Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for May 2022.
Hey, everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody. Hope you guys are about to have a fantastic weekend. It's Eclipse time. So this month's horoscopes are going to be kind of an exclusive focused on the two eclipses that we're about to get back to back. So those eclipses, by the way, are coming in a solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30. This weekend, kind of closely conjoined with Uranus and then a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, the 15th into the 16th Depending on your time zone. So we're going to look at those two as a pairing through the different house axes axes. Based on your son or rising sign, whichever you prefer to listen to for the month, I always recommend rising sign because those will that will correspond with your the actual configuration of your birth chart but even though I mentioned rising signs in the video, you can just pick your sun sign if you prefer to listen to horoscopes that are for specifically for sun sign, that son that horoscope that form of horoscopes rooted in sun signs is very new. So I recommend the ancient approach which would be to look at transits in relation to your the actual configuration of your birth chart which means looking at it through your rising sign. I always get a more accurate read myself but you know, you can do it either way.
All right, well, I'm really decided to dive in today. If you have any stories that you'd like to share about eclipses, don't forget, use the hashtag grabbed or send us an email grabbed at nightlight grabbed by the planets. One of the names for the planets in ancient astrology in the Indian tradition was Grace or grabbers so like to tell our stories about how the planets surprisingly show up and seize our consciousness and you know, teach us lessons and give us comedic relief. And so we share those stories once in a while we aggregate them so anytime you have a good story to share that's in line with one of the transits we're talking about use the hashtag grab. All right, I'm gonna put up the real time clock now. And we are going to get into it. I think one of my most if you guys haven't listened yet, I would recommend going back to yesterday's video that I did on the overview of Mays astrology. May has some very dynamic astrological configurations. Another horoscope that I will be doing later in the month will be the Jupiter ingress into Aries as well as the Mars Jupiter conjunction in Aries. So we're going to be doing separate horoscope videos for those transits apart from this video later in the month. So just so you know, you stay tuned. If you're like, Well, I want to know about that Jupiter ingress into Aries. This video, we're just we're trying to break it up a little bit because it's, it's very easy as astrologers to try to cram too many transits in and the big thing that really everyone needs to keep in mind for this month of the eclipses. So that's the starting point. Then as the month goes on, we will do some horoscopes for Jupiter into Aries, Mars, Jupiter in Aries conjoining late in the month, those transits are very powerful, don't worry, we're not going to forget them. But we're going to start by looking at the we're going to do this in a little like unorthodox manner, because we're going to look at the house axes, which means we're going to look at how these eclipses play out across two houses in whole sign. So the order in which we go is going to be a little funky, compared to what you might be used to. Anyway, I'll just start showing you. And let's get into it.
So here's the chart on the screen. And we're gonna start with the solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30. And then remember the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, the opposite sign comes may 15, and 16th. So that what I'm going to do today is like this, we're going to look at what this eclipse is going to be like for those born under either of the rising signs configured across the ascending and descending, because the house combinations will be the same. And it's really important to get to know people will always ask, you know, what about the fact that the north node will be in one place to the south node the other place that, so we'll get to that too. But the main thing that you need to know for to be prepared for this month is which two houses are being activated by a solar and lunar eclipse within this cycle, and what themes come with those two houses. So that's what we're going to focus on byste and we're going to start we're going to start with Taurus, or Scorpios. So if you are a Taurus or Scorpio sun sign, if you're listening for Sun horoscopes, or if you're a Taurus rising or a Scorpio rising, you're going to get the eclipses across your first and seventh house axis.
Now again, solar eclipse in Taurus, on the 30th lunar eclipse in Scorpio on the 16th. What is that first and seventh house axis about oh, you're seeing Taurus in the first house, but it could very well be Scorpio in the first house. So again, Scorpio or Taurus, this applies to you. When you have eclipses in these houses, think of it like wherever the nodes of the moon are moving in your birth chart at any given time. It's like a karmic river that's flowing through your chart. But when eclipses come, the river rises and it floods over the banks and the energy of the karma, you could say within those areas of life become very prominent, and they sort of flood and, you know, and they're going to as the you know, the Nile floods or whatever it's going to bring plentiful things, there's going to be things that are fertilised and things that are supported and grown. It's often the nature of a solar eclipse at the beginning of a moon cycle, those are always paired with new moons, that they are supportive in terms of growing things. lunar eclipses often bring things to a state of completion, fulfilment, or resolution, they tend to be about closure and finishing things or completion of something. So you have new karma that's blossoming and you have old karma that's fruiting and releasing for better or worse. You have new things that are growing that you have to keep in iohn because they may not be good for you, you have old things finishing that might be nice to release. But that could also be stressful. These are the kinds of things that they bring, and they bring them on either side. So it's also it's not, it's not a river that's flowing in one direction. In modern astrology, there's going to be a lot of emphasis placed on Well, the North Node means this and the South Node means this. And that, actually, you can think about it like a river that is flowing in two directions simultaneously, there's a strong current going in one way, and there's a strong current going in the other way. And in my humble opinion, and experience over the years, it is almost always fruitless to start off trying to differentiate the two different types of eclipses and types of nodes, compared to the most basic and fundamental thing, which is to just understand which house axis is being activated and what kinds of themes are running over as the river rises and floods. So that's how I'm going to focus on it just in case you're you're kind of wondering, maybe you're used to like evolutionary astrology or something like that.
