Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for November 2021. You can find the timestamps for each rising sign below the video.
Everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from nightlight astrology. Happy Monday everybody. Today we're going to take a look at the astrology of November for your sun and rising sign. And what I'll do is I'll start by looking I'll show you the transits that we're going to look at for the month for your Sun Moon or for your sun rising sign, break it down and then we'll go through all 12 signs and give you a brief rundown of what I'm what I would expect what kinds of themes and topics are likely to be active at these key moments during the month. Before we do that, I want to remind you that my new class ancient astrology for the modern mystic, so one year programme and Hellenistic astrology begins in just a little less than two weeks now it starts on November 13. So you've got 12 more days to register. If you want to take advantage of the earlybird rate you have until the end of not this week, but the end of next week before the class starts to use that up until the 12th. So just a little over a week left to take advantage of that rate, which is a great deal. You can check it out on my website nightlight, go to the Courses page, click on the first year course. If you have any questions about the programme, you can email us info at nightlight astrology calm. So over 100 hours with the classroom material. They are hosted through live webinars on Saturdays. And the classes also feature outside of class we have a lot of bonus material, interactive discussions. We have a tutoring staff that's there to help you. We have breakout study sessions. You can talk to me throughout the year about anything related to our class. So it's a great programme. I really look forward to having a new group of students starting soon we're getting registrations, of course coming in more and more now as we're getting close to start date. So be sure to be sure to sign up, use the earlybird rate save $500 off there's a payment plan if you need it. There's also need based tuition for people who might be on a tight budget or have some kind of financial constraints. So be sure to check that out if it could help you. Alright, so let's take a look at the astrology of the month that we're going to apply to all 12 signs today. First of all, we can take a look at the major transits together and then we'll go through it. You can see that on November 4 towards here towards the beginning of the month, everything this month is focused for my horoscopes of the month are focused on the tourists Scorpio access, you could throw in Aquarius but I'm really focused on Taurus and Scorpio this month. So, on November 4, you can see there's a new moon forming in Scorpio and it's opposite Uranus, this is going to be the first transit of the month that that warrants us focusing on these two houses, these two whole sign houses the new moon the seed of the cycle being planted in the sign of Scorpio. Okay, so if we move forward from there, to the 10th of the month, then on the 10th of the month, you're going to see Mercury and Mars conjoining in Scorpio as well. It's one of the bigger transits of the month both of them are square to Saturn in Aquarius, but they're also both applying into the opposition with Uranus, which between the 10th and the 17th. there abouts is going to happen for both of them. You'll see Mercury goes through the opposition to Uranus by the 13th. And then Mars goes through the opposition with Uranus by the 17th. So those are big events. And then on the 19th we have the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. So for these reasons, I'm really focused on the Taurus Scorpio axis this month.
Everything that we're going to do for this month's horoscopes are going to be focused on that particular access. And we're just going to go through all 12 signs and I'm going to tell you exactly what to look for. I like to people, everyone has like slightly different ways of doing horoscopes. What I like to do my style, if you're new to my channel is not to necessarily focus on every last transit of the month. But to focus on what I think maybe two or three of the biggest transits of the month are going to be for each of the 12 signs. Because most of the time, most people are not going to experience every single transit of the month as a big deal. But the major hard aspects, the major features of the moon cycle eclipses, there are certain things that do tend to stand out so I like to try to figure out you know, what's that each what are those transits each month and then focus on them. This month, again, Taurus Scorpio access is highlighted. So we're going to look across that access and talk about what kinds of things to expect. Generally speaking with this series of transits, we're talking about the the Uranian theme of revolution and individuation which means that we're going to see that theme play out across the tension Have two houses simultaneously wherever Scorpio is located where Taurus is located by whole sign in your birth chart, I recommend doing this for your rising sign. But you can apply this to your sun sign if you always read sun sign horoscopes.
