Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for September 2021. You can find the timestamps for each rising sign below the video.
Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the sun and rising sign horoscopes for the month of September. This is 2021, of course, and I'm going to be breaking down two transits in particular for each of the 12 signs this month. If you guys watch my channel, you know that typically what I do is I look at all of the transits in a monthly overview. As the month goes on, we break each of those transits down individually, and meditate on what the planets might be offering us. And then I usually do a sun and rising assigned horoscope video, where I take maybe a few of the major transits of the month and break them down for each 12 signs. In my experience, over years of doing this, there's usually you know, there's so many transits every month that I think the most helpful horoscopes for me personally are the ones that go right for the jugular, like, what are the big transits? What should we watch out for? And so this month, it's really everything that's happening from about September 20, onward, I'm going to break down these transits for you upfront for everybody. And then we'll go through all the 12 signs starting with Aries. But first of all, let's just take a look at what's happening.
So this is a major series of events from about September 20, right around the autumn equinox, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, that zero Libra marker onward, you're going to see right around the 20th that Mercury is coming into a square with Pluto. So major shift there with Mercury squaring Pluto, because Mercury is also going to turn retrograde by the 28th of the month. So you've got about an eight day stretch where Mercury is crossing over Pluto very, very slowly. After Mercury finishes its square to Pluto, then Mercury Retrograde, it's going to go back over the square to Pluto at the beginning of October. So this square is not your typical square. It's not your typical Mercury Retrograde. It's a very powerful one. Okay, now, at the same time that this is happening, you're going to see Venus moving into an opposition with Uranus. So Venus moves through the opposition with Uranus, right around the 23rd. So this is happening simultaneously. I just want to actually draw two lines so that you guys can see it. And then again, we're going to walk it through all 12 signs. So here is the forward movement of Mercury squaring Pluto, and then you've got by the 23rd 22nd into the 23rd, Venus opposes Uranus. Now, Venus will pass by the opposition rather quickly by the 25th. But then Mercury is stationing and turning retrograde by the 28th. And then you'll see by roughly the 30th into October 1, Mercury comes back over the square to Pluto. So that trigger that sequence of events is a big deal. And that's what we're going to look at today for all 12 signs, we could easily spend time looking at some of the smaller quicker transits earlier in the month. To me, that would be a waste of time, I don't think they're going to be nearly as significant as these transits which I think really tell the story of the month. So that's why I'm doing it this way.
Okay, so I'm going to go back to right around this part, and we're going to now walk it through all 12 signs starting with Aries on the ascendant, which means you can read this, if you're an Aries rising, or in sun sign astrology, you'd be putting the sun on the ascendant, like in the full sign first house. And so you know, some people like to read it that way, I recommend your rising sign it's closest to your actual birth chart, at least from a whole sign perspective, which is what I practice with. So that's what I recommend. Anyway, so we're starting with Aries. And what is happening across this timeline. Two things. One, the idea that there are some serious negotiations within relationships, key relationships could be within the workplace or business relationships and could involve money, finances, resources, debts and obligations, the breaking of certain bonds suddenly wouldn't be surprising. You've got Venus opposing Uranus across your financial houses, while Mercury is squaring Pluto, from the seventh house, a place of relationships and into the 10th house which is a place of career. So I would look at this either as significant career changes due to new relationships or changes within existing relationships in the workplace or at a job or possibly changes for a partner or a spouse in their job, or shifts or changes in romantic relationships or something involving money, business or finances. In any of those same environments. It would probably be rather sudden with Venus opposing Uranus could be, it could involve like a sudden break or dramatic shift may not be the easiest shift. But there may also be some kind of revision or renegotiating, or shifting or changing of the nature of a relationship or a deal or something like that. So that's what I've got for Aries rising. For me, that is the story of your month, I would be surprised if it went far outside of those basic themes and elements, but please leave your stories for me in the chat box is always in Tell me what ends up happening, especially that late part of the month from say the 20th through the end. Alright, let's move forward.
