Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for July 2021.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at your rising sign horoscopes for the month of July 2021. I'm going to walk you through what the transits are, what dates they're happening for everybody, and then we'll start walking it through each individual sign. Now, given that there's kind of two different t squares going on this month, meaning three different planets in three different signs perfecting. That means that we have multiple house topics being activated at different times. So what I'm what I'm doing is throwing out a lot of different topics that can get activated when those houses are activated with these transits. The idea for you is if you're listening is to just listen and get your bearings. Okay, these different topics are being activated. And then you can see if you just think a little bit about the sort of karmic faultlines in your life right now you get a feeling for where those events are most likely to occur. So that's what we're doing. And as always, I love hearing your stories. I love hearing how these transits end up landing in your life. So, you know, feel free to to leave me your stories in the chat box. I always like hearing from you. Okay, so we're gonna go ahead and put the chart up on screen I'm going to walk you through the transits first, give you the dates, and then I'll walk through how they're applying for all 12 signs without repeating the dates every single time.
So here are the transits that are perfecting July 1, you're going to see Mars opposite Saturn. And then by the third you're going to see Mars square to Uranus. Okay, so the first and the third you get Mars opposite Saturn, Mars square Uranus. We're going to talk about that for all 12 signs. On the sixth, we're going to see Mercury's final square to Neptune, which I will only be talking about for the mutable signs because it will land in your Angular houses. Then on the sixth, especially the fixed signs, you fix signs out there fixed rising signs are getting a tonne of action this month, that would be Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Here's Venus opposing Saturn on July 6, and then you'll see Venus square to Uranus. On the eighth. Venus is square to Uranus on the eighth. And then the kind of a nice grand finale. You'll see Venus and Mars get together in a conjunction after all of this on the 13th kind of potentially bringing some resolution if there has been conflict in different areas of your life. So that's kind of good news for everybody. Especially I'll be talking about my Leo and Aquarius rising, but at any rate, finally on the 17th the sun will oppose Pluto. We're walking through about the 17th of the month. Now the reason I'm not going beyond that is because this is where the main action of the month is the transits beyond there are not as potent in my opinion. And I will be doing a few videos walking through the rising signs for example, when Jupiter returns to Aquarius by retrograde. So later in the month, I'll be doing some refresh on all 12 signs for people. So the first half of the month is really where the focus is at. And we're going to begin with Aries.
So if you're an Aries rising, these these transits are falling across three houses where you could see conflict and then eventual resolution by the 13th when Venus and Mars get together. Now the reason I say conflict first is both of these planets have to go through the opposition and square to Uranus and then they conjoin. You always want to focus on the place where the faster moving planets are located. Because as they're aspecting these slower moving planets, they tend to bring the action into the house that they're located in. So for Aries individuals this month, Venus and Mars are located in your fifth house. This is kind of like the anchor point. And the Venus Mars fifth house dynamic has a lot to do with romance, sexuality, children, pregnancy, as well as anything that brings joy, pleasure or happiness. For example, creativity, the arts, going out to restaurants for the first time or getting together with friends and you don't have to wear your masks or what you know, whatever the case might be. So or just, you know, working on a creative project or doing something that brings joy that's new and exciting. Well, when you see Mars and Venus going through these dynamics with Saturn and Uranus, the first thing that comes to my mind is what is blocking you from feeling good right now.
Whether it's in your relationships or your love life, or whether it's with your children, or whether it's some something to do With creative project that you're working on, just where is your joy feeling prohibited? Or where are you feeling inhibited? And how are you working through that this month, this strikes me as the most important thing for Aries individuals, Aries rising. Now, if you're looking at the opposition to Saturn in the 11th, part of the stresses coming from groups of people or organisations or friends, or social dynamics or allies, or you know, something about the social dimension of your life might be part of the challenge. At the same time, there's questions about money or finances, or the desire for change, growth, and a bit of a revolution around money and finances, anything to do with assets, resources, investments, that's going to be Uranus in the second. So pressures from the house of friends groups, allies, as kind of your social house, as well as the place of money, resources, finances, business, those are there's there's pressures coming in there from those areas that relate back to this house that has to do with pleasure, joy, fun, again, children, sex romance. And so that's kind of the conglomeration of energies that we're seeing whatever the tension is, the opportunity for some kind of synthesis or harmonisation is there by the 13th. Okay, so that's the, that's the T square energy in your succeedent houses 11, two, and five, with an emphasis on house five, which was traditionally called the joy of Venus in a house of pleasure. So anything related to joy, pleasure, happiness, whether it's sensual or creative, or, again, the topics of children and pregnancy, now, we're going to go through a few others. So on the sixth of the month, remember that there's also going to be an applying square between mercury and Neptune. In the midst of all of this, there could be some confusing communication patterns, or some unclear boundaries mentally or verbally, as well as you know, watching for non ordinary or very intuitive states of mind or consciousness to play a role in the first half of the month because of mercury going into the square to Neptune from the third house, which is a place of communication and mind. So watch for that in the midst of all of this. Then finally, on the 17th, we see the sun, moving through an opposition with Pluto from the fourth to the 10th. I like that as a real moment. Again, if we anchor the transiting planet down in the fourth, change, transformation growth relative to home and family or living environment or roots, but with some kind of connection to the career house. So I like that as a very powerful, very quick but powerful transit right around the 17th of the month. So that's if you're an Aries rising, that's how I'm seeing it play out. Alright, so let's move forward to Taurus rising.
