Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for March 2021.
Hi everyone. This is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Today we are going to take a look at Sun and rising sign horoscopes for the month of March and I thought I would do a live stream.
I'm going to just fix the houses, with Aries on the ascendant for starters. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to move it forward to March 1. Now I'm going to write down for you the transits that are going to have the biggest impact this month, in my opinion, my humble opinion, that we'll be covering today. So we've got March 3, Mars into Gemini. That's our first one. March 4 Mercury conjunct. Then about mid month, you've got the huge new moon in Pisces with Neptune and Venus getting together. That is on March 13th and we're going to talk a little bit about the Mercury Neptune conjunction on the 29th at the same time, so March 19, March 13, New Moon and Pisces. And then on March 20, we're going to talk about the Aries ingress, which will coincide with Venus, eventually going to the heart of the Sun. So those are four transits that we're going to break down for every sign and I'm just going to, I just figured I'd go through them first and give you a sense of what's coming.
Okay, so we're gonna start with Aries, and we'll go through them each individually. On March 3, now, your ruling planet is Mars and so seeing Mars get out of its detriment in your financial house could bring you a little bit of a boost. Certainly, on the third, you're going to see a shift away from Mars in the financial house in its detriment, along with Uranus and into a house that has a lot to do with the mind communication and speech the third house. So it heads into that third place. And you know, the third house, Mars is particularly good at anything having to do with communication or technology, media learning teaching, it's going to add, not only a kind of assertive and action oriented energy, may be starting new things around technology, building a new website, buying a new cell phone, especially after mercury has gone direct, it's a good time to do something like that. But also, Mars in a Mercury ruled sign in the third house is very strategically intelligent, and can often do well making money is good in kind of with investments or business strategies. So it's a very street smart Mars, your ruling planet, you know, also could get into some verbal sparring matches, or, you know, communication and mental energy could be a little bit more intense. So I would say it's a good month and this is going to last remember, for over a month. So this energy is going to find the best way to be used if you are keeping centred in your mind. Because this is one of those, you know, I have Mars in Gemini natively. And I can tell you that meditation has really saved me from this kind of impulsive buisiness of mind. So that's a good thing to do this month for you. But anyway, that's a really good looking energy there for you. I like that one, especially given that on the fourth, Mercury and Jupiter are going to come join in your 11th house, which is the place of friends and allies. So friends and allies, benefactors groups of people, and this is a very generous and benefic energy coming through that house. So I would look for some good news or some good opportunities around friends groups, colleagues, associates people that you know, maybe people that belong to a similar religious group or or people that you go to school with something like that people that you work for. It's definitely Mercury, Jupiter tends to bring cohesion agreement cooperation, it tends to affirm and grant the green light or the thumbs up to something like if you had applied for something Mercury conjoining Jupiter usually says yes. So a really nice energy for you as an Aries this month in your 11th on the fourth as well. Now, going forward, your major transit of the month everybody's major transit of the month is going to be happening on the 13th and that's when we get the new moon. Now for you as an Aries, this is falling into your 12th house. So arguably, you have one of the more you know potentially hazardous placements for this new moon. So you have to be really careful. This new moon is very dreamy, visionary inspired otherworldly romantic, but it can also easily get lost in the fog in the 12th house. is a place that is already somewhat prone to taking us off track through our own self destructive or unconscious patterns. And so watch for the siren call from the 12th house this month, especially from the 13th onward. One thing that I would say that's pretty positive about this placement is that if you're someone who needs some time away, you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed out. This is a very good transit for personal or inward retreating, solitude meditation, you know, the 12th house was traditionally called the joy of Saturn. And although it is associated with things that often undermine us, either from others or the environment, or from within ourselves, or that take us off course, it's related to obscurity, and sometimes a feeling of lostness, or almost like being in this weird liminal space. Yes, and if you need that kind of space, to get your bearings, and to do some healing, some letting go. Some emotional inventory, processing of grief or loss, letting go of the past, this is good for those things. But the big beware of a 12th house stellium like this is going to be about just the kind of dramatic degree of self undoing that we could invite we could find ourselves in the midst of so watch for that. Now, when we go forward to March 29, to the very end of the month, Mercury will eventually conjoin Neptune as well, so it's a little bit of a reprise of the similar energy from the New Moon. Now, on March 20, this energy gets a little bit better for you as an Aries because the sun is going to ingress into your first house. And then Venus is going to follow within the next couple of days in between, say, the 22nd and the 28th. Venus's cazimi in your first house. And this is a real moment of personal breakthrough. And of the need to make different choices in relationships, or to somehow define yourself in relation to other people define your values more clearly. And this could also be a moment of coming out of a little bit of a fog, if the earlier part of the month from the New Moon, say on the 13th onward for the next week or so has a feeling a little just out of it, then a restoral or kind of revitalization. And a feeling of coming back to yourself and awakening will be there when the Sun ingresses into Aries by the 20th. So that's a nice recovery, because that 12th house emphasis for Aries this month is a little rocky. So it's a nice recovery that seems to be coming by by the Aries ingress on March 20. So those are some of the highlights that I'm seeing this month, a lot of air energy, a lot of very social energy in your chart. Good for starting things around groups, collaborations, business media, learning technology related things. And then there's also this this weird sort of dreamy 12th house energy that could you know, you could get caught up in it a bit. Then the good news is again that the Aries ingress on the 20th should if you if you if you get let off course a bit, you should feel like you're coming back to yourself. So that's a good one.