So for Taurus rising, you actually have some similar themes within relationships because you have Venus opposing Uranus. Now Venus opposing Uranus, from the seventh to the first can mean that there are disagreements about how things should be done within the context of intimate or personal relationships. Or there can be major philosophical differences and quarrels, because you also have Mercury, squaring Pluto in the ninth house, a place of our guiding beliefs, religion ideologies. So I could see this as a month where if you're Taurus rising, you want to be careful about getting entangled with other people and their political or religious views, especially if they're very different from your own. And being careful about burning bridges, or getting into conflicts, that probably would not be right, you know, neither party is willing to budge. You could also see there being a need for some change or awakening within a marriage or a close relationship. But maybe there's also some sense of having a very different opinion or idea about how something should be done, or some disagreement about something happening in the world, like on the news. So these but I would be very careful this month about like, what hill do you want to die on? So phrase that I've used before? what he'll do want to die on philosophically, you know? And what hill do you want to die on? When it comes to? You know, that what kinds of conflicts are worth it? What value conflicts are worth taking a stand and what aren't Uranus in your first house might have you feeling like you need to be yourself at all costs, and you're looking for freedom at all costs, and you don't really care what other people think or feel. On the other hand, you know, there may you may need to weigh out your options and use some diplomacy or tact. So these are the kinds of but I think it'll be a little bit more philosophical ideological for the Tauruses this month, trying to keep the peace well, meaning maintaining independence and doing things your own way. So, let me know how things go. that those are the themes that I'm seeing from the 20th onward very intensely for everyone, of course, but for Tauruses. This is where I'm seeing that intensity play out.
Alright, let's go forward to Gemini rising. If we put Gemini on the ascendant, then we are tracking the Venus Uranus dynamic across the 12th and sixth houses. And then Mercury across the fifth and the eighth. This is really interesting, because, you know, your Ascendant ruler is Mercury as a Gemini. And one of the things that I love about the 5th house, I've heard it described by Indian astrologers this way, and I've really always, always stuck with me, think about the 5th house as the place where you derive joy from doing your Dharma, which means kind of like acting the role that you're meant to play the best, let's just call it the best self, the best character, the best skills and traits that you have. And when you do that, and there's like a joy derived from it, you're kind of in your creative essence as a being that you derive happiness from it. And there's also a lot of things associated with the fifth house that have to do with happiness overall in life, what what makes you happy overall. So I think there's questions about what is the healthy version of happiness creatively, personally, recreationally. And maybe even sexually or romantically. The reason for that is that when Mercury is hitting, you know, kind of a square to Pluto in the eighth, which is deep, heavy, transformative energy. So this is like a deeper subterranean level of the question of, you know, am I living my most creative life in my Do I have joy or happiness and pleasure in my life? Venus opposite Uranus across the sixth in the 12th, meanwhile, can be a little bit rebellious or reckless when it comes to like love sex relationships. It can be assigned, for example of intoxication or addiction. It could also be a sign of like coral or, or sudden conflict or challenges in relationships that come up. And so questions about joy, pleasure, creativity, and You know, are you in your healthy sweet spot in life, and what kinds of relationships are compatible with that sweet spot and which aren't, those are some of the things that I see is most important. This could also involve topics like children, or, you know, something about siblings or or relationships with people from childhood. There's like a childlike quality, oftentimes, when you see the fifth house, Mercury. So at any rate, those are some of the things that I'm seeing for Gemini risings. And my best advice would be to look very deeply at what brings true happiness and joy in your life, and what kinds of things do you need to let go of if they're not bringing you a real level of satisfaction and happiness? But can you do so peacefully without needing to, you know, sort of bottom out? Or, you know, what do they say, you know, like, crash the plane into the ground? Like, can we realise what's really making us happy and what's not before we get there through some kind of destructiveness? That's a good question for Gemini this month, I think, as well. Anyway, so let's go to cancer risings.