So, when we're starting off with the sign of Aries, we're looking at the opposition between Taurus and Scorpio falling across the eighth and the second houses. What this means is that these hotspot moments, especially between the fourth and say, about the 20th of the month, are activating two houses that have a lot to do with the exchange between your own resources, themes of self sufficiency, maybe business and money, as well as things that come from other people or they go to other people, the debts karmically that other people have to us, or that we have to other people, the ultimate debt is death, the eighth house is associated with death as well. And there's also a sense of, sometimes fear and anxiety related to the eighth house. And generally people sometimes have a lot of anxiety about the eighth house when they're learning about astrology, they'll think, oh, that's, you know, that's such a rough house. But more than the eighth house is associated with death, it really has the things that the feeling of eventuality of things that eventually will come to pass that we will owe to other people. And it's like the eighth house is kind of like the pay the piper house. So when you have a stellium of Scorpio planets in your eighth this month as an Aries rising or Aries sun, you know that there, there may be a theme of looking very closely at the people that you rely on in your life or that those people that rely on you. And the need to be free from different kinds of debts and obligations, maybe a very strong theme this month, as maybe the the feeling that I can't be free unless I have the help or support of someone else. So looking at themes of dependency, interdependency, independence, especially around resources, it could be emotional resources, it could be financial resources. That's what I'm seeing for you this month, if you're an Aries rising. And remember that between especially say, the 10th, and the 17th, you may notice that things are a little bit more heated with Mars in the mix of that opposition and mercury in the mix of that opposition. And things should be kind of fully blossoming right around the 19th 20th with the lunar eclipse in your second house, which suggests some kind of change around money and finances that's on its way. So that's what I've got for you, if you're an Aries rising.
Let's go forward to Taurus. So if you're a Taurus rising, all of these transits are falling across your first and your seventh house this month, that means you're across the access of my my own individual self, my body, my own physical vehicle, my health and vitality are part of the first house, my character and my sense of individuality, the character development that you would see in a book or a novel or a movie or something like that, we can see that kind of character development happening through revolution, when Uranus is in the first house, how am I changing, evolving, developing rapidly, often with Uranus, we go through big character developments, you know, kind of rapid, sudden shifts of character and self understanding, when especially when Uranus is being activated by Planets in the seventh house, the sense of personal awareness and transformation can come through our relationships. So, you're seeing the seed of the New Moon in Scorpio in the seventh house some potential areas of conflict. Also, questions about sexuality and questions about emotional connection in relationships, maybe the mark of some drama around relationships. So the need to be free from certain kinds of unhealthy co-dependencies in relationships. But I would say also, the need to evolve through intimacy, through sexuality, the change of identity that you may be experiencing as you're going deeper in a relationship or maybe getting out of a relationship. But both the question of who I'm becoming, how I am growing and changing as an individual, what my individual needs are, as well as what is being asked of me from my most key or important partnerships is what I'm seeing as the main themes of the month for my Taurus risings. Again with the 10th through the 19th, being a particularly intense time, with Mars and Mercury getting together in the seventh, watch for more potentially combative energies especially around communication and Mercury and Mars getting together in the seventh mean that there's some some combativeness around your communication and relationships or some emotional outbursts or something like that. So, but these are, these are big events that could also be happening in the life of a partner or spouse. So watch for there to be maybe a focus on really important things that are happening in this part partner spouses life that are changing the narrative somehow. So these are the energies that I'm seeing if you're a Taurus rising.