All right, I'm going to go to Taurus. We're going to put Taurus in the Taurus in the first house now. So I'm going to go back to the beginning of the month and start over if you're a Taurus, sun or rising sign. Then what you're going to see is between the on the third and into the fourth, you're going to see Mars move into your financial house, as Venus or mercury and Jupiter can join on the fourth in your professional house. For Tauruses. This has the look of some very good news around money, business finances and work. At the beginning of the month you're seeing this. First of all, it's nice to get Mars out of debilitation in Taurus in your first house. If you've been feeling lethargic. If you've been dealing with health issues if you've been just a little bit more ornery or inert or kind of, you know, just dealing with personal conflict. Mars going into your second house, not debilitated any longer immediately relying on a Mercury that's conjoining Jupiter in the career house, it looks to be a good time for advancement, investment, new business ideas, revenue, maybe some degree of success or promotion at work, new purchases, new investments or purchases. And just it has them to me the look of like good overall approval or some form of blessing or benefit that's coming in, and probably both professionally and financially. And again, it could be related to those airy things like technology, media communication, and so forth. Now, when you move forward to the 13th, your your transit of the month is a little bit better than than Aries you know, whose got it going on in the 12th house, you have it going on in the 11th house, so that the New Moon in Pisces is landing in your 11th house, a place that was associated with wishes, hopes and dreams for the future. Why? Because this house by means of the primary motion of the sky is going to become the 10th house next, this is like a clock it keeps moving around. So Pisces is aimed at the top of the sky right now. And that's where it's heading to if it's in your 11th house. A new moon in Pisces often represents the start in the 11th house of a new social connection, social collaboration, the beginning of endeavouring towards some new dream or ideal that is not going to manifest right away, it's going to take a while to build, it's in the future. But the seed gets planted during this cycle, I would say make sure that what you're getting into is substantive, make sure that you're not getting caught up in a group that is unreal in some way or lacking substance, it would be a bad time to potentially join, you know, you could you could very easily get lost in some kind of cult, or you could very easily you can be given some social or professional opportunities, and some of them may not be real, they may not pan out. And so all that glitters is not gold in terms of the different kinds of associations, people groups and opportunities that are coming up. But at the same time, you know, if you're if you're discerning and careful and thoughtful, there probably will be other possibilities that also present themselves that are really inspiring and exciting. And there's no reason to just look a gift horse in the mouth. If something good comes along, it probably is good. So but watch for it to come through the area of groups, friends, wishes for the future, collaborations with other people, and so forth. Now again, on the 29th Mercury is going to conjoin Neptune in that place, the same be wares, or they're the same gifts or blessings are there, but it will sort of be reiterated by the end of the month. Now, the Aries ingress which happens around March 20, for you takes the sun into the 12th house. Now the Aries Ingress is a is a big deal because we're also going to get between, say the 22nd and the 28th. You'll see Venus comes through and starts conjoining with the sun in the 12th house here it is right here. So this is interesting because this is a little bit of a rebirthing moment for Venus, which typically means that we're going to be taking inventory in our relationships, work relationships, intimate personal friendships, love or marriage relationships. But this one has the mark of maybe some conflict around it or of having to excuse me Take some kind of stand or perhaps engage in what Venus doesn't love conflict. But in Aries, and at the heart of the sun. What I'm reminded of is the image when I was in like grade school, and we would be out on the playground and all of us guys would be playing football. And we'd pick teams, there'd be two captains and they take turns picking people, you know, and it's like, I pick you and I'm not picking you. It's almost the way that your preference could get you in trouble somehow. Or what you say you like, could be controversial, or what you say you do or don't who you do or don't want to be associated with could come into the forefront right now. So watch for that around the 20th but also all the way through the 28th. And I would also see this as a time of labour when the sun is in the 12th house exalted in Aries, but in the 12th house, which is a place that was associated with the panes of labour that come before the child come before childbirth. So you may be entering into a phase all the way until about April. 20th there abouts where it feels like there's a labour and then when you hit, you know, late April, the sun's gonna move into your first house and you should feel like a rebirth like a, a liminal space that you've been in sort of labouring through that might be a little contentious is opening up and you're feeling a lot better. Okay, so that is my, that's my take for Tauruses.
I'm going to now shift again. And let's take a look at Gemini. So if you're a Gemini rising, it's a big month for you because Mars is going to be coming into your first house. Let's go back to the beginning of the month. And I'll show you what that looks like. So here on March 3, if you're a Gemini rising, there's Mars entering your first house. If Mars isn't debilitated, and it's entering your first house, I typically love that transit, it's going to give you energy, it's going to give you a certain amount of confidence. It's going to give you the sense of motivation that you need to get things done. I love this transit for Geminis this month in terms of like renewal or restoration of health or diet or exercise. Also, starting something Mars in the first house is like quintessential, I am starting something new, it's inceptional. Now you're connecting that to the ninth house where on the fourth, Mercury and Jupiter are going to come join this is the ninth place associated with higher learning. And the higher mind, religion and spirituality, long journeys, foreign countries. pilgrimage, it's associated with the gods, divination, astrology even. I wonder if what you're starting, if what you are conceiving of around this time, is related to the higher mind if it's related to teachers, if it's related to education, or religion or travel somewhere, I think it's likely that the two things coincide. Or that the feeling of personal renewal is being spurred on by some revelation that's happening spiritually or intellectually for you this month. And that's been there for a while it's a big year for Gemini's in that ninth house. As I mentioned, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that in last month's video as well. Alright, so that's the early part of the month on the third and the fourth, let's go forward to the 13th. Now, for you on the 13th you're going to see the new moon coming through in the sign of Pisces in your 10th house that is the place that is associated with your work or activities out in the world, typically your career. I love this transit for for you in terms of there being new, inspiring, imaginative and kind of expansive activities or jobs or changes in your career. You can see anything from promotion to job changes to you know, some kind of new project it feels inspired. Now, of course, as always, is it real? Is it substantive? Is there something in this, this longing or this fantasising that that's unhealthy? Those are always the questions to ask when you have an exalted Venus conjoined with Neptune, you know, but this energy again, I'm trying to stay positive about it this month, because I do think by and large, this is a very inspiring energy for everyone. And for Gemini, you're going to find it coming through your career house. And it's reiterated again with mercury, your ruling Planet conjoining Neptune in the 10th on March 29. Now, if you're a Gemini, that's not your happiest place, Pisces is not for your ruling planet, if you're Gemini rising, because it's easy to get lost in reverie, fantasy, emotional, theatrical, Roman, you know, kind of romantic energies. If you're an artistic type that's, there's nothing wrong with that, obviously, but it's a place where mercury can get overwhelmed, flooded or lost in the clouds a bit a little bit like the seven of cups if you know that card from Tarot, looking up into the clouds, there's all these cups filled with different fantasy animals crawling out of them. So there may also be, you know, what, what's the signal this month versus what is static? Let me get down to the real essence of what I'm being called to do versus and what I can actually manage, you know, versus what's unreal, and that that that process. Don't be surprised if you also have some degree of real discontent, that kind of divine discontent I've talked about with Pisces in your career in your career house this month. Okay, well, if we move to the 20th then you get the Aries Ingress along with the Venus cazimi between the 22nd and the 28th. So like the 20th through the to the end of the month is a story of Venus and the sun in your 11th house and exalted sun, with Venus being reborn in the 11th house, something's really shifting for you socially, in terms of groups of people, friends, allies, larger social collaborations. And again, this is a moment where you're trying to define and assert something, and you may have to break with others. Or it may come at the cost of certain kinds of relationships or redefining or reprioritizing your time or energy with within groups or people that you associate with. But overall, I like this energy, it could come with a little bit of stress socially, but I think it'll turn out just fine. Okay, so if you're a Gemini, these are the main energies for the month that I'm looking at for you. I'd love to hear from you guys hear how everything goes. And leave your comments in the chat box for me for later, I'm not looking at them just yet. If I find actually I was hoping I might be able to take questions, but I'm finding it too hard to pay attention. I'm having trouble talking because I'm looking at the chat box. And then I'm looking at this and I'm like, getting all jumbled. So I'm just going to not look at the chat box. Alright, so now we're going to switch to Cancer rising.
