do.
Now on the other hand, this can also speak to being really mentally quite passionate and intense right now. Mars in the sixth is like Muhammad Ali, he had the sun in the in the six, but in in Capricorn, the exaltation of Mars, and you just the fighter in you could be coming out. Now, when it hits Pluto in the third watch out for just suddenly, you know, you're out to coffee with a friend and they bring up something that you've been feeling pent up about for a while, and suddenly you you know, suddenly you take off your mask and throw your latte in their face. And I mean, I don't know, but you know, you have to be really careful - don't stab someone, you know what I mean. So on the other hand, don't be surprised if something sort of bursts if there's a burst or release of energy, which could be very positive and constructive. Especially if you've been working on something feeling a little pent up or blocked, and then suddenly, there's this big release of energy. That's very Mars, Pluto. Alright, so that kind of rounds it out for you if you're a Scorpio rising this month.
Now, we're going to put saj on the ascendant and we're going to go back. Lucky you, Sag, you have an eclipse in your home sign. People are always really freaked out about getting eclipses in their rising sign, you know, but it's not the world's worst thing. The lunar eclipses are usually a little bit more difficult than the solar eclipses because the lunar eclipses tend to point to endings, solar eclipses to beginnings. Beginnings. In your first house, the place where planets rise, an exceptional place already is pretty good. You're looking at some very personal new beginning that's happening in your life. You can track these back nine years, 18 years, they go in cycles, right, the eclipses do. A new beginning in your first house usually will coincide with starting something new, or changing something fundamental about yourself or your sense of purpose and direction in life, health problems can come up with eclipses in the first house can be a little bit rough on your health, but it's usually the health problems are coming up as a way of guiding you toward a new version of yourself. And if you get the message it can be these two just can be the greatest things in the world.
Whatever's coming up for you around solar eclipses in your first house, that's telling you how things are going to keep going down the line if you keep going the way you've been going. And so they're they're these really nice indicators, very clear omens of what needs to change. And oftentimes, people I've noticed people have no problem picking up on this stuff, if you're even a little self reflective. So if there are difficulties coming up, they're there for you not, you know, not not against you. Alright, so that's my, that's my Sagittarius eclipse in your in your home sign. Let's take this forward to the 21st where we're going to see the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, this is landing in your third house, a place that is associated with the mind. So Jupiter, Saturn in this house conjoining will probably coincide with things that you are taking a great interest in on the level of your mind of learning, teaching, communicating, writing, anything involving media or technology, we're not talking about a small little change, like oh, I get a new tablet, we're usually talking about something that is going to change the way that you interact with the world, on the level of your mind and intellect. If there's technological changes coming, it's going to be changes that deeply impact the trajectory of your life for the next 20 years. Also things that can happen involving siblings or something around you, something changing in your neighbourhood, something changing in the country that you live in, in terms of the sort of local strata of life. You could also see this in terms of people will often build their website, or they'll they'll put they'll they'll find a way of bringing their ideas or their voice into the world in some some really substantive way. I've got a new website, I've got a blog, I'm starting a YouTube channel, something like that. But also just a renaissance in terms of rebirth or a reawakening in terms of your mind and your intellect. I'm believing differently. The paradigm for me, mentally is changing. I'm starting to see people get involved in politics for the first time, or they may join some kind of organisation for the first time and they become absorbed in something that gives them a sense of purpose that they're, that you know, clarifying your ideals and how they're going to shape your everyday life, that that would all make sense for this transit.
