Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for October 2021. You can find the timestamps for each rising sign below the video.
Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to take a look at our Sun and rising sign horoscopes for the month of October 2021. So you can listen to this video for your Sun or rising sign I recommend listening to your rising sign in particulars that's going to sync up with your birth chart the best. Before I dive in, just a reminder, two little announcements one again yesterday we in an attempt to make my entire bhakti yoga Playlist Live and available for people it was password protected on my website, it was free, but it was just a little convoluted in terms of how people could get access to it. I've been making Bhakti videos once weekly for a couple of years. So we made that content public but it acted as though it was releasing like 80 or 90 new videos all at once. So if you got bombarded by that, again, just issuing an apology today we lost a bunch of subscribers yesterday Unfortunately, because of that, I'm sure so my apologies you'll be on Wednesday evenings there's a new series called Bhakti Wednesdays and that's a continuation of that series. It's now just public whereas it was password protected on my website. So at any rate if you see those you can you can peruse the Bhakti library now if you're interested in going deeper with that if not all of my normal astrology content will still be running monday through friday so anyway so second announcement is: Don't forget that my new class ancient astrology for the modern mystic begins in November it's coming up soon and we're getting more and more registrations every day. Now really excited for the new course go to my website nightlight Click on the first year course page, and you can scroll down and read through all of what the course includes. It's an in depth study of ancient Hellenistic astrology. And over the course of 12 months, there are 30 meetings live via webinar. If you can't make those, everything is archived all the class material can download and keep from our class website. You can rewatch the lectures if you can't attend live, in addition to 30 lessons that are all about two to three hours long, closer to three hours, most of them. There are also 12 online webinar classes led by guest teachers we have breakout study groups in between sessions where there's live tutoring. There is I have a tutoring staff that leads a forum discussion year round you can email me your round with questions. There's a tonne of bonus material recommended reading, listening, quizzes, flashcards, all sorts of stuff for for people to go as deeply as they want to. It's also an optional certification test at the end if you're looking to be certified and through my programme and learn to read for other people. The end of the class I invite live clients and you get to see the actual material put into practice with live clients and then we break down those readings afterwards. It is a fantastic programme. It is really the heart and soul of what I've developed over the course of my career. And it's a real honour to lead it twice yearly. And so if you want to take advantage of the earlybird rate Be sure you do that and save $500 off. You can also use the payment plan and then there is tuition assistance need based tuition for people who might be hurting financially so take a look at that if it might help you. Alright well any questions you have about the programme email us info at nightlight astrology calm. Keep the registrations coming really excited for a new group of people.
Let's dive into October's horoscopes. Now, there's a lot to say this month because we have a couple of major transits. I discussed these in my overview for October, which I published yesterday. And so you can take a look at that if you want kind of more of a comprehensive overview of all the transits of the month. Each month for horoscopes, I try to focus on the things that I think are going to have the most effect on everyone. So I'm going to go over those and then we'll go through the 12 signs and take a look at how it's going to affect each 12 signs each of the 12 signs. So first transit that we're going to be looking at today is going to be between October 6, and the ninth. During that time we're going to see a new moon in Libra. Here you can see the sun and the moon in the same sign that's coming through right around October 6. Then on the seventh, we're seeing Mars Kazemi at the heart of the sun, you can see Mars and the sun can join there. And then on the ninth we're seeing Mercury's retrograde go through the cazimi and a conjunction with Mars. So the sixth through the ninth, you could broadly say the sixth through the 10th of October, that concentration of energy in Libra is what we're going to focus on by whole sign house today for all 12 signs. Now on the 20th if we go forward, the second piece that's focused on the sign of Libra comes right around the same time, or excuse me, right right around the same place in the chart. Here's that stellium in Libra that's forming this month. And what we're going to be doing here we put in the outer planets now so that we can include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the mix.
We're looking at from about the 16th of October, all the way through, say the 22nd. right around there, that second concentration is going to happen as both the sun and Mars pass through an opposite a square to Pluto. Now at the same time, during that exact period, on the 20th, there'll be a full moon in Aries, which is in Mars a sign. So it's really amplifying the importance of Mars between those dates. So we'll just say broadly speaking, the 15th, to the 22nd 16th to the 22nd, right in there. So those two areas, we're going to lump together. Why because the triggering planet this month is Mars. Mars is the triggering planet, because Mars is going to be the one detonating the square to Pluto, it's engaged as the ruler of the full moon. And often enough, the way that the way that I read transits excuse me in practice, is to look at the triggering planet, which is typically the faster moving planet when there's outer planets involved. So for the in this case, we're going to be focusing on the house of Libra in everybody's birth chart as the place that the action is anchored in, we're gonna be talking about the kinds of energies to be expected around those that that house in your birth chart depending on your rising sign or sun sign, I recommend reading for your rising sign if you watch these videos, but that's just me. Now the other thing we'll be doing is we'll briefly be mentioning that between the 11th and the 19th, both Jupiter and Saturn will be turning direct, there'll be turning direct in Aquarius, so we're also going to take a look at the house of Aquarius. So that means that for all 12 signs, we're focused on Libra and Aquarius houses this month, the turning direct of Jupiter and Saturn should mean that there's a momentum shift happening in that area of your birth chart probably for the better.
