Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for June 2021.
Hi everyone. This is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Today I am live streaming the overview of June for all my sun and rising signs out there. So we're going to take the major transits of June through all 12 signs of the zodiac. We'll go Aries all the way through Pisces. And there's a lot to look at this month I got four major transits that we're going to look at for all 12 signs through the Zodiac. I recommend looking at your rising sign, because that's going to match up with the whole sign configuration of your birth chart, which is what ancient astrologers use. It's what I teach. It's what I work with in my practice. It's a really nice way because of doing your monthly horoscope because the transits are going to sync up with exactly where the planets are in your birth chart at the moment, if you use your sun sign, you're artificially taking the sign of the sun in your chart, whatever house that might be located in and you're putting that as the first house. So while it seems to have you know, it seems to work but I just I always prefer having the configuration with my actual birth chart. So I would I would recommend going with your rising sign. Anyway, so that being said, What are the transits of the month that I'm going to be looking at today?
I'm going to look at Mars and Venus opposite Pluto this month. Those are two big transits happening in June. We're going to take a look at the solar eclipse in Gemini which is happening in June and we're going to take a look at Saturn square Uranus which is happening in June so four transits overall kind of putting Mars and Venus opposite Pluto together as one transit. And then the Solar Eclipse and Saturn square Uranus. It's a huge much I think it's probably the biggest month of the year astrologically you could make the case for that. So yeah, it's a it's a big one I just finished recording this morning my overview for June in terms of breaking down this about 10 transits that I break down in that video which you'll be able to watch tomorrow. So that one will that one will debut tomorrow and you can you can see the month of June is packed. I'm just hitting the height the big the obvious, like big transits, but there's a lot more to look at this month, so it'll be a good month for, for astrology nerds, there'll be a lot to talk about. Okay, so before I dive in, you guys know that I'm in the midst of promoting my programmes right now. So I'm just going to do a little bit of promo for my upcoming class and then we'll dive right into the signs. My new class ancient astrology for the modern mystic begins on June 13, just about two weeks away I know a lot of you guys have been sending me messages you're really excited. Our orientation package goes out by the end of this week. So for people who have already signed up who are emailing saying, Hey, you know when do I get all the information, you'll be fully hooked in plugged into the classroom portal, getting all of your, you know, your class syllabus and schedule, suggestions that we have for preparing for class. You'll be getting that by the end of this week. So It's looking like it's going to be a great group of people from all over the world taking the class. You can go to my my website, nightlight click on the first year course, when you scroll down, you can learn everything that there is to know about the course. But a few things that aren't included that I should mention, because there's a few updates we still need to do on the website. We now have breakout study sessions to give people more personalised tutoring in between sessions, our classes have gotten big. A lot of people in the classes are remote they're studying on their own, not necessarily coming to the live webinars. And so we've just done more to try and make sure that personalised tutoring is available for people, people can ask all the questions that they need to or want to. So I've got a staff full of my best students who are now helping me manage our chat forum who are hosting breakout study and tutoring sessions. You can contact me throughout the year with questions. And I've got a staff of people, including myself, who will try to answer questions, if they're basic, my staff answers them. If they're more, you know, complex, or people specifically want me to talk about something, maybe something more philosophical or spiritual or something like that, then I handle those questions. So you have like year round support in the programme. There's also a good chunk of the course that's dedicated to live readings and me doing a reading then showing you how I did the reading how I organise things, why I said and did things in the way that I did. And then we have live practice sessions where you guys bring in charts, and we work on the charts that you bring into class. And those sessions, people love them so much, that the study sessions, the practice sessions, the live readings that I've actually created a whole other year of just that kind of immersive hands on experience with charts, that starting next fall. So that's like most people really love my programme, because it adds that feature toward the end after we've studied all of the methods, theories, techniques. And then we just we go right into hands on predictive work and counselling work and so forth with other people. Anyway, lots of people take the class for their own personal enrichment. A lot of people take the class because they want to read for others. There's a certification test at the end, you have two years from the start of the class to take the test if you want to. It's not required, it's optional. Anyway, if you're thinking of signing up the earlybird payment, lets you save $500 off is only available for a little bit longer. So be sure you take advantage of that prior to the start of class. There's 12 monthly payments and then there's also tuition assistance or need based tuition. It has a sliding scale for people who are in need. So if you have any questions, feel free to email us info at nightlight astrology .com. Thank you guys for being patient and letting me plug my course.
And now we're going to dive into the transits for the month and I'm going to bring this up on the screen and we're going to now go through all 12 signs. And I'm going to take you through the biggest transits of the month for those 12 signs. We're gonna start with Aries, sorry, to my Pisces people, you have to wait. I know every month, it's kind of like oh man, I'm a Pisces, I gotta wait to the end. We'll have timestamps on these. Usually we get the timestamps on so that people who are watching this later will know exactly when to fast forward to. But I highly recommend listening to one of the ways that I think that I've developed my skills as a reader or a horoscope writer or, or whatever is I've watched a lot of horoscopes and not just my own, but paying attention to how different houses and signs experience different transits as an astrologer is really useful. If you are a student of astrology, don't just fast forward to your sign because you'll learn a lot more if you watch the way that astrologers break down all 12 signs and watch like at least three or four different astrologers that you like and how they break down the horoscopes of the month because you'll see how much of your own style comes into reading horoscopes too. You'll see how one astrologer may emphasise one dimension of an aspect and another may emphasise a little bit of the other side of an aspect because there's these transits are very multi dimensional. Okay, so anyway, we're here with Aries. And here's what I'm going to do, I don't want to flip through and highlight every single date because that would take forever, and there just be a lot of shuffling around on the screen. So what I'm going to do is just kind of pulling out where the transits are happening and, and what to expect.
So the the the two transits that are coming together this month of June, are going to be Mars, opposite Pluto, and then you're going to see Venus jumping into the sign of Cancer. And by the end of June, we'll also be posing Pluto. So those dates are June 5, and then June 23. On June 5 and 23rd June 5, Mars opposes Pluto, June 23, Venus opposes Pluto. So I'll be grouping those together for all 12 signs.
