Today I will be joined by friend and colleague Alex Amorosi to discuss your horoscopes for June. We'll look at a series of transits between the Leo and Taurus houses in your birth chart to give you an idea of what you can expect this month.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today I will be joined by my friend and colleague Alex Amorosi to discuss your horoscopes for the month of June. So we're going to be looking at a series of transits that are happening, especially between Leo and Taurus houses in your birth chart, taking a look at those two houses and some of the significant transits of the month of June and just getting you ready for an exchange between those places in your birth chart based on your rising sign.
Of course, you can listen to this for your sun sign if you prefer; I recommend your rising sign because it'll be the one aligned with your birth chart. But you guys know if you watch my channel, that's always what I recommend. At any rate, that is our agenda for today. Before we get into it, as always, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your comments or reflections because it helps the channel to grow. We love hearing from you guys and hearing your own insights on some of these transits.
You can always find a transcript of today's talk on the website,, I'm going to take you over to the website right now because we are also in the midst of promoting my upcoming program, which is called Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic and the program starts on June 11. So it's coming up real soon, and if there's still time to register, take you over there right now.
If you go to the Courses page and click on the first year course, you can scroll down, and over the course of the year, you learn all there is to know about ancient Hellenistic astrology, getting you set up to read birth charts for other people, or to start a practice of your own. Or for some people, they'll just take the course because it is a part of your deepening your hobby or your spiritual interest in astrology, which I can't recommend highly enough; you don't have to become a professional astrologer to take this, you know to take this course that doesn't necessarily have to be your goal. A lot of people take the course and come away with skills to read charts for yourself and the people that are close to you for the rest of your life, and that itself is a great, tremendous gift.
So anyway, there are 30 classes on the year, they're all held via webinar, you can attend live or remotely, and everything is kept on a class website so that you can go at your own pace and download everything and listen and listen to it while you take your walk or you're on the treadmill or whatever. So the program is very flexible in that regard. We have breakout study sessions with tutoring staff in between major units of study; we have a forum discussion staff with tutors that are there to answer questions if you have them. We have a lot of bonus material and optional assessments and quizzes and recommended reading and all sorts of stuff. So you can go as deep with the program material as you feel called to do.
Anyway, if you have any questions about the program, you can email us which is And at the bottom of the page, you'll find the enrollment options; early bird payment saves you $500. There's a 12-month payment plan you could also use if you prefer to spread the payments out a little bit more. And then need-based tuition assistance; we do still have a few spaces left they are almost gone.
So make sure you apply with a little bit of time that you still have left before the program starts on the 11th. That is there for people who really want to take the program, but the price point is out of the range of your budget, or you are hurting financially in some way. Really want to take the program. We trust that people will not abuse it; will use that offering if you really need it. For people who can afford the program, we ask that you pay the normal price and if you need a little bit of help to make it happen. Try the need-based tuition assistance; we'd be glad to try to work with you. All right. Well, that's it for announcements today, and I am so glad to welcome Alex back to the show to help us take a look at horoscopes for the month. Hey Alex.
Alex Amorosi
Yo, bro
Adam Elenbaas
We're back.
Alex Amorosi
We're back.
Adam Elenbaas
We survived. We lived through eclipse season, man.
Alex Amorosi
Mars is also out of its fall in my 12th house.
Adam Elenbaas
Oh my god. Yeah.
Alex Amorosi
I was just gonna move on.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, it was funny; I had dealt with some interesting like Mars in Cancer. One of the weird things that I dealt with was just a little bit of some gut health issues; I'm pretty sensitive with my diet. So when I'm like, oh, I know what I'm eating, and it's bothering my stomach a little bit, and one of the things that I found that also became like, I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy, but anyway, I found these I'm not advertising this is not an advertisement, but I found I won't even show the label, but I found this kind of root beer flavored Kombucha is right now. Yeah, this root beer.
The thing is, it has very little sugar, and I don't drink soda at all. But it's a little I do like Kombucha; it's like a little bit like having a soda again. Yeah, and I like Kombucha for me; it is like something that I'll do when my gut needs a little bit of adjusting because I feel the Kombucha, the probiotics, and stuff kind of help. So that was a random thing that came out of Mars and Cancer for me because I was like, Oh, this is interesting. There's like a little I'm like getting into my probiotics and my probiotic Kombucha and so forth. The Cancer part was like, and you get a little nostalgic trip back to childhood with
Alex Amorosi
I can see the Kombucha marketing stuff going; how do we get people to drink their Kombucha?
Adam Elenbaas
Exactly. That's right, exactly. I totally, I'm like, There's something, and I'm not going to do what I always do, which is when I find something like this, it's like, then it becomes like, maybe I'll have one every single day. I'll have my root beer kombucha all the time. Exactly.
Alex Amorosi
The answer, man.