So we will be taking a look at that as well. All right. That being said, Let us start now with by putting Aries on the ascendant. And we're now going to just walk through what this says about all 12 signs. First of all, remember that between the sixth and the ninth, we're gonna I'm just going to go back in time here. There we go. Right about here. Let's make sure we get Aries on the ascendant again. All right. So we will have the new moon forming. And then this triple conjunction between the sun, Mercury and Mars, if you're an Aries rising, that falls in your seventh house, which is going to be the place of relationships, intimacy, sexuality, partnerships of all kinds, but usually the romantic kind. And that means that again, between the sixth and the ninth, you're expecting the seeding of a new cycle in relationships, although it might be toned by an aura of conflict, that conflict may mount and you may be having to deal with that building or gaining sense of conflict in the area of relationships, especially between, say, the 15th, or 16th and the 22nd. When we get Mars and the sun squaring Pluto, now Pluto is in your 10th house at the moment. So the there also may be some tension growing between the house of relationships and the courier house, you may feel those two areas in pretty dynamic tension with one another, especially again between say the 16th of the month and like the 22nd. So those watch for those two series of dates the sixth to the ninth and say the 15th or 16th, to the 22nd. And watch for there to be something new growing in the house of relationships but needing to deal with or manage tensions or conflicts is the theme for the month, and then growing tension or conflict between the workhouse or career house and the house of love and relationships. Now simultaneously. Remember, between the 11th and 19th of the month, Jupiter and Saturn are also turning direct in your 11th house. As an Aries, that house is focused on groups of people or friends, your social network, allies, benefactors, the people that you might consider allies in life usually have a sense of sharing something politically or religiously or professionally. And so with both Jupiter and Saturn turning direct in this house, I would watch for some very pivotal series of events or change of direction or momentum around groups and friends or broader social life to be happening not just now in October, but probably in the next couple of months to come. Let's go on and talk about Taurus.
For Taurus, we're focusing that concentration, that triple conjunction of the sun, Mars and Mercury right around the new moon. This happens between October 6 and ninth roughly speaking, this is in your sixth house. Now this is interesting because the sixth house is a pretty diverse place, it can mean for example, that you're dealing potentially with the seeding of a new cycle that has something to do with conflict, or anything involving like hard work, or determination, or perseverance, or possibly conflict or even health problems. Now, all of those are related to the sixth house because the sixth house was called the joy of Mars and was associated with conflict, but also hard work and perseverance, with selfless sacrifice, or the sacrifice blood, sweat and tears needed to gain something important. Also with menial labour and with disease and sickness. So it is possible that we're looking at a seeding of a cycle of conflict, hard work labour, and in more intense experiences, of course, you're going to be working through them with an eye for peace, and balance and harmony because you're a Venus kind of individual as a Taurus rising. But, and these planets are also in Libra, which is Venus a sign. Now those planets are going to be between the 16th and the 22nd, especially Mars, and the sun going through a square to Pluto as the full moon in Mars, a sign comes through. Now, Pluto is in your ninth house, which means that these themes of hard work labour intensity, selfless sacrifice, or service, even sickness or health challenges are also going to be stimulated by the presence of Pluto in the house of your higher beliefs, teachers, mentors, faith, maybe there is some sense of a crisis of faith or belief that you're working through this month, or that you're having to look very deeply at your values or your sense of truth, like what what are your guiding principles in life? And how are they informing certain kinds of conflicts or value conflicts that you're having right now. So at any rate, watch for those areas to be in quite the dialogue this month. I like to say that, you know, sixth house, good sixth house transit, can help you work hard toward your goals. But it can also be a source of frustrations that you have to persevere through on route to your goals. So just know that a little bit of that grittiness this month and having to try hard to maintain and keep the peace through the grittiness is probably going to be part of the deal. Now in the meantime, if you're a Taurus rising, Jupiter and Saturn are turning direct in your 10th house between the 11th and the 19th. So this should mean a change of momentum or a change of direction. And it should be quite positive around your career. You might have noticed that you know, if you're if you've been feeling like there's been some stagnation or some stuckness, or almost a feeling of delays, or frustration or uncertainty around work, or even just a heaviness in general, you might notice that things start to the momentum starts to change for the better in the workhouse, which could be a very good thing with to, you know, major planets turning direct after long retrogrades in the career house. So watch for that between the 11th and 19th. You might notice that that picks up actually over the next couple of months. So it's kind of a good shift there I think for Taurus is in the career house overall. That's that's the heart of what I'm seeing for my Tauruses. This month. Let's go forward to Gemini rising.