Cancer rising, the Mars energies coming into your 12th not the easiest place for Mars. Let's go back to the beginning of the month and and take a look. This is going to come in on March 3. Mars is going to ingress into Gemini in your 12th house. You'll see that right here. So that's that's a little bit tough. If you're a Cancer rising, you know, Mars moving through your 12th house for quite some time can bring up a number of different levels of conflict. Conflict with people that you work with, conflict because Mars rules your 10th house of career conflict around children is possible. You'll notice that as Mars is ingressing Moon is in its fall in the fifth house of children. So the topic of children and pregnancy could be a little bit difficult this month as well as work. Mars in that place can be mentally and emotionally overwhelming for Cancer risings. So it's a very good month stretch two month plus stretch to practice your meditation and just like it was for Aries risings where you're taking Mars in that third house, and it can be mentally overwhelming. You want to be sure that your own mental and emotional patterns or habits aren't aren't getting the best of you this month. This is a more challenging month in some ways for Cancer risings. It's a again, there's an in betweenness to this month with Mars in your 12th house, working through things mentally and emotionally working through different kinds of doubts or insecurities or uncertainties. You also have to be careful of communication this month communication could easily get you into some trouble if you're not careful. But you're also going to see this potentially, like undermining influence of Mars in the 12th house is also related to the mercury Jupiter conjunction that's happening on the fourth of the month. So that conjunction can be really good in terms of benefits that come from other people paying off debts, getting loans, in terms of a partners financial situation, or beneficial connections with other people in business or in any walk of life, really. But there is also this question about speech, communication, knowledge teaching. And like, I imagine this as being a month where a Cancer could feel attacked verbally or mentally by someone or something, or feel like they've said the wrong thing, or potentially almost like having to communicate about something really tricky or difficult. Or they could look at the way in which they have become a source of problem for someone else that's trying to get something done. And you have to look at that really, if you're the one standing in the way of something this month, there's may be some deep lessons there for you. So these are some but I do think the benefit of this is that you're going to be you're working through things mentally and emotionally they're a little bit more turbulent, but the possibility of collaboration with others and things coming together despite that is is there for you. You just have to be a little extra a little extra careful that the mind isn't your enemy this month. Okay, so let's go forward to the 13th I love the the new moon for Cancers. This is your silver lining. The new moon falls in your ninth place related again to religion spirituality, philosophy, higher education, teachers, gurus, laundry, foreign countries, there is a lot of good energy for you in this house. This means if there's any place that I would like to see a Venus Neptune conjunction, it would be in the ninth house because it fits very well with the, what do I want to say almost like a, like a religious festival, or a communion with women in, in a spiritual setting, it looks really good for the the romantic and aesthetic elements of learning or, you know, it looks like it looks like devotion. And it has also it has the feeling of inspired religious, spiritual or intellectual states of mind. So I love this one as a transit that's opening the door to a new platform spiritually or intellectually, and that will be reiterated on March 29. When mercury and Neptune get together there again. Again, the beware is of course, not a good month to join a cult not a good month to get lost in people who are trying to share some some kind of knowledge in order to use you or take advantage of you. It would be easy to get lost in almost like a someone who's passing themselves off as some sort of Saviour like like this thing, this person, this is my saviour. And maybe they're just maybe, maybe there's a hidden or unseen or deceptive element at work. So that's the beware but I don't I don't want to spend too much time on that because I really do think that an exalted Venus isn't going to give you the most negative significations here, it's probably going to have more to do with that kind of timeless, subtle, beautiful, inspiring quality. Okay, so then the Aries ingrees. As a Cancer it really couldn't be better for you because it's going to enter its exaltation in your 10th house. And then between the 22nd and 28th, you're going to get Venus moving into the conjunction with the sun, it's cazimi. for that period of time, there's a big rebirth happening around your career. And you may also given the presence of Mars in your 12th be going through some kind of public level of redefining your values, or something happening in the workplace that challenges certain kinds of relationships or values. And I could see that being a little bit tense. But overall, there's a lot of strength here and you're trying to work through something this month that is, is challenging, and it's going to force you to take actions and define your values very clearly, especially in the workplace. So that's what I've got for you if you're a cancer rising. Alright, I'm going to switch now to Leo, I'm gonna put Leo on the ascendant, we'll run it back and go to the second and third.
Here's the third. Okay, good. So, if you're a Leo rising, Mars is going to be Mars is going to be in your 11th house.