Let's go to Gemini rising. For both Geminis and Sagittarians, you're going to see the same basic access being highlighted. So for Geminis, you're going to see the Taurus and Scorpio energy falling across the 12th and the sixth houses. Now the New Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus, that signature starts in the sixth. And the intense period again runs from say, the 10th to the 19th, with Mars and Mercury in the sixth house opposing Uranus in the 12th. Here's what I would say about this one, plans might change dramatically this month, if you're a Gemini, the reason for that is that these two houses the sixth and the 12th, or often houses that were they were associated with bad fortune, bad fortune sounds like a really Oh, you know, it's really prescriptive, kind of dark and scary sounding thing. But bad fortune just means the curveballs that life throws you that can be frustrating. Or that can throw your plans up into the air, or that can temporarily provide a setback or a delay or a challenge that can provide you with them, you know, a cold, that puts you down for a couple of days. It's the kind of stuff that you see in the sixth and the 12th house, generally speaking, is the kind of stuff of mind body and spirit that provides us with challenges or interruptions of what we would like to be doing, oh, I'd like to be doing this, but I have to deal with this other challenge. The other thing that they often provide us with, periods of either hard work and, you know, having to labour with something, or possibly feelings of isolation and loneliness, sometimes, sickness or the need for solitude. So these houses are not necessarily easy ones, when you see the revolutionary signature of Uranus being sparked again, and again, across this access, I like to think that these are the kinds of challenges that could provide you with a pretty serious level of awakening. I mean, we all have challenges, but then, you know, one of those months comes along, where it's like, the challenges that hit you are the kind that change your mind, they change your outlook, they shift something inside, and you end up feeling really good about it afterward. You say, Okay, like that was, I can, I can see that, you know, if you're a person of faith that my guides, the universe, the divine, you know, brought that for me. And so I think that's one of the benefits, if you're a Gemini rising this month, is that you're going to see that just just that feeling of understanding something about yourself that you weren't able to see previously a shadow that you were able to comprehend a little bit better, something of the unconscious that you're able to take and use for positive change. The other thing, of course, is that some of these things across the sixth and the 12th house really have nothing to do with you. So be careful that you're not exhausting yourself, take really good care of your health. And just know that, this too shall pass, so to speak. And don't don't try to spend too much time, you know, worrying about or trying to fix or solve something that may or may just as easily pass as it as you know, as it came on. This is a weird way in which six house things in particular tend to come on and be really frustrating. And then they just pass really, they pass away and you go like okay, well, you know, I thought that I thought that this was a lot more of an emergency than it was. So be patient with the process this month if you're a Gemini now.
We're going to go ahead to put Cancer on the ascendant and when we have cancer on the ascendant, we're seeing the Taurus Scorpio access, cross the fifth and just back this up one day, so we're seeing it across the fifth and the 11th houses. So this axis this house access, if you're a cancer rising, is going to involve friends, groups, colleagues, organisations, maybe even questions about your social life, anything that's religious, spiritual, academic, a group of some kind that you belong to. So there's some there's what I want to say there's the feeling of things changing within some kind of social circle or organisation or group that you might belong to. And the fifth house has a lot to do with the joy that we all have, when we're doing we're in our own element and doing what we're good at. And so with the Scorpio fifth house, emphasis this month of your cancer rising, it's important that you look at whether or not you feel creatively fulfilled, free, happy, spontaneous, easy, within the different kinds of groups or organisations or different kinds of cliques or social, social scenes that you belong to. I think it's a good month, if you're a cancer rising to consider that if the groups in your life are not listening to you, or if there's not room for you to contribute something unique, or be yourself that they probably aren't the right ones for you. On the other hand, you know, sometimes there's the need to sometimes people have almost a habitual need to provoke and make a scene and stand out and be different and rebel and, and you may find that you burn bridges or that you, you know, you you lose yet another valuable social dimension of your life if you insist too strongly on being, you know, a contrarian, so be careful of that, if that tends to be more of your tendency. But the question of creative fulfilment and group participation, personal Dharma, and group Dharma are in an interesting conversation for you this month, if you're a cancer rising, also potentially the topic of children and the fifth house children and pregnancy and also questions in general about where who are my people, those are 11th House questions for sure that that are likely to come up with Uranus being activated again, again, and a big lunar eclipse in your 11th house.
