Today, we're going to look at the Sun-Uranus opposition that follows right on the heels of the Full Moon. The Sun-Uranus opposition takes place tomorrow, so we’re getting ahead of both of these events by covering them a day before.
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Adam Elenbaas:
Hey, everyone! This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Friday, everybody! Today, we're going to take a look at the Sun opposing Uranus, which will be happening tomorrow. Of course, today is the Full Moon conjoined Uranus. If you missed the video I did yesterday about today's Full Moon, be sure to check that one out.
Today, we’ll focus on the Sun-Uranus opposition, which takes place tomorrow. This is following right after the Full Moon, so we’re getting ahead of both events to help us be a little more prepared and aware of the transit as it comes through. That’s why we’re talking about it today.
Before we dive in, as always, remember to like and subscribe! It really helps our channel grow, and we truly appreciate it. It supports everything we do. You can also find transcripts of any of our daily talks on the website,
I also want to mention that today is the last day to register for our upcoming program, which starts tomorrow. Tomorrow, our Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic first-year class in Hellenistic astrology begins. It's not too late to join us! You can click on the first-year course on the website to learn more about the program. There’s even an informational video you can watch after today’s content.
We also have need-based tuition available, so don’t let cost be a barrier if that’s something that would help. Tomorrow we’ll be starting under a good astrological election, as Pluto is entering Aquarius. It's a great time to begin an apprenticeship with that planetary action, along with Uranus entering Gemini in the year ahead.
I hope to see some of you in class soon! You can also check out my talk on Pluto in Aquarius on November 21. If you can’t attend the live webinar, don’t worry— we send you the recording afterward. Also, don’t forget to check out our new need-based astrology reading service, which offers different tiered pricing to make astrological consulting more accessible to everyone.
All of this has been possible thanks to your support of our Kickstarter over the past two years. We'll be relaunching the Kickstarter on Monday, and I’ll be rallying support for the last 40 days of the year. We’re aiming to break last year’s backer total, and there will be a ton of rewards and sales, so look out for that on Monday.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the real-time clock. Here we are on Friday, November 15, and the Sun is about a degree away from the opposition to Uranus, just as the Full Moon is happening. Let’s advance this by a day, and we’ll see that by tomorrow afternoon, the Sun will be less than half a degree away from the opposition. By Sunday, it will have almost entirely passed through. So, you can expect the Sun-Uranus opposition to be active today, tomorrow (Saturday, November 16), and Sunday (November 17).
Now, what does this transit mean? It's a bit different from the Full Moon conjoining Uranus in Taurus, which we talked about yesterday. I have five themes for you to watch for during the Sun-Uranus opposition, and these are unique compared to our discussion of the Full Moon.
Number one: Changes of direction, intention, or purpose.
The Sun is a symbol of ambition, purpose, and destiny. For thousands of years, astrology has used the Sun to understand the narrative arc of a lifetime: What are we here to do? What are we here to become? Just like an acorn has the potential to become an oak tree, we each have a unique "mandala" of images represented by the Sun’s sign, house, and aspects. These indicate the themes and areas of life that will become important for us.
When the Sun opposes Uranus, we often see shifts in focus, purpose, or intention. Uranus is a planet of sudden transformation, so this aspect creates opportunities for unexpected changes. You may suddenly feel the need to shift your direction, whether it’s in your career, personal life, or creative pursuits. It’s like a lightning strike of inspiration that taps you on the shoulder, suddenly waking you up to a new way of thinking or a new path forward. These "aha moments" can completely change the trajectory of your actions, interests, or intentions.
Number two: Challenges to and from authority figures.
The Sun is often connected to authority figures like fathers, leaders, kings, queens, CEOs—anyone in a position of power. Uranus, on the other hand, represents rebellion, revolution, and defiance. With the Sun opposing Uranus, there may be challenges either to or from authority figures. This could involve resisting a boss, rejecting instructions, or breaking the rules.
The Sun also represents order, law, and structure, while Uranus represents breaking free from these systems. There may be moments of defiance or rebellion, either externally (against someone else’s authority) or internally (against your own inner voice of authority). You might question the rules you’ve been following or feel the need to break free from a structure that no longer serves you.
Number three: The need to defy, break free, or liberate.
This transit often sparks a desire to break free from conventions, rules, traditions, or habits. It’s a time to liberate stuck energy, whether creatively, in relationships, or in other areas of life. You might feel a strong urge to shake things up or try something completely different. This energy can be applied to work, sexuality, art, relationships—any area where you feel the need for change.
Number four: Sudden, erratic changes and revelations.
Uranus is known for bringing unexpected events, sudden insights, and erratic changes. With the Sun in opposition to Uranus, you may experience disruptions that lead to new understandings or clarifications. Sometimes, these shifts can feel chaotic, but they ultimately bring a sense of illumination or insight. Uranus acts like a torch that sheds light on something previously hidden or unclear.
Number five: Originality and the need for novelty.
This aspect often sparks a desire for originality, creativity, and doing things differently. Whether it’s in love, relationships, art, or work, you might feel the need to break the mold and try something new or unconventional. There’s also an element of thrill or provocation in this transit—Uranus often brings a sense of excitement that pushes us out of our comfort zones. The Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus can also bring darker, edgier themes to the surface, calling attention to parts of ourselves or our lives that we may have avoided or suppressed.
To wrap up, this has been a brief overview of the Sun-Uranus opposition coming up this weekend. Next week is a big week with Pluto entering Aquarius, and we’ll have that webinar on November 21. Classes start this weekend, and it’s not too late to sign up if you want to join us.
Our Kickstarter will launch on Monday, with major sales and exclusive rewards, so look out for that. And until then, I hope you have a great weekend! Take care, everyone! Bye!
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