If you're an Aries rising, there are some very big emotional dynamics happening around home and family this month because Venus and Mars, both opposing Pluto, this Lord of death and rebirth are opposing Pluto from within your fourth house, which is a place that's related to our roots, our home, our living environment, family and family members, parents, and so turn over emotionally at your roots is a part of the story of the month. Now Pluto in the 10th house could be pressing the change because of external obligations, maybe things that are happening at work, or things that are changing in your career or in the lives of family members, their jobs are changing, or their circumstances are changing, and it's affecting your own circumstances. So Pluto is out in the public in the 10th house or out in the place related to work. And it's, you know, motivating change change at the roots for you as an Aries. So watch for those around June 5 and June 23. Now, the other transit of the month that's huge is on June 10. On June 10, we're going to see a massive new moon solar eclipse in Gemini in your third house. Now with mercury also moving into the heart of the Sun cazimi on that day, that's in your third house, communication comes to mind for me here media technology, writing, learning, and, and turning over a new leaf in that area of your life. Whether you are you know, if it's gonna be something as mundane as getting a new cell phone, or it could be something more profound, like you're going to start studying something or you're going to perhaps start teaching something. I love this as like initiating change, though around the mind and learning technology and media, speech communication, maybe something's happening with siblings, some changes in relationships with siblings are important milestone events in the lives of siblings, or people that are like siblings to you. So you could think of changes there as well. But this kind of change here, to me is also about communication in terms of, if you have something creative within you that you feel like you need to speak or get out of you finding a creative means of expressing yourself could be a big part of what the eclipse indicates not only now but over the months to come because eclipses typically take a little while to play out. Okay. The last major transit of the month that I'm looking at, for everybody, is going to happen between Saturn and Uranus. So here's the two planets in your chart, there'll be squared exactly right around the 14th of June. And that's happening between your second house and your 11th house. This signals to me that there are major changes happening around groups of people, around allies, around friends around community, and there could be some connection at the exact same time to money and finances, resources, business, and so forth. So when these two areas combine, generally what I see is collaboration around business or work. I look and I see people going, you know, people asking themselves, who are my best resources, in terms of friends, in terms of religious or spiritual community in terms of political or social allies. And in terms of like, like really evaluating whether or not I feel like I belong in different social dynamics in my life. Or the potential for collaboration that's really innovative is there, there's a real push pull between Uranus and Saturn, of course, right now, where Uranus in your second if you're an Aries rising, wants to create breakthroughs around money and resources wants to do things differently. Saturn might be about different kinds of social obligations or expectations that you might have to find compromises, you might be struggling to create the breakthroughs that you want to see around money and finances because of different social inhibitions or prohibitions or blockages or something like that. So if you need to break from groups of people that aren't working for you in order to be innovative and, you know, take steps in the direction that you feel is best, especially around money, business, things like that, then don't feel too bad about it, but also just know that you know, some patience and some collaboration and, and, and waiting at can it kind of like don't be, don't be so impatient that you miss the potential for really good collaboration. That may go slower than you want or may require a little bit more compromised than you initially hoped for. So those are some of the things that I'm seeing for my Aries risings out there.
So let's go ahead and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to put Taurus on the ascendant and we're going to go through those same planetary dynamics and see what's happening if you're a Taurus rising. So for Taurus rising, you're going to have Venus and Mars, Venus is going to scoot into Cancer, the beginning of the month by the 23rd will oppose Pluto. So both Venus and Mars opposing Pluto from the third to the ninth, I think about this as moments of philosophical, spiritual, emotional and mental transformation. I look at this as patterns of communication and relationships changing. I look at this as a philosophical or spiritual breakthrough. I look at this as a moment of, you know, information being communicated that is difficult, but that results in you know, fast and unexpected development in your spiritual life. I look at this as potential confrontation around ideologies or beliefs with resolution as a possibility if, if you're able to go through some kind of death and rebirth process, so a lot of mental spiritual intellectual transformation on the radar that will probably tap into key relationships or even among family members. So and I wouldn't be surprised if there was also some difficult news that came in around family members. Now, we look at the solar eclipse happening on June 10. And that's happening if you're a Taurus rising in your second house, that's your financial house with Mercury cazimi, that day, I love some kind of new fresh start happening around money or finances a new way of doing business, a new product or service, maybe a new financial advisor that you're seeing, or you're get, you're you're hiring someone to help you with your, you know, organise your taxes, anything that would represent kind of a new way of doing business. I really like for tourists risings. Also, you know, whether it's getting out of debt or starting a new job, or, you know, if you already own a business or or, you know, or like a small business owner, I could see this as like a new product that you're launching. But I like the idea of kind of a new chapter opening up for you around money and finances and new, fresh, innovative ideas that could make your life easier coming in. This, to me is probably one of the more beneficial transits out there in terms of money in business this month, for any of the 12 signs. So really like this one for Taurus risings. The one potential downside of this would be this transit would be just making sure that you know with mercury retrograde, don't rush to things that are new, you may get the idea, but the retrograde still has a little ways to play out. So don't be surprised if you know a little bit later in the month, next month of July, August. If the new exciting ideas around business and money that are coming up or that changes around resources that are happening, just be patient with them, don't push them too hard too quickly. Okay, so then we're going to the square between Saturn and Uranus on June 14, and that square between Saturn and Uranus is happening between your first and your 10th. Because I'm a Taurus rising too. So this isn't hitting me so hard in my chart yet because it's not on a degree or a planet. But the gist of these two houses is what are you obligated to professionally or socially or publicly? Saturn in the 10th responsibility, maturity, mastery, obligation, constraint, confinement or hardship? And how are you trying to redefine yourself personally in relation to your career? How are you trying to reframe your identity in relation personally in relation to the perception that others have of you publicly? You may have to take some risks and defy conventions or other people's expectations. For example, mid June, I very intentionally will be departing Facebook. I don't have the app on my new phone. I just got a new phone. I don't have the app on my new phone. And I don't plan on using it any longer because I feel like astrology is largely being politicised and I don't like social media argumentation and rhetoric and debate in my head 24 seven. So that's been a really conscious choice for me to kind of redefined myself in relation to a place that's been a part of my life. The public forum of Facebook has been a part of my life for I don't know, like 15-16 years or something crazy like that. So I'm a Taurus rising. So that's why I give that example but there's some shifts, you may have to defy what other people expect, there may be some defiance of authority or what other people want or expect from you. But at the same time, you don't have to burn bridges, you don't have to, like, you know, stick up your middle finger and punch anyone in the face about it. Metaphorically. So watch for those changes, though. They're they're very strong this month for those Taurus risings out there.
Okay, so we're going to move forward now to Gemini, if you're a Gemini rising, the big news is, of course, the eclipse falling into your first house. And I mean, that's, that's about as big as an eclipse is you can get. So that's going to be big, the big news for you this month. But let's go into the dynamics between Mars and Pluto, across your second and eighth and then remember, Venus will enter cancer at the beginning of the month, and also oppose Pluto later in the month. So June 5, Mars will oppose Pluto across your second and eighth Cancer and Capricorn. And then Venus opposes Pluto on June 23. Both of those transits are happening across the financial houses, my money, other people's money, my resources, other people's resources. So I like to think about this as a period that is focused on financial transformation. The accruing of or liberation from debt. It could be emotional, it could be karmic, it could be financial. But there's a lot going on this month, if you're Gemini rising about what is mine? What is somebody else's? What do I need from other people? What do they need from me? How independent and self sufficient do I feel? versus you know, what kind of help or resources do I need from other people? And it's very, it's a very emotional change that's happening around these subjects as well. And it could actually tap into issues that are related to your family or family members, because of that cancerian emphasis that's there. So watch for that this month. If you're a Gemini rising now, on June 10, you're going to see the solar eclipse in your first house. So that first house solar eclipse is really good for personal identity transformation, I see people get some Botox done. You know, I've had clients that come in, and they talk about something like that, I don't mean to say superficial as in, I'm not judging, I'm just saying like, it's simple. It could be something more, you know, intense, like I've realised that I'm, I'm gonna wear everything pink now, you know, whatever, like personal identity or appearance changes, physical changes, changes regarding your health or your well being or your vitality. These are very strongly indicated with eclipses in the first house. Sometimes there's going to be this sense of death and rebirth, I'm realising I'm mortal. I have a little bit of a health scare, but it wakes me up somehow. You know, I'm typically used to people also going through profound psychological shifts. I can't tell you how many clients I've had with first house eclipses that have realised that it's time to come out, or that it's time to, you know, get out of a relationship, or I'm not in it anymore. This isn't me. I'm like this, but I'm not like that. The kind of like crossroads when it comes to your personal identity and how you feel like, you know, communicating or sharing yourself with the world. So watch for those kinds of very personal psychological changes, identity shifts that might be happening for you right now, in general. And then last but not least, we have the Saturn square, Uranus dynamic. And for you, if you're a Gemini rising, the Saturn square Uranus dynamic is happening across the ninth and the 12th house axis. And I think about this in terms of almost like a taboo, defying conventional beliefs like this, for example, let's just go with the idea that let's say someone's having that first house Gemini Eclipse, and you're deciding to come out, but you have to face and defy the religious dogma of a family that grew up in would condemn you for being gay. So Uranus in the 12th square to Saturn in the ninth, maybe some of the personal identity change that you're going through has to do with shifting values or beliefs or facing certain kinds of moral or spiritual authority figures and recognising how you're different. Or, you know, maybe there's also and on the other hand, this exact same transit could very well represent someone who decides to defy or resist their, the voice of their conscience, that's telling them that saying, hey, look, change is good, but the way that you're thinking of changing right now might be self indulgent or something like that. And Why don't you think this over? There's some times where people come in and they're like, I want to make this kind of change, what do you think? And I might see a transit like this happening at the same time and go like, Well, you know, is this aligned with your values? Like, who are you trying to make a statement to? You know, and is it the inner child that's, that's kind of trying to act out. And maybe that inner child needs, like just a gentler version of an adult or a gentler version of, of morality is that you know, oftentimes when we're kids, if people are too stern and strict, we end up you know, in cycles of defiance throughout our lives that in some ways are only cured when we get a healthy internal voice of authority and judgement and morality installed back in us somehow, we have to get rid of the, you know, the, the the punitive version of morality. So Saturn in the ninth could be this month for Geminis could be asking you to like, reconfigure higher voices of reason, or judgement or authority, or morality or religion, in relation to your own sense of identity or purpose in the world. Anyway, I wanted to spend a little bit more time on that because I think my Geminis this month are going going through a lot in terms of who am I What am I doing and what higher principles inform the personal changes that I feel like making right now. So that's my sense for Geminis anyway.