Next, Cancer rising, you're going to see Mercury, squaring Pluto, from the fourth to the seventh, while Venus opposes Uranus from the fifth to the 11th. So one of the things that I would I would imagine here is that there could be some significant differences between yourself and how a spouse or partner or someone you're seeing romantically, the kinds of family or cultural backgrounds that you come from. The reason for this is that Mercury from the fourth to the seventh will often bring up like intergenerational inter-family stressors or tensions or underlying unconscious issues that have to do with the background, family stuff, and marriage or relationship stuff, what kinds of people are coming into your life and helping you see certain things about the way that you are, the way the place that you came from in the world? And also, how are you maybe helping a partner see something about themselves that they otherwise couldn't see without you being the mirror that you are? Another thing to consider is how social differences play into things right now, Venus opposite Uranus across the 11th. And fifth will have, especially with Venus is a little debilitated in Scorpio, there may be questions about, you know, where do I fit in? is how can I be myself and do my most original, do the most the things that are most original or unique to me... Uranus in the 11th can be the temptation to, you know, Rebel socially. And Venus debilitated in the fifth, it can be a little bit like, I'm angry. And so I'm going to try to stand out and be unique or original in ways that are just meant to catch people's attention or to provoke people or to, you know, project sort of my resentment or anger at other people. So there's also questions about your social standing, family background, where do I fit in? And where do I need to stand out or stand apart from others? I see those as major questions this month. And also quite, you know, questions about the need to find like community or places that you fit in, and also feeling like there's there's obligations that you have. And so tough choices around commitments, culturally with family with relationships with community, that's what I'm seeing for cancers. Alright, so let's move on to Leo.
If we put Leo on the ascendant, then we're looking at the mercury Pluto square across the third and the sixth. Well, Venus is opposing Uranus across the fourth and the 10th. This is interesting, because the third sixth house dichotomy with Mercury, Pluto can have a lot to do with, you know, almost like the mental intellectual community, communicative climate being more contentious and difficult, hard choices and decisions, difficulty, you know, finding agreement with other people, or the need to, you know, revise the way that we're thinking or communicating something or even existing agreements or contracts or existing social or relational contracts, you're thinking about a process of, of exposing what's been hidden or what's lurking below the surface. And this might be within your own mind, your own mindset, something that's coming up and you're realising that you have, you know, certain kinds of shadows, shadow spots that you you can't see And somehow they're coming up this month in relationships and in communication and dialogue with others. This could have something to do with things happening. In your family, as Venus is also opposing Uranus, from the fourth to the 10th, some kind of social and almost like you could I could imagine, for example, someone may, you know, there being a big event in the family that ruffles the feather of like, everyone's in the family that ruffles everyone's feathers. It's like, Oh, you know, you know, my, my little brother came out as gay or, you know, so my, my, you know, my sister in law just got divorced. And there's a, you know, there's a big thing happening in her family, and there's a lot of judgement flying, or it's a big family drama. So you could see some, some potential upheaval around family dynamics doesn't necessarily have to be your own family, it could be extended family, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some shockwaves around family dynamics this month as well. And also, this could also be about the, with Uranus in the 10th there's a desire to break free and do my own thing. And then your Venus in the fourth can be opposing saying, Yeah, but you know, there's some need to create, there's some expectations of how you should be or what you're expected to be around home or family or in your private sphere of life. So also like a public private split of identity, and how you're working through that. Those are the some of some of the things that I'm seeing for Leo risings this month.
Let's go to Virgo rising. So for Virgo rising we've got the Mercury Pluto square hanging out across the second and the fifth house axis while Venus is opposing Uranus across the third and the ninth house axis. Now I could see this having something to do with choices about money finances, investments business. Mercury in the second is your Ascendant ruler is definitely you know, probably has its mind on either developing skills and abilities, it could be marketable, making money, changes around business and finances, selling something, buying something, allocating resources, managing your time, money and energy, stuff like that, it kind of seems like that's what's on the mind for the Virgos this month, there's some kind of catharsis or shift that's happening with Pluto in the fifth, Pluto in the fifth is is asking about the nature of what you're trying to build over a long period of time and whether it's going to add happiness and joy to your life or not with regard to your decisions about work, business learning, skill development, skill acquisition, you know, using your gifts and skills, what what is the, what's the long term play here, I think that's what Venus or mercury and Pluto are asking about and, and what what brings real lasting joy and happiness what brings real creative fulfilment. In the meantime, Venus opposite Uranus is bringing up a much more provocative set of energies, Venus, obviously a little debilitated in Scorpio opposing Uranus in the ninth, the need to break free mentally or ideologically, or the potential to get into, you know, more provoking. exchanges with other people around beliefs or differing values could be there as well. Maybe this has something to do with what's happening around finances, business or money. There could also be something about a sudden need to use or access a different skill set, almost like I'm changing my major, you know, like, and mom and dad are like, Wait, how many more years of schools it's gonna cost us you know, like, something like that. But a shift in direction, a shift in interest, a shift in what is appealing right now mentally, and intellectually, or what kinds of topics in relationships are causing a reevaluation of your values, and your time and energy? So these are the kinds of things that I would imagine for Virgos. All right, let's shift again and let's put Libra on the ascendant.
