In today's episode, we will be presenting your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes for March with the assistance of my colleague and friend, Alex Amorosi. We will first outline the significant transits of the month, then proceed through each zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces, offering insights tailored to both your Sun and Rising signs.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today, I am joined by my friend and colleague Alex Amorosi to break down your horoscopes for the month of March. We will be going through all 12 signs with a focus on some of the major transits happening in the whole sign house of Pisces, as well as the eclipse coming up in Libra.
At the beginning of this video, we will outline for you what we're looking at and why, and then we'll go into the horoscope breakdown for all 12 signs. You can find those chapter changes listed. If you want to jump ahead, I recommend listening to the introduction part here so that you can understand the overview of the transits we've chosen and, again, the why behind it before just jumping to the horoscope that'll give you some necessary context. But anyway, that's our goal for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. You can fiddle. I heard lick, caress, and punch. I heard smash. Oh, there was a really good one about smashing avocado. People have been working with the avocado metaphors, and I'm a big fan of all of that.
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I want to direct you over to the website for a couple of brief promos we're doing before we get started today. Go over to the website; you're going to notice a couple of new things. One is the shop; you'll see a shop tab. You click on that, and it will take you into our new archives, where you can find the link to all of our new live talks, which include Neptune and Uranus in Love.
Those are our March and April talks, and then you'll also find the recorded version of Pluto in Love, which we did in mid-February, you'll find my book you can get early access to the chapters of my book as they're released about a year before it will actually be in print and then you can see all of our MasterClass series from the previous year are all listed as well. It's really cool stuff. Glad to get this shop page up so that you can check out some of the great series that we've had in the past or register for some of the upcoming live talks that I have going on.
Then I also want to share with you that my wife Ashley, you guys know Ashley and her herbal work. She is back in 2024 from maternity leave, which she took for two years as we have both kids in school, and so now that our kids are both in school, she is back to work. Really exciting. This is, if you guys don't know, Ashley has a master's degree in clinical herbal medicine and has been teaching and working with herbs and the spiritual energetics of herbs, as well as the kind of chemical, chemistry, and science of herbs for a long time.
She's led many, many people through her programs; I highly recommend that you check out her website, which is Her new herbal apprenticeship program is not new; she's taught it for many years prior to her maternity leave. Starts again on April 24. Enrollment is open now, and you can get an early bird rate and some good discounts. There are payment plans. We also have need-based tuition available for that, and if you stick around at the end of today's program, after Alex and I have finished up horoscopes, you will see an interview that I made with Ashley talking about the program so you can learn more about it and what it includes.
So after today, you'll hear me say stick around if you want to hear more about that, I interview Ashley at the end of today's content. So, on that note, I welcome Alex back to the show for some horoscopes. Hey, Alex,
Alex Amorosi
Lord Elenbaas, It's always good to be back.
Adam Elenbaas
It is. We're back. I'm super excited because we're getting into eclipse season, and I feel like that is when I remember that I'm living in a magical universe that I fell asleep on temporarily. It's like, well, there's been some big transits, don't get me wrong, already this year that have kept me from falling asleep at the wheel. But, like every time, eclipses have come back around. I'm like, oh, yeah, shit. Spiritual five D reality. Everything's very real again.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, I mean, especially with that Aries eclipses like there's no better wake-up, you know, McFly moment, right? Back to the Future. You know, the knock on the forehead than an Aries Eclipse. I remember that. 29 Aries one last year. I was like, Okay, I'm back. Yeah, I've got my coffee, and we're doing this thing again. Yes.
Adam Elenbaas
For me, last year, it was the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which was, I think, in May or was like late April or early May.
Alex Amorosi
late April.
Adam Elenbaas
Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to point out some of the transits that are coming through this month that explain for everybody who is listening why we're focusing on the whole sign house of Pisces, and we'll also be looking to Aries eclipses in April, we're gonna be looking at the Libra Eclipse, which comes on March 25.
On March 8, Mercury is going to conjoin Neptune. So, in the first transit of the month, you can see Mercury in pisces conjoining Neptune in Pisces. That's a big transit from a Mercury who's gone through a very powerful transition in a sign that is not so easy for Mercury.
So Mercury shortly after enters Aries but culminates in Pisces; that's an important transit, of course; just two days later, we then get a new moon in Pisces, and that New Moon in Pisces. So, the New Moon in Pisces is happening with both Saturn and Neptune also co-present, so there is a strong emphasis on Pisces happening again. Then, on the 11th, we have Venus entering Pisces, where she will be in her exultation.
Then we get another strong confluence again, focusing on the whole sign house of Pisces. On the 17th, the Sun will then conjoin Neptune again in Pisces. On March 21, then we'll have Venus in pisces conjoining Saturn, as we get that 21st into the 22nd.
On March 22, Mars enters Pisces, right, so you can see that of the transits of the month that I went through in my overview, I'd say 90% of them, or 80%, are Pisces action. So we want to look at that whole sign house of Pisces and just broadly talk about what kinds of topics are going to be really important for you based on your whole sign this month. The second thing we're doing is we're looking at the lunar eclipse, which is in Libra on the 25th.
So, on the 25th here, we can see that the full moon opposite the Sun always is in Libra, and we see it within the 10-degree range of the South Node. That's how we know it's an eclipse. So we have a lunar eclipse in the whole sign house of Libra. That house got some action last autumn, where the eclipses in Libra and Aries started coming through.
So this is going to be a revisitation of Libra themes from the fall or, depending on which hemisphere you're in, the Zodiacal fall of 2023. So it is really important to look at these two areas. One thing that they do share in common is that they are both signs of Venus.
So we have Pisces as the exultation of Venus and Libra as the domicile of Venus. It's also interesting to note that Libra's co-ruler is Saturn, who is exalted in Libra, and Venus is exalted in Pisces, co-present with Saturn during the eclipse. So there's definitely a kind of Venus Saturn theme going on behind both of the whole sign houses that we're looking at, the Pisces signature and the Libra signature this month. They contain a kind of Venus-Saturn dynamic, dynamic. So that might be something that you kind of hear coming through in the way we disseminate horoscopes. But I will leave it there, Alex; what are your initial thoughts or feelings about the emphasis on Pisces and Libra?
Alex Amorosi
I think you know, first of all, Venus is so strong, and really, Venus does become very strong as she moves into Pisces. This is one of her most powerful placements, and I think it bodes for a positive movement through this first eclipse. But I think that it does involve some amounts of where do I have to make some big grown-up decisions, and you know, Saturn usually comes along, it's like, it's not gonna be a lot of fun. But it's a grown-up decision that is going to ultimately benefit you in the long run.