All right, let's go forward to cancers. So if your cancer remember these two transits opposite Pluto are now happening across your first and seventh house axis, Venus will enter cancer right away at the beginning of the month, will oppose Pluto later in the month. So Mars opposes Pluto and from cancer to Capricorn on June 5, Venus opposes Pluto, from Cancer to Capricorn around June 23. And when I look at this, I go, okay, you know, these are there are major changes happening across your, your relationship axis, in terms of personal identity. And in terms of relational identity, there's spaces of vulnerability, and the potential for real dramatic breakthroughs in relationships. There could also be, what I want to call it is, you know, every relationship is sometimes inundated by their family karma. So it's like, you might find that you're in a fight with a spouse or a partner, someone that you're dating, and you realise suddenly that you're not fighting, your parents are fighting, you know what I mean? You are not fighting your different family backgrounds are fighting. So I would look at this as a moment of healing by the end of the month, but maybe some drama earlier in the month around relationships, especially given the important things happening, either in your families or in your family histories that are somehow coming into dialogue with, you know, the relationship itself. So that's what I would look for those kinds of themes coming together around June 5, and then June 23. All right, well, if you're a Cancer rising, the solar eclipse is in your 12th house. Not gonna lie, that's a hard one. Because the 12th house, it was called malas daemon, or evil spirit. And it generally has the meaning of anything, any energy or influence that tends to take us off course that takes something from us whether it's our sanity, our health, our sense of being in control, our sense of good judgement, it's anything that sort of pulls us off track. There's some really interesting reasons why they believe that about this place in the sky, too, which I go over in my programmes. But the gist of it is that an eclipse in this house is going to, especially given the intensity that's happening around cancerian dynamics in your first house as a Cancer rising. I think you're also going to look at patterns within you or within the family that have to do with self destructiveness. I think there's a big emphasis on on that this month. The good news for you, I'm just going to highlight this for Cancers because I know this is a little dark. You have Jupiter in your ninth house right now. And so whatever it is that you're going through, whatever skeletons are in the closet, whenever family karma or ancestral wounds are being looked at or healed, Jupiter in the ninth will give you a sense of faith, hope, optimism, it'll help you know what the right thing to do is. So I love the presence of Jupiter there this month for you in your ninth. These are changes that are happening as you are growing morally, spiritually, intellectually, so you're ready to handle them. But that Eclipse in the 12th can bring up like, okay, these are the ways in which I live totally different lives like there's there's lies or their secrets or there are self destructive elements in me or my family or my past. And even though you might be over them at this stage in your life, they're like layers and sometimes what 12th house eclipses are gonna bring up stuff where it's like, man, I thought I was over that. But it needs to come up again somehow. And the good news again is that Jupiter in your ninth should help you to feel like it's a really good thing that this is happening and there's going to be good results that come out of it. So think about that as well happening with that 12th house Eclipse. Now, finally, the Saturn Uranus dynamic across the 11th and the eight, there's debts that are being cleared. Saturn in the eighth is like a very clear picture of different kinds of karmic debts and obligations to other people. It's the feeling that we owe somebody does something Saturn in the eighth, or that, you know, there's a feeling of isolation or separation between ourselves and others, and that we have to, you know, with the square to Uranus in the 11th it's like that what I would understand is one of the main breakthroughs the cancer risings could be going through right now is to to realise like what walls have isolated or separated you from the people that are most important to you, what kinds of self imposed limiting ideas or beliefs do you have that isolate or separate you from people that really care about you were the people that could really help you with people that you would really enjoy. So I feel like for cancers this month, there's a lot of like getting out of your own way and you know, taking down different kinds of emotional barriers and and you know, clearing yourself of this different kinds of fears or different kinds of social anxieties. So I like the Uranus Saturn dynamic across these houses as clearing forgiving or moving beyond certain kinds of social debts or constraints. Now if you belong to any groups that play a large role in your life, it would also not be surprising to see that there could be serious changes within the structures of organisations or groups that you belong to. So watch for that and that will peak for you will as it will for everybody right around the middle of June June 14.