Now, if you're a fixed sign this month, these transits that I've been talking about already throughout for Aries. And already, at the very beginning of the video, the series of T squares. If you're a fixed sign, like Taurus, or Leo or Scorpio or Aquarius, these energies are a lot more potent because they're falling into your Angular houses. So it's a really good idea to understand where the focus of that is. For you, right now, the focus is in the fourth house, which is home, family living environment. For example, I'm a Taurus rising. And this month we have a little bit of work being done here at our new house. And we're still you know, moving in and as you guys know, it takes a while to move in, but we have some fixer upper type of things that we're doing. Contractors that will be in and out, we're going to visit family, we have family coming into town to visit, it's my 40th birthday. So a lot of emphasis around home and family this month. Now, I know because I'm an astrologer that this means that there could be a little bit of tension. Why? Because there's going to be some stress coming from the workplace, for me simultaneously got Saturn opposing in the 10th. And the need to be free or to change or transform personally, physically, you know, that's going to be there as well. For example, some of you guys know, I shared that I just decided to start taking some jujitsu lessons this past week. And I'm of course, all jazzed about that right now. I'm really loving and it's really fun. And, you know, so the pressure to want to do that to exert myself physically to be involved in that, while there's also perhaps mounting pressures that you know, work, new classes starting, and a speaker series in July that I'm hosting. And then let's say stuff going on at home. So you can just kind of feel those three areas of pressure with a real the root of the emphasis is in the fourth house of home and family. So watch for that. That'd be a bit of a pressure cooker. But by the 13th, with Venus and Mars conjoining in the fourth, things should come together and there should be kind of a happy feeling in the air. Okay? Now, remember, on the sixth, we're gonna see Mercury's square to Neptune. Now on the sixth, that could mean that there is something happening around money or finances, with the emphasis of Mercury being in the second house, always look at that transiting planets location from the, to the slower moving planet. So changes around money or finances, it'd be an easy time to be deceived about something, or to work through something that you're having a hard time understanding of, it's been unclear. The reason for that is that mercury has been back and forth with Neptune. And by now perhaps Mercury is about to figure out something it's been working on for a while, or it's about to deal with something around finances or money, or something like that. So watch for some kind of shift around money and finances. But also be careful about boundaries around money, and especially the tension coming from the 11th house, which is a place of groups, friends, allies. So you know, business and friends, business and groups, money and in groups or friends, there could be some tension around those areas. Okay, so at any rate, and the last one is on the 17th, the sun opposite Pluto. Now, the sun's opposition to Pluto is across the ninth and the third. So I like this as a moment of philosophical or mental or intellectual transformation and understanding, maybe some kind of breakthrough in terms of communication with other people, and, or intellectually, or spiritually or philosophically, because these two houses, when you get real intense kind of plutonian transformation across them, they often result in paradigm changes. So I like this as a kind of a moment of mental or intellectual or spiritual breakthrough, middle of the month, and that's about the 17th.
Okay, so I'm going to push this forward now. And we're going to go to Gemini rising, the mutable signs rising this month, the mercury square, Neptune dynamic in particular, is really strong. So we're going to come back to that, we're going to spend a little bit of time on that, for sure. But the fixed energy is the storyline for everyone for the month. And the T square is happening from your third house. So you've got Venus and Mars in Leo, and your third working through opposition to Saturn and Uranus in the ninth and the 12th. When you have that Venus Mars dynamic in the third, it's a place of mind, it's a place of communication. It's a place that speaks to your daily environment every day. Kind of everyday hustle and bustle of the everyday environment, I like to say it's the common stuff that you that you do, the paths that you walk, or bike or buses that you take or the commuter path that you take, it's the common things that you do around the house, it's your neighbourhood, but it's also your mind, and it has a lot to do with the environment around you. So with Mars, Venus in the environment around you, there could be some kind of stresses or challenges this month. In terms of, you know, intellectual or philosophical or political or kind of ideological conflicts, that's because of the opposition to Saturn in the ninth. And I'll just highlight that. So you have pressure coming from Saturn in the ninth, which can be kind of like principled ideological conflicts, maybe they're going through them internally, but maybe they are infiltrating certain relationships, or they're just becoming really felt in the environment somehow. And then also you can have Uranus in the 12th house, and you know, Uranus in the 12th house, you could think of Uranus in the 12th house as provoking an kind of an unconscious revolution, it will bring things up like triggers and reactions that aren't totally conscious. And so you do have to be really careful of the potential for a little bit of you know, like a like an unconscious, it's almost like not knowing that there's a live wire somewhere. And and so that's going to tone things a little bit this month, and just to be careful of that, basically. So, those energies pressing in on Venus, Mars in the third can create an environment of mental stress, or just relational stress for the first part of the month all the way up until about the 13th. When Venus and Mars can join, at which point you should see things starting to harmonise or resolve themselves if there has been some aura of conflict. The next one is when we're looking at for all of the