So with Libra on the ascendant Mercury is going to be in the first your first house squaring Pluto in the fourth, and then you've got Venus opposing Uranus across the second and the eighth. Now, this isn't totally different from the flip side Aries who was when we had Aries in the first, first of all, we are once again talking about the potential for some significant changes around money and finance, around debts and obligations to other people or that other people may have to us. And the reason for that is that that's often what the second eighth house access will involve. Venus opposing Uranus in the eighth could speak to, you know, here are what my needs are versus someone or something that I've been dependent upon pulling back and saying, I can't help you anymore. Or, for example, unemployment runs out or something like that. Or it could be a way of ridding yourself of an unhealthy dependency, or perhaps shifting from one type of relationship that provides something that's helpful to a different kind of relationship that provides something that's equally helpful but different coming from a different person or place. Now, Mercury in the first squaring Pluto in the fourth, essentially has to do with questions about identity right now. You know anything to do with resources or values or changes in relationships around money and so forth, could come back to questions that you're asking right now about your identity, your health, your sense of what you who you are, as a person, it could be quite existential this month for Libras. And Mercury's square to Pluto in the fourth could mean that there's some way in which you're trying to individuated away from the, you know, certain kinds of family karmas, for example, well, I always tend to use my resources to help my sister or I always tend to use my resources to help my mom who's living on her own or that you know, and now I'm realising there's too much of a demand on my time I can give some but not as much as I have been, or some kind of question about what am I doing? Who am I? Where am I at kind of a moment of personal inventory, maybe somehow related to family karma, ancestral karma? And then some overlapping question about resources and allocation of time and money and energy, and things like that. This, these are the themes that come to mind for me for my Libras out there. Right, let's shift it again. And we're going to put Scorpio on the ascendant.
Now with Scorpio on the ascendance bit like Taurus again, where we're going to see the Venus Uranus dynamic coming across the first and seventh houses, while the mercury Pluto dynamic will come across the 12th and the third, for Scorpio risings, it would not be surprising to me if themes of independence versus dependence emotionally, were at the centre of your month, while at the last, particularly from the 20th onward, this really, to me is the firework display of the month. And I would say that, you know, with Venus a little bit debilitated in the first questions about who have I attracted into my life? Are they healthy for me or not? are they meeting me at the level that I need them to meet me out in terms of what they can give versus what I can give or whatever the case might be, or my overwhelming someone and they need to break free because my I'm needing too much, and asking for too much. It's unrealistic. These kinds of shifts and changes around the give and take in a relationship I think will be really important. Now in the meantime, I would be very careful that you're not playing head games or getting into like, you know, gossip or looking at someone's phone or because mercury in the 12th square to Pluto in the third can bring up all kinds of like shadowy qualities around the mind and the way the mind is interacting within relationships right now. And probably not in a healthy way. Mercury in the 12th is often kind of metal, some can be very gossipy can be very sort of Cloak and Dagger square Pluto in the third, this kind of stuff could get you into trouble right now, it's also possible that you would find out something about a loved one or a relationship, though I don't recommend spying on people with this transit. But you could find something out about someone that was sort of shocking or, you know, revealed something that you you know, you shadow from the past or some kind of, you know, hidden or secret sin. And that could cause disruption in a relationship. Now, that's the heavier side. I don't want to paranoid people. But I would say in general, just be careful that you're not letting your mind go into unhealthy spaces. Because the changes that need to happen in relationships, you know, try to address them in a straightforward way in a peaceful way in a mature way, and then let the chips fall where they may not as good to get into sort of psychodramas this month with mercury in your 12th house. And then I don't say that to be stereotyping about Scorpios literally, it's just, you know, because Scorpios already, you already have like a lot of depth and intensity around you in terms of what you prefer, as opposed to people being fake, for example. So the main thing is don't let that mercury in the 12th with Venus opposite Uranus. Don't let it derail you into an unhealthy mental or emotional space around the end of the month.