Adam Elenbaas
But anyway, I am really excited to look at that; we are glad that we survived eclipse season with Mars in Cancer; that was insane. I feel like I learned a lot about Mars in Cancer, though. I mean, it was like a crash course in Mars and Cancer because I feel like every time a planet like that comes around, and it takes a long time before it comes back. And you're an astrologer who's studying. And always learning more about astrology, those transits can be really valuable for learning more about astrology as well as being like, you know, personally transformative.
Alex Amorosi
I think it's like that idea of you always want to take notes on a transit because as much as you practice, you always learn more. And even, like, I was just learning little like details. Like I'm like, Oh, this is interesting. It's like; I'm protecting the past, the nostalgia, but I have to actually cut loose from that in order to like there was a lot of that sort of thing, and very you can see why Mars is debilitated in the sign or said not to be strong in the Sun because Mars wants to go forward usually Mars wants to achieve wants to require, and Cancer wants the exact opposite. Like, let's be nostalgic, was going to pass those sorts of, so I was a lot of that stuff was coming up yet.
Adam Elenbaas
I found this book, and I'm gonna put it on the screen. I mentioned it in another video this week that'll be airing, but I'm going to put it up here. Anyway, it was like one of the profound Mars in Cancer discoveries that I made was this book. I read it, and I feel like it is the quintessential Mars in Cancer book to read. Hold on. Let me put it up on I'm going to put it up on the screen. So the title of the book is Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.
Alex Amorosi
Boy, could this not be more accurate to the healing that was going on?
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. This book, like, landed in my lap through a friend's referral during Mars in Cancer, and I read it, and it's like, I'm not saying like, it's the answer, but it's a really insightful book. I felt like more you know it for me, like insightful, could also mean that it's insightful to me because it also helps me understand astrological placements to like it. That was kind of what it was doing. But sure, for sure. For anyone out there who's like, Hey, I'd like a little bit more Mars in Cancer. Go read that book.
Alex Amorosi
If you didn't get enough. Two eclipses ruled by Mars and Cancer. No less.
Adam Elenbaas
That was, yeah, that was it. Well, let's take a look at our transits for the month that we are focusing on in the month of June. Today, we are going to be focusing on the connection between the whole sign house of Leo, if I can draw here, and the whole sign house of Taurus that's going to be positioned differently based on your rising sign. So we'll go through all 12 Rising signs.
The reason that we are connecting with these two houses, in particular, is based on some of the major transits of the month of this month is relatively quiet compared to March, April, and May. In March, we had Saturn and Pluto changing signs. In April, we had Eclipse and majorly debilitated Mars; in May, we had another Eclipse with a majorly debilitated Mars, and we had Jupiter moving into Taurus, and we had a T square between Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto.
Those were probably arguably the three busiest months of the year astrologically. Those were some fireworks, and they came pretty early in the year. June is, you know, it might seem, by comparison, sort of sleepy. But I still think that there are some big transits this month, and if we look at them, they tend to be happening across the Leo Taurus. Square. So, for example, we look early on in the month on June 5, and Venus will enter Leo.
Now one of the reasons that this is a big deal is because Venus is now co-present with Mars. And Venus will be retrograding in the sign of Leo by late July. So effectively, we're now getting into a very long period of Venus staying in Leo, and that there being a very deep level of work and that whole sign house. It begins in June, even though it'll be amplified quite a bit in July and August, and we'll be returning to talk about that in horoscopes later this summer.
So Venus is entering Leo; what I find really remarkable about its entrance into Leo is that just the day before, on June 4, we also have Mercury conjoining Uranus in the sign of Taurus. So there's a little bit of a pop happening in the sign of Taurus. Then, the next day, we have Venus entering Leo, and then, if you push it forward a little bit by the 11th, then we start to have connections between these two houses. So it's like, there's a little bubble popping in Taurus, and then there's a little bubble appearing in Leo, and then there's a connection between the two of them on the 11th.
You can see that by the 11th, we now have Venus in the sign of Leo, squaring Jupiter in the sign of Taurus, the two benefics, and Jupiter is in Venus's sign. So a really powerful and probably relatively smooth connection between these two planets, here into the month of June. So now we're starting to see these two signs connect. They both have their own individual important things happening early in the month, and then they start connecting by the middle of the month.
We go forward toward the late part of the month. By the end of the month, we also get Mars squaring Uranus. So if we go forward to the 26th, then we have Mars and Leo squaring Uranus, and not far behind it, we have Venus coming into the square with Uranus. So if we take this forward just a little bit more, you'll see that that square is perfecting July 1 and second, so at the very beginning of July, Venus follows suit and also squares Uranus.