Alright, so we're gonna take this forward and put Leo rising on the we're gonna put Leo on the ascendant now. So if you're a Leo rising again, let's start off with the cancerian dynamics in your chart. And this for me, this is these are one of the more this is one of the more difficult placements for the opposition's between Venus, Mars and Pluto. So remember, Mars opposes Pluto on June 5, Venus will go into cancer early June and then oppose Pluto by about June 23. On June 11, Mars will finally get out of your 12th house. And then on June what June 23rd. And then toward the very end of June Venus will enter your first house to me June is a month of more more dramatic and intense emotional dynamics in your relationships very similar to cancer rising but you're going to see healing and recovery and some kind of personal synthesis in July when Venus and and Mars get together in your first house oppose after opposing Saturn in the seventh. So here's what I would be especially careful of if you're a Leo rising, secretive or underhanded, manipulative behind the scenes drama, gossip, fighting, manipulating anything that's like, not totally out in the clear, I would be very careful of because you'll there will be a steep price to pay for it. I'm steer clear of trying to manipulate things behind the scenes steer clear of, you know, emotional coercion or blackmailing of people just, you know, get out of get out of the soap opera drama if it comes up at all. The other thing is don't fight or try to you know, if you're feeling like unrecognised or under appreciated for something, don't try to fight or jockey for position. position will totally take care of itself. Like if you're feeling unappreciated or if you feel like people are you know kind of trying to undermine you. Things will take care of themselves by later in July for you as a Leo so don't don't feel like you. Like your pride can be injured if you're a Leo and then you'll act out and then when you do people will all say you have an ego so it's it's like you're you're damned if you do you're damned if you don't, but you'll things will naturally correct themselves later in July. There's some relationship challenges for you in June and July that are you know, pretty intense and then they shift later in July after Mars and Venus get out of the 12th after opposing Pluto they go into the first they become a lot more visible. problems start being addressed more full on in July. They opposed Saturn in the seventh, there's some back and forth. And then by the late July, Venus and Mars can join in your first house. And that should be resolution to any of the conflicts you're dealing with in June. So that's my sense, there. And I would think that especially in personal or private relationships, or possibly like work or family relationships, those just relationships in general. So now, the solar eclipse is coming into your 11th house. So there's something new happening socially in your life this month. That's also pertaining to groups of people, allies, colleagues, you know, any kind of group or organisation that you work for. The new moon solar eclipse mercury Kazemi suggests, yeah, there's a big social shift happening in that 11th house, you're not going to feel it right away. And like I said, I really like later July for you and the rest of the summer, from mid to late July forward. And so if there are larger social changes happening in your life, like larger social scenes, or dynamics or different places that you participate in, but you know, belong to, the changes are happening there as well. And there's something new that's getting started here in June, and you'll feel that playing out and you'll feel a lot happier about it and less, there'll be less conflict and drama surrounding that social shift later in July again. So let's see. Last but not least, Saturn square Uranus that happens on June 14. Now, for you this again, where does it happen, it happens between the house of relationships Saturn in the seventh, and Uranus in the 10th your public appearance or your work. So there's the need for revolution or changing of your public identity, your role in the workplace or what you're doing for a living, there's there's big shifts happening there. And going back to May of 2018. This has been a theme. But now it has to do with what other people expect of you, or social or relational contracts that you have with other people, and how they are either limiting or helping you evolve in the way that you're hoping to professionally. And that will be really in the spotlight about mid June. So you can see how it all fits together for Leos. And again, I feel like very sure that later in July things will be a totally different story for my Leo risings who do have a little bit of a rough June from as far as I can tell that the blessings and the the feeling of it having been worth it that that is there as well a little later in the summer.
Okay, let's go to Virgo. So if you're a Virgo rising, we're looking at the Mars Pluto dynamic. And then Venus enters cancer early June and then repeats the opposition to Pluto later in June. So let's go to June 5 for Mars, opposite Pluto. And then June 23, Venus opposite Pluto, this is your 11th to fifth houses. If you're a Virgo rising, I like this transit for you know, if there's been stress or drama within the emotional dynamics of your social life. What I mean by that is like, you know, not necessarily what's happening, but how you feel about what's happening. How do you feel about the changes happening around you? Have you felt swept up by them? Have you felt that they've been impersonal and objectifying? You know, when Mars is in cancer in the 11th year of Virgo rising, there can be a feeling that the changes happening around you are happening in a way that's very insensitive, maybe you're the one that's instigating those things are perpetuating them. Or maybe you're a victim of them, but the feeling of kind of like things rolling on and moving forward, but feeling steamrolled by them emotionally. I feel like I've been seeing that a lot with my Virgo clients lately. And an express readings I've done and stuff like that. And the Venus coming into Venus coming into cancer in that house will smooth things over. But there are some big changes that need to happen. And if you need to address things with people or friends or within groups and say, hey, look, there's some way that this something doesn't feel right to me. Don't be afraid to speak up about it. But you could get a bigger reaction than you expect expect, especially around the Mars opposite opposition to Pluto early in the month. Venus is opposition to Pluto later in the month, I feel like could be pretty healing for you. But you know, a little bit of social drama within groups, friends, colleagues, allies, the workplace, and some real changes happening there. That on the other hand, one of the things that can happen here is when you feel the pressure to conform to a group of people or to certain social expectations, there could be a history here that goes back to your family somehow. How does your family expect you to be or how was your family socially? How do they expect you to be socially and how what what really brings you joy, in contrast to what you feel others need? Or what others expect of you, what actually brings you happiness or joy? Maybe there's some things that need to change there so that you can be a more authentic version of yourself. So I would look for, like, you know, getting into the emotional roots of your social life and being like, do I like the way that I'm showing up in these settings? Is it really bring me joy? Or am I acting out of a feeling of you know, emotional obligation. Cancer in the 11th will often act out of a sense of, you know, wanting to belong socially like your social life as a family that will either accept you and give you a feeling of safety or reject you. So, you know, the opposition to Pluto in the fifth will potentially help you tap in to what what's your happiness? What is your creative essence? And are you living in alignment with that? Or are you just living according to you know, groupthink and the feeling of, you know, maybe some old ancestral wounds that are causing you to act or behave socially in certain ways. Okay, so the next one is the solar eclipse solar eclipse in June 10 is in your career house. This is the start of a new chapter for you in terms of career, you can even see little kids like my daughter is going to a little two week long like science summer camp, she's gonna do sciency stuff. There's a solar eclipse in her 10th house in Gemini does that how fitting is that that she'll be starting this little science camp like a couple of days after the eclipse in her 10th house. So whatever it is, you know whether it's starting a new class learning something new, but there's changes happening around your relation to work authority, your calling your sense of purpose in life in the more probably more in this in the public, social and professional arena. And I love this eclipse for Virgos, some some really good changes that are happening there, especially with mercury is going to be cazimi on the day of the eclipse. And then finally Saturn square Uranus. Now Saturn square to Uranus is happening across the ninth in the sixth. So I also like this in terms of there being you know, especially since May of 2018, if you're a Virgo, there's been a shift in terms of higher learning teachers, potentially travel religion, and the need for originality and innovation in those areas of life. Saturn in the sixth is also requiring hard work discipline, effort, maturity, so it can't just be with Saturn pressing on Uranus from that ninth house. You know, it's kind of like you can you could be nomadic travelling scholar, but you better be getting something done, you better be serious, there better be an element of sacrifice and discipline involved and Saturn is kind of requiring that of Uranus in the ninth right now. So how are those two getting together? Or, you know, is Saturn demanding too much and Uranus needs to, you know, have a little bit more freedom. So there's a dialogue between those two places. sixth house tends to be a lot about work and discipline. Okay, so let's go to where are we birth, we're going to Libra rising next. We're on the second half of the zodiac. Alright, so for for Libra rising.