And that means that it's moving into the place of friends, the place of groups, the place of allies. It's also, as I mentioned earlier, a place that is associated with dreams and wishes for the future if you've been labouring in your career for the past month, plus, with Mars in your 10th house in its detriment, and it's things have been kind of like more inert and you've been pushing through things, there's been some degree of conflict or difficulty you've been trying to work through in your career. I'd love this as a moment of you beginning to recover from a period that's been more strenuous, strenuous around work, and starting to find allies who are like minded. The reason that I like this idea of allies who are like minded is because on March 4, you're going to see mercury conjoined with Jupiter in your seventh house, a place associated with our relationships could be good fortune coming in through a spouse or marital partner, or just good things in general coming in through intimate relationships with mercury, Jupiter conjoining in your seventh, but also, given that Mars is in mercury sign in the 11th. I like this idea of a chord agreement, compromise and collaboration with others that piques or reaches a really nice expression right around the third and the fourth. So that I think those are really good transits for Leos this month that I really like. Now, I'm going to push forward to that new moon. Now again, for Leos. The New Moon is going to be potentially a little bit more difficult. There's some really good stuff here and there's some bigger be wares here for me on this one. The new moon in the eighth is connecting A whole new cycle with a lot of romantic and very inspired dreamy energy with the house that's associated with other people's money, debts and obligations that other people have to us so that we have to them. So the best side of this would be you're receiving something really amazing from someone else, oh, there's some kind of opportunity that is collaborative in nature, maybe financially, or that there's just some way that something that someone else has is blessing you somehow. And that could be really super great with an exalted Venus and a new moon around Neptune. kind of the idea of something almost miraculous coming in. And so that I feel like there's, there's gradations of that level of like some great blessing coming through someone else or a debt forgiven or paid off. Some something that's being released karmically that Bond's you to someone else in a negative way. So there's releasing, forgiving of debts, receiving of blessings from other people. That very karmic stuff, though very emotional to. And then on the other hand, I think the worst of this is being completely diluted into something that you'll get entangled in that will be potentially way more than you bargained for. So I would be very careful of offers that are, you know, like, the the psychic or karmic fine print on things that you're being offered to get involved in, around the 13th and onward. So that's my take on the eighth house, for the Leos. You go to the 20th of the month, and the Ingress for the sun is again, I think, really good. And here between the 20th and say, the 28th of the month with Venus going through the Kazemi with the sun in your ninth house, you've got an exalted sun, in that's your ruling planet against your Ascendant ruler in the ninth place, which was called the joy of the sun, the house of God. And it was related to spirituality, religion, higher truth, etc. So, I love this as a moment of defining your beliefs very clearly, within certain key relationships are perhaps somehow related to your work. Venus is the ruler of your career house. So but just almost like I see this almost like a, like a declaration of belief, or a philosophical commitment that becomes very clear and strong, have something to do with education or learning or teachers or teaching something that has to do perhaps with some kind of conflict or dispute that you're going to take a stand on somehow. So that's what I've got for the last part of the month. Alright, so that's my Leo rest for Leo risings. Let's go ahead to Virgo to put Virgo on the ascendant now. And we'll roll it back to the beginning of the month.
Now for Virgos I love the Mars transit for you guys this month, Mars is going to Ingress on the third into your 10th house. That's the workplace to me. And again, unless Mars is debilitated, or its host is really badly debilitated. When you go when you put Mars into the 10th house, you're looking at action, and you're looking at hard work and perseverance and determination and all of the great sort of valorous qualities of Mars, paying off and delivering in your career house. So Virgo risings I love this as a time of being very busy and active and high achieving and socialising and finding connections and being productive and stuff like that. Usually, again, all around your work, perhaps something that's technological in nature, too. Now, you have a lot going on as a Virgo this year in your sixth house. So it's not going to be without a lot of hard work or having to persevere or even work through situations that may feel are you may feel are below us somehow. But hard work and perseverance should pay off the conjunction of mercury and Jupiter that's happening on March 4. In your sixth house can deliver good news and rewards are benefits for having laboured or persevered through something. Or it can also be almost like an announcement that I am going to work really hard on something I'm going to start a project or you know, I'm going to take up a creative you know, like a creative practice of some kind, or I'm going to learn or study something or I'm going to teach other people something I'm going to build a website or it has the feeling of innovation, but also like I'm going to do something that's going to require a lot of me and I'm going to do it and I will do it and I will I'll get it done. So I love this as a vote of confidence from the universe you know this month for you in starting new things around work or you know, your your professional life in particular, but also be Make sure that you're really clear about your beliefs and ideas this month because that mercury Jupiter, conjunction on the fourth will be very much more supportive of you, if you're also very clearly communicating where you stand what you value and you know what you want what you want to see happen. Okay, so if we go to the 13th This is the maybe the most romantic placement for the new moon in Pisces, it's happening in your seventh house of marriage, a house that was associated with sexuality, marriage, intimacy, and, you know, intimate partnerships of any kind. So with the new moon there on the 13th, you can expect the whole cycle to really be centred around relationships. And the most basic advice is, don't if healing and beauty and you know, a real uplifting energy that comes through relationships for you just accept it with open arms. Don't be overly sceptical. Don't be overly critical. Don't be so busy with work with Mars in your 10th that you don't allow time for new relationships that need more emotional tending. Don't be overly rational about things this month, allowed to be allow yourself to be overwhelmed or to go along with the magic that might come in through other people or someone new that you're meeting. On the other hand, this is the Don Juan transit, right? This is the Don Juan, someone called it a Don Juan yodeler. Yesterday, I laughed out loud when I read it. Like a Don Juan, you know, singing outside your window, that guy who doesn't have a job, right? So just make sure it's real. That's all. That's all I have to say about that. Okay, then, we go to the 20th. And you're going to see the Aries ingress along with Venus in the eighth house. Now this one is tricky. The Aries ingress brings a lot of energy into the eighth house, which if you've been listening along to this point, you've heard me say this a few times. But the eighth place is going to emphasise our karmic entanglements with other people emotionally, financially, etc. What do we owe, and what are we owed. And, again, the ultimate bill is death, we all owe the bill of death. But there's a sense of receiving reactions from previous actions that comes along with this house, often in the form of like, what feels like penalties or harder learning, you know, experiences sometimes even a little traumatic. But also, the things that we receive from other people come from the eighth house. And and there is sometimes a, just a very positive aura around eighth house transits that we receive things from other people because they value us or because they appreciate us and that's doesn't have to be in the debt doesn't have to be negative. I have gratitude for people. And that leads me to wanting to give or do things for people. And sometimes that's what that what binds us to others. So anyway, this exalted sun in the eighth should bring in very positive connections with other people, although it can also bring in very forceful and more intense and combative situations with other people. But either way, I think the good news is that you'll be the need or desire to clear things to clear things with other people, where there are confusions or complications that are undesired. That's that's a very positive there for you this month, you're not messing around this month if you're a Virgo, because you've also got Mars in your midheaven. So the need to clear or cut or sever ties that aren't working is very strong for Virgos this month, as well as potentially people who say I like what you're doing. I like your ambitiousness, I like your project, I want to help or contribute in some way. You could see that as well. And watch for those things specifically between the 20th and say the 28th. Alright, so that's what I've got, if you are a Virgo, let's go on to Libra.