So for the Scorpio Taurus is out there, or the Taurus Scorpio axis out there. We're talking about the what is growing inside of you as an individual that would be your body, your physique, your appearance, anything that you take in for the sake of your vitality, as well as the topic of your health overall. When you have energies, like eclipses moving in this area, new things are being planted, or things are coming to fruition that have a history karmically. And that's what you want to focus on, depending on if you're the for example, if you're the Scorpio if you're the Taurus rising, you got the solar eclipse, there, you might see the development of something new in body, mind, health, etc. Whereas if you're the Scorpio rising, you may see that something old from the past around Body, Mind health is fruiting and releasing its fruits, for better or worse. But even deeper than that, and more fundamental than that, is the tension between house one and how seventh. So in the seventh house, you have relationships as you are growing and changing and evolving and individuating relationships are growing and changing and evolving as well. And that is the main thing to keep in mind, regardless of which node is in which house or if you're a Taurus, or a Scorpio rising, your talk talking about as I grow, my relationships change, as my relationships change, I grow or I change, that's the main dynamic that you're looking at. Now those relationships could be sexual, romantic, marital, for some people, they might involve, like love affairs, like or, you know, betrayal, or they could involve divorce or, or meeting someone falling in love and getting married. Or it could be your sexuality or breakthroughs in a relationship or things that are happening in the life of a partner or spouse, whatever it is, it is going to be in an intimate dialogue with how you're developing and evolving as a person.
What are you being asked to say more Yes, to? What are you being asked to say no to? these kinds of questions are fundamental to first house eclipses. And then they go right hand in hand with the kinds of developments that will be happening around love relationships, or related to the life of say, a spouse or partner. So that's what Taurus and Scorpios are going through this month, broadly speaking, and that's the most important level of information that you need to know.
Let's go forward. And now what we're going to do is we're going to place that same axis now across the second and eighth house. And now we're directing, we are putting our attention on those of you who are born with Aries, or Libra rising, or Aries or Libra sun sign if you listen to if you tend to listen to your son horoscopes. So, in this case, you have the second and eighth house axis as the activated set of karmic topics. So Aries and Libras. You're dealing with a house that has to do with resources in the second and a house that has to do with gifts or debts or what I like to call karmic entanglements in the eighth house now karmic entanglements does not mean good or bad. It just means entanglements. entanglements means you owe someone something or they owe something to you, which could be a very good thing and helpful thing, or maybe a bad thing. Could you could also call them contracts, you know, for better, for better or worse. Well, if you think about the second house, and again, the river is rising, the river is flooding into these two areas. In the second house. It's about what do I have? What do I possess, what do I have as a resource for my health? A wealth or well being, what kinds of things am I trying to cultivate or grow that either represent new skills, abilities, talents or resources within myself as a person or as a professional, or what kinds of things am I trying to grow materially like a garden or like your bank account. So, the second house points to that there is karma that is fruiting, developing, blossoming this month, if you're a an Aries, or Libra rising, and you're gonna, because by the way, we have eclipses in the fall that will flip these two houses. So that's why I'm also kind of trying to keep it a little bit more neutral.
But let's just say you're an Aries rising, there might be new developments in the second house of money and finances while you're seeing things fruit and fall off the vine, so to speak around karmic contracts with others. If you're a Libra rising, it would be opposite, you might see new things developing around contracts with other people, for better or worse, where you're seeing things fruiting and falling off the vine relative to your own resources. Either way, the main thing to understand is that these two areas are going to be active not only right now, but in the fall again in the reverse order. So your resources, what you are trying to cultivate what you have available to you, and how that is changing or transforming or how you are evolving in relation to your resources, alongside of what resources come from other people, what gifts or debts are you involved with. When it comes to other people in your life. Those are the two places where the waters are going to rise. And they rise again in October is the 25th. And I think it's November 8, those are the two Eclipse dates in the fall, we'll come back to the same house but be flipped. So that's what you're dealing with for my Aries or Libra rising folks or if you're reading for sun sign to be Aries or Libra sons. And broadly speaking, these are times also where people have to look at what they are dependent upon, or who they're dependent upon, and what constitutes a good form of dependency emotionally, physically, financially, and what does not. And also just any kinds of financial matters going through significant transformations are very often signified by eclipses across this house axis.