Okay, so we're going to move forward now to Leo on the ascendant. If Leo's on the ascendant, then you've got the Scorpio, and Taurus access across your fourth and 10th houses. This means that this sequence of astrological events is lighting up across the access of home family, and property or roots down in the fourth house, and your work in the world, or your reputation or your professional life. Those are typically the two areas that you'll see, you know, showing up when you have transits coming across Taurus and Scorpio, those are the themes and topics. With the Mars energy, and the mercury energy in the fourth, I wonder about conflict around home and family property living environment this month, or I wonder about simultaneous, this the need for changes at work or in the workplace, the lunar eclipse in your 10th house by the 19th. I could see Leo's this month, having to deal with quite a bit, because of the pressure coming, the pressure to change the feeling that something is beyond your control is changing in the workplace. And it's also happening as there is some degree of conflict or intensity emotionally and perhaps you know, around key family relationships in the fourth house. So one of the things that I'm used to seeing when this happens is people moving for a job, that's probably the most common, but you can also see things like the pressures at work are affecting your home life or vice versa. But look at these two areas work professional life, evolution and professional life and changes or pressures around home family, we're in the bottom line of the fourth house will often drive changes in the career, I've got a mortgage, I've got bills, I've got a, you know, I've got things in my private life that demand attention. And then how is that correlated to the work I'm doing in the world. So watch for those two areas to be, you know, really intense, especially between the 10th and the 19th of this month, so that's pretty much right down the middle. All right, let's go forward to Virgo.
So if you are a Virgo rising, then you're going to see this axis of Taurus and Scorpio across your third ninth house and third house. So what I like about this for Virgos is the Mercury Mars combination, the third, both going through the opposition's to Uranus in the ninth and then the lunar eclipse around the 19th in the ninth House, this feels to me like a paradigm changer. This is something that includes, this is something that involves some kind of major change around your mental, spiritual intellectual outlook, this could be a sign that you're going to study something new, this could be a sign that you're, you're finding new teachers or mentors or that you're going through some kind of very important paradigm change. And also questions about what, who or what you trust as an authority, spiritually, intellectually, mentally, how to communicate your own mind your own voice, while also respecting higher truth and wisdom and other sources of knowledge or authorities in like a field. For example, when you're in college, there's a certain way in which you should be questioning things that you're learning about. There's another way in which you should be learning to accept the authority of higher sources of knowledge and truth. And the balance between those two things is sometimes tricky to figure out and life is a classroom and the same dichotomy goes on and on and on. As a Virgo your ruling planet Mercury, getting into the conjunction with Mars, both opposing Uranus could lead to some combativeness like mentally and intellectually there could be some rebellious streak this month. But you know, working through that, you may discover that you are experiencing a really important shift. By the time of the lunar eclipse in the ninth house, lunar eclipses in the ninth house, in my own life, for example, have been around when I've gotten into astrology, or when I've gotten into bhakti yoga, different times of my life, when eclipses have come through those houses, I'm usually the game is changing somehow, because my my mind and my spirit are, are finding teachers and teachings and challenging ideas and just really rapidly evolving. So that's what I've got for you if you're a Virgo rising.
Alright, let's go forward to Libra rising. So if you're a Libra rising, you're going to see the second and eighth house axis highlighted again, just as it was where we started off with Aries. So you're talking about financial independence and financial dependence, you're talking about being resourceful and needing to rely on your own gifts, skills, talents, abilities, cultivating them, developing them making money from them. What do you have in your own possession to rely on? Or what are you trying to develop or cultivate? And what are you trying? Or what, what or who do you rely on? And how are those dependencies changing? Some people are going to rely on you in life, and sometimes you're going to rely on someone else. There's a revolution happening around these topics this month, as those second house planets are really interested, you know, second house Scorpio planets, they start off the cycle of the New Moon on the fourth interested in what's mine, what can I do, what can I cultivate? How do I stand on my own two feet. Whereas the eighth house planets are going to be much more intimately involved with other people's resources. So figuring out the balance between those two things is really important this month, and some big changes happening around those things. Don't be surprised if what you have what you're in possession of what other people have, or in a pretty intense conversation throughout the month. All right. Let's move on to the next one. So we're going to put Scorpio on the ascendant.