Okay, so for Libras we're going to back this up to the beginning of the month again, and we're going to look on the third at Mars entering your ninth house. And then on the fourth mercury and Jupiter conjoining in your fifth. This is an interesting combination. First of all, Mars going into your ninth house makes it important that you are very clearly or like demonstrative, demonstrably saying something or communicating something about your beliefs, your ideals, your philosophical commitments. You're being led by the God of War in the house of knowledge and beliefs. house is associated with the higher mind. So whether it's learning something going back to school, somehow taking a stand about something that you believe in or care about, maybe even some degree of mental conflict around beliefs or differing beliefs or ideals this month, especially in romantic relationships, we'll see that again with the Aries ingress into your seventh house. Those could all be on the table, and also just action, I'm going to take some kind of action, to teach to learn to travel abroad. Any of those would fit very well with Mars in the ninth house. Now on the fourth, you're going to see Mercury go through the conjunction with Jupiter in the fifth. I think that there is good fortune for you this month, because the fifth house was called the house of good fortune, it was associated basically, with anything that we would, you know, potentially receive from a previous lifetime. That was like a credit on the account that we had. That's one of the ways Indian astrologers talk about the fifth house sometimes. And you can, you know, again, Mercury-Jupiter is like the letter in the mail, the check in the mail, the thing that comes that you weren't expecting, that gives you some kind of good news, in the house of, you know, good fortune. So there's something very supportive coming through for you in the early part of the month, I would say. It may be somehow tied also to the idea of teachers knowledge, religion, spirituality, learning, something like that, this would be a time where I wouldn't be surprised to see someone get a scholarship, or I wouldn't be surprised to see someone overjoyed to take some kind of new class that you find a teacher you find a subject that you're passionate about, or even that you find your you renew, or restore your faith in something. Or also that just the idea that something that brings you joy suddenly takes on greater prominence, and you want to spend some time learning or studying more about it. So watch for those kinds of energies in the early part of the month, also potentially good energy around children this month and education of children somehow. Okay, let's go on to the 13th. Maybe one of the other harder placements of the month for the new moon, it's in your sixth house. The positive of this placement, the new moon in Pisces, in your sixth is the potential for healing work to be done or for there to be some degree of emotional and romantic healing. At the same time, I could very easily see a Libra in person not right now because of the sixth house. Having to struggle through it. It's almost like how can I make a good thing more difficult than it needs to be that could be a problem for Libras this month or that phrase of looking a gift horse in the mouth, like don't be overly critical of the good things that are coming in. Why do I say that? because the sixth house was called the joy of Mars and the house of conflict. You have this very romantic kind of dreamy energy coming through that house. And then you've got the Aries Ingress that's going to bump into your seventh house right after it. So there's an emphasis on relationships that's coming through in love but also something that's laboured or hard or challenging about it emotionally potentially. The other thing that I would mention here is compassion, emotional healing, you know, some kind of charitable works, selfless service. And also being careful that you don't overly sacrifice or, you know, don't become a martyr, that would be a good one for Libras this month. And try to accept the good things that come Don't make them more difficult than necessary. I feel like that could be a real theme. And I'm saying that because you're also going to see on the 20th all the way through the end of the month that the exalted Sun, the Aries ingress in will move into your seventh house of marriage and relationships where Venus is going to be afflicted, you know, in Mars' sign, but also cazimi at the heart of the Sun. So there's just a feeling that to me have some kind of emotional challenges around relationships this month for librans. But a rebirth that needs to happen and it's looking to happen at the same time that I just kept coming back to going like, Oh, don't, don't stress out, this is a good thing. Don't make it too hard. I feel like sometimes librans get paralysed by things when it shouldn't be as difficult as it is to make a choice or to accept it accept your own desire, like accept that this is what I want. This is what I need. So, having to work through something around relationships and trying to make something as uncomplicated as possible around love is what staying hands out to me. At the same time if ties need to be broken and part of the emotional healing has to do with letting go of a relationship and you have to make that clear, then have the courage but again, say it plain and simply don't drag it out. Don't make it too hard and you should don't stress your mind out this month, you're gonna see a little reiteration of Mercury and Neptune by the end of the month, so you may feel a little confused. And just try to simplest thing I can think of is almost like, Don't overthink it. Okay, sorry my advice for librans is probably the most intuitive I just have this really strong feeling about it. Okay, so that rebirthing around the house of relationships again to the from the 20th to the 28th.