Okay, so we're gonna put Sagittarius on the ascendant. With Sagittarius rising. We have the Venus, Uranus dynamic across the 12th. And the sixth, while Mercury is squaring Pluto from the 11th to the second. So if you're a sad rising to me, this is something that has probably to do with groups, groups of people, allies, colleagues, friends, and maybe it's the need to shift your priorities. Mercury in the 11th remembers and Venus assigned Venus's disposing of mercury therefore in the Wells debilitated opposite Uranus, I would guess that any kind of unhealthy group community friendship or social network, even work environment, where there's some kind of unhealthy relationships or communication dynamics will be exposed and possibly you'll have to deal with them this month, I could also see having to make a choice about some kind of group or organisation and whether or not you want to continue giving your time or energy or attention or care to them. This could also have some financial implications with Pluto in your second house, maybe there's this is tied into career money or business somehow, again, with Venus debilitated in the 12th, I would be careful of, you know, anything that again, anything that's like, not just kind of a direct, open, clear line of communication and relationships, anything that's hidden or covert or manipulative, that could involve, you know, eventually could people could feel very betrayed by or hurt by so be careful of those energies around you this month. But otherwise, I think the main thing here is to look very carefully at what kinds of groups or people or communities are those that are worth continuing to foster relationships with and pour yourself into which ones are going to give back and help you develop something or help you meet goals and which are not. And maybe there's some changes that need to be made. So that's my little overview for sad rising, let's go on to Capricorn.
So if you're a Capricorn, this square is happening between mercury and Pluto across the 10th. And the fourth while Venus opposes Uranus from the 11th to the fifth. So with mercury, preparing to station and retrograde in your 10th and square Pluto in your first, I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, if something about your title, or your position in a work environment changed dramatically in the next couple of weeks. The reason for that is that mercury retrograde in the 10th house often bring revisions of how things are being done, what what kind of position or title you hold, if you're up for like a review or a promotion, so in any of those could potentially be very good. At the same time, the square to Pluto in the first house suggests that whatever the change is, it's going to relate back to the need to evolve personally. So personal evolution and some kind of change revision reworking of things in the workplace, your professional direction shifting. Now at the same time that that happens, Venus in the 11th as opposing Uranus in the fifth suggesting that there's some kind of shake up around friends, groups, colleagues, you know, your social life is going through a bit of a shift of some kind, I would be careful about things that appear and offer you like if someone says, hey, I've got another job in this place, and you'll make four times as much money and it'll be the best thing you've ever done and you barely know them or there's something flashy that appears in other words, that could you know, represent some kind of shift in your career, some new person or group or whatever. It's like, hey, that's really attractive. Is it going to last is it going to be lasting well Venus opposite Uranus, flash in the pan brilliant fun, electric can can initiate some changes, but isn't usually very long lasting. Mercury is about to turn retrograde. So sometimes the things that you started or Mercury Retrograde thinking the last forever, you're you're actually being you know, you could be led down the primrose path by a little bit. So I would be a little bit careful about like big, dynamic changes that could leave you, you know, stranded in some sense, you know, in the weeks ahead. So just be careful that in a little bit of impulsiveness, there, especially, caps can be a little opportunistic when it looks like something's going to be really good or advantageous. So just be a little discerning about that toward the end of the month. Let's go to Aquarius rising.