If you're a Scorpio rising, same as Taurus rising, you can see this falling across the first in the seventh house. And the same idea applies, which is that personal change is happening in concert with changes in relationships. So you're seeing an emphasis on personal transformation, physical transformation, character evolution, first house topics. They're being fueled by the revolutionary impulse of Uranus in the house of relationships, intimacy, sexuality, love partnerships. There's significant revolution with Uranus in the seventh house has been happening in your life since you know May of 2018 when Uranus first moved into the seventh house, these kinds of cycles when you see a lunar eclipse and Taurus in the seventh, a bunch of planets hitting opposition's to Uranus in the seventh, you generally get the feeling of I need to evolve and it's happening because of something that's happening in a relationship or something that's happening in my partner's life or in the sphere of intimacy. And sometimes that means getting out of a relationship. Sometimes that means major changes within an existing relationship or partnership. It doesn't have to people often think well, this is is going to be about a breakup. That's one of the classic interpretations of some of these transits Mars opposite Uranus in particular across the first and the seventh, usually looks like I need to individually, which means I don't need a partnership. But sometimes it's more like I need to grow and change. And so it's one of those periods of time where the relationship has to grow and change otherwise, you know, then maybe there's a problem. But lots of relationships grow and change and evolve through these transits. And there's not necessarily, you know, like a big blowout or anything. On the other hand, you can sometimes see that there's going to be more of a confrontational tendency, I'm feeling, for example, I'm feeling the need to assert myself more, that's what I'm looking for. With Mars in the first house, opposite Uranus in the 12th house, I perceive anyone that feels or looks or thinks differently than me as an enemy this month, you know, so you have to be kind of careful of that kind of thing. Okay, so Scorpio Taurus axis, if you're a Scorpio rising watch for that evolutionary transformation, coming through relationships, wrote a lot of kind of personal feelings of empowerment and boldness and assertiveness, just be careful that you don't mistake other people for your enemies. When you're feeling the need to change or grow or become more independent. Sometimes you might perceive other people that way, with Mars in your first house this month.
Alright, so let's move on to the Sagittarius and Gemini axis. For you guys, we're looking at Scorpio and Taurus across your 12th and sixth house for the Sagittarians out there. And, like our Gemini risings, these two houses can be really frustrating. The 12th house can be especially with the stellium in Scorpio there this month can provide you with a little bit of emotional drama, I would be especially careful about things that undermine you emotionally and mentally this month for Sagittarians. And that could be within the context of you know, work relationships or, or romantic partnerships. I'm thinking of those two, because mercury happens to rule your 10th and your seventh. But also, just the way you communicate with other people or the way that other people communicate with you might be really revealing. This month, for example, you could reach a point where if someone's communicating with you to you in a way that is mean or hostile or toxic enough is enough, it might be time for a split. If you on the other hand are someone who has poor communication tendencies, you could very easily hurt someone else, or be called out this month or get in trouble for gossiping or something like that. So you want to be really careful of mental and emotional energies that undermine or that create conflict, especially in ways that are sort of subtle and pernicious. And again, that's because of that 12th House Scorpio, Mercury Mars dynamic. Also watch for mental and verbal outbursts this month that could get you into trouble or that, you know, could provide you with challenges, again, probably at work or in relationships. In particular, you're going to see also that the more that you're able to take a step back to reflect step into a contemplative space have a little bit of alone time to process and understand the deeper emotional currents of the moment, the more likely it is that there can be big breakthroughs around your personal health, your sense of personal confidence. I say that because all these planets are going to move into Sagittarius later in the month and into December, you're going to have these planets in the 12th go into the first. That can mean that there's a sequence happening where things that have been hidden from your from yourself are becoming understandable. And we ideally we do that, because in the 12th house, we've taken time out to contemplate and look at things on a deeper level and with a little bit of space. If you don't do that, it's likely that those intense mental emotional energy especially with Mercury, Mars, and Scorpio in the 12th are going to lead to like blowouts and for real frustration, especially with those, you know, the opposition's to Uranus in the sixth, the 12th house can yield a lot of very deep insights this month, if you're careful and know that you might have a short fuse or that things are a little bit more volatile. Remember, also next month, you're going to have an eclipse in your first house. So if you're a Sagittarian I would say you know, tread carefully this month and be good to yourself and know that you know, something little can turn into something big very quickly. So, you know, walk gently and also that any changes that are coming in Anything that happens is more difficult can also create a revolution a positive revolution of understanding 12th House planets are often the things that are in our blind spots. You hit Uranus in the sixth with a bunch of those opposition's and they can become a part of our awareness and create a little revolution in our lives this month that, you know can help us feel like a healthier, whole, more sane version of ourselves. So that's what I've got for you Sagittarians this month, and I'd love to hear your stories from sad jizz in particular, because I feel like sad jizz might have the most challenging signature of the month. So I'd love to hear from you guys in the chatbox or maybe with using the hashtag grabbed.