Alright, I'm going to move forward now to put Scorpio on the ascendant. So if you're a Scorpio rising, let's bring it back to the beginning of the month. Scorpio rising, the Mars energy is a little bit more tricky for you because it's moving into your eighth house. With Mars in the eighth house, to be just totally honest, there's given that on the fourth, Mercury is also going to conjoin Jupiter in your fourth house. I can't help but wonder if there could be some conflict around inheritance with Jupiter Mercury in the fourth house. Are there conflicts happening around home property, family, marriage and money like that would be potentially one challenging dimension to this? Are we or are we trying to like I actually happen to know a Scorpio rising who is going to be dealing with a prenuptial agreement. They're making a prenuptial agreement because they both had previous marriages. They have kids, they have properties like blah, blah, blah. So they have to have like a prenuptial arrangement so that neither of their kids and their states and stuff like that get messed up in the States. I'm not they're not like billionaires or anything but their their their stuff doesn't get messed up. So they're doing a prenuptial agreement, that's probably going to be happening in the first week of March. You can see something like that happening, where you're trying to work out something around home family property, parents, there's an aura of like celebration and good energy coming in around the place of home family land and property, or parental or family karma. But there could be some degree of conflict with other people around those things given Mars is presence in the eighth house. On the other hand, trying to work out what's fair and trying to negotiate and come to some form of agreement in around the topics of marriage and relationships or home, family, property, land and relationships with other people or even business partnerships with other people is what really stands out to me here. Okay, so let's move along, then that's that's the early part of the month. And I really do think that there's good news coming in around the topics of home property and family for the most part, right now with mercury and Jupiter conjoining, the early part of the month, go forward to the 13th. And when you get to the 13th, the New Moon is coming through in your fifth house. One of the better placements for this new moon. fifth house again is the place of Venus was called the joy of Venus and the house of good fortune is associated with the arts with beauty, romance, children, pregnancy, creativity, anything that is pleasure gives pleasure or is enjoyable. And it's also a place that is associated with just good stuff that happens to you for no real reason. It's just like one of the ways I heard one of my astrology teachers explain it was Robert Schmidt once said that go into the grocery store and you happen to meet someone who owes you 15 bucks. I think he was right. He was this was in the 90s 15 bucks maybe isn't that much anymore? They give you $15 you know, and they're like, so you know. I didn't go to the grocery store to get $15 that you owe me. But now that I am here, what good fortune, right. So it's like that. For The Arts, for creativity, for romance for getting pregnant, like this is a very fertile, lush, happy transit. The downside is this place is also associated with hedonism and reckless self indulgence. That's some of the things that Venus is sometimes associated with where your desire body takes over and you're not able to see clearly so you do want to watch for that. Now, after this happens, what's interesting is the sun's Ingress is going to go into the six house. And again, that's going to happen by about March 20. And then you get Venus coming through the Kazemi with the sun from like the 22nd, to the 28th. So there's this rebirthing energy around relationships that could be a little bit conflicted. It's a weird turn that things are taking. And one thing that I thought would be okay, if you're in a relationship, and you're not happy that fifth house, New Moon could very easily introduce an affair, or a betrayal or romantic lust of some kind that comes in and sabotages your existing relationship. So you do want to be careful of that, because the Venus sun conjunction in the six could indicate some degree of difficult resetting or recalibrating in a romantic relationship or in any kind of relationship, that could be fraught with a little bit of conflict. Right? So you want to be careful of that, that the, whatever the Neptune energy signifies on the 13th, that it isn't setting you up for some kind of heavy relationship, that showdown between the 20th and the 28th. On the other hand, the positive of that placement is going to be the ability to shoulder a weight or a burden and find others who are willing to shoulder it with you, or to or to work through something. What do I want to say? There's a sense of being rewarded for Herculean effort with an exalted son in the sixth house, generally speaking, like it's a good time to, just like we were talking earlier about Mars in the 10th house, right? There's this sense of, I'm going to persevere, and I'm going to work hard. And there's honour in that and it will pay off if I stick with it. You could also be very belligerent with the exalted sun in this house and have a puffed up ego and, you know, take to a lot of conflicts with other people be careful of Mars in the eighth house this month. But generally, I think rewards for hard work if you stay modest and humble and try to steer clear of like, really intense conflicts with other people.
Okay, so that's the that's a story for Scorpios. I'm going to put Sagittarius on the ascendant now. Alright, so if you're a Sagittarius, let's back it up to the beginning of the month, that Mars energy on March third is going to come into your seventh house, push it into the seventh. Here it is. So there's Mars in your seventh house. On the third, it's going to be there for quite a while there's the God of War coming into the house of relationships. So on the downside, you might be looking at conflict in relationships. Be careful, because you'll see that on the fourth there is a Mercury Jupiter conjunction that essentially that the conflicts aren't due to some kind of intellectual. What do I want to say? Having trouble talking today? Sorry, guys. an intellectual pride, or an arrogance or a puffed up idea of some kind, really, aggrandized thoughts and ideas can come through mercury and Jupiter in the third at their worst that are maybe very rigid in a Saturn ruled sign, and then Mars wants to go to battle with other people about them in the seventh. So that's the thing to be careful of the thing that I think might be very positive, is that mercury Jupiter is a very hopeful placement, and could point to some kind of meaningful social dynamics happening in your life that are supportive and that are working or driving together in step. So Mars in the seventh can mean collaboration of effort of will. And then it's meeting with the the good news and confirmation of Jupiter mercury in the third. It's like, we agree, let's do it. That kind of energy. So I think that's the positive and the negative about placement. It's very strong the first couple days of the month so watch for that. Now on the 13th on the 13th is the new moon and that's going to land let me back it up. So we get the moon actually in Pisces. Okay, so new moon in Pisces in your fourth house. I think this is one of the more interesting placements because the fourth house is first of all, big new moon in that fourth house is going to point toward home and family karma. deep emotional stuff and water stuff like watch for water and and the home to be a conversation going to the ocean or the beach. emotional healing and restoration of old wounds. The almost like the letting go of or surrendering of old pains and hurts from the deep past. changes that are exciting happening within the family. sibling or sister going to get married or someone's getting remarried or someone's moving or buying a home or children are being born, but I could see there being a pretty new and uplifting chapter around topics of home and family. Now, the negative here is going to be about the smoke and mirrors the deception and patterns potentially of escapism or of emotional loss or almost like it gets, it can be a little Shakespearean in the home and family house this month. So don't be surprised and make sure that you're also you know, not being led into like this would be a great month to look at patterns of say addiction or substance abuse in the home and family with Venus Neptune in a new moon altogether. Looking at Legacy of religious or spiritual commitments, beliefs around home and family, so some healing to do there. But I think also there's a very celebratory and renewing energy to that transit. Okay, so let's go forward to somebody going by hours need to go by days to the Aries Ingress, so then the Aries Ingress is going to move into the fifth house. And then Venus follows and then the 22nd through the 28th, they're moving together on the same degree. That's a loose timeline, but so there it is, right there. So then, what's interesting is, again, the fifth house is this place of good fortune. There's a big, you know, Aries Ingress exalted sun moving into that house, it would be a great time to see people benefiting from their fathers or from family or land, and also perhaps being given some kind of resource with which you can start something the fifth house was associated with the wealth or the money or the assets or resources of the father or of the family in general. So something about wealth, money, property, land family, kind of coming up, wouldn't surprise me. Also the topic of children and pregnancy, and some some emphasis on that maybe a little bit of conflict, I could see parents who are going through a divorce being conflicted about how to split time with kids custody battles, so you do want to be careful of some degree of conflict around children or pregnancy. I could see this being a time where you know woman's, you know, going through that that rocky sick period while pregnant, like but I don't see anything disastrous here, but just a little bit of conflict around that area. Also. I love this as a space of celebrating with other bidders going out and doing something fun with other people. like going to a concert. I mean, people aren't really going to concerts as much I guess. But yeah, just there's a you know, the Aries fifth house people like to have fun, you know that there's a there's an adventurous let's go full throttle quality. This is for Sagittarius risings of course. And then when you see the sun moving into that house, it's often like, let's get outside let's do things. Let's it's like the spring energy is rising and a house associated with pleasure and fun and recreation. So watch for that. Okay. So that's the Aries Ingress at the end of the month. And yeah, I think I think last thing I want to say is just to reiterate, with Mars in your seventh just, you know, don't be surprised if there is some some challenges or mental and communicative challenges in relationships. Be there for over a month, but you'll you'll get through it.