So Aquarius rising we're going to have mercury squaring Pluto from the ninth to the 12th house while Venus opposes Uranus from the 10th to the fourth. Now this dynamic between mercury and Pluto across the ninth and the 12th, I would look out for aquarians as a moment of reflecting upon philosophy, or spirituality or religion, a moment of potential having to go back to something and reconsider or revisit something from the past, mentally, philosophically, intellectually. It's also a time of reviewing or revising beliefs or considerations. What do you believe? What are your What are your guiding principles or ethics or morals or spiritual or political views or something like that and you want to be careful about the you know, diplomacy and tact because Venus is the dispositor of mercury in the 10th house a very public place debilitated and opposing Uranus. So prove things that you believe or say or think, that are provocative, we know these days can get you in a lot of trouble publicly very quickly. So and that's just the climate of social media and so forth. So be careful about what how you're expressing or communicating your views or beliefs. Be careful of who you're expressing them to, at what time for what reason, what's your motivation, I would also say that, you might realise that my beliefs are very different from those of the people I work with, those are the people that I live with, and addressing those things might be necessary, how can I do so in a way that maintains some degree of peace while also making necessary distinctions or, or differentiations of value in in, in different contexts in my life? These are questions that as an Aquarius, I think you'll be able to handle tend to as a Saturn ruled person, you know, Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius, you tend to have the ability to be objective and see the big picture, that this may also be about, you know, recognising what kinds of emotional investments you have in things where you may not think that you do. You know, sometimes we think, oh, all of my ideas are my own. And they're all well informed. And I've considered them in the depths of my soul that actually some of them might be shaped by, you know, fears that we have about how we'll be judged, or what people think of us or whatever the case might be. So at any rate, that's a good some good thoughts for aquarians.
Finally, Pisces rising, Pisces you guys have, I'm going to actually back this up just a few days here. going ahead now. So here's Venus opposing Uranus across your ninth and third, while mercury squares Pluto from your eighth to the 11th. First of all, again, with Venus in the ninth in a debilitated condition that a Mars ruled sign, opposing Uranus in the third, you may need to separate yourself from others this month was specifically with regard to spirituality, religion, education, your philosophical positions or beliefs. And there may be some need to evolve or personally shift your way of thinking or your your you may have something of a moment of intellectual breakthrough or transformation. And it could be it could be motivated by the way people are treating you, or the way that you see others being treated in the world. It could be it could shift based on recognition of what you find valuable or beautiful versus what you find disgusting or ugly or unethical. These are the kinds of things that Venus Uranus can provoke across this house axis. Of course, this may have a social dimension to it. And you may be asking questions about, well how expressive can or can't I be about what I'm thinking or feeling right now, because of the social ramifications. Mercury's in the eighth house, which is called the esteem of other people in the sign of Libra, which tends to be a place where mercury cares quite a bit about keeping the peace and making sure that everyone's happy. Meanwhile, Pluto in the 11th house is asking questions about what's socially advantageous, what kinds of groups or communities are you trying to impress or get the help or support of and which ones are you, you know, perhaps, perhaps there's also a need to shift your allegiance or change the nature of certain kinds of social communities. They're a part of what like, and so a shift of values socially, intellectually, philosophically, spiritually, and also questions about what you should or shouldn't compromise. You know, it's difficult, for example, you might be a business owner, or you might be someone who needs to maintain certain kinds of relationships with people who you on some level, consider very different from yourself. Even adversarial, on some level, this could be a transit that's about, you know, keep your friends close. And your enemies closer, for example, could also be a transit that has something to do with the need to break or shift away from relationships that have been overly opportunistic, where you've been used, or you feel like you're taking advantage of a situation and it's just not starting. It's not feeling right any longer. I would look at all of these things, again, as very active dynamics from about September 20. onward. So I hope that you guys have a wonderful month of September. I hope that these the overview of these last 10 days are especially helpful. It's not that I don't see any value in the transits earlier in the month, it's that they're quicker, they're not as long lasting. This is the story of September as far as I can tell. But if you want to see all the transits the month, check out my astrology of September overview video, and then we'll be breaking down all the transits of the month as the month on folds as we always do, sharing stories as we go if you ever have a story you want to share, put hashtag grabbed tell the story, make sure you mentioned the aspect or whatever your sign is if you're dealing with horoscopes or something like that. We will share those occasionally in episodes where we kind of recap the stories that are being shared on the on the in the YouTube comments section. And then yeah, lots of good meditations to do on the planet this month. So lots to look forward to. I know lots of you guys are have kids that are going back to school. Some of you guys are going back to school in the fall yourself. My daughter is going to kindergarten this week for the first time sort of mind blowing. So anyway, I wish you all good luck in a really good month of September and we will talk again soon. Take it easy, everyone.
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