Alright, so the next sequence is we have Capricorn on the ascendant, with Capricorn, we're putting just like we were with cancer, we're putting these energies across your 11th and fifth. Now, if I'm a Capricorn, I'm looking at the 11th in particular, even more than the fifth, because that mercury Mars dynamic between the 10th and say, the 19th, especially given that there's a New Moon in Scorpio in the 11th. On the fourth, something something is really something's happening around friends and groups, organisations, who I would I would almost be wondering, if you're not evaluating some kind of social dynamic in your life, for example, do I really want to be working with certain people? Or do I really want to be hanging out with certain people? Or what do I need more of that I'm not getting in my life, socially, religiously, spiritually, or intellectually, you know, what kind of culture in my associating with what kind of culture in my creating in my life? And is it healthy or not. So I'm looking at sort of who and what you associate with and whether it's healthy or not, and the need for some kind of big change that's in that area of your life this month, for Capricorns. Also, um, the Mercury, Mars Scorpio dynamic can be a little ruthless in the 11th house, I would watch out for people who might want to use you, or for people that there's almost like a social opportunism around this, this month for Capricorns, that I'm a little bit worried about it. Because I think you don't want to sell your soul or something that's creatively vital and essential about yourself, which is correlated to the fifth house, for the sake of something that you feel like, could advance you, you know, and I get the feeling of that that could be in play, that kind of dynamic could be in play this month, with these transits across the 11th, and fifth for you. So that's what I'm seeing for my Capricorn rising people, I would also say that, you know, advantageous or strategic relationships, you know, that are truly healthy could be in the mix. But I'm a little bit more careful with the Mercury, Mars dynamic, Mercury, Mars, and Scorpio can be pretty cutthroat in terms of, like, you know, looking at people as the means to an end, so, or potentially feeling like needing to be almost guarding against people taking advantage of you, in the 11th house was called the Joy of Jupiter. And for as beneficial as that houses in terms of allies and who we ally ourselves with, when you have a malefic like Mars in the house, it's also potentially about who hurts you and you know, people don't always hurt us in really obvious ways. Sometimes, the influence of someone or something over a longer period of time isn't necessarily good for us. So I'd be looking at those things in particular this month. Knowing that with the opposition to Uranus in the fifth house, that I'm, you know, creative. The fifth, I think of the fifth house right now, especially given that you have Venus in your first which rules the fifth this month of November, I'm sitting here going like personal and creative. individuation is really important right now, and it's going to be in december two when Venus goes retrograde in your first house. So, you know, if you if you it's kind of like who or what you're associating with now, if it's not creatively fulfilling, but it's getting you somewhere, you're, you're going to probably be relooking at that by the end of December, when Venus goes retrograde in your first house, your relationships now, if you're glossing over deeper, more complicated issues in social dynamics, they're going to come back to bite you by the end of December, so I'd be a little bit careful about that. All right.