Alright, I'm gonna go on to Capricorn. We'll put Capricorn on the ascendant, we'll back up to the beginning of the month. And can see that Mars is going to Ingress into Gemini in your sixth house, if you're Capricorn rising. This is interesting because on the fourth, you have a really good conjunction between mercury and Jupiter in your second house of money, finances and resources, while Mars is going into the sixth, which is often associated with things that you have to overcome or work through Mars is in its joy in the sixth house, it's a good place for Mars. But given the simultaneous conjunction of mercury and Jupiter in the second, which would appear as some kind of financial blessing or opportunity, or maybe a big purchase or something like that. What would it mean that Mars simultaneously is going through a house where it often has to work hard to overcome something or move through frustrations or difficulties or kind of be a fighter? Well, I would say that this is an opportunity that's going to come with You know, a price tag of a lot of energy behind it, you're going to have to exert a lot of energy and take a lot of actions to capitalise on something that that seems to be coming through either that or be careful that you're not making a purchase that, you know, makes you a slave to a credit card bill for a while or something like that. That there's not the potential for some degree of conflict around money or purchases is there. But I think the more positive or hopeful interpretation here is that there are some financial or business opportunities or something like that, that's going to require effort, but the energy is there to get things done, you know, notice that Mars is going into a Trine with Saturn in the second house, that's a very disciplined and mature, productive energy, and it's probably related to something beneficial that's happening around work or money. Okay, so let's go to the 13th. On the 13th, we've got the new moon for you, that's gonna fall in your third house. So you've got the new moon in Pisces, on the 13th. Here it is. Now, this one I'm a little concerned with. The reason is that this is the place that is associated with the mind now being enchanted. Imagine, you know, by the imagination by fantasy, by, you know, a kind of romantic interlude for about a month this year while the Pisces energy is passing through. And again, on March 29, when mercury conjoins Neptune in the third house, maybe it's not that big of a deal, you know, but this is the one place where I would be like, you could really lose the plot. Because anytime where you're overlapping a house that has a lot to do with the mind and the minds ability to keep order and cohesion in the details and organisation of energy time and effort in a in a day to day way, it could be a great time for a vacation or a break a great time to bring something like meditation into the daily environment, a good time for something artistic or some creative medium to flow through you and be communicated with the world. And those are all very positive things. And even sometimes maybe healing with siblings or you know, something happening around you that there's an energy coming in, that's going to be very graceful. And, you know, for Capricorns and emotional energy like this can be very healing, sometimes Capricorns don't always have the easiest time with emotional life. So maybe some emotional healing stuff like that. The downside is losing the plot, like mentally getting drawn out to see somehow and it's it's the potential for that is a little stronger in this house, in my opinion. So if you go forward from there, the Aries Ingress then happens in the fourth house. Again, this is like the 20th through the towards the end of the month. And you're going to see Venus conjoin with the sun in the fourth house. This happens between like the 22nd and the 27th 28th. So now this Aries Ingress energy means that there's a, like a new beginning, a lot of energy, a lot of power and action coming into the house of home family land, parents property. So that typically coincides with something some new energy, even if it's just as simple as we're doing a big spring cleaning, you know, here in the Northern Hemisphere anyway. Or, you know, it could be something as big as we're going to move or something like that. Now, with Venus, at the heart of the sun, you could also be reworking or trying to make significant changes in family relationships or around the topic of home and marriage. And that might be there could be a little bit of conflict around that given that we're talking about the sign of Mars here and that Mars is in the sixth place, which is often a little arduous means we're having to work through something. So if you are having to work through some degree of conflict and strife around home and family that last part of the month, don't be surprised, but it doesn't last very long. So don't stress out too much.
All right, let's go forward to Aquarius rising. We're on our we're on the homestretch. Okay, so we're gonna bring it back to the beginning of the month again and start off on the third with Mars ingressing into Gemini in your fifth house. Here it is, boom. So Mars enters your fifth house on the third right as mercury and Jupiter are combining in your first. Love this transit. I feel like this transit is going to be all about initiating something, and having the support to do it. Okay, so let me give you a few examples, we're going to have kids, we've decided we're going to have kids, or we're announcing that we're pregnant or something like that, making an announcement about something creative or something, you're going to start or getting the motivation or inspiration to do something and then finding that you have the support there to do it. It's a good combination with Mars in the house of good fortune in mercury sign while Mercury's conjoining with Jupiter in the first place, a place that's really exceptional and loves to birth new things. So I also like this as making some kind of a statement, saying something publicly that needs to be said, communicating something to somebody that needs to be said, and receiving something good for having the courage to do it or, or it's like, it's like, action is rewarded. Saying something communicating something is rewarded, you do want to be careful of almost like a frivolous, arrogant, kind of vain boastful energy, that could get a little bit captured by that with this, these placements. But also, just the idea here that Mars in the fifth house in Gemini loves to do creative things. It loves to do mental and intellectual things that it finds enjoyable or stimulating. And Jupiter and mercury in the first house is confirming you upon you an idea or an enthusiasm or an inspiration or excitement. So I love this one for aquarians. Again, I think the downside would be almost like going overboard with something or becoming frivolous or reckless somehow with a kind of overly cocksure, confident attitude. Okay, let's go to the 13th which is going to be the new moon in Pisces in your second house of money and finances. And this kind of goes along with that potential for it to be a good month maybe like it's sort of too cocksure and somehow topples over because it's not entirely real. But you can see this because you've got this big new moon lineup with Venus exalted in Pisces with Neptune. In that second house of money, resources, business finances, really good for potential developments around money and, and business this month for you, if you're an Aquarius, rising, I love it as almost like a healing that's coming in around money. This would also be something where someone could really rose wear rose coloured glasses. And, you know, almost like, remember this, I remember something like a story in my life that's just popped into my head. I remember going to prom. And I remember at prom, like, you know, I was obviously like paying for dinner. And I had like, I worked at a coffee shop. So like I had a certain amount of money. And I was just wowed by the fact that there were you know that the menu was like, it was just, uh, it was it looks amazing menu, and I ended up spending more than I should have, in order to have money for other things that I needed. So I like I lived outside of my means to impress my prom date. And I remember, you