mutable signs around the sixth, Mercury square to Neptune. If you're Gemini rising this is your ruling planet, moving through a square with Neptune in your 10th House of career So I think a lot about you know, how is your mindset changing this month? How is your sense of core identity purpose direction changing or being questioned? Or called into question relative especially to the workplace, you've been going through this for a while the month of June was a big one for you in this regard because of the eclipse in your first house, and the square to Neptune. So yeah, like, just know that around July 6, Mercury square to Neptune could bring something to a head that's been boiling for like, um, you know, it's it's kind of been been trying to come out and express itself or get clear about something, maybe there's been some degree of confusion about something. But I like this idea of clarity and understanding things around personal sense of identity and purpose in relation to career could be quite a powerful moment right around the sixth. Now, finally, on the 17th, we have the sun moving through an opposition to Pluto across your second and eighth houses. That could be quite a powerful moment with regard to money and finances, either your own or other people's, those tend to be the financial houses to an eight. So I like this as a moment of, you know, deeper transformation around money, and perhaps the influence or role that money plays in marriage or relationships. Maybe there's investments or debts are being paid off, be careful about what kinds of things you get into or give away or take. Because, you know, sometimes it's Pluto, it's like we don't, we don't always know exactly we don't, we may not want exactly what we're being given, it may not turn out exactly as we want it to down the road. So it's just a little bit of a buyer beware, caveat emptor is out the phrases around this transit on the 17th. But I like this just as a powerful moment of transformation around money and finances, or around debts, obligations and burdens being transformed or lightened somehow, maybe new potentials for collaboration or something that's being offered or something like that. But at any rate that comes around the 17th. So that's what I've got for you Gemini this month. Let's move forward to Cancer.
Now, if you are a Cancer, arguably one of the biggest transits of the month is going to be that sun Pluto opposition on the 17th. So we're going to come back around to that. But let's talk about the T square, the T square has to have its bearing. So where is it, it's the second house, if you are a Cancer rising, and this is coming from the house of money and finances, this is the financial area of your life. And it could be experiencing some tension from the eighth house, the eighth house Saturn, as well as the 11th house Uranus. So if money, finances, assets, resources, possessions, if those things are being tested from the eighth house, it could mean that there are debts that are coming up or big payments to be made or big bills that are due or obligations that are kind of, you know, holding you back from things that you might want to do right now. Or it could be that dynamics around money and marriage or relationships are a little bit more stressful or tense. It could also be that the Venus Mars dynamic with Uranus in the 11th house is bringing up some some tension from the place of friends, groups and community. So how could those two areas to collectively be working on the financial house? Well, they could be making it tough to know what your priorities are right now. Where should I place my money? How should I make my money? Or you know, with regard to any kind of business and that the, you know, the direction that you want to take your business in? Or you How do I want to use my assets? What do I feel aligned with or not in terms of my values and how those translate into what I do, or how I make money or how I use my money. So those kinds of things could be a little bit tense. But I like this as a moment of harmonisation around the 13th when Venus conjoins Mars in your financial house. So if there's a little stress financially in the first part of the month, things will really come together and there'll be kind of like a, you know, a moment of harmonisation around money and finances and resources and so forth by the 13th. Now, there's also a Mercury square Neptune moment from the 12th house to the ninth house. Mercury will square Neptune on the sixth. Now from the 12th to the ninth. I like this as a moment of understanding unconscious things that are in the unconscious mercury in the 12th with Neptune in the ninth can often be you know, we're receiving insights from dreams or there's some kind of breakthrough in our understanding. Like I find that when I have transits across this access, if I'm reading or studying something, I'll suddenly start to understand things that have been hard to understand or a lot of things will start coming together in my mind. So my understanding will grow or expand or something will kind of come together, you know, Mercury Neptune across this house access, you also have to be careful for hidden or deceptive forms of communication, almost like self sabotaging. And also, you know, potentially some of the shadows around educational organisations or religious institutions, something like that. But generally speaking, I like this as a moment of starting to understand things that maybe not are not usually in your conscious understanding. It's a good combination for understanding what's in the unconscious or subconscious. Finally, for you Cancer risings out there, the biggest transit of the month, arguably is the sun opposite Pluto, on the 17th. That's across your first and seventh house. So I like that as a moment of real breakthrough in relationships. It's a tremendous moment of transformation across the house of identity, and self and body and the house of others. Interpersonal relationships, marriage. So there's a real powerful moment of catharsis, it's temporary. It's not like it's you know, but it depending on what's going on on your birth chart, that could be the trigger for a pretty big moment if you have planets in those signs and around those degrees, right about 24-25, Cancer and Capricorn, in particular, but at any rate, watch for a moment of catharsis and you know, around identity and relationships right around the 17th. Okay, so we're going to take it forward now to Leo rising.