Okay, if you go forward to the 23rd, we've got Mars, in Aries square Pluto, from the fifth to the second. You know, some of this can have a big bearing on finances, and on money and resources. I like this as a very good like a moment of breakthrough around money, finances, etc. I've seen for example, women decide I'm not going to go back to work, I'm going to, I'm going to take an extended maternity leave, or I'm going to leave my job and just be part time, I'm going to go to a part time job, or I'm going to become a full time mom or something like that. Or I'm going to go back to work after maternity leave, it could be something that's simple. My sister, for example, has this transit and you know, she'll be making choices about her maternity schedule, for sure. So, you know, fits with her. And I've seen that a lot over the years, because Pluto has obviously been in Capricorn for a long time. So this transit I've seen before. It can also pertain to, you know, again, the the more reckless side, I'm going to overspend money, I'm going to over drink or over consume and I don't care what anyone thinks. And then suddenly, it can have a big impact on you, you spend too much, you go into credit card debt. So you definitely want to be careful about the darker side of desire and consumption under this combination with the second and the fifth, but also a breakthrough around money or finances. But remember, the fifth house was called good fortune. And we always want the fifth house to be about creativity, which it is, but it also just has to do with random good things that happen to you. That's a part of the fifth house traditionally. So if Mars square Pluto sounds a little bit rough, the upside is that there could be some significant breakthrough here that leads to, you know, a windfall of some kind. This is also you know, for a lot of people this is, this is the transit where you realise you're pregnant and you go, holy shit, I wasn't ready for this. How am I going to handle this financially, I'm going to have to make really deep, big adult gotta put on my like adult pants and make really big decisions, you know, kind of feels very life or death. Those kinds of things come up frequently when you see planets in the fifth squaring Pluto in the second. So some different things to watch for.
Let's put Capricorn on the ascendant. All right, so if you are a Capricorn rising, we're talking about the new moon Eclipse on the 14th in your 12th house. Now, again, along with cancers, you get your Eclipse in a difficult house this month. What does that mean? Well, let me tell you the story of a client that I have as a Capricorn rising, who started getting the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius in the 12th, last June. So as soon as they got the lunar eclipse in the 12th house, and notice this connection, by the way, this is kind of interesting. But the Moon, and Sun conjoining, right, in an eclipse, you always pay attention to the Moon and its rulership in the chart, this is the seventh house Cancer in this case, this person ended up having their in laws having to come and live with them, in their house. And one of the unfortunate things about this is that they don't have in laws that they get along with so well. And so for them, the lunar eclipse there signalled this very difficult turning point with spouse and the lunar eclipse in June right? With spouse, notice the cancer rules the seventh in this case, and a spouse's parents coming to live with them and becoming this thorn in his side. There's a difficult thing that comes into your environment that is, is you know, potentially going to try to pull you off course, it's a distraction. It's something you do to yourself. It's self destructive in some way, or it's out of your control, but it comes in and it just makes you feel like you're dealing with a tempestuous energy. You have to go through it. The 12th house is associated with women. In labour before the child is born, they have to labour with something. There's this feeling of being in an in between world where you're having to deal with circumstances that are coming up. The thing to remember that helps us weather the storm of 12th. House transits is knowing that this too shall pass, this does not last forever. Even impermanence and spaces where we can't get grounded, they don't last forever, just as much as things that we think are going to last forever, that are very grounding or make us feel very secure, don't last forever. So too the bad stuff doesn't last forever. If we remember that and then also treat every misfortune or difficult circumstance that comes up as though it's like a visiting Angel. It has something to offer us It has something to give us, if we can try to keep that perspective, the 12th houses. It's like Gandalf who said, all who wander are not lost. Everything that comes up in the 12th house makes us feel like we're getting pulled off course or unexpected things are coming up and we're just sort of being tossed around by them. But if we see them as messages from our soul, as messages from the divine, and we trust that this too shall pass, these become places where we grow majorly, we become much more mature, much more patient, much more curious and less certain, you know that the curse of certainty can be a real problem, the curse of certainty can be taken away with eclipses in the 12th, which is a nice thing. It really is, it's nice to be free of the burden of certainty in life. Because when we live with it respect for uncertainty, it's harder for anything to really steal our happiness, because our happiness is rooted in a whole bunch of false confidence and stuff like that, we're actually, we're a lot weaker than we appear. Anyway. So that's supposed to be encouraging for you, Capricorns, who have who have the eclipse in the 12th. For example, my father also has Capricorn rising, he's got the eclipse in the 12th, he and his girlfriend just broke up, he's moving into a new place. He's a little bit in between, he's a little out of sorts, he's trying to figure himself out again, etc. It's very 12th house.