Then in July, the connection between these two signs continues to develop in some really significant ways, with Venus turning retrograde and Leo going backward through the square with Uranus and Taurus going backward through the square with Jupiter. Jupiter and Uranus are now co-present together in the sign of Taurus, which we've talked about on my channel already, in terms of there being opportunities for rapid transformation, acceleration of growth, and opportunities for positive expansion in ways that are unexpected, sudden and very fast. That's very Jupiter-Uranus.
So there's this very powerful and pretty positive-looking seeding and development happening in Taurus, where we also have a lot of change and development happening in Leo. That's what we're going to focus on this month, and not really one transit in particular, but generally starting to talk about how are these areas of the chart connected archetypically? And how could we see a conversation between these two places taking place between now and really the end of the summer? So that's what we're going to do today. And we're going to do it as we always do, which is, I'm going to start off just saying what I think about the transit.
I'll start with Aries. And I'll tell you what I think about the connections based on the Aries chart, Alex will fill in the blanks and riff off from me, and then we'll switch, and Alex will go with the second sign, and we'll alternate like that. So before we get into it, just any general impressions that you have about the astrology of this month in the summer, Alex,
Alex Amorosi
I was thinking about it today, Adam, and I think the star of this really is Uranus, even though Uranus makes the connections later on. I think Uranus is not necessarily comfortable for fixed signs, but it's good for fixed signs. And I think that these connections, especially Venus, getting the 123 pass with Uranus, and you know, stabilized by a really nice stable Jupiter, I see a lot of positive growth in directions that are new, and maybe that's challenging for the fixed sign, especially for Taurus, but ultimately can free you into spaces you had never imagined or consider before. So that's just kind of where I went when I was looking at this.
Adam Elenbaas
Right, the Fixed sign, one of the qualities of the fixed signs, whether we're talking about us as people or we're talking about patterns in our lives, is the tendency to be the same, to repeat, to endure to show kind of like consistency or fixity and so, Uranus who tends to be a breaker of structures but also an innovator of new ideas, new structures, new thoughts. I think I agree with what you're saying because it's harder for fixed signs to deal with Uranus, who fundamentally likes to break up fixed things.
But also, when Jupiter's with Uranus in a Fixed sign, there's the sense of what are we replaced seeing the old thing with that's really exciting and new, like laying a foundation for something new, and I feel like that's sort of what's in the air in the sign of Taurus.
Whereas when we look at Leo, you know, I think a lot of what Leo relates back to is the sense of what we take pride in what we consider to be our legacy. What are we living for that sort of greater than ourselves that gives our life a sense of specialness and special purpose or chosenness? And where do we take pride and dignity, you know, as individuals, like, where do we find a sense of being special and an ego that has to be incorporated into our lives and given a special task of some kind?
In Taurus, I think a lot about the substance of our lives and the ecosystems that support our lives. In Leo, I really think about the maintenance and development of a healthy ego a lot. A lot of that comes up in Leo. So the two are, like, figuring each other out a little bit right now; there might be some tension between the two; how does my ego fit into a new structure? Stuff like that.
Alex Amorosi
And, you know, with Leo too just quickly, Adam is that there's a wonderful line in the first season of The Crown, where Claire Foy is Queen Elizabeth says to the woman who's playing Princess Margaret, I can't remember her name. It's the monarchy that's supposed to shine, not the monarch, and I feel like there's something about this Leo idea of, like, you're learning about that you are channeling ideals. You're channeling something bigger, you're bringing something bigger, but you are not that thing. And you're learning how to deal with that sort of impermanence nature of Leo, which kind of almost feels like a paradox in the sign. I think Uranus's presence in the squares actually helps with that idea of realizing, like, what are you actually? You're embodying something bigger, but you're not that thing, and it's okay that you're not that thing. That's sort of, yeah,
Adam Elenbaas
That's a great way of putting it. I love that. Well, let's go into Aries. For starters, we've got the connection. Big arrow.
Alex Amorosi
It was Mars in Cancer. Just blame it on Mars in Cancer.
Adam Elenbaas
No, I know; Mars is in Leo. He's like; I'm back. Mars is literally an arrow in Cancer, and I'm just so small. I'm back. Alright. So we have Taurus and Leo connected across the second and fifth house.
If you're an Aries, we're talking about Aries rising now and whole sign houses. The second and fifth house connection is really interesting because we have the, the connection between these two houses has to do with things that support the succeeding houses are supportive houses; the second house has to do with things that we have at our disposal that literally prop up or support us psychologically and physically.
So money is connected to the second house because it is a resource that can support us. But so, too, would be like food or the garden that you have in the food that comes from it in the ancient texts. So anything that props us up, that supports us, that acts as a resource, which could also be the skills that we have are the things that we're developing that can end up supporting us somehow.
Then, in the fifth house, we're thinking about the things that support us on the level of fulfillment and joy. You know, we need to be supported psychologically with joyful, spontaneous, fun, romantic, interesting, and pleasant experiences. So when I look at the two houses right now, for example, you could see a conversation about practical things that we need to do to support ourselves and whether that's interfering with the need for joy or happiness.