There was something I was reflecting on this too, as I was making lunch before we started recording, and it was like, you know, Pisces, for some reason this month, just intuitively Pisces is like, feels like a return to innocence in a lot of ways and I find that with Pisces, like, there's a sense of where you have, you know, gone through the whole Zodiac when you get to Pisces, and there's a returning back to one's original essence, but it takes with it all of the experience that we have had from going through the sort of archetypal obstacle course of the whole Zodiac. So it's not just about like, you know, I'm coming back to my sort of childish sense of innocence, but like a sense of innocence that is informed by a lot of experience, a new beginning that is informed by a lot of maybe some heavier stuff behind it.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I think of this as a moment of reconciliation, as a potential theme because of the balancing of the scales and the emotional, compassionate, forgiving themes of Pisces. I think of this also as a kind of romantic and melancholic exploration of value values, standards, ideals, and what happens when they fail or don't work out exactly. I think about it as grief and dissolution in relationships. I also think about the need for emotional maturity and intelligence as we weigh and consider various factors socially and emotionally.
I see all of this looped into the upcoming Jupiter Uranus dynamic that wants to create some kind of very powerful Venusian breakthrough, you know, a new way of feeling good, a new way of feeling stable, a new way of feeling satisfied and easy. You know, all the Taurean things. So Jupiter-Uranus is trying to create this breakthrough. It's very Venusian, and it's like, during this cycle, there's a preparing the ground for that breakthrough that might be challenging, you know, like, we might be having to grieve or let go of things in order to pave the way for what Jupiter and Uranus want to, you know, create? Yeah.
Alex Amorosi
You know, I think that, and maybe it's just because I've studied Buddhism for a long time; we talk all the time about impermanence. But I think that there's, we're very reluctant, often in our modern culture, to talk about grief and loss and that those are not necessarily those can be painful. But also grief, when it's in a healthy sense, sort of cleanses us, it washes through us, it allows old things that we have to let go of if we can loosen the grip a little bit. There's always something coming on the other side of that, and I don't think we should skip over that to necessarily get to like the rewards, so to speak.
But I think that there's a, you know, there was a I was in a class on Saturday, and one of the women was mentioning that she does a meditation exercise where she asked you, people to look at each other, they turn around, she asked them to change something about themselves, they turn around, they have to figure out what was changed and she said, almost invariably, someone will take something away, they'll remove a pen behind their ear, the remove a lapel brooch or something like that and she said, It's so interesting how we always equate change just with loss and, you know, she's like, people don't add something often they really will take something away, and I think that it's important to remember here that there might be some, as Adam was saying, some sadness in the letting go, but that can also be a cleansing sadness that allows prepares the ground for a really powerful end of the April season with Jupiter and Uranus.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, absolutely, and I also think Pisces is a sign that has to wrestle with the world as it is, in comparison or contrast to what it could be, and Libra occupies a more ideal sort of mental architectural space that doesn't always is not always forced to wrestle with the, you know, the tumultuous relationship between the ideal and the real, or between the messiness of the world and the hopes or wishes we have for it and so I also wonder if this cycle isn't about bringing the sort of heavenly Venus and the earthly Venus together, you know, the, the architect of Venus and the the grief in the counseling room Venus, you know what I mean?
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, I agree. I think that's so beautifully put, and there's like there's a sense with this, where you can love the real as much as the ideal, and I think, you know, it may further the theme we were talking about last month, and I definitely talked about on Instagram last month of the ideal versus the practical you know, the Aquarius-Taurus. I think it's more emotional, you know, and water signs, particularly so a little bit more with Pisces' emotional play on the same theme, where it's like, you know, you can love sometimes, you know, when you're falling in love with the person or place or whatever, it's like, yeah, I love living in this place, and there are some things about it that are a pain in the ass. I love this person who's writing some things about them that are a pain in the ass, and it's like, where do I find that happy medium of like, yes, there's an ideal, but what can what am I willing to sacrifice from that ideal in order to have the practical, tangible thing in my life?
Adam Elenbaas
Absolutely, and yeah, well, on that note, I think we'll dive into Aries and start unpacking some of the sign-by-sign. I'm going to start us with Aries, and we'll alternate. We've been going in the opposite order.
Adam Elenbaas
So, 12 and seven are two major places for Aries this month, and to me, we can bring these together or not. The 12th is about those things that undermine us and becoming aware of them, whether they are things within ourselves or in the environment or people. So the 12th is the unconscious, whether that is unconscious material that is seeking to be included, don't count me out, include me. Or if it's something that is unconsciously undermining us that really needs to go, like alcoholism or something.
So we look at that 12th house as a blind spot that is getting a lot of attention, that means there's a greater chance for you to become aware of it. For better or worse, that's a great thing. It's a good thing for us to become more conscious of what is in a blind spot because sometimes there's gold in the blind spot as much as there might be a, you know, a shadow or a demon or anything, so, but there's the connection with that 12th house as well as the seventh, and the seventh is going to be your intimate relationships.
So, can we tie together the theme of relationships and the unconscious for Aries this month? That would be low-hanging fruit, for sure. I think the other possibility here is that we're dealing with who and what takes our time, energy, or attention in both positive and negative ways. There's sacrifice involved in good things and good people that we love, and there's sometimes the need to set boundaries and be careful that we're not being taken advantage of. Those are also themes that come to my mind.
For Aries, you know the question might also be about the balance between self and others since the second eclipse will be in your home sign in the first house. But these are things that are going to gestate and probably come out at first and emotionally kind of tangled ways with the 12th House Pisces emphasis.
So I would anticipate that what may feel a little bit like restless undercurrents you can't quite pin down may clarify themselves, especially around the late part of March after the Libra eclipse through April when we start getting a lot of action in your first house. Yeah,
Alex Amorosi
I love that I think you know with this Pisces all of this emphasis on Pisces, especially with Neptune present in the 12th house, this is a really good month to when you're having feelings and emotions be able to step back from them and look at them be really attentive rather than because it could be easy to get swept along with the current here, especially with an exalted Venus, there might be a sense of, if I only get this thing if I only do this thing one more time, somehow that's going to solve something that it never really solves.
So the ability to take a nice big picture, look at what's going on to stand behind it and observe it can also bring a lot of clarity, I think this month and you know, for the eclipse in the seventh house, you know, having a Libra Moon myself, I think that this is important, whether it's in relationship or your intimate relationships, your friendships or whatever, to recognize that the mental balance of Venus doesn't always equate to practical balance.