Now, if you're a Leo rising, this is I would say you have the biggest horoscope of the month, hands down, because maybe aquariums a little bit too. But Venus and Saturn are anchoring the T square to excuse me, Venus and Mars are anchoring the T square to Saturn and Uranus from your first house. That's the house of identity of body of self. When you get the pressure coming from Saturn in the seventh, that means that there's challenges in relationships with other people or social challenges. And there's also challenges in the workplace. You can see Uranus from the 10th Saturn in the seventh. So stress and tension coming in from workplace you could say, and then from the relational sphere of your life, and they're coming in to the place that really has to do with my sense of identity, my core sense of purpose, my core sense of meaning and value, my physical body, my vitality and health. So there's potentially power struggles this month and real kind of like a crisis of identity or meaning or purpose. For Leos it'll be real intense, potentially up until about the 13th, then Venus and Mars come together, after they've gone through the gauntlet of Saturn and Uranus. And I think by then you should be feeling clear, well, maybe it's time to make important decisions, but maybe you've you by that time, you get a real clear sense of where you need to go based on what other people are, are asking for that you can or can't give or what work is demanding that you can or can't give, where do I want what am I feeling good about what am I not feeling good about. So you should feel good about where things are at again by the 13th when Venus and Mars come together now on the sixth we're gonna see the mercury Neptune dynamic across the 11th and the eighth makes me wonder about social contracts for you this month. What kinds of expectations have you placed on yourself or have other placed on you within groups or organisations or in your in kind of like different social settings in your life, whether they're professional or among friends or in a religious or academic setting or something like that, but mercury in the 11th Square, Neptune has been going on back and forth, all the month of June and now into July. And it makes me wonder about loyalties and about communication dynamics within groups of people and what kinds of things you may be getting entangled with, you want to be really careful Neptune in the eighth can suck you into other people's drama and make you somehow responsible for other people when you really shouldn't be. On the other hand, it can be a transit that suggests you know, getting getting aligned with some greater purpose or vision or community effort and using resources to putting resources towards some kind of larger vision. But even then, you would want to be careful about boundaries in particular with these, this this particular transit so watch for that around the sixth. And again, it could be combination of a process around these kinds of topics that have been going on since June. Okay, so last but not least, we also have the Sun opposite Pluto, and that's going to come in around the 17th. That's across your sixth and 12th houses. Now, I, I feel like you know that that energy in particular in the cadent houses 12 and six, sometimes you don't necessarily experience it so directly, like it'll be something around you or in your family or, you know, like, of course for everybody this month, the sun Pluto can be a very powerful moment for in terms of fathers and the karma of fathers and dads and things like that, or authority figures. But this moment could be one where questions about your personal What are your personal blind spots, this is your ruling planet, the sun is a Leo. And the sun in the 12th is kind of like a blind spot. So it's getting triggered by Pluto in the sixth. So I'd be careful of like what you're getting emotionally triggered by Around this time, and also how you're dealing with or relating to authority figures or with your own authority or ego. This could be a moment that is a little bit more challenging for your ego or looking at blind spots. That's right around the 17th. Okay, so that's what I've got this month for Leo risings, we're going to move this forward to Virgo risings.
Now, if you're a Virgo rising, the T square energy is being anchored by Venus and Mars in your 12th house. And then you've got the connection to Uranus in the ninth and Saturn in the sixth. Now, if you're a Virgo, this has a lot to do with, again, the 12th house things that you don't necessarily see, the 12th house was considered a blind spot to the first house which is the house of the native. So the 12th house you could say is like the the native or individual's blind spot, that could be your own demons, it could be people that are sneaking up on you somehow or situations that are sneaking up on you things that are in the unconscious or subconscious. So you have to be real careful this month with Venus and Mars there, especially around things like sexuality relationships of all kinds, and how those relationships might be, you know, sabotaging you, or you might be self sabotaging yourself, or looking at what kinds of relationships are healthy for you and which are not looking at, you know, the social dynamics of your life. You know, this could be a time where you're dealing with harder stuff in relationships, in particular conflicts, power struggles, not feeling loved or liked, issues around loyalty. And then simultaneously, the Uranus square in the ninth house could have some bearing on like, the place of education of religious group, religious or spiritual values, and things like that. So Uranus in the ninth could be speaking to, you know, something this month that is there like your ideals or values or somehow if the forefront of challenges in relationships and also questions that have to do with where your loyalties lie. So that's what I would be looking at for Virgos. But for my Virgo risings, I would really love to hear from you guys, because you guys have a really big month this month. So if you're a Virgo rising, please, you know, come back, write write a note and tell me how some of these transits went and what you saw. I always like hearing from people now, the this is the big one for you. If you're if you're Virgo to have your mutable sign, Mercury square to Neptune, the mercury square to Neptune is going to happen around the sixth that's happening from your career house to the house of relationships. Now Mercury, Neptune can create some confusion, potential lack of clarity or, you know, you really want to be careful of things like gossip or you know, kind of deception at both at work or possibly in relationships. Also, this is a transit that has been going on for a while like the month of June was sort of punctuated by an eclipse in your career house mercury retrograde in your career house. So maybe sort of one last moment of adjustment or change, you're shifting from the career house mercury in the career house. But hitting Neptune in the seventh house is questions about relationships and communication and relationships that seem to be at the forefront of this dynamic. So watch for some overlap between the house of marriage and relationships, the house of worker profession writer on the sixth. Now, this T square energy that I had mentioned with Mars and Venus, by the way, watch for resolution around some of those challenges or conflicts by the 13th. That's when Venus and Mars will come join and you should be feeling a little bit better by then. So just as a side note, finally the sun will oppose Pluto On the 17th, from the 11th house, to the fifth house, with the sun moving through the 11th, as the anchor of this transit, I like this as a moment of greater change socially or within groups. So it's cancerian. So, you know, emotional bonds with people and communities or groups are being changed or transformed somehow for you right around the 17th. So you could watch for those transits of the month. I'd love to hear from my Virgos in particular this month, because, you know, not only have you just had eclipses, now you've got mercury coming back through the square to Neptune, you've got your Venus mercury stuff going on in the 12th. I'd love to hear some stories and hear what it ends up, you know, feeling like for you guys.