Or, on the other hand, some synthesis between the two, my feeling creatively fulfilled, happy, romantic, joyful, so am I having fun? On the other hand, you know, how does the need for joy go along with the need to change systems are structures in my life that literally support and prop me up physically and materially; there's a conversation between those two areas that I could also see being about creative synthesis between joy and resources.
For example, when you go into business, a lot of people will try to find ways of doing things that they love and earning a living doing it. Right. So that's like the classic question that's such a second house fifth house question, how do I make a living doing what I love? That's two five right across the board. So anyway, I would say that those things are coming that the conversation between these two areas are coming into focus for Aries over the summer.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, and I would definitely say with Mars moving through the fifth house, that's a courageous and bold signature. It's like, you know, it just uses the phrase, it's kind of cliche but go big or go home type of idea, like taking a really strong initiative, and maybe something that feels slightly scary, you know, like, that feels like it takes like a little bit courage to put yourself out there and be seen in such a big way. But that has some major effects on your financial abundance or your ability to feel like you have your resource within yourself.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, absolutely. Well, Taurus comes next. What do you think about this one, Alex?
Alex Amorosi
I really liked this, for Taurus rising as an exploration of, like, where so we're looking in Taurus rising, we're looking at a Taurus of the first house and then Mars in Leo. So we have Jupiter and Uranus and Mercury and Mars and Venus moving into the fourth house. So I think, like, there's something here about possibly individuation or its self-expression, or stepping away from what might be considered an ordained path in the fourth house, you know, stepping out on your own an individualized way that really, from the family structures of the ancestry in some way that really affects the way you're seen in the world.
You know, we think of the first house often is, you know, it's the body and the mind and the psychology and emotions. But, you know, I always think of, like, the first house is your astrological high five. It's kind of how people meet you. It's like, what they meet in you, and I feel like; there's such a possibility for, like, really dynamic change that comes from that Mars and Leo, giving a little bit of, like, a little shot to courage to just step out on your own to be your own, your own sovereign, so to speak. That's always the word I use with Leo that really changes the way people see you and interact with you and coming to experience you.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I like the idea of individual growth and freedom that departs somehow from patterns of the ancestral or family past; that combination that you just mentioned really stands out to me. We're getting to revisit old patterns from the family, that because you're growing, and there's this kind of acceleration of personal growth and development with Jupiter and Uranus in the first house, you have the opportunity to do it differently this time. Yep, almost like a generational crossroads where it's like, now you can take the path that your father took, or your grandfather took, or something, or you could do this differently, and the choice may become very clear, for example, as Venus goes, your Senate ruler, Venus goes retrograde in July and August, for example, but the seeds of those developments are happening now, this month, they start.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, and I would just say quickly to Adam that, you know, there's, it takes courage to do that, especially for a Fixed sign to really step out and be like, you know, to make a different choice is not altogether easy. And I think Mars adds a wonderful level of strength and power and the conviction to do that.
Adam Elenbaas
Gemini comes; next, we have the 12th house and third house. This is really interesting because I feel like the more and more that I've studied the connection between 12 and three, the square between 12 and three, the more that I've come to the conclusion that this is one of those combinations that will often show up in terms of things that are in the unconscious that are trying to show themselves to you by making an appearance through something peripheral in the environment. The 12th house is out of our view, right? It's sort of unconscious, you can see it, but you may not think it's a big deal, and it is, or there's some level of denial there, or you can't see it at all; it's sort of a secret malware that's running itself or it's a program that's taking up too much space, and you don't know it, or it's something that needs to be consciously integrated, but you don't know how to do it. But that's the 12th house.
Now the third, on the other hand, remember the third house called The Joy of the Moon; it was called Dea or goddess, associated with household spirits and the daily round. The third house is where the unconscious or the gods speak to us through the everyday mundane things. It's the flickering light bulb that needs changing that suddenly in your, you know, in your office or something that suddenly leads you to realizing that there's something about your work that needs to change. You know, it's just like a like very the third house is so much like the water is to the fish.
But it's a place that has much more conscious availability to us. And so when there's this connection between Mars and Venus, and the 12th, house planets, the 12th House planets are looking for some kind of breakthrough and revolution coming from the unconscious, all very positive stuff, but still in a space that's difficult to locate. But it's contacting Venus and Mars in the third; I get the feeling of like, you know, little antennas that are going to start sprouting up in the environment being like, you know, the plants sort of coming up and being like, here, here.