You know that when we think like, Oh, of course, if I just get the scales, even then it will feel fair on all sides and good on all sides, and sometimes I think with an Eclipse in Libra, at least this has been my discovery, it's a little different. In my chart where the house is, there's a sense of learning like sometimes you give a little bit more, sometimes you receive a little bit more, sometimes you are sort of on duty more in a relationship with sometimes somebody else is.
I think one of the things I'm learning a lot about Libra lately is stepping back from feeling like I have to be the fulcrum of the scale and control what's being balanced and trust that there's a system that if I'm in flow with it, which can be helpful for Pisces, it balances itself in ways I may not understand. But ultimately, you're beneficial for all parties involved.
Adam Elenbaas
Nice. Yeah, I love that. That's a really nice read. I have some good thoughts for you Aries folks out there; you can listen to this for your Sun or rising, by the way. Let's move on to Taurus and Alex; what do you think about the Libra energy in the sixth and the Pisces energy in the 11th of this month?
Alex Amorosi
I saw the balance, and I'm like me, too. I miss Okay. So let's see. I mean, I would say with the Pisces energy in the 11th house. This is a time where especially when Venus passes Saturn, you know towards the middle of the month that you might actually find yourself drawing in or attracting, and I find Venus in pisces kind of attracts in a lot of support benefactors, different allied social networks, you know, in your social networks, that's very 11th house.
I think that that might come from a place of, you know, it's almost like that syndrome of like when you start to really become successful, you start to make a lot of money, you start to, you know, really do well, you wonder why people are friends with you, or you wonder why people are in your life, and there might be some like, discerning of like, okay, these people genuinely appreciate the wonderful exalted gifts that I bring in some people are there for other reasons.
So it might be a time of discernment for that and Pisces, and again, you know, that takes some stepping back with Neptune present with you know, Venus will be in between Saturn and Mars for a good part of the month stepping back and really assessing that from a more, you know, distance perspective in the mind.
I think with a lunar eclipse in the sixth house, this would be the culmination of some work to reestablish some sense of harmony. This is how I would read that one; it would be like the combination of I have slogged through, I have gotten my machete out and hacked my way through the jungle to the back to where I knew, I know I am, and there might be some sense of feeling like a sense of balance has been reestablished. Or it could be the call to let go and allow balance to find itself. Find itself for you, especially with the moon in proximity to the south node, this is a South Node Eclipse.
There seems to be a sense of letting go of the struggle to try to hold it all together and trust the journey that you're on or trust that a journey is completed. That's another one too, and I think it's sometimes, you know, sometimes we can do especially in the healing world, you can just heal forever, man, you just give you healing, healing, healing, like sometimes it's done, you know, go make dinner. So there could be that sort of feeling with it as well.
Adam Elenbaas
I love that. Yeah, I mean, when I think about Jupiter and Uranus about to conjoin in the first hole, sign house for Tauruses, and I think about that sixth house, South Node Eclipse, I also think about what is happening that could lead directly to a shift in your health, your body. You know, sometimes, and I don't always, I don't think it has to be like a rock bottom. But sometimes things of consequence happen.
So every six housey and, there are obstacles that have to be overcome or sicknesses or accidents or, you know, hopefully just minor things, but they come up, and when they're happening like that, and eclipse in the six so close to Jupiter and Uranus. You get the feeling that the frustrations or challenges, maybe especially around health with a lunar eclipse in the six, are going to translate very swiftly to a kind of breakthrough around vitality and well-being for Tauruses. I also wonder about shifts or changes in allies, friends, or people in your life coming and going that also facilitate greater freedom or some kind of personal breakthrough.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, I love that.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, that's a good one. I'm thinking about that a lot. Obviously, since I'm a Taurus rising, I'm like, ooh, that should be interesting.
Alex Amorosi
So it's funny when you read for yourself,
Adam Elenbaas
I know, I know. Exactly. It's good to hand that one off from time to time. Gemini
So we go into Gemini; I'll take this one. We get a lot of emphasis on the 10th house and then some emphasis on the fifth through the Eclipse and Libra. Well, to me, when you connect the Libran Eclipse and Venus's sign with Venus exalted in the 10th doing a bunch of things this month, I think for Geminis about a kind of creative renaissance, the word renaissance-like rebirth awakening.
So I wonder for Geminis if there isn't a kind of, you know, sometimes South Node eclipses lunar eclipses are going to show themselves as something expiring, you know, and if something's expiring as exalted Venus reaches Saturn in your 10th house, ruling the eclipse, I've got to think that if there's something you've been doing professionally, that isn't, it's not glittering anymore, it's not making you happy, it's not creatively rewarding, that you'll really be feeling it around these transits this month.
On the other hand, maybe you're reaching the completion of a creative project or a creative era in your life where something is solidifying and sort of making its way into a final form. I also wonder about the connection between love and romance in the workplace. I know it's kind of like soap opera-ish, but it's like, maybe you and Darren are fighting in a dark hallway.
Alex Amorosi
I never expected that to happen.
Adam Elenbaas
Exactly. So, yeah, I like the Piscean emphasis, though, when it comes to, you know, what, what are you hoping or longing for in your career, or your long-term professional outlook, what's making itself known to you right now, like, whether it's disappointment or its aspiration.
You're gonna be feeling so you're gonna be wrestling with something emotionally in the career house, and it could be a creative wrestling that's very productive and exciting. But it could also be about frustrations that you need to pay attention to. Either way, I think it's the emphasis is on creative change in the career because of the connection between five and 11, with the eclipse and five, and the exalted Venus moving through the 10th with a whole bunch of aspects with Neptune included. So I think creative, tumultuousness or creative shifting, and the end of some cycles around creativity, joy, pleasure, and their connection with career.
Alex Amorosi
You know, reflecting as you were talking about how I've always been since I was very little, very into Japanese art and culture in a lot of different ways. So it's a big trip we're actually going to plan for next year to go to Japan for a few weeks. Nice. Yeah, I can't wait. That's like a lifelong bucket list thing for me. But I was thinking what a Libra moon, you know, in the fifth house, and sometimes when I would take Japanese flower arranging years ago, they pick up on, you arrange, and then you pause, and you reflect on what you've arranged, you know, you take a minute to really create something aesthetic and beautiful and it's very satisfying to also not just create, but then pause and look at I created this harmonious structure, I created this, and it brings me a sense of peace in order to look at it in a certain way.