Alright, let's go to the third and ninth house axis. And what we're going to do, there is back this up once more. Now this is for Pisces or Virgos. So if you're a Pisces or Virgo Sun, or I recommend reading for your rising sign you'd be a Pisces, or Virgo rising for this to apply. So in this case, we're seeing the karmic river rising and flooding across the third and ninth house axis. Now, again, that would be applicable whether you're a Pisces or a Virgo rising, you're going to see the exact same dynamic playing out but just across opposite houses. So let's see here. So across this house axis, what you're going to see is the combination of the mind and the environment, there was an intimate connection or association for ancient philosophers between the mind and our immediate environment, the immediate environment looks a little different for everyone. For me, it's the web. It's my classrooms, it's my daily activities, it's my home, you know, it's the gym I go to, there's like very familiar everyday places, those places influenced my mind. And it is my mind that decides or to some extent creates or manifest the environment around me. And there's always communication going on between the mind and the environment that gives us feedback as well, that's instrumental in helping us learn and grow or keeping us potentially stuck in a place we don't want to be. So the third house has a lot to do with the mind and how the mind and environment are changing or evolving. When eclipses are taking place. Oftentimes, that means we're learning something or we're letting go of certain kinds of mental habits or the paradigm is changing somehow. And then you have eclipses in the ninth house, which are going to be focused on that higher sense of, you know, cosmic, like a cosmic GPS, you know, it's spiritual, intellectual, moral, philosophical, guiding principles and beliefs.
This is a place that has to do with what what what beliefs guide our lives along and eclipses in this house suggest that certain things are going to rise to the surface and manifest and complete themselves. And on the other hand, new things might be introduced. If you're a Pisces rising, you have the idea of the mind and and environment changing. If you're a Virgo rising, you have the idea of higher beliefs changing. It's really interesting. So with that being said, to me, this is the indication of a paradigm change for Pisces and Virgo folk this month, you're looking at the idea of mind and spirit of intellect and belief of the environment changing as your mental habits are changing, for better or worse. And this is something to pay attention to this month. All right. Going to UPS will move now into the fourth and 10th houses. And this is applicable for those. I love it how it just does that sometimes. I think it's because I must accidentally click that. Alright, here we go. So for Taurus, and Scorpio in the fourth and 10th. Let's look at that access now. The fourth and 10th house are going to bring up the topics of home and family or roots, our living environment as well as reputation and our outward facing self or work. If you are an Aquarius, rising or Aquarius sun or Leo rising or Leo sun, you could very well, you know, you could focus on these areas alone and get a lot out of the month ahead. So when you have let's say you're an Aquarius rising, and you've got the solar eclipse in the fourth house, that's the seeding of a new cycle around family karma around your living environment around your roots are what provides you with a foundation that's pretty uranium. This is one of the more interesting places to have the Uranian Eclipse and because Uranus likes to disturb or disrupt things. And so you could see some revolution at the roots, this idea of a fundamental change to what grants security or groundedness, or what constitutes home or family something about it is looking to revolutionise itself.
And then on the other hand, you've got the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the 10th house, a place that is about work and reputation. So you're going to see karma reaching a culminating point or a point of completion, the fruit falls off the vine and this is something that has a history behind it karmically with regard to work, your reputation publicly, your vocation, etc. And the same thing would go if you're a Leo rising, the same two houses and same two areas will apply might see a little bit more of that newness opening up around work where as you see the fruit falling off the vine that has some history behind it around home and family. But either way, we're talking about the inner private resting sphere of life, the domestic place and how changes happening there are impacting changes happening at work or with your public facing self or vice versa. Changes at work or in your public facing self are leading to changes on the homefront. Those two areas also often coincide with like ancestral work, I've seen that many, many times. So I would also be aware of the idea that, you know, you may need to separate yourself your own identity, your own work in the world, or your own calling from something that exists in the past or that has its roots in your family of origin. Or you may be you know, you may also be picking up on something new in your career. Because they're, you know, like you're becoming a parent or there's something new that's developing around home and family that's really positive and beneficial as positive new developments around home and family often lead to big shifts in priorities with what we're doing with our lives or our work or something like that.