So I feel like just watch and observe this summer because the synchronicities and the things and people coming in and out of the environment around you, the everyday environment, your home life, the trip that you take to work, the office life that just the everyday stuff that you inhabit, commonly and regularly. Little quirks in those spaces, little shifts in those spaces, are going to lead to really significant big changes that will happen over time. They won't seem like they're a big deal, probably because the third house is so much. It's the stuff you see in the junk drawer every day. You know what I mean? I think you said that last time, but it is it's like, it's just such an everyday mundane place that you don't think that it's haunted and filled with interesting spirits who have things to say, but they do. So that's how I would look at it this month. What do you think, Alex?
Alex Amorosi
You know, the phrase that comes to mind from that, I love that way of putting it, is going through this summer, a phrase that will help us. Hmm, interesting. Interesting. Just notice. Uh Huh. Interesting. That's shown up three times; that particular thing shows up in, you know, I think you couldn't have a better ally in the 12th house than Uranus. Right? Yeah, for that, in that regard, like Uranus, will make it even in a place that is shadowy and kind of secretive. Uranus is usually not subtle, no matter where it is.
So there's some sort of appearance of something that repeats or happens over and over, or maybe it's something that's been happening for a long time in your environment that suddenly gets your attention. But it also helps you, you know, I think having Mars there, in a place where you might not give it much thought, you might start taking a little bit more action on it. Or you might, you know, actually look up the animal speak book about what, you know, these three birds happened to me in this one particular configuration that happened five days in a row, that sort of idea, right?
Adam Elenbaas
Cancer rising; what do you think?
Alex Amorosi
Alright, so Cancer rising; you have this between Taurus and your 11th house and Leo in your second house; I would say this is about interpersonal connections, how they benefit your finances, and how they benefit the resources that you have. You know, one thing I actually had a few Cancer rising clients in the last few weeks, and we've also talked about individual individuality or sovereignty and finances, with Mars moving through Leo.
There might be something around like, you know, I could see with the connection of Jupiter here of blessings, in terms of connections coming through your interpersonal networks that allow you to feel like you're a little bit more sovereign in your own money you have, I think money can represent so many things. But one of the things that can offer from our present is independence; I can do what I want, I can go where I want, I can choose what I want those sorts of ideas.
So I think that you know, if you're, if you have an eye this month to your networks, not necessarily always your relationships, but like what's coming to you through social media networks, or professional networks, through your friend networks, and seeing how that might augment your ability to move with a greater sense of independence with your money.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I like that. I would say community connections and community, developing allies and friends, and maybe business connections, financial connections, or even just the development of new resources through new groups and people.
Let's go to Leo. We have in Leo one of the more powerful connections. Leo's are getting that Jupiter-Uranus energy in an area that is really fantastic for career development. Jupiter-Uranus in that house is going to bring a lot of accelerated growth and opportunities professionally, but they're coinciding with having to take a really deep look at who am I and what do I want out of life. What do I desire? How is my self-image or my psychology, or even my appearance changing in some way, alongside a parallel track of growth and development professionally or publicly in terms of how I show up in the world, what I feel compelled to do with my time, my resources, my talents, and abilities. I feel like it's existential and professional for Leos right now, and I'll just keep it that simple. I think it's powerful because it's so succinct, and for most people who get excited about professional growth and personal development, these are great transits.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, thank you for describing my life right now. I appreciate it.
Adam Elenbaas
That's right; you are Leo rising. I always forget.
Alex Amorosi
Oh my god, it has been very existential too. I feel like I have gone through so many shifts in not only how I'm seen in my career, but even relationally now, you know, I'm in a relationship, and I have been single for a really long time, and like, my whole self-image is beginning to change faster than I can even begin to get my head around. But you know, it's a lot easier now with Mars in the first house, even though it's a little edgy today with Mars squaring the nodes, but it's to feel like you know what, I can be who the f I am. I don't have to hold back anymore. I've always felt like I've had to hold back or have to sacrifice this or that, my sun's conjunct Neptune. So that's a little bit special case for me.
But there's a sense of, like, I can just go out there and like, you know, put on the peacock feathers and hairy emeralds, you know, and that feels that is going through a sometimes a significant amount of discomfort. It can be uncomfortable to work through that. But the support is really well in place this month for all the signs and especially for this sort of existential development that Leo's are going through.
Adam Elenbaas
It's an interesting period for the Leo risings because you've got this really long Venus retrograde in that house, too, which is your career house ruler, and then a pretty positive Jupiter Uranus conjunction up there. It's like; I have to change because so many positive things are opening up.
Alex Amorosi
How do I manage it? Yeah, I need another staff of 11. It's so hard to manage. Totally. But I love it because I'm a Leo rising.
Adam Elenbaas
That's right. All right, take us into Virgo with the Taurus-Leo axis.
Alex Amorosi
So you know, the first thing I was looking at this morning was I was thinking about like a really, you know, what the 12th and the ninth house put together; we're looking at the ninth house of Taurus for you, Virgos, and for Leo as the 12th house, there's some this strikes me is actually quite a spiritual transit to put a very general term on it, there's something about the ability of how you synthesize or understand or even go through a complete shake-up within your, the sort of academics of your spiritual life.