Alright, let's go to the 21st. On the 21st of December, you get a new era in your financial house. So the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in your second. I like this, maybe of all the placements for Jupiter Saturn, I feel like this is one of the best because you're talking about the potential for a very, very positive long term development happening financially. There's a turning point that happens here. If you've been down and out, maybe something new starts getting started for you, you have to work really hard, that's part of Saturn in the second. But Jupiter is there providing the rain, you know, to to get the project going the the abundance that that we need for things to be successful. Jupiter Saturn in the second can also point to launching a company or getting a new job or a new position or a new title or something like that. But it usually has this feeling behind it of like increased responsibilities. I've read so many charts with Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in Libra in the, you know, early like 1981 right around there. And when you see that combination in the second house, it's weird how people end up taking up this mantle of greater responsibility. Maybe they end up being the successor to a family business. Or maybe they start their own endeavour or enterprise or there's just this theme of needing to be really self reliant and innovative with regard to one's own personal finances. So great for a Capricorn because this is your ruling planet Saturn and it's still in its own rulership, a good sign. So hard work that pays off. improvement around money and finances, increased responsibility around money and finances. Those are some of the good things. You might be contending a little bit with the uranian impulse to sort of defy to be more reckless to be more creatively free or on prohibited. So the conservative and more eclectic, erratic energies between Saturn and Uranus will be battling a bit for you in the year ahead, but I think it goes well overall. For example, people could also start new investment strategies under this transit that would not be surprising at all to me for Capricorns to do that, but the question about whether to go more conservative or more eclectic, do I do a standard portfolio or do I you know, do I invest in Bitcoin or something like that?
Okay, so last but not least, we're going to take a look at the Mars Pluto energy now. This is forming between the first and the fourth home family property and the first house. This is not the time to become one of those get off my lawn, you know people, because the potential for there to be conflict around, you know, home, family, property with an aura of violence or conflict or hostility is there for you this month. So you do want to be cautious about those energies. Sometimes it's going to also translate into just dealing with anger and coming to terms with anger or frustration. And Capricorn is the sign that exalts Mars. So, don't you know, Capricorns are Saturn ruled, but the Capricorn energy is also very martial, with Pluto and Mars squaring from your first to fourth, there's just a theme this month around coming to terms with or coming to meet this foundational level of Mars energy in your life. How does it exist in your home? How does it exist in your family? How does anger frustration conflict will power authority? How did those things are you dealing with those realities in a healthy way in your life? Those are deep psychological questions this month for Capricorns.
We're going to put Aquarius on the ascendant almost coming down to the end. So let's run it back to the 14th. So on the 14th of the month, the new moon Eclipse in Sagittarius is happening in your 11th house. That's the place of friends, groups, communities, allies, wishes and hopes for the future. I love this eclipse for aquarians it's a really nice one in terms of, you know, new groups of people, new communities, new new friends, coming into your life, maybe not right away, sometimes it takes a few months to sort of play out. But it also could be that the people coming into your life are going to be a more spiritual nature South node. You have the South node as the signature of otherworldliness. The north node in Indian astrology a little bit more associated with worldly ambitions, an otherworldly set of friends, you don't want to hang out with you know, a group of friends who are otherworldly in the sense of say, doing drugs or trying to you know, escape reality in some unhealthy manner. But the idea that new people are coming into your life new allies are coming into your life and that these people are going to benefit you greatly is really powerful this month because the ruler of this eclipse Jupiter is about to change signs and where is that heading? If you're an Aquarius, you've got the energy of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in your first house so that solar eclipse in the 11th and friends groups communities etc allies ruled by Jupiter and then what is Jupiter do days later changes signs conjoins with your ruling planet Saturn in your whole sign first house. So another really auspicious Jupiter Saturn combination this month, if you're an Aquarius, this is a very powerful thing that's happening in your chart. Jupiter, Saturn, the beginning of an arrow last, you know, it lasts 20 years. And for you this in the most personal house of the whole chart. Usually you'll see exceptional things happening in the first house, you're starting something new, it's not just any old thing, it's gonna last a long time with Jupiter and Saturn. And it's not just any old thing. It's something that comes down to who am I? What do I feel my gifts, my talents, you know, my sense of life direction. And the need to double down on the things that you really care about my ideals very important for aquarians. What are my ideals? And how am I living them are enacting them in the world? During this time, Saturn in the first can be a little bit of a burden, the feeling of do I fit in? Where do I fit in? How do I fit in or not? The feeling of being you know, alien or outside are different somehow and the pain that's created up, you know the pain that comes with that. But also Jupiter in the first house will capitalise on that somehow, it'll say it's okay that you're different. Now, what are you going to do about it? Or how do you lead your life based on the fact that you're realising that you're different? Those are good problems to have I think. Because Jupiter will give you this sense of confidence that it's that there's something new to be concerned with here. And it's going to relate back in your case, to the changes the solar eclipse implies in the house of friends and groups and community and things like that. So I think this is I'd love to hear stories from aquarians this month of December and into January to hear how that's affecting you or if you are already seeing that at work. I'd love to hear you guys tell me stories.