If you're a Gemini rising, this means that the concentration of Libra energy is located in your fifth house. And starting between the sixth and the ninth of the month with the triple conjunction right after the new moon in Libra. In your fifth house, I would look for a focus on questions about the the joy that is derived from doing what you love. The fifth house, I love saying this is the fifth house in Indian astrology is often related to the joy derived in the heart from doing our Dharma, well, what are you innately capable of, for example, if you're born, you know, in a female body, one of the Dharma capabilities of that body might be bearing a child, maybe that's the fifth house is connected, for example, to pregnancy, and the cow the ability to bring forth life. But it was called the fifth house is called the joy of Venus. But also, if you think about anything that you're born with, maybe you're born with the ability to paint or write or sing, or maybe you're born with the ability to you have good organisational skills or decision making abilities or communication skills, whatever the case might be, there's always a question of whether or not you're, you're feeling satisfied or you're feeling enough joy or happiness like am I employing my gifts in the world? So question this month for my Gemini. might be am I happy because I'm doing enough of what I'm good at, or what I know to be most valuable and enduring about, you know, me and my gifts and talents in the world. And there could be some challenges around that this month, saying or doing or bringing forth something that you feel is creatively authentic. There, there may be some kind of challenge in doing that, or the need to assert oneself and one's creative gifts a little bit more than you've been doing in the past. The other thing to keep in mind is that Mars and the sun are square to Pluto in the eighth house. And the eighth house is often a place associated with other people's values, other people's esteem other people's opinions, other people's needs and other people's assets. So one of the things that you might be coming into contact this month is here I have something unique to give, but do other people want it or not? And how do I shift or, or shape what I have to give in alignment with what other people require, or maybe in my compromising too much of my own gifts or skills to fit in with what other what I think other people want, or what I think other people may validate. So questions around creativity, and your own, what makes you unique as an individual. And whether or not people around you are buying into that or rejecting that, how you might be bending or twisting your your own gifts or talents or abilities or your own voice in order to, you know, get something from someone else. Those kinds of questions to me are really interesting. Am I doing this for me? Or am I doing this for someone else, and it could be anything really but the question of whether I'm doing something for myself and how deeply I should consider what other people want from me really intense stuff for Geminis this month. Now remember, there's also a shift of momentum happening between the 11th and 19th. And by the way, those tensions for you will mount between the 16th and 22nd, as Mars in the sun square Pluto in the eighth and there's a full moon on the 20th. So watch for that time, time range to intensify over everything to intensify. But also, Jupiter and Saturn are turning direct between the 11th and 19th in your ninth house, a place of the higher mind, higher education, faith beliefs, or religion. And so there may also be some sense in which you're coming. You're becoming aware of and clear and completely. What I want to say you're maybe there's some breakthroughs, intellectually or spiritually or philosophically now I know where I stand. Now I know what I believe. So it's almost like a crisis of faith or a crisis of action. What am I supposed to do? And how do I make a choice based on the things I really deeply believe in? And this could be tied in, of course, to questions about Am I doing this for me? Or am I doing this for someone else? So watch for that reorientation and becoming clear about what your guiding principles are, in particular, between the ninth and the 19th right in the mix of everything else.
So let's go forward to my Cancer risings. Your stellium, between the sixth and the ninth is taking place in your fourth house. And this is where most of the action is for you this month, because this is the place of home and family. This is the place of home family property, family karma, your inner private sphere of life sort of domestic sphere, it's also your roots and your foundation. So there is a new seed being planted there this month, but there may be some conflict at the same time, there could be some challenges in this area of life, more responsibilities, more hard work. And also don't forget that the squares between Mars and the sun between the 16th and 22nd, roughly, are hitting Pluto in the seventh house of marriage and relationships. So for my Cancer risings this month, it really looks like it's a lot about family, home, family karma, and marriage. And those those spheres of life are very dynamic for you this month. And what I'm looking at here with the seeding of the new moon cycle in the fourth house is probably about having to negotiate certain kinds of conflicts of value within your home family or marriage throughout the month. I think some peaceful negotiations and agreements and working through things are likely but you may also have to deal with some surprises this month, both at home maybe with parents or family members, big changes in the home or within your marriage or relationships. It could also mean maybe meeting someone new. So those two areas really simple and to me like the two of the most classic areas of the birth chart right home, family and relationships. Those are in the spotlight for you this month, watch for the sixth to the ninth, and then the 16th to the 22nd. As to little epicentres of very important activity around those topics for you this month. Remember that Jupiter and Saturn are also turning direct in your eighth house, that's happening between the ninth and the 11th. In the 19th. If you've been dealing with debt or you know, things revolving around a spouse's money or a spouse's career watch for there to be a positive shift of momentum around those areas. And also, I like this as being able to benefit or gain something from from other people. If there's been a source, someone or something that you've relied on that hasn't been there for you for a while that hasn't been as available or accessible, you might start to notice that it's making a comeback whether it's a social group, or whether it's a religious or spiritual group, or some some kind of resource that maybe has been delayed or held back a little bit you could find coming to you that could be maybe financial as well. I also like this as starting to differentiate and clarify your own beliefs from the expectations of others. I think that's probably an important theme that's trickling into home and marriage this month for you. So at any rate, that's what I've got for my cancer rising. Let me know how it goes everybody. Let's go on to Leo.