I think that there's something about that Eclipse energy that is really bringing that up for me, that idea of maybe having created new things or wanting to create things that when you stand back, and you sort of put your hands on your heart for a second, you really look at it, you say, this brings me a sense of harmony, it sends me It brings me a sense of order, it brings me to all these nice Libra ideas that can actually be quite soothing, especially when there's a lot of agitation in the mind, I think that can be very helpful.
Pisces this month might feel in the career house a little emotionally; there's some chop in the surf, you know, there's some chop in the water, and probably a very strong desire to move towards something that feels a little bit more creatively and artistically fulfilling in some way. But maybe feeling like, at first, that is challenged, or it may not feel like it's realistic, or grown up with the aspect coming up to Saturn, and I think that's just an assignment to make. It may or may not be, but I feel like those are the tensions that are going to start to pop around. Yeah, yeah.
Adam Elenbaas
There's a way of saying, is this real or mature or practical? Or Screw it? I don't care. I'm not gonna let anything limit me. I can see those voices kind of competing around career and creativity. Yeah, for sure. Let's move on to Cancer, and we've got loads of planets in the ninth with the stellium or with the eclipse, excuse me, in the fourth for Cancers.
Alex Amorosi
This is really interesting. You know, I feel like all of this Pisces energy in the ninth house may have you feeling a little bit disillusioned about the first this month about how you make sense of the world that may feel in some way that it gets thrown into question in some way. It may feel like there's a sense of, you know, Adams, great word melancholy that comes up as one considers like an old belief system or an old way of ordering the world that just feels like it doesn't quite work anymore; it doesn't quite fit anymore.
There's a call towards something that brings a little bit more feeling of beauty, like seeing instead of seeing the cosmos is like the universe thing is the cosmos right, seeing something alive and beautiful and imbued with beauty and meaning and, you know, especially this being in Jupiter sign and I think, you know, I was thinking about this specifically for Cancer risings today with the eclipse in the fourth house, a lot of times when I'm working with clients, we work with, I work with them on the idea of eventually, we have to bring the people that are our parents out of the Sun in the moon.
In other words, they're when we're little, you know, and probably see this with your girls that, like your parents, are gods in a certain way. They everything flows through them, you know, and we can really carry that into our adult lives, and I think eclipses in some way with the Sun and the moon, and I think especially in the fourth house, there's something where we bring the fan only down out of something that may have felt like it had to be perfect or balanced or, in some put together some pristine way and there's a sense where you realize, wow, my mom was a person. My dad was a person, you know, it doesn't excuse anything that may have been difficult or challenging or traumatic in the past. But I think there's something with the eclipse where there's the light of the moon being dimmed a little bit. It's like, oh, yeah, there's a there's a person behind the curtain. There's a person behind the moon, there's a person behind the Sun, this, how it kind of put those two together.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah. Oh, that's so nicely put. Thanks. Yeah, I could see, you know, events that challenge or strengthen or develop our faith, our beliefs, our outlook or understanding. So I feel like all those planets in Pisces are like a teacher for Cancers this month. What are they teaching? They're teaching something that culminates in an event for Yeah, an event around home and family, around living environment, around parents will karma ancestral karma.
So there's the there's teachers and deepening of wisdom and understanding, broadening of horizons in the mind and heart and a kind of lessons or reorienting your compass of beliefs, very strong, maybe even looking at things like religion and faith. Education, broadly speaking, and then the strong overlap with either your domestic space where you're living, what it looks like, where it is, or relationships around home and family, and those two areas are coming together this month, wouldn't surprise me if you're at a crossroads in terms of your outlook or view on life and something around home and family is it plays a major role in continuing to shape how you think about things.
Alex Amorosi
Often, one of the biggest changes to our belief systems happens through those realizations from our ancestry.
Adam Elenbaas
Like, you know, not to be morbid, but like, if someone had this transit and grandma passes, maybe, hopefully, like, after living a long life and all those good things, but like, Oh, that'll put you in touch with mortality, that shit changes everything. Yeah, let's go ahead to Leo.
So with Leo, we have the placement of Pisces in the eighth, and then the, excuse me, the Lunar Eclipse in Libra in the third on March 25. So, you know, to me, I look at this as the eighth house as a transactional space. I think I recently referred to it as the blood bank as I went to the Red Cross, and I found out I had, Oh, negative blood, which is apparently universal. So I decided to donate some blood because I have heard that that's kind of a rare commodity that the Red Cross appreciates. So okay, I'll donate some blood.
So I did that, and I found out about my blood type because I did this. What do they call it ancestry and DNA and I did like a panel to see where I came from, and oh, cool. What my blood type was, it was it was interesting. Anyway, the blood bank is an interesting concept of the eighth house and an interesting way of looking at it.
We give to others so that they may live, and others give to us so that we may live. You know, it's like in The Lion King, you know, the circle of life, it's very easy to see. But the dark side of the eighth house is that there's a give and take and, you know, there are different cultures around the earth that when they give a gift, someone gives you a gift, it's considered bad luck, and people will be very reluctant to take free things as well. Right? Even if a person seems like they're coming from a good space, like, yeah, but what will I end up owing? You know?
So, there is this kind of transactional space in life. The transit when you get a bunch of transits in the transactional space of the eighth house, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's going to be a bunch of debts or penalties or karmic obligations; there could be, but it could also mean that you have things coming to you, like from other people, energetically, emotionally spiritually.
So the give and take the karmic exchange the soul contract level of things. It's mysterious. We don't always know why it works the way it does, and looking at the issue or question of co-dependencies, and I don't mean that in just a pejorative sense, I mean, we are codependent beings, and there's problematic codependency and there's healthy codependency in the sense that we are cooperative and dependent beings.
So, a lot of those dynamics are coming up for Leos this month; I'm just cooperative. I'm a dynamic being that shares in a reality with other people, and there's a give and take, and I carry part of people's loads, and they carry part of mine. But, you know, are all the relationships Well, boundaried in that realm, maybe not maybe they need to change, you know, are all given takes healthy and beneficial? Maybe not? Do I need to give more? Do I need to give less? So I think there's a real focus on that for Leos this month.
Then, at the same time, you know, the Libra moon in the third house seems kind of unrelated on one level. But on the other level, you know, if you think about the third house, it is the environment in the world around you, and your care and tending of the environment, while the care and tending of the environment looks intimately connected to all these different forms of give and take.
So if you want to change what your house looks like, it's a conversation if you live with someone else, you know, if you want to change what day-to-day life looks like how anything from mundane matters, like bills and energy and income and expenses. Anything in everyday life is going to change; it is going to be due to some very strong shifts that are happening in the blood bank if that makes sense.