Alright, so for my Libras if you're a Libra rising, we are anchoring this T square energy, the first part of the month with Venus and Mars in the 11th house, which is the place of groups and communities, friends, allies, benefactors, anyone, or anything that serves as a resource that is conducive to your ambitions in the world in your career, those are 11th house things. So the 11th house pretty good, it's what's called the joy of Jupiter. And Jupiter is a planet of abundance. So really, like Libra rising, you know, the energy for Libra rising this month feels really good. However, the challenges are coming from Saturn in the fifth, and Uranus in the eighth. So where will the pressures be because of this T square dynamic, you're going to get it from the fifth house, which is a place of personal joy, happiness, pleasure, sexuality, creativity, the eighth house, which has to do with debts or obligations to other people, or that other people have to us. Uranus in the eighth tends to want to break free of such debts or bondage, it wants to rewrite the kinds of social karmic contracts that we have, it wants to get rid of debts wants to be independent, right? Then you have Saturn from the fifth, which tends to be a little bit of a joy killer. This is interesting, it makes me think that there's a new there's a desire for something new socially in your life if you're a Libra, but you're having to work through what gives you pleasure, and what doesn't, and what do you want to be bonded to and what don't you want to be bonded to, and that'll resolve itself by the 13th, that kind of such that those pressures around who and what you like or want or desire in terms of friends, groups, social environment, and what gives you joy or happiness and what you want to be free of or bonded to. And what you don't want to be, those are, again, Venus and Mars can join after going through this by the 13th. Now, then we have the mercury Neptune dynamic, it's gonna get a little philosophical for you, mercury in the ninth, the higher mind questioning learning Institutes of, you know, like higher learning and education come into focus Neptune in the six the place of conflict. So maybe there's some a little bit of like, working through, you know, ideological differences, philosophical differences, but trying to do so in a way that is recognising of diversity or differences, trying to unify divergent opinions, but trying to do so carefully, not just deceptively, or not just trying to, you know, passively smooth something over, that will be a problem later, if you don't address it carefully. Now, those are some of the things that I see for Libras right around the sixth, then we can go to the 17th, you're going to see the sun, opposite Pluto, now the sun is in the 10th. That's the anchor point. So what does that mean that transformation comes into career house, but it's being fueled by the subterranean impulses and powers down in the house of home and family or living environment or ancestry routes. So but there's changed there in the professional house a loop of questions about your emotional dynamism in the career place right around the 7/17 of the month, just watch for kind of a powerful surge of transformative energy in the career house right around the 17th.
Okay, so we're gonna push it forward to Scorpio on the ascendant. Now, if you're a Scorpio rising, where's the anchor of this T square for the fixed signs, the big stuff this month, maybe Scorpio, arguably another one of the really big ones, Venus Mars, going through the gauntlet of the T square from the 10th house of career that means the anchor point is your focal point is your career house. So when you see Venus and Mars trying to come together and career they're trying to bring harmony to the career place, they will by the 13th. But first they have to go through pressures coming from Saturn in the fourth house of home family, living environment, and then Uranus in the house of relationships or marriage or more like important interpersonal dynamics. So those stresses are going to come through all the way up until about the eighth. Then by the 13th, you'll see the harmonisation of Venus and Mars in the career house. So, you know, don't be surprised if if you're moving in the right direction professionally right now, but there are some tensions that have to be worked Through and some challenges coming in from both relationships and family simultaneously. So, you know, I don't think it's two weeks, you know, so it's not the end of the world, but it's a very powerful one for Scorpio risings. Now, let's look at mercury square to Neptune. When you look at mercury square to Neptune, you can see that Mercury is going to be making the square from the eighth house. So that's, again, that's going to be our anchor point, the eighth house is going to be what we owe other people or what other people owe us, you can think about that very broadly, it could be money, it could be karmic debts. So when mercury goes through the square to Neptune, you have to be careful that you're not drinking the Kool Aid, like someone's offering you something that's glittery, looks really good. But maybe it comes with a price tag. It's like if someone's offering you a cocktail looks really good. But if you're someone who has a quick time getting, you know, gets addicted to things quickly say no, right? So it's that kind of thing. Mercury to Neptune, in the fifth place of pleasure, could be offering some kind of entanglement with other people. That's essentially, what do you want to call it the alluring? But is it worth it be really discerning about that. On the other hand, I could see this being a moment of sharing something with someone else that's then thought through really well and carefully over the last month or so, because we had a Mercury Retrograde that has gone through the square to Neptune a few times already. So maybe you're finally figuring something out about what is the right, kind of what are the right kind of boundaries that I should have? What's the right kind of sharing that I should have with someone or not? What's the right kind of pleasure or joy or happiness? And how can it be shared but without losing myself? So those kinds of questions, for sure. peeking right around the sixth, the finally the sun, opposite Pluto, across your third and ninth, with the sun as the focal point in the ninth place of higher the higher mind, the place of religion, spirituality, I like there being some kind of philosophical, spiritual transformation. Right, right around the 17th of the month watch for kind of like a intellectual or spiritual breakthrough, a moment of teaching or being taught something. So we'll watch for that. Now, that's Scorpio, let's move forward to Sagittarius.