If you are a Leo, Leo rising, then the concentration is happening between the sixth and the ninth, the concentration is happening in your third house. Now the third house is where most of the action will be. But then we're going to see Mars and the sun between the 16th and the 22nd. Squaring Pluto in the sixth though, we'll bring that in a little bit. But the new moon and that triple conjunction between Mars mercury and the sun happens between the sixth and the ninth of October. So that's like one little area and then the 16th to 22nd you see, the sun and Mars hit the square to Pluto as a full moon and Mars is signed comes through as well. If you're a Leo rising this third house is a place that has a lot to do with the environment especially mentally and emotionally. This third house is called the joy of the moon traditionally, which is the planet that pertain to the environment including the body and mind. So it's as though when you when you have this new moon in Libra with Mars and Mercury in the mix, and it's a debilitated Mars, you could be dealing with an environment of mental or emotional stress or tension. But of course, what makes the tension is the degree to which you're also trying to keep the peace you're trying to make sure that other people are happy you're trying to communicate with diplomacy and tact, but it's stressful right now probably or there's not it's not necessarily easy or you're having to make some really hard choices and balance a variety of different factors you're trying to do so with Karen concern and not everyone can be happier please and there may be some unavoidable conflict and in fact I think if you avoid conflict too much trying to make everyone happy that you could tie yourself into knots maybe not even feel very good remember the squares from Mars and the sun to Pluto in the six the six was place of conflict frustration also illness so you don't want to like make yourself ill or create unnecessary conflict because you're so stressed out trying to make sure that everyone is happy you may have to make some difficult choices this month and in doing so, you know disappoint some people or even you know, some some relationships may have to go sometimes that's the bottom line is that not every we can't please everybody all the time. And and in making the choice that we know is right. If some people say Okay, that's it, I'm done. Well, you know, it's, it's unfortunate, but that may be what we have to accept. The other thing here to watch out for is just anything around siblings, friends, neighbours, your neighbourhood or environment, you know, and things happening around you are in your local sphere, your local sphere of life, your community even, and there being a need for peace, but they're also being elevated tension and conflict. People disagreeing about things that genuinely probably don't like hate each other, but they have real disagreements, you know, so watch for that tension to be bubbling over this month. Six to the ninth is an intense space and then the 16th to the 22nd. Now simultaneously between the 11th and the 19th, Jupiter and Saturn are turning direct in your seventh house. That means there's this significant change of momentum happening in the marriage house this month, which typically means that like look, if there's been delays or sort of blockages and challenges or just feelings of frustration or uncertainty in the air around relationships or something involving a spouse or partner, you might watch for a shift of momentum to start coming in between the 11th and 19th. But really over the next few months, and things might be changing for the better in that house. Now that they've been nestled really terrible, but that you might start to see some positive shift, because both planets turning direct should bring almost like a more constructive, forward looking movement into that marriage house. So at any rate, that's what I've got for my Leo rising. That's what I see at the heart of your month. All right, we're gonna go on now to Virgo rising.
So for Virgo risings, the stellium, the Libra stellium, that starts at the new moon on the sixth, in goes through the ninth with mercury and the sun and Mars ultra conjoined is landing in your second house, which is the place of money and resources. This is the place of you know that this is the place where we look at your earning potential at business at what you're able to make from your skills or talents or abilities, things like that. Now between the sixth and the ninth, there's a new moon seeding a new cycle in this area, so new developments around money, business, etc. But there's also a square between the sun and Mars to Pluto between the 16th and the 22nd. As a full moon in Mars, a sign of Aries also comes through. So a lot of action around money business finances this month, I wouldn't be surprised again if you see conflicts of value conflicts of interest around money or finances within relationships. Why? Because this is Libra Venus ruled sign which tends to bring in dynamics that are relational. So money in relationships, business decisions, or relationships. Also, what am I investing in? How am I making a living? What am I doing with my talents and skills? And is it a reflection of my true abilities, my true joy, my true values, because Mars and the sun are also squaring Pluto in the fifth. And the fifth has a lot to do with creative fulfilment, I might doing something that reaches deep into my soul, and brings me joy and happiness. The second house is probably a little bit more utilitarian. You know, am I doing the most financial or economic good for me or for my family? Or, you know, am I making a smart business decision, but it doesn't necessarily involve questions about whether it's bringing you joy or creative fulfilment. So tensions between money and creative fulfilment might be more pronounced this month, and also questions between money and say things like children or people, things that you have obligations to financially as opposed to the things that you know, you you want to pour your money into, or your resources or time into. So those tensions could be more pronounced, especially between the 16th and the 22nd.