Okay, so let's go forward just a little bit more to around the 23rd. And that's when we get Mars in the third square to Pluto in the 12th. Now, it's not without controversy, these changes that you're making because we've got Mars in the third house, squaring Pluto in the 12th. I would say there is a possibility of making changes out of the desire to be provocative. So watch for that kind of Rebel Without a Cause. If you have a cause being provocative might be good. And you might see this as a transit that empowers you to speak or speak truth to power as they say, or, or to make a change or to address something that needs to be addressed. And maybe there's a certain degree of courage and assertiveness that you need that you find this month, especially here around the 23rd. But if you're trying to make a change, and you're just trying to will it or ram it through, and there's this kind of reckless, defiant quality behind it, this could be very damaging to you. And you could create for yourself a lot of problems. So I feel like there's a kind of a test for Aquarius rising, you know, at the beginning of this, or the beginning of this new era in your life. How are you starting that era? Well, the way that we start things matters, it tones and shapes. It's like the way you plant a seed, the time of year you plant it at that kind of stuff really matters. So with Mars, Pluto, here, there's a there's a cathartic energy, it's more mentally intense, could be a little self destructive. You could be dealing with challenges in the environment around you again, that third house quality of things that just kind of come up and go like, Oh my god, there's, I'm competing with all these, you know, for the forces of strife, Mars in the third or Pluto in the 12th. But are they undermining you? You know, or are they enlightening you? And are you undermining yourself? You know, and be very aware of like petty conflicts with people this month if you're an Aquarius, because it can really steal something that's special for you this month. All right. So that's what I've got for aquarians.
Last but not least, we have Pisces, so we're going to put Pisces on the ascendant and we'll roll it back to the 14th. Alrighty, so here we're taking, again, angular houses for the eclipses if you're a mutable sign, very powerful. So the solar eclipses in your 10th House of career, you're thinking about a new beginning relative to the place of career, you're thinking about. Usually, there's like, you know, new jobs, new bosses, new organisations, new skills, new, you know, promotion, things like that. changing jobs, changing titles, changing your sense of purpose, direction professionally, those are the kinds of things that generally happen here, turnover in the workplace, the kind of death and rebirth theme with eclipses in general in the workplace. So those are things to watch for this month. One of the things that I find really interesting here, if you're a Pisces, is that you have maybe one of the most interesting Jupiter, Saturn conjunctions, because what we're doing on the 21st here is we're seeing Saturn and Jupiter combine in the 12th house and remember, Jupiter's the ruler of that Eclipse in the 10th. What does that mean? Okay, well, there's two basic interpretations that I would make. One is going to be that the change that you're seeing in the workplace, the Eclipse in the 10th, and then it's followed by its ruler, Jupiter conjoining, with Saturn in the 12th. So that would either mean that the changes at work are happening due to some kind of turbulence or chaos or difficult, you know, difficult weather, basically that are, that is going to create the change. So for example, let's say that you work at a company, and there's going to be changes in the management or the company is being bought out by someone else. And you're going to retain your job, but it's the beginning of the end. It's the beginning of the end, because the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the 12th house is now signifying a new era in your life that is going to come through the gradual erosion of the workplace that you've been in for a while, it's not going to happen overnight. But it's going to be kind of a long, slow burn where the landscape of your careers totally changing. It's kind of falling apart, very 12th house like, but the good news is that this will be leading to this very auspicious new chapter that you can't see coming yet. And that's how I would generally interpret this combination. That's part one. Now part two would be that the change at work that's happening is going to suddenly take on a 12th house dimension or characteristic or quality, working with