Alex Amorosi
I love that. I love that as the blood bank. That's such a great way to discuss the eighth house; sometimes, you're going on all these little dots with the eighth house. That's just a great way to summarize it. You know, it's funny. Of course, being a Leo rising, I was listening intently to every word Adam was uttering, and really, what are you gonna say?
I think that you know one thing, and this is very personal to me; I hope it translates out to those who are listening. But with Saturn present there now for, you know, almost a year, there's been a sense of, like, where are the exchanges fair? Where are they not? What I've been discovering, too, is that it's not just about how much did I give; I didn't give enough. A lot of it's about the reception, like when you don't allow somebody to give to you. You really, in a lot of ways, unintentionally make them feel like they're not needed or valued in your life when you don't allow someone to bring things to you. It's like it's saying like, Well, yeah, I don't need anything from anybody, and sometimes Libras can feel like that, you know, the Libra Moon, I can just say, and the Libra Eclipse, it's like, yeah, well, I don't want to ever feel out of balance with anybody. It's a little bit of what I was talking about with Aries and the Libra seventh house.
I'm wondering, you know, with this here, too, you know, you do want to look at are those exchanges that you're having with other people that you're allowing to give to you, like, I've said this before, in this podcast, that was my best advice my Sicilian grandmother ever gave me never say thank you to an enemy, because you refuse to accept even when they do something nice to you, because you accept their energy that they're giving to you and there's something I was always loved this whole sort of this sort of folk magic from Italy, and that could be something here too, or it's like, who am I accepting this from? And then what will be the expectation? Just as Adam was saying, the expectation because of that and just being a 10th, you know, being kind of savvy about those dynamics this month, I think it could serve us well.
Adam Elenbaas
There's a way in which our beliefs also shift and change our values and outlook on life because we are allowing other people to give something to us. Yeah. Right. Yeah, and that could be the open-mindedness of the Libra third house, you know, kind of pinging off from the Aries ninth house, right? So there's, because that eclipse is coming up in the ninth too, and all the planets in Aries, or Pisces, will be going right into Aries, and so it's as though other people have, we want to allow them to be able we want to be a sign of a healthy relationship is that you can influence me and I can influence. You know,
Alex Amorosi
I love that, and it is especially important for Leo because Leo can feel it can be a very solitary sign. I'm sitting on the throne by myself. It's my duty to carry it. Well, other people can support you in that regard, too.
Adam Elenbaas
Right? Right, heavy is the head that wears the crown. Well, Virgo rising places, the Pisces stellium in the seventh with the Libra moon in the second, and I think we actually get some overlapping themes that were similar to what we were just talking about with Leo rising, insofar as we're talking about intimate relationships, and we're talking about possessions and resources again, with the second and seventh rather than the eighth being emphasized with the third. So it's it, you know, I look at this, and I say, you know, there's a good chance for overlap between relationships and resources, but I realized that I just hijacked yours. You were supposed to start.
So I mean, yeah, I would look at this, and I would say, okay, Libra, you've got, you know, the Libra eclipse in the second house. It's a South Node lunar eclipse. There's exploration in the air, finality, resolution completion, a cycle of karma that's completing itself with respect to who and what you rely on for what that is the broader meaning of resources in the second house. It's not just money; it's who and what I have that I can rely on, and there's something there that's ending, something that's releasing, and then we have the emphasis on deep transformation in intimate relationships.
So I would think there's a connection between resources, who and what you can rely on as support, what you have or are in possession of or are cultivating, and the ongoing transformations in love and relationships. Not all of this will be easy with Saturn there; there's maybe having to balance the books when it comes to relationships and how they figure into your needs, your wants, your values, your assets, and things like that. So, the other thing would be just to inventory socially, like who is the who and what relationships are most valuable to you and are worth cultivating and developing as assets in your life.
Alex Amorosi
I love that. I think just looking at Virgo the sign, and this happening for Virgos between the seventh and the second, real issues around value and worth really come to the surface for me, like, especially with Pisces, in the seventh house is like, you know, where have you maybe externalized your sense of worth too much to others, or where you may be holding it too much within yourself saying the only I to find it only, I only like, you're not open to the reception or feedback from others that could actually enhance that feeling of value and worth.
I really feel like, you know, if you're putting these two houses together, which we don't necessarily have to, but there is a sense where there's a dematerialization with the south node in the second house with the moon have the feeling that with Virgo and Libra often that I have to be, I have to have everything under control. In order to feel like I have value, I have to have everything set and everything held in order to create a sense of value or worth, and there's a sense with Pisces here, which I actually think could be a great ally this month and it's okay to let go and go with the flow. It's okay to trust like you have value and worth because you're a sovereign divine being with the divine soul just like everybody else is, and you don't have to work so hard to tightly grip what people feel or think about your value and worth because it's just a reality and I think Pisces actually can do very well with that, especially with Neptune right at the end of the sign.
Adam Elenbaas
Let's go forward to Libra rising, which places this lunar eclipse in your first house if you're a Libra, and the Pisces stellium into the sixth now, Alex, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna Bogart this one as well. So go ahead.
Alex Amorosi
You're not gonna Eclipse it. I'm right for the age for dad jokes. So, I'm just leaning into it.
Adam Elenbaas
You got it, man.
Alex Amorosi
So let's see, you know, I do feel like with Pisces in the sixth house with Mars present in its joy. Neptune. There is something about a sacrifice here. I think that doesn't mean that it's all a loss. I think sometimes, you know, like I was saying in the beginning, you know, we can think of just like, all changes, loss or all changes grief, or all changes this big, you know, scary thing.
But I think there is something here where there's an offering to be made; there's a humility to be found and like, you know, in order to move forward on this grand quest of the sixth house, which often feels kind of like a grand quest, there's, there's something that has to be thrown on the fire, if there's something that has to be harvested in a particular way that's respectful and reverent in order that our cycle really can come to a close in that, you know, with the Eclipse moon in the first house, I think that would relate really powerful to the identity.
Really looking at what aspects of your identity have just hit the limit, they can't go any further, and if you try to take them further, you know, with the first house and the sixth house involved, you may, you know, it's possible that your body starts to get your attention in some ways and it's not to scare anybody that may or may not happen, I'm just saying these houses may be relevant to that idea of like, your energy really starts to go down, you're really starting to notice it in a physical way. But I think it's okay for this month to really feel like this part of who I am, who I felt myself to be; it's okay to let it go, and that opens a whole new set of possibilities down the road of what can come for you.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I mean, I look at this, and I think, okay, like, I know, it might seem you might scratch your head at how I'm making this connection, but I could also see family karma coming up in a big way and the reason for that is that when you have a lunar eclipse in the first house with the South Node, any ways in which your family of origin and has shaped or continues to shape your sense of health well-being identity psychology, you will see that lunar eclipses in the first house are strongly coincide with the shaping of our lives and our in our health and our identity from family and that's because of the lunar nature of the eclipse in the house of identity.