Let's look at the fifth and 11th house axis next. So this would be applicable for my Capricorns and cancers. The fifth and the 11th House axis will be the axis where you see the river rising and flooding over. So the fifth house axis was the fifth house was called The Joy of Venus and the house of good fortune, the 11th the joy of Jupiter in the house of good spirits. So broadly speaking, this axis has a lot to do with joy, pleasure, sort of good luck, fortunate, pleasant things happening, or enjoyable things including what creatively satisfies us romance love, creativity, the arts, recreation enjoyment, as well as in the 11th house a little bit more ambitious. Those energies people or influences, whether they're collective in a group or personal in the form of a benefactor serve to further our pursuits and ambitions. So the 11th house is a play of wishes and dreams that tend to come true in time because we find beneficial people groups or allies that help us somehow. So great place to have eclipses in terms of their being, you know, development around say, your if you have children or maybe getting pregnant or finding helpful resources or allies are generally having enjoyable, delightful like creatively satisfying events, or shifting your priorities when it comes to joy, pleasure, happiness, there can be a little bit of a romantic energy to the fifth house transit. In the 11th House transit, you're also thinking of, you know, your the way that you're what kinds of people or influences are serving to help you get where you want to go.
Now, the interesting thing about this one, like let's say you're a Capricorn rising, you're going to have the lunar eclipse, in your 11th house, you could see a little bit more of a theme of again, the fruit falling off the vine with regard to friends, allies groups, maybe something has reached its culmination or completion point. And a resource or a group or a person or something that has been beneficial in the past is no longer going to be but a new resource or a different group is going to become available. You could also see, on the other hand, if you have the, if you're a cancer rising, and you have the Taurian energy in the 11th house, you could very well see that some new ally resource or group is becoming available and offering an opening for you. Some new group is forming or something like that. Like sometimes I'll see people get government grants when there's an eclipse like this and the eleventh. But, you know, new opportunities, opportunities to break the mould socially professionally new, a new orientation for yourself professionally, something like that.
And then, you know, if you have the solar eclipse, in the fifth house, Cap rising, you're probably talking about some new creative outlet developing or some new experience of pleasure or joy, a child being born, that you think about a creative seed being planted, that brings joy and general good fortune takes a little bit of time to gestate and develop to get the lunar eclipses in those houses, again, maybe the end of a resource or an ally. If you have the lunar eclipse in the fifth house, you know that one might be about things that you had put your a lot of joy or pleasure or hope into that this will be really good. But maybe it's played its role, and it's time to let it go. For example, sometimes romantic love affairs come to an end with a lunar eclipse in the fifth house, something that we've sought out for pleasure, happiness, creative fulfilment, is not going to work out as we expected. Unfortunately, for example, this lunar eclipse in Scorpio in the fifth house will sometimes coincide with a person you know miscarrying very early on in a pregnancy or something like that. And being like, well, I hear I thought this was going to happen, but I was going to, you know, this creative process was going to take place. But you know, the pregnancy didn't work out. And so now something else is going to come through, or maybe you try again. Now, that would be like a particularly heavy example. So don't mean to freak anyone out, especially if you're pregnant, because I really wouldn't worry. I've seen many, many more examples of you know, eclipses in the fifth house, my wife had eclipses in the fifth house at one point when she was pregnant, she was freaked out to was fine. So please don't you know, please don't worry about that.
The point is, again, just trying to make sure that you don't worry too much. But you think about a creative process of some kind, reaching its completion or its fulfilment. And maybe there's a letting go involved in order to make room for something new. That's generally what I would think about with the Scorpio eclipse in the fifth, which is going to be the case of your cancer rising. Okay, but again, rivers rising in these two areas, what grants pleasure what gives joy what's creatively fulfilling the topic of children in romance, and then the 11th place of groups and allies and friends and benefactors and things that are conducive to your long term goals and dreams and so a lot of shifting in those areas right now. Well, I can give you one example from Ashley's chart because she's a cancer rising. Some of you probably met Ashley on a recent video that we did looking at some of the herbs for the Venus Jupiter Neptune conjunction. She's taken a year off since we when we moved to Minnesota. She decided to take a year sabbatical from teaching herb classes and taking herbal clients. And in that year, she's really trying to refine and figure out you know, what, what, where she wants to take her career next. So giving her a little bit more time to focus on being a mom at the moment. So any moms out there know it can be really hard to do everything at once. That is very much in line though, with trying to figure out what gives me joy. Where do I want to place my energy? Who are my people? What do I want to create in the long term? Remember, the 11th place was called the House of wishes and dreams. Alright, anyway, I've laboured that one long enough, let's go on to the last house axis, which is going to be six and 12. Save the most challenging for last, right.