people who are suffering, working with people who are ill working with people who are homeless or outcast or alienated, doing something charitable, working with people who are lost anything 12th house like working somehow off the grid, these are all like 12th house themes, working in hospitals or prisons or places where people go when they are falling apart. Something about your the change in work will take you out or away from the world in some way into a more liminal space. The 12th house was called metakosmios, a place between worlds. And the 12th house was called the joy of Saturn, a planet that tends to be very distant from the worlds The dimmest most distant planet. So it's also a possibility that something new is happening in your work or career, but it's going to be very 12th house oriented, I'm going to start serving people in a clinic somewhere or a shelter somewhere, something like that, maybe there's something very humanitarian, that's going to start happening. So it's either that the the changes in work, start taking on this really epic 12th house dimension, which will last for a very long time, or it's at the beginning of the end of something in your career is happening due to a level of change that's happening in your industry, or the organisation or some, the ideal or mission is changing somehow. And it's going to lead you to gradually part ways and begin a totally new chapter in your professional life. Those would be the two most confident interpretations that are also very general.
Last but not least, we have the Mars Pluto dynamic. And the Mars Pluto dynamic is happening across your second and 11th. So you're talking about money, resources, business and finance income and expenditures. And it's hitting Pluto in the 11th house of groups, friends, organisations, etc. There's a few different things that tend to come up between these two houses. One is going to be that you see changes happening in larger industries or organisations impact your money or your finances somehow, you're also going to see investments being made by people who have money to invest because something is changing in the world. Oh my gosh, everyone's bullish about Bitcoin. So I'm going to invest in that. There's the idea here is some kind of catharsis is being reached around money and finances for you. This is something that's been going on since late June, when Mars entered Aries, you went through the retrograde in your second house of money. Now Mars is going to hit Pluto this Lord have kind of death and rebirth is a powerful, cathartic moment around money and resources one way or another, probably tied into long term goals or dreams or ambitions, different changes happening within groups or industries in a larger broader sense. So watch for that around the 23rd.
All right, that takes us through all 12 signs. I am very happy to have gone through all this with you today. I thought it would be fun. Before I take questions I want to remind everybody that the I want to remind everyone about my Kickstarter, we have until New Years. If you enjoy my work if you enjoy these live casts, if you enjoy the different series that I make, please consider supporting my work. We are trying to get to 691 backers to break last year's record. We're closing in on 300 today. So we're almost halfway there already in a week, which is like record pace, it is awesome. Thank you guys for the support. Remember that when you donate, you can also pick up my first year, second year or horary online courses for half off the normal price or $400 off the early bird price. So it's it's a really good deal. And there's other gifts and rewards you can choose when you do it as well. So thank you guys so much for your support.Thank you all for tuning in today. I really appreciate all of you and we will see you again
Thank you so much for your educational and inspirational podcasts! Just wanted to share a funny story. I’m Aries rising, so the eclipses are in my 3rd and 9th houses. My husband and I have been talking about moving from our dilapidated rental house near the city to somewhere farther away where we can afford a house, because I’m able to work mostly remotely now. We were talking about the tradeoffs–we can buy a nice house out in his hometown (2-hour flight away), but I’ll have to travel about once a month for in-person meetings at work. On the day of the lunar eclipse in my 3rd, our landlord emailed and told us that he’s selling the house and we have 60 days to move out. Now we’re planning to buy a house in his hometown, which will mean more long-distance travel for me (9th house). I’m thinking we will find the right house around the time of the solar eclipse. 🙂