So if you're a Sagittarius, the T square energy comes through the the ninth, third and sixth house axis with the focal point being Venus and Mars in the ninth house. Now you've just had eclipses across your first and seventh house, we've got to talk about mercury in Neptune in the seventh, that's probably maybe the biggest transit of the month for massages. But these, these t squares are very potent. And there's such a focus with Venus and Mars in your ninth house. place that was associated with the pursuit of truth, whether you're a physicist or a mystic, I like to say, so whether it's science or whether it's yoga, or whether you know, it's some Eastern philosophy or just plain, studying something that you're really fascinated by, and maybe, I don't know, some, maybe someone's getting into my daughter right now is studying learning about the water cycle, right? It doesn't necessarily have to be like the world's biggest thing. She's like a little science camp.
So at any rate, a focus on the higher mind, learning, education, spirituality beliefs. The ninth house ultimately is about what kinds of things guide us along from an ideological or philosophical standpoint, a conceptual or belief oriented place that guide our actions in life or that guide our path. Venus and Mars could bring in relational dynamics in their romance, marriage, love sexuality. So maybe a conversation around both of those things at the same time, or the presence of beliefs within the context of key relationships. whatever the case might be, those two planets are coming together in the ninth house, but first they have to work through challenges from Saturn and Uranus, Saturn in the third place, which could be you know, like mental rigidity, or it could be just a sign of potential conflict or challenges in communicating or talking to people about things that you believe in or, you know, so maybe some mental intellectual blockage, blockages that you're working through in yourself or with others, and then Uranus in the six that wants to be free from conflicts really quickly, or that wants to break away from people or things that you find ideologically restrictive or, you know, it's it's a it's the moment where you raise your hand in class and you go, I disagree with that. Or it's the moment where you go, that's what I really like, and I need to reorient something in my life and be free of this thing over here so that I can focus more on this thing that I'm now clear is really good for me or is what I'm aligned with. So I like this as As a moment of really finding what makes you kind of finding your your due north on your, you know your your intellectual or spiritual compass, but needing to work through some relational challenges as you get there. And some, some pressures or tension, don't work through it to quickly like Be patient, because by the 13th, things will take care of themselves. So don't feel like you need to press the gas pedal on all of this, especially the first to the eighth. Okay, now, on the sixth, this is a big one, Mercury has been retrograde in your seventh house, you had a solar eclipse in your seventh house, that's the place of relationships in love. Mercury is squaring Neptune one final time. And mercury square to Neptune between the seventh house focuses, excuse me is on relationships. But the there's pressure coming in from Neptune in the fourth house, which means I'm being called to maybe you one of the things that I would watch for would be losing yourself in in the needs or demands or obligations or expectations of family members, or spouses or partners or their families. So just some potential for loss of clarity or boundaries between the house of marriage in the house of family or home, right around the sixth, or possibly coming to some realisation that's been developing for a while because again, you've had this exact same transit last month, and it's you've had it a few times now. So changes in relationships have been a big deal for saj risings. And now there's but there's a communication from the seventh house of marriage and relationships to the fourth house of home and family watch for that to kind of finalise something kind of reaching its peak or culmination right around the sixth. Okay, so the last transit is sun opposite Pluto. Now sun opposite Pluto is going to happen across the second and the eighth, with the sun being in the eighth. This is why I think this is so interesting for sad risings that that sun and cancer in the eighth house really feels when it opposes Pluto in the second, like, there's something that needs to be released like a debt or a bondage of some kind that's being released or let go of, sometimes it's going to actually result in you know, the death of like an ageing or you know, an elderly family member, someone who's ready to pass not someone that would be like, I don't think you know, usually I don't see things that are like just out of the blue and tragic, right. But that house, the eighth house of, of, you know, the cancer sun in the eighth house opposite Pluto in the second. It's like, you know, the inheritance after someone passes or the potential release from some kind of emotional bond bondage that's ancestral or has like family roots, some kind of transformation around family bonds and karma this month seem really apparent to me for saj rising, so watch for that peak of transformative energy around family debts, bonds, emotional obligations to other people, you know, some kind of catharsis right around the 17th. Okay, so those are my transits for saj risings. Now, we're going to go forward to Capricorn rising.