What you're studying, what you're learning, the groups you're involved with or the texts that you study, and then how that might inform in the 12th house, how you d layer the unconscious a little bit, how you may be, maybe gonna feel like, at the same time, your unconscious, that requires a very sort of contemplative, there's or solitary experience. Encouraged to do that.
Out in Central Massachusetts, there's the IMS Meditation Center, and there's a part of that center where I think people go in for, like, a year to do a silent meditation retreat, and I'm not saying that's gonna happen forever. I know, for a year, I, one of my friends, did it, two, and I'm, like, more power to you. I keep my mouth shut. But, but I mean, um, you know, it's that sort of idea. You know, there's that idea of, like, that takes some courage that takes some real, you know, commitment, and it may not show up in exactly that way. But it's the type of idea that kind of percolates around these two houses with Mars in the 12th. House, particularly.
Adam Elenbaas
By the way, if you like Alex Amorosi's wisdom, you can find him at or on Instagram at alexamorosihealing; I forgot to plug you when you first came on. So we'll just make sure we do that. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. In terms of, well, I'll just put it this way. Religion, philosophy, learning, and life direction, as it relates to your beliefs, are going through a lot of development and growth. There's a lot of opportunity there and a lot of excitement. However, I would say that there's some unconscious material, maybe also related to relationships or love or sexuality, that have to be looked at along the way with Mars and Venus going through the 12. That there is unconscious material that is trying to present itself to you for healing or understanding at the exact same time that there's a lot of very excitable growth and development happening in the house of beliefs and learning.
So that's how I would put it, just keep that in mind because you don't want to get so sometimes, you know, Jupiter, Uranus in the ninth is like, it's like discovering astrology, and you've been bit by the bug. But immediately when you learn astrology, for example, when you get excited about it, then you look at your own chart, and then it's not so exciting.
Alex Amorosi
But then you come running to a reading with your hair on fire going oh my god.
Adam Elenbaas
Yep. Exactly. So it's just something we've all been there; you just got to stay aware of the fact that with growth in our beliefs in our mind and our spirit, usually there will come tests and little pieces of the unconscious that say, oh, no, you're ready for this. Okay, let's take a look at it.
With Libra rising, if you're a Libra rising, the connection is between a Leo and 11 and Taurus and eight. Now again, succeed and houses so supportive houses, things that support us in the 11th, its allies, its groups, its friends, its colleagues, its networks of people. In the eighth, its the esteem of others and the special things that they grant you or give you or share with you for better or worse, sometimes blessing, sometimes curses; there's nothing worse than a sneaky person who really likes you giving you some nice gift, you know. But there's also nothing better than someone who really values you, you know, blessing you with something. So the eighth house is a complicated place, which is also why it was associated with the knowledge of both medicines and poisons. Isn't that interesting?
So what I would say is that we are looking very carefully at what kind of gifts and blessings are coming from other people from groups, allies, and communities, and which ones we can trust, and which ones we should be a little bit careful with. And that there's, there's some discernment needed, and there's a deep revision of groups and allies and friends and benefactors in the aid or assistance and forms of dependence or support that we receive socially and with especially in closer intimate relationships over the summer.
For Libras, you're really having to look at that and say, What is okay to accept here? How am I changing my friendships based on, you know, sort of political reasons, like, well, I better not be with this person because this other person that I like that gives me something I need won't like it if I'm hanging out with this group or that person, it could be a lot of playing of games, you know. So I'd be a little bit careful about that with Libras this summer, but also looking at how are my priorities and values shifting with the people that I share things with and the people that I find support or community with.
Alex Amorosi
I love that it reminds me of, you know, my Sicilian grandmother used to say, Never say thank you to an enemy that gives you a compliment because you accept the energy. When you do that, you sort of take on the energy of it, and I always say it's as silly as rife with, you know, these, these interesting sort of, you know, folk remedy type ideas, but I feel like there's something really powerful there with, you know, just interpersonal and energetic connections.
Just like Adam said, you know, being really mindful about what you're accepting and what you're tying together in a stronger way, energetically, and what you need to untie gracefully and walk away from it. You have Jupiter in the eighth house, which usually helps out; you know, Jupiter is in a pretty good position right now. So, I think Jupiter will generally help in that in that regard.