When we pair that along with the six house transits, for example, you I guarantee you at least one person in this audience will have the theme of caring for a sick family member, and that doesn't mean they're going to die doesn't mean anything terrible, it just like care, for sacrifice on behalf of compassion on behalf of someone who is sick.
That could also mean that you have nothing to do with them because they're alcoholic sick, and you had to draw a boundary, but you have to, you have to have compassion for the whole situation and find some level of forgiveness through your, you know, an Al-Anon program or something. The point is just that I could see grief, frustration, suffering, service, and sacrifice playing into something that is really affecting you emotionally that comes from your family history. That's a little different.
But the other one that I would say would be about shifts and identity health or wellness that require some sacrifice or that require a letting go. It's like, you know, gracefully aging, or making shifts to your plans, priorities, or expectations, because you're realizing you have certain limits, where you're realizing that you can't keep going forward and the same old way, and you got to shift something so that you care for yourself better. So these are a few things that come to my mind, anyway.
Alex Amorosi
You know, one of the things quickly on what you were saying is one of the aspects of the 12-step programs that have been very helpful for me from Al-Anon has been, you didn't create it, you can't control it, and you can't cure it. Yeah, there's something to me about that type of feeling with the Pisces sixth house there, right? It's just like there are certain things I don't have control over, and maybe an identity got shaped around the belief that you did. Yeah, and that could be a letting go that's happening from that.
Adam Elenbaas
Yes, that's a great point. That's a great point. We take things on; they aren't necessarily our own. Exactly. Yeah. Well, for Scorpio, I'll we'll just we'll flip-flop now. So I've got Scorpio with the lunar eclipse in the 12th and Pisces energy in the fifth.
Alex Amorosi
So I think you know something about this Pisces fifth house. This is really interesting because I could see some really exciting, interesting creative endeavors on the horizon that may at first feel like they get a little bit of rain poured on their parade. Like with Venus passing, Saturn is like I am so jazzed about this new art project or this new relationship where I really liked this beautiful idea for a book I'm creating; I think it's going to be so helpful to all of you know, get really into the Pisces, you know, either with it and Saturn says like, well, that's not practical. Do you really want to do that book? You know, are you gonna make money from that book, you know, there's there might be that feeling, and so I think that there is that balance coming in this month, and I'm wondering with the moon, the south node in the 12th house in Libra, I think that that's a really interesting way of looking at finally, seeing, you know, and Scorpios are really well equipped to do this.
Finally, seeing a thing, I don't think we ever see all of our stuff, particularly, and we need other people to reflect it. But the ability to look at where you may have felt restrained by a sense of duty, or a sense of diplomacy, that may sometimes feel like it's gotten it sort of controls you from behind the scenes, like I need to like kind of dot all these i's and cross all these T's and make sure there's a sort of balance here where it's like, that may be inhibiting you in some way or holding you back in a way where if you let it go and see it and transform it, there's, there's some power, and I see some gifts under the surface of that and the 12th house, especially with an exalted Venus ruling that house there's, um, you know, every time we retrieve a lost power part of ourselves, it's not just about healing that part, but it's also recovering the gifts that are brought it was trying to give and it could it for whatever reason. Yeah, and I'm wondering if there's something along those lines.
Adam Elenbaas
Very well said. I like that. Yeah, I think you know, the Libra, the Libra 12th House. If you think about 12th houses as something that is actually a part of the mythology and character of the first house that, the rising sign Right, but it's a hidden part. You know, it becomes really interesting all 12 Rising Signs have an interesting 12-house story that's actually maybe a part of who they are or a part of what they're trying to be or understand, or there's something that's a part of them that they can't see and for Scorpios, you know, the one thing you know, Scorpios don't usually get accused of as being perfectionist.
But where does that deep penetrating need for truth come from, or connection and fusion emotionally, for zero tolerance for BS, for the control and the power associated with Scorpio? It comes from a sort of subconscious or unconscious Libran space of having immaculate, pristine ideals. We don't really think of Scorpio as kind of tumultuous emotionally. But imagine, like a madman being fueled by, you know, kind of Platonic ideals that are not totally visible to them.
Alex Amorosi
And they're totally capable of contrasting it.
Adam Elenbaas
It can really torture them emotionally, or they can torture others emotionally, but from falling short, and so forth. There's an interesting sideline story like that for all 12 signs, but the Libra and Eclipse to me, along with the Pisces fifth house Energy, says, yes, there's this creative romantic churning in the fifth house. What's the point of it if it's not perfect? What's the point if it can't be perfect?
I could see Scorpios struggling with a kind of skepticism or a tendency to doubt or question or scrutinize what is coming through as a series of creative longings because if it's not perfect, it's it can't be anything. I could see there being also devastating disappointments within romantic longings are yearning. So I want this; I desire that this is creatively rewarding or satisfying for me.
But, you know, you get that pinch from the 12th House saying, well, there's some way in which it falls short, or something, you know, a lunar eclipse, and Libra can be about the disappointment of things, failing, you know, things not adding up somehow, which is a Libra and shadow, especially think of Libra and shadows, and you think of the 12th house.
Alex Amorosi
Yeah, a little bit.
Adam Elenbaas
Okay, let's go on. I think, you know, more redeeming for Libras; I would say there's great creative energy, and there's an A maybe looking at unconscious material that you if you address it, can help you to be more creatively satisfied. But okay, now I'm going to hand it off to you. We have the Pisces Libra connection between 4 and 11.
Alex Amorosi
Interesting. So you know, I could see with Pisces in the fourth house and an exalted Venus present. There's something to me about it. There are many beautiful things that we inherit from our families; there are many beautiful gifts and many beautiful creative abilities that we inherit from our families, and some of those serve us well in our own individualized sense of self, and some of them don't.
We've inherited them; they're beautiful, they're wonderful. But you know, just because I'm good at it doesn't mean it's necessarily part of my dharma consent type of feeling, and I get that feeling with the fourth house here, especially with the exalted Venus really calling towards a sense of what are the creative, beautiful aspects that I've inherited from my ancestry from my lineages. But what also speaks to me is my Saturn in Pisces here really speaks to the amount of integrity to me, like, what's in integrity, with my own sense of self, and that's a really interesting and fascinating discernment to go to, to go through.