Now the T square energy if you are a Capricorn, is the focal point is going to be Venus and Mars in the eighth. It's going to oppose Saturn in the second and you've got the T squaring from Uranus in the fifth. Now the focal point for you as Capricorn rising Venus and Mars in the eighth. Something is something is trying to be like an agreement is trying to be reached or some kind of harmonisation of resources is trying to be established. Venus and Mars in the eighth is a great sign for people trying to make agreements, or to make important investments or for other people's resources to kind of come into your life in a in a positive way. But there are challenges coming in with regard to your own finances or your own need for independence, kind of like if you were marrying someone and you have to figure out how are we going to do joint finances, there might be some struggles in negotiating things around money or finances a little bit. And there also maybe, you know, Uranus in the fifth really likes to have creative independence and creative freedom. Mars and Venus in the eighth is like signing a contract to collaborate with someone. So you know, you might be working out questions about freedom, independence, agency autonomy, self sufficiency, versus something that's something that's trying to alchemize in a place that's really about collaboration of resources. So watch for that to get sorted out by the 13th. But do expect that there might be some challenges or stress around it, you know, for the first like eight days of the month. Now, we also see Mercury's square to Neptune across the third and the sixth, I would watch for fuzzy communication unclear or potentially deceptive communication, right around the sixth, but also just lack of boundaries. Be really careful of that. Be careful of things kind of falling apart or even problems with like technology or wording or languages, language barriers, some challenges around that, but also some need to heal or mend things that have been broken or falling apart, like finally coming to some resolution after a lot of technical glitches, a lot of misunderstandings, so potential for some healing communication as well. And finally, we have for Capricorn risings, just like cancers, it's a big one with the sun opposite Pluto on the 17th that's forming, coming the focal point of the sun in the seventh house. It's coming from the house of relationships and marriage. So watch for a moment of catharsis or emotional dynamism around the 17th, centred in the house of marriage and relationships could be you know, something happening, if you're not in a relationship happening in your family or around you or in important friendships. The karma around dad in particular is quite strong at this point, I think for Capricorns. But a moment of emotional catharsis around key relationships or family dynamics and things like that family relationships. Also, I like this as the potential for a spouse or partner to go through some kind of important change, maybe it doesn't really even have anything to do with you. But it's centred on a partner somehow. So watch for that. So those are my key transits if you're a Cap rising.
Now, if you're an Aquarius, rising again, one of these fixed signs that the this is along with Leo, to me the most powerful horoscope of the month, because of the focal point of the T square. Now the Venus Mars dynamic is trying to come together in your seventh house of marriage and relationships. So that's the focal point is really a relationships for you this month, harmonisation by the 13th. But before that, there's some struggles struggle with yourself, your own need to be independent, or your the potential for you to remain a part or separate or other are questions about whether you belong or not questions about loyalty questions about commitment, questions about distance or questions about whether or not you fit in something or not. So kind of an existential moment relative to relationships for aquarians this month, and then the the need for revolution at the roots in terms of living environment, we're in terms of moving or the you know, dynamics around home and family, so that the need for kind of a revolution at the roots with Uranus usually means I need a different kind of living environment or I'm ready for a different kind of living environment. Sometimes that's trying to transit could mean that we're working through some tensions as we're moving in together, or we're thinking about moving in or buying some property together, or whatever the case might be. By the 13th, Venus and Mars will bring some kind of harmony into the relationship sphere, but not before some of the challenges from these other areas I'm mentioning. So we can also look at Mercury's square to Neptune this month from the fifth house to the second of the focal point is going to be mercury in the fifth. And when mercury in the fifth is the focal point, those questions about creativity, pleasure joy, recreation, children romance, it's that it was called the house of Venus, traditionally, the fifth was. And so Mercury's square to Neptune is bringing up those topics but in relationship to money or finances or assets or resources. So watch for that to peak right around the six. There's a little bit of a backstory here, you should be used to these topics by now since they were very present in June as well. Then finally, on the 17th, we're seeing the Pluto sun dynamic across the sixth and the 12th. Now that dynamic again, it's it's I mentioned this in, I believe it was the Leo risings horoscope, that the when you have the, the focal point, let me say that really quick, the focal point is the sun in the sixth, when you have transits like this across the cadent houses. It's sometimes like an environmental thing. Like it's not necessarily something that you'll feel or notice as personally, but at any rate, the sun in the sixth can have can point to, you know, the six was called the joy of Mars and it can be a place of physical or mental conflict, or competition, or even physical work or transformation, like people who are like, you know, hard workers or like to, or like athletes or soldiers, as well as the potential for kind of like, intense conflict or frustrations and difficulties. That's what Mars stuff is. So the sun in cancer is a very emotional, it's very emotionally dynamic planet when it hits Pluto in the 12th. So I look for some kind of upheaval moment of like a mini crisis that has to be dealt With right around the 17th, but that may be very healing or releasing of pent up energies for you if you're an Aquarius. I think it'll probably be very healing considering it's coming right off from that Venus Mars conjunction in your seventh house of relationships. Maybe the catharsis in relationships this month leads you to need to take some other kinds of action or there's some second step that you have to take to really clear things. So that's the sun opposite Pluto right around the 17th. Okay, last but not least, as always our Pisces rising.