know, like, anyway, it's a long story. But that's the like, you're in an environment where suddenly you're tempted to think that you you belong to an income bracket that you don't write, because I was in I was in a place where most people in that place had more money to spend than I did. It was prom, right? So. So you know, you could get drawn into feeling that you have more than you do. Or that you that something about the business or creative endeavour or something financial in nature is more than it is. And that's the thing to be careful of this month that goes along with maybe overestimating yourself or something that's going on. So that's my warning for aquarians. Now, the Aries Ingress energy that comes right after that is going to happen on the 20th goes into the third house and then Venus has being reset there, again, has the feeling to me of potential conflict in relationships with Jupiter in the first house, probably due to overconfidence and almost like or being too dogmatic or rigid about something. some degree of communicative conflict here could come up. And I would be careful of being a little, you know, like comedians get on stage and they say things that are that normal people can't say, right. And they it's that you know, you get a pass when you're a comedian in some ways, like your you can say all sorts of outlandish things or things that might normally offend people or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if aquarians put their foot Their mouths this month a bit Aquarius rising folk, right? Because this energy has the feeling with Mars in the fifth house of trying to be fun, or playful. And maybe there is something fun and playful that's coming through this month. But I could see it potentially backfiring and hurting someone's feelings or getting your feelings hurt by someone. So be careful of communication the last part of the month, but also know that if there's things that you need to make clear, like if there's relationships that are killing your joy, and you need to just talk about your values with someone else, and maybe take something of a stand, like, Hey, this is what I liked. This is what I don't like, this is what makes me happy this, this doesn't, you may have to do that you could find a nice way of doing it. Just don't be too rigid. Okay, all right. So last but not least, that too, and that's the 20 through the 28th at the very end there. All right, last but not least, now it's Pisces.
Okay, so for we're going to go back to the beginning of the month. For Pisces, the Mars energy is entering your fourth house. That's the place of home and family, and the place of land, property and living environment. So with Mars entering that place, while mercury and Jupiter are in the 12th. In a Mercury Jupiter is pretty good. But when they're in the 12th, and then Mars enters the fourth, I could see that being a conflict of ideals or beliefs within the family, I could see that coming through as almost like mental or verbal intemperance that explodes somehow within the home of someone who's overbearing or domineering about their beliefs or ideas, a father, a parent, a spouse, a child, I could also see this as looking at looking at old conflicts or old wounds in the family or related to parents and how they manifest in you, and how you're changing the pattern or participating in it. So ancestral work, especially around communication, and around ideas and thought, beliefs. You'll notice, for example, that right as this is happening just in the background, you'll see that the moon is going to be in its fall in the ninth house of higher beliefs opposing Uranus on that day. So you just get the feeling here of like a ideological struggle that affects the family somehow, or have a difference of opinion or values or approach or strategy within your home life that comes to the surface and probably isn't the easiest to deal with. Now, the good news for you is that the new moon is going to be here we go, it's on the 13th, I'm going to pull the moon back just a bit here. And that's in your first house. And that's great. Because, you know, this is in your wheelhouse these energies you're very used to they're very, they're going to be more comfortable for you because they're on your Ascendant. And so, I would see this as a time of personal renewal. I'm pressing reset somehow, it's an existential moment where I'm redoing my character, my sense of identity, my sense of purpose, my sense of calling. What do I feel that I'm good at? What do I have to contribute to the world, you're taking stock of those things right now, probably. And there's a feeling of rebirth here. I really love this one for Pisces rising. The only thing is, don't get caught up in any kind of delusion about yourself. Don't try to kid yourself, pretend to be someone that you're not, don't be self deceived. Somehow. The romantic energy is very strong. Don't be surprised if people want to give you things are very attracted to you this month with that exalted Venus in your first house. Or if you're just in a more creative or romantic space. Don't let the longings pull you off course. Just standard advice. Now that comes back again on the 29th with the Mercury Neptune dynamic. Again, creative, almost like a stream of consciousness feeling coming through your first house this month. But again, you just want to guard make sure that you're rational. It's interesting that the the Mercury in Pisces will go through the little little bit of a square to Mars, right. So that square in the fourth house, conflict in in the mind, right and emotion around home and family and identity. Those things could come up pretty powerfully, but I do think the potential for healing is there. All right, then you've got the Aries Ingress. And the Aries Ingress builds comes right off from the new moon on the 20th. And then again through the end of the month, you're going to see the two of them can joining in your second house brings a lot of powerful energy into your financial house could bring some degree of conflict in relationships relative to money or business or finance. chances are it could bring some need to revise or revamp something, some kind of agreement, or a contract or something like that. So some Venus represents agreements and then the cazimi with the sun, just kind of this rebirth in Mars' sign a little bit of conflict around. It could also be something about buying something for the home since the dispositor. Is Mars in the fourth place of home and family. So maybe purchases or money relative to home could be coming up at the end of the month. All right. That is what I've got for for you guys. Today. I'm going to stop sharing my screen. And All right, so I'm tuning in to you guys. Now back on on YouTube. Is there any questions that you guys have before we go because I'd be happy to try to answer anything briefly if I can. And if not, we'll sign off for the day. But I hope you guys enjoyed this. I hope it was helpful to hear you know some of the basics of what's going on. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, I had a really rough night of sleeping and so whenever that happens, I find myself struggling to find words are stumbling over my words a lot. So I apologise to everybody for that today. Guys, they're always gracious. I appreciate it.
So I'm going to end for today. I hope you guys have a fantastic month of March we'll get some timestamps on these eventually. And I also recommend listening back to this as the month goes on. Like come back and re listen will have the timestamp come back and re listen to your sign. And if you see something you know that's that's really radically different from some of the basic outlines that I give archetypically I'd really love to hear about those hear what your experiences are in the chat box because I learned a lot from that and I really appreciate having new dimensions of the transits to consider in my mind. So you guys have a great rest of your day and we will see you tomorrow.
Ha! I had to laugh. Listened to the rising sign forecasts for March this morning. I am Aries rising. Last night I was on the computer searching for a new smart phone. And because last month was financially tight I am searching for the best deal. Glad to know I am with the program! So funny…in a great way. Kirsten ( Australia )