So for Libra rising the two major transits from Cancer. You see Venus entering cancer here, and then both of them will be opposing Pluto. Mars opposes Pluto on June 5, Venus opposes Pluto by the end of the month, June 23. So major changes happening if you're a Libra rising in the workplace, it would not surprise me to see major drama and conflict in the workplace early in the month for you if you're a Libra rising, and I say major because Mars is in its fall in your career house opposing Pluto. So, you know, it could be that family drama calls you out of work. It could be that family drama coincides with work somehow it could be that the themes of Mars and cancer moon Mars themes permeate the workplace. But I wouldn't be surprised for more dramatic escalation of you know, the intense Mars Pluto themes is specifically in the arena of your career in the first week of the month. Now, Venus comes in a little bit later on June 23, and offers a savvy offer some healing says okay, let's the relationship things need to evolve or change somehow and Venus's with Pluto is more willing for that breakthrough to be about agreement and cooperation and Mars is when Mars might break the door open and then Venus comes in as a diplomat and kind of cleans up and says okay, well let me replace your door. You know, whatever. So but watch for that in the career house if you're a Libra rising. Now it's it's also it's motivated by Pluto in the fourth and I wouldn't necessarily look at this. It mean it could again it could involve themes related to you know, family, home. ancestry, the the Kind of tribal qualities of cancer, the Pluto in the fourth will just generally speaking, bring things up that have been hidden or buried or that have a lot of power and pop behind them. But they aren't seen. They're like they're not being spoken or that you can feel them, but they're not showing themselves, and then they will show themselves early in the month. Now, let's go forward to oops. Okay, so then we're going to the solar eclipse on June 10. Solar Eclipse on June 10, is in your ninth house. This is great in terms of there being a new beginning, if you're studying something new, finding a new teacher, mentor, Guru, or if you're going to teach somebody else if you're developing some kind of programme that you're going to teach to other people, or anything related to teaching and education really strongly indicated this month, and I would think very positive, some kind of positive new beginning happening in that area, it could mean that there's travel coming up from you for you abroad, or that there's some kind of, you know, international theme or foreign cultures, people or places that are going to play a strong role in your life somehow over the summer, it could also be a sign that there is the need to start questioning something an Eclipse in Gemini in that house will often result in some kind of critical evaluation or sceptic sceptical inquiry, or data gathering, or something like that. The development of particular technical skills or abilities, learning more about things that are related to like, you know, a system of information or a technological like a software or like a technical skill or something like that. So anything like that could also be coming into your life somehow over the summer starting in June. Now finally, we also have the Saturn Uranus dynamic. And that for you is happening across the eighth and the fifth. across that house axis, I think a lot about pleasure and the complex relationship with pleasure that people have it just because it feels like seven or eight times out of 10, when I see someone with squares across the fifth and the eighth, that when especially when Saturn is in the fifth, you're talking about the hard time that people have of like appropriately defining pleasure, joy, creativity, the fifth house was called the house of good fortune, and it was called the joy of Venus, which means it had a intimate relationship with pleasure with sex with romance with children and procreation, with creativity in the arts, that anything that you do you really feel like I'm, I'm in my joy right now. Well, Saturn in the fifth is a bit of a killjoy at times, or Saturn in the fifth is about, you know, the combination of seriousness and commitment and joy and happiness. You know, for example, Saturn in the fifth is often a sign that people will have a hard time when it comes to raising kids, I'm too much of a disciplinarian, I don't know how to have fun as a parent, I have to learn how to do it, it doesn't come naturally to me. Or on the other hand, it could be a sign that there were you know, there was there was a parent in your life who was overbearing, and said that, you know, anything that was really creative or original about you needed to be, you know, shut up and trained and put in some more structured environment. So there's often like kind of that, you know, dynamics like that, that you're working out in one way or another. Saturn in the fifth square to Uranus in the eighth feels to me, like, I don't care what other people think about me or expected me or require of me, I need to break free of other people's limiting ideas or beliefs. Or, for example, I've seen this happen a number of times, so and so is in a relationship with someone, and they say, you know what, my partner is, like cold and not intimate. They don't show affection. They don't like to have sex, they have a hard time with intimacy. And I'm done. Right, I'm going to tell them that they either change or like I'm done, because I need to go salsa dancing, and I need to get laid, you know what I mean? So it's like that, just that that kind of, there's something about pleasure, but also how pleasure or joy or creativity is related to other people and the karmic bonds that you have with other people. And there's some breakthrough that's trying to express itself there right now for you, if you're a Libra, there's other thoughts that we could say about that placement too, but like it karma around children, if you have them could shift significantly, it's different kind of limitations, you're able to, you know, kind of break through different kinds of limiting factors in relationships with children so that I like this as kind of like, let's have more fun Libras let's, let's get over some of our inhibitions or our blocks around joy around our creativity, and it's going to be something that has to happen by looking at your relationships.
Okay, let's go on to Scorpio rising, we're gonna put Scorpio rising on the ascendant. So, Scorpio rising is obviously a Mars ruled sign and at the beginning of the month, that That planet, your ruling planet Mars is going right through the opposition with Pluto across the ninth and the third, Venus will enter cancer and then also oppose Pluto that's happening June 5, and Mars opposite Pluto. And then June 23, for Venus, opposite Pluto. That transit in particular, across the ninth in the third house. Just like for tourists, risings is about spiritual, intellectual, philosophical breakthroughs. The the big thing here is that there are, there's probably some kind of family or ancestral history that is being brought up in relation to your beliefs in relation to education or in relation to religion. Whenever you see, you know, the the Mars in cancer in the ninth, you're always thinking like there's, you know, the potential for conflicts around ideology, ideology and belief that go back to how I was raised to go back to what my mom and dad taught me, that go back to what my ancestors believed in practice. For example, I have a client who, just recently while Mars is in cancer, decided to plan a trip to go back and see they're basically they're like, sort of European pagan, religious roots, they want to see some of the places in the world where their great ancestors had pagan religion, religious practices, Mars in cancer in the ninth house, they're going to go on like a pagan ancestral expedition, you know, they're not going on it while Mars is in cancer, but they plan the trip. So you can see things like that sometimes. But the main thing, though, is this kind of emotional dynamism. The family background, the relation to religion, higher education, the pursuit of truth and knowledge, maybe travelling abroad, or foreign cultures, or countries or people or whatever. And this feeling of catharsis that needs to happen, sort of mentally and intellectually. So that's what I'm seeing. Now. For example, I have a family member who is a Scorpio rising, and for the first time, in many years, they've been reading a spiritual, I would call it a spiritual book. And they've been, you know, just felt like sharing it with me. So I was like, Wow, that's really interesting that this person is a Scorpio rising, and that they're reaching out a family member to tell me that they're reading a spiritual book. And I think people might, you know, some people in my family obviously feel like they can tell me about it, because they know that I'm basically you know, I'm a monk astrologer, like you're safe with me, you know, so, but that's like, that's another example. So you're going to see this kind of intense, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, perhaps, ancestral catharsis. Around the beginning of the month, it'll probably tap into mental and intellectual and spiritual things going on inside of you. And then again, on the 23rd, the opportunity for resolution healing. I mean, I could see this as a moment around a family table where things blew up around differing political or religious beliefs, for example. And then there's maybe the potential for a little bit of healing or resolution if there's been drama later in the month of June when Venus opposes Pluto. Okay, so let's go on to the solar eclipse, which is in your eighth house. So the solar eclipse in the eighth if you're a Scorpio, you know, the good news about this is that usually eclipses in the eighth again, with a Mercury cazimi solar eclipses, they will bring new resources into your life in the form of other people or other people's things or other people's skills. So you know, some of the most important, for example, when I've hired people that have been super invaluable to me in terms of people that have helped me over the 10 years, whether it's as a yoga studio owner or as an astrologer, or whatever, when those people have come into my life a few times they've been through eighth house transits like Jupiter in the eighth or solar eclipse in the eighth. So, you know, don't be surprised if really helpful new assets, information that other people have skills that other people can teach you. Even you know, sometimes it's going to be money that people have or referral that gets you a job or something like that. But I like the idea of resources coming in through other people for you this month. After the solar eclipse, it might take a little bit like you know, maybe there's maybe also someone from the past coming back to help you because of mercury being retrograde that's something that just popped into my head. The other thing would be death. Like sometimes new chapters happen in our life, because you know, we pull the death card, I like to think that the death card is usually metaphorical and not literal, but sometimes it is literal. So it could be that some things are reaching their expiration, but you know, a solar eclipse would it would signal that that expiration is coming with a very powerful new beginning attached so that that can't be entirely bad. Especially not when you have Jupiter, a planet of abundance in the fifth house. Good fortune squaring the eclipse at the same time, like you'll be alright even if there are some if there is some kind of loss this month for Scorpios the starting fresh will probably be quite abundant Jupiter is in a very fertile water sign and a really good house right now in your chart if you're a Scorpio, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. But finally Saturn square Uranus, this is happening between your seventh and fourth. So that's on the 14th of June, that Saturn square Uranus dynamic is, you know, probably touching it on obviously on relationships and on home and family. So there's been a push pull there for a while now. You know, Saturn in the fourth. Like, for example, I have, I'll tell you, I'll tell you kind of anonymously tell you a story. So I have a client. I'm going to kind of mask the story a little bit, but I have a client who right now is in a situation where this person is saying, if my partner will not move because of these very important reasons to me, then I'm going to break up. It sounds at the on the surface, it sounds like well, man, I mean, do you care about them? I mean, it sounds an ultimatum is never a good sign in a relationship, I guess. Right? So it seems a little like cringy right. But then, when this person outlined, this is like it's a breaking point for the relationship. Moving is symbolic or it's like emblematic of much deeper issues. And either we make this shift together or I'm going to break up. And that's this this person that came to me Scorpio rising, that is going through that dynamic right a Saturn and Uranus are getting into the square. Now I will say that this person also has Uranus on the descendant, which is that critical degree in the seventh house, which is sort of pictured here too, if you can see that Ascendant is at 11. But anyway, the point is just that, that doesn't have to be necessarily that intense. But the idea that there are, there's a breakthrough, there's a push and a pull happening between marriage relationships and home and family for Scorpio risings this month is a big deal. And, you know, again, be patient with the process and know that, you know, some kind of breakthrough is at hand and in the relationship may need to change to accommodate Saturn's needs for groundedness in the fourth or Saturn may need to loosen up because the relationship won't last if it doesn't. So, think of those tensions on either side.