Either way, you're managing some challenges around money and finances this month, but you're also probably it's very possible that you could be seeding something new, a new business idea, a new new concept, something like that. So a potentially very creative month for money and finances and business, if you're a Virgo rising. Now, also, remember that we have a significant change of direction from both Jupiter and Saturn between the 11th and the 19th Jupiter and Saturn will turn direct as they turn direct, you're going to feel a real shift of momentum were in the sixth house that's actually a really good sign because the sixth house is typically a place where we are toiling with something it's like going to a really intense one hour workout class somewhere at a gym or something, you know, you're just you're sweating, you're working you know, you feel good afterward, but you know, it's kind of held to go through it that's sort of the sixth house is called the joy of Mars, you know, it's associated with fighting and struggle and conflict and frustration, but also hard work, perseverance, self sacrifice, you know, so if, if there's been a feeling of not of like your momentum and being able to move forward in life in something you've been working on or working toward has been temporarily delayed or setback, you may find that now you're able to move forward again. You may also find that if there's been just a temporary feeling of almost like a low, like, you know, you take a midday break, if you're working and all of a sudden you go like, I have to go back to work I have like the rest of the day and I have a bunch of stuff to accomplish. If there's even just been a lull or a feeling of you know, almost like, you know, a temporary feeling of taking a break from the work you may also experience that it now is the time to, you know, put the pedal to the metal again and get going. So watch for this shift of momentum around the house of work and labour and sacrifice to pick up and either carry you with a wave of support or help you get back into things that there's been some kind of low, and you may notice that between the 11th and 19th, but it'll carry forward in the next few months to come. Alright, so that's Virgo rising. Let's go forward to Libra.
Now, if you're a Libra rising, this is all happening in your first house. So the low hanging fruit here is that the first house has everything to do with your body, with your health, with your psychology, with, you know your especially vitality and physical appearance. And so a new moon with the triple conjunction of Mars mercury and the sun between October 6 and ninth, could be planting a seed for the have changed around health identity, body appearance, vitality. It's also a time for Libras to be more self concerned. And sometimes that's difficult as a Libra rising because you're naturally inclined toward the notion things which tend to be about harmonising between self and other. This might be a month where you have to make some difficult decisions that feel more selfish. How can you make them in a way that, you know it's not like you're becoming a narcissist or something, but you're making decisions that are essentially about you and what your stake is in the situation, even if it tips the scales a little bit. And that might not feel comfortable, but it's something you might have to do now you may also between the 16th and 22nd. Notice that these themes and tensions are being triggered by Pluto in the fourth house of home and family. And so questions about identity selfhood, individuality of vitality, this may have something to do also with things happening around the home or family. So watch for those tensions to be more pronounced. Now between the 11th and 19th Jupiter and Saturn are also turning direct in your fifth house. I like this in terms of their if you know when two planets are retrograde for a long period of time, there's often a sense of being held back or delayed or a temporary feeling of being blocked or limited. And the feeling of something moving forward and having and developing again and evolving and changing and growing.
That's typically what happens when two planets have both been retrograde and then turned direct. So in the fifth house, this has a lot to do with your sense of creativity. fifth house is related to it was called the joy of Venus. And it has to do with the things that bring us joy or pleasure or happiness. It also has a trine to the ascendant which way the Indian astrology was is related to one's innate gifts, talents and abilities. So what kind of creative fulfilment or satisfaction is derived from the use of my true capacities as an individual. I like this cycle is one where the the Libras are having to say, you know what makes me unique. And even if I have to rock the boat, or tip the scales a little bit, maybe even offend someone in the process, I have to do something for myself that feels more creatively aligned. And I like that because again, you're seeing between these two houses, you're seeing this big momentum shift in the house that's supposed to be about the joy derived from being in our creative essence. And then you see a lot of movement in the house, the first house a place of identity, a place of vitality. So do you feel healthy? Well, a lot of that depends on whether or not you're doing things that bring you joy. Do you feel like you're being authentically yourself? Well, are you using your gifts and talents and resources and abilities in ways that bring you happiness? These kinds of questions are so fundamental to the librans this month. So anyway, that's what we've got for Libra rising.