I think, you know, you but the lunar eclipse now in Libra and the 11th house, you're looking at the exchanges you have within your social networks, professional networks, but I think you're also looking at like, the ways in which you either prop up your career or the way you prop up the way you're seeing in the world.
So who is present in the 11th house, you know, who are the people who are helping you stay balanced, who are the people who are maybe requiring too much of an effort for balance, and who, maybe, there's something that's dissolving around a feeling of, I have to kind of tap dance around all these groups to make sure everybody is happy in some way, and solidify both feet on the ground and understand who is really the benefactor and who is you know, who has maybe demanding time, attention or resources in a way that may not ultimately be beneficial anymore?
Adam Elenbaas
I like the connection between these two houses in terms of Changes in location and community. So you could literally be relocating and finding that you need to meet new people or establish a new community. I could also see this as a common connection between family systems and group or community systems, living environments, community environments, and social or professional environments. Some overlap between the way you were raised and what family or belonging or safety and security looks like, and how that is mirrored in ways that are sufficient or insufficient socially. You know, maybe some connections between home, family, communities, groups of people stuff like that.
Alex Amorosi
It could be a nice new beginning with some, you know, letting go happening around the home.
Adam Elenbaas
Capricorn, is this me? The third house is Pisces, and the 10th house is Libra eclipse on March 25. Let me go back. One day, there we go. So, first of all, the emphasis on the eclipse for Capricorns, you've got the eclipse in your 10th house. So, you know, an expiration date that is being reached with respect to your career, your vocation, or whatever engages you with the world outside of your home, you know, what brings you out into the world and what activities define your intersection with the world.
If that's the case, some people might be retired or not even into their careers yet. But there is a cycle of engagement with the world, probably professionally, for most people listening to this that is ready to exit. That's the south node. So lunar eclipse, something the fruit is ripe on the tree, it's ready to be plucked, the cycle has reached completion, there might be a sense of satisfaction, or fulfillment, or culmination or completion, but also closure and letting go and that's in the career house for Capricorn's.
While, at the same time, we have an emphasis on third house planets and the third house can be the mind the emotions, the everyday environment. A lot of changes are happening in that house, including a new moon cycle that starts off with a new moon in Pisces early in the month. So yeah, when I think of this, in this, with this combination. Pisces is a sign of transition from the late winter into the spring so directly, and so that transition is about emerging from darkness into light, and it's a water sign, which means it's very, I want to say, earthy, even though it's water, but it's very embodied. It's very physical, material, and emotional. It's rooted in senses and feelings, perceptions, relationships with living beings, and that matrix of being. But it's also transitioning from a dark space into a light space, which means that there's something we're seeking in Pisces; there's always a kind of restlessness.
So there's a lot of really restless energy coming through mentally, emotionally, and in the environment, as some new ideal seeks to express itself. I suspect that that will shift something around career, and I suspect that carrying into April, it will shift something with respect to home and living environment because the April 8 eclipse will be in that fourth house. So you'll start noticing it because of a kind of restless moving of parts and feelings and moods and thoughts in the environment.
Alex Amorosi
I'm reflecting on that eclipse in the 10th house, that lunar eclipse, and a number of years ago, I think was in 2018. I had taught my yoga career hot yoga almost exclusively since 2005, and around 2018, I just said this had hit its expiration date. I just can't be in a hot room for this amount of time and sweat this much, and it's just it wasn't the type of Yoga I wanted to teach anymore.
I knew if I kept going with it, it was going to start getting bad like it was going to start this is going to start going from like I'm and you know I'm in a really good place to like well I'm kind of phoning it in well, I'm really not really interested in doing this and that starts to bleed into the relationship.
So we're thinking of this eclipse as like knowing something when something has expired, and it's okay to move on knowing when an idea in your career or a job or a way you think about work in some way maybe has reached its pinnacle, and it's like you know on a high note I want to move on to something different or on a high note I feel something has come to completion and I'm going to try to move on to something in a new way and I see like you know I love your description of the third house Pisces because I think that Pisces I often we often talk about in my readings when I'm working with Pisces.
Pisces is just under the surface versus the water, looking up at the Sun and looking down at the depth of the ocean at the same time. They're kind of caught between those two, you know, forces that are pulling them, and I'm wondering if there's a call here for a greater evenness of mind that you neither have to be pulled too far in the direction in your one direction in your mind or too far and the other too far to the future or too far to the past that there's a maybe with some amount of realizing you've hit a wall in some way or maybe with some amounts of feeling like there's a limit that you're coming up against with Saturn there.
There's a feeling of just being able to coast under the surface of the water; you surface when you need to, and you dive when you need to. It's like, you know, the whales we have up here on the east coast, you see that very clearly with that there's just a sense of balance of knowing I don't have to go too far to one extreme in my mind or and within Pisces particularly my emotional, energetic field as well.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, that is very nicely put. Let's move on to Aquarius. We've got Pisces in the second, with Libra in the ninth.
Alex Amorosi
Interesting. I wonder if this eclipse for Aquarius risings might present an interesting challenge. You know, the Aquarian and Adam and I've talked a lot about this. Adam, you've talked a lot about it on your channel about Pluto moving into Aquarius, the Aquarian ideal, the galaxy brain that sees all the interconnections of all the stars, you know, the Milky Way from high above, and I'm wondering if like there's, there's something about this Libra eclipse that is the asking an Aquarius to sort of look at is that ideal contributing to a belief system that has served me or is it contributing to a way that feel that is also a way of seeing the world that also has some aesthetic beauty to it has some sense of harmony to it.
Because sometimes I think there can be this sense of, like, this is just such a good idea, and it needs to be done is this is the idea that this is going to save us all that sort of feeling and looking at Libra in the ninth house, I'm wondering if there's a combination of feeling like that can get you to a certain point. But is this an ideal that has some diplomacy behind it if it doesn't have a give-and-take behind it? It doesn't have a sense of, yes, this might be wonderful, but what could somebody else contribute to it I think that could be a really interesting tension this month with the eclipse in the ninth house in Libra.