Alright, let's go forward to Sagittarius rising. So with sad rising, we're going to take those cancerian transits we're going to take Mars in cancer opposing Pluto, and then Venus will enter cancer early part of the month and oppose Pluto again later in the month. So those two transits on June 5 and the 23rd are across your financial axis again. So this is the same as what Gemini risings had, where you're going to see the potential for catharsis and change around around both relationships and probably resources within relationships. If there is a feeling of, I am always in the position of relying on someone else, don't be surprised if this month forces you to become more self reliant. And the opposite extreme could be true as well. If you tend to be the breadwinner, or someone who's always picking others up emotionally or helping them out financially, don't be surprised if this month needs to be a month where you set firmer boundaries, I would see these things peaking in the early part of the month, and then maybe there's some healing that comes in around the same topics a little bit later in the month like June 23 or so. Okay, so financial dynamics changing though either way pretty dramatically. Fifth and the 23rd are your key dates. Now, this goes in line with a solar eclipse in your seventh house. That solar eclipse is happening on June 10. Right off from the lunar eclipse you had on May 26th. In your first house. Solar Eclipse in your seventh are great for meeting new people are getting into new relationships. Sometimes they are also the sign of needing to go or part ways. I need a fresh start. This is stagnant. This isn't going anywhere. It's time to make a change. But usually the feeling of newness, confidence, inspiration and a new beginning are behind it whether you're getting out or getting in. And so that usually makes breakups a little bit easier. Solar Eclipse breakups in the seventh are usually a little easier than like a lunar eclipse breakup, for example. But at any rate, revisions and relationships changes that are happening for partners that are very significant people coming in from your past that are significant watch for that because of the mercury retrograde as well. Then we go to Saturn square Uranus. Now Saturn square to Uranus is happening across your third and your sixth houses. I would look at this as the like to me again, for some some of the placements of these planets are more difficult And others and to me, this is one of the more difficult expressions of the Saturn Uranus dynamic. And let me try to explain why. Saturn in the third house would be kind of like if you live on a block in New York City, and there's jackhammering going on all summer, or there's like, you know, that just if you've ever lived in, I lived in Harlem, you know, for about a year and in my apartment by myself, and there was a construction project going on. And literally from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed, there was this thing that would go, boom, boom, and it was like I think it was smashing apart like a concrete parking lot or something like that. Anytime you have Saturn or Uranus in the sixth, or the third, either of those planets, including Mars, Mars would be another one in these two places that don't necessarily love Pluto, maybe a little bit too, they just tend to provide your immediate environment with lots of frustrating or limiting or prohibiting circumstances. Uranus is not going to be liking those Uranus in the sixth is going to be wanting to be liberated from frustrating limiting constraining circumstances, Uranus is not going to want to do all of the, you know, the drudgery of the sixth house, Uranus wants to break free from those dynamics. But Saturn is somehow saying no, your immediate environment is is maybe surrounded with certain kinds of constraints or limitations, and you're just gonna have to deal with it. So that would be to me, like Sag risings your environments going to be a little hectic and chaotic. And you're not going to like it, but you know, you'll get through it. For example, I have another family member who is in the process of moving from one place to another. Like, if this is your month of June, and you're moving, yeah, you're you're gonna feel like you just want to be free and clear of all of the, you know, the work and sweat and labour and details of moving like this is like perfect picture of someone potentially moving and having and really being sort of feeling like pent up and you know, wanting to rattle the cage and get out. On the other hand, this could also be a sign that you need a different kind of mental approach to adjust or adapt to things. And this is a very good transit for people who need a new paradigm or a new way of thinking that will help you adapt and meet challenges. The third house is very mental house, Saturn in the third square Uranus in the sixth, I'm struggling with something maybe I need a new approach mentally, intellectually, maybe I need a new way of communicating maybe there's a piece of technology that could help me maybe there's some kind of tool I could use to help fix something or alleviate some kind of burden that's just really bothering me. But you may be on a quest. In other words, while Mercury's retrograde no less to like you know, fix or deal with things that are popping up and being troublesome. So that's again, I think Sag's have it a little bit more difficult with this particular transit. That's my sense of it anyway, but Okay, let's move on. So Sag's out there, I hope to hear very good things from you guys. You have to tell me your stories this month. I think I asked for that in a previous transit not long ago too, because sages have had some tough stuff going on.