The focalization of the T square is with Venus and Mars in your sixth. Now, the sixth place as I was saying, for my last sign, Aquarius that's the place that was associated with Mars, the sixth was called the joy of Mars. And it has to do with sort of slaving hard work drudgery, but also kind of sacrificial things, hard working things labouring things, like a soldier who gives their life in battle, or, you know, an athlete who trains so hard, you know, sacrifices a lot to get to their goal. So it's very Mars the house. So Venus Mars coming together in that house, I like the idea of there being eventual resolution by the 13th of this month, where there has been conflict or frustration, or some kind of hard work really paying off right around the 13th. But until then, it's a bit of a pressure cooker, Saturn in the 12th, dealing with deep unconscious resistances to change or dealing with things that are tough physically or mentally. And then Uranus in the third that also the, the need to kind of break free of old mental patterns. So for pisceans this month, it feels really existential. And I asked for feedback from my Virgos and I want the same for my pisceans this month, because to me, this is one of the most interesting ones. And when I see really interesting stuff, you know, that I've never seen before it I learned the most when I make sure that I ask people to like, tell me what you end up experiencing. So yeah, to me, this is a moment though of like, frustration and kind of pent up blockages getting released, physically, mentally, emotionally, and maybe within the context of key relationships in your life by the 13th of the month. Okay, now, again, if you're a mutable sign, Mercury square to Neptune, this is going to be a big deal, too. This is on the sixth. Mercury is the focal point is in your fourth house of home family living environment. It's squaring Neptune in the first house of identity, physical body health. So, you know, is there? Is there something Are you trying to clarify I mean, when Neptune's been in your first house for a long time, right, and Jupiter's in your first house right now, too. So there's an emphasis on self body health, personal direction, it's very existential for pisceans. Right now, in the first house, a lot of opportunities growing for you. But it's in this kind of dialogue with the living environment in your life for the family or home karma. So watch for that to be a dynamic once again, as it was in June right around the sixth. Now, finally, the sun will be opposite Pluto, by the 17th.
Now the sun is the focal point in the fifth house, I have to say for my pisceans I'm wondering if some of my piscean people out there aren't getting pregnant this month, or just recently got pregnant, because you've got the sun in a water sign like cancer in the fifth house of pregnancy and children. It's getting this big catharsis from Pluto in the 11th, which will often come when, like a woman for example, or man or whatever, are like anyone is trying to prepare themselves for a big social shift in terms of how they're seen and, and how they relate to the world. Like I'm becoming a parent, that's going to totally change my soul, the social dynamics of my life. Um, I also like this as a moment of reorienting your social life, because of things that are happening with your kids. For example, once you have kids, in my experience, it's a lot easier to hang out with other people that have kids. It's, it's just, it's like, it becomes a little bit more challenging when people don't have kids to develop like a bond. There's exceptions to that, of course, like my thinking of some of my best friends, you know, don't have kids and like they're like, you know, an uncle or something like that, that comes over. But the point being that the social reality of your life could change in relationship to things involving pregnancy, children or family right now. The other thing that could be you could be looking at with the sun is the focal point. And the fifth would be questions about what's really bringing you emotional security and pleasure and happiness, and what might need to and how that's changing in what I tried to say, you know, the fifth house son in cancer is like what brings me a sense of peace, security, joy, happiness and safety. Good. Think about it like that. Satisfied Action emotionally. Now the catharsis with Pluto in the 11th that might be involving or simultaneously tied into groups, social scenes that I'm a part of. So some connection there may be between what brings joy or happiness and security and what kind of groups you're with or shouldn't be with or need to be with but aren't yet something like that watch for pretty dynamic moment of change around the 17th with regard to these topics.
So that is what I have got for everyone, this month, all 12 signs. I would love to hear from you guys, in terms of how you are already experiencing this. Remember that these transits peak in the next week. So I mean, the next couple of days, some of them are coming through right away. So for a lot of us, these should be pretty immediate, you should be able to recognise some of these topics pretty immediately. But if there are other topics in the houses that I didn't cover, it's kind of hard to go through all of them because these houses are like, you know, very multi dimensional. So it's super hard without a birth chart, doing it for lots of people to quite quickly summarise things. But if there's topics activated by these transits that I haven't mentioned, I'd also love to hear from some of you who know a bit about the houses how you're also seeing some of these transits occur in your own chart and so forth. Especially my Virgos and Pisces. I really want to hear your stories this month. We will have more content ahead this week. I hope you guys have already taken a look at the July overview as well. And we'll talk again soon. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
So I follow your posts pretty frequently especially the monthly horoscopes. Which I appreciate you posting. I’m a pisces. And it’s wild because just got a promotion mid April to a position I didn’t necessarily want but felt obligated to take to keep our work going. Our boss who we really lived left and asked me to take over. I work for a nonprofit organization. It’s been overwhelming challenging tiring… and we just are finishing up a super intense period where multiple deadlines were completed on project after project. Incidentally I got sick from all that stress and workload but finally starting to feel better… so first post on your page. I don’t normally but I don’t know thought I would just do it… and that’s how I feel what is happening astrologically has been spot on!!!