So here the river is rising and flooding across the houses that were called bad spirit and bad fortune. This these two houses now this is applicable if you're a Sagittarius rising, or a Gemini rising, or Sagittarius sun or Gemini sun. Now these two houses were associated with frustration and trouble conflict and illness, shadows and what exists where you know, in places that we can't always see sometimes enemies and power struggles. But these houses were also associated with surrender, sacrifice, and service healing comes in these houses, but often through challenges and difficulties that we overcome. There's a lot of hard work that comes in how six for example, but often, it's the hard work that eventually pays off. Sometimes it's the kind of hard work that doesn't get us as much recognition as we hoped for. Sometimes it's the hard work that involves a lot of sacrifice on our part, the 12th house is often a place where we have to face and meet our blind spots, or what lives in the shadows that we can't necessarily see until we go through a little bit of a dark night of the soul or just encountering what lives in the unconscious. So these two houses are not easy, but they serve our spiritual development and growth very powerfully. And they're often also places that involve sacrifice on behalf of serving others who are suffering. And so there's a lot of that theme right now for savages and Geminis sad, rising Gemini rising etc. You get a lunar eclipse in the 12th house, there's often a very deep sense of letting go of something that has been afflicting us mentally, emotionally, from a deep karmic past.
That's for Sag risings. If you put Gemini on the ascendant, then you're gonna get the Scorpio eclipse in the sixth. And then there's often a process of labour and service and sacrifice, that's also coming to a close, which might actually be relieving. So these lunar eclipses could I could see being quite positive, potentially, although the potential for either lunar eclipse in the 12th or sixth to present, like emotional crucibles and challenging gauntlets we have to run. So that's that's a possibility as well. Solar Eclipse, if you're a sad rising solar eclipse in the sixth house will often coincide with a new Labour or effort or work that we're going to put our soul into. Or also often the theme of how we are going to face a challenge in you know, in a new way, there's a new strategy for working through something. Oftentimes, there are new conflicts that come up in the sixth house or new. What can you call it like a new source of frustration, and I know that's not fun. But this frustration is there for you to learn and grow from and through, so you have to keep that in mind. Also breakthroughs with things that you have been struggling with that perhaps you will start to turn a corner on. The same thing could be said for you know, 12th house Taurus, Eclipse, solar eclipse, you're looking at the potential for some new growth or awareness to be developing in the unconscious. Could it be though, that it's coming because of some defiant or rebellious aspect of your psyche that gets you into a little bit of trouble? The Uranian eclipse in the 12th could mean that you're going to learn and grow and become aware of something in a blind spot, but specifically because of some rebellious tendency within yourself. Those are all just things to watch for.
But I like the idea of crisis healing and breakthrough for these eclipses for Sanchez and Geminis overall. So that takes us through the whole series. And remember, this eclipses do not often bring their significations to bear on the actual day of an eclipse. So if you have a solar eclipse in house too, and you're like yay, money, you know, well, you know, hold on because that is you're just like a new moon it plants a seed that then takes a lot of time for you know, for gestation to occur and for the actual development of what is promised to present itself. Eclipse cycles, in fact imply the new moon solar eclipses that happened in Eclipse cycles, especially those around the north node in this case that would be Taurus would imply new things growing that will have a shelf life of the next for the next nine years. So This is not something that happens all at once. The houses that we're talking about here imply deep tectonic changes that are happening. These are happening in fixed or solid signs, which means the changes are also slow. They're happening and feminine signs more organic and process oriented. So do not think that these significations will come to bear or show their son that they'll show their fruit so to speak. On the day of the eclipse, the eclipses are solar eclipse, April 30. Again, lunar eclipse may 15, and 16th. We will be tracking those out and talking about them and breaking them down in depth as the month goes on. So the other thing to do is not just look at the area that's involved, the pay attention to what we're going to end up saying about these eclipses and the underlying signatures of Venus and Mars and the other things that are in the air this month, like Jupiter entering Aries, we're going to be adding to our understanding of these eclipses as we go along.
So that's what I've got for today. I always appreciate if you liked the video, give. Hit the subscribe button share your comments. click the notification bell for updates look for the transcript if you want to read a written version of today's video on my website, nightlight Don't forget the new class starts on June 5. You can learn more about it and check out the need based tuition on nightlight and the courses page are that's what I've got. I hope you guys have a great weekend and we will see you again on Monday and start unpacking a bunch of amazing transits that are happening right off the bat to start the month of May. Alright take it easy, everyone. Bye.
Good morning continue the work hope to gain more strength and more money