Let's go forward to Scorpio rising. If you're a Scorpio rising, this one's a little tough, because we're now taking, I think Scorpio rising might have one of the more challenging placements of the month because what we're doing is we're taking this triple conjunction the new moon between the sixth and the ninth in the sign of Libra, the triple conjunction between Mercury, Mars and the sun, we're putting it in your 12th house. And the 12th house is of course a place that is often a sort of blind spot for most people. People that are in our blind spot people or influences or situations or, or places you know things in our life that are undermining us in some way including aspects of our own character or psyche. Don't forget, if you're a Scorpio, your ruling planet Mars is in the 12th right now in this conjunction and Mars is the triggering planet for the month. So questions about self sabotage and questions about being aware of, you know, what kinds of influences or voices of people around you are healthy or not healthy. This is really important. looking also at toxins in the mind and in the environment in speech, communication and relationships. And again, what is helping me versus what is undermining me in myself or in others in the mind in relationship dynamics, really important this month for Scorpios as we also see Mars in the sun, hitting a square to Pluto in the third house, which also has a lot to do with the environment in the mind. So this is not the month to get involved with drama in the workplace, to get in between other people's stuff, to not speak up when you should to do anything. thing that compromises your integrity or ethics, etc, etc. And also it's a good month to, you know, if you if you've been thinking maybe I should see a therapist, maybe I should start talking to a counsellor, maybe I should ask someone for a piece of advice that I need about a challenging situation or a difficult decision, do it because there may be something that you can't see fully that you need someone else's help to get your head around. And that's okay. Once in a while, we all need that kind of help. At the same time, just becoming more aware of what what in who is influencing you positively or negatively and making wise decisions about it, wise judgments about it, that's what I see for my Scorpios this month. Now remember, there's also a significant change of momentum happening in your fourth house, as both Jupiter and Saturn turned direct between the 11th and the 19th. During this time, you may notice that the topics of home family property, your living environment, parental karma, and things like that are, you know, if there's been any blockages or challenges or delays or setbacks or a feeling of regression in those areas, you may notice that there's a more positive sense of development happening there after this trend up to this transit series from the 11th to the 19th. When planets turned direct in the fourth house, where there have been challenges around home and family, you'll often see that okay, things are starting to evolve and move again, or some feeling of uncertainty or stagnation or stuckness. around that area is now moving. So that's a positive momentum change in the house of family, home relationship, family home environment, and maybe family dynamics in general. Okay, so let's go forward to Sagittarius rising.
When we put Sagittarius on the ascendant, then that triple conjunction starting with the new moon on October 6 is landing in your 11th house. So place of friends and groups and communities of people. This is also a place that has a lot to do with those people that we consider to be our allies, politically, religiously, professionally. So when you have a new moon in that place is often a new cycle, or new people or new groups or new activity centred around these themes of friends, allies, groups, etc. With Mars and Mercury in a triple conjunction, Mars a little debilitated. Okay. So it may not be entirely easy, there may be conflicts within groups or with friends or amongst colleagues, or there may be a little social drama happening in your life this month to put it, you know, just sort of generally the same time between the 16th and the 22nd Mars in the sun, or hitting a square to Pluto in the second house of money, business finances. So I wonder if some of these social conflicts or the changes or challenges around groups, friends, allies, etc, are in part rooted in concerns that you have right now about business money, finances, assets, resources, this would be one that I would be particularly worried about in terms of social opportunism, be careful, like, Oh, these people may be advantageous to me professionally or financially in the future. But they're feel there's some, you know, gross feeling of compromise in terms of conflicting values or integrity or something like that. On the other hand, I would look at this as meaningful collaborations, but ones that also could involve really sort of crossroads, or like real tough choices that you have to make, and where you may again, want to call on someone who has some wisdom before making tough choices around, you know, people, allies, business and money, especially. Now. Also, we can see that Jupiter and Saturn are in the process of turning direct in your third house this month, between the 11th and the 19th. Now those two planets turning direct are important because for everyone they sic really signifies a shift of momentum after a long period of those planets being retrograde and in some ways, undoing things, revising things, delaying things creating a bit of stagnation or stuckness. They both turn direct, and you should feel the feeling of Okay, there's a shift of momentum, things are moving forward again, stagnation is starting to break up and we're feeling movement. This is in the third house which is a place of the mind the intellect communication. So I would look for this month to also be a month of like, turning a corner mentally. You know, it's a it's an interesting because as a Sagittarius, you have one last Eclipse in December in your first house. Venus will also be in your first house this month, and it makes me feel like you know, if you've been personally feeling like, I'm not sure people like me, or I'm not sure. I'm not sure what I like or questions about how other people value you or your own evaluation of yourself. I could see there being some sense of clarity this month like, this is where I stand this is the people that value me, or these are the people that don't value me, this is what I really value about myself, and to start gaining mental and, like mental confidence again, after maybe a period of feeling like, you know, uncertain about where I stand, or where I should place my time or energy. So I like third house. You know, for me, like when I've noticed planets like mercury turning direct in the third house planets turn direct in the third house, I often just somehow become clear about something that's been unclear. And I think this may have something to do, both around groups money, but also core issues of like identity and where I stand in the midst of things because of how much emphasis is also coming to be placed on your first house right now as a Sagittarius rising. So anyway, that's what I've got for my savages, let's go forward to Capricorn.