Adam Elenbaas
It's funny you mentioned that you're, you have a Sicilian grandmother because my wife's maternal side of the family is Sicilian, and she has like this; it's so amazing. I've listened to a lot of the interesting folk remedies slash superstitions, and, actually, my wife took a class one time online learning about Sicilian folklore and all this stuff, and it's just; it's really magical and fascinating. It is. Alright, here you go. Scorpio
Alex Amorosi
Scorpio, the arrow of fates, pointing at your seventh house. So I mean, you know, here is a chance, I think, to really, you know, for a rising sign that often likes to be in the shadows or a little bit behind the scenes or at least investigating in the dark. It's so interesting that there's, you know, you have Leo and your midheaven, which is one of the visible signs of the zodiac, and I feel like there might be something that is helpful here with just with this Mars in your Leo in your 10th house is the willingness to step out of what might feel like often water signs need that's sort of secret place and to just let yourself in some way more prominently be visible, you know, take on something that makes it a bit more visible, that can also be stemming from or related to some shift or change within your relationships or your relationship style.
You know, I could see, like, maybe meeting somebody who you know, romantically or, you know, something that happens with a partner that causes you to want to sort of achieve or move or expand more in your career. There's something that just like, you know, what, it's okay for me to be visible in a safe way, in a really prominent way because I can always go back into this place that feels a little bit more contained, where water signs like to hang out usually.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, yeah, I think I put these two together, and I say one thing that comes to my mind is when you're in a relationship, it can change how you want to be seen or how you present yourself to the world. For example, when you become more committed, you may, and this is so, like, I don't mean to suggest that this is a value that everyone should embrace. But some people might be like; I'm going to dress a little bit more conservatively. I don't want to give off the vibe that I'm, you know, trying to appear attractive and look for a date. That's like an old school; I don't know; it's like we're in the 1940s or something I'm so I don't mean to sound so conservative.
Well, you could also, for example, yeah, your psychic boundaries change when you enter into relationships, let's just put it that way. At key moments in relationships, when people grow and change, they may realize that I need to change or act differently as a way of safeguarding the serenity of my relationship or something like that. Whatever it is, my point is that there could be some expansion and development and changes in relationships that are making people rethink anything from the way they appear publicly to what they're doing for a living. Or changes in the workspace could lead to a reevaluation of things happening in relationships. Either way, I think they could influence each other.
Let's go to Sagittarius because we're running a little short on time. Big arrow, ninth house, sixth house stuff, you know, sixth house, like a big huge breakthrough in the sixth house. I read that in a couple of different ways. The Jupiter-Uranus combination in the sixth, I would read, on the one hand, as the potential for healing, mending breakthroughs, redemption, and success as it comes through obstacles, hurdles, frustrations, difficulties, sicknesses, and setbacks. It's like, in other words, it has a feeling of overcoming mending, healing, coming through a trial or a hard period of work, and somehow overcoming it and, you know, having some grace and mercy descend from above and finding that things can be smooth despite a challenging period, even if it's just a period of hard work.
But then when I see that it's also connected to Venus and Mars in the ninth, I think that, that the difficulty could be coming from something ninth house like a challenge to overcome an old belief system, the hurdles we have to jump in ourselves in the unconscious when our belief system is outdated and starting to cause us problems. You know, that's hard to admit, it's hard to admit, as someone myself who had to leave a religious tradition in the past year, it is really hard to admit that a change is needed, that there's something about our own way of looking at the world, the universe, that's not serving us any longer.
So changes in belief systems that require a big leap of faith and growth, a crisis of faith that needs to be overcome through some hard work or breakthroughs relative to things like learning, spirituality, and stuff like that. Those are the things that come to my mind immediately. What about you? Yeah,
Alex Amorosi
I would say something around like, just putting, that's what I know, from my Buddhist practice, in a parable of the Buddha, you know, the Buddha went through it before he became enlightened a whole period of time, we did all these austerity practices, you know, for years and years and years, and then eventually came to the realization like, this didn't work, and he had to try something totally new, and that was the beginning of the process of going to sit onto the under the Bodhi tree.
I think that, you know, I always when I work with clients or students around that, it's that idea of like, sometimes just got to admit this thing, either it's either outdated or just didn't work, and I gotta try something new. I gotta let myself move in a new direction, and, like you said, that can be a very difficult admission. That's a very sixth-house type of idea. Like, oh, shit. Wow, I gotta move in a new direction now, and I never planned on having to do that in some way.
Adam Elenbaas
Yep, that's exactly right, and let me just advance the chart here. All right, here we go, Capricorn. What do you think?
Alex Amorosi
I could write some music for that arrow. So, we have Capricorns; we have your Taurus in your fifth house interacting with Leo in your eighth house, Mars. Mars here in the eighth house is really interesting because I could see this as the severing of some older, outdated, maybe toxic bonds that need to degenerate and just be you sort of left behind in order so that you can just fucking enjoy yourself, pardon my French, but like, so you can, you can find some creative understanding that brings you some amount of joy and pleasure.