Then you have this beautiful Pisces energy in your second house; I would be interested to see if there's a place within you that feels under the surface of the sort of headspace that Aquarius can occupy so easily. There's a little bit more of this month of trusting in your intuition about what's valuable and what's not. Coming down into one of the Pisces great strengths is they can feel so much, and that can overwhelm them, and it also is a wonderful strength and feeling for Well, what does prop up my sense of self? What is my sense of worth and value? Maybe put too much of my, you know, too many eggs in one basket? How do I believe that can come about? And is it time for a reassessment on just an energetic level? How I could sort of feel more centered in my worthiness in who I am.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, I think that there's another theme that comes to my mind is when someone or something that you rely on is no longer there. How does that have an impact on the way you see the world and what you believe or know to be true? You know, for example, let's just say you, I mean, this would be tragic. But let's just say you lose someone that you have lost that you have relied on for a sense of safety or well-being or financial support, and you lose them, only to discover that you are more capable than you thought you were. It's a radical shift in your outlook and understanding of life.
I could see some kind of reshuffling around what we have, what we're in possession of, and our resources, which can be people, qualities, or skills that can be money in your bank account. What do I have? What is what is a resource of mine that's very near or dear to me? How are there shifts or changes happening with respect to those resources? And how are they connected with the process of learning, the process of understanding. Shifting of my beliefs or perceptions of the world. It could also be about a reallocation of resources because you want to go back to school or you want to spend more time with a spiritual practice or something, so I could see a connection between our resources and assets and learning education or beliefs and faith.
Alex Amorosi
I love that it's beautifully put.
Adam Elenbaas
Let's go to Pisces, our last sign, oh, Pisces, and we've got a huge lineup in your first house with lunar eclipse in the blood bank.
Adam Elenbaas
In case you missed it. So I found out I had O, negative blood a while back through this testing kit that I did and I thought it was really interesting. I found out, by the way, that not only am I Dutch, but apparently I have a really significant amount of Scottish in me, and I was like, wow, that's not. I was not expecting that. Anyway, so I found out I was O negative and gave some blood at the blood bank here in Minneapolis, like a Red Cross thing. I think it was last summer at this point.
Anyway, I was sitting there, and I go, this is such an eighth house place. Like they were, they literally were like, you know, your blood most likely will go to, oh, I don't remember what it was, an accident victim. I mean, it was like something specific that they told me that it would go to, and I think it was people who had been in accidents or something and, and I was like, wow, this is weird, like, my blood will be someone else's blood and I started thinking about how that's really what the eighth house is like, what's mine will become yours, and what is yours will become mine, and there are ways in which that is as freaky as a horror movie and there are ways in which that is, you know, as cheesy as a Hallmark movie and it just really, every situation is very different with the eighth house. It was called the knowledge, you know, the pharmacon, the knowledge of poisons and medicines, things that make life, and things that restore life.
So it's a tricky house, and I think that with a lunar eclipse in that house with so many planets moving through your first, you are asking you're at a crossroads, let's say, and you're asking yourself what's most important to me. But that is a question that has to do with who and what you are in a reciprocal relationship with, and what ties or contracts or bonds you need to keep alive and well and healthy and cared for and which you have to get rid of because they're draining you.
I see this as a question of identity and health and a nice tie-in to those given take blood bank relationships that are either life-giving and affirming and supporting or denying or draining somehow, and there's a real evaluation of that in relation to your own health and well being this month.
Alex Amorosi
For sure, it's funny. I was just thinking I did one of those tests a while ago, and there were no surprises. I was born in Boston; I am Irish and Italian. It is right there, exactly. As I was told, it just came out right on paper only. Well, that was helpful for some time. I think, you know, I actually see, while Saturn and Mars do traditionally can be seen as difficult as the malefics. I actually feel like for Pisces this month could be allies if you see them in the right way, which is it can often be hard for strong Pisces in the chart to really define boundaries of sense of self, where I end and where somebody else begins and you've got two planets that are very good at defining in your first house right now, and I'm wondering if you're along the lines of what Adam was saying, with this exchange Eclipse happening in your eighth house.
If there's a way of saying like, you know, in order to maintain a sense of who I am certain things, I have to say no to certain energy; I have to say no to certain energies, I just have to you know, in a sense, you know, when we do this and energy work all the time, we have to cut the cord in a way, and that doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Sometimes, it's just something that happened in the past or something that has been weighing you down. That causes you to feel like you can't quite get a sense of where you are or locate yourself, and I think that Saturn and Mars, while it can be challenging sometimes for sure, could be great allies in the sense of negation bringing across the sense of feeling more centered in who I am and it might come across in the sense of exchange with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra in the eighth house as well.
Adam Elenbaas
Right? I mean, it's interesting that there's an Aries Eclipse coming up in the second for Pisces as well, which suggests the establishment of new resources and greater emphasis on self-reliance. So that's another interesting thing to pair along with it.
Well, Alex, great delineations. Thanks so much for being here today. I want to tell people more about how they can get in touch with you. So it is, where you can book a reading with Alex or a healing session with him. Join his newsletter, where you can get his nice write-ups on the moon cycles and transits of the month.
Find him on Instagram at Alexamorosihealing, where he does a lot of really fun and creative sharing. I highly recommend booking a reading with Alex for sure. He is one of the people that I refer to if and when I'm not taking clients. So I really recommend you guys check Alex's work out more. Alex, as always, thank you so much for being here, and I will. I'm going to look forward to our meeting next month because next month we have a shit ton of energy in Aries, a major main, probably the biggest eclipse of the year, and Jupiter and Uranus getting together so
Alex Amorosi
I think we should have scheduled something like five or six hours for April.
Adam Elenbaas
Yeah, exactly. It really is. Yeah, I mean, it's probably the biggest month of the astrological year, as far as I can tell. I'm always surprised every year. Sometimes, another month or two jumped out at me, but, like, you can usually circle on your calendars. Which transit do you know which months of transit are going to be the biggest? April's been on mine for over a year.
Yeah, well, anyway, thank you, guys, so much, and remember, like I said, at the end of today's content, you can stick around if you want to learn more about Ashley's herbal apprenticeship program, which is coming up at the end of April registration is open. If you want to learn more about Ashley's work, the program, what it entails, and her background, stick around after we sign off here, and you can hear Ashley and I talk about that. Alright, that is it for today. Alex, thank you so much for being here again.
Alex Amorosi
Bye. Great to see you and see you in April.
Adam Elenbaas
All right. Bye, everyone.
Hi Adam, I have a question about this BLOG. I am Scorpio rising and my understanding is that the Libra eclipse is in my 12th House, so the axis involved for Scorpio rising would be 4/12 I think? You and Alex put Libra in the 11th House in this post and I’m a bit confused. Can you clarify? thanks so much, no rush of course.
Never mind! I found the mistake. The transcript says Scorpio twice, for Scorpio and also Sagittarius.