So for Capricorn rising, we're taking the stellium in Libra, we're placing it in your 10th house, the new moon on the sixth, and then the seventh, eighth, ninth, we've got the triple conjunction between Mercury, Mars and the sun. as that happens, it's all focused on the 10th house place of career. So there's a lot of movement in the house of career if you're kept this month. Interestingly, that movement, that development of those planets are also in a square between the 16th to the 22nd, the sun and Mars will move through a square to Pluto. So that square to Pluto is in your first house place of identity health, a place that has a lot to do with your body, your vitality, and your sense of character, like in a movie, what's the How is the character evolving or developing. So there's character development happening in relation to work the workplace or your career this month. And you're going to notice that there may be a new cycle opening up or a new opportunities, new doors, or significant changes in your career, because of that new moon in the 10th place. But some of its going to be, there's going to be hard choices or certain kinds of conflict, issues around authority, questions about fairness, having to negotiate different values or beliefs or ideas or opinions, because we see Mercury and Mars coming together in the 10th house, which can represent certain kinds of mental agitation and conflict with the underlying need to try and make peace or find balance in the sign of Libra. So some of that energy in your 10th House of career is, you know, also provoking the Pluto the lord of death and rebirth in the house of identity. So existential month for you that ties into the career house if you're a Capricorn rising now, and watch again, for the sixth to the ninth, and like the 16th to the 22nd is key moments for you. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Saturn are turning direct in your financial house. That's kind of good news, actually. Because it really speaks to some kind of positive momentum change around money and finances. So I would watch for that to pick up between the 11th and the 19th may take another month or two, where you start to feel like there's a real positive shift happening there. So that's for my Capricorn risings.
If you're an Aquarius, rising, the stellium between Mars, Mercury and the sun, as well as a new moon in Libra, between the sixth and the ninth of October take place in your ninth house. And that's the place of our guiding beliefs. It's a place of the higher mind, religion, spirituality, that's a place that ties into, you know, our innate sense of like a, like a moral compass and a spiritual compass. So when you see a new moon in that place, but also the seeds of certain kinds of conflicts that you're trying to work out, and remember Mars and the sun between the 16th and the 22nd, also square Pluto in the 12th house, I would say that this month looks to be something of a crisis of belief or faith for my aquarians. What do I believe? And where is it taking me? Is it a time to evaluate principles, ethics, my religious or spiritual inclinations, my political beliefs, and that might be within some other very specific area of your life. I think most likely, given that Jupiter and Saturn are also turning direct between the 11th and 19th. In your first house, this has to do with, you know, the feeling of Who am I really? And do my beliefs actually reflect what I feel? Or are they more rooted in trying to please other people? I think the reason for this is that this you can see that the energy of the Libra stellium in the ninth is also tapping into Venus in the 11th, which means that you know, beliefs and questions about beliefs may have a real social dimension to them this month, it's not so much about you as much as it is about what's the right thing to do or believe for example, I could see someone getting really caught up in like the, you know, the expectations of a workplace or of mice, you know, a spouse's family or something. thing like, what did they expect that I believe, per se? Or how do they believe? How do they believe I should act or express myself? So questions about values and beliefs? And ultimately questions about well, what do I believe? And what what's the like? You can imagine, for example, right now, a lot of people are having to make difficult choices about their, their physical health, what do I want to do with my body? Am I going to get a vaccine? Am I not going to get a vaccine? What does my company need me to do? What does my family expect that I do what you know what looks good, what looks bad. So what it boils down to, if you're an Aquarius this month is don't let a crisis of belief be dictated by the expectations of other people or what you may gain or lose, according to what other people think. between the 11th and 19th, Jupiter and Saturn turning direct in your first house is an excellent time to really come back to the question of what is it? What does my heart Tell me, and what what feels in integrity for me in my heart, you don't have to be certain that you're right. But you do have to be certain that you're not making a decision based on the fear of other people's expectations or other people's judgments. So I think this is a month of like, a little bit of an existential crisis around beliefs for aquarians. And making sure that, you know, you don't want to be so rogue and so Maverick that you're not aware of what other people think and feel and you know, there's a social dimension to all of our lives. But you also don't want to base your entire guidance system, your navigation system shouldn't be that your truenorth shouldn't be what other people think about me or whether or not my beliefs or guiding principles will be appealing to everyone. So that's what I see for my aquarians Okay, let's go forward.