Alright, so let's go forward to Capricorn rising. If you're a Capricorn rising, both of these transits from Mars and Venus are going to be across your first and seventh house, you've got basically the same dynamics. From an archetypal standpoint as your cancer risings out there, it's relationship stuff, relationship dynamics, you know, Mars, and Venus in the seventh probably coming from your from a partner, or from a loved one and something going on in their family or their life or their health or their body or their mental, you know, their mental life, their mental emotional health. But they might be requesting that you change or that you help them or that there is some kind of personal catharsis that's happening because of the pressure coming in through your relationship or through a partner. I would watch for that to be especially especially volatile and potentially challenging around June 5, toning down and becoming a lot easier to deal with by the 23rd when Venus opposes. Both of them, though, could require some kind of emotional transformation within relationships. You could also see this playing out in family relationships, not necessarily your own, but in the lives of family members because of that cancerian lunar emphasis sort of the emotional dynamics of people that you're close to. For example, I've seen clients who will have major transits in cancer in the seventh when a sister gets divorced or you know, like a family member is going through a rough patch somehow. So can sometimes drag drag in like the, you know, peripheral Family Relationship dynamics to now, the potential for healing though is there. Remember that these transits are transformative with Pluto and things that need to be brought up will be brought up. Meanwhile, you have the solar eclipse in your sixth house on June 10. For me, solar eclipses in the sixth house go one of two ways, they either introduce a period of time into your life, we're going to be working hard on something, sacrificing something, serving something greater than yourself, or potentially getting wrapped up in something that you don't want to do. It's like, hard, sort of laborious, drudgery, you feel a little enslaved to it. So it can you can go one of those two ways, new period of something you're gonna be working on with a lot of enthusiasm, but it requires a lot, there's a lot of work, there's a lot of effort. And there's there's sacrifice and compromise and service, but you love it. On the other hand, there's, it tends to go in the direction of I have to do something and it's going to kind of suck and it's going to require a lot of energy. I think you can shift to the sixth house. Mars energy is a lot. It's very athletic. It's like Yeah, well, it sucks to do push ups, you know, it sucks to work, it sucks to work out or go running or it sucks to eat a good, you know, a good diet. There's, you know, what do they say Feel the burn, you know, I mean, so the sixth house was called the mala Fortuna bad fortune, it was called the house of Mars got of strife, but also a house that was related to you know, soldiers and military and conflict and stuff like that. So you're either in the conflict with the spirit of like a kendu, toughness and perseverance and sacrifice, or you're going to feel just really potentially agitated by it. So I think I think it's a comes down to a mental choice if you're, if you're a Capricorn rising. Alright, so last but not least, Saturn square Uranus, this is on June 14, between the second and the fifth, second house, Saturn financial obligations, requirements, constraints, hard work discipline. You know, I see, oftentimes, people start businesses when Saturn goes into the second and there's a couple of years while Saturn's in the second of having to do a lot of hard work to get a business off the ground. Or there's big investments or big projects that people are investing in, I've seen people renovating, or adding an addition to their home stretched out over a year and a half, there's a lot of unexpected expenses, but it ends up paying off. So Saturn in the second it's a good Saturn, it's in its own sign. There's a lot of hard work, discipline, structuring long term patience required for something that's changing or building financially for you. But you're also hitting some key moments with Uranus in the fifth, who wants to provide you with inspiration, joy, creative breakthroughs. So I like this right now for for my, for my Capricorns as a moment of also potentially speeding up or providing you with some creative inspiration to move through some limits or blockages around business money or finances. Though it also could be that you're getting good ideas, but you have to wait to implement them or there needs to be like a very careful process and in how you implement them. Alright, so that's what I've got for you guys. That's Capricorn risings.
Now we go forward to Aquarius rising, Aquarius rising, you're going to see the dynamic between the cancerian planets across your sixth and your 12th. Remember, the Mars opposes Pluto around June 5, and then Venus enters cancer and will also oppose Pluto by June 23. Again, just like my my Leo's, this is a tough one. These are dynamics that are just in very similar fashion to what Leo's are going through this month. The potential for more strenuous emotional conflict, especially around family or in more sensitive areas of our life. Now that's there for you. If you're an Aquarius, rising. Then remember in July, Venus and Mars are going to go through an opposition to Saturn in your first and then Venus and Mars are going to conjoin in the seventh. A little bit of you know, more intense emotional conflict in the month of June, followed by like a principled standoff in July that ends in resolution later in July is what I'm looking at for both my Leo and Aquarius risings. The reason for this is that the sixth in the 12th house with Venus and Mars, opposite Pluto will dredge up the kind of deeper unconscious emotional drama in relationships, potentially family relationships in particular. And then when those two planets Venus and Mars, enter your seventh house, they will oppose Saturn in your first kind of a principled standoff or, you know, kind of conflicts in relationships growing and becoming more visible and obvious. And then by later in July, Venus and Mars can join in Leo in your seventh and things look like they're happily, you know, happily resolved. So but that's a long process for both Leos and score and Aquarius risings between now and later in July. So just knowing what you're getting into and knowing that there's going to become some big ups and downs around relationships between now and the end of July. All right. If we go to the next piece, we're going to solar eclipse in Gemini in your fifth house. Look, I'll tell you this solar eclipse is in the fifth house of lead to babies more times than I could possibly count in my practice. Hundreds, literally hundreds of times that I've seen solar eclipses result and having babies. So could that be part of the could that be part of what's going on? I would not be surprised at all to hear at least a few stories this month that I'll hear from people through my YouTube or whatever, being like, Yeah, I just got pregnant or Yeah, we're trying to get pregnant and we're struggling and there's been a lot of conflict around it with my marriage or something like that. The solar eclipse in Gemini in the fifth? Well, it's not like the world's most Gemini is not like the world's most fertile sign. But it still could suggest like, you know, hey, we tried to have a kid in the past I had a miscarriage in the past, I've been scared of it. I'm going to try again, Mercury retrograde in the fifth solar eclipse in the fifth we've been trying and trying and now suddenly, I am pregnant. But But anything revolving around children pregnancy, there could be some very big changes around those topics coming in after the June 10 Eclipse. And then I would also say any kind of creative endeavour, no fifth house eclipses How many times have I seen people say, you know, I'm going to start taking guitar lessons or I'm going to you know, I'm going to start writing poetry or I'm going to, maybe I'm going to share my my creative talent on some kind of stage. I'm going to take dance lessons for God's sake, it could be anything creative or related to the arts, and anything that brings joy. I'm going to start dating again. Or it could be that I'm going to go to an art festival or I'm going to go to a music festival. So anything related to joy, pleasure, sexuality, romance, creativity, that some bring a strong wave coming in around that house. So watch for that. That's June 10. All right, then finally Saturn square Uranus. So Saturn square Uranus, if you're an Aquarius rising between your first and your fourth, since May of 2018, Uranus has been in your fourth house trying to create some breakthroughs around home family living environment. If seen Uranus in the fourth common lots of people have moved, lots of people have had parents or grandparents who have passed and shaken up you know, the kind of family karma. There's tectonic plates moving around your, your area of home and family since May of 2018. And they're gonna keep going, they're just gonna keep things are gonna keep getting shaken up. But it's really interesting that as soon as Saturn, your ruling planet entered into your first house, the question of who am I or my physical appearance or my health or my my, via my vitality in relation to my living environment, my past my heredity, my ancestry has been on the table. And I had a client not long ago who they're an older client who's retiring and the Saturn, Uranus dynamic came into focus coming into focus as they are preparing to move to Florida. There, you know, a lot of people obviously moved to Florida for retirement. So they're moving to Florida, to join in a What do you call it? a retirement community? I think that's what they're called. It's not like sorry, all my retired people are gonna be so offended. It's not a nursing home, obviously. It's like it's a place it's like a gated community for retired a retired community. I think that's what they're called someone telling me what those communities are called that anyway. So they're going to go they're going to go get there. You're gonna go get their their their Florida on Saturn, Uranus. Why? Because they were concerned about their health. No, so they're going, they're going to Margaritaville. So that's a Saturn Uranus dynamic. Who am I, I'm at a crossroads personally, with my health, with my body with my motivation with my sense of character in the on the stage of life. And I need some kind of breakthrough at a very deep level. And it's probably going to shake up things at the roots, I mean, identity and living environment, identity and family. Those are the two areas that are really getting pressed on with this dynamic.