Both you and I've talked about Saturn, how it can be difficult sometimes with Capricorns, right to find that sense of, like, I can just let myself relax, enjoy, create or in relax, you know when I work with Capricorn rising sometimes to like, well relax and have fun in your way what's fun and enjoyable to you. Like, it might not be the same as if it was like a Gemini, but you know, what really brings you fulfillment and supports you in enjoyment, not just work and that, you know, Mars there, I just keep seeing that as like, there might be some energetic ties, whether that's to other people, whether that's soul contracts, whether that's, you know, metaphysical or physical that will allow you to feel like you have the ability to, to claim that sense of individual pleasure and creativity.
Adam Elenbaas
I love that. I think that there's something here about creative or even, you know, there's validation that can be given or granted creatively through other people right now. And that's really important at times that we meet people who say, your creative way of being in the world is attractive to me, or is valuable to me, or could be lucrative, or something like that.
Also, the lessons that we learned about how much we care about what other people think, I think those are some of the things that come to my mind.
So going forward to Aquarius, we have the connection between Taurus and Leo with the fourth and seventh houses. So the revolution is at the roots for Aquarians revolution at the roots means shifting foundations in your life over the next year with Jupiter and Uranus in that house together now. But right now, over the summer, the shifting foundation, let's call it, which is ancestral familial, it has to do with land or property or living environment. It has to do with what gives you a sense of security in the world, a sense of at homeness as there are major changes happening there.
There is also a pretty significant period of reflection and change that's going to happen with Venus retrograde in your seventh house of love and relationships. So the foundation is shifting as relationships are shifting, and that's a big combination, one of the more powerful combinations not so different from Leos where we saw it in the 10th and the first identity and public, professional life; here it's home family roots and like love and relationships. So big stuff for Aquarians; that makes sense given that Pluto is just entered your first house, that there's a lot of change happening, and it seems like one of the first levels at which it will affect you will be around home, family, and love.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, I think I think that there's a sense with this of, you know, the what we might suddenly come to understand or suddenly come to see within home might see that through ancestry, you know you're with Uranus is a presence there it really affects the way that you take action within or move towards remove within your romantic relationships. But yeah, I agree. I mean, the Leo Aquarius axis is getting the angular placement of these transits is really powerful.
Adam Elenbaas
Last, but not least, we've got Pisces.
Alex Amorosi
Mm-hmm. Oh, Pisces. So first, Pisces, it's going to be okay. You know, this is something interesting too. We're talking about the third house before, and I kind of refer to it as a junk drawer. It's just the Seeing the house that we kind of put everything in, but it's around us every day in such a way where we rarely even notice it. It's like the fish that's in the ocean doesn't know it's in water.
This is some healthy, possibly uncomfortable, but you know, good disruption within that. I mean, I can see something within these, the third house of Uranus; there's like something is really clearly brought out of the background for you to see that helps you in your sixth house of Leo, with Mars there. You know, have some real courage to move through what might be a challenge that will feel, ultimately, like it was well worth it by the end. You know, it might be something that comes up suddenly for that.
Adam Elenbaas
I just look at that, and I think to myself, it's like, you're, it's like heavy, it's like you have psychic furniture that needs to be moved around in the environment, and it's going to take some work, and maybe even some kinds of conversations or healing that has to be done in key relationships. But nonetheless, the furniture still has to be moved psychically. It's like; it's going to happen. It's exciting that it's happening, and it might; there might be some hurt feelings or some people that there might be some injured pride or some sense of loyalties that are being challenged or tested along the way and mending of think mending of relationships and coming together of hearts that has to happen so that the furniture gets moved.
Yeah, well, I think we did a good job, and hopefully, we've given all of you guys some really good things to think about this month. We will be, of course, back in July to look at that Venus retrograde again. And probably in August, we'll be continuing to look at it hasn't there's a really big aspects in August with the Venus retrograde to Uranus and Jupiter. So yeah, it's a big summer. I mean, I'm actually really thankful that it's not; I don't think it's as big as the past couple of months were in terms of really gnarly, intense stuff. But there are some big ones with the, especially across the Leo-Taurus access.
So hopefully, we've equipped you with some archetypal discussion that will help you notice and work with the energies of the season. I want to point you again to Alex's work. If you want to book a reading or have a session with Alex. I couldn't recommend Alex's work highly enough. That's why I have mine every month. Instagram, alexamorosihealing, where you can also find him making some pretty awesome astrological content. Always gives me a good chuckle. Good. Alex, thanks for being here. We really appreciate it, and everyone out there, we hope you have a great month of June, and we will see you again soon. Bye, everyone.
I think and think that you express our planets Sun & Moon very nicely. You name exactly what I went through and still going through. It is so, moving old heavy psychic is fierce and there is adversity and nothing succeeds (I am Pisces) My courage drops halfway to my knees, and with good tights I stop this courage and continue with heavy tossing in my heart . But luckily I know that after the night the day appears and sometimes stars shine in the night, so bravely keep going. Nice website with a special language that I can read with the help of google translate, thanks guys for your predictions