Anyway, let's go to Aquarius rising so Aquarius rising we've got a stellium again in Scorpio in the 10th opposing Uranus in the fourth that is our dynamic for A month. And the New Moon is being planted. Whoops. Sorry, guys, let's get this back to there and back this up by day. So the new moon is being planted in your career house if you're an Aquarius rising, but there's also a lot of dynamic energy producing change around the fourth house, which is home family routes, property, family, karma, private sphere, domestic sphere of life. So you look and you say, okay, you know, am I moving because of a job. That's one of the most basic things that I am used to seeing with these kinds of opposition's where you can also look at this and say, What am I doing with my life and is, is a lot of my time and energy right now being taken up by things that are happening at home or taken away from attention that also needs to be placed on things happening in my home life. Similarly, you could say things that are happening in the home or family are creating the change at work, there's a new child, his changes the way that I have to do my job, or, you know, mom might need a maternity leave, or something like that. But looking at the 10th house and saying, I'm planning there's a new moon on November 4, as the seeds of change around career, but then there they keep hitting revolutionary Uranus down in the fourth house of home and family. So what is what's going on there. And I would expect these two areas of life to be telling the story, especially between like the 10th, and the, and the 20th, there abouts. With the lunar eclipse on the 19th. And the fourth house, something's coming to a close around home and family, there's a chapter that's ending or a change, and it's probably outside of your control. On some level things have an expiration date. And so look for changes around home family living environment, to kind of cap off the cycle by the 19th.
Alright, so last but not least, we are going to put Pisces on the ascendant and we're going to see this as we did for Virgo the ninth and third house energies. So the new moon is placed in your ninth house on the fourth, it suggests a revolution in the mind this month, the ninth house being a place of our beliefs, the things that guide us, intellectually, spiritually, philosophically, the teachers, mentors, gurus, the topic of travel, perhaps. So those topics are, there's a strong intention for there to be deeper and more penetrating look at beliefs, and intellectual or philosophical things. And that's the emphasis of Mercury and Mars in that house has a very penetrating mindset this month, and can lead to kind of a newer, deeper, more confident or evolved or mature understanding of something. It could be political, spiritual, there could be, you know, sometimes you see this when people start studying something. And then it's being fueled all the while, by Uranus in the third house, another place that relates to the mind and to learning. Oftentimes, you're going to see questions about heresy, you're going to see questions about, you know, religious or intellectual, you know, rebelliousness who can what kind of authority can I trust or not? I was saying the same thing when we were looking at Taurus on the ascendant earlier, or excuse me Virgo on the ascendant earlier, which is that, you know, in school, you there's a balance that we need to strike between learning to question things and ask critical questions. And also learning to trust the higher sources of knowledge or authority. If we think, Well, I can't trust anyone or anything, we won't learn to grow. But if we blindly follow everything in anything, then we also won't grow. Something about that balance this month might be really finding that balance might be important for you, if you're Pisces rising. I also suspect that anything around travel, possibly siblings, foreign countries, those are all topics that sometimes get activated around the third and the ninth house access in general. I also like the idea of there being the need to confront ideas this month or two, maybe passionate rhetoric or debate or something like that. Be careful that you don't that you don't bring some kind of crusading attitude or evangelical attitude into key relationships with people that you really, that you really love, or that could be hurt because of the level of mental or intellectual intensity that's there this month. You don't want to lose people over you know, having slightly different beliefs on something that maybe not isn't that, you know, isn't the most important thing in the world. On the other hand, there is some kind of intellectual revolution at hand for you this month and facing or confronting difficult complicated ideas, understanding who you are and where you stand. That's important to do. And you can't. Sometimes we can't gloss over, you know, difficult conversations or topics. So it's kind of knowing knowing how to have those conversations without hurting ourselves or others in the process if you're a Pisces rising. Alright, so that's what I've got for all 12 signs, I have to apologise because I have something like a little bit of a cold going on right now. And not COVID. So thankfully, I don't have any of those symptoms, but I just have a head cold. And I think that's because I was outside trick or treating. We had a Halloween party. My dad was here over the weekend. And so it was just a really full weekend and I'm not feeling the greatest this morning. And so I'm just having a harder time articulating myself than I usually would. So thanks for hanging in there with me today. And we will be back tomorrow because tomorrow, Mercury squares Pluto. And then by Thursday, we have got our new Moon in Scorpio coming through. So there's a bunch to talk about this week. We're gonna continue our series on the zodiac. We're gonna look at common misunderstandings about the sign of Sagittarius. So lots of fun things to come. Don't forget that my new new class ancient astrology for the modern mystic starts on November 13. You can check it out on my website, nightlight astrology calm, and I look forward to talking to all of you more as the week goes on. Alright, take it easy, everyone. Bye.
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