Okay, so let's go to the last sign, and that's going to be Pisces rising. Now for Pisces rising. We're looking at the interaction between Mars and Pluto again, and then Venus entering cancer and eventually opposing Pluto as well from the fifth to the 11th houses. First of all, the fifth house for me the fifth house here is a very good thing like I see this as a lot different from my Virgo risings, but because the emphasis on the 11th versus the fifth is really significant when you flip these signs, the fifth house can Syrian energy is going To be, again, it's so much about joy and pleasure. And also what, what gives us a feeling of not only pleasure or joy, but safety. So where do we find that perfect combination of safe and sweet, sweet and fun, joyful, creative, but also nurturing? Like, you know, when you need a day for yourself, you know, and you need to go, you need to go and do some things for yourself. What and maybe those things involve other people, maybe it's not totally private. But the emphasis for Pisces this month to me seems to be upon where is what are you doing for the sake of your own joy, your own well being your own health or happiness. And you may need to go against defy even part ways with forces are people out there in the world that are trying to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. So I see this as a moment of emotional breakthrough, probably related to a one sense of happiness, joy, self care. For example, let's say that someone was, you know, let's say that you're, you know, your your, whether it's your family, or your colleagues or your friend kind of know, and expect a certain version of you, I would see this as a month where you really check in with yourself and make sure that if you need to just depart social obligations or expectations and do something for the sake of your own joy or nourishment that you're doing it. And there might be some conflict around that. Some someone could call you selfish, of course, the the negative or I would say maybe heavier version of this transit would be if you are doing something that's really reckless and self indulgent and sort of needy, and you're not paying attention to social cues, what other people need from you, that's totally reasonable. I am not used to seeing that. But it could be a thing as well. So it could be the exact opposite. In other words, where, you know, maybe you need to set aside some kind of selfishness or emotional immaturity in order to fulfil needs or obligations of, you know, other So, you know, in other social dimensions of your life, but probably, I would guess that it's the opposite for a lot of Pisces rising, that's going to be about are you feeling okay? Do you need to do you need to like go to the well, you know, you need to just take a day to go to the river. So do it if you need to. The other thing that could happen here would be a little bit of drama around children, mothers, women pregnancy, because of that Mars in cancer dynamic around the beginning of the month. So for example, let's just say you get into a big conflict with a family member about, you know, abortion or something like that, like, or let's just say that you, you know, anything that could be troubling or problematic around your children and their school environment, or, you know, the social expectations of the outside world and how they're interacting with you and your child raising or something like that. So those kinds of dynamics could come up.
The Solar Eclipse is happening in Gemini on June 10. In your fourth house, that's the place of home and family. So there's definitely you know, when you see that the seed of a new have a solar eclipse, in the fourth house, you usually see things like, you know, getting married, having children, moving house, domestic life and the the newness that's growing around that domestic sphere of life, you could also see something as simple as we're rearranging my house or we have a guest bedroom, and I'm turning it into my home office. But significant changes around home family property, living environment, those are coming through after the eclipse. And I really like that, especially given the kind of emotional dynamics of Mars in cancer opposite Pluto at the beginning of the month that we just talked about. It's like, whatever those are, they're leading to some deeper change with the Solar Eclipse in the fourth house. For example, maybe you're just getting fed up with something maybe you're feeling burnt out by something, maybe you're feeling joyous about something. And if you just make this simple shift in your home, where if you make a simple shift and you know, get a new apartment or say to yourself I don't need a roommate anymore, something like that some kind of shift around home and family could be intimately tied to whether or not you're getting enough nourishment or you're feeling enough joy or feeling creatively loose and free. So look for the shift around home and family with the eclipse on June 10. And then finally the square from Saturn and Uranus that happens across the 12th and the third house. I really like this as getting rid of limited ways of thinking about things you're going to send the third wants to you know is looking for mental intellectual breakthroughs new ideas, inspiration, Saturn in the 12th Limited, fearful, private, you know, isolated, it feels a little bit more potentially melancholic. So you could be looking at how do I get over my own resistance. This is one of the reasons why I when I wrote down my notes, I said, it looks like pisceans are trying to overcome something in order to feel more joy. Because Uranus in the third squaring Saturn in the 12th, you know, when that shows up, it's like, just, you know, break out of a very limited way of looking at something or a very limited way of limiting habit or pattern or something like that. So I could see that happening, I could also see there being like, we have to be careful around siblings, like one of the family dramas that could come up for Pisces this month would be, you know, things that are happening for siblings with Uranus in the third. And also, if you need to take time out for as again, for pisceans Saturn in the 12th Square Uranus in the third a little bit of time out a little bit of time to take care of yourself, make sure you're doing okay, could lead to some really deep insights and breakthroughs. So, you know, maybe the breakthroughs come through by means of stepping out more being more assertive somehow taking care of your own needs a little bit more. Or maybe they come by virtue of taking a step back and taking some time away. And then maybe some kind of insights crystallised through that. So that's what I've got for you, as a Pisces rising. I'd love to hear stories from all of you guys, for all 12 signs. How are you doing? How is your experience this month? How are you already feeling some of these energies? They don't? People always ask me, I feel like sometimes the transits occur before you say them. You know, like he'll tell, you'll tell us about the transits. And I'll have been feeling it for three days already. Totally normal, most of these transits are, you're going to start to feel them? Well before the dates that I mentioned. And even for some time after the dates that I mentioned, so, you know, the dates that we mentioned are like the moments when the it's like the exact moment of a full moon. But isn't it clear to everybody that you can feel the full moon The morning of you can feel the full moon The morning after. So the the dates are, you know, like peak moments, but you should be feeling you can feel many of these things, you know, depending on which transit many days before a week before, sometimes about a week after. So usually you usually hear me kind of address that in my videos. But just in case you're wondering, you can feel a lot of these transits already, because some of them are just like four or five days away.
And then, like the Mercury retrograde is already going on right now we're coming down the hill toward the solar eclipse. So a lot of the stuff is already in process. Right? Well, it was fun to hang out with you guys today, on live video, it's cool to see where you're all coming from. I if people were asking, I really recommend doing you're doing the reading for your rising sign and not your sun sign. What's happening when people do a sun sign horoscope is they're reading for you as if you're taking your sun sign, which may or may not be in the first house of your birth chart, right, the sun sign could be in your ninth eighth, it could be in any house whatsoever. But they're reading your whole chart as if your sun sign is the first house. And that's an artificial chart that's not in line with your birth chart. It's the seer reading for your son sign as though your sun sign is the first house and then all the rest of the houses fall out in order from there. I don't particularly recommend that because you know, if you're if you sit down with an astrologer and you ask them for a transit report, they'll plug in the same transits and read them according to your birth chart, which is going to have your rising sign on, you know, on the first house. So I recommend reading for your rising sign. I think it's always more accurate. That's just my opinion. So, if you listen to this again throughout the month, like I also recommend re listening to a horoscope a few times. So if you come back and listen to it, you listen for your son, you might want to you might want to listen for your rising sign next time. Okay, well Don't forget my new classes coming up ancient astrology for the modern mystic it starts. Let's see June 13. It's coming up very quickly. I'll just pop it up on the screen again. You guys have any questions about it whatsoever, you can email me info at nightlight It's a great programme. I really love this class. I love studying with people. I love spending a whole year immersed in the philosophy and spiritual practice of astrology. I love watching people have you know moments of discovery and I love watching people get the confidence to read for other people. And it's a great programme. You know, a lot of my friendships and most important things in life have happened through the astrological community I've made to the classes and teachers that I've had. So hopefully we'll see some of you in class soon. Remember, you can take the earlybird payment and save $500 off if you sign up before the start of class. You just have a little bit longer to do that about two weeks payment plan or need based tuition if you needed as well. Right. That's what I have. After you guys today, I hope you guys have a great Memorial Day if you're here in the US, otherwise, have a great Monday, wherever you are, and we will see you again tomorrow for a longer overview of all of the transits for June. There's 10 of them that I'm breaking down in tomorrow's video. So check that out and we'll see you soon. Bye, everyone.
A prophet is never valued in their own village.
Pisces Rising here~ I have gone to the river/creek nearby every day of June so far, for me, for my own nourishment, and I have been allergic to anyone that holds a “should or shouldn’t” over my head. Thank you!