Last but not least, my Pisces, Pisces out there, you've got the big stellium, the new moon on the sixth, and then the stellium between mercury Mars and the sun between the sixth and the ninth. This lands in your eighth house. Speaking of for Aquarian, speaking of place, the theme of other people's values. The eighth house was associated with other people's esteem, which could mean what other people have what they could give us what they could withhold from us what they need from us what we owe other people what they owe us with a stellium there but with the mark of conflict with Mars, Mercury and the sun, both Mars and the sun in in detriment and fall. We have the potential for there to be conflicts around what you know, the entanglements that we have with other people are such a part of our life and for positive and negatively we're entangled with others. Right now I think there's probably for Pisces, there's some difficult choices, right? For example, this you see a stellium like this and you think divorce court, you think custody battles, you also think the potential for there to be the need to work out, like who gets what in a divorce, who gets to keep what, who gets the house, blah, blah, blah. But like, let's make it like far less of a soap hopper and let's just say that this month is about differentiating your own values, your own possessions, your own resources, your own needs, your own responsibilities from those of others. It's okay to figure out for example, this month, what does it look like to share the weight to distribute the benefits and the burdens within relationships, but also it's important that there that you recognise that there probably will be some conflict or some potential tension or stress around these kinds of subjects this month, and that's normal and don't you know, don't freak out about it. Try to work through it very patiently. Now between the 16th and the 22nd Mars in the sun will square Pluto in the 11th place it's also very very so very social in nature. So this is also questions about not only what other people think or feel but with the broader social not just individuals in our lives but a broader social arena expects of us. And I you know, again, I've been saying this for my Pisces for a while with Neptune in your first place with Neptune in your first house. You know, just be really sure that you're not wishy washy about who you are and about what you value about Where's your imagination at Where's your heart at? Where are you placing your vision that feels exciting to you and inspiring to you. These planets, right here the tension this month between eight and 11 it really has a lot to do with what other people need or want from me what would be advantageous. What's the opportunistic thing to do here doesn't have to be evil, but you're you might be it's it feels like a political arena in some ways. Now, one positive thing is that with Jupiter and Saturn turning direct between the 11th and 19th, and your 12th house, including yourself Ascendant ruler and knowing that Jupiter is going to come into your first house by the end of the year, I think there's a positive momentum shift happening for pisceans this month where questions about being too self compromising to self sacrificing, losing your own sense of identity or being unclear about where you stand and that should resolve itself in the next few months. Now along the way, there might be some hard lessons to learn especially if you have compromised yourself too much or if you have tried to do things that are opportunistic or that are self serving, and in the process lost something of your own soul. I mean, just be it's sort of like you know, be beware of the devil's bargain. With these planets in the eighth squaring Pluto in the 11th. You know, I've seen this so many times like Edgar just give you an example from my Natal charts. When I see stellium like this square between the eighth and the 11th for example, I've seen stories many many times of people who marry into a class that they didn't grow up in, for example, maybe you grew up middle class, and then you marry someone who grew up upper middle class or even really wealthy, you try to fit in or acclimate to that climate. And to you know, and and in trying to fit in, you sort of lose yourself in the process and you might even lose whatever made the relationship real and not really about the cultural differences of socioeconomic status differences and things like that. So you can, there's, um, you know, a lot of times opportunities will present themselves that are very nice and advantageous with these placements, but you can lose your soul a little bit in the process. So that's what I would be aware of. At the same time, if you can make decisions. And, you know, a lot of the times in life we also have to make choices where, you know, we accept things that other people are offering us or we take advantage of things that are being given to us and we have to find a way of doing so without losing ourselves and that's possible too, so it doesn't have to be like black or white. Anyway. Anyway, I hope that that makes sense for my Pisces out there. That's what I've got for you guys for this month. Just a quick breakdown of all 12 signs and the the important dates again being the new moon in Libra conjunct Mars, the Mars cazimi the mercury cazimi, the mercury, sun, Mars conjunction all between the sixth and the ninth of the month, that's the epicentre of the month and in the second one between say the 16th and the 22nd. When you get both the sun and Mars squaring Pluto with the full moon coming through in Aries. Those two pieces really focus in though on the sun and Mars in Libra. So look at that whole sign House of Libra in your chart that is the focal point for the month. Look at the place of Aquarius for momentum shift in the middle of the month that's also important between the 11th and 19th. Alright, this is what I've got for you guys. If you guys want to come study ancient Hellenistic astrology, check it out on my website, go to the nightlight astrology website. Check out the first year course page under the courses I hope to see some of you in class soon and we will see you guys again tomorrow. Take